


英语形容词的语法:形容词的位置 篇1




a kind lady一位善良的女士

two pretty girls两位的姑娘

clever and able young men聪明能干的小伙子


Is there anything wrong with it?


You may use everything available.



Don’t wake up the dog asleep.




Tom has a large round colorful wooden box.


There are 10 tall active young American men.



修饰名词:enough bookworms够多的书呆子

修饰形容词:long enough够长的

6.当副词so, as, too修饰一个形容词,而这个形容词又修饰一个单可数名词时,冠词a只能放在该形容词后面(so, as, too强调语气很强,放在首位才足以体现强调性)

so good a chance

too busy a day

as fast a swimmer as Tom

英语形容词的语法:形容词的位置 篇2

英语中“形—名”组合的语义构建一直是语言学家关注的话题。Franks (1995) 提出意义生成模型讨论形名组合的意义构建, 包括三个过程:合并、优先合并、转喻类型压制。并用此模型讨论“否定形容词+名词”组合中“fake gun”的意义构建过程。中国学者张建理 (2007) 采用动态识解法分析形名组合意义构建的原义、初义、洽义三个过程。张辉、范瑞萍 (2008) 提出概念整合和物性结构的杂合分析模式。本文拟在认知语法框架下, 探究“时间形容词+名词”结构中个案“former president”在特定语境下语法表达和概念结构之间存在的语法转喻关系, 此关系的构建是由三次连续的线性认知参照过程完成的。


2.1 时间形容词“former”的意义研究

时间形容词指的是含有指示时间语义成分的形容词, 如former、early、occasional等。时间形容词展示的主要特性有过去性、现在性和将来性。本文的研究对象是带有过去性的时间形容词作为前置修饰语修饰名词的词组, 如“former president”。本文中, “former”用在职位名词或关系名词前, 选取意义为“时间的过去性”。

2.2 名词“president”的意义研究

Justeson&Katz (1995) 认为形容词在本质上是趋于歧义性和模糊性的, 需要名词的语境对多义形容词进行解歧, 让其有更细致的语义特征。如例1, 由“Obama和George H.W.Bush”可推断“president”具体所指为“美国总统”。然后语言使用者根据自身对物质世界、社会世界、文化世界和心智世界的体验, 对“美国总统”进行概念化, 形成其百科知识性的意义表征 (Langacker, 1987) , 除包含基本的诊断属性如年龄、性别、外貌、性格之外等, 还有一些更加显著的中心属性, 又分明确属性和非明确属性。明确属性如候选人的基本要求、选举方式、权力与义务、任期、可最多连任届数、官邸;非明确属性如在任时间、所属党派、第一夫人、是否被弹劾、是否自然死亡等, 所有这些特征都是“美国总统”的不同侧面, 构成其百科知识性意义表征集合。

e.g. (1) President Obama welcomed former President George H.W.Bush and his son, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, for a personal visit.

2.3“former president”的语法转喻关系分析

上述分析得出, “president”作为“美国总统”时的百科知识性意义表征包含许多侧面。但受不同语境信息和背景知识的影响, 语言使用者不可能将所有侧面信息逐字地表现出来。当与形容词结合时, 与其相关的侧面被突显成为激活域 (Langacker, 2009) 。“former president”中, “former”是一个时间性的形容词, 基本意义为“以前的;前任的”。作为修饰语, 理论上可以与“美国总统”的所有特征相结合。但实际的意义构建过程中, “前任的”与多数侧面结合语义不合理被淘汰, 只有与“在任时间, 第一夫人”等特征侧面组合才可理解。而根据文内信息“George H.W.Bush”及我们对社会世界的体验得出, “former”激活的是“总统在任时间”这个特征侧面。在意义构建过程中, 我们会先概念化“现任美国总统”, 通过对“在任时间”的对比得出, “前任总统”是在“现任总统”在任期间之前的总统, 它突显的是“在任时间”这个侧面并使其成为激活域。因此, 在例1的“former president”中, “美国总统”的所有特征侧面集合和在任时间激活域侧面之间存在一种不均衡性, 这种不均衡性导致了一种整体 (美国总统的百科知识性意义表征) —部分 (在任时间) 的语法转喻关系 (Langacker, 2009) 。

2.4“former president”语法转喻关系形成的认知参照过程分析

某个实体要足够突显才能成为参照点, 影响突显度的一般规律是, 人类大于非人类;有生命的大于无生命的;整体大于部分;具体大于抽象;可见的大于不可见的;近的大于远的 (李丛禾, 2008) 。

例1中“former president”的意义构建过程如图1所示:“president”的基本意义为某国总统, 作为有生命的自主体, 成为参照点R1, 并激活与此相关的百科知识性意义表征如国籍等, 成为辖域D1。受文内信息“Obama”和“Bush”影响, 总统的国籍特征侧面被激活成为激活域, “美国总统”成为概念化目标T1, 同时又成为下一参照过程的参照点R2。“美国总统”R2激活与其相关的百科知识性意义表征如前文所述的明确与非明确属性, 成为新的辖域D2。由于时间形容词“former”的存在, 在任时间特征侧面被激活成为激活域, 现任美国总统“Obama”成为目标T2, 同时又成为第三次认知参照过程的参照点R3, 并激活所有前任和现任的美国总统们, 成为又一个新的辖域D3。通过对在任时间的对比, “former president”意义构建为在任时间在“现任总统Obama”之前的美国总统“Bush”, “在任时间”特征侧面被突显成为语言使用者聚焦的激活域。在整个意义构建过程中, 参照点R1 (总统) 经过三次认知参照过程, 按照一定的心理路径进行心理接触, 通过“美国总统”、“现任美国总统”到达最终目标“前任美国总统Bush”。

C:认知主体R1:总统D1:总统的百科知识性意义表征如国籍等T1/R2:美国总统D2:美国总统的百科知识性意义表征T2/R3:现任美国总统Obama D3:所有曾经在任过和正在任美国总统T:前任美国总统Bush

3 结语

本文在认知语法框架下, 讨论“时间形容词+名词”结构中名词的百科知识性意义表征, 探讨该结构的语法表现形式和概念结构之间的关系及该关系形成的基础。分析得出, 个案“former president”中存在Langacker提出的激活域促使的整体 (名词的百科知识性意义表征集合) —部分 (时间特征侧面) 的语法转喻关系, 这种关系形成的过程为三次连续线性认知参照。从认知参照点角度对“时间形容词+名词”结构语法转喻关系的分析帮助我们更清晰地了解该结构的语法表现形式与概念结构之间的关系及该关系形成的概念基础, 有助于二语习得者在不同语境下把握该类结构的深层意义及构建过程。


[1]Franks.Sense Generation:A“quasi-classical”approach to concepts and concept combination[J].Cognitive Science, 1995.

[2]Justeson&Katz.Technical Terminology:some linguistic properties and an algorithm for identification in text[J].Natural Language Engineering, 1995.

[3]Langacker.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoretical Prerequisities[M].Stanford:Stanford University Press, 1987.

[4]Langacker.Investigations in Cognitive Grammar[M].Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter, 2009.

[5]李丛禾.认知参照点模型及其语言体现[J].四川外语学院学报, 2008.

[6]张辉, 范瑞萍.形名组合的意义建构:概念整合和物性结构的杂合分析模式[J].外国语, 2008.

英语形容词的语法:形容词的位置 篇3

【关键词】形容词动词化 数量特征 心理扫描


本文采取“有界—无界”(boundedness vs. unboundedness)以及形容词的核心语义特点“等级性”(gradability)对形容词进行数量特征的描写。综合Paradis(2001)和石毓智(2003)两位学者及其他中外学者对形容词数量特征的分析,笔者将英语形容词分为等级性形容词和非等级性形容词两大类,前者又可分为“有界”和“无界”两类,“有界”类形容词包括极限型和正负值型,“无界”类形容词包括量级序列型和百分比型。下面就各类形容词的数量特征做具体阐释。


1.量级序列型。该类型形容词是典型的“无界”形容词,可构成反义现象,如long, short。说这种形容词是无界的,是因为它本身可以构成两端无限延伸的量幅,量幅上有无数量点,代表形容词性状各种程度上的差别。

2.百分比型。该类型形容词与量级序列型不同的是,虽然也是非定量的,但是它们所表示的属性程度高低的判断,依赖于一个参照物的性质程度。典型的该类形容词都是表达“相仿”类概念义,比如identical, parallel。

3.极限型形容词。极限型形容词本身无法构成一个量幅,代表封闭式量幅上的终点,是“有界”的。然而,正是这种“无限趋向性”又使得它们可以被人们诠释为一个含有等级的变量(刘晋)。perfect, unique等都属于该类形容词。

4.正负值型形容词。这类形容词一般与量幅无关,本身也不构成量级,通常被概念化为 “一分为二”,即互补关系,没有中间状态,也没有最高级和比较级,是典型的“有界”形容词,比如right, wrong。然而,通过上下文的语义调整和语义压制,该类形容词的的界限可以发生改变,因为词性的界限性问题本质上来说是灵活的。

5.非等级性形容词。所谓非等级性形容词,也就是说它们不具备“等级性”“界限性”“反义关系”这些数量特征,比如usual, daily。


认知语法词类观认为,形容词凸显的是一种简单的非时间关系,而动词凸显一种复杂的时间关系(Langacker, 1987)。这两种关系的对立反映在心理扫描理论中就是总体扫描(summary scanning)和序列扫描(sequential scanning)的区别。那么,形容词的动词化就是将一个非时间关系识解为复杂的时间过程,对应的认知操作方式就是整体扫描向序列扫描的转化。

1.量级序列型形容词。例(1)He stared at the low wooden fence and the pure sward of snow yellowed by the lights.



例(2)The target number of jobs should equal those lost from the indigenous.



例(3)I emptied out the contents of her bag and arranged them on the table.



例(4)A woman has been wronged. Surely his dear, departed wife would approve!



例(5)Maybe it was for that reason that the party leader singled Mr. Prescotts past year performance out for praise.





[1]Langacker,R.(1987).Foundations of Cognitive Grammar Vol.[M].Stanford:Stanford University Press.

[2]Langacker,R.(2008).Sequential and Summary Scanning:A Reply[M].San Diego:University of California.

关于形容词小学英语语法 篇4


1、表示两者“等同”时用原级,结构为:as+原级+as,表示“xx和xx一样……” e.g. Are you as tall as your twin sister?

其否定形式结构为:not+as+原级+as,表示“xx和xxx不一样……” e.g. I‟m not as tall as you.

2、表示两者“比较”时用比较级,结构为:比较级+than,表示“xx比xxx更……” e.g. He‟s one year younger than me.


① 一般在词尾加er

e.g. taller,longer,stronger,younger

② 以字母e结尾,只加r

e.g. late-later,nice-nicer

③ 以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i,再加er

e.g. heavy-heavier

④ 双写末尾的辅音字母,再加er

e.g. fat-fatter,thin-thinner,big-bigger

⑤ 双音节和多音节词的比较级,在原级前加more

e.g. more beautiful,more careful

⑥ 不规则变化

e.g. good-better,many / much-more,far-farther,bad / ill-worse


结构为:the + 形容词最高级 +in/of等表示范围的短语,表示“最……”。 e.g. Autumn is the best season in New York.

英语形容词的语法:形容词的位置 篇5


long _________ ______ wide _______ _______

thin _________ _______

heavy ________ ______ slow _______ _______

few___________ _______

short ________ ______ badly ______ _______

far __________ _______

quickly ______ ______ happy ______ _______

careful ______ _______


1.She will be much ______(happy)in her new class.2.The short one is _______(useful)of the five.3.His sister is two years _______(young)than him.4.This ruler is twice as ______(long)as that.5.The _____(cheap)bags are usually the best ones.6.Gold(黄金)is much ______(expensive)than iron(铁).7.The boy is not so ______(interesting)as his brother.8.Jack sings _____(well), he sings ______(well)than Tom, but Mary sings______(well)in her class.9.Of the three girls, I find Lucy is _______(clever).10.John’s parents have four daughters, and she is _____(young)child.三、选择填空:

1.It is _____ today than yesterday.A.hot

B.more hot


D.much hot

2.This line is ____ than that one.A.not longer

B.more longer

C.much more longer

D.many more longer

3.Of the five toys, the child chose_____.A.the expensive one

B.one most expensive

C.a least expensive

D.the most expensive one

4.Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk?

A.the best


C.the better


5.They bet to see who could run _____ in the sports meeting.A.the fastest

B.the faster



6.This book is ____ of all.A.thinner

B.the thinner

C.more thinner

D.the thinnest

7.She looks _____ than she really is.A.the more younger B.much younger C.very younger D.more younger 8.Our country is becoming ______.A.more beautiful and more

B.more beautiful and beautiful

C.more and more beautiful

D.more beautiful and beautifuler

9.The earth is _____ the moon.A.49 times as big as

B.49 times as bigger as

C.as 49 times big as

D.as big as 49 times

10.This kind of drink is different ______.A.and it is also better

B.and better than the other

C.but also than others

D.from the other, and better



He is _____ ______ ______ than I.2、今天比昨天冷得多。

It is _____ ______ today______ it was yesterday.3、这个故事不如那个有趣。

This story is _____ _____ _____ as that one.4、她的身体一天天好起来。

He is getting _____ ______ ______ every day.5、他对英语越来越感兴趣。

He is becoming ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ English.6、他吃的越多,就越胖。

The ______ he eats, the _______ he is.参考答案:


longer, longest;wider, widest;thinner, thinnest;heavier, heaviest;slower, slowest;fewer, fewest;shorter, shortest;worse, worst;farther, farthest;more quickly, most quickly;

happier, happiest;more careful, most careful


2.the most useful 3.younger

4.long 5.cheapest6.more expensive 7.interesting

8.well, better, best 9.the cleverest 10.the youngest

三、选择填空: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.D

四、翻译句子:1.two years older 2.much colder, than 3.not so interesting

4.better and better 5.more and more interesting in 6.more, fatter



例如,It’s a cold and windy day.2.作表语,放在系动词的后面。

例如,He looks happy today.3.形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放


例如,Would you like something hot to drink?


例如,How long is the river? It’s about two hundred metres long.5.只能作表语的形容词:afraid害怕;alone独自的;asleep睡着的;awake醒着的;alive活着的;well健康的;ill病的;frightened害怕的

例如,The man is ill.(正)

The ill man is my uncle.(误)



例如,My elder brother is in Beijing.(正)

My brother is elder.(误)


8.复合形容词:snow-white雪白的 English-speaking说英语的;glass-topped玻璃罩的;full-time全日制的;well-known众所周知的;kind-hearted善良的;man-made人造的;take-away可以带走的;ten-year-old十岁的。



A small round table一张小圆桌

A tall white building一幢高大的白色建筑物

A dirty old black shirt一件又脏又旧的黑色衬衣

A famous American medical school一个非常著名的美国医学院


1.“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。


例如,It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.)你能


It’s very rude of her to say such words.(=She is very rude to say such words.)


It’s foolish of him to go alone.(=He is foolish to go alone.)他单独出去太傻




例如,It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=To learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)对于他们来说学好一门外语不容易。

It’s very important for students to listen to teachers carefully.(=To listen to teachers carefully is very important for students.)对于学生来说上课认真听老师


It’s necessary for us to get to school on time.(=To get to school on time is necessary for us.)对于我们来说按时到校是非常必要的。


例如,Glad to see you.见到你非常高兴。

I’m very sad to hear the bad news.听到这个坏新闻,我非常难过。



例如,Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋总是乐于助人。

He is sure to get to school on time.他一定会按时到校。






频度副词:always,often,usually,sometimes,seldom,never 否定副词:no,not,neither,nor,疑问副词:where,how,why




例如,1.We should listen to our teachers carefully.我们应该认真听老师讲课。2.He is very happy today.他今天非常高兴。3.“What happened?”I asked,rather angrily.“发生什么事情了?”我相当生气地问。4.In spring,I can see flowers everywhere.在春天,我到处都能看到花。





例如,He had already left when I called.当我给他打电话时,他已经离开了。

Have you found your ruler yet?你已经找到你的尺子了吗?

I haven’t finished my homework yet.我还没有完成作业。


例如:Has your son gone to school already?你的儿子已经上学了吗?(表示很惊讶)very,much和very much.的区别

very用于修饰形容词或副词的原级;much用于修饰形容词或副词的比较级;修饰动词要用very much.例如,John is very honest.约翰非常诚实。

This garden is much bigger than that one.这个花园比那个大的多。

Thank you very much.非常感谢你


⑴so修饰形容词或副词;such 修饰名词,例如,My brother runs so fast that I can’t follow him.我弟弟跑得那么快以至


He is such a boy.他是一个这样的孩子。


词单数”.such可以修饰可数名词单复数和不可数名词,名词前可以有形容词作定语,其结构是“such+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数”,“such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词”,例如,He is so clever a boy.=He is such a clever boy.他是一个如此聪明的孩子。

It is such cold weather.这么冷的天气。(正)

It is so cold weather.(误)

They are such good students.他们是那么好的学生。(正)

They are so good students.(误)⑶如果可数名词复数前有many,few或不可数名词前有much,little修饰,用so不用such.例如,so many(如此多的);so few(如此少的)可以加可数名词复数

so much(如此多的);so little(如此少的)可以加不可数名词

4.also,too,as well与either 的区别

also,as well,too,用于肯定句,also常用于be动词,情态动词,助动词之后,行为动词之前;as well,too用于句末;either用于否定句中,置于句末。

例如,My father is a teacher.My mother is also a teacher.=My father is a teacher.My mother is a teacher as well.=My father is a teacher.My mother is a teacher,too.我爸爸是一名老师,我妈妈也是。I can’t speak French..Jenny can’t speak French,either.我不会说法语,詹妮也不会。

5.sometime,sometimes,some time与some times的区别


sometimes:有时,不时的some time:一段时间 some times:几次,几倍

例如,We’ll have a test sometime next month.下个月的某一时间,我们要进行一次测试。Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not.有时我们很忙,有时不忙。He stayed in Beijing for some time last year.他去年在北京呆了一段时间。I have been to Beijing some times.我去过北京好几次。



例如,I saw him ten minutes ago.我十分钟之前看到的他。

He told me that he had seen the film before.他告诉我他以前看过这场电影。

7.now,just与just now的区别



just now:和过去时连用,表示“刚才”

.例如,Where does he live now?他现在住哪里?

We have just seen the film.我们刚看过这场电影。

He was here just now.他刚才在这里。







5.部分双音节词和多音节词分别在原级前加more构成比较级和most构成最高级,例如,slowly-more slowly-most slowly;beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful Ⅳ形容词,副词 等级的用法



例如,He is too tired to walk on.他太累了以至于不能再继续走了。

My brother runs so fast that I can‘t follow him.我弟弟跑得那么快以至于我跟





例如,Tom is as old as Kate.汤姆和凯特年龄一样大。

Tom is twice as old as Kate.汤姆的年龄是凯特的二倍。


例如,Tom runs as fast as Mike.汤姆和迈克跑得一样快。

Tom runs twice as fast as Mike.汤姆跑得速度是迈克的二倍。


例如,This room is not as/so big as that one.这个房间不如那个大。


例如,He doesn’t walk as slowly as you.他走路不像你那样慢。


1.可以修饰比较级的词,much,a lot,far,„的多a little,a bit,„一点儿


例如,Lesson One is much easier than Lesson Two.第一课比第二课容易得多。

Tom looks even younger than before.汤姆甚至比以前更年轻。

This train runs much faster than that one.这辆火车比那辆跑地快。

She drives still more carefully than her husband.她开车仍然比她丈夫还认真。



例如,Tom is taller than Kate.汤姆比凯特高。

This room is three times bigger than that one.这个房间比那个大三倍。


例如,I got up earlier than my mother this morning.我今天早晨起床比我妈妈还


He runs three times faster than his brother.他跑的速度比他弟弟快三倍。

(2)“甲+be+形容词比较级+than+any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“甲比同一范围的任何一个人/物都„„”,含义是“甲最„„”。

例如,The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.=The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China.长江比中


=The Yangtze River is longer than the other rivers in China.长江比中国的其他


=The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流。

注意:The Yangtze River is longer than any river in Japan.长江比日本的任何一



例如,Mike gets to school earlier than any other student in his class.= Mike gets to school earlier than any of the other students in his class.迈克比他们班上任何一个其他的同学到校都早。

= Mike gets to school earlier than the other students in his class.迈克比他


= Mike gets to school earliest in his class.迈克在他们班到校最早。

注意:Mike gets to school earlier than any student in Tom’s class.迈克比汤姆班上任何一个学生到校都早。(迈克和汤姆不是同一个班)

(3)“甲+be+the+形容词比较级+of the two+„„”表示“甲是两者中较„„的”。

例如,Look at the two boys.My brother is the taller of the two.看那两个男孩,我弟弟是两个当中较高的那个。


例如,He is getting taller and taller.他变得越来越高了。

The flowers are more and more beautiful.花儿越来越漂亮。

He does his homework more and more carefully.他做作业越来越认真了。


例如,The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.你越认真,犯的错误越少。


例如,Which is bigger,the earth or the moon?哪一个大,地球还是月球?


例如,Who draws better,Jenny or Danny?谁画得比较好,詹妮还是丹尼?



例如,Tom is the tallest in his class./of all the students.汤姆是他们班上/


This apple is the biggest of the five.这个




例如,I jump(the)farthest in my class.我是我们班跳得最远的。



例如,Beijing is one of the largest cities in China.北京是中国最大城市之一。


例如,Which country is the largest,China,Brazil or Canada?哪一个国家最大,中国,巴西还是加拿大?


例如,Which season do you like(the)best,spring,summer or autumn?你最喜

形容词和副词语法详解 篇6






(4)考查比较级的重要句型。比较级有许多热点句型:from bad to worse/worse and worse(每况愈下);more and more(越来越多的,越来越……);the+比较级,the+比较级(越……越……)。


(6)考查比较级的程度修饰语。比较级的程度修饰语有:much,a 1ot,even,still,a bit,a little等。





Computers are very useful in our everyday life.

Leaves turn yellow in autumn.


This is an unhealthy diet.

There is nothing important in today’s newspaper.


You should keep your classroom clean and tidy.

I found it difficult to get on well with the manager.










It’s snowing heavily outside.(状语,修饰动词)

I have never heard such a beautiful voice.(状语,修饰动词)

unluckily, he failed in this physics exam again.(状语,修饰整个句子)

He was too excited to say a word.(状语,修饰形容词)

Class is over.(表语)

The weather here is different from that of Singapore.(定语)


It was much more freezing today than yesterday.

He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him.

We got up early enough to catch the first bus.


I have never been late for class.

You must always work like that.

英语形容词的语法:形容词的位置 篇7


本研究以学习者语料库CLEC(中国学习者语料库)为基础,来调查形容词good和名词的搭配。作为对照的母语者语料库是BNC(英语本族语者语料库)中的子库。CLEC主要包括高中生和大学生的作文,BNC收集了口语和书面语,涵盖范围广。具体的研究方法为:使用检索工具Antconc 3.2,分别在CLEC 和BNC中对节点词(即研究者在语料库中检查其搭配行为的关键词)good进行检索,除去good 和介词、形容词、动词的搭配以及good作为名词的用法之外,统计good在两个语料库中与名词搭配出现的有效频率,并进行标准化处理。按照good的用法对这些搭配词进行分类,最后从典型搭配和异常搭配的角度分析这些搭配词,找出不同语义关系下学习者和英语本族语者的使用差异。


1. 总体差异


Good在CLEC中的标准化频率为1250,在BNC中是273, 两个数字之间的差异表明中国学生有过度使用good这个词的倾向。可能的原因有:中国学习者在学习的过程中,最早学习并使用的形容词就是good,学习者认为他们很熟悉这个词语,只要是想表达“好”这个意思,都可以用这个词语。其次,中国学习者由于受到词汇量的制约,在写作中只能用一些高频形容词,而不是一些更具体的词。而英语本族语者不仅使用这些高频形容词,而且还能根据句子意思,使用更符合语义韵的词语。通过统计good的搭配词,笔者发现中国学习者使用good 搭配的词语仅有37种,包括health,job,time,teacher,use,way等,而本族语使用good 搭配的词语多达100多种,是中国学习者的3倍之多,包括idea,deal,news,time,reason/s,thing/s等。这一差异显示中国学习者习得的词汇种类不多,词汇量不够大,因而他们只能用一些早期习得的词汇,并且反复使用。另一个原因可能跟语料库有关,BNC语料库由口笔语语料库组成,涉及话题多,语料库的容量也多,因此搭配词的种类会相应的多一些。通过比较这些搭配词,笔者发现中国学生喜欢使用名词的单数形式,而英语本族语者同时使用名词的单数和复数形式。例如,中国学习者仅用good example,good result,而英语本族语者使用了good examples,good results. 这说明中国学习者对名词单复数的掌握不熟,不确定哪些情况下要用名词的单数形式,哪些情况下要用名词的复数形式,为了避免麻烦,他们选择更多的使用单数形式。另外,本族语者不仅能使用这些高频形容词描述事物,还能用更贴切的词语。如中国学习者用good care表示“好好照顾”,而英语本族语者使用 great care 或practical care.如下所示:

(1)...on a table saw. The guards are removed so great care has to be taken and hands kept well clear...

(2)...are to continue providing unconditional practical care on such a wide level then we need your support to...

2. 典型搭配和异常搭配

good可以和不同类型的名词搭配,这些名词被归纳成两类词:抽象名词和具体名词。与抽象名词搭配时通常表达的意思有以下几种:(1)sth is pleasant and enjoyable. 如good time / life / humor/job.(2)sth is of high quality and standard. 如 good food / education  / quality. (3) sth is likely to result in benefit or success. 如good news / fortune/ example /condition  / effect / luck. (4) sth is valid. 如good idea / reason / method / measure. (5) cheerful and pleasant to be with,如good mood  / humor / mind.

在CLEC和BNC中出现的具体名词可分为3类:(1)与人有关:teacher,friend,student.(2)与物体有关:job,thing,work.(3)与地点有关:place.另外,笔者发现good与名词的搭配中,CLEC和BNC共有的显著搭配词有:job,time,way,thing,luck,idea,news and example. 这些中国学习者和本族语学习者共有的显著性搭配词被称为典型搭配。典型搭配体现了语言使用的地道性和自然性,这说明中国学习者对有些形容词名词搭配掌握得较好。

music的形容词英语 篇8


He is slated to play the lead in the new musical.


He made no pretence of great musical knowledge.


She was born into a very musical family.


Almost everyone has some musical ability.

英语形容词的排列顺序 篇9

如果你记住opshacom这个为帮助记忆而杜撰的词, 就能掌握英语中形容词排列的顺序。

opshacom中p代表opinion,指表示人们观点的形容 词,如beautiful,horrible,lovely,nice等;

sh代表shape,指表示形状的形容词,如long,short,round, narrow等;


c代表colour,指表示颜色的形容词,如red,black, orange等;



中考英语形容词、副词考点归纳 篇10


1. (2008襄樊市) Sanya is a city near the sea. It’s famous for its

_______(love) beaches.

2. (2008襄樊市) She likes doing chores at home. She is always

_______(help) to her mother.

3. (2008威海市) —Mum,the Chinese medicine tastes_______ .

—But,dear,it is good for your health.

A. good B. well C. terrible D. terribly

4. (2008包头市) Michael Jordan and Yao Ming are both_______ NBA players. But I prefer Yao Ming though Jordan became famous_______ than him.

A. successful,early B. successfully,earlier

C. successful,earlier D. successful,more early

5. (2008乐山市) When shopping,keep your eyes_______ for those energy-saving machine.

A. opened B. open C. to open

6. (2008泉州市) —Is there_______ in today’s newspaper?

—Yes. It’s raining heavily in the south of China.

A. anything new B. new something

C. new anything

7. (2008哈尔滨市) Believe yourself. You’re better than_______ . You’re the best. Wish you success!

A. anyone else B. someone else

C. else anyone


1. lovely。 lovely是形容词,在句中用作定语,修饰beaches。

2. helpful。 helpul是形容词,在句中用作表语。

3. C。 taste在此用作系动词,意为“尝起来”,后接形容词作表语,据此可排除D项。 well作形容词用时,意为“身体健康的”,与句意不符。答语中用了But,说明上下文在语义上的转折。常言道,良药苦口利于病。据此,我们可推测,此药味道不好。

4. C。 第一空应该用形容词作定语,修饰名词player,这样就可排除B项。 than前面的第二空应填比较级,early的比较级形式为earlier。 这样又可排除A、D两项。

5. B。 “keep + sb/sth + 形容词”意为“使某人/某物……”,open是形容词,在此用作宾语补足语。

6. A。 形容词用来修饰something,anything,nothing,someone,anyone等不定代词或somewhere,anywhere等副词作定语时,应放在它们的后面,由此可排除B和C两项。

7. A。 else用来修饰复合不定代词时应位于其后,据此可排除C项。 根据You’re the best,我们可以确定正确答案为A。


1. (2008哈尔滨市) Please read every sentence_______ . The more_______ you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.

A. carefully;carefully B. careful;careful

C. carefully;careful

2. (2008恩施市) Don’t worry. He is_______ to look after little Betty.

A. carefully enough B. enough careful

C. careful enough D. enough carefully

3. (2008河南省) —Ms Lin is very popular among the students.

—Yes. Her classes are_______ lively and interesting.

A. always B. sometimes C. hardly D. never

4. (2008扬州市) His father was looking_______ at him because he had made a serious mistake. (angry)


1. C。 read为行为动词应用副词修饰,不能用形容词修饰,这样可排除B。 根据第二空后的you are,我们确定该空应填形容词作表语。

2. C。 enough用来修饰形容词或其他副词时,应放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后,这样可排除B和D两项。再根据空格前的系动词is,我们可以确定此空应填形容词作表语。

3. A。 由“Ms Lin is very popular among the students”一句,我们可知她的课“总是”生动有趣。

4. angrily。 此题易误填angry,因为考生把look看成系动词了。其实,这里的look是实义动词,和at构成短语动词,所以其修饰语应为副词。


1. (2008北京市) I think real cards are_______ than e-cards.

A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest

2. (2008汕头市) It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus. It’s_______ by train of the three.

A. faster B. the fastest

C. fast D. much fast

3. (2008湖州市) —I hope the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games will be_______ of all.

—Me,too. It sure will be!

A. exciting B. better

C. more important D. the most successful

4. (2008广州市) Though the player is over thirty,he can still run_______ some younger players.

A. as fast as B. so fast as

C. much fast than D. more faster than

5. (2008宿迁市) Helen learns to dance three times a week. Now she dances_______ Anita does.

A. so good as B. as well as

C. as good as D. so well as

6. (2008海南省) —I think math is_______ English.

—I don’t think so. I think English is more difficult.

A. as useful as B. as important as

C. as difficult as

7. (2008乌兰察布市) English is one of_______ subjects in our school.

A. more important B. the most important

C. important D. importantest


1. B。 依照惯用法,than前面应填比较级nicer,不应填最高级the nicest。

2. B。 由of the three我们确定该空应填最高级形式the fastest。

3. D。 由of all我们确定该空白处应填最高级形式,故答案为D。

4. A。 B项应用在否定句中,不能用在肯定句中。 D项中的more faster不是正确的比较级形式。 C项中的much fast也不是正确的比较级形式。

5. B。 修饰动词dances要用副词,可排除A和C两项。 as ... as用于肯定句,not so/as ... as用于否定句,此句是肯定句,所以空白处只能填as well as。

6. C。 由答句我们可知说话人的意思为“我认为数学和英语一样难”。

7. B。 “one of + the + 形容词最高级 + 可数名词复数”意为“最……之一”,故正确答案为B。


1. (2008无锡市) This morning Jack came to school_______ than_______ student in his class.

A. much late;any B. much late;any other

C. much later;any D. much later;any other

2. (2008乌鲁木齐市)_______ ,the healthier you will be.

A. The more money you get B. The taller you are

C. The more you eat D. The better habit you have

3. (2008南京市) Mrs King kept weighing herself to see how much_______ she was getting.

A. heavy B. heavier

C. the heavier D. the heaviest


1. D。 late的比较级为later,据此可排除A和B两项。“比较级 + than + any other + 可数名词单数”意为“比其他任何一个……更……”。这虽然是比较级结构,但表示最高级含义。若选C,则第二个空白处不可填any,因为这样一来,就把Jack和包括自身在内的班上任何一个学生相比较了。如果加上other,就可避免自己与自己相比较的错误了。

2. D。 “the + 比较级 + 主语 + 谓语,the + 比较级 + 主语 + 谓语”意为“越……,越……”。根据后一句意思,只有D项符合题意。

3. B。 much修饰比较级时意为“……得多”。


1. —I feel really_______ before the interview.

—Take it easy. Sure you are the best.

A. patient B. serious C. nervous D. cool

2. —You are too near to the TV set. Can you move a bit_______ ?

—OK,Mum. Is it all right here?

A. faster B. slower C. farther D. nearer

3. They all looked_______ at the teacher when he told them the good news.

A. sadly B. happily C. carefully D. angrily

4. I think Alice is the right person for the job,because she’s always thinking_______ of others than of herself.

A. much B. more C. little D. less

5. My father doesn’t like the color of the tie because it is too_______ .

A. dear B. short C. thin D. dark

6. September 25th was one of_______ day in 2008,for Shenzhou VII was sent up successfully into space.

A. exciting B. more exciting

C. much exciting D. the most exciting

7. —Is your toothache getting better?

—No,it’s even_______ .

A. bad B. serious C. worse D. the worst

8. —I’m leaving home this afternoon.

—Really? Why so_______ ?

A. fast B. soon C. quickly D. early

9. Mr Wang thinks Shanxi noodles are very_______ ,so he often has them for lunch.

A. delicious B. interesting C. sweet D. bad

10. —Here is a present for you,Jack.

—Wow! It looks_______ nice.

A. truly B. nearly C. really D. hardly

11. I don’t like eating chocolates. The taste is too_______ .

A. hot B. delicious C. nice D. sweet

12. The movie Batman and Joker is_______ one that I’ve ever seen.

A. more exciting B. more excited

C. the most exciting D. the most excited

13. The experts think that India’s population may be_______ than China’s_______ 2020.

A. much;by B. more;in

C. larger;by D. larger;on

14. This kind of cake looks_______ and smells_______ ,too.

A. good;good B. good;well

C. well;well D. well;good

15. The price of this computer is the_______ of the three.

A. smallest B. biggest C. highest D. tallest

16. Which color do you like_______ ,white,red_______ yellow?

A. more;and B. better;and

C. best;or D. very much;or

17. Susan is always the best in different exams in our class because she is a_______ girl.

A. helpful B. polite

C. proud D. hard-working

18. Shark is getting old and cannot jump as_______ as he did.

A. high B. higher

C. highest D. much higher

19. —Can you understand me?

—Sorry,I can_______ hear what you have said.

A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. easily

20. In some foreign countries,such as Canada,children usually leave their parents when they grow up. It makes the old feel_______ .

A. alone B. lonely C. frightened D. enjoyable

21. She told us a story. And her voice sounded_______ .

A. sweet B. small C. clearly D. sadly

22. Health is very important to us. We should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of_______ meat.

A. too much B. much too

C. very much D. too many

23. This sweater doesn’t suit me. It’s a bit small. Could you give me_______ one?

A. a large B. a larger

C. the largest D. largest

24. Please answer every question with great care. You know_______ you are,_______ mistakes you’ll make.

A. the careful,the few B. the more careful,the less

C. careful,few D. the more careful,the fewer

25. This year our school is_______ than it was last year.

A. much more beautiful B. much beautiful

C. the most beautiful D. beautiful

Key:1- 5 CCBBD 6-10 DCBAC 11-15 DCCAC




