


英文版的个人简历 篇1


Basic information

Name: Guo classmates Sex: Male

Date of Birth: 1987 Nationality: Chinese

Account where: Hebei Handan Guangping current: Shijiazhuang City

Graduate institutions: Hebei Vocational and Technical College political landscape: members

Highest level of education: post-secondary repair by a professional: Software Technology

Talent type: student graduation date:

Job intentions

Job type: Full-time

Position: Programmer

Hope Location: Shijiazhuang / Beijing

Wish to pay: Negotiable

Education and training experience

From September to June 2009, Hebei Institute of Software Technology Occupational Specialty

Language Proficiency

English level: A level

Computer capacity

UML modeling language, SQLServer database, Java programming language,

JSP Web Design, Java for C / S architecture, Oracle database management

Professional skills:

Focused on the procedures for the development of Java EE

javaScript scripting, webservice

Struts + Hibernate + Spring development framework, ajax, svn version control.

Proficiency in the use of html, jsp, servlet, sqlserver database

Basis with photoshop

Practical experience

Enterprise Messenger

Project Profile: Enterprise Messenger (Corperation Messager) is a software company or companies for internal use instant messaging network, primarily for real-time communication between employees and exchanges. It is mainly by the server-side program and client program is composed of two parts, the overall use of Java platform development and the realization of optional user data to Microsoft SQL Server unified management.

Project framework: MVC1

Code :2500-3000 line

Technical: Using JDBC database connection, the use of C / S structure, to support the TCP / IP protocol Socket (socket), Thread (thread)

Tools: JDK 1.5.0 or later, NetBeans IDE 5.0 or later.

Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and above.

Role as: the client is mainly responsible for the maintenance of the users information (by adding, changing, check), the server side is mainly responsible for the completion of communications technology, and in accordance with different protocols to help customers to complete a variety of customer data read operation, to achieve user information maintenance function

Press Release System

Project Introduction: the arrival of the age of the Internet led to todays information explosion, the news faster and more different forms through the Internet to meet with many users. Day morning, we will open the Tom, Sina, Yahoo to get more news and information. More enterprises to allow their own raw materials and parts for the outside world have also developed a press release system, in this system, users can customize the columns and news classification, news information, and to provide logs and user management.

Project framework: MVC1

Code volume: 4000-4500 line

Development Tools: Eclipse Ganymede

As a role: programmer

Involve major technical: Html JavaScript based on Module 2 of the MVC architecture of the component-based Web application development

Main Technical: Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Tomcat6.0, JDK 1.5.0 or later, SVN

The development of the number of: 2 people

Main modules: Category Management (Add columns, column management, added categories, category management), information management (press releases, press releases).

Key: Web client and server applications

Web-based MVC framework

FCKeditor components such as the use of Web

Data page display technology

Electronic album system

Project Description: The system is a complete B / S structure of the electronic album system, including the open user registration; to create your own photo album space, upload photos, browse photos of others. As well as albums, photos, comments issued. In addition, the system also includes a system administrator, the system administrator can manage the type of album, photo album, photos.

Project framework: MVC

Code volume: 6000-7000 line

Development Tools: MyEclipse 6.0, tomcat6.0, JDK 1.5.0 version of the above

As a role: programmer

Major technical: JSP, Struts + Spring + Hibernate Integration, Microsoft SQL Server2000, Tomcat6.0, JDK1.5.0 or later.

英文版的个人简历 篇2

制作英文简历有以下几个步骤: (1) 收集个人信息、确认应聘职位; (2) 组织信息; (3) 选择简历格式; (4) 增加个人风格; (5) 校对。


写简历时首先收集有关自己的信息, 例如从事过的工作、工作中的职责及表现、教育程度、具有的技能和参加过的社会活动等。这些内容构成简历的原材料。在收集信息的过程中你也能够对职业目标加以考虑, 思索过去所从事的工作中哪个 (些) 是你喜欢的, 以及喜欢它 (们) 的理由。

收集好这些信息后, 要研究你所感兴趣的职位并且确认岗位职责, 以及应聘者所要具备的资格和技能。

针对不同职位来筛选个人经历、专长, 最好能写不同的简历, 使每一份简历只强调与一个职位相关的信息。切记:尽管你不具备专业的技术技能, 但大部分的职位都需要应聘者具有诸如可信赖、团队合作, 以及良好的沟通能力等品质。而这对于初入职场的人而言尤为重要。接下来就是将你收集到的个人信息组织起来。



1. 联系方式 (Contactinformation)

其内容包括姓名、常住地址和学校地址 (如果还在上学并且学校地址和常住地址不同) 、电话号码, 以及电子邮箱。将姓名置于简历的最上端, 在姓名的下方写联系方式。这样安排比较醒目, 也便于招聘人员查找信息。

2. 资力概述 (Qualifications summary) /求职目标 (objectives tatement)

这项内容是可选项, 置于联系方式的下方。资历概述是应聘者列出与职位相关的最佳资历向招聘者阐明“为什么你要雇佣我。”对于经历丰富的应聘者而言, 资历概述是一项极为有用的内容, 它可以在细节的论述中突出重要信息。

求职目标可以让招聘者轻易地掌握到应聘者是否为其所需。每一份简历最好只针对一个求职目标。在界定求职目标时避免太狭隘, 以免丧失机会。如果应聘者求职范围广泛, 而且兴趣不固定, 最好省略此项, 以免受限而失去其他面试机会。

3. 教育背景 (Education)

这部分内容要列出所接受过的相关培训、教育, 以及所获得的证书。采用倒叙的方式, 从最近的时间往前填。列出学校的名称、地点、所获得的学历、证书、学位, 以及相应的时间、专业或研究领域、所获荣誉。如果还未获得学位, 要在毕业日期前使用“expected”。如果不知道何时毕业, 要在未结束的学位前加上“in progress”。

对于新近毕业的学生来说, 教育背景尤为重要。如果有帮助的话, 在这部分中还可以包括所有课程的平均成绩, 或者是专业平均成绩, 或班级排名。学生也可以考虑将大学阶段与应聘职位相关的4~8门课程单独列出来说明你已具备工作中需要的一些知识。

4. 工作经历 (Workexperience)

要注明所服务机构的名称和地点、服务的起止时间、岗位名称、岗位职责和工作业绩。如果带薪的工作经历比较少, 这部分内容还可以包括相关的义务活动、实习经历, 以及学校中所从事的项目研究工作。

在描述岗位职责时, 要强调你在该岗位所取得的成绩, 以及你在工作中的表现。要明确岗位职责的范围, 例如, 每天要接多少个电话、所处理的问题类型、或者所监管的人员数量。如果你同他人同时参与一个项目, 应该在岗位描述中说明所取得的成绩是团队合作的结果。同时, 也要提及被提拔或职责增加的情况。

具体说明所取得的成绩会给人留下深刻的印象。例如说明你在工作中做出的改进、节省的时间或资金, 以及解决过的任何问题。要将所取得的成绩量化, 例如销售额增加了15%, 成绩为优秀的学生人数增加了20%。

5. 社会活动和团体任职 (Activities and associations)

对于没有丰富工作经验的学生来说, 参与各种各样的社会活动是积累经验的绝好选择。因此, 学生们可以在此项中列出所参与的学校或课外活动, 向未来的雇主展示你们的能力。

这些活动可以包括所参加的团体组织, 学生机构, 或者社区活动。尤其要列出和应聘的职位相关的活动或是可以展现应聘者的勤奋和领导才能的活动。

6. 特殊技能 (Special skills)

如果你拥有专业的计算机, 外语, 或者技术技能, 可以考虑单独列一项来突出这些技能, 尽管有时这些技能和你所要申请的职位没有直接的联系。

7. 荣誉与获奖 (Awards and honors)

这部分包括所获得的正式认可, 例如专业或学术奖励。这部分内容可以放在经历或教育背景中, 也可以置于简历末端。

8. 推荐人 (Reference)

这项内容是可选项。应聘单位没有要求时, 不须主动附上, 但可以在简历末端注明“References available upon request.”。

无论在简历中是否提及推荐人, 应聘者都需要单独准备一份推荐文档在需要时呈现, 并且面试时应随身携带。文档上要给出了解你能力的3~5名推荐者的姓名, 职衔, 办公地址和电话号码。当然, 应该确信这些人同意推荐你。在文档的上部, 写上你的姓名和联系方式, 格式如同简历。


最常见的简历格式有时序式 (chronological) 和功能式 (functional) 。两种格式各有利弊, 应聘者应该选择一种能够充分突出个人所长的格式。

1. 时序式

这是最普遍的一种格式。根据所担任的不同工作来组织安排你的经历。对于有连贯的工作历史或者先前所从事的工作和求职目标密切相关的人来说, 这种格式是最佳的选择。

时序式的简历中列出所从事的职位, 并按时间倒叙排列。每一个职位要注明工作职衔, 单位名称, 工作起止年。接下来描述岗位职责, 以及所取得的成绩。在描述时, 使用短语而不是句子。省略“I”是约定俗成的用法。例如, 应该是“Managed a fund ra is ing c a mp a ig n.”而不是“I ma na g e d a fund ra is ing c a mp a ig n.”每一个短语都使用强有力的动词开始。

在描述工作时要具体但切忌过于详细。雇主们认为每项工作用3~5个短语通常就足够了, 不需要用多于四行的信息描述, 因为大段的文字不便于阅读。如果必须占用更多的空间, 可以将信息分类表达。

简历中最重要的职位占用的空间最多。如果之前所从事的工作和要应聘的岗位不相关, 可以考虑将经历分为两部分:相关工作经历 (relevant experience) 和其他工作经历 (other experie nc e) 。充分地描述相关的工作, 简要地提及其他工作。如果从事过很多工作, 可能不需要提到最早的或是最不重要的工作。

由于时序式强调日期和工作职衔, 对于跳槽者、具有不连续工作经历的应聘者, 或是初聘者而言, 这种格式不是最佳选择。对这些人而言, 功能式是更好的选择。

2. 功能式

功能式简历围绕技能而不是工作职衔来组织经历。这种格式对于有一些工作经历但是所从事过的工作与所要应聘的工作不直接相关的学生而言是理想的选择。按照技能来组织经历能够将所从事的不太相关的工作和求职资质联系起来。例如, 一项收拾餐桌的工作可以与其他职责合起来说明你具有组织和为顾客服务的技能。

采用功能式简历, 需要确定3~4个和求职岗位相关的技能。每一种技能, 用3~5个具体例子加以说明。同样, 在完成这部分内容时要使用动作短语而不是完整的句子。

按照重要性来排列你的技能。你的技能和雇主的需要越接近, 就意味着你越有资格。

功能式的最后一部分是工作经历的简要描述。这部分只需要写工作岗位、公司名字, 以及工作起止时间。如果工作经历中有空缺, 则可以通过求职信来解释, 或者可以填入义务工作、社区服务或者是家庭职责。


如果你的简历引人入胜且易于阅读, 你会给招聘者留下极好的印象。引人入胜的风格会将招聘者的目光吸引到你的资质上。如果你能善待招聘者的眼睛, 他们可能会花更多的时间阅读你的简历, 并且记忆更久。

简历要便于阅读和复印, 用质量好的白色或浅色纸打印。鲜艳的色彩能够引人注意, 但是会给人以不专业的印象。此外, 使用激光打印机, 并且字号大于10。招聘人员不需要费劲的读你的文字。

1. 设计

好的作者能够策略地运用设计元素。黑体、大写字母、居中或者水平线条可以让各级标题醒目。着重号或者斜体可以突出重要成绩。一英寸的页边距, 以及每一部分之间的空白行会让信息更便于阅读。

简历风格要前后保持一致。每一部分的设计元素也要保持一致。例如, 教育背景的标题是粗体、居中, 其他的标题也应该是粗体、居中。同样, 全篇应选择一种字体如Arial或Times New Roma n。

简历制作完成后, 要仔细地检查。确信简历易于阅读, 并且信息均匀地分布在纸张上。可以尝试几种不同的风格, 然后决定最终的选择。

2. 长度

冗长的简历不利于招聘者的阅读和记忆。并且, 鉴于每天能收到大量的简历, 招聘者常常忽略冗长的简历。对于刚毕业的学生而言, 简历通常1页纸;其他有工作经历的人的简历可以1~2页长, 经历非常丰富的人可以是2~3页长。如果你的简历不符合这些规定, 很可能你的简历中有多余的内容和不相关的信息。要删除掉无法证明你能胜任该岗位的信息。


应该花时间来准备一份精美的简历。或许你不是胜任每份工作的最佳人选, 但是你的简历会让你在竞争中获得优势。最常见的错误是格式和拼写错误。计算机不能纠正错误使用但拼写正确的词汇。例如“of”还是“on”, “their”还是“there”。希望你的简历能够引人注目, 但是绝不是因为错误。可以让不同的人帮你校对简历, 这样可以很好的避免错误。

在递交简历前, 要了解职位要求。用职位描述中的语言来点缀你的简历, 如果简历中有资历介绍, 一定要对这部分内容予以格外关注。


[1]Crosby, Olivia.Résumés, applications, and cover letters.Occupational Outlook Quarterly?Summer2009, 18-29

高效英文简历模板 篇3


Balance Sheet基本方法

选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。

例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:

We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:

-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field

-Outgoing personality

-Able to communicate at different levels

-Good knowledge of PC operations

-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin


-University graduate with major in Marketing

-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management

-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life

-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc

-Fluent in English and Mandarin

这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。

Work experience工作经验的陈述




2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM

2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading

2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.


Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.


Job objective 事业目标

通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。


Job objective:

To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.

英文版个人简历 篇4

Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals.


Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.


Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.

Instructed Quality Development courses.

Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems.

Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders.

Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project.

Operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.

Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.

Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.

Supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat Company.

Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.

Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.


Since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.

Instead,candidate summarizes work history underSummary of Accomplishments

英文版求职个人简历 篇5


Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.


Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.

Instructed Quality Development courses.

Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems.

Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders.

Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project.

Operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.

Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.

Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.

Supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat Company.

Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.

Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.


Since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same job description six times.

个人简历表格英文版(一) 篇6

ame: xuexila gender : male    
Birth : *** telephone :    
Degree : Bachelor Professional: Packaging Engineering  
Experience : 10years national : Han  
School: Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication  
address : ***
E-mail : xuexila.com
Self Assessment :
Talented Oracle Database, EBS and software development professional; Understanding well about the development and implementation projects based on Oracle Database, PL/SQL, Forms and Reports, etc; Knowing the development and implementation well in the Oracle EBS environment (11.5.4 -11.5.10); Strong ability of the team, project and process management; Widely knowing the popular commercial application software. Having overseas working experience (at Singapore). 
Target Job :
Desired Job Category: ERP Technical/Application Consultant | Project Manager/Supervisor | DBA/Database Development Engineer
Desired Job Industry: Software
Desired Salary: Negotiable
Desired City: Beijing
I can start from: within 1 month
Work Experience :
.4-Now *** Reuters

Technical Specialist,Principal Software Engineer

Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Focused on the Thomson Reuters financial market data (instrument data) maintenance system design, development, migration, implementation and support, based on Oracle Database, Forms and PL/SQL, etc., for internal customers, covering the global markets; Conducting the Global Exchange Data Administration (GEDA) Team Leader and Technical Specialist.

•        Led the Thomson Reuters Global Quote System (GQS) project on GEDA side; Responsible for the software design, development and implementation; GQS project is the core system upgrade project to enhance the system performance and solve the capacity issues by upgrading the current systems with new architecture, new applications, to migrate the core business data, covering the global markets.

•        Led the Thomson Reuters Edison system America/Europe transition project on GEDA side; In charge of the software design, development and implementation, to integrate the area or exchange specific applications, supporting global users.

•        Responsible for the design, development and implementation of Thomson Reuters Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) project, for Europe, on GEDA side. MiFID project, the Thomson Reuters core system enhancement project, supports Europe exchanges to implement the technical solution based on the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive.

•        Involved in the Thomson Reuters Phoenix Project SG transition project, as the one of the key members, to hand-over Global Exchange Data Administration (GEDA) from Singapore to Beijing.

•        Mentor of internship student.

•        Thomson Reuters CRM/CPM system (Siebel) part-time trainer for Beijing development center.

.8-2006.4 ***r Inc. (Contractor of Motorola’s *** IT Solutions ***, Beijing, China)

IT Engineer

Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Focused on the design, development and migration of Motorola finance customized software, based on Oracle Database, Forms, Reports and PL/SQL, etc., under the Oracle EBS environment.

•        Responsible for the design and development of Motorola finance customized software migration project, mainly for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP), from Motorola’s Israel and Brazil local systems to global finance system, to meet the software integration requirements.

•        In charge of the design and development of Motorola finance Outerbay Purging & Achieving report development project, for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP) and Receivables (AR), to validate the purging and achieving operation of Outerbay application.

•        Responsible for the design and development of Motorola finance interface encryption project for Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP), to meet the security requirements for the personal credit card information, by using PGP.

.10-2005.7 *** International, Inc

Technical Consultant

Responsibilities and Achievements:

•        Involved in the Haier Co.,Ltd. BI (Brio) project, which was implemented by the former Hyperion; Responsible for software technical consulting and development, to provide the analysis and report service, based on the business data.

•        Focused on the P.R. China Ministry of Finance (MOF) Oracle EBS Finance implementation project, which was implemented by Oracle; In charge of the Oracle EBS Finance Payables (AP) interface customization development, to integrate the core finance system and external non-tax revenue systems, mainly the software design and development, based on Oracle Database, Forms, Reports and PL/SQL, in the Oracle EBS environment.

Education :
.9-.7 Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication


Major Category:

英文版的个人简历 篇7

目前, 我国中文版期刊中的英文摘要存在很多问题, 如摘要长度不足、结构成分缺失、连接词使用数量较多而种类偏少、时态和语态的使用都与国际流行趋势有较大差距等。此外, 我国英文版期刊论文除了关键词的英文表达因相对简单而出错较少外, 其他部分的英文写作质量都存在一定问题, 应该引起作者与编辑的高度重视。因此, 要想彻底改变科技论文的英文写作状况, 提高我国期刊的国际竞争力, 我们必须了解我国英文版期刊论文存在的问题, 全面认识存在的不足, 并积极采取有效措施通过多方努力来解决这些问题。

1. 提高写作、编校水平

(1) 参加英文培训班。包括英文科技写作和编辑业务培训两个方面, 这也是提高英文表达水平快捷而有效的方式。一些科研院所和高校经常会聘请国外的顶级期刊主编或科研人员做英文科技写作方法、技巧的讲座;另外, 一些组织机构和一些期刊编辑部也经常会举办专门针对科技英文写作的业务培训及研讨班。鼓励编辑和作者积极而有计划地安排参加这类培训及业务交流, 从多方面促进英文写作水平和编辑业务能力的提高。

(2) 参加学术交流活动。积极参加本学科和专业的国内外学术会议和学术交流活动, 了解有关本学科和相关专业发展的新动态、新成果。这不仅对于引言和讨论的写作很有帮助;而且更为关键的是能紧跟学术发展动态, 站在相关领域的制高点。

(3) 自我学习, 加强记忆。大量阅读相关专业顶级期刊以及书籍, 对于了解专业术语及掌握国际习惯表达方式很有帮助, 是一种行之有效的方法。认真研究和揣摩、用心领会, 对于了解英文科技论文的表述特点、行文规律、语言使用技巧等很有帮助。在学习的过程中一定要做有心人, 对好的句式、句型、常用的词汇 (包括准确的语义表达、合理的词汇、简洁的句型、合理的时态用法、紧凑的句子结构) 要做笔记, 经常整理以便于记忆, 在以后的写作中适当地模仿套用。经常积累并使用才会熟能生巧, 也才能更准确、生动、灵活地运用英语词汇, 从而达到提高英文写作质量的目的。实践证明, 对于作者 (特别是初级作者) 而言, 这是提高英文写作水平一种很有效的方法。对某些发表了国际性SCI论文的人员进行调查可知, 这些人从未曾写过英文论文到最后发表文章, 中间都是经过了这种学习过程。

2. 聘请、培养高素质的英文编辑

(1) 聘请高素质的科研人员做编辑。英文版期刊的质量与编辑人员的业务素质密切相关。合格的英文版期刊编辑应该是一个复合型人才, 必须要在英文写作和编辑业务两方面都具有扎实的功底和熟练的技能。具有广博专业知识、熟练编辑技能、深厚科技英语写作能力和高度责任心的编辑, 是高质量论文的保障。

由于英文期刊面对的是国际同行, 面对着更为广泛的竞争对手, 因此, 要求英文编辑不单是编辑, 更要是学者。为了满足专业能力要求, 英文编辑需要具有相当的科研经验, 并且最好是在国际期刊上发表过论文。因为自己参与写作并发表文章的人才有可能更深刻地感受、领会和顾及到科技论文写作中可能涉及到的方方面面, 给稿件更准确的定位。也正因为自己经历过写作、编校的整个过程, 在掌握编辑学领域的理论、业务实践和技巧, 掌握期刊在通用编排规范和国际标准方面更容易上手, 在实践编辑中也才有可能快速发现英文稿件中存在的各种错误, 并加以修正。

我们要不断提高期刊的英文编辑质量, 使期刊在语言上能更好地与国际接轨, 为英文版期刊国际化创造条件。为了达到这个要求, 期刊编辑也需要像作者一样向相关专业顶级期刊以及书籍认真学习, 找出本刊与国外同行顶级期刊的差别所在, 不断提升学术水平;另外, 编辑还应该进行编校规范的学习、培训, 不断提高专业编校能力。只有这样, 编辑才能在组稿时筛选出高水平的稿件, 在编辑加工的过程中表现出高超的稿件审改加工能力, 编辑出高质量稿件, 进而办出精品期刊。

(2) 聘请外籍专业人员。聘请以英语为母语的相关专业学者帮忙编辑英文稿件, 这一方面能进一步把好质量关, 另一方面对我国编辑而言也是一个面对面学习的过程。我们毕竟是在学习他国的语言, 不能闭门造车, 如果走出去有困难, 我们可以考虑请进来。

3. 确定国际化的发展方向

国际化期刊有许多表征指标, 包括期刊语言的国际化、学术深度等。高水平的学术影响力、较强的国际传播能力自然是实现期刊国际化所必需的条件。英文版期刊的发展, 为我国的科技人员提供了直接参与国际学术交流的平台, 提高了我国在国际科技学术领域中的地位。但是, 要想真正与国际接轨, 达到国际化水平, 我国英文版期刊还有相当长的一段路要走。

4. 提高认识, 端正态度

我国作者在写作结构、长度、时态和语态方面存在的问题, 从根本上来讲是由于作者主观上不重视造成的, 因为有些问题是完全可以避免的。因此, 我们不但要提升学术水平、提高语言能力以及掌握写作技巧, 而且要提高认识、端正态度。要实现这种种目标, 就必须明确英文版期刊在国际交流中的重要地位和作用, 从思想上认识到打造精品期刊的必要性和迫切性, 并以端正的态度来努力、实践。

简历个人评价英文版 篇8

I am optimistic and cheerful, strict self-discipline, treat people with sincerity, can be hard-working, active work. Familiar with vb and c ++ language; master sqlserver to carry out various operations on the information, such as query the student information table; understand sql database application technology and dreamweaver web production. Easy to integrate into the collective culture, with others to establish a good relationship. A team spirit, sense of innovation, aggressive, responsible for the work, can adapt to high-intensity work.

I have been working in software testing and quality assurance for many years. I have many years of experience in technical and management positions. I have a clear understanding of the software development process and I have learned through my own continuous learning.Accumulated a wealth of technical and management experience. Strong ability to learn, hardworking persistent toughness, can endure hardship, thoughtful, assertive, serious and responsible work and beginning and end, frank, open-minded, good communication with people, a good team spirit.
