


英文周末祝福邮件 篇1

1. 释放紧张的神经,拼搏的脚步停一停;掀开轻松的主页,劳累的身体歇一歇;点燃快乐的火焰,热闹的商场转一转;祝周末快乐,朋友不妨见一见,

2. 亲朋聚会,一起吃喝,你若喝多我扶着;逛街购物,一起玩乐,走走逛逛不寂寞;上网游戏,一起奋战,同甘共苦真不错。祝周末快快乐乐,记得约我哟!

3. 鸟在叫,鱼在游,周末来临要无忧;烦要抛,愁要丢,工作压力请溜走;笑容在,快乐收,娱乐休闲牵牵手;问候语,隔空送,温馨甜蜜驻心头。祝周末快乐!

4. 愁要抛,烦要躲,压力别再心里搁;泡泡澡,逗逗鸟,既要舒服又要乐;品佳肴,小酒喝,生活美美笑容多;祝福语,手中握,祝你周末好洒脱!

5. 不要因为忙碌而冷淡了快乐,不要因为忙碌而疏忽了享受,不要因为忙碌而淡忘了挚友。亲爱的,五天的忙碌换来两天的轻松,放松身心,快乐享受!

6. 一周劳累筋疲力尽,一到周末苦尽甜来。快把烦恼尽付流水,把快乐一网打尽。朋友问候一言难尽,愿你好运应有尽有,幸福取之不尽,美好生活无穷无尽。

7. 只要心中有快乐,天天都是周末。但无懒觉不会快乐,无美味不会快乐,无聚会不会快乐,无问候不会快乐,所以,你懂的,怎样周末才会快乐。开心哦。

8. 快乐的周末应当这样度过:睡睡懒觉,最好一觉醒来天都黑了;尝尝美味,最好一口下去舌头都恨不得吞了;逛逛大街,最好一眼瞄去都看到帅哥美女!

9. 寒冷冬天,悠闲周末,难得休整,绽放快乐。愿你在暖暖的被窝中做一个甜美的梦,在懒懒的感觉里拥一颗舒适的心,在真真的祝福中享一份独有的情。

10. 周末别睡懒觉,赶紧起床,快乐等着跟你共进早餐,好运盼着跟你一起逛街,悠闲想着跟你去攀高山,幸福惦着跟你把手儿牵,我的祝福还等着你仔细阅读呢。

11. 今天是个特别的日子,所以我送一份特别礼物给。你想知道是什么吗?那就是你正看着的手机,而手机上显示着我对你的祝福,今天是周末,愿快乐伴随你!

12. 周末来临心欢颜,工作压力莫运转,脱离烦恼的纠缠,签约快乐的订单,寻找休闲的港湾,做个幸福的密探,莫让郁闷再反弹,祝周末快乐,笑容不断!

13. 忘却忧烦,上网听歌,乐在周末;逛逛商场,花花小钱,美在周末;走亲访友,把酒言欢,笑在周末;祝福声声,问候连连,幸福周末;祝你如意,开心周末!

14. 愿你周一平安顺利,周二称心如意,周三充满活力,周四做出成绩,周五加薪升职,周六驱除疲惫,周日开心甜蜜!祝周末开心快乐!

15. 周一可以耍点小脾气,周二可以偷懒省力气,周三可以有点泄气,周四可以摇头叹气,周五可以有点怨气,但周末一定要快乐喜气,祝你越来越美气!

16. 寒风有多凌厉,冷暖自知;一周有多辛劳,苦累心中;周末有多惬意,放松放松。多休息身不累,多锻炼体健美,多逛街少消费,多联系情珍贵。周末开心!

17. 周末问候响战鼓,快乐前锋来开路,杀得烦恼哇哇哭,打得压力喊呜呼,好运充当你下属,吉祥如意听吩咐,祝你幸福不停步,收获笑容难计数!

18. 周末来到,任务记好;忘记忧伤,远离烦恼;带上快乐,约上微笑;结伴锻炼,健康抓牢;精彩生活,注意报到;开机迎接,祝福风暴;周末快乐,幸福逍遥!

19. 将快乐打入您的幸福帐号里,收到请释放忧郁;将甜蜜打包寄到你心里,接到请露出笑意;将祝福快递到你眼底,看到愿周末幸福无比。周末快乐哟!

20. 人一忙,就容易生错,头脑就不再清醒;人一忙,就容易烦躁,心情就不再平和;人一忙,就不冷静,感情就容易冲动。朋友,周末别再忙了,停下休息吧!

21. 又是一个美丽周末时光!朋友,放放繁忙的工作,停停匆匆的脚步!让快乐来跟随身旁,让舒畅来陪伴左右!这个美好周末,愿你过得开心又实在!

22. 五天的时间有点漫长,但是希望它是舒畅,五天的时间有点繁忙,但是希望它是兴旺,五天的时间让人关上了的快乐门窗,所以周末不如走出心房晒晒阳光,让久违的笑容在双休日绽放,周末轻松一下。

23. 不要让劳累习以为常,因为健康需要身体舒畅,不要让疲惫总是繁忙,因为时间需要快乐相帮,不要让问候复杂难当,因为真心需要简简单单,朋友,周末愉快。

24. 品一杯醇香的茶,叫甜;摆两把藤椅在身边,叫闲;翻一本好看的书,叫暖。周末了,难得与慵懒缠绵,就让轻松与安适相伴,让快乐与你共眠!

25. 短信一条,你莫小瞧,魔法已施,咒语难消:打开,快乐滔滔;阅读,烦恼跑跑;微笑,幸福牢牢;转发,美丽遥遥。魔法短信到,祝君周末好运迢迢!

英文商务询价邮件 篇2

Dear Liu,I have received your letter and I am interested in the project you mentioned.It is my honor to help you and I hope you will satisfied with my service.The quota which you provided has been sent to our factory and we need their reply to decide whether we can provide the product you wanted.Any question please feel free to contact with me.Yours faithfully


英文邮件格式 篇3

I’m very glad that you’ll come to China as an exchange student. I know it isn’t easy to learn Chinese, but I have some ideas that may help.

Firstly, it’s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and take some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese.

What’s more, you’d better plan your time well and study it very often every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don’t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I’m sure you will succeed through your hard work.


大学英文邮件 篇4

I would like to apply for the position of ________ advertised in _______. I have attached a copy of my resume for your consideration. I believe my qualifications are ideal match of your requirements.

I am a major in ________. I will graduate on __________ from __________. My working experience at spare time in ________ as ________ provided me the opportunity to _________. I believe my education and experience will enable me to perform better than other candidates. You will find me to be reliable and efficient.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview. I can be reached by telephone between ______ and ______.

Sincerely Yours,

英文邮件和短信缩写 篇5

数字: = to/too

2B or not 2B = To be or not to be = for

4ever = forever A:

ASL = Age/Sex/Location

AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned

AFAIK = As Far As I Know

AFK = Away From Keyboard

AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle

AISI = As I See It

AKA = Also Known As

AMBW = All My Best Wishes

ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor

AOTS = All Of The Sudden

ASAFP = As Soon As “Friggin” Possible

ASAP = As Soon As Possible

ATST = At The Same Time

AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again

AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again

AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something B:

B4 = Before

B4N = Bye For Now

BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel

BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit

BBIAF = Be Back In A Few

BBL = Be Back Later

BBN = Bye Bye Now

BCNU = Be Seein’ You

BF = Boyfriend

BFD = Big Fing Deal

BFN = Bye For Now

BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart

BIF = Basis In Fact

BITD = Back In The Day

Biz = Business

BM = Byte Me

BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass

BNF = Big Name Fan

BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again

BR = Bathroom

BRB = Be Right Back


BRT = Be Right There BS = Big Smile BT = Byte This BTDT = Been There Done That BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me BTW = By The Way BTWBO = Be There With Bells On BWDIK = But What Do I Know? BWO = Black, White or Other C:

Cam = Web Camera CIAO = Goodbye(in Italian)CID = Consider It Done CIO = Check It Out CIS = CompuServe Information Service CMF = Count My Fingers Cof$ = Church of Scientology CRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop Laughing CTC = Choaking The Chicken CU = See You CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later CWYL = Chat With You Later CYA = Cover Your Ass D:

DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due Diligence DDD = Direct Distance Dial DETI = Don’t Even Think It DGT = Don’t Go There DHYB = Don’t Hold Your Breath DIIK = Damned If I Known DILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A damn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A Sh DKDC = Don’t Know Don’t Care DL = Download DLTM = Don’t Lie To Me DQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day Job DRIB = Don’t Read If Busy DS = Dunce Smiley DYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That Thing E:

EG = Evil Grin


EOM = End Of Message ESO = Equipment Smarter than Operator F:

F2F/FTF = Face To Face FAQ = Frequently Asked Question FBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and Seat FE = For Example/Fatal Error FF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures New FOAF = Friend Of A Friend FTASB = Faster Than A Speeding Bullet FT = Faint FTL = Faster Than Light FTTB = For The Time Being FUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All Recognition FUBB = Fed Up Beyond Belief FUD =(Spreading)Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s Worth FYA = For Your Amusement FYI = For Your Information FYM = For Your Misinformation G:

G2G = Got To Go G8T/GR8 = Great GAL = Get A Life GDGD = Good,Good GF = girlfriend GG = Good Game/Gotta Go GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out GIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said That GL = Good Luck GLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do I GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike GNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking GRRRR = “Growling” GSOAS = Go Sit On A Snake GTG = Got To Go GTGB = Got To Go, Bye GTGP = Got To Go Pee GTH = Go To Hell GTSY = Glad To See Ya GYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:

HAGO = Have A Good One


HAK = Hugs And Kisses

HB = Hurry Back

HD = Hold

HHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding

HHOK = Ha Ha, Only Kidding

HIOOC = Help!I’m Out Of Coffee

Howz = How is

HTH = Hope This(That)Helps

HUA = Heads Up Ace

HUYA = Head Up You’re a I:

IAC = In Any Case

IAE = In Any Event

IANAC = I Am Not A Crook

IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer

IBT = In Between Technology

IBTD = I Beg To Differ

IC = I See/In Character

IDGAF = I Don’t Give A F

IDGI = I Don’t Get It

IDK = I Don’t Know

IDKY = I Don’t Know You

IDST = I Didn’t Say That

IDTS = I Don’t Think So

IFAB = I Found A Bug

IFU = I Fed Up

IGGP = I Gotta Go Pee

IIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot Outside

IIMAD = If It Makes An(y)Difference

IIRC = If I Remember Correctly

IIWM = If It Were Me

ILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard

ILY = I Love You

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion

IMO = In My Opinion

INMP = It’s Not My Problem

INPO = In No Particular Order

IOH = I’m Outta Here

IOW = In Other Words

IRL = In Real Life

ISS = I Said So

ITM = In The Money


IYKWIM = If You Know What I Mean IYSS = If You Say So J:

J/C = Just Checking J/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just Wondering JAFO = Just Another Fing Onlooker K:

K/KK = OK/OK, OK KFY = Kiss For You KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid KIT = Keep In Touch KMA = Kiss My Ass KWIM = Know What I Mean KX = kiss KYPO = Keep Your Pants On L:

L8R = Later LD = Long Distance LDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off LMK = Let Me Know LOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC = Laughing ’Til I Cry LTNS = Long Time No See LYL = Love Ya Lots LYLAS = Love You Like A Sister M:

M8T = Mate MHOTY = My Hat’s Off To You MM = Market Maker MorF = Male or Female? MOTD = Message Of The Day MOTSS = Members Of The Same Sex MTFBWY = May The Force Be With You MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed Later MYOB = Mind Your Own Business N:

N = And/Know/Now NAK = Nursing At Keyboard NAZ = Name, Address, Zip(also means Nasdaq)NBD = No Big Deal NBIF = No Basis In Fact


NFI = No Fing Idea NFW = No Fing Way NIFOC = Nude In Front Of The Computer NM = Never Mind NMP = Not My Problem NMU = Nothing Much You NOYB = None Of Your Business NP = No Problem NQOCD = Not Quite Our Class Dear NRG = Energy NRN = No Reply Necessary NYCFS = New York City Finger Saluet O:

OAUS = On An Unrelated Subject OBTW = Oh, By The Way OIC = Oh, I See OICU = Oh, I See You OMDB = Over My Dead Body OMG = Oh My God/Oh My Gosh OMIK = Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard ONNA = Oh No, Not Again OOC = Out Of Character OOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The Blue OT = Off Topic OTOH = On The Other Hand OWTTE = Or Words To That Effect OZ = stands for “Australia” P:

PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced Mail Pic = Picture PIMP = Peeing In My Pants PITA = Pain In The Ass PLS/PLZ = Please PMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping In PO = Piss Off POS = Parents Over Shoulder POV = Point Of View PPL = People Pro = Professional PS = By The Way/Photoshop T:

TAH = Take A Hike TANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch


TARFU = Things Are Really Fed Up TDTM = Talk Dirty To Me TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’

THX/TX/THKS = Thanks TIA = Thanks In Advance TIAIL = Think I Am In Love TIC = Tongue In Cheek TLA = Three Letter Acronym TLGO = The List Goes On TM = Trust Me TMI = Too Much Information TMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That Be TSR = Totally Stuck in RAM TTFN = Ta Ta For Now TTT = That’s The Ticket/To The Top TTUL/TTYL = Talk To You Later TWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A Bit TY = Thank You TYVM = Thank You Very Much U:

U = You UR = Your U R = You are unPC = unPolitically Correct URYY4M = You Are Too Wise For Me V:

VFM = Values For Money VG = Very Good W:

WAG = Wild Ass Guess WAI = What An Idiot WB = Welcome Back WCA = Who Cares Anyway WDYS = What Did You Say? WDYT = What Do You Think? WE = Whatever WEG = Wicked Evil Grin WG = Wicked Grin WGAFF = Who Gives A Flying F WIIFM = What’s In It For Me? WIT = Wordsmith In Training WITFITS = What in the F is this Sh


WOG = Wise Old Guy Wot/Wut = What WRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The F WTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry Me WYP = What’s Your Problem? WYRN = What’s Your Real Name? WYS = Whatever You Say WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You Think X:

X U = Kiss You Y:

Y = Why Ya = You YA = Yet Another YAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know Me Yep/Yup = Yes YGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’

英文道歉邮件写作要点 篇6




1.reach sb.by phone:通过电话联系某人,即打电话给某人。这个表达比call sb.正式。

2.literature 指的是某一科目的文献资料,不能理解为“文学”。

3.do a short presentation:做一次简短的演讲。其实presentation的精确含义和“演讲”还是有区别的,尤指那种一边放PPT(幻灯片)一边给一群人讲解一个主题或一个项目等。

Email from John Gu to Marianne

Dear Marianne,How have you been? I was trying to reach you by phone1)earlier today but you were not home.A quick question for you: have you en coun tered any literature2)/writing on differences, cul tur al or otherwise, between Taiwan and Main land China that you can share with me or refer me to?

I am going to our head office in Arizona next week and I will be asked to do a short presentation3)on the topic.John Gu


Email Response from Marianne to John Gu

Dear John,I am so sorry that I did not respond to your email or voice mail regarding this request.I did not know any immediate resources, but I had every intention of4)contacting you and brainstorming5)with you.Courtney, my daughter, was sick and I have taken on6)a bit too much between work and the children’s holiday activities.I am so sorry that I just did not respond to you.I hope your presentation in Arizona went well.Let me know when you have a free moment how the trip went.Sorry again for my ?FONT COLOR=“#02a0c6”>dropping the ball7)?— especially for someone who is always right there to help me out!Warmest Regards,Marianne

4.have an intention of doing sth.:有做某事的念头,就是愿意做某事的意思。句中加every修饰表示强调,即非常愿意。


6.take on:字面意思就是把某物拿起来,引申为承担,后接a bit too much表示承担了过多的事情,背负了过重的责任等。

简单的外贸英文邮件 篇7

Dear Sir: May 1,

Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.

Yours faithfully

2. 提出询价

Dear Sir: Jun.1, 2008

We received your promotional letter and brochure today. We believe that your would do well here in the U.S.A. Kindly send us further details of your prices and terms of sale. We ask you to make every effort to quote at competitive prices in order to secure our business. We look forward to hearing from you soon..


3. 向海外客户迅速提供报价

Dear Sir: June 4, 2008

Thank you for your inquiry of June the 1st concerning the Deer Mountain Bike. It gives us great pleasure to send along the technical information on the model together with the catalog and price list. After studying the prices and terms of trade, you will understand why we are working to capacity to meet the demand. We look forward to the opportunity of being of service of you.

4. 外贸报价如何讨价还价

Dear Sir: June 8, 2008

We have received your price lists and have studied it carefully. However, the price level in your quotation is too high for this market, If you are prepared to grant us a discount of 10% for a quantity of 200, we would agree to your offer. You should note that some price cut will justify itself by an increase in business. We hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly

5-1 同意进口商的还价

Dear Sirs: June 12, 2008

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We have accepted your offer on the terms suggested. Enclosed our will find a special price list that we believe will meet your ideas of prices. You should note that the recent advances in raw materials have affected the cost of this product unfavorably. However, for your order we have kept our prices down.


5-2 拒绝进口商的还价

Dear Sirs: June 12, 2008

Thank you for your letter of June the 8th. We regret that we cannot meet your terms. We must point out that the falling market here leaves us little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect to future orders. At present the best discount offered for a quantity of 200 is 5%. Our current situation leaves us little room to bargain. We hope you will reconsider the offer.


6. 正式提出订单

Dear Sir: June 15, 2008

We have discussed your offer of 5% and accept it on the terms quoted. We are prepared to give your product a trial, provided you can guarantee delivery on or before the 20th of September. The enclosed order is given strictly on this condition. We reserve the right of refusal of delivery and/or cancellation of the order after this date.


7. 确认订单

Dear Sir: June 20, 2008

Thank you very much for your order of June 15 for 200 Deer Mountain Bikes. We will make every possible effort to speed up delivery. We will advise you of the date of dispatch. We are at your service at all times.


8. 请求开立信用证

Gentlemen: June 18, 2008

Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to execute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in ou* **vor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.


9. 通知已开立信用证

Dear Sir: June 24, 2008

Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in you* **vor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed.


10. 请求信用证延期

Dear Sir: Sep. 1, 2008

We are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at ou* **ctory. We are afraid that your L/C will be expire before shipment. Therefore, please explain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to extend the L/C to Sept.30.

英文商务邮件自我介绍 篇8

I’m looking to set up a database of our competitors prices to help us get a more complete picture of our markets and how we compare to the competition. I would really like to get your help with this!

If you have (or when you receive) any pricing information on our competitors products that you think could be useful, it would be great if you could fill out the short excel form attached to thise mail. When the form is completed and closed it is automatically emailed back to me to add the details into the database. Instructions are provided on the first sheet of the spreadsheet to make it as quick and straight forward aspossible.

If you have a PDF copy of a relevant quotation, pleasefeel free to send this to me as well. Thank you.

Any questions please let me know.

Thanks in advance and I hope to hear from you soon,

商务英文邮件里自我介绍 篇9

I am a stable personality, patient who is diligent, hard-working, positive attitude. Accounting professional learning but also cultivate my careful, rigorous learning attitude. The school and the relationship between teachers and students is good, full of team spirit, strong logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility, and in future work will continue. It is because of this personality, I love the accounting work very much.

In practice, financial software lesson, we modify the input data, customer and employee business processing, vouchers, and report the production output has done a lot of practice. By accounting simulation practice, understanding from the collection of original documents, check vouchers, registration books, to the whole process of making statements. I firmly choose the accounting profession through professional learning, I think it is very suitable for the job, and hope for the success of accounting occupation career!

去公司拜访的预约邮件 英文 篇10

Hi Eric,Christmas is coming,Merry Christmas to you ahead!

I am scheduled to visit Expand next Week.It would be very much appreciated if you would kindly arrange to meet with Mr.David Tobler and me either on Dec 10 or 12, whichever is convenient for you.If neither is convenient, could you please suggest an alternative date by return e-mail.We would like to discuss with you about some ideas of expandwall and expandfabric in 2013.We are looking forward to seeing you soon.Thanks
