


教授英文信 篇1

i have meet miss hao xiaoni’s for four years, being his teacher in “database structure” and her tutor in the experiment of “digital electronics”.in the class, her thinking was very active and she completely understood what i said in the lecture.

she showed her strong interest in computer science and often did further discussion with me after the class. in particular, her experimental methods were so innovative and creative that the experiment done by her was often more intensive than required.

i was much impressed by her because of her quick thinking, serious logic and independence. besides, she was able to sort out various problems in the experiment, having the ability in debugging of both software and hardware.


professor xxx

教授英文信 篇2

Martin和White等新韩礼德 (Halliday) 学派的代表人物创立了属于人际功能范畴的评价系统 (appraisal system) , 又称评价理论 (appraisal theory) , 将表达作者/说话者的观点、态度和立场的语言资源称为评价系统, 属于阐释性研究, 主要通过评价词汇来对语言使用者的意识形态进行评价。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架 (李战子, 2002) 。评价理论包括三个子系统:态度 (attitude) 、介入 (engagement) 、级差 (graduation) 。其中态度分为情感 (affect) 、判断 (judgement) 、鉴赏 (appreciation) ;介入系统 (engagement) 分为会话紧缩和会话开放;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) , 语势又可以分为上升和下降。

其中, 语言在评价系统中作为“手段”, 通过对语言的分析, 来具体评价语言使用者对于某项行为、文本/过程以及事态的观点立场和态度, 所以说, 评价系统不仅仅局限于语言的表层含义, 而是通过语言的表层深刻挖掘其内涵的深层意义取向。评价理论的三个子系统态度 (attitude) , 介入 (engagement) 和级差 (graduation) 又分别进行次系统化, 态度可以划分为情感 (affect) , 判断 (judgment) 和鉴赏 (appreciation) , 三者的关系。如图2

介入系统 (engagement) 分为单声 (monogloss) 和多声 (heterogloss) ;级差系统 (graduation) 分为语势 (force) 和聚焦 (focus) 。作为系统功能语言学的新发展, 评价系统具有三大功能:一是对作者/说话者的个人意见的表达, 是个人和社会的价值系统的反应;二在作者/说话者和读者/听众之间建立维护关系的纽带;三最显而易见的功能时作者/说话者将自己对于某事某物的看法观点和感受向读者表达, 然而确定作者/说话者的看法仅仅是评价功能的一个方面, 作者/说话者的每次评价表达都形成于共同的价值系统之上, 并共同组成这种价值系统, 然后价值系统总体又反过来变成深深蕴含于所有语篇中的意识形态的组成部分。本论文为了研究中美教授简介的评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下进行分析。


本研究中, 作者自建语料库, 两个语料库分别标示为美国大学教授英文简介语料库Corpus of American Professor’sIntroductions (简称CAPI, 下同) 和中国教授英文简介语料库Corpus of Chinese Professor’s Introductions (简称CCPI, 下同) 。所有文本均依照大学排名从最新更新的中国和美国大学的英文网站上下载, 其中选取的中国大学全部具有海外教育交流计划项目。CAPI和CCPI中各包括35个文本, 每个文本的字数在135字到150字之间。为保证研究的客观性, 这些文本没有经过人为的筛选。建立语料库之后, 作者对两个语料库中的评价资源逐一标注并使用AntConc3.2.1软件进行统计分析。


借助Antconc3.2.1软件, 作者将标注好的评价资源统计出来, 发现两个语料库中都有丰富的评价资源出现。在CAPI中, 共有评价资源837处, 占语料总词数 (14189词) 的5.9%;而在CCPI中, 共有评价资源435处, 占语料总词数 (13293词) 的3.3%。详见表2:


(1) 情感。通过对比分析, 发现情感资源在两个语料库中出现的最少。CAPI中出现8处, 而CCPI中仅出现3处。例 (1) :As the principal scientist, he has finished more than 15 researchprojects with honor (affect: satisfaction) . [CCPI]

例 (1) 中“with honor”是“非作者情感”, 体现了教授对学术工作的积极态度。教授简介作者称赞这位教授并公开邀请读者分享这种评价, 以此形成对该教授的好印象。“非作者情感”听起来更客观, 这符合教授简介语篇必须翔实, 有说服力的本质特点。教授简介作者把对教授的情感评价投射在潜在读者身上, 显示教授们的良好形象, 以满足潜在读者, 唤起潜在读者形成对教授们的积极印象。同时根据统计, CAPI中的情感资源比CCPI中的情感资源要多, 这也表明了母语教授简介作者倾向于公开赞美, 而中国人则倾向于含蓄。

( 2 ) 判断。在两个语料库中, 判断资源最为丰富。C A P I中出现3 9 5处, 而C C P I中出现1 9 5处。例 ( 2 ) : A n internationally renowned, prize-winning legal historian, Lawrence M. Friedman has for a generation been the leading (judgment: normality) expositor of the history of American law to a global audience of lawyers and lay people alike—and a leading (judgment: normality) figure in the law and society movement. [CAPI] 例 (3) : It was in SERC that he started work on the speciation of toxic metal ion (aluminum) and its biological effects, a research area that his group has contributed (judgment: tenacity) to for the past 12 years. [CCPI]

为了显示教授们的杰出性, 美国高校英文简介作者更倾向用“leading”“first”和“outstanding”等“常态” (normality) 资源表明教授们的杰出性, 展示教授们的独特性, 这些评价资源的使用开辟了美国大学教授简介和潜在读者之间谈判的空间, 使简介的说服力大大增强。而中国高校英文简介作者倾向于使用用“devoted”“committed”和“contributed”等“坚定” (tenacity) 资源展现教授们的献身精神和投身教学和学术工作的坚定决心。

(3) 鉴赏。在两个语料库中, 鉴赏资源也是非常丰富的, CAPI中出现212处, CCPI中出现153处。例 (6) : In 2006, hereceived the Lifetime Award for Distinguished (appreciation:quality) Contributions to Advancing the Management AccountingProfession. [CAPI] 例 (7) : He has received various awards andhonors, including: Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Bachelor Thesis of Tsinghua University (1986) ; Prize for Excellent (appreciation: quality) Master Thesis of Tsinghua University (1988) . [CCPI] 例 (8) : He carried out systematical (appreciation:balance) research on distribution and productivity of coniferousforests and their modeling in China and Eurasia. [CCPI]

鉴赏系统中的“质量” (quality) 资源是显示教授良好资质的直接资源。在例6中, 政府当局授予教授的奖项或教授的代表作出版这些事件都值得读者信任教授们的学术能力, 由此可见美国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术课程和学术论著出版上的努力;而在例7中, 中国教授简介作者更重视教授们在学术生涯中获得的奖项, 这体现了中国文化对等级和权威的尊重, 因此评价资源的不同分布清楚地显示了中西文化价值取向的的差异。鉴赏系统中的“平衡” (balance) 资源在中国教授简介文本中更频繁地出现, CAPI只中出现2次, 而CCPI中出现了8次。中国教授简介作者写出的教授简介比较“套路化”, 从中可以投射出中国文化心理, 那就是中国正在构建和谐社会, 学术的发展也应该是和谐的。


在本文的两个语料库中, 介入资源出现的很少。用AntConc3.2.1软件统计后, 介入资源的分布如下:介入资源只出现在“借言”系统中, CAPI中出现18处, 而CCPI中仅出现8处。教授简介作者用“借言” (heterogloss) 的方式赞扬教授们在各个领域取得的荣誉, 告知潜在读者教授们在教学和学术活动中的能力。借言的应用很明显的原因是其听起来更加客观。例 (9) : Professor Liu Wenhua pointed out that the researchachievements“not only laid stress on the research direction ofeconomic legal history in the studies of legal historiography, but (engagement: contract: counter) also filled the blank in thetheory research of economic law science”. [CCPI] 例 (10) :This metric allows us to define boundaries and detect change incomplex patterns in the landscape which up until now was not (engagement: deny) possible. [CAPI]

在例 (9) 中, 单词“but”会激发读者的比较认知。教授简介作者首先指出了教授的经济法律史学术成果, 然后通过使用“但是”, 调用了读者的注意, 让读者关注他对经济法的理论研究。而“否认” (deny) 资源只出现在美国教授的简介里, 在例 (10) 中, 简介作者用“not”强调了这一事实, 那就是教授们可以处理之前无法解决的复杂性的问题。由此, 读者可以轻松地共享美国教授简介作者的对教授学术能力的的赞美, 毫无疑问, 教授的学术水平是吸引读者在录取某些大学之前作出选择的关键因素。


在本文的两个语料库中, 级差资源的分布排在第二位。CAPI中出现212处, 而CCPI中出现153处。分析发现“聚焦” (focus) 资源很少发生在两个语料库中, CAPI中只出现27处, CCPI中仅有9处, 这不难理解:教授简介作者用上升的“语势” (force) 来彰显教授们的能力。两个语料库中的语势资源大大多于聚焦资源, 这意味着大多数的级差资源都是关于教授学术质量和过程的度的评估。例 (11) : AfterBerkeley, Dick's work took two closely (graduation: process) related directions. [CAPI] 例 (12) : Owing to his idea, the rateof success of this operation has been increased significantly (graduation: process) . [CCPI] 例 (13) : She is fully (graduation:focus) committed to helping teachers use the knowledge gainedthrough her research and has authored the Causal Patterns inScience Curriculum series. [CCPI]

级差资源通常很难绝对地剥离开, 因为它贯穿整个评价系统。在例 (11) 中, “closely”, 和“significantly”的语势是上升的, 着重强调了教授和他们的学术课程之间的关系, 从而加强了读者关于教授们献身他们教学科研岗位的印象。虽然级差资源在两个语料库中大量出现, 并且所有的语势都是上升的, 但是聚焦资源出现的频率并不高, 因为像单词“truly”, “wholly”太过于绝对性, 不是非常适合去传达教授们的个人魅力。


综上, 通过细致的对比分析, 发现中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源的分布上有以下共同之处。第一, 在态度系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都倾向使用“非作者情感”而不是“作者情感”, 判断和鉴赏资源都是最丰富的, 其中判断的“能力”资源占据最大的比重;第二, 在介入系统中, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介都使用“借言”而非“自言”;第三, 在缉查系统中, 所有的语势都是上升的。同时, 中美高校网页上的教授英文简介在评价资源分布上又有以下两方面的差异。第一, 中国高校教授英文简介的评价资源大大少于美国高校英文简介中出现的频率;第二, 在判断子系统中, 美国高校教授简介作者倾向使用“常态”来彰显教授的次性, 而中国简介作者倾向使用“坚定”来显示教授在教学和科研中的献身精神。基于以上研究结果, 希望未来的研究者能扩大评价理论在教授简介语篇中的应用, 进一步发掘这一语篇丰富的人际意义。同时, 作者希望上述研究结果能够对中国教授英文简介的写作带来一些启发:通过改进中国高校网络媒体英文语篇的质量, 提高中国高校的国际知名度, 促进中国高校的对外交流与合作。

摘要:近年来, 随着中国高等教育对外交流的发展, 高校网络媒体上的英文语篇逐渐受到研究者的关注。高校英文网站上的教授英文简介是高校向世界展示学校形象的重要窗口, 也是促进高校国际交流的主要平台。评价理论是基于系统功能语言学探讨语篇中评价资源以揭示语篇人际意义实现手段的理论分析框架。本文为了研究中美高校英文网站教授简介语篇中评价资源的分布, 作者自建语料库, 并在评价理论框架下对评价资源在态度、判断、级差三个子系统中的分布进行了对比分析。




[2]李战子.评价理论:在话语分析中的应用和问题[J].外语研究.2004 (5) .

[3]李海玲.高校网页简介英文翻译策略初探[J].科技教育创新中国科技信息.2009 (12) .

[4]李荣娟.英语专栏语篇中态度意义的评价理论视角[J].山东外语教学.2005 (4) .

[5]J.R.Martin&P.R.R.White (2005) .The Language of Evaluation—Appraisal in English.New York:Palgrave MacMillan.

[6]彭虹.浅析高校英文网络传播——“大外宣”背景下上海“985”高校的英文网络传播[J].社会纵横.2009 (2) .


[8]王振华, 马玉蕾.评价理论:魅力与困惑[J].外语教学.2007 (6) .

[9]王振华.评价系统及其运作——系统功能语言学的新发展[J].外国语.2001 (5) .

教授英文信 篇3










《智慧城市》:史教授您当时之所以提出 “车联网”的概念,其首要解决的问题是什么?








以上是从行业管理部门本身提出来的需求,除此之外,在战略层面上自2010年8月8位院士联名向国务院提交了《关于重点建设国家汽车移动物联网的建议》得到了国务院领导的高度重视;2011年汽车移动物联网科技工程列入国家重大专项第三专项中的重要项目; 2012年财政部与工信部“物联网专项”在智能医疗、智能工业、智能农业、智能交通等13个支持领域中,智能交通共有18个项目获得支持,其中(国家汽车移动物联网试点网系统研制)列为重点支持项目。








史其信: 我们目前强调的智能交通都是依赖于现代信息化水平的提升,而信息化水平的提升又依靠信息网络化,信息网络化除了信息化基础设施建设之外,更多的是强调其网络服务功能,可以说网络服既是通信企业面临的主要机遇,也是他们未来的主营业务。

随着移动通信的发展,物联网、互联网的高度融合,以及3G、4G风暴,一方面推动了社会信息化的发展,同时也带来了很多的市场机遇。智慧交通的发展应在M2M 通信网络技术、认知无线电和环境感知技术、传感器与通信集成终端、RFID 与通信集成终端、物联网网关等方面提升服务能力和服务水平。





目前以谷歌为代表推出的无人驾驶汽车之所以能够得到人们的认同,我认为主要是谷歌掌握了一些动态导航的技术手段,谷歌从无人驾驶的角度向市场推广导航技术,虽然这些技术完全可以运用到以后的智慧交通领域中,但离真正的无人驾驶阶段还有很长的路要走。 不论怎样,无人驾驶技术有助于推进未来智慧交通系统的发展,尤其是应用在军事上将是我们国家发展的重点。





信:教授信 篇4

i am writing in support of zhang shuai in his application for admission to xuchang xueyuan. mr. zhang appears to have great potential as a scholar of history.

during my research visit to nanjing in the summer of 2003, i became acquainted with zhang shuai in the reading room of the second historical archives. i was impressed by his knowledge and devotion to history, and also by the fact that in all of my experience working in archives in north america and europe as well as in china, i had not yet met such a researcher at the secondary-school level.

other researchers in nanjing were also favourably impressed by zhang shuai.

a researcher from chongqing and i discussed zhang shuai after reading an article he had contributed to a journal of military affairs. we agreed that zhang has a good future as a writer and researcher in the chinese history field. we also found him an interesting conversationalist.

in my observation, historical studies in china are not developing as fast as other areas of scholarship because many young people do not understand the relevance of history in their daily lives. it is refreshing to consider the exceptional case of zhang shuai. i sincerely hope that he will have the opportunity to receive the formal training he needs to become a professional historian.

please contact me on e-mail if you would like me to make further comments.

with best regards,

emily m. hill

assistant professor

department of history

queen’s university

kingston, canada k7l 3n6

★ 韩国留学教授信

★ 博士生入学考试教授信

★ 授信申请书

★ 授信仪式主持词

★ 语录日语

★ 日语自我介绍

★ 日语作文范文

★ 自我介绍范文 日语

★ 日语简历

教授信简单 篇5




大学教授信 篇6










教授英文信 篇7


English business letter writing has generally been considered as one of the essential activities in business communication.Different from other writing, English business letter has high structural formation, language features and specific communicative purposes.However, the traditional teaching is incapable of reaching a satisfactory result in English business writing.In most Chinese colleges, more emphasis will be laid on the analysis and correction of vocabulary, sentence structure and grammar instead of conducting students from the perspective of the discourse of the English business letter.Therefore, the genre-based teaching approach is introduced in English business letter writing.

Genre approach is relatively a new concept which mainly studies linguistic variations, communicative purposes and linguistic strategies.Emerging in 1980s, its purpose is to instruct students that different discourses have different genres which convey different discourse structures and communicative purposes.It also hammers at leading students to get hold of the schematic structure of a discourse, and thus comprehend the process of constructing a discourse in a certain genre or context.

In the following chapters, the author will further introduce the related literature on genre-based teaching approach and English business letter, also the application of genre-based teaching approach on English business letter will be touched upon.

1 Genre-based Teaching Approach

Genre-based teaching approach, having communicative purpose as its foundation, was originated in 1980s.By applying the genre theory and genre analysis to the classroom and developing teaching activities according to the text, this approach is mainly on the basis of the genre analysis.According to different theoretical and pedagogical orientations, Hyon (1996) first distinguished three schools in this area, they are:English for Specific Purpose (ESP) , New Rhetoric and Australian School.

1.1 English for specific purpose

Researchers in ESP regard genre as a tool to analyze and teach the non-native speakers with the spoken and written language in academic and professional settings (Bhatia, 1993;Flowerdrew, 1993;Gosden, 1992;Hopkins&Dudley-Evans, 1998) .They also take genres as oral and written text types which are defined by their features and their communicative purposes in social context.

In their analyses of texts, a number of ESP scholars emphasize more on the formal characteristics of genres instead of on the specialized functions of texts and their social contexts.Many researchers have used move analyses to describe discourse structure of certain genres such as experimental research papers (Swales, 1981, 1990a) .Some have paid more attention on such grammatical features as verb tense and passive voice.

1.2 New rhetoric school

Another school is New Rhetoric which is supported by those who work on writing studies, rhetoric and professional writing in North America.Unlike ESP, researchers in New Rhetoric School have focused more on the contexts, the social purposes and the realization of the genres in these situations (Bazerman, 1988) .According to Bazerman, if a person understand more about the fundamental assumptions and aims of the community, he will be better at evaluating whether the rhetorical approaches to the task are appropriate and effective.Compared with the other two schools, New Rhetoric advocates have been concerned more with the role of genre theory in helping college students acquaint the social functions of genres and the context in which these genres are used (秦秀白, 2000) .

1.3 Australian school

Different from ESP and New Rhetoric researchers, Australian school favorers focus more on such non-professional texts as primary and secondary school genres instead of on academic and professional writing.Scholars in this area have developed"curriculum genre"which means teacher and students shall work through a sequence of stages in order to achieve a particular goal.

In summary, ESP, New Rhetoric, and systemic functional scholarship offer different approaches to defining and analyzing spoken and written genres.And these different theoretical perspectives will be reflected in the genre-based teaching applications developed in the following section.

2 Studies on English Business Letter

2.1 Introduction to English business letter

Business English is a combination of English and business knowledge which includes finance, law, advertisement, secretary and so on.Since it involves different fields of knowledge and different styles of writing, it is not an easy thing for us to teach and learn.Generally speaking, business letter is to receive and transmit business information, to give or accept an offer, and to address business affairs, etc..

2.2 Previous Approaches to Business Letter Writing

2.2.1. The product approach

The product approach was first used with the emphasis on the form, grammar and syntax (Nordin, 2006) .Students being instructed with the product approach are required to complete the writing task through stimulating a provided pattern.Product approach generally pays more attention on the accuracy of language points used in written production rather than on the process of writing, which overlooks the writing processes and in favor of the process approach.

2.2.2. The process approach

In the 70s, the process approach was introduced to help students to write in stages.Unlike the product approach, process approach focuses on a process sequence of prewriting, drafting, evaluating and revising.However, the process approach has also received much criticism in recent years.Atkinson (2003) expresses his disagreement by pointing out that it fail to consider the social and cultural factors.Xuan (2013) also indicates that the biggest limitation of process approach is its neglection of the variation of the genres in different texts.

Consequently, a new approach in English writing is needed to put forward and promote, and genre-based approach is such an appropriate approach which improves the weakness of the two approaches.

3 The Application of Genre-based Teaching Ap-proach to English Business Letter

In light of the theory of genre analysis and recent pedagogic practice of genre approach, the author attempts to design a genrebased model in the teaching of English business letter writing by taking sales promotion letter as an example.

3.1 Self-directed analysis and learning stage

This stage is designed to help students have a initial understanding of sales promotion letters.There are two steps in this stage.First, students are required to finish an assignment at the beginning of the class.After finishing the assignment, the students will have a model study comparing with the compositions they just write.Meanwhile, teacher, giving proper guidelines, will try to encourage students to ponder over the following questions:

1) What is sales promotion letter?

2) What is the communicative purpose of the promotion letter?

3) What is the structure of the promotion letter?

In this stage, students will have a more impressive understanding on the structure and will thus find out what their shortages are when composing a sales promotion letter.

3.2 In-depth analysis stage

This stage is designed to confirm the answers of the questions in the first stage and give students a deeper analysis of language and style of the genre.This stage will be realized by the following steps.

Step one:What is sales promotion letter and what is its communicative purpose?

As a sub-category of business letters, sales promotion letter refers to“an unsolicited letters addressed to a selected group of prospective customers in order to persuade them to buy a product or service” (Bhatia, 1993) .From the definition we know that sales promotion letters is persuasive, in this sense.It aims to elicit a specific response from its readers.

Step two:What is the structure of the promotion letter?

In this step, a basic move structure of sales promotion letter will be instructed to the students, in order to establish a basic framework in students’mind, together with the analysis of the sample sales promotion letter.

Bhatia argues the move structure of sales promotion letter is as follows Table 1 (Bhatia, 1993) .

Based on Table 1, the teacher will further analyze the move structure of the model composition, aiming to help students understand the structure of the letter.

Next the teacher will further analyze in detail how the moves achieve the communicative purpose in the sales promotion letter.

Step Three:Analyze the lexical-grammatical features of sales promotion letter

1) Use of the concise and positive words

For the feature of customer-targeted, the words in sales promotion letter should be correct and concise so as to introduce and attract the prospective customers.

2) Use of compound modifiers

As for arousing customers’attention and keep conciseness at the same time, there are more modifiers putting before the noun, for the reason of expressing more essential information with structural simplicity.

3) Use of positive voice

In sales promotion letter, more positive voice sentences are used rather than passive ones.This is supposed to be related to the psychology of customers, for more positive voice sentences will making them feel positive and thus actively buy the good or service.

4) Use of present tense and present perfect tense

Present tense sentence indicates the usualness and habituation of the action, the present state and even the truth.In sales promotion letter, present tense is usually used to imply the durability and immutability of the goods or services.

Step Four:Analyze cohesive device

As for the fluency of the letter, the writer should apply come kinds of cohesive devices to achieve the coherence.The cohesive device mainly used includes reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. (Haliday&Hasan, 1976)

3.3 Imitative Writing Stage

This stage is designed to help students put what they’ve learned into practice and thus be familiar with the generic structure and language of genre.In this stage, three steps are devised and arranged;they are prewriting, writing and revision.

4 Conclusion

In the above chapters, the thesis analyzes the application of genre-based approach in teaching English business letter by giving specific stages and steps in teaching English business letter.When applying genre approach to English business letter teaching, students will not only write in accordance with certain situation, but also can learn both the knowledge about language and the writing skills by means of the procedures mentioned above.The author hopes that the research could shed some light and offer guidance to English teachers and students.


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