


礼仪祝词常用词汇 篇1


distinguished;honorable;honored;respected …


at the(gracious)invitation of …


to take this opportunity to;to avail myself this opportunity to 代表

on behalf of …


to extend;to express;to convey

值此……之际 on the occasion of…


in the name of …;in one’s name 进行国事/友好访问

to pay a state/goodwill visit to …


heartfelt thanks;sincere thanks

在……的气氛中 in a/an … atmosphere


looking back;a review of the past;in retrospect


looking ahead;looking into the future 最后

in closing;in conclusion;finally;before I conclude, …

常用毕业祝词(通用40句) 篇2





4、数年来朝夕相处,数不清校园甘苦。相处的时光像常青的树叶,物转星移,花开草落,也许没有人在意;即将别离,才知道怀念是人生永远的炊烟,常常飘扬在我们 心灵的蓝天,才明白挂牵是生活不变的诺言,时时回荡在我们情感的耳边。此刻,当最后的下课铃声响起,当东山上的流云唱出离曲,当你们已收拾好行囊,当校园 里的花树开满别意,我愿为我们相聚的日子作一次短暂而深情的回眸,纵然岁月之舟将渡你远涉千山水,纵然生命之树将为你成熟五花十果,今天的你仍是我记忆中 不老的印迹,明天的你将是我期盼中美丽的风景。




































高级口译笔记—礼仪祝词 篇3

开幕/闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony 开幕词 opening speech/address 致开幕词 make an opening speech 友好访问 goodwill visit 阁下 Your/His/Her Honor/Excellency 贵宾 distinguished guest 尊敬的市长先生 Respected Mr.Mayor 远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友 friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific 东道国 host country 宣布……开幕 declare……open 值此之际 on the occasion of 借此机会 take this opportunity to 以……名义 in the name of 本着……精神 in the spirit of 代表 on the behalf of 由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks 友好款待 gracious hospitality 正式邀请 officioa invitation 回顾过去 look back on 展望未来 look ahead/look into the future 最后 in closing 圆满成功 a complete success 提议祝酒 propose a toast 第二部分 词语扩展


亚太地区 Asian-Pacific region 建交 establishment of diplomatic relations between 互访 exchange of visit 外交政策 foreign policy 一贯奉行 in persistent pursuit of平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 双边关系 bilateral relations 持久和平lasting peace


贸易额 trade volume 商业界 business community 跨国公司 transnational corporation 经济强国/经济大国/经济列强(视具体情况翻译)economic power 第三部分 例句


On the behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation.2.现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。

Now, I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.3.我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.4.我谨向各位表示最热烈的欢迎。

I would like to extend my warmest welocme to all of you.5.我预祝大会圆满成功!

外贸英语词汇-常用词汇 篇4

出口信贷 export credit

出口津贴 export subsidy

商品倾销 dumping

外汇倾销 exchange dumping

优惠关税 special preferences

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

进口配额制 import quotas

自由贸易区 free trade zone

对外贸易值 value of foreign trade

国际贸易值 value of international trade

普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT

价格术语 trade term(price term)

运费 freight

单价 price

码头费 wharfage

总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission

港口税port dues

回佣return commission

装运港port of shipment

折扣discount, allowance

卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港port of destination

零售价 retail price

进口许口证import licence

现货价格spot price

出口许口证export licence

期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price

国际市场价格 world(International)Market price

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost, insurance and freight





租船charter(the chartered ship)

交货时间 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

装运期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter

托运人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor


班轮regular shipping liner


舱位shipping space


报关clearance of goods

陆运收据cargo receipt

提货to take delivery of goods

空运提单airway bill

正本提单original B/L

选择港(任意港)optional port

选港费optional charges

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers’account

一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb.shipment

在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment during....in two lots

在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during....in two equal lots

分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments

立即装运 immediate shipments

即期装运 prompt shipments

收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


订单 indent

订货;订购 book;booking

电复 cable reply

实盘 firm offer

递盘 bid;bidding

递实盘 bid firm

还盘 counter offer


发实盘 offer firm



指示性价格 price indication

速复 reply immediately

参考价 reference price

习惯做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受约束 without engagement

业务洽谈 business discussion

限**复 subject to reply **

限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **

有效期限 time of validity

有效至**: valid till **

购货合同 purchase contract

销售合同 sales contract

购货确认书 purchase confirmation

销售确认书 sales confirmation

一般交易条件 general terms and conditions

以未售出为准 subject to prior sale

需经卖方确认 subject to seller’s confirmation

需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation




招标invitation of tender

投标submission of tender


总代理人general agent

代理协议agency agreement

累计佣金accumulative commission

补偿贸易compensation trade(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade 叫:往返贸易)counter trade

来料加工processing on giving materials

来料装配assembling on provided parts

独家经营/专营权exclusive right

独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement

独家代理 sole agency;sole agent;exclusive agency;exclusive agent



品质 quality原样 original sample

规格 specifications复样 duplicate sample

说明 description对等样品 counter-sample

标准 standard type参考样品 reference sample

商品目录 catalogue封样 sealed sample

宣传小册 pamphlet公差 tolerance

货号 article No.花色(搭配)assortment

样品 sample 5%增减 5% plus or minus

代表性样品 representative sample

大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality


索赔 claim争议disputes

罚金条款 penalty仲裁arbitration

不可抗力 force Majeure仲裁庭arbitral tribunal

产地证明书certificate of origin

品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight(quantity)**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau(*.C.I.B)品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate


个数 number净重 net weight

容积 capacity毛作净 gross for net

体积 volume皮重 tare

毛重 gross weight

溢短装条款 more or less clause

-----------------------外 汇-------------------------

外汇 foreign exchange法定贬值 devaluation

外币 foreign currency法定升值 revaluation

汇率 rate of exchange浮动汇率floating rate

国际收支 balance of payments硬通货 hard currency直接标价 direct quotation软通货 soft currency

间接标价 indirect quotation金平价 gold standard买入汇率 buying rate通货膨胀 inflation

卖出汇率 selling rate固定汇率 fixed rate

金本位制度 gold standard黄金输送点 gold points

铸币平价 mint par纸币制度 paper money system国际货币基金 international monetary fund

黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve

简历英语常用词汇 篇5

name 姓名

alias 别名

pen name 笔名

date of birth 出生日期

birth date 出生日期

born 出生于

birth place 出生地点

age 年龄

native place 籍贯

province 省

city 市

autonomous region 自治区

prefecture 专区

county 县

nationality 民族,国籍

citizenship 国籍

duel citizenship 双重国籍

address 地址

current address 目前地址

present address 目前地址

permanent address 永久地址

postal code 邮政编码

home phone 住宅电话

office phone 办公电话

business phone 办公电话


sex 性别

male 男

female 女

height 身高

weight 体重 marital status 婚姻状况

family status 家庭状况

married 已婚

single/unmarried 未婚

divorced 离异

separated 分居

number of children 子女人数

none 无

street 街

lane 胡同,巷

road 路

district 区

house number 门牌

health 健康状况

health condition 健康状况

blood type 血型


far-sighted 远视

color-blind 色盲

ID card No.身份证号码

date of availability 可到职时间

available 可到职

membership 会员,资格

president 会长

vice-president 副会长

director 理事

standing director 常务理事

secretary general 秘书长

society 学会

association 协会

常用外交口译词汇 篇6

Protocol Department 礼宾司

Information Department 新闻司

diplomatic mission 外交代表机构

embassy 大使馆

legation 公使馆

consulate-general 总领事馆

consulate 领事馆

office of the chargé d’affaires, 代办处

military attaché’s office, 武官处

commercial counsellor’s office 商务处

press section, information service 新闻处

liaison office 联络处

diplomat 外交家, 外交官

diplomatic rank 外交官衔

diplomatic representative 外交代表

members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员

ambassador 大使

ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使

nuncio 教廷大使

internuncio 教廷公使

counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞

chargé d’affaires, 代办

chargé d’affasiread interim, 临时代办

counsellor 参赞

first secretary 一等秘书

second secretary 二等秘书

third secretary 三等秘书

attaché, 随员

commercial secretary 商务参赞

cultural secretary 文化参赞

commercial attaché, 商务专员

cultural attaché, 文化专员

military attaché, 武官

naval attaché, 海军武官

air attaché, 空军武官

consul-general 总领事

consul 领事

doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长

roving ambassador 巡回大使

ambassador-at-large 无任所大使

special envoy 特使

accredited to...向…派遣的

foreign affairs 外交

memorandum, aidememoire 备忘录

persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人

de jure recognition 法律承认

commnique 公报

announcement 公告, 通告

letter of credence, credentials 国书

mutual recognition 互相承认

establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系

letter of introduction 介绍书

during one’s absence 离任期间

identification card 身份证

statement 声明

de facto recognition 事实上承认

persona grata 受欢迎的人

diplomatic practice 外交惯例

diplomatic immunities 外交豁免

diplomatic privileges 外交特权

diplomatic channels 外交途径

diplomatic courier 外交信使

diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋

letter of appointment 委任书

certificate of appointment 委任证书

exequatur 许可证书

declaration, manifesto 宣扬

letter of recall 召回公文

note 照会

verbal note 普通照会

circular note 通知照会

formal note 正式照会

normalization 正常化

be appointed ambassador to...被任命为驻…大使

to express regret 表示遗憾

to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系

to resume charge of the office, to return to one’s post 返任

to proceed to take up one’s post 赴任

to present one’s credentials 递交国书

to exchange ambassadors 互派大使

to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系

to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系

to establish consular relations 建立领事关系

to assume one’s post 就任

to take exception to;to object to 提出异议

to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交关系升格

to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉

to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议

to request the consent of...征求…的同意

to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系 tea party 茶会

an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛

reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会

delegation 代表团

head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长

deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长

member of the delegation 代表团成员

memorial speech 悼词

to develop the relations offriendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系

prosperity and strength 繁荣富强

visit 访问

friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问

informal visit 非正式访问

official visit 正式访问

private visit 私人访问

state visit 国事访问

obituary 讣告

questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题

state banquet 国宴

message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电

speech of welcome 欢迎词

welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会

cocktail party 鸡尾酒会

good health and a long life 健康长寿

profound condolence 深切哀悼

cordial hospitality 盛情接待

the two sides, the two parties 双方

luncheon 午宴

message of condolence 唁电

reception 招待会

toast 祝酒词

memorial meeting 追悼会

to convey one’s sympathy 表示慰问

to meet with 会见

to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队

to exchange views 交换意见

to receive 接见

to be shocked to learn of 惊悉

be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为

to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯

on the happy occasion of 欣逢

on learning with great joy 欣悉

to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…

on invitation, upon invitation 应邀

at the invitation of...应…邀请

in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下

to express one’s sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望

to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福

to take note of...注意到

His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下

His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下

His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下

His excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人




“The entire global economy will contract in a severe and protracted U-shaped global recession that started a year ago,” Roubini said.“A hard landing for emerging-market economies may also be at hand.”


上面的报道中,U-shaped recession 就是“U型衰退”。经济学领域常用 U 型、V 型、W 型、L 型来描述经济衰退的形势。其中,U 型衰退比 V 型衰退处于底部的时间较长,但不会出现 W 型衰退的反复。最可怕的是 L 型衰退,也就是说原有经济增长模式无法延续,而内需无法得到激发,导致国内生产能找不到出路,从而陷入长期低迷。目前经济界普遍考(试大认为此次经济衰退趋向于U型衰退。

这里还提到了另一个经济领域的表达 hard landing,“硬着陆(”采用强力的财政货币政策一次性在较短的时间内通过牺牲较多的国民收入将通胀率降到正常水平),与其相对的当然就是 soft landing“软着陆(”国民经济的运行经过一段过度扩张之后,平稳地回落到适度增长区间)。

U-shaped 也就是我们常说的“U 形”或者“马蹄形”,shape 在这里表示“形状、形式”,它还可以表示“轮廓、影响”等意思,来看看下面这段话了解一下它的用法吧。

Jim is still in bad shape(健康状况不佳),这也影响考(试大到了他的工作。今天的例会上,He has some difficulty in giving shape to his ideas(他很难清晰地表达他的意见)。We have no proposals from him in any shape or form(我们没有得到他任何形式的建议)。会后老板生气地对他说,You’d better shape up if you want to stay on(如果你还想留下来 的话最好表现好一点儿),因为大家都在等着他的项目 be settled into shape(走上正轨、有眉目)才能继续下去。

高级口译学习笔记:The Information Age信息时代

高级口译笔记——信息时代(The Information Age)第一部分 词汇

新兴产业 emerging industry 朝阳产业 sunrise industry 网络产业 Internet industry 虚拟现实 virtual reality 虚拟商店 virtual store

兼容性计算机平台 compatible computing platform 微型浏览器 microbrowser 宽带技术 broadband technology 拨号上网调制解调器 dial-up modem 交互式多媒体 interactive multimedia 交互式电子书籍 interactive e-book 界面 interface

无线掌上导航器 wireless palm pilot 蜂窝通信 cellular communications 家用电器 household electrical appliances 局域网 Intranet 网站 website 网民 netizen 网吧 cybercafe 网络世界 cyber world 网上贸易 cyberbusiness 网上交易 networked transaction 上市 be listed on the stock market 市值 stock value 税后利润 after-tax profit

中国证监会 China Securities Regulatory Commision

纳斯达克 NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不对称数字订阅线路


DLL:Dynamic Link Library, 动态链接库

DNS: Domain Name System,域名系统

FTP: File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议

Ghost: General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬件导向系统转移

HTML: HyperText Markup Language,超文本标记语言

HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol,超文本传输协议

IP: Internet Protocol,网际协议

ISDN: Integrated Service Digital Network,综合服务数字网络

ISP: Internet Service Provider,因特网服务提供商

Java:由美国太阳(Sun)公司推出的新型面向对象程序设计语言。Java集面向对象、平台无关性、稳固性、安全性、多线程等诸多特性于一体,增加了异常处理、网络编程等方面的功能,特别适合于Internet应用的开发,是实现“一个世界,一个网络”构想的关键。用Java编写的各类软件能真正做到“Write Once,Run anywhere(一次写成,到处运行)”,也就是说,相同的软件可在不同计算机上运行,无论是PC机、苹果机、UNIX计算机、还是顶置盒、PDA(个人数据助理)乃至智能元器件无一例外。

LAN: Local Area Network,局域网

MIDI:Musical Instrument Digital Interface,乐器数字接口

MPEG:是Motion Picture Experts Group的,运动图像专家组

MSN: Microsoft Network,微软网络

OCR:Optical Character Recognition, 光学字符识别

OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer, 原始设备制造商

RAM:Random Access Memory,随机存储器,即人们常说的“内存”。

ROM:Read-Only Memory,只读存储器。

第二部分 例句


According to statistics from China Internet Network Information Center, the public network covers 365 cities, and the number of on-line computers reached 5.2 million, with 12.6 million regular Internet users and 23,000 web sites.今天的因特网具有强大的通信功能,它可以提供电子邮件、即时信息和聊天室等多种通信方式。

Today’s Internet is a powerful way to communicate, including e-mail, instant messaging and chatroom services.关注未来因特网的最佳方法是了解今日的因特网存在着什么问题。

The best way of looking at the Internet of the future is to ask what is wrong with today’s.今天,商务和通信二十四小时不停地进行着。在有线电视的新闻节目中所报道的事件不是在几点钟发生,而是在一个小时或30分钟前发生。当地时间已不再是一个有意义的时间标志。

Today, commerce and communications never cease but go around the clock.On cable-TV news shows, events did not happen at which hour, but an hour or 30 minutes ago.Local time is no longer the meaning marker of events.高级口译学习笔记:Interview人物访谈

VOCABLULARY 采访人 interviewer 被采访人 interviewee

常驻记者 resident correspondent 特派记者 staff correspondent 驻外国记者 foreign correspondent 现场报道 on-the-spot report;live report 新闻发布会 news briefing

记者招待会 press/news conference 消息灵通人士 well-informed source 权威人士/来源 authoritative source 可靠消息 reliable news 新闻/通讯稿 news release 头条新闻 top/headline news 标题新闻 headline news 内幕新闻 inside story 花边新闻 box news 时事 current news 杂闻 sidelights 专题报道 special report 专栏作家 columnist 特约撰稿人 staff writer 自由撰稿人 free-lancer 无可奉告 no comment 记者证 press card 通讯社 news agency 新华社 Xinhua News Agency 路透社(英)Reuter’s News Agency 美联社(美)Associated Press

塔斯社(俄)TASS;Telegraphic Agency of Soviet Union 每日电讯报(英)The Daily Telegraph 纽约时报 The New York Times 华尔街时报 The Wall Street Journal 华盛顿邮报 The Washington Post 高级口译学习笔记:Tourism旅游观光


中国国家旅游局 China National Tourism Administration 中国国际旅行社 China International Travel Service 旅游管理局 tourist administration burear 旅行社 travel service/agency 旅游公司 tourism company 春/秋游 spring/autumn outing 假日旅行 vacation tour 目的地 destination

自然景观 natural scenery/attraction

人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites 佛教名山 famous Buddhist mountain 五岳 five great mountains 避暑山庄 mountain resort 度假胜地 holiday resort 避暑胜地 summer resort 自然保护区 nature reserve 国家公园 national park 旅游景点 tourist attraction

古建筑群 ancient architectural complex 园林建筑 garden architecture

山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers 诱人景色 inviting views

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills 青山绿水 green hills and clear waters 景色如画 picturesque views 金石印章 metal and stone seals 石刻碑文 stone inscriptions

天下第一泉 the finest spring under heaven 石舫 stone boat

水榭 waterside house 莲花池 lotus pond

国画 traditional Chinese painting 山水/水墨画 landscape/ink painting 手工艺品 artifact;handicrafts 陶器 earthenware 折扇 folding fan

木/竹/贝雕 wood/bamboo/shell carving

联合国教科文组织 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

国民生产总值 GNP gross national product 国内生产总值 GDP gross domestic product



Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.2.这座寺庙历史悠久,可追溯到初唐时期。

The temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the Tang Dynasty.3.该城市有全国规模最大、最负盛名的园林。

The city boasts the largest and the most famous garden in the country.三、练习







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