高考真题中的写作范文 篇1
√ 赞成迁出
1. 游客多,交通堵塞
2. 郊区环境好
× 反对迁出
1. 建于1906年,中外闻名
2. 搬迁易造成动物死亡
一篇文章的好坏,在很大程度上取决于词汇的丰富与否。表达是否多样往往决定着你的得分。大多数同学都苦于词汇贫乏、词不达意。比如:“增加/减少”这对概念,很多同学冥思苦想之后,仍不能脱离“increase / decrease”这两个词。其实,如果在阅读时用心积累就会发现,这样的表达俯拾皆是,尤其是在高考阅读的真题中。例如:this figure shoots up(2001年全国卷)/ a huge drop in the number(2002年春季卷)。再比如,很多同学在表达某种状态持续的时候,从来都是不假思索地写出“be still....”,但如果在阅读时多留心,就会发现有“remain”、“keep”这种看上去很简单,但却很“出彩”的词。类似的例子还很多,下面就试以连词和动词为例,看如何利用阅读理解的真题应战2005年的书面表达题。
没有线,再好的珍珠也连不起来。很多同学的作文不够流畅,很大程度上就是因为缺少必要的连词。殊不知在阅读真题的语篇中充满了各种各样的连词,比如表示转折的:however、yet、though、unfortunately、instead of;表示因果的:as a result、 therefore、hence、thus;表示并列的:together with、meanwhile、at the same time等等。
动词是语言学习中的重点和难点。如何精确把握动词,写出“The Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, enjoys a history of 100 years.”这样优美的句子呢?看看下面的仿写就知道了。
1) 原句:A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it. (NMET 2001)
Careless methods of production and lack of consumer demand for environment friendly products have contributed to the pollution problem. (NMET 2002)
仿写:A growing number of visitors to the zoo have contributed to the heavy traffic jams.
2) 原句:The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. (NMET 1996)
仿写:The zoo itself develops until it cannot manage without move.
俗话说,“文似看山不喜平”,句式的多样性能给自己带来一个有竞争力的分数。有一些固定的句式,如:it 引导的强调句、双重否定、插入结构等,可以用在许多陈述句上面。如果作文中错落有致地出现几个特殊句型,文章马上就会上一个档次,高分也就近在咫尺了。
1) 强调主语
原句:It is social conditions that make people tell lies. (NMET 1998)
仿写:It is the zoo that should be moved out of the city.
2) 强调时间
原句:It was only after he had spent several nights digging around the cross that he decided to write to Kit Williams to find out if he was wasting his time there. (NMET 2002)
仿写:It was in the year of 1906 that the zoo opened.
3) 强调地点
原句:It was there that he made one of his most famous discoveries. (NMET 2002)
仿写:It is at home and abroad that the zoo, built in 1906, is well-known.
1) 原句:John and Jim are not unusual people. (NMET 1998)
仿写:Moving to a better place is not an unusual way of development.
2) 原句:Decision-thinking is not unlike poker. (NMET 2000)
仿写:The Beijing Zoo is not unlike other parks that could hardly stand the increasing number of visitors.
3) 原句:It wasn't unusual to hear a man say he didn't know his friend's marriage was in serious trouble. (NMET 2001)
改写:It wasn't unusual to hear a man back from the zoo complain about the traffic jams on his way there.
通过阅读掌握的语法是在具体语篇中的语法,是鲜活生动的语法,是可以有效借鉴到写作环节中的语法。如虚拟语气,一旦灵活运用到写作当中,就会起到非常好的表达效果。在2001年全国卷阅读理解真题的文章中,曾经有这样一句:If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would be close to German. 实质上无非说的是:“这种情况没有持续,今日的英语已经和德语相差很远了。”我们如果通过阅读掌握了这个句子背后的语言点——虚拟语气,不妨用于书面表达中,仿写如下:
1) If the zoo had originally been built outside of the city, it would be far less famous.
2) If the situation had lasted, the school would be a less interesting place.
如果(减负之前的)情况持续的话,我们现在的学习生活也不会这么有趣。(可用于NMET 2001)。
3) If Ah Fu had not saved her life, I would have lost my little sister forever.
如果不是阿福救了她,我就会失去我的妹妹。(可用于NMET 2002)
"In general," writes Rubin in her new book, "women's friendships with each other rest on shared emotions and support, but men's relationships are marked by shared activities". For the most part, Rubin says, interactions between men are emotionally controlled — a good fit with the social requirements of "manly behavior."
In general, the advantages of the move to the suburb rest on a more agreeable environment, but the weak points are marked by probably animal death during the very project. For the most part, to keep the zoo still in its present location is emotionally welcomed — a good fit with the social requirements of "a zoo with a long history in our city."
套用经典教材New Concept English前言中的一句话“Nothing should be written before it has been read”。在学习写作的初级阶段,仿写就好比书法中的描红,将会是一个行之有效的练习方法。因此,一定要在阅读,尤其是精读历年高考真题的过程中有意识地积累,多读、多写、多模仿。让这种方法不仅仅只是在考场上拿来应急的法宝,而更应是一种培养写作能力、让自己写作更出色的好办法!