寒假生活三年级我的寒假生活作文200字 篇1
寒假生活三年级我的寒假生活作文200字 篇2
趣味性作业设计。兴趣是最好的老师, 它能激发求知的欲望, 促进思维的活跃, 保持学习的持久。有求知欲, 有好奇心, 这是人类的天性, 小学生尤其如此。如果我们的语文教师每次布置的作业都是一成不变的无趣模式, 时间一长, 学生对作业就会慢慢地失去兴趣, 求知欲、好奇心就会慢慢地被抹杀。这样很不利于学生语文素质和综合素质的培养。如果能针对学生的心理特点, 设计形式新颖、富有创意、内容联系实际的作业, 吊起学生的“胃口”, 使学生一看作业就来劲, 就跃跃欲试, 接下来就一定会在一种愉悦的环境中体验成功的乐趣。
我调查以往学生写假期作业的情况, 有下列几种现象:一是放假后学生过于贪玩, 直到开学前两天才夜以继日赶作业;二是刚刚放假, 学生就挑灯夜战, 一个假期的作业两三天就写完, 然后一直玩到开学;三是学生边看电视边做作业等。以上几种情况的效果都不理想, 都起不到巩固学习的目的, 相反, 还会养成做作业马虎、潦草等不良习惯。如下:
1. 在这个春节, 你可以动手剪剪窗花、写“福”字、贴春联, 来体验节日的快乐, 也可以将自己的作品送给邻居, 表达你的祝福。
2. 在这个春节, 你要给你的长辈、家人、朋友拜年, 问声新年好!
3. 你还可以和爸爸妈妈一起去远足, 去登山, 投身大自然的怀抱, 放飞心情!
4. 每天坚持锻炼身体, 可以根据自己的喜好, 选择打球、跳绳、跑步等运动项目。
5. 当爸爸妈妈的小帮手, 做一些力所能及的家务活。
3.推荐书目——《日有所诵》 (二年级《新语文读本》) 小学卷3、4
4.图文日记——记录生活中的所见、所闻、所思, 趣事、乐事, 共3篇。
春节应该还给孩子快乐的寒假, 寒假作业也应该考虑到学生的兴趣, 作业应与学生的生活联系, 应让学生有更多的体验与实践的机会。所以我尝试将寒假作业分为两部分, 即生活篇和学习篇。
在当今独生子女居多的年代, 他们的状况令人担忧。他们是家中的小皇帝、小公主, 衣来伸手, 饭来张口, 以自我为中心, 在几代人的溺爱中, 他们只有索取, 不知奉献, 很少有人去想父母的辛苦与劳累, 更少有人懂得孝敬父母, 体贴父母, 根据这一特点, 我在生活篇里设计了要求学生当爸爸妈妈的小帮手, 做一些力所能及的家务活。在春节假期期间为了更加喜庆, 我让孩子来写“福”字, 贴春联, 来体验节日的快乐。生命在于运动, 所以我在生活篇里加了一项, 要求孩子每天坚持锻炼身体, 或者去远足, 投身大自然的怀抱, 放飞心情。
作为一名教师, 要让读书成为学生的一种习惯, “把快乐的假期还给孩子”固然没错, 但“放假”并不等于“放任”, 完全摒弃寒假作业无异于放弃了教师的主导作用。在这种情况下, 我改变了传统的、枯燥的作业方式, 减轻繁重的作业负担, 使寒假作业能真正为学生所喜闻乐见;同时, 设计精当的寒假作业也是学生寒假生活的有益指导。所以我在学习篇中同样设计了各种形式的作业, 不仅仅生活篇充满了“年味”, 学习篇也充满了“年味”。如图文日记——记录生活中的所见、所闻、所思, 趣事、乐事, 共3篇。这些与生活联系紧密, 包含了体验、又不缺乏实践能力培养的作业, 取代了大量重复训练的试题和没头没脑铺天盖地的日记, 深受学生欢迎, 从学生的兴趣爱好出发为学生设计作业, 既让学生有快乐的寒假, 又让他们在快乐中学习, 以此来激发学生的学习兴趣。在学习篇里既有激发学生学习兴趣的内容, 又贴近学生的生活, 和学生的生活实践相结合。观念转化为具体行为必然会改变传统寒假作业的沉闷局面, 使寒假作业更能发挥其应有的作用。
生活篇中的作业, 可以拍成照片, 并附上文字。学习篇中的作业, 主要以读书笔记 (摘录好词佳句、写心得体会) 和日记的形式。不管是生活篇还是学习篇, 都可拍下自己完成作业的过程, 这一过程也可附上。
这一改革可能要求家长的配合, 这一学期初, 我从学生的作业中可以看出学生很喜欢这种类型的作业, 不仅仅完成了作业, 还将自己完成作业的过程给拍了下来, 让学生觉得很有成就感。孩子天性纯真, 我们不能用作业来限制他们天性的发挥与发展, 而应以作业这种形式, 让孩子发现生活、体验生活。
[1]张云鹰, 张红华.在“演”中“学”——小学二年级语文综合性学习教学与反思[J].新课程 (小学版) , 2006 (04) .
[2]李爱亭.在小学二年级应用题教学中我是这样指导儿童审题的[J].安徽教育, 1980 (11) .
我的寒假生活 篇3
Winter holiday is coming! I am eager for it. I need to make a good plan for it.
Firstly, I will do my homework 3 hours a day, especially math, because I am always careless in the math exam. Besides, in order to keep fit, I must take some exercise, such as running in the morning, playing football or basketball and swimming in the afternoon. If possible, I want to take part in some social activities, which help me to make a good understanding of the outside. I can do some social survey or visit some factories or take a parttime job. What will make me excited is that I will visit my relative living in Jilin Province to learn to ski on the snow. On thinking the view, I can not wait for that.
I really have numbers of things to do. Maybe its a bit busy, but I like such challengeable life.
Dear Editor,
Every student is expecting winter holiday, but I am worried about it.
Every holiday, there are many training courses for math, English, physics, as well as drawing, music and handwriting. My parents are always asking me to take the courses from dawn to dark. They keep telling me to improve my studies, so that I can go to the key universities like them. I had thought I can relax myself and do something interesting, but they dont allow me. This winter holiday, my dream can not come true. Living in such a family where parents both graduated from famous universities is a burden to me.I sometimes tell my parents that all work and no play makes John a dull boy. But what can you guess they tell me? “Nonsense! We made every minute to study without play in the past, so we could go to the key universities. Think of our achievements! Wont you think we both are bull?” I made no replay.
Dear Editor, should I respect my parents advice or go against their will and do as I like? I really wonder. Please help me.
Yours sincerely,
Duan Jiawei
Dear Peter,
Im glad to receive your Christmas gift sending to me. It is very beautiful.
Our winter holiday is coming. We had a months holiday. During the holiday we will expect the Spring Festival, which is the most important to us Chinese as Christmas to your westerners. So I invite you to come to China and spend it with us. Now I will tell you something about it.
The Spring Festival is on the 1st day of the first lunar year. We begin to make preparations several days before it. In order to celebrate it, we clean our houses and buy all kinds of delicacies several days before it. Every family prepares something special.
The celebration begins on the New Years Eve, when the family gathers for a big dinner. Every member is supposed to come back home, whether they work far or near. We children often receive a gift. After eating, we often stay up till 12 oclock, watching the biggest New Years party held at CCTV. At 12 oclock, every family set off fireworks, which is said to drive bad luck. On the lunar New Years Day we usually get up early, wearing new clothes. The first thing is to exchange New Year greeting.
On the second day and several days that follows, we go to visit relatives and friends, chatting and eating sweets, cakes and fruits.
The celebration usually lasts 15 days. The 15th night of the first month is called the Lantern Festival when we young people go out to watch beautiful lanterns of all kinds, enjoying ourselves far into the night.
It is very interesting. If you are free, you can come to China and enjoy it yourself.
Gao Bang
(高 邦)
This winter holiday I went to visit my grandparents and uncle, who are living in the countryside. To my great shock, great changes have taken place in the countryside. My uncle told me something about the program of building a new socialist countryside according to the policy.
Firstly, more water facilities have been installed to irrigate the farmland and allow rural residents to drink safe water. At the same time, road construction will continue in order to make it convenient for the farmers. According to the program, clean fuels will be used, such as marsh gas and solar energy. And the construction of the rural power network will be completed. Rural education conditions, public health care system and social security system are being improved. Rural residents will have more access to culture, too.
Now the farmers are living a happy and colorful life. I was so excited and happy when I was shown around the village. Thanks to our government, the countryside has changed a lot.
I am a shy and quiet girl. I dont like going out for play. So this winter holiday I read a series of books, Harry Potter. I was so moved by the books.
Harry Potter, by a wellknown English women writer J.K. Rowling, is a best seller. It is popular among people all over the world, especially teenagers.
In the fiction, Harry Potter, an orphan with a scar on his head, is treated cruelly by his uncle and aunt. Later, a mysterious letters coming to him changes his life. The letter invites him to Hogwards, a wonder of magic and wonders, where he learns about his past and has gained magic power. He fights bravely against the bad wizards and wins at last.
I love the book and Harry Potter. In my eyes, Harry Potter stands for just, bravery and confidence.
I must learn from Harry Potter in my real life. He is my idol. And I will introduce the books to my students. It is worth reading.
(王 栋)
This winter holiday I have gained a lot by helping Mother do housework.
Mother is a warmhearted and hardworking woman. She used to work in a staterun shoe factory, unluckily, she was laid off the year before. After that, she tried looking for a job everywhere, but failed. This winter holiday my mother took a course on household service. Every day she had to spare 3 hours to be trained in the train centre in our city about onehour ride away. So I had to do some housework. At first, I was always doing something wrong, for example, burnt dinner. And I couldnt wash clothes clean. My mother was always encouraging me instead of scolding me. She praised me for doing the housework. To tell the truth, it is hard to do housework. But day by day, I did it effectively.
During this holiday, I deeply felt how hard it was for my mother to bring me up. I must study hard and become a filial child.
My dear Mother, I love you!
我的寒假生活作文200字 篇4
我的寒假生活作文200字 篇5
我的寒假生活三年级作文 篇6