


波德莱尔诗歌 篇1

我期待于你相逢 默默里 交汇的旅行

我会在绵稠的春雨里等候 迎着寒风

我望着那路的末端 霜钟奏响向晚的和声


我会在凄冷的暮春里等候 迎着西风

我望着路的消隐之处 离别应和着我的呼声

我想 你会慢慢走近在我浅薄的心里留下伤痕

我不会淡忘 你承诺的山水无棱

我正望着你将走来的路 在夜幕黄昏


但我感觉 你在靠近注目凝视着

为擦肩而过准备着唯美 哀婉的道别之声

我会把一切遗忘 当那身影在远处湮没无踪

我会窒息那躁动不宁的心 用不时飘落枝头的枫叶

我和泪题上最深挚的祝福 祈祷


你会走进 悄悄降临 一如夜半生成的雨雾 凝聚在绿叶尖梢


卡莱尔的名言 篇2










波德莱尔诗歌 篇3

By Tony Blair

This week we celebrate the 80th birthday of one of the most respected people of our times, whose sense of duty and service has had a profound impact on our country, the Commonwealth and the world.Years before the premature death of her father and her succession to the throne, the then Princess Elizabeth publicly dedicated her life to the service of her nation, but declared that she would need the support of the country to ensure that she could fulfill that promise.She has, as we know, carried out this pledge through all the changes, both in her life and in this country, with extraordinary grace and dedication, and her people, here and across the Commonwealth, who share in the celebration of her 80th birthday this year, have responded, as she hoped that they would, with their affection and their support.In a world that has been transformed in her lifetime, she has been a truly remarkable source of constancy and of strength.Our country has faced tremendous trials,witnessed the horrors of the World War II and celebrated some extraordinary triumphs in her 80 years.Throughout, as part of the royal family and as the Queen, she has been a reassuring and unifying presence for her people.She has also responded to a world that has become more interdependent than ever by travelling extensively.In all, the Queen has undertaken over 256 official overseas visits to 129 different countries.Her Majesty shows no sign of slowing down.She has just undertaken her 14th tour of Australia, including the official opening of the

Commonwealth games in Melbourne.She attends hundreds of public engagements every year and is an active patron of over 620 charities and organizations.There is simply no aspect of our national life which she does not have an interest in and a deep understanding of.Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience.I am the tenth Prime Minister to serve her.Like each of my predecessors, I am profoundly grateful for her wise counsel.She has superb judgment, an intuitive empathy with people and, above all, an unshakeable and profound sense of duty.It is this sense of duty which motivates her and defines her reign and, since it communicates itself unobtrusively but none the less obviously to her subjects, brings her, I believe, the love of the people of this country.It is difficult in this day and age for the monarchy to balance the natural demands for accessibility and openness with the dignity and majesty of the monarch, but it is a balance I believe that she has struck with immense skill.So I know that I speak for the whole House and, indeed, a grateful nation when I


