


主席演讲中英对照 篇1


4月10日,博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会在海南省博鳌开幕。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表题为《开放共创繁荣 创新引领未来》的主旨演讲。新华社记者 李学仁 摄 Openness for Greater Prosperity, Innovation for a Better Future开放共创繁荣创新引领未来 中华人民共和国主席习近平出席博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲Keynote Speech by H.E.Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China ▲ 海南民歌《久久不见久久见》

安南清华大学演讲(中英对照) 篇2

[大] [中] [小]发布人:圣才学习网发布日期:2012-01-16 15:24共30人浏览

The eighth and last Millennium Development Goal is a global partnership for development. This means that developing countries must not be left to develop on their own. They need the help of the richer and more powerful countries through the removal of unfair trade barriers and subsidised competition; through the elimination of the debts which oblige so many poor countries to spend more on repaying and servicing their creditors than they can on the social needs of their own people; and through more generous official development aid which the rich countries have repeatedly promised to provide.

In practical terms,global partnership means that every country where there is extreme poverty is entitled to expect help in forging and pursuing a national strategy to achieve the MDGs by 2015. For the poorest countries,most of which are in Africa,this will be of decisive importance. Without it,they will not reach the Goals. With it,they are in with a real chance.That places a big responsibility on the rich countries and it is one that China shares. I know you are used to thinking of your country as a developing one,and so it is probably the fastest developing country the world has ever seen. But the more successfully it develops,the more it too will be expected to show solidarity with smaller and poorer countries that still need a helping hand.

By the same token,as China’s geopolitical weight grows,so does its share of responsibility for world security.

As well as global solidarity,the Millennium Declaration expressed a shared vision of collective security,rooted in the United Nations Charter.

Yet the events of the past two years have called that consensus in question.

Some have doubted whether Article 51 of the Charter,which reaffirms the inherent right of self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations,until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security,is still sufficient in an age when an armed attack may come without warning,from a clandestine terrorist group,perhaps armed with weapons of mass destruction.

They have argued that force must sometimes be used preventively,and that they must be free to decide when their national security requires it.

Others have replied that that doctrine is in itself a grave threat to international peace and security since it might imply that any state has the right to use force whenever it sees fit,without regard to other states’ concerns. And that is precisely the state of affairs which the United Nations was created to save humanity from.

Indeed,the first purpose of the United Nations,laid down in Article 1 of the Charter,is to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace.

We must show that the United Nations is capable of fulfilling that purpose,so that States do not feel obliged or entitled to take the law into their own hands.

that is why,last year,I asked a small panel of distinguished men and women to make recommendations on ways of dealing with threats and challenges to peace and security in the twenty-first century. I am delighted that a very wise Chinese statesman,Mr. Qian Qichen,agreed to join that panel,whose report should be ready in a few weeks’ time.

In short,my friends,there is much to be done to make the world safe in this new century,and to give all its inhabitants a real chance of living prosperous and fulfilling lives. Many bold

decisions need to be taken,and taken soon.

I hope that some of the most important may be taken in September next year,when world leaders will again assemble at the United Nations to review the progress made,or not made,since the Millennium Declaration. This will be the world’s best chance for a breakthrough to address the joint global challenges of development and security. Yet the task will be much tougher than five years ag instead of setting goals,this time leaders must agree on concrete decisions to achieve them.

For 191 nations to agree on a common path forward,many debates will be needed over the coming year,both within countries and among them. Governments will have to work together and reach compromises,sometimes involving the sacrifice of cherished national goals or interests. And they can do so only if their peoples understand what is at stake,and firmly support it.

China,with its remarkable experience in development and expertise in security,can make a leading contribution to this vital global breakthrough.

That is why I am so glad to be in Beijing today,and to have the chance to speak not only to your government but also to you here,in one of China’s great centres of innovation and creative thought. You young educated people have so much to contribute to development,and to meeting the global challenges that I have spoken about safeguarding world peace and security,developing friendly relations among peoples of different faith or culture,and achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

You already have a well-developed network of solidarity between richer and poorer regions within China,and I know many of you will be serving in poor areas,after you graduate. I hope some of you will think also about serving in other parts of the world,where your skills may be even more desperately needed.

I urge you all and your contemporaries throughout China to commit yourselves to finding answers to our century’s great challenges of poverty,disease,and environmental degradation. I say to you,as I have said to students in the United States,and many other countries,go out and make the world better!

But I have spoken long enough. Now it’s your turn. If you have questions,I will try to answer them. But I hope you may also have comments,so that I can learn from you.Thank you very much.




















感恩母亲英语演讲稿中英对照 篇3

good evening,ladies and gentlemen,

today,my topic is about expressing the appreciation to our mothers.

a few days ago,i have read a news about a mother who walked 18 days back home after a visit to her son who works in the city.the mother did this just because she wanted to save 100 yuan for

him.during the jurney,she had to beg for meals and ask people to take her in in the night.sometimes,unfortunately,she got nothing and had to sleep in caves with starvation.18 days later,when the police found her,she was exhausted and weak.the mother is already 52 years

old,what`s her motivation for doing thisi think everybody knows the answer,yes,it`s the selfless love for her son.

we always say that mother love is the greatest love in the world,as we are growing,we enjoy the delicious food she cooked,we enjoy the clean clothes she washed,we get used to the privilege she gave us. then,gradually,we just take it for granted and begin to find her nagging.we tend to pay less attention to her and sometimes even ignore her.ladies and gentlemen,can you remember what did you do to show your mother your love on her birthdaysi am pretty sure that the younger you were,the more attention you would pay.even though, your mother still love you the same.

on mother`s day,i received a message from one of my best

friends,she said:i am appreciated to your mother for giving birth to you 20 years ago,because it gave me the chance to become your friend.i was moved by these words and can`t help thinking: what a mother isshe is the one who will walk for 18 days just to save 100

yuan for you.she is the one who will keep loving you and expect no return.she is the one who has already sacrificed a lot for you and is ready to sacrifice more.whybecause she got the name mother immediately after you were born.

so,ladies and gentlemen,please be greatful to our mothers, and please cherish the miracle our mothers have made since the

day we came to this world.

thank you very much !






主席演讲中英对照 篇4


I address you tonight, not as the President of the United States, not as the leader of a country, but as a citizen of humanity.We are faced with the very gravest of challenges.The Bible calls this day Armageddon, the end of all things.And yet, for the first time in the history of the planet, a species has the technology to prevent its own extinction.All of you praying with us need to know that everything that can be done to prevent this disaster is being called into service.The human thirst for excellence, knowledge, every step up the ladder of science, every adventurous reach into space, all of our combined modern technologies and imaginations, even the wars that we’ve fought, have provided us the tools to wage this terrible battle.Through all the chaos that is our history, through all of the wrongs and the discord, through all of the pain and suffering, through all of our times, there is one thing that has nourished our souls.And elevated our species above its origins, and that is our courage.Dreams of an entire planet are focused tonight on those 14 brave souls traveling into the heavens.And may we all, citizens the world over, see these events through.Godspeed and good luck to you.

主席演讲中英对照 篇5

In the newest series American Captain, this great man still try to fight against the bad guys and maintain the world peace with his powerful team. While the problem comes during their missions, the team causes so many death and the loss of the public property. Then American Captain was asked to sign a deal to limit their movements but he refused.

I am always a big fan of these comic books, but the newest movie shows me the unacceptable idea of the great man. The responsibility should always come first for the hero, such as batman and superman, they treat the people’s lives in the first place. They will feel very guilty for causing the loss of the public property. So fighting for peace doesn’t mean the big man don’t have to consider the bad results he brings.



主席演讲中英对照 篇6



文章来源自 3 e d u 教育网

Good evening.Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.晚上好。今天晚上,我终于能向美国人民和全世界宣布,美国指挥的一项行动已经将基地组织的头目奥萨马·本·拉登击毙,他要为成千上万美国无辜的男人女人和儿童的死亡负责。

It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history.The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory--hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless

September sky;the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground;black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon;the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.那个阳光明媚的九月被美国有史以来遭受的最惨重的恐怖袭击遮蔽,距今就要十年了。911事件的情景一直留在全国人民的记忆中——被劫持的飞机划过万里无云的九月晴空;

主席演讲中英对照 篇7

Ladies and Gentlemen, I„d planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the Union, but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans.Today is a day for mourning and remembering.Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country.This is truly a national loss.女士们先生们:本来,我打算今天晚上向你们宣读国情咨文,但今天早些时候发生的事件让我改变了计划。今天是哀悼和怀念的日子。南希和我为“挑战者号”航天飞机的悲剧感到至为痛心。我们知道全体国人人同此心。这真正是全国人的损失。

Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground.But, we„ve never lost an astronaut in flight.We„ve never had a tragedy like this.And perhaps we„ve forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle.But they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly.We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe.We mourn their loss as a nation together.十九年前,几乎就在今天,在一次可怕的地面事故中,我们丧失了三名宇航员。然而我们从未在飞行中丧失过宇航员,从未经历过这样的灾难。也许我们已经忘记,航天飞机机组人员需要多么大的勇气;但是挑战者七壮士深知其中的危险,他们坚忍不拔,出色地履行了自己的职责。我们悼念七位英雄:迈克尔·史密斯、迪克·斯科比、朱迪恩·伦斯尼克、罗纳德·卖克奈尔、埃利森·奥尼祖卡、格雷戈里·贾维斯、克丽斯塔·麦考利夫。我们举国哀悼失去的英雄。

For the families of the seven, we cannot bear, as you do, the full impact of this tragedy.But we feel the loss, and we„re thinking about you so very much.Your loved ones were daring and brave, and they had that special grace, that special spirit that says, “Give me a challenge, and I„ll meet it with joy.” They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths.They wished to serve, and they did.They served all of us.对于这七个人的家人,我们不能百分之百地像你们那样的感受这场灾难的打击。但是我们感受到了损失,我们认为你们一定也是这样。你们的亲人勇敢无畏,他们的特殊姿态和特殊精神告诉我们:“把挑战给我,我要满怀喜悦的去迎接。“他们渴望探索宇宙,渴望揭开宇宙的奥秘。他们希望尽职,他们做到了。他们为我们所有的人尽了职。

We„ve grown used to wonders in this century.It„s hard to dazzle us.But for twenty-five years the United States space program has been doing just that.We„ve grown used to the idea of space, and, perhaps we forget that we„ve only just begun.We„re still pioneers.They, the members of the Challenger crew, were pioneers.这个世纪,我们对奇迹已习以为常。很难有什么会使我们赞叹不已。但是美国航天计划二十五年来做的正是如此。我们对太空计划已经习以为常,也许已经忘了我们不过刚刚起步。我们仍然是开拓者。他们——挑战者号全体机组人员是开拓者。

And I want to say something to the schoolchildren of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle„s take-off.I know it„s hard to understand, but sometimes painful things like this happen.It„s all part of the process of exploration and discovery.It„s all part of taking a chance and expanding man„s horizons.The future doesn„t belong to the fainthearted;it belongs to the brave.The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future, and we„ll continue to follow them.我要对观看航天飞机发射直播的美国学童说几句话。我知道后者难以理解,但有时像这样令人痛苦的 1 事确实会发生。这些都是探索和发现过程的一部分。这些都是承担风险、拓展人类世界范围的一部分。未来不属于弱者,未来属于强者。挑战者号全体人员把我们推向未来,我们将继续追随他们。

I„ve always had great faith in and respect for our space program.And what happened today does nothing to diminish it.We don„t hide our space program.We don„t keep secrets and cover things up.We do it all up front and in public.That„s the way freedom is, and we wouldn„t change it for a minute.我一直对我们的航天计划充满信心,并怀抱敬意。今天发生的悲剧决不会削弱它。我们没有隐藏自己的航天计划。我们没有保密和隐瞒。我们堂堂正正地公开实施它。这正是自由的方式,我们一分钟也不会改变它。

We„ll continue our quest in space.There will be more shuttle flights and more shuttle crews and, yes, more volunteers, more civilians, more teachers in space.Nothing ends here;our hopes and our journeys continue.我们将继续探索太空。我们将有更多次航天飞行,有更多宇航员,更多志愿者,更多平民,更多教师进入太空。一切都不会到此为止。我们的希望和我们的旅程不会停步。

I want to add that I wish I could talk to every man and woman who works for NASA, or who worked on this mission and tell them: “Your dedication and professionalism have moved and impressed us for decades.And we know of your anguish.We share it.”


There„s a coincidence today.On this day 390 years ago, the great explorer Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship off the coast of Panama.In his lifetime the great frontiers were the oceans, and a historian later said, “He lived by the sea, died on it, and was buried in it.” Well, today, we can say of the Challenger crew: Their dedication was, like Drake„s, complete.今天是一个巧合。三百九十年前的今天,伟大的探险家佛朗西斯·德雷克勋爵在巴拿马附近海面的一条船上死去。在他生活的时代,最大的疆界就是海洋。后来一位历史学家说:“他生在海边,死在海上,葬在海里。“今天我们可以这样对挑战者号乘员说:像德雷克一样,他们的奉献是毫无保留的。

The crew of the space shuttle Challenger honored us by the manner in which they lived their lives.We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and “slipped the surly bonds of earth” to “touch the face of God.”

主席演讲中英对照 篇8

华莱士:Sons of Scotland...苏格兰的子民们

I am William Wallace.我是威廉华莱士

士兵乙:William Wallace is 7 feet tall.威廉华莱士有七英尺高华莱士:Yeah, I’ve heard.哟西,我也听说了。

He kills men by the hundreds,他杀人数以百计

and if he were here, he’d consume the English他若在此

with fireballs from his eyes他眼睛可以冒火球

and bolts of lightning from his arse.屁股会放雷电消灭英格兰军的 I am William Wallace我是威廉华莱士(自信ing)

and I see a whole army of my countrymen 我看到我民族组成的军队here in defiance of tyranny.向暴政宣战

You’ve come to fight as free men.你们作战是为解放人民And free men you are.你们自己也将自由

What will you do with that freedom?若没有自由你会怎么办?Will you fight?你们愿意作战吗?



士兵丙:Against that?No!对抗那?不!

We will run, and we will live.我们会逃开我们会活

华莱士:Aye? 嗬

Fight, and you may die.作战可能会战死

Run, and you’ll live...逃开能活着

at least awhile.至少一阵子

And dying in your beds many years from now,几年后在床上老死would you be willing to trade你们是否愿意

all the days from this day to that用这一切来换今天

for one chancejust one chance为一个机会就这么一个机会to come back here and tell our enemies回到这 告诉我们的敌人that they may take our lives,他们或许会杀死我们

but they’ll never take our freedom!但他们夺不去我们的自由!(众士兵欢呼)

华莱士:Albagu bra!

众士兵:Albagu bra!自由!(什么鸟语)

主席演讲中英对照 篇9

Ending the War in Afghanistan and Rebuilding America(January 12, 2013)结束阿富汗战争,重建美国(2013年1月12日)

Hi, everybody.大家好.This week, I welcomed President Hamid Karzai to the White House to discuss the way ahead in Afghanistan.And today, I want to update you on how we will end this war, bring our troops home, and continue the work of rebuilding America.本周,我欢迎哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统来白宫讨论阿富汗的前途.今天,我要告诉你们,我们怎么结束这场战争,让我们的部队回家,继续为重建美国而工作.Over the past four years, thanks to our brave men and women in uniform, we’ve dealt devastating blows to al Qaeda.We’ve pushed the Taliban out of their strongholds.And our core objective – the reason we went to war in the first place – is now within reach: ensuring that al Qaeda can never again use Afghanistan to launch attacks against America.在过去4年里,多亏了我们英勇的军人,我们已经对基地组织进行了毁灭性打击.我们已经把塔利班赶出了他们的据点.我们的核心目标--我们进行战争的原因—伸手可及:让基地组织永远不能再利用阿富汗来发动对美国的攻击.The 33,000 additional forces that I ordered to Afghanistan served with honor, completed their mission, and – as promised – returned home last fall.This week, we agreed that this spring, Afghan forces will take the lead for security across the entire country, and our troops will shift to a support role.In the coming months, I’ll announce the next phase of our drawdown.And by the end of next year, America’s war in Afghanistan will be over.我命令前往阿富汗的另外33,000军队,为荣誉而战,完成了他们的使命,在去年秋天如期回国.本周,我们一致同意,今年春天,阿富汗的武装力量将担负起整个国家的安全责任.我们的军队将只充当一个援助的角色.在未来的几个月,我将宣布下一阶段的撤军.在明年年底,美国在阿富汗的战争将彻底结束.This progress has only been possible because of the heroic sacrifices of our troops and diplomats, alongside forces from many other nations.More than a half million Americans – military and civilian – have served in Afghanistan.Thousands have been wounded.More than 2,000 have given their lives.这一进程将因为我们军队和外交官比许多其他国家更加英勇无畏而成为可能.50多万的美国人--包括军人和百姓—曾在阿富汗服役.数以千计的人曾受伤.2000多人牺牲了.This remains a very difficult mission.The work ahead will not be easy.Our forces are still in harm’s way.But make no mistake – our path is clear, and we are moving forward.Because after more than a decade of war, the nation we need to rebuild is our own.这仍是一件非常艰巨的任务.前进的道路并不平坦.我们的军队仍面临危机.但不会犯错--我们的路线明确,我们正在前进.因为在10多年的战争后,我们需要重建的是我们自己的国家.As we do, we have to care for our troops and veterans who fought in our name.We have to grow our economy and shrink our deficits.Create new jobs and boost family incomes.We have to fix our infrastructure and our immigration system.We have to protect our planet from the destructive effects of climate change – and protect our children from the horrors of gun violence.正像我们做的,我们要关心我们的部队和为我们而战斗的退伍军人.我们要发展我们的经济,减少我们的赤字.创造就业,增加家庭收入.我们要修复我们的基础设施和我们的移民体系.我们要保护我们的星球不受气候变化的影响--保护我们的孩子免受枪支暴力的恐惧.These, too, will be difficult missions for America.But they must be met.And if we can summon just a fraction of the determination of our men and women in uniform, I know we can meet them.And I intend to work as hard as I know how to make sure we do.这些,同样也是美国艰巨的任务.但是这些一定要实现.我们只要能够召集一部分我们军人的决心,我坚信我们能够实现这些目标.我愿意尽我所能努力工作,确保我们实现目标.Thank you.谢谢大家.
