


申请签证英文在职信旅行社内部用版 篇1

Confirmation of employment

This is to certify that Ms.名字has worked in our unit since入职时间,her position is职位,and her monthly salary is RMB月薪.She was born on生日,and she holds a passport with the Passport No.护照号.We agree that she will takes a vacation to your country and the other countries from 2014-09-16 to 2014-09-29.All the travel expenses will be afforded by herself.We guarantee that she will abide by all the laws and regulations in the above mentioned countries.We also guarantee she will come back to China on schedule and continue to work in our unit.The registration number as which the unit is registered in the business administration公司注册号

Best Regards,Unit Name:公司名字

Unit Add:公司地址

Unit Tel:+86-区号-公司电话

Name of leader:领导姓名

Signature of leader:领导签字(只有这是手写,其余全部机打)

Position of leader:领导职位
