


递交辞呈前你必须考虑的五件事 篇1

Things You Must Do Before

Quitting Your Job




Ready To Quit Your Job? Here Are The 5 Things You Must Do Before Giving Notice

Last week, a friend emailed me to say that he had quit his job – wrote a resignation letter, handed it in and just walked away.I knew he’d been dealing with a lot of stress and that this stress had been taking a toll on his health, but his announcement still took me by surprise.He didn’t have another job lined up or a concrete plan for how to manage his newly unemployed status.Here’s what I wish someone had told him before he gave his notice:

Start your job hunt earlyminutes after you’ve handed in your resignation is not the time to begin looking for new work.By the time you give your notice, your job hunt should be well underway and you should have a solid strategy in place for how you’re going to ramp it up once you’re hunting full-time.While you don’t necessarily want to tip your hand to your network in advance(word will get back to your employer;count on it), you should

have been keeping up with connections all along, so that when you do

finally send out a job search SOS, people are predisposed to help you out.Decide on your story

You will be asked why you quit by everyone from your grandma to your financial planner, but the person whose reaction you really care about is the one who is going to decide whether or not you get that next job.If you end up with a resume gap after quitting, you’re going to need to address that in future applications and if you aren’t transitioning straight from Company A to Company B, interviewers are going to be rightly curious about why you chose to jump ship(or if you were pushed)and interested in determining whether you’re an ongoing flight risk or an office troublemaker.Be honest(no, you weren’t making a spiritual pilgrimage to an ashram), be positive(both about your former company and how you’ve been spending your time lately)and be prepared to spin this situation as a one-off that has actually reenergized you and made you better equipped for the position you’re currently seeking in x, y, z ways.Mind the gap

Quitting your job to sit on your couch is going to get old after a week and will start to suck your morale dry in short order.Find something to do with your newly-free days that you can use to frame your quitting less as

a case of hitting the mental breaking point and more about you choosing to pursue other opportunities when the questions discussed above come up.If you use your time between jobs to do some freelancing, to

volunteer in areas related to your field of work or to brush up on skills and certifications, you’re not only helping to close the dreaded resume gap, you’re also keeping your abilities up and your knowledge fresh and painting yourself as more employable than someone who spends their unemployed days focused exclusively on sending out resumes.Hide the matches

Do not burn bridges.Do not give a morally righteous speech in the middle of the parking lot and end up a YouTube laughing stock.Avoid grand gestures at all costs.Instead, work to ensure you leave at least one or two internal allies behind – especially if you’re staying the same

industry – who can vouch for you as references should a future employer do some checking.You want your coworkers’ enduring memory of you to be of someone competent and professional who moved on quietly.Have a plan to pay the bills

Yes, in an ideal world, you could walk out of one job and into another, but if you’re like my friend, the circumstances aren’t so ideal.The

average duration of unemployment is currently 39.9 weeks.That means

that if you lost your job today, it would take you, on average, nine months to find a new one.You can’t tell your creditors to call back next April.If you’re going to take ditch your day job without a new gig lined up, make sure you have at least a few months’ worth of expenses saved.In many cases, those who quit their jobs are not eligible for unemployment benefits, so don’t depend on government cash to tide you over.Bottom line? If you feel as if quitting your job is your only option, your first priority is risk mitigation and damage control – for your future employment prospects, your mental health and your personal finances.递交辞呈前你必须考虑的五件事














