动力分布式集中供热 篇1
1 背压的定义
关于背压,在不同的场合有不同的定义。管路系统中,背压的百科释义是流体在管路中沿其路径流动时,由于受到障碍物或急转弯道的阻碍而被施加的与运动方向相反的压力。动力分布式集中供热系统中,背压是指用户初热网管路回水和供水之间的压差[2]。在有变频泵参与的流体输配系统中,流体通过系统的势能提升( 包括位能和势能)被定义为背压[3]。
在动力分布式集中供热系统中,零压差点定在靠近热源处的分布式二级泵集中供热系统的水压图如图1 所示。
图1 中的热用户i,用户泵所需的扬程可表示为:
其中,( Pi3- Pi1) 是热用户i处热网系统中回水干管和供水干管间的压差,即背压 ΔPB,( Pi2-Pi3) 是热用户i处的流动阻力 ΔPZ。所以式( 1) 也可以表述为Hi= ΔPB+ SZQZ2,QZ是用户支路的流量,SZ是用户支路的阻抗。由于将用户泵的扬程表述为背压和流动阻力之和,因此i用户处的管网特性曲线如图2 中的曲线2 所示,图中的h0表示用户处的背压 ΔPB。
关于动力分布式集中供热系统,由于系统整体通常是闭式系统,因此初学者往往习惯性地认为用户支路的管路特性曲线是狭义管网特性曲线,如图2 中的曲线1,即流体所获得的能量全部用于克服管路中的流动阻力。用户i处不会出现图2 中曲线2 所示的管网特性曲线。另外,文献[2]中指出,如果流体在输配系统中获得的能量一部分用于克服流动阻力,另一部分用于提升流体势能,管网的特性曲线将如图2 中的曲线3 所示,而曲线3 上的H1被称为系统背压。
图2 中曲线2 上的h0表示动力分布式集中供热系统中用户处的背压,即该用户处管网中回水干管和供水干管间的压差。而曲线3 上的H1则表示由于管路特性的原因,管路中的流体势能提升。由于动力分布式集中供热系统中用户支路的管网特性曲线2 和管路流体势能有提升的输配系统管网特性曲线3 形式相似,加上两者都用到了背压这一概念,因此在动力分布式集中供热系统的研究中,有学者对用户处的背压概念要么持怀疑态度,要么迷惑不解,甚至有初学者将用户处的背压误认为是管路中的流体势能提升。造成这种结果的根本原因是对动力分布式集中供热系统中背压的来源及意义不清楚。
2 背压概念的来源及背压的意义
2. 1 背压概念的来源
为什么要在动力分布式集中供热系统中提出背压概念? 要解决这一问题,首先需要知道动力分布式集中供热系统与传统集中供热系统的区别,了解动力分布式集中供热系统中用背压去解决什么问题。
传统集中供热系统的水压图如图3 所示。对比动力分布式集中供热系统和传统集中供热系统的水压图( 见图1、图3) 可以发现,与传统集中供热系统中流体被“推”着走不同,动力分布式集中供热系统中流体更多的时候是被“吸”着走,假如把流体在传统集中供热系统所受的力称为主动的力,那么流体在动力分布式集中供热系统中更多的受到的是被动的力。另外,传统集中供热系统已经有成熟的能耗分析计算公式,如果将动力分布式中集中供热系统中的用户泵近似看做“负阀门”时完全可以借用传统集中供热系统的理论分析公式对动力分布式集中供热系统进行分析,传统集中供热系统中管段上流动阻力由该管段上的供回水压差克服,如果直接套用传统集中供热系统的理论公式,将不可避免的将负号带入动力分布式的能耗分析公式中,造成运算复杂。而背压概念的引入,既体现了传统集中供热系统与动力分布式集中供热系统的本质不同,又克服了借用传统集中供热系统理论公式时由于负号带来的运算不便。
2. 2 背压的意义
在动力分布式集中供热系统中,所谓的背压就是用户处管网中干管间的回供水压差。但笔者在此节阐述的重点不是背压名称,而是为什么要将图2 中曲线2 上的h0表述为背压,背压到底有何意义? 从而解答为什么在动力分布式集中供热系统中用户处的管网特性曲线会出现流体输配管网中广义管网特性曲线的形式。
图1 中任选一用户i,用户泵的扬程Hi= Pi2-Pi1= ( Pi3- Pi1) + ( Pi2- Pi3) = ΔPB+ SiQi2,可以看出用户泵的扬程等于用户处背压( 回供水压差)和流动阻力之和,问题是将用户泵的扬程分为背压和用户流动阻力两部分表示是否合理呢?
在动力分布式集中供热系统中,就图1 中的i支路而言,若支路用户热负荷减小,用户支路的流量也应该减小,用户泵的转速也就应该相应的减小,但如果系统中同时有其他用户对热的需求增加,其他用户支路的热水流量增加,倘若其他支路用户增加的热负荷大于i用户减小的热负荷,系统中的总流量就是增加的,每个用户支路处的背压将会增加,这时热负荷减小的用户支路上的用户泵的转速就不一定是减小了,为了保证干管中的流体能够克服干管中的流动阻力,用户泵有可能在用户支路流量减小的情况下还要增加转速,而这时负荷减小的用户i支路的流量就要借助用户支路上的调节阀来调节。通常情况下,集中供热系统中用户处的流量变化大多是由于天气变化引起室内负荷变化造成的,这种影响通常对所有热用户的影响是一致的,上述分析只是说明,用户泵的转速实际上在很大程度上受到用户支路处背压的影响,而其根本原因是动力分布式集中供热系统中用户泵要承担一部分干管中的流动阻力。因此在动力分布式集中供热系统中,用户支路的流量和流动阻力不能确定用户泵的工作状态点。
实际上当某一用户支路的流量减小,而其他用户支路的流量都不发生变化时,则整个系统中的总流量必然减小,此种情况下只是减小主循环泵的转速实际上并不能保证其他支路流量不变的结果,从水压图1 结合公式Hi= Pi2- Pi1= ( Pi3- Pi1) +( Pi2- Pi3) = ΔPB+ SiQi2和 ΔPB= SQ2( S是系统总阻抗,Q是系统总流量) 可看出: 此时整个系统干管中的总流量Q减小,干管中流体的流动阻力也将发生变化,即用户处的背压 ΔPB发生了变化。要想保证其他用户支路流量不变,除了主循环泵发生变化之外,要么其他用户泵也改变转速,要么改变支路的流动阻力,或者干管的阻抗。造成这些改变的根本原因是干管中的流动阻力随干管流量发生变化,而各用户泵都相应的承担着流体在干管中流动时的部分流动阻力。
从上述分析可以看出支路上用户泵的扬程受用户支路中流量和干管中流量的共同影响,所以单一的用用户支路的流量和流动阻力去分析用户泵的运行工况是不合理的,这就是为什么图2 中的用户泵处管网特性曲线是广义管网特性曲线的形式,h0一方面揭示出干管流量对于用户泵的选择和运行工况会产生影响,指出用户泵的杨程和用户支路流量不满足Hi= SZQZ2,另一方面也体现出了背压对于用户泵选型和运行调节的影响。此外,系统中零压差点的位置也会影响背压的大小,但不是本文讨论的重点。
3 背压的作用
1) 为动力分布式集中供热系统借助传统集中供热系统的理论分析公式建立了桥梁,使动力分布式集中供热系统的阻力、能耗分析可以利用现成的理论公式,亦从本质上揭示出动力分布式集中供热系统中的流体在管路中运动时所受驱动力与传统集中供热系统有所不同。
2) 揭示了动力分布式集中供热系统中用户泵变频调节前后各运行参数之间相似率并不适用; 有背压的系统相似率不适用[8],因此当对动力分布式集中供热系统中的用户泵变频调节前后的工况参数进行分析时,不可运用相似率。
3) 指导用户泵的选型和运行调节。在定零压差点的动力分布式集中供热系统中,关于背压对用户泵的选型的影响在背压的意义中已有介绍,而背压对于用户泵的运行调节的影响如图4 所示。
图4 是动力分布式集中供热系统中任意一用户处泵的运行工况点分布图,假设用户泵的全转速扬程曲线为n0。当系统中流量最大时,用户处的背压也最大为0h2,用户处的流量为Q2时,水泵的运行工况点为C,当用户支路的流量由Q2减为Q1时,用户泵的转速从n0变为n1,此时水泵的运行工况点变为D,过D点做H = ( HD/ Q12) Q2的曲线Ⅰ与转速为n0的曲线交于F,F点与D点的运行工况参数满足水泵的相似率。
4 结语
动力分布式集中供热 篇2
随着人们节能意识的提高以及动力分布式系统的推广,越来越多的人采用动力分布式供热系统来作为集中供热输配系统。动力分布式供热输配系统除了在热源处设置主循环泵外,在管网干管或( 和) 用户支路还设置分循环泵,运用“接力”的方式共同实现热媒的输送,循环泵采用变频控制以实现对系统流量的调节。动力分布式供热输配系统具有如下优点: 1) 降低了主循环泵的扬程,管网运行压力随之降低,有利于系统的安全运行。2) 该系统在用户处设置用户泵代替传统集中供热系统的调节阀,由原来在调节阀上消耗的多余资用压头改为由用户泵提供必要的需用压头,这种做法减少了阀门的节流损失,几乎无无效电耗,此外系统稳定性、可调性也有所提高[1,2]。
2. 1从水压图分析动力分布式三级泵的特点
由图3和图4水压图分析可知: 在动力分布式二级泵供热系统中,用户泵需要克服的阻力由两部分组成,分别是零压差点到用户处的干管阻力和用户自身阻力。随着供热半径的增大,远端用户所需的扬程增大很多,这时很难选取一款扬程很大,而流量很小的泵,或者选取的普通泵难以满足需要, 需要选取多级泵,进而造成部分泵和管网的承压要求加大,导致造价升高及使用寿命的减少。然而在动力分布式三级泵系统中,经过干管泵这一级提供动力,使得远端用户泵的扬程大大减小,有利于管网系统安全稳定的运行,但近端用户可能会使用调节阀来消耗掉多余压头,会造成一些无谓能耗。
2. 2从能耗分析动力分布式三级泵的特点
通过压力工况分析得出: 在供热半径达到一定程度时,三级泵供热系统可以弥补二级泵供热系统在远端用户泵选择上的不足。实际上不仅仅影响到系统压力工况的变化,还影响到系统的能耗和经济性。
以一工程算例为模型,分别计算传统集中供热系统、动力分布式二级泵供热系统与动力分布式三级泵供热系统的能耗与经济情况。假设5个用户间隔均匀分布; 供回水管道总长4300m; 比摩阻为60Pa / m; 供回水温度为85℃ /70℃ ; 每个用户的流量均为32t/h,每个用户资用压头为,热源损失为,局部阻力为沿程阻力的30% ,且假设循环水泵的效率为75%[3]。
式中: N—泵的能耗,k W;
2. 2. 1方案一: 传统集中供热输配系统
传统集中供热系统的示意图及水压图如图5、 图6所示。
主循环泵流量: Q = 32 × 5 = 160t/h;
主循环泵扬程: H = 10 + 5 + 60 × 4300 × ( 1 + 30% ) /10000 = 48. 54m H2O;
供回水干管压降损失P = 60 × 860 × ( 1 + 30% ) = 67080Pa = 6. 708m H2O。
外网提供的资用压头: P = 48. 54 - 10 - 6. 708 = 31. 83m H2O。
综上所述,方案一传统供热输配系统泵的总能耗为28. 11k W,其中阀门能耗为7. 78k W,占到泵的总能耗为27. 57% 。
2. 2. 2方案二: 主循环泵与用户加压泵相结合的动力分布式二级泵系统
主循环泵的扬程: H = 10 + 60 × 430 × ( 1 + 30% ) × 2 /10000 = 16. 708m H2O;
主循环泵的流量: Q = 160t/h。
注: 总能耗为20. 44k W。
综上所述,方案二主循环泵加用户加压泵形式的动力分布式二级泵供热系统中泵的总能耗为20. 44k W,阀门消耗掉能量为0。
2. 2. 3方案三: 主循环泵,干管泵与用户加压泵相结合的动力分布式三级泵系统
主循环泵、干管泵与用户加压泵相结合的动力分布式三级泵供热系统示意图及其水压图如图7、 图8所示。
方案三的调节阀能耗计算结果如表5所示。 方案三泵耗计算结果如表6所示。方案三运行设计工况各项能耗分析如表7所示。
由上述计算分析可得,方案三主循环泵、干管泵与用户加压泵相结合的动力分布式三级泵供热系统为25. 89k W,阀门能耗为5. 274k W,占到泵总能耗的20. 37% 。
由此可得: 方案一中泵的能耗为28. 22k W,阀门能耗占到泵的总能耗的27. 57% ,方案二中泵的能耗为20. 44k W,阀门能耗为0,方案三中泵的能耗为25. 89k W,阀门能耗占到泵的总能耗的20. 37% 。动力分布式三级泵供热系统的能耗介于传统供热系统与动力分布式二级泵供热系统之间。 此结论与定性分析结论保持一致。动力分布式三级泵供热系统节能性不如动力分布式二级泵供热系统,但相比较于传统供热系统具有一定的节能意义。
式中: S—方案i的年计算费;
2. 3. 2经济模拟分析
对于上面各方案进行经济性模拟分析,假设某地区采暖期为120d,电价为0. 50元/k Wh,水泵变频调速的相对电耗统计值为0. 678,总初投资包括变频器及电动调节阀的费用,变频器的价格取800元/ k W,水泵的价格取300元/ k W,电动调节阀的价格取700元/个,各方案的使用寿命均为15a[3]。3种方案的经济性比较如表9所示。
由分析可得: 方案一初投资最少,年运行费用最多,但回收期最短; 方案二初投资最多,年运行费用少,但回收期最长; 方案三动力分布式三级泵供热系统的初投资、年运行费用、回收期皆介于方案一与方案二之间,在具体系统方案选型时,根据工程实际需要以及现场情况做出合理选择。
1) 动力分布式三级泵供热系统解决了动力分布式二级泵供热系统远端用户泵选择困难这一不足之处。
2) 动力分布式三级泵供热系统能耗介于传统供热系统与动力分布式二级泵供热系统能耗之间, 其节能性不如动力分布式二级泵系统,但相比较于传统供热系统具有一定的节能意义。
3) 动力分布式三级泵供热系统初投资、回收期介于传统供热系统与动力分布式二级泵供热系统初投资之间。其相比于传统供热系统节省了初投资,相比于动力分布式二级泵系统缩短了回收期。在实际系统方案确定时,可以根据实际工程情况进行合理选择。
4) 动力分布式三级泵供热系统可以解决二级泵供热系统远端用户泵选择困难这一问题,但其能耗节省情况并没用动力分布式二级泵系统那么明显。通过计算过程可以发现: 动力分布式三级泵供热系统能耗与供热规模即热用户数量、主干线管段压降大小和热用户需用压力大小有关[5]。当这些因素是什么趋势的时候动力分布式三级泵供热系统能耗最低,有必要继续进行下一步探讨。
分布式变频供热系统简述 篇3
1 分布式变频调节系统介绍
传统供热管网的设计方法是计算最不利环路用户的资用压头, 选择相适应的循环水泵, 并除最末端用户外, 其它用户热力入口处安装调节阀, 这样除最远用户外, 其他用户的剩余资用压头, 通过调节阀以消耗, 这种系统最大的弊端是能源浪费, 并且使锅炉的供热半径大大缩减。而分布式变频调节系统, 循环水泵扬程只在设计流量下克服系统一小部分阻力, 即仅能克服锅炉房内部阻力。各末端用户根据各自回路所需要的水压配置相应的水泵, 来保证末端用户所需要的资用压头, 并通过水泵的频率调节来匹配用户的流量, 这样就削减了阀门的阻力损失, 从而使供热系统的调节方式由质调节变为了量调节, 按需供热。由于量调节是通过变频调速装置调整循环水泵频率来实现的, 由水泵的特性参数与频率的关系
其中, Q代表水泵流量;n代表水泵转数;H代表水泵扬程;N代表水泵轴功率。
即水泵的流量与频率成正比, 水泵的扬程与频率的平方成正比, 水泵的功率与频率的立方成正比, 也就是说水泵功率与流量的立方成正比, 可以看出采用量调节的运行方式, 特别是在低负荷运行时节能潜力很大。而分布式变频调节技术和气候补偿技术的结合, 可以使供热系统的调节方式变为量调节, 从而达到更进一步节能的目的。
2 分布式变频调节系统分析
分布式变频供热与传统供热管网水压系统, 如图1所示。
由图1可以看出, 传统供热管网所需水压原全由循环水泵提供, 循环水泵扬程要满足最不利用户水压要求, 故使水泵扬程高, 功率大, 而在资用压力太过富余的各用户处还需设置减压用的调节阀, 使得能源没有很好利用而白白损耗。同时这种方式难以克服管网水平失调现象, 易出现近端热、远端冷的现象。当前供热企业的运行调节基本为质调节方式, 通过气候补偿器采集室外气温, 根据室外温度改变锅炉供水温度同时保证循环流量恒定。这种调节方式使系统运行相对稳定, 操作简单。然而此系统中循环水泵流量与扬程无法根据实际情况进行调节。当室外气温升高时, 锅炉通过温度传感器采集信息后, 降低供水温度, 管网内水量和水压不变, 循环水泵仍满负荷运转, 出现了所谓“大马拉小车”的现象。此现象造成耗电量过大, 尤其在低负荷期耗电量更大。同时此方式由于循环水泵扬程和定水压线都较高, 提高了管道公称压力, 增加了管网投资费用。变频供热方式从根本上解决了上述现象的不足, 此方式是将热源与热用户水压分离, 热源循环泵仅克服锅炉及管道附件阻力损失, 并在用户处增设加压泵, 满足自身资用压力要求, 即从解耦管至用户处及用户回水管至解耦管间管道及附件阻力损失和, 水泵流量按用户设计流量选取。这种方式大大减小了水泵功率, 节能的效果显箸。另外分布式供热系统定水压线很低, 这是由于一次网高温水管网要通过换热站置换为低温水供热用户使用, 而换热站大多设于一层或地下室, 故静水压低, 因此降低了系统定压水头。这样就使得管网整体的管道承压降低, 大幅度减少管网管道投资。根据《公共建筑节能设计标准》有关集中热水采暖系统热水循环泵耗电输热比 (EHR) 计算公式为
其中, N为水泵在设计工况点的轴功率, kW;Q为供热负荷, kW;η为水泵效率。由式 (4) 可知主循环泵功率大辐度降低, 降低了管网的耗电输热比, 为扩大供热半径提供了条件。
3 分布式变频调节系统控制原理
3.1 在换热站中加装二级泵控制柜
二级泵变频由换热站自行控制。二级泵控制柜功能为采集室内外温度、二次水温度及水压、一次水温度及压力、二次泵出口压力、水泵频率等, 控制柜可打印上述采集量。当二次侧负荷发生变化时, 控制柜可计算出最适宜的供水温度, 调节二级泵流量, 做到按需供热。
3.2 在锅炉和热源循环泵控制
在整个供暖季, 锅炉应尽可能提高供水温度, 达到锅炉正常运行下的设计的最大温差, 因为这样管网能获得大温差、小流量的运行方式, 以节约循环水泵电功率, 与此同时根据室外气温及用户负荷变化情况调整锅炉运行台数, 通过循环水泵变频, 调节管网循环流量, 从而达到变流量运行。
3.3 解耦管控制系统
为了方便外网量调节, 在锅炉房设置了解耦管控制系统。解耦管其实是压差为零的管段, 它是热源侧与用户侧的分水岭, 保证锅炉压力控制在合理范围内, 提高系统运行可靠性。
4 结语
随着自动控制技术的广泛应用及节能意识的逐步提高, 相信分布式变频调节系统运用机会将越来越多, 在今后的运行实践中将会不断完善与进步。
摘要:该文从实际工程出发, 对原有供热系统进行改造, 采用具有较高节能效果的分布式变频调节系统供热, 使热用户达到按需供热。
[1]马健, 郭华, 刘健康.分布式变频泵系统的设计与应用[J].区域供热, 2004 (2) :10-14.
[2]孟瑞平, 苏保青.分布式变频调节系统的节能分析[J].山西建筑, 2007 (8) .
动力分布式集中供热 篇4
ECIPS system is a complex nonlinear dynamic system,with uncertainty(e.g.change of system parameters arising from factors like temperature&humidity changes,and aging),unmodeled dynamics(e.g.accurate systematic model is unavailable,or it is unable to make accurate models;then a simplified reduced-order model is chosen,to lead to the loss of some dynamic characteristics of the system),measurement noise(e.g.torque sensor and current sensor measurement noise)and interference(e.g.pavement high frequency excitation interference and unknown bounded disturbances)[3,4].And its operation involves many factors and the condition is complex and changeful,automotive steering has high controlling requirements for power condition,return condition and damping condition,so the traditional control strategy can not cover ECIPS system’s operating characteristics and its steering performance requirements for coordinating different conditions;on the other hand,the ECIPS,with complex environment and complex controlling process,is a hybrid control system including both discrete event and continuous dynamics,capable of dealing with external contingencies(e.g.the start and stop of ECIPS system’s operation arising from the changes in engine speed or the start and stop of the engine)[5],fault and monitoring(e.g.the start and stop of ECIPS system as a result of the occurrence and the elimination of the internal fault),dynamic change of the system(system error,state changes of subsystems,sensor and actuator’s failure,external disturbances and parameter variations and the control mode change due to the operation condition change,etc.)[6],rather than dealing with the traditional control problems(such as slow or timevarying parameters)[7].And the traditional control strategy can not reflect the coexistence of discrete event and continuous dynamics in ECIPS system,the discrete event’s effect on continuous dynamic behavior and the integration and transformation of various control modes.
ECIPS system,a hybrid dynamic system,including both discrete event and continuous dynamics,has the typical characteristics of hybrid control system[8].Since it is a complex dynamic system containing discrete event and continuous dynamics[9],according to the multi-state characteristics of ECIPS system and to coordinate the steering requirements under different conditions,this paper aims to establish dynamics model and vehicle steering dynamics model for ECIPS system,analyze motor performance and control structure,its system control structure,and the mixed characteristics to establish an ECIPS hybrid dynamics system controller[10].
1 Dynamic behavior of RE-EV ECIPS system
The structure and working principle of distributed electric drive vehicle ECIPS system are shown in figure1,and it is mainly composed of a vehicle speed sensor,a steering wheel torque sensor,a motor armature current sensor,a controller,a power driving circuit,a fault indicating lamp,a clutch and a direct current motor[11].
The ECIPS dynamic equation is established by the following.
Adopt the state variable,the input variable u1=[ThTmFδ]T,the output variable,the state space equation is established by
Where,Jsrepresents the inertia of steering-column shaft;Bsrepresents the damp coefficient of input column;θsrepresents the angle of input column;Threpresents the steering torque of the steering wheel;Tsenrepresents the reverse torque;Ksrepresents the rigidity coefficient;Jmrepresents the moment of inertia of the motor and clutch;Bmrepresents the damp coefficient of motor;θmrepresents the angle of motor;Tmrepresents the torque of motor;Kmrepresents the rigidity coefficient of the motor and reduction gear;G represents the ratio of worm wheel-worm reduction gear;xrrepresents the rack displacement;rprepresents the radius of steering column pinion;Fδrepresents the random force of road.
Adopt the state variable X2=[ωrβωpφ]T,the input variable U2=[δ]T,the output variable Y2=[ωrβωpφ]T,the state space equation is established by
Where,M represents the mass of the vehicle;Bsrepresents the mass of the chassis;IZand IXrepresent respectively the moment of inertia of z-axes and x-axes;ωrrepresents the yaw rate;IXZrepresents the product of inertia;Py1and Py2represent respectively the lateral force of the front wheer and the rear wheel;a and b represent respectively the distance between front wheel and rear wheel and center of the mass;Cφ1and Cφ2represent respectively the rolling angle stiffness of the front chassis and rear chassis;Dfand Drrepresent respectively the rolling angle damp of the front chassis and rear chassis;Efand Errepresent respectively the roll steering coefficient of the front chassis and rear chassis;2k1and 2k2represent respectively the effective lateral rigidity;2N1and 2N2represent respectively the return-to-center torque rigidity;h represents the lateral arm of the force;φrepresents the angle between the center of gravity and the absolute coordinate;u represents the vehicle speed;βrepresents the slip angle of the center of the gravity;ωprepresents the roll angel velocity.
2 Hybrid control dynamics of ECIPS system
ECIPS system,in accordance with different running conditions,provides different control algorithms,in order to get the control effect in line with actual situation.ECIPS system control structure is shown in figure 2.Within the scope of the working conditions,the whole system is divided into several intervals of working conditions;and in each interval,local model and controller structure are established,then the whole system is further analyzed to obtain control performance better than that of the single model and controller.
As shown above,ECIPS system has typical hybrid system characteristics[12].
The input signals of ECIPS system are mainly divided into three categories:the first category is“working input signal of steering torque Tsen,speed uvehicleand armature current of motor Im”,and this kind of signal functions as the input of ECIPS system control strategy,to output the appropriate motor armature voltage and control the rotation direction and output torque of the motor;and the signal is continuous analog signal.The second category is“switch input signal of uvehicle&Tsen,and engine speed uengine”,and this kind of signal functions as the start signal of ECIPS system,and it starts and works only when the above three meet certain conditions respectively;and this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,but in working process it is used as control signal,so it could function as the discrete control signal.The third category is“monitoring input signal of motor end voltage Vm&Im”,and this kind of signal functions as monitor signal of ECIPS system,when the two meet certain conditions,they will stop the work of ECIPS system;and this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,but in working process it is used as the control signal,so it could function as the discrete control signal.
The output signals of ECIPS system are mainly divided into two categories:the first category is“working output signal of Vm”,and this kind of signal functions as the output of ECIPS system’s control strategy(motor’s armature voltage),to control the motor’s rotation direction and output torque;and this type is continuous analog signal.The second category is“monitoring output signal of clutch control voltage Vtorqueand fault protection voltage Vfault”,and this kind of signal functions as monitoring signals of ECIPS system:Vtorquecontrols the clutch on and off,while Vfaultcontrols the operation of the motor when it is switched on and off,to protect the direction safeguard;this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,however,when working,it is used as a monitoring signal,thus plays the role of discrete control signal.As can be seen,ECIPS system not only has continuous working process,but is affected by discrete processes like switch input and control input,and it shows the switching-control dynamics behavior.
ECIPS system has a variety of different running conditions,any of whichcalled ECIPS control mode.There are four categories:power control mode,return control mode,damping control mode and pure mechanical steering mode(when ECIPS stops working,it is switched into the mode),and they are represented as M={m1,m2,m3,m4}correspondingly.
The discrete events of ECIPS hybrid control system refers to the occurringconditions of working condition during ECIPS’s operation,thereby shaping the driving situations’evolution driven by discrete events.ECIPS system’s discrete event is all kinds of control mode jump arising from its state parameters or operational evolution,each control mode are represented as following:
c1refers to Td<Td,0,means input torque of steer-ing wheel within the dead zone scope Td,0,and Td,0=1N·m;c2refers to┐c1,means input torque of steering wheel over the dead zone scope;c3refers to uengine>uengine,0,means the current engine speed higher than the limit value uengine,0,and uengine,0=100 r/min;c4refers to Vm>Vm,min,means motor armature voltage higher than the minimum threshold value Vm,min,and Vm,min=2V;c5refers to Im<Im,max,means motor armature current below the maximum threshold value,that is Im,max,and Im,max=45 A;c6refers to|Tsen,1+Tsen,2-5|<ε,means the difference between sum of main&auxiliary torque sensors and 5 V is satisfiedε=0.1 V;c7refers to Vtorque(on),means the clutch in a combination state;c8refers to c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7,means"And"operation of e3~e7,that is e3~e7occur simultaneously;c9refers to┐(c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7),means nand operation of e8,that is any one dosen’t occurred in e3~e7;c10refers to uvehicle<uvehicle,max,means the current speed lower than the damping control threshold value uvehicle,max,and uvehicle,max=80 km/h;c11refers to┐c10,means the current speed over than the damping control threshold value;c12refers to,means the steering wheel torque and speed in the same direction;c13refers to┐c12,means the steering wheel torque and speed in the reverse direction.
The escription of control mode are:c2∧c8∧c10∧c12refers to currently in assistance condition;c1∧c8∧c11refers to currently in damping condition;c2∧c8∧c13refers to currently in return-to-center condition;┐(c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7)refers to currently in purely mechanical working[13].
ECIPS hybrid control system’s state trajectory,refers to the system’s running track under all working conditions and it ispiecewise and continuous.And the description of logical relationship between each control mode and the continuous dynamic of all models makes it possible to fully describe the dynamic behavior.
The contro lmode change is represented as a directed graph C={M,E},where M is a control mode set,E={e=(i,j):mi,mj∈M}is a set of control mode changes,and e=(i,j)C shows the change from control mode mito control mode mj.
The change of control mode is described as follows:at the initial moment t0,the control mode is mi;before the occurrence of discrete event e=(i,j)(before the time t1),the continuous dynamic behaviorshould be followed;at the moment t1,the discrete event e=(i,j)occurs,and the control mode jumps to mj,i.e.the occurrence of the event e=(i,j)leads to the control mode change from mito mj,and the continuous dynamic behavioris followed.
ECIPS hybrid control system,refers to a closedloop hybrid system obtained by the hybrid controller designed to meet the ECIPS hybrid system control objectives;it is a complex control system covering discrete event dynamic and continuous variable subsystems:the system state contains both discrete and continuous states,its evolution is driven together by the time and events,and the system dynamic behavior is described together by a set of motion equations based on continuous variables and discrete ones[14].
Considering the implementation of ECIPS hybrid control system,its implement model structure is shown in figure 3.
This structure is a Trinity structure consisting of a discrete decision-making layer,a continuous charged layer and an interface conversion layer between the two,and it could be represented as a fourteen-tuple,that is
Discrete decision-making layer is described by
It describes the occurrence of ECIPS hybrid control system’s discrete event,recognition of control pattern and choice of control strategy.ΣM={m1,m2,m3,m4}is a finite control mode set of ECIPS hybrid control system;ΣE={e1,e2,…,eM}is a finite discrete event set;ΣS={s1,s2,s3}is a finite control strategy set of ECIPS hybrid control system and against different control modes,flexible PID control strategy,Fuzzy-PID control strategy and Bang-Bang-PID are adopted respectively;XS(tk)∈Rsis a monitoring parameter space of vehicle ECIPS system,XSis an s-dimensional discrete monitoring parameter sequence space through the monitoring parameter converter,and xs(tk)is the corresponding discrete monitoring parameter sequence;XP(tk)∈Rlis a l-dimensional sequence space composed of PWM duty cycle of each bridge-arm of H-Bridge and produced by control strategy;and xp(tk)is the corresponding sequence of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle,i.e.xp(tk)=[pLH(tk),pLL(tk),pRH(tk),pRL(tk)]is the sequence made of PWM duty cycle of up left bridge-arm,of down left bridge-arm,of up right bridge-arm and that of up down bridge-arm of the corresponding H-Bridge;ECIPS system control strategy is implemented in essence for the H-Bridge power driver circuit design,namely,the control strategy implementation plan.
ε,according to the monitoring parameter sequence XS(tk),through the discrete event analyzer,control pattern recognizer and control strategy generator,generates the corresponding control strategy,i.e.
Underε,monitoring parameter sequence xs(tk)generates the corresponding control strategy si,represented as
λ,according to the strategy,generates the corresponding sequence made of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle,i.e.
Underλ,the control strategyΣSgenerates the corresponding sequence composed of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle xp(tk)represented as
The continuous charged layer C'=(XE,YE,UE,XS,g)describes the evolution of continuous state variables.XE∈Rnis an n-dimensional state space of continuous dynamic,and xe(t)∈XEis the corresponding state vector,that is
It is the system state parameter vector,and they refers to the output torque of ESP torque sensor,vehicle current speed,engine speed,motor speed,steering angle,steering wheel angular velocity,motor armature voltage and motor armature current component respectively;UE∈Rris an r-dimensional control input space of continuous dynamic,ue(t)∈UEis the corresponding input variable,UE=(Um,Uv),um(t)∈Umis a motor control input vector,and uv(t)∈Uvis an ECIPS system input vector,that is
It is the continuous state input vector of ECIPS system.
The ECIPS motor input vector is
It refers to the output torque oftorque sensor,vehicle current speed,steering angle and steering wheel angular velocity component respectively.
is an ECIPS system input vector,and they refers to the motor output torque,the driver’s output torque and pavement random force component respectively;XS∈Rsis an s-dimensional ECIPS system monitoring parameter space,i.e.xs(t)=xe(t)∪ue(t)∪ye(t)is a monitoring parameter vector of ECIPS hybrid control system,and it serves as the set collection of all the above parameter vectors;xs(tk)=[Tm(tk),Th(tk),Fδ(tk)]is the corresponding discrete monitoring parameter sequence;YE∈Rtis a t-dimensional output space of ECIPS system,and ye(t)∈YEis the corresponding output vector,i.e.
is the output vector of ECIPS system;is the output vector of ECIPS system,and they refers to the restoring torque of torsion bar,motor output torque,input shaft rotation speed,motor angular velocity and rack displacement component respectively;[ωr(t),β(t),ωp(t),φ(t)]R4is vehicle system output vector,and they refers to the vehicle yaw velocity,vehicle sideslip angle,body roll angle speed and body roll angle component respectively.
g is a continuous state change mapping,and it describes the dynamic behavior of continuous system,i.e.
The dynamic behavior is represented as
Interface conversion layer I'=(ρ,ξ)describes the information extraction process,and completes the expression and processing of two kinds of dynamic behavior-response relationship signals;it is the key to the entire system in design,while it is also the bottleneck.ρconverts the monitoring parameter vector of continuous vehicle ECIPS system XSto the discrete monitoring parameter vector sequence XS(tk)to serve as a signal converter,converting analog continuous signal to discrete digital sequence signal,i.e.
ξ makes the sequence composed of each bridgearm’s PWM duty cycle go through four bridge-arms of H-Bridge,then the signal is driven and amplified,and the sequence is converted into the analog continuous input voltage signal of the motor;andξserves as not only a converter to convert discrete digital signals to continuous analog signal,but a power-driven amplifier,i.e.
3 Switching control of ecips system
Based above,switching-control of ECIPS hybrid system including assistance condition,return-to-center condition and damping condition is designed shown in figure 4.And flexible PID control strategy,fuzzy-PID control strategy and Bang-Bang-PID controlstrategy are designed for assistance condition,return-to-center condition and damping condition respectively[15].
The pylon course slalom test is executed as the lane changes in high or middle speed and low steering angle condition[11],the switching-control stateflow is established by figure 5.
Some parameters are listed by the flowing,Mass of vehicle M is 900 kg,Total mass Msis 1 330 kg,Distance between front wheel and center of the mass a is1 360 mm,Distance between rear wheel and center of the mass b is 1 355 mm,Moment of inertia of z-axes Izis 1 591.2 kg·m2,Moment of inertia of x-axes Ixis293 k·gm2,Front wheel lateral rigidity 2k1is 35 000N/rad,Rear wheel lateral rigidity 2k2is 35 000 N/rad,Heeling lever h is 0.5 m,Torque coefficient of motor CTis 0.02 N·m/A,EMF constant of motor Kbis 0.02 V·s/rad,Transmission ratio G is 16.5,Restiance of motor R is 0.1Ω,Inductance of motor L is0.01 H,Moment of inertia of steering wheel Jsis0.001 2 kg·m2,Damp coefficient of steering wheel Bsis 0.261 N·ms/rad,Rigidity coefficient of column Ksis 90 N·m/rad,Pinpion radius rpis 0.007 8 m,Moment of inertia of motor Jmis 0.000 47 kg·m2,Damp coefficient of motor Bmis 0.003 34 N·ms/rad,Rigidity coefficient of motor output axis Kmis 90 N·m/rad.
The simulation speeds are 25 km/h and 45 km/h respectively and the simulation results are shown in figure 6 and table 1.
At 20 km/h speed condition,the peak vaule and standard deviation of steering torque are 6.79 Nm and3.35 N·m under no control condition,and 3.96N·m and 1.95 Nm under Switching-control condition.The steering portability is improved 41.68%and41.79%respectively.At 40 km/h speed condition,the peak vaule and standard deviation of steering torque are 5.11 N·m and 2.25 N·m under no control condition,and 3.53 Nm and 1.56 Nm under hybrid condition.The steering portability is improved30.92%and 30.67%respectively.
4 Conclusions
Electric vehicle industry becomes one of the national strategic emergingindustries while ECIPS system is one of the key components of electric automobile in its design and assembly.And the system is controllerswitching hybrid dynamic behavior,including both discrete and continuous dynamic;study of the system's structure,function and behavior features as well as specialized tools and methods,enables us to fully characterize the ECIPS system dynamic behavior and operation characteristics,to provide a new way for solving the complex ECIPS control problem.
ECIPS hybrid system model structure reflects the system’s operating characteristics,provides premise for the design of ECIPS hybrid control system and its implementation;and it can not only effectively can help to solve the problem that the separate use of neither continuous variable dynamic system nor discrete variable dynamic system can well reveal the insufficient dynamic behavior,but provide effective method for solving the complicated problems concerning the switch of ECIPS system controller.
开式分布式动力系统的节能性分析 篇5
随着热泵技术的发展提高以及逐渐增加的环境压力, 利用热泵实现对江、河、湖水以及再生水等低品质的能源进行回收利用的区域供热 (供冷) 有了较大规模的发展。低位热能的提取方式主要有两种, 一种是闭式间接利用系统, 在源水处设板式换热机组, 就近将低位热能提取;另一种是开式直接利用式, 将源水输送到热用户处水源热泵机组中进行换热。相比传统的集中供热系统, 再生水等低位热源的可利用温差较小, 常规的水源热泵机组的蒸发器进出水温差为8℃[1], 为了实现区域供热, 源水的流量通常比较大。取水点至热用户的高差一般只有几米, 由高差引起的两种系统形式的能耗差别不大, 而闭式系统既增加了初投资又增加了换热的热损失, 因此对于水质相对清洁的水体宜采用开式系统。供热系统主要由热源、输配管网、末端热用户三大部分组成, 其中管网输配系统是决定系统节能与否的关键, 是整个系统的重要组成部分, 因此, 管网输配系统的设计和运行将决定着整个供热系统的能耗水平, 对于区域规模的水源热泵系统来说源水输配系统的优化设计具有重要意义。
1 开式分布式水系统
源水输送采用分布式动力系统, 即在水源点设源水提升泵站, 克服源水去程到最不利点的阻力损失, 在各用户处的热泵站内设一次侧加压泵, 克服水泵站内及回程的阻力。首站源水提升泵和各用户侧加压泵均宜采用变频控制, 前者是为了适应每年系统总用水量的变化, 后者是为了适应每个采暖期内末端负荷的变化而引起的再生水量的小幅变化。
开式分布式动力系统, 与闭式循环的分布式变频系统不同, 前者必须保证再生水能被输送到最远端, 保证管道内充满水, 因此开式系统的“零压差点”必须取在系统的最不利点。在末端负荷较低的前几年, 首站的再生水提升泵可以满足最不利用户的资用压头, 各个用户侧变频加压泵不需要开启, 属于集中式动力系统。随着用水量的增加, 个别较远端的热用户需要开启一次侧提升泵, 来满足热泵机组的需求。图1是几种不同形式的动力配置示意图。
比较常用的是图d所示的结构形式, 王红霞[2]等人将主循环泵、沿途加压泵、用户侧变频加压泵三种功能的动力系统灵活组合, 给出六种不同的方案, 六种方案相对于传统方案的节电率均为33.75%, 六种方案的设计均是按照热源、热网、用户的阻力和资用压头的情况提供动力, 没有剩余压头, 因而能达到相同的节能效果。然而理想的模型系统付诸实践必须满足工程应用的可及性、可靠性、经济性等方面的要求。分布式动力系统由多泵组合实现, 需要精确的计算流量、扬程以及控制。
动力分散系统中通常不设调节阀, 节省了由于节流阀造成的能量损失, 文献[3, 4]通过实例计算说明了分散式动力系统的节能性, 且系统越大节能性越明显。然而在应用推广方面并不乐观, 主要的一个原因是对系统设计方面的技术问题, 动力分散系统中的水泵, 包括主循环泵、支线泵等都是相互协同并且水力关联的, 要使得管路中的流量分布达到设计工况, 必须正确确定系统中各个泵的扬程。
开式动力分散供热输配系统的设计思路与闭式系统的设计类似, 一般来说有以下几点[5]: (1) 对源水系统进行水力计算, 得出管网的特性曲线; (2) 确定最不利用户, 将最远端选为零压差点, 主循环泵和分布式泵的配置就唯一确定了, 零压差点的位置决定了系统的造价和运行费, 当系统中所有的热用户均没有剩余压头时, 系统没有节流损失, 也就是最优的配置; (3) 确定主循环泵, 主循环泵的选取要能够满足全部的流量需求, 负责克服水源点到零压差点的阻力, 还需结合管网的特性, 尽量选择Q-H曲线比较平坦的水泵, 在流量变化范围内还能够保证稳定的扬程; (4) 各个分布式泵的选择主要考虑满足所对应的用户流量和该用户机房内的损失和源水回程的扬程要求。
开式系统主循环水泵的扬程H包括源水去程的流动阻力和进出口高差形成的静水压力, 如公式 (1) 式所示:
某再生水源热泵工程的管网输配系统如下图所示, 共5个热用户, 设计流量为5219t/h, 通过水力计算可知各个管段的阻力损失, 标于各个节点之间, 流量标于字母下方, 系统简图如图2所示。
主循环泵的扬程为H0, 各支路水泵扬程为H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, 分布式变频动力系统是否设计合理, 是否能达到比传统集中式输配系统节能的目的, 主要由两个方面的参数来决定, 一是压差控制点的选取, 二是系统的背压的作用, 即循环泵的压头中用来提升流体势能的那部分, 用于提升流体势能的这部分越大水泵的效率越低[6]。由于系统的首站主循环泵的吸入口和各个热用户机房内机组进水口的高差最大为2.1m, 本系统不考虑背压对动力系统的影响。
设循环泵效率均为70%, 其轴功率的计算公式为:
其中:E-系统总的输送功率, k W;Q-循环泵的流量, t/h;H-水泵扬程, m;η-循环泵效率, 定为70%。
系统的动力设计方案有2种, 方案1为传统的动力集中式系统, 首站的主循环泵克服最不利用户的阻力损失, 各个热用户站内不设分布式泵;方案2以5-5'为压差控制点, 主循环泵克服源水到最不利用户 (5) 的阻力损失共26m, 热用户机房内的分布式泵克服站内源水的回程阻力损失, 得到相应的动力配置。分别将各个方案的数据代入公式 (2) 可得两个方案的能耗及配置情况:
从表1可以看出, 当各个热用户均没有剩余压头时, 一次系统不存在节流损失, 源水输送的总功率等于系统的需用功率, 开式分布式系统与动力集中式系统相比, 节省了8.7%的水泵装机功率。开式系统采用分布式的动力系统, 一个采暖季连续运行120天, 节约的电能是290880k Wh, 由此带来的经济效益较为可观, 在分布式动力系统中可以不设电动调节阀, 取而代之的是分布式变频泵, 系统的初投资及后期的运行检修费用都会降低。
对于区域规模的供热系统, 末端的热用户通常是10万以上的一个小区, 对于水源地附近的热用户通常建设进度不一, 各个热用户的同时使用系数较小, 与传统动力集中的系统形式相比较, 采用动力分布式系统更灵活, 首站泵站的规模可以根据末端的需求逐渐投入建设, 住循环泵和分布式泵均采用变频控制, 在投入使用的前几年负荷较低时采用变频可以降低启动及运行电流, 降低运行费用, 随着负荷的增加最终首站达到满负荷。
4 结束语
为了适应区域规模的再生能源热泵供热系统, 源水的输配采用开式分布式动力系统不仅降低了主管网内的压力, 而且减少不必要的能源浪费, 与传统的系统相比输配能耗减少了8.7%, 而且满足了末端负荷不同时存在的特点, 降低了首站的初投资。根据末端热用户的工程进度情况, 再生能源系统采用开式分布式动力系统较为合理。
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