


感谢信,英文邮件 篇1



sample 1 20 june 2006 dear mr.seaton,thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to london.it was the first time that i had seen the tower or any of the other famous sights.if id gone alone, i couldnt have seen nearly as much, because i wouldnt have known my way about.the weather was splendid on that day, which i thought was rare.i still remember some people told me that in britain there was weather and no climate.during the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls.so i think i was lucky.i think the river trip was the best thing of all.london really came alive for me as we saw it from the thames during that wonderful journey down to greenwich.it was all tremendously exciting - a day that i shall never forget.thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat.yours sincerely, linda chen sample 2 20 july 2006 dear mr.wang, thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of mcea(maywood chinese education association).your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in maywood will benefit from studying the chinese language as part of their elementary school education.it provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual chinese education a reality in maywood public schools.thanks again for sending a letter in support of mcea.we will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of china.yours sincerely, george chen useful expressions thanks for...it was very nice/good of you to...thank you very much for...i must thank you for...i am extremely grateful for your help...i am most grateful for...篇二:英文感谢信模板+范文

感 谢 信

dear______, i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for _________(感谢的原因).if it had not been for your assistance in ___________(对方给你的具体帮助), i fear that i would have been_________(没有对方帮助时的后果).every one agrees that it was you who______________(给出细节).again, i would like to express my warm thanks to you!please accept my gratitude.yours sincerely 你的姓名

extend [?kstend] vt.延伸;扩大;推广;伸出;给予;使竭尽全力;对„估价 vi.延伸;扩大;伸展;使疏开

gratitude [gr?t?tju?d] n.感谢(的心情);感激

assistance [?s?st(?)ns] n.援助,帮助;辅助设备






收到他人赠送的礼物应当及时写封感谢信,感谢信除了应写得真诚、具体、及时外,还应当特别提及所收礼物的具体内容,否则,泛泛而谈,使人觉得你不够真诚。为此,当你写感谢信时,应这样写:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(谢谢您送的美丽的玫瑰花。);而不要笼统地写上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(谢谢您送给我的漂亮礼物。),这样,使人觉得你既礼貌,又诚心,从而真正达到交往的目的。下面我们来看看具体的范例。

范例1 dear laura, i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a garden.how considerate and wonderful of you to remember my birthday.you just couldnt have selected anything i had have liked more!you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasa ntest period in my life.i will cherish this memory forever.how nice it would be to see you again.you have been more than kind, and i wont ever forget it.my love and deepest gratitude, now and always!sincerely yours, jane 范例2 dear dan and laura, jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl set.we are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding gift.thanks again for the lovely gift.fondly, minnie 范例3 dear mrs.gorden, id like you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant to me.i not only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed a nd refreshed as i havent felt for months.please give my love to helen.it was so nice being with her again just like our old days together at school.many thanks to you and mr.gordon for asking me.sincerely yours,jean brown 2)感谢信模板 date:_________ dear____, ①i am now writing to express my sincere thanks for____.②id like you to know how much your _____ meant to me.③you have a positive genius for ______.④i not only enjoyed_____ , but also___.⑤i shall ever remember _____ as one of the most _____ in my life.⑥i _____.⑦i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.⑧ would you kindly let me know _____.⑨i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _____.⑩ how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you next time!i repeat my thanks again for your_____.please give my kind regards to your_____.yours truly, signature 信息提示



②表达出自己非常珍惜对方的付出/礼物 ③对对方一定的赞美

④ 对方的情意对自己的影响


⑥表达出自己希望有回报的机会 ⑦ 询问对方是否有时间

⑧ 表达自己回报的心情

⑨ 提出希望下次见面的愿望


最后表达真挚的祝福 信件结尾与签名 篇三:面试后的英文感谢信范文

its very important to follow up after a job interview, because even if you think the interview went badly, keeping in touch may improve the interviewers perception of you.it reflects persistence, and its also polite to thank the hiring manager after the interview.remember to also send the note within two days of the interview;although, if youve passed the two-day mark, a late response is better than no response.在面试后跟进非常重要,因为即使你觉得自己表现不佳,与面试官保持联络会提升面试官对你的印象。跟进体现了你的坚持,而且面试后谢谢招聘官也很有礼貌。要记得在面试后两天内写邮件,如果超过了两天的期限,晚写总比不写好。

here is a sample of the kind of email you should send: 下面是这类email的一个样例:

dear interviewer, 面试官您好:


thank you for your consideration, and i look forward to following up with you.谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。

best regards 致上最好的问候

interviewee 面试者

更多英语学习:面试英语学习资料 篇四:英语感谢信套路范文


i am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...i am writing to express my thanks for...i am writing to show my sincere appreciation for...i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...i feel deeply indebted to you and i really dont know how to thank you enough for your help.感谢信结尾段常用句式和套话

i must thank you again for your generous help.i am most grateful for your selfless donation.my true gratitude is beyond the words description.i feel most obliged to thank you once more.please accept my gratitude, now and always.★例:

directions: after being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person.write a letter: 1)mentioning what happened in the accident, 2)telling the person about your recovery, and 3)expressing your thanks.you should write with no less than 100 words on answer sheet 2.do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.use li ming instead.you do not need to write the address.范文: dear john, i am writing to thank you for looking after me after that unfortunate accident the other day, when i was knocked off my bike by a taxi.if it had not been for your assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, i fear that the consequences might have been much more serious dear staff,i am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you.now that i am home and on my own again i feel extremely happy.during the time i lived at the rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, i promised myself i would write a letter of thanks as soon as i was able.abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern.it was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that i could walk again.i would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me.forgive me for the times i lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me.never stop your beautiful way of working with people.your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.affectionately, wang fang 译文











必背模版句型 i am writing to express my thanks for...我写这封信是为了表达我对??的谢意

i would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for...在信中我要为„„表达我真挚的谢意

thank you so much for the gift you sent me.its one of the most wonderful gifts i ever got.非常感谢你给我寄来的礼物,这是我收到的最好礼物之一。

many thanks for all the good things you have done in helping us to...非常感谢您为帮助我们??所做的一切。

篇五:10.10.28.感谢信写法(英文)lesson 23 letters of thanks & of sympathy 第二十三课 感谢信和慰问信

after studying this chapter, you will be able to: ? recognize letters of thanks and of sympathy ? use appropriate formats and sentences 感谢信是为了感谢其它企业或者个人对我方的业务支持、协助而写的礼仪信函。与致辞、贺信等等一样,感谢信函的公关功能要比商务内容大得多。






? 说明感谢谁,因而对方的姓名、称呼、职务必须具体、明确

? 概括具体事情,务必让对方明白说的是哪件事

? 一定要说明对方的帮助产生了什么样的效果和客观影响

? 把表示感激的话说出来,不要含蓄

? 热情赞扬对方的协助精神,适当应用一些套语

? 不必沿用汉语同类文本的套路,即不要表示“向你学习”、“以后厚








感谢信,英文邮件 篇2

As Cindy was getting ready to prune (修剪) the roses,John came back out to the mailbox,opened it,felt all the way to the back,and then slammed it closed harder than ever.

Puzzled by her brother's actions,Cindy asked him,“Issomething wrong?”

浅谈商务英文电子邮件的书写原则 篇3

[关键词] 商务英文电子邮件“5C”原则










(1)用词要肯定准确,切忌含糊。例:The figures show a significant increase。这里significant语意不明确,可以用具体数字替换,改为:The figures show an increase of 18%。

(2)词语摆放位置要正确。例:He could only reimburse the cost after July 15.此句有歧义,可以理解为only reimburse the cost或only after July 15,可以改为:He could reimburse the cost only after July 15。


(1)用常用单词替换短语。例如:at this time → now,due to the fact that → because,a draft in the amount of $1000→ a draft for $1000。

(2)将冗长句子和段落进行“瘦身”。现代商业人士喜欢语言精练、一目了然,通常采用please, thank you for, look forward to等常用简单词语来表达意愿。同时可以借助first, second 等序数词,分号、冒号等标点符号或数字序号等对过长的复合句或段落划分层次,做到条理清晰,重点突出。


4.礼貌周到(Courtesy)。礼貌的商务邮件不仅应多使用诸如please, you kind require, thank you for 等词语和句式,更重要的是站在对方立场考虑对方的愿望和要求,语气真诚、考虑周全,避免使用冒犯、伤害、贬低的词语。






英文商务邮件 篇4



Dear Mr.Jones:

We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for textiles.We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles.We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present.You may also visit our online company introduction at Http:// which includes our latest product line.Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know.We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.Sincerely, John Roberts


Credit Information

Dear _______,We would like to _______(我方目的).We understand that _______(了解情况).So we want to ask you if they are _______(咨询情况)so that we may take steps to _______(采取措施后达到的目的).We will be obliged if you will kindly give us the information about _______(相关信息).Any information you provide will be highly appreciated and kept in strict confidence.We shall be pleased to oblige if you need our services at this end.We are awaiting your early reply.Yours sincerely, ×××

2.推销 Salesmanship

Dear _______,We have imported _______(产品名称)._______(产品引人注目点)is well-known and universally acknowledged.So, we feel sure that you may be interested in them, and this kind of new products will _______(销售情况).We are mailing you _______(附件名称).If you have interest in our products and find a good market for the new products, please let us know.We are offering you good products on generous terms in order that you can _______(对方受惠处).We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely, ×××


Establishing Business Relations

Dear_______,We have obtained your name and address from _______(信息来源)and are glad to establish business relations with you.We _______(业务情况), moreover, there is a good demand for _______(产品名称).So, we feel sure we can sell large quantities of_______(产品名称).As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the _______(资信单位)as a reference.Please let us have all necessary information regarding _______(相关信息).If _______(交易条件), we would _______(下何种订单).Yours sincerely, ××× 4.询盘 Inquiry

Dear _______,Thank you for your _______(贵方信息).We have connected with a number of our customers in this area and many of them have interest in ______(产品名称).So, there is a large demand for _______(产品名称)here.Would you please make us an offer for _______(产品名称).If your quotation is attractive to the customers, we will place a _______(订单类型)order with you.We look forward to your favorable reply.Yours sincerely, ××× 5.报盘 Offer

Dear _______,We were very pleased to receive your letter of _______(日期)answering _______(询问情况), and as requested, enclose _______(附件名称).We think our products are _______(产品性能)._______(交易条件).We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.We look forward to your reply.Yours sincerely, ××× 6.还盘 Counter-offer

Dear _______,We thank you for your letter of _______(日期)offering us _______(产品数量)of the subject goods at _______(报价).Although we are in urgent need of such product, we find your price _______(对方价格情况).Your quoted price will _______(此报价的结果).To tell you the truth, we have received quotations _______(百分数)lower than yours.Should you be prepared to reduce your price by, say,_______(百分数), we might come to terms.Considering _______(鉴于因素), we make you such a counter-offer._______(希望对方考虑报价原因).We hope you will consider our counteroffer most favorably and let us know your acceptance as soon as possible.Hope to hear from you soon.Yours faithfully, ×××

7.下订单 Order

Dear_______,We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your quotation dated_______(日期)and noted the total_______(币种、金额)_______(地点).We agree to this price, and would ask you to accept this order-letter as our official order.The payment is being made by_______(付款方式)today.In view of_______(鉴于条件), we should appreciate it if you agree to_______(我方要求).We look forward to your reply as soon as possible.Yours faithfully, ×××


Accepting the Order

Dear _______,Thank you for your order _______(产品名称、型号).The goods are _______(产品状况)and will be delivered on time.It is a pleasure to _______(乐意之事)and we hope you will be satisfied with the _______(满意之处)of our goods.On receiving your credit from the bank, we will make up your order.We will have the pleasure of receiving further orders from you.Yours sincerely, ×××

9.拒绝订单 Declining the Order

Dear _______,Thank you for your order _______(产品型号)for _______(产品名称)which we received today.We regret that, owing to _______(原因),we are unable to fill your order.Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to _______(进一步原因).We will, however, contact you once supply improves.In the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of _______(其他型号产品).You can be assured of our best attention at all times.Yours faithfully, ×××

10.支付方式 Terms of Payment

Dear _______, We have thoroughly considered the terms of payment discussed with your _______(人名).We are in agreement with your proposals and hereby give you the terms and conditions which have been agreed upon as follows:(1)Your terms of payment are _______(支付方式).(2)The price quoted to us are _______(价格条款).The above terms of payment were approved by _______(批准单位或个人)and will be acted upon accordingly.The relative order is now being prepared and will be sent to you in the course of _______(时间).Your early reply would be very appreciated.Yours faithfully, ××× 11.催款 Reminder

Dear _______,Account _______(号码)As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account already _______(欠款拖期)overdue.We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on _______(日期)showing the balance of _______(币种、金额)you owe.We send you a copy and hope it may have your early attention.We hope your early reply.Yours faithfully, ××× 12.更改信用证 Amending the L/C

Dear _______,We have received your L/C No._______(订单号)issued by _______(开证行)for the amount of _______(金额)covering _______(产品名称).After reviewing the L/C, we found that _______(出错地方).We, therefore, are writing this letter, asking you to amend the L/C to read, “ _______”(修改款项).We shall be glad if you see to it that amendment is cabled without any delay, as our goods have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time.We look forward to your early reply.Sincerely, ××× 13.理赔

Settlement of Claims

Dear _______,On _______(日期), I placed a large order for your expensive _______(产品名称).Unfortunately, our customers reflected _______(反映的问题).We are very disappointed with this order.We can’t sell them.On the advice of _______(人名)I am returning _______(产品名称).Please arrange _______(补救措施)as soon as possible.We look forward to your early reply.Yours, ××× 14.代理 Agency

英文商务邮件 篇5

We understand from your information posted on Alibaba.com that you are in the market for te_tiles. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with Bright Ideas Imports in the future.

We are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and e_port of te_tiles. We have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. You may also visit our online company introduction at Http://www.howseek.com which includes our latest product line.

Should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

We look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


英文外贸邮件 篇6

We have noticed your advertisement in the September 15 issue of the Sweater World Journal. We would appreciate it if you could send us a pamphlet as well as the catalogue and price-list of your products.

We are a large chain of retailers and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the adult market.

As we are usually a bulk buyer, we hope you can follow us a large discount.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

邮件问候语英文 篇7


1.I hope everything is fine with you.

2.Hope you enjoy your day.

3.How areyou getting along these days? I miyou very much

4.How do you do? 你好。(初次见面。)

5.how is it going? 过得怎么样呀?

6.do everything well?

7.Have a nice day and give my best wishes to you.

8.I hope you enjoy you night and morning!


I hope my email finds you well.


I hope you enjoy you night and morning!


Sincere wishes to you and I hope you have a good lunch!


I tried to rich you couple of time on the phone without success.


I hope you had a good weekend and businesses are still running.


It is Ameir greeting you from Shhenzhen. How is going?


Any comments from you are appreciated!


Can you please confirm if you are available possibly on 23th November, ?


All the staff of our company show our warmest welcome to you for your coming!


Have a nice day and give my best wishes to you.


Thanks for all and waiting your reply we will send you our best regards.
