


指环王英文简介 篇1

The film review of” The Lord of the Rings”

When it comes to my favorite movie, I will say” The Lord of the Rings” without hesitation.Directed by Peter Jackson, the movie is very popular and has drawn large audiences by it magnificent scene of war and the vivid description of people.Telling aboutsacrificing lives todefend the homeland for the world‟s bright future, the movie consists of three parts, they are“the fellowship of the ring”, “the two towers”and” the return of the king”.There is a character that moves me most, whose name is Frodo Baggins.He is a hobbit living in Shire, but the ordinary hobbitbears the burden voluntarilywhich seems can‟t be completed.It‟s true that he is one of the Nine Walkers in the company of ring but, nevertheless, all the main job falls upon his shoulders.Frodo Baggins, like Jesus, bears his cross throughout the three parts of the fantasy adventure, not trusting anyone with his heavy and, at times, dangerous burden.Despite knowing that his true friend Sam is always ready to help, Frodo knows-he is the one responsible for the outcome of the journey.Frodo, as we all know, is a strong character bearing the One Ring longer than anyone else.Prolonging his life, the ring undermines his health however.After the journey, his distinctive mark is the scar on his left chest, wounded by the King „sNazgul‟s blade.What‟s more, he was short of one of his fingers, which was bitten off by Gollum together with the ring on the slope of the Mountain Doom.It‟s hard to imagine that an ordinary person can complete the task.Frodo wants to give up during the journey, but he doesn‟t turn back, for he holds on to the belief that there must be something good in this world which worth fighting for.Even if you are not powerful, not strong, you can change the world like any great man.This is what I learn from” The Lord of the Rings”.Everyone can be a lord.

指环王英文简介 篇2

Martin和White等新韩礼德 (Halliday) 学派的代表人物创立了属于人际功能范畴的评价系统 (appraisal system) , 又称评价理论 (appraisal theory) , 将表达作者/说话者的观点、态度和立场的语言资源称为评价系统, 属于阐释性研究, 主要通过评价词汇来对语言使用者的意识形态进行评价。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架 (李战子, 2002) 。评价理论包括三个子系统:态度 (attitude) 、介入 (engagement) 、级差 (graduation) 。其中态度分为情感 (affect) 、判断 (judgement) 、鉴赏 (appreciation) ;介入系统 (engagement) 分为会话紧缩和会话开放;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) , 语势又可以分为上升和下降。

其中, 语言在评价系统中作为“手段”, 通过对语言的分析, 来具体评价语言使用者对于某项行为、文本/过程以及事态的观点立场和态度, 所以说, 评价系统不仅仅局限于语言的表层含义, 而是通过语言的表层深刻挖掘其内涵的深层意义取向。评价理论的三个子系统态度 (attitude) , 介入 (engagement) 和级差 (graduation) 又分别进行次系统化, 态度可以划分为情感 (affect) , 判断 (judgment) 和鉴赏 (appreciation) , 三者的关系。如图2

介入系统 (engagement) 分为单声 (monogloss) 和多声 (heterogloss) ;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) 。作为系统功能语言学的新发展, 评价系统具有三大功能:一是对作者/说话者的个人意见的表达, 是个人和社会的价值系统的反应;二在作者/说话者和读者/听众之间建立维护关系的纽带;三最显而易见的功能时作者/说话者将自己对于某事某物的看法观点和感受向读者表达, 然而确定作者/说话者的看法仅仅是评价功能的一个方面, 作者/说话者的每次评价表达都形成于共同的价值系统之上, 并共同组成这种价值系统, 然后价值系统总体又反过来变成深深蕴含于所有语篇中的意识形态的组成部分。本论文为了研究中美教授简介的评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下进行分析。


本研究中, 作者自建语料库, 两个语料库分别标示为美国大学教授英文简介语料库Corpus of American Professor’sIntroductions (简称CAPI, 下同) 和中国教授英文简介语料库Corpus of Chinese Professor’s Introductions (简称CCPI, 下同) 。所有文本均依照大学排名从最新更新的中国和美国大学的英文网站上下载, 其中选取的中国大学全部具有海外教育交流计划项目。CAPI和CCPI中各包括35个文本, 每个文本的字数在135字到150字之间。为保证研究的客观性, 这些文本没有经过人为的筛选。建立语料库之后, 作者对两个语料库中的评价资源逐一标注并使用AntConc3.2.1软件进行统计分析。


借助Antconc3.2.1软件, 作者将标注好的评价资源统计出来, 发现两个语料库中都有丰富的评价资源出现。在CAPI中, 共有评价资源837处, 占语料总词数 (14189词) 的5.9%;而在CCPI中, 共有评价资源435处, 占语料总词数 (13293词) 的3.3%。详见表2:


(1) 情感。通过对比分析, 发现情感资源在两个语料库中出现的最少。CAPI中出现8处, 而CCPI中仅出现3处。例 (1) :As the principal scientist, he has finished more than 15 researchprojects with honor (affect: satisfaction) . [CCPI]

例 (1) 中“with honor”是“非作者情感”, 体现了教授对学术工作的积极态度。教授简介作者称赞这位教授并公开邀请读者分享这种评价, 以此形成对该教授的好印象。“非作者情感”听起来更客观, 这符合教授简介语篇必须翔实, 有说服力的本质特点。教授简介作者把对教授的情感评价投射在潜在读者身上, 显示教授们的良好形象, 以满足潜在读者, 唤起潜在读者形成对教授们的积极印象。同时根据统计, CAPI中的情感资源比CCPI中的情感资源要多, 这也表明了母语教授简介作者倾向于公开赞美, 而中国人则倾向于含蓄。

( 2 ) 判断。在两个语料库中, 判断资源最为丰富。C A P I中出现3 9 5处, 而C C P I中出现1 9 5处。例 ( 2 ) : A n internationally renowned, prize-winning legal historian, Lawrence M. Friedman has for a generation been the leading (judgment: normality) expositor of the history of American law to a global audience of lawyers and lay people alike—and a leading (judgment: normality) figure in the law and society movement. [CAPI] 例 (3) : It was in SERC that he started work on the speciation of toxic metal ion (aluminum) and its biological effects, a research area that his group has contributed (judgment: tenacity) to for the past 12 years. [CCPI]

为了显示教授们的杰出性, 美国高校英文简介作者更倾向用“leading”“first”和“outstanding”等“常态” (normality) 资源表明教授们的杰出性, 展示教授们的独特性, 这些评价资源的使用开辟了美国大学教授简介和潜在读者之间谈判的空间, 使简介的说服力大大增强。而中国高校英文简介作者倾向于使用用“devoted”“committed”和“contributed”等“坚定” (tenacity) 资源展现教授们的献身精神和投身教学和学术工作的坚定决心。

(3) 鉴赏。在两个语料库中, 鉴赏资源也是非常丰富的, CAPI中出现212处, CCPI中出现153处。例 (6) : In 2006, hereceived the Lifetime Award for Distinguished (appreciation:quality) Contributions to Advancing the Management AccountingProfession. [CAPI] 例 (7) : He has received various awards andhonors, including: Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Bachelor Thesis of Tsinghua University (1986) ; Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Master Thesis of Tsinghua University (1988) . [CCPI] 例 (8) : He carried out systematical (appreciation:balance) research on distribution and productivity of coniferousforests and their modeling in China and Eurasia. [CCPI]

鉴赏系统中的“质量” (quality) 资源是显示教授良好资质的直接资源。在例6中, 政府当局授予教授的奖项或教授的代表作出版这些事件都值得读者信任教授们的学术能力, 由此可见美国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术课程和学术论著出版上的努力;而在例7中, 中国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术生涯中获得的奖项, 这体现了中国文化对等级和权威的尊重, 因此评价资源的不同分布清楚地显示了中西文化价值取向的的差异。鉴赏系统中的“平衡” (balance) 资源在中国教授简介文本中更频繁地出现, CAPI只中出现2次, 而CCPI中出现了8次。中国教授简介作者写出的教授简介比较“套路化”, 从中可以投射出中国文化心理, 那就是中国正在构建和谐社会, 学术的发展也应该是和谐的。


在本文的两个语料库中, 介入资源出现的很少。用AntConc3.2.1软件统计后, 介入资源的分布如下:介入资源只出现在“借言”系统中, CAPI中出现18处, 而CCPI中仅出现8处。教授简介作者用“借言” (heterogloss) 的方式赞扬教授们在各个领域取得的荣誉, 告知潜在读者教授们在教学和学术活动中的能力。借言的应用很明显的原因是其听起来更加客观。例 (9) : Professor Liu Wenhua pointed out that the researchachievements“not only laid stress on the research direction ofeconomic legal history in the studies of legal historiography, but (engagement: contract: counter) also filled the blank in thetheory research of economic law science”. [CCPI] 例 (10) :This metric allows us to define boundaries and detect change incomplex patterns in the landscape which up until now was not (engagement: deny) possible. [CAPI]

在例 (9) 中, 单词“but”会激发读者的比较认知。教授简介作者首先指出了教授的经济法律史学术成果, 然后通过使用“但是”, 调用了读者的注意, 让读者关注他对经济法的理论研究。而“否认” (deny) 资源只出现在美国教授的简介里, 在例 (10) 中, 简介作者用“not”强调了这一事实, 那就是教授们可以处理之前无法解决的复杂性的问题。由此, 读者可以轻松地共享美国教授简介作者的对教授学术能力的的赞美, 毫无疑问, 教授的学术水平是吸引读者在录取某些大学之前作出选择的关键因素。


在本文的两个语料库中, 级差资源的分布排在第二位。CAPI中出现212处, 而CCPI中出现153处。分析发现“聚焦” (focus) 资源很少发生在两个语料库中, CAPI中只出现27处, CCPI中仅有9处, 这不难理解:教授简介作者用上升的“语势” (force) 来彰显教授们的能力。两个语料库中的语势资源大大多于聚焦资源, 这意味着大多数的级差资源都是关于教授学术质量和过程的度的评估。例 (11) : AfterBerkeley, Dick's work took two closely (graduation: process) related directions. [CAPI] 例 (12) : Owing to his idea, the rateof success of this operation has been increased significantly (graduation: process) . [CCPI] 例 (13) : She is fully (graduation:focus) committed to helping teachers use the knowledge gainedthrough her research and has authored the Causal Patterns inScience Curriculum series. [CCPI]

级差资源通常很难绝对地剥离开, 因为它贯穿整个评价系统。在例 (11) 中, “closely”, 和“significantly”的语势是上升的, 着重强调了教授和他们的学术课程之间的关系, 从而加强了读者关于教授们献身他们教学科研岗位的印象。虽然级差资源在两个语料库中大量出现, 并且所有的语势都是上升的, 但是聚焦资源出现的频率并不高, 因为像单词“truly”, “wholly”太过于绝对性, 不是非常适合去传达教授们的个人魅力。


综上, 通过细致的对比分析, 发现中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源的分布上有以下共同之处。第一, 在态度系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都倾向使用“非作者情感”而不是“作者情感”, 判断和鉴赏资源都是最丰富的, 其中判断的“能力”资源占据最大的比重;第二, 在介入系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都使用“借言”而非“自言”;第三, 在缉查系统中, 所有的语势都是上升的。同时, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源分布上又有以下两方面的差异。第一, 中国高校教授英文简介的评价资源大大少于美国高校英文简介中出现的频率;第二, 在判断子系统中, 美国高校教授简介作者倾向使用“常态”来彰显教授的次性, 而中国简介作者倾向使用“坚定”来显示教授在教学和科研中的献身精神。基于以上研究结果, 希望未来的研究者能扩大评价理论在教授简介语篇中的应用, 进一步发掘这一语篇丰富的人际意义。同时, 作者希望上述研究结果能够对中国教授英文简介的写作带来一些启发:通过改进中国高校网络媒体英文语篇的质量, 提高中国高校的国际知名度, 促进中国高校的对外交流与合作。

摘要:近年来, 随着中国高等教育对外交流的发展, 高校网络媒体上的英文语篇逐渐受到研究者的关注。高校英文网站上的教授英文简介是高校向世界展示学校形象的重要窗口, 也是促进高校国际交流的主要平台。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示语篇人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架。本文为了研究中美高校英文网站教授简介语篇中评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下对评价资源在态度、判断、级差三个子系统中的分布进行了对比分析。




[2]李战子.评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[J].外语研究.2004 (5) .

[3]李海玲.高校网页简介英文翻译策略初探[J].科技教育创新中国科技信息.2009 (12) .

[4]李荣娟.英语专栏语篇中态度意义的评价理论视角[J].山东外语教学.2005 (4) .

[5]J.R.Martin&P.R.R.White (2005) .The Language of Evaluation—Appraisal in English.New York:Palgrave MacMillan.

[6]彭虹.浅析高校英文网络传播——“大外宣”背景下上海“985”高校的英文网络传播[J].社会纵横.2009 (2) .


[8]王振华, 马玉蕾.评价理论:魅力与困惑[J].外语教学.2007 (6) .

[9]王振华.评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展[J].外国语.2001 (5) .

指环王英文简介 篇3


















法国英文简介 篇4

Official name French Republic Capital Paris Official language French Population 64,100,000 people Rank among countries in population 21st Major cities Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse

210,000 square miles Area

544,000 square kilometers Rank among countries in area 47th

Mont Blanc Highest point

15,782 feet/4,810 meters Currency Euro

VARIED LANDSCAPES France is the biggest country in western Europe.Most of the land in the north is flat and close to sea level.Hills cover central and southern France, and huge mountains rise along the country’s borders.The Pyrenees divide France from Spain, its neighbor to the southwest.The Alps mark its border with Italy and Switzerland to the east.Most of France has mild weather.However, the French Alps get plenty of snow.Some of the world’s finest ski resorts are found here.In the southeast, France borders the Mediterranean Sea.The coast along the Mediterranean is called the Riviera.Warm, dry weather and beautiful scenery make the Riviera a famous winter resort.It’s long been associated with wealth and glamour.THE FRENCH COUNTRYSIDE The French countryside is divided into tidy farms and dotted with pretty towns.Here and there, old castles loom on hills.The castles were built hundreds of years ago, when nobles ruled France.Big rivers, like the Loire and the Seine, provide water for French farms.Canals connect the major rivers in France.People can travel on this network of waterways.The canals are like an extra set of highways.WINE AND CHEESE Vineyards and dairy farms in the countryside produce products for which France is best known.Vineyards grow grapes that are made into wine.Cheese comes from the dairy farms.France produces more wine than any other country in the world.Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne are important grape-growing regions in France.All three have given their names to kinds of wine.France also is known for producing some of the best cheeses in the world.They include Camembert, chèvre(made from goat’s milk), and Roquefort.THE CAPITAL OF FUN Three-fourths of the people of France live in cities and towns.France has ports, such as Marseille, and factory towns, such as Lyon.Paris, however, is by far the most important French city.About 10 million people live in and around this lively and lovely city.Artists have long been drawn to Paris.A famous art movement called impressionism was born here.The best-known museum in France—the Louvre—is in Paris.The Louvre contains one of the world’s most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.Tourists also love Paris for its nightlife, restaurants, and sidewalk cafés.They flock to see beautiful buildings such as Notre Dame, a huge church that is more than 700 years old.They visit the Eiffel Tower, a Paris landmark that’s nearly 1,000 feet(300 meters)high.THE BIRTH OF FRANCE Paris was founded more than 2,000 years ago.It was just a small town until the AD 800s.At that time, France was the western part of a big empire built by a tribe called the Franks.The greatest king of the Franks was Charlemagne.He ruled from 768 to 814.After his death, his three grandsons divided his empire.The western part eventually became France.For about four centuries, the kings of France had little power.During a conflict with England, the French came to think of themselves as a nation.The conflict, known as the Hundred Years’ War, lasted from 1337 to 1453.After the war, the power of the French king began to grow.The king’s power peaked with Louis XIV, who ruled from 1643 to 1715.He was known as the Sun King because he took the Sun—the brightest star in our sky—as his symbol.Louis XIV built the world’s grandest palace at Versailles, just outside Paris.All over Europe, people came to think of Paris as a center for art, culture, and fun.THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The fun didn’t last.The king and the members of his court lived splendidly, but the French people were dreadfully poor.In 1789, the poor rebelled.They overthrew the king and the nobles.They demanded liberty and equality for all.These events began the French Revolution, which lasted until 1799.After the revolution, a military leader named Napoleon seized power in France.He led French armies as they conquered much of Europe.Britain and Russia joined forces to defeat him.TODAY’S FRANCE

水稻简介(英文描述) 篇5

Introduction: Introduction The world’s first genome of a crop plant that was completely sequenced Rice-monocarpic annual plant that usually grows between 1 and 1.8 meters tall with long slender leaves 50–100 cm long and 2–2.5 cm broad.Its small, wind-pollinated flowers are characteristic of grasses.The seed is a grain normally 5–12 mm long and 2–3 mm thick The rice genome is well mapped and well characterized, estimated 400 to 430 Mb.Japonica and Indica: Japonica and Indica three main varieties-Oryza sativa : Indica : variety is long-grained, for ex.Basmati rice, grown notably on the Indian sub-continent.Japonica : Japonica rice is short-grained & high in amylopectin(thus becoming “sticky” when cooked), and is grown mainly in more temperate or colder regions such as Japan.Javonica : Javonica rice is broad-grained & grown in tropical climates.Rice is a model cereal plant: Rice is a model cereal plant The small size of its genome(430 Mb)its relatively short generation time its relative genetic simplicity(it is diploid, or has two copies of each chromosome).easy to transform genetically.belongs to the grass family the greatest biodiversity of cereal crops

Institute which sequence the particular chromosome: Institute which sequence the particular chromosome Sr no.Rice sequence participant Chromosomes 1 Rice Genome R esearch Program(RGP)Japan 1,6,7,8 2 Korea Rice Genome Research Program(Korea)1 3 CCW(US)CUG(Clemson university)Cold spring Harbor University 3,10 4 TIGR –US 3,10 5 PGIR-US 10 6 University of Wisconsin-US 11 7 National Center of Gene Research Chinese Academy of science-china 4 8 Indian rice genome program-university of Delhi 11 9 Academia sinica plant genomic center(Taiwan)5 10 Genoscope-France 12

PowerPoint Presentation: Sr no.Rice sequence participant Chromosomes 13 Universidad fedral de Pelotas-Brazil 12 14 Kasetsant University –Thailand 9 15 MG Gill University –Canada 9 16 John innescenter –U.K 2

Milestone in rice genome sequencing : Milestone in rice genome sequencing 2)Feb 1998-IRGSP launched under coordination of RGP 1)Sept 1997 – Sequencing of the rice genome was initiated as an international collaboration among 10 countries 5)Dec 2002 – IRGSP finished high-quality draft sequence(clone-by-clone approach)with a sequence length, excluding overlaps, of 366 Mb corresponding to ~92%-RG 3)April 2000 – Monsanto Co.produced a draft sequence of BAC covering 260 Mb of the rice genome;95% of rice genes were identify identified 4)Feb 2001 – Syngenta produced a draft sequence & identified 32,000 to 50,000 genes, 99.8% sequence accuracy & identified 99% of the rice genes 6)Dec 2004-IRGSP produce the high-quality ’ sequence-entire rice genome;with 99.99% accuracy & without any sequence gap

Indian complete work on RG sequence : Indian complete work on RG sequence The IRGSP initiated Japan in 1997 and it got under way in 1998.The project estimated to cost about $200 million.India joined-IRGSP in June 2000 and chose to sequence a part of chromosome 11.India has invested Rs.48.83 crores for the “Indian Initiative for Rice Genome Sequencing(IIRGS)”.The initiative is a joint effort by the Department of Plant Molecular Biology(DPMB), University of Delhi South Campus(UDSC)and the National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology(NRCPB)and the Indian Agricultural Research Institute(IARI), New Delhi.PowerPoint Presentation: The Indian share of chromosome 11 has been equally divided between these two centres.It was known to carry several diseases resistant gene including in Xac1bacterial blight resistant gene-selected Finding: chromosome segment sequence by IARI involve-6.825 million bp & predicted 1005 gene –with unknown function

Methods: Methods Clone-by-clone Generate a genomic library endonuclease digest Ligation into BACs Transformation in E.coli Collection of clone DNA fragment result in genomic DNA library

PowerPoint Presentation: Shotgun sequencing Genome is broken into much smaller, overlapping fragment.Each fragment is sequenced Genome is assembled on overlapping sequencing Useful for sequencing small genome

Structure of rice chromosome: Structure of rice chromosome

Observation Table : Observation Table Organism type relevance Genome size Chromosome no.No.of predicted gene Organisation Year of completion Sequence method done Rice Oryza sativa.J aponica nipponbare Crop & model plant 466MB 12 35,000-50,000 IRGSP 2002 Shot gun Rice Oryza sativa.indica Crop 420MB 12 46,022-55,615 Beijing genomic institute 2002 Whole genome shot gun

Significant findings from the sequencing of rice genome : Significant findings from the sequencing of rice genome The rice genome is about 389 mb , 370.7 mb has been sequenced, 18.1 mb unsequenced.Sequenced segment represents 99% of euchromatin and 95% of rice genome The rice genome has-40,000 genes(37,344 coding genes)One gene can be found every 9.9 kb, a lower density than that observed in Arabidopsis.29% in clustered gene families 71% putative homology with Arabidosis , 90% Arabidopsis genes have putative homologue with rice.2,859 genes unique to rice and other cereals

Application : Application Understanding-plant evolution & the differences between monocots & dicots Improve-efficiency of rice breeding.Improve-nutritional value of rice, enhance crop yield by improving seed quality, resistance to pests and diseases & plant hardiness Development of gene-specific markers for marker-assisted breeding of new and improved rice varieties How a plant responds to the environment and which genes control various functions-plant

PowerPoint Presentation: Repetitive DNA is estimated to constitute at least 50% of the rice genome

北平居英文简介 篇6



Bei Ping Ju restaurant attach to Beijing HuaXingXinYe commercial limited liability company(state-owned business), and it is a restaurant specializing in traditional Beijing cuisine, Beijing roast duck, and other delicacies.Bei Ping Ju is a restaurant specializing in cooking traditional Beijing cuisine, Beijing roast duck and other delicacies, which is under the Beijing HuaXingXinYe commercial Ltd., Co.(a state-owned enterprise).旗舰店简介:



2Brief introduction of flagship store:

Bei Ping Ju Di’anmen branch store located at the prosperous recreational business district of Shicha Lake, surrounded by the DiAnMen shopping mall Gulou Street and HouHai beauty spot.Its business area covers 2000 square meters, and it is a restaurant specializing in the food of Beijing traditional delicacies and Beijing roast duck.It is splendid and is of antique beauty now after the renovation of 2011, combining delicacies with the area style, which impresses on customers the feeling of quaint and elegant.For over a year, the restaurant has created numerous Beijing traditional delicacies continually, such as roasted duck in stove, 扒猪脸, stewing yellow croaker, 炸咯吱 and so on.Many home and abroad guests are attracted here to enjoy the style of GuLou, Beijing traditional delicacies.Strolling ShiCha Lake and tasting roast duck.Our flagshop DiAnMen branch located at the ShiCha Lake area----which is one of most prosperous recreational business regions in Beijing.Being the

southern end of archaic GuLou street, facing the DiAnMen shopping mall, it is also a place to tour the beauty HouHai sceneries.After renovation in 2011, it has 2000 square meters area of an antique-style available for guests who may tasting plenty of delicious traditional Beijing delicacies here, such as roasted duck in stove, Braised pig faces, stewing yellow croaker, Fried creakand so on.For the fame, guests are coming here to enjoy crusine, strolling ShiCha Lake, feeling the antique-style of GuLou.Address: No.29 DiAnMenWai Street Xicheng district

Telephone: 010-64020012


北平居第一店是由地安门外大街108号,拆迁搬至北新华街96号。它北临长安街、北京音乐厅,南临和平门地铁站,东临天安门广场、国家大剧院。经营面积达600平方米,装修复古、舒适,尽显老北京风貌。品纯正的北平居菜肴,带您欣赏老北京风情。北平居自2004年创办以来,一直以经营老北京菜为主要特色,经过不断地改良和创新,以菜式之精,服务之诚,价格之忧、环境之雅,赢得了新老朋友的口碑相传,许多消费者慕名远道而来,为企业创造了良好的经济效益和社会效益。特色豆汁、麻香豆腐,晶莹剔透的炒红果、老北京炸酱面、诱人的挂炉烤鸭都会让人唇齿留香,回味无穷。相信到北平居 就餐,是您无悔的选择。地址:西城区北新华街96号


Brief introduction the First store

Bei Ping Ju first store originally located at No.108 DiAnMenWai Street, and now moved to No.96 NorthXinHua Street, and it is surrounded by ChangAn Street, Beijing music hall, HePingMen railway station, Tiananmen Square and National Centre for the Performing Arts.Its business area covers 600 square meters, and it is decorated with tradition and comfort reflecting the traditional Beijing.Tasting delicacies and enjoying the style of traditional Beijing.Since it has been set up in 2004, Bei Ping Ju, specializing in the Beijing traditional food at all times.Through the food improvement and innovation, with delicious dishes, warm services, good price, elegant

atmosphere, the restaurant gains public praise by the new and old customers.Numerous guests are attracted here by its reputation, which create good benefit for the company in economy and society.You will be fascinated by the Douzhir, MaToFu, Fry hawthorn, Traditional Beijing Bean sauce noodles, Roast duck in stove, we firmly believe that having meal in Bei Ping Ju will be your best choice.Bei Ping Ju first store, now located at No.96 North XinHua Street, there are ChangAn street, Beijing Music Hall at north, near by HePinMen MTR station at south, and TianAnMen square, National Performing Center at east.It is decorated with as traditional Beijing style, has 600 square meters available for dinners.Since it has been set up in 2004, Bei Ping Ju, specializing in cooking the traditional Beijing foods at all times.After continuingimprovement and innovation, it is famous for it’s delicious dishes, warm services, good price, elegant atmosphere, and gains public praise by the new and old customers.Guests might be fascinated by the Douzhir, MaToFu, Fry hawthorn, Traditional Beijing Bean sauce noodles, Roast duck in stove.Having a meal in Bei Ping Ju will be the best choice surely.Address, No.96 NorthXinHua Street Xicheng district

指环王英文简介 篇7

1. 读者反应批评理论背景

读者反应理论是二十世纪中后期在接受美学思潮中发展起来的一门新文学理论。读者反应批评是以注重对读者接受为研究对象而非作品本身的一系列现代文学批评理论的概称, 重点研究读者在阅读过程对意义存在于文本和读者之间的相互关系, 认为读者是使文本产生意义的关键, 应将诠释权交给读者。强调读者根据个性主题主动地理解文本, 不同读者对同一文本有不同的反应。强调文学作品是读者和文本共同作用的结果, 注重对两者双向交流过程的分析研究, 实现了西方文学批评理论由作者与文本中心向读者文本中心的转向, 开启了文学批评的新范式, 其中以沃尔夫冈·伊赛尔理论为主。伊瑟尔认为“20世纪以来的文学愈来愈突出读者在审美接受过程中的创造作用。阅读不是被动的感知, 而成为一种积极的创作性活动。读者角色的这一转变无疑是文学发展过程中的一次划时代的转折”。[2]

2. 更新视域

读者是阅读作品的二次创造者, 在阅读之前已经对作品有预设。在阅读过程中, 会出现符合作者的提前预设, 即产生共鸣;也会出现与预设不符, 读者会产生很多疑问。随着阅读的深入, 读者的疑惑会逐一被解开, 进而形成不同的阶段。每一阶段都要在现有意象的基础上建构对象, 从总体和整个过程来看, 具有不完整性和未完成性。正是这种阅读阶段的不完整性和未完成性不断引起读者追根穷源的内在心理动力, 形成强烈的阅读愿望, 使作品在读者的意识中不断得到转化, 从而推进阅读的进程。[3]

在弗拉多最终把魔戒扔进厄运山脉的火焰之前, 读者对弗拉多是否可以完成销毁魔戒的使命始终是持怀疑态度, 因为弗拉多与读者所熟知坚毅果敢的英雄人物截然不同。一部分人认为他不是英雄, 因为最终他没有抵住想要拥有魔戒的欲望;一部分人认为他是英雄, 因为他使魔戒坠入火焰山最终销毁, 世界从精灵统治时代转到人治时代;一部分人认为他虽是英雄, 但是失败的英雄, 因为他受到魔戒的诱惑。弗拉多究竟是不是英雄或是怎样的英雄, 取决于读者已有对英雄的认知和在阅读过程中参与其中不断向作品本身发问和回答过程中产生。

2.1 人物形象的更新视域

读者读到弗拉多是个身材矮小、喜欢吟诗作曲, 最好天天宴乐、过着逍遥快活的生活的人。在整个霍比特人的历史中只发生一次战斗, 即1914 (霞尔历) 的傍水镇之战。魔戒远征队中的灵魂人物刚多尔夫说:“霍比特人身材矮小, 并不适合迎战。”因为传统的英雄人物给人的印象是身材高大, 英勇善战。读者不禁问:弗拉多是否可以完成使命?对于这个问题, 读者可以在故事的发展中找到问题的答案。因为在小人物霍比特人身上, 他们淳朴、憨厚、无纷争, 无困扰。唯有这样, 才有可能摆脱魔戒对灵魂的腐蚀。罗琳精灵女王说:“或许弱者也能完成这个任务, 只要他拥有一颗强者的心。”

2.2 人物性格的更新视域

当读者形成了一种“期待视域”, 将小说理解成是弗拉多虽“身材矮小”但是充满自信、果敢、坚毅的成功的英雄。但是读者读到的却是缺乏自信, 内心犹豫, 性格软弱的弗拉多。弗拉多始终对自己能否完成这个艰巨的任务充满怀疑, 他没有把握一定能完成销毁魔戒的任务。当山姆担忧他们带的干粮能否维持到完成使命时, 弗拉多说:“我说不上多久算完成使命……我认为没必要想以后的事。谁知道以后会怎么样?就是想到了, 谁又说以后怎么样?就是想到了, 谁又说的清到底会有什么结果?结果那玩意儿投进火山口, 我们又会怎么样?你说, 山姆, 我们还需要面包吗?我想用不着。要是我们能坚持到火山口, 我们就算是尽了力了。我开始觉得有点儿力不从心了。”弗拉多天性排斥暴力行为, 他性格内向, 喜欢休闲的生活, 他是个梦想家。他会表达他的伤心、恐惧和无助。站在安达因河旁, 弗拉多发出了这样的感慨:“我真想毁掉它呀!我天生就承担不了这艰巨的使命。要是我从未讲过这枚戒指该有多好!为什么它要落在我的手里?”[4]此外, 弗拉多在面对比自己强大的敌人时往往产生惧意, 从而不愿向前。在即将到达厄运山口的时候, 他被两个奥克斯 (半兽人) 俘获了, 在被自己忠心的仆人山姆救出时, 弗拉多说道:“只有一天吗?我觉得好像已过了好几个星期。”“我坠入了黑暗和噩梦中, 醒来后却发现情况更糟。”“我想, 我快要疯了。”在销毁魔戒的路途中, 弗拉多不止一次发生过抱怨和叹息, 他几乎在一开始就怀疑自己是否有能力完成这沉重不堪的人物, 而这些特点在传统英雄身上是绝对没有的。这样, 读者不得不打破原有的期待视域并构成新的期待视域。读者已经开始不确定弗拉多是否可以完成重任———销毁魔戒。这种不确定性自然而然地向读者发出邀请, 给予读者思考的机会, 留出想象的空间, 从而促使阅读行为的继续进行。

2.3 内心世界的更新视域

随着故事的进一步发展, 弗拉多在销毁魔戒的路途中, 他缺乏自信, 性格懦弱, 而且内心世界是黑暗的, 读者又会担心弗拉多是否可以完成使命。但是在销毁魔戒的路途中, 一直有忠诚的伙伴山姆, 弗拉多的内心世界也发生了变化, 读者又开始重新更新视域, 期待着弗拉多可以完成使命。在销毁魔戒的途中, 魔戒时时诱惑着他, 而魔戒被销毁后, 弗拉多心理受到了极大的创伤。为此, 他不得不告别中州, 前往西方。尽管如此, 弗拉多依然说道:“我也曾那么想过, 但我受的伤太重, 山姆。我努力拯救霞尔, 现在已经如愿以偿, 但这不是为了我自己。事情往往就是这样, 山姆, 在危险降临时, 就得有人去牺牲, 不顾自己, 这样, 其他人才可以留下来。”通过这段内心的独白, 我们可以看到弗拉多高尚的人格。

对于弗拉多是否可以完成销毁魔戒的使命, 读者已经明确, 尽管他不能算是成功的英雄, 但是可以称他为失败的英雄。之前关于弗拉多的意义未定与空白, 通过读者的阅读和思考得到现实化和具体化。

3. 结语

以往批评者在分析作品时大多将注意力集中在作品本身, 一般从作品出发分析作品中的社会、个人命运, 等等, 忽略了读者对作品的关注, 从而放弃了读者对作品中人物分析的探究, 也没有注意到探究作品对当时及以后读者的影响。本文力求从读者角度出发, 把以作品为中心变为以读者为中心, 从读者的角度探讨作品的意义, 读者不再是作家道德说教的接受者, 而是文本为定点和空白的确定者和填补者, 读者与文本共同构成作品。托尔金对小说中的主要人物之一弗拉多的塑造就是很好的体现。读者正是在阅读的过程中对弗拉多进行思考、认识、再思考、再认识, “消解文本中出现的不同观点之间的矛盾或用不同的方式填充不同观点之间的空白”。




[1]Humphrey Carprenter Tolkien:A Biography[M].Boston Houghton, 1977:26.

[2]郭宏安, 章国锋.二十世纪西方文论研究.北京:北京大学出版社, 1997.





