


before 篇1

Before 被用作连词时, 通常表示“在……之前”。如:①I’ll do it now before I forget it.趁我还没有忘记, 现在就做。

因此, 在使用 before 引导的从句时, 以下几点值得注意:

1.before 从句的实质

根据 before 的词汇意义, 不难发现从句谓语表示的动作, 在主句谓语动词表示的动作发生时其实尚未发生, 换句话说, 从句的动作是以其否定的状态存在着。如:

②He ran off before I could stop him=I couldn’t stop him when he ran off.我还没有来得及阻止他, 他就跑掉了。

③Before he knew it, his piece of meat fell into the water.=He hadn’t known it when his piece of meat fell into the water.他还不知道怎么回事, 他的那块肉就掉进水里去了。

由此可见, before 的词汇意义否定了从句谓语动词的肯定内容, 使其以肯定的语法形式包含着否定的逻辑内容。

2.在 before 从句中, 常用一般现在时或一般过去时。如:

④Take the medicine before you go to bed.睡觉前把这药吃掉。

⑤She arrived before the train left.她赶到时, 火车还没有开。

3.before 从句用肯定句

既然 before 从句本身含有否定的意味, 那么, 其谓语动词必须是肯定式, 不能用否定式。因此我们不能把“铃还没响, 学生们就走了出去”误译为:The students went out before the bell hadn’t rung/didn’t ring.


⑥The students went out before the bell rang.

又如:这人还没有来得及插话, 那店老板就吩咐给他做各种衣服。

⑦Before the man could get in a word, the owner of the shop gave orders for all sorts of suits for him.

4.before 从句与 until 从句的关系


⑧He didn’t know any English until he went to England.=He started to know some English after he went to England.他去英国后才懂点英语。

⑨He didn’t know any English before he went to England.=When he went to England he didn’t know any English.他去英国前不懂英语。

由此可见, 从逻辑内容来看, until 和 before 在否定句里意思大致相当。但是, 两者的着眼点不同:用until, 强调的是主句转化后的情况 (例如句⑧可译为“到英国去之后才懂点英语”) ;用 before 则侧重于事物原来的面貌 (如句⑨可译为“没去英国时, 他不懂英语”) 。

before 篇2

I met her three weeks ago. 我在三周前碰到了她。


I told you before. 我以前告诉过你。

另外, before还可作连词和介词, ago则不能。如:

It began to rain before I left the classroom. 我离开教室以前,雨就开始下了。(before作连词)

★ 关于die用法及解释

★ 关于go的用法及解释

★ long long ago歌词

★ 关于not only but also的用法及解释

★ 尽情尽理成语解释及用法

before 篇3

Hence they start their trip in Vienna. Firstthey meet a group of guys who warmly invitethem to attend their avant-garde2 drama aboutholy cows to be staged in the evening. Thenthey tour the scenic spots using the city'spublic transportation on which they play thegame of Q and A asking each other questionsabout their life experiences, including eachother's likes and dislikes. When they comeacross a record shop, Celine picks up an albumand they try it in the booth3. It is a love songby an American singer. Though not perfect,the lYric of love is really touching. On thestreet, they talk about their parents and theirmarriages and divorce, concluding that howdifferent their generation was. Then they visita cemetery which Celine once visited. Uponseeing so many nameless graves on the bank ofthe Danube, they discuss whether there aresouls4. On the ferris wheel of the funfair,s theywatch the sunset which is so beautiful. In sucha romantic atmosphere, they can't help kissingeach other.

When they dine in a pub, a fortunetellerpredicts Celine's bright future though Jessedoesn't believe such silly things. Out of thepub, they are stopped by a guy sitting in a boatat the bank of the Danube. He tells them that hecan compose a poem to be based on any wordthey are to utter. Jesse is not interested, butCeline would like to give it a try by saying"milkshake". Before long, a poem flows out ofthe guy's pen and it reads like this.

"Daydream delusion / Limousine eyelash /Oh, baby, with your pretty face/Drop a tear inmy wine glass/Look at those big eyes/Seewhat you mean to me/Sweet cakes andmilkshakes/I am a delusion angel/I'm afantasy parade/I want you to know what Ithink / Don't want you to guess anymore / Youhave no idea where I came from/We have noidea where we're going/Lodged in life/Likebranches in the river/Flowing downstream/Caught in the current / I carry you / You'll carryme/That's how it could be/Don't you knowme?/Don't you know me by now?"

Touched by the poem, Celine gives a lot ofcoins to the guy. But Jesse just smiles at

Celine's innocence knowing that the guyprepared the poem before hand and justchanged a few words to fit particular cases.Perhaps it is the very temperament of wit andinnocence in Celine that attracts Jesse likemagnet.

In their next stop in a bar they buy some beer and play some billiard games.Then theytentatiVely ask each other questions about theirboyfriend and girlfriend and find out that bom are disappointed at their respectiVe partner.Thenthey discuss the feminist issues regarding whoget the ultimate benefits from women's liberationand the huge differences between men andwomen.When their argument comes to a stoP,they come across a street dance shOW in which awoman dancer is performing birth dancel4.ButJesse thinks it is more like mating dance.Fromthis mey start the toPic of how women surviVeby attracting men.Jesse honesny tells Celine hiscontradiction of wanting to be a good husbandand father but sometimes is afraid that this willblock his career develoPment and prevent himfrom doing other things he likes.

It's getting late and they get into a restaurantf6r some drink.Celine suggests they Play a gameof telephone conversation with Jesse playingCeline's boyftiend and Celine Playing Jessersgirlfriend.In the pretending conversation,eachspeaks out how they feel about each other.Theyfind out that they are attracted to each otheL AfteYwards,mey come out onto the street to appreciate vienna's Phenomenal'5 night sceneryIt's romantically beatutiful,yet both of them feel alittle sad since they wiu never see each other again after me next morning.They discuss me possibility of keeping in touch,but finauy decideto keep their vow.To celebrate their only night,they get into a bar and succeed in getting a bottle of red wine and two glasses without Paying thebartender.Then they find a meadow and lie down and go on their talking while drinking the wine.Despite their vow of not sleePing wimeach other and seeing each omer afterwards,they still cannot help kissing each 0ther andmaking love on the meadow in the middle ofthe night.

before 篇4

第一部《爱在黎明破晓前》在1995年上映, 男女主角 (杰西和席琳) 在开往维也纳的火车上认识, 在餐车上初次聊天, 青涩的主角因为对初次认识的异性的好奇, 想要接近对方的冲动, 都在努力让自己的话语引起对方兴趣颇有些可笑、语无伦次的感觉。他们谈论自己的目的地, 自己的旅程, 随着逐渐的熟悉, 开始转到自己的理想, 以及对理想与父母要求之间产生的分歧的抱怨。随着交谈的深入, 他们开始逐渐放开, 感觉两颗心在共同的话题中逐渐靠近, 交谈变得自由轻松, 而不是刻意去讨好对方。开心的话题中时间总是过得很快, 很快到下车时间, 不愿分开的两人于是决定一起度过一个浪漫的夜晚。他们一起在公交车上聊天, 越来越被对方所吸引的男主角不自觉想要去撩起对方散落下的长发, 却在对方将视线投向自己时赶紧缩回手去, 装成拂了一下自己的头发, 这个小细节很是可爱。

之后感情慢慢的升温, 他们在摩天轮上亲吻、路边酒水桌上看手相, 一起听流浪汉的诗, 酒吧里边玩桌弹球边像一对真正的情侣那样互相坦白自己过去的感情, 看街边的舞蹈能从古时候女性分娩聊到性爱再聊到人生的迷茫。是的, 两人都开始有一些迷茫, 几个小时的相处交谈让两颗心越来越近, 但他们心中也在动摇, 不同的国籍, 不同的人生, 只有这几个小时刚刚产生的爱慕, 这样的爱情真的合理吗?茶座中的角色扮演, 假装打电话给好友来倾诉自己对这个火车上刚认识的人的一见钟情, 其实是另一种的互诉衷肠。是的, 他们相爱了, 尽管双方都知道天一亮就要分开, 但是爱情的到来是无法阻拦的, 因此他们约定今晚的尽情浪漫, 天亮后潇洒分手。可是, 年轻人的心总是多变的, 在上火车前的最后拥抱亲吻, 让他们一瞬间改变了心意, 重新约定了半年后的见面。

二、再相聚, 物已非, 人仍是

九年后, 出现在影幕上的是第二部《爱在日落黄昏时》, 主角们都变得成熟、理性、更加现实, 他们再次相见, 并没有我们所想象的那般惊喜表达, 我们男主角甚至表现得有些紧张, 仿佛回到了九年前初见的青涩, 语无伦次, 不知所措。也许是因为九年的分别产生了陌生, 也许是因为分别九年后再次见到心爱之人的巨大惊喜使他一时失措?通过两人的对话我们知道, 杰西履行了当初的约定, 他在半年后重新到了维也纳, 但是席琳却因为要参加祖母葬礼而失约了。这真是让人遗憾, 可以想象, 一个满怀爱意的小伙子在当初邂逅的地方痴痴等了几天, 心爱的人却始终没有出现, 满腔热情逐渐熄灭寒冷, 这是多大的打击!虽然他并没有像席琳抱怨出来。再次的见面实际上是让两人都感到惊喜的, 但是即使不去提当年席琳失约造成的感情创伤, 九年的分别也不可避免的带来了一些陌生感, 他们知道自己对对方依然有着炽热的感情, 却不清楚在对方心中自己还有多少分量, 于是他们谨慎地掩饰着自己的感情, 小心翼翼地诉说着自己的经历, 讨论一些莫名其妙的时事, 当初靠得很近的两颗心之间仿佛有了一道深不可测的鸿沟。两个人谈论理想, 谈论人生感悟, 用这种无关紧要的话题来消除两人的隔阂。很奇怪, 这些杂乱的话题让两个人都放松下来, 时间好像回到了初次的邂逅, 不经意间的话语重新拉近了两个人的心。

油轮上, 杰西有一段真情流露, 他深情倾诉自己结婚前因为看到疑似席琳的身影感觉到“快要疯了”;席琳则是在送自己回家的汽车上面, 倾诉她自从九年前那天起就再难以感觉到浪漫的爱情。而轮到杰西倾诉自己家庭的沉闷和对席琳的思念时, 席琳做了一个动作, 她想要轻抚杰西的头发, 却在对方把头转过来时赶紧把手缩了回去, 这和第一部时杰西的动作几乎一模一样。是时光的重现吗, 谁知道呢?结尾时, 席琳自弹自唱的那一首华尔兹让我们看到了席琳的炽热情感, 而在杰西望向弹唱中的席琳的眼光中, 我们看到了同样的炽热。这时候, 谁还会在乎那即将赶不上的飞机呢?


第三部《爱在午夜降临前》出现在2013年, 又一个九年, 我们知道了杰西跟前妻离婚后跟席琳结了婚, 并有了一对双胞胎女儿。爱情在这里遇到了最大的考验——婚后的柴米油盐。当初九年的分别并没有让两人的感情变质, 但婚后那些鸡毛蒜皮的事情似乎能够做到。影片的开头, 在希腊一段时间的度假之后, 杰西送走与前妻的儿子, 与席琳就各种事情——居住地、工作等发生了一些分歧, 也许是潜意识里发现两人的感情正在蜕变, 他们接受了朋友们的建议——重新拥有一个两人世界, 远离他人的希腊古堡一日游。于是, 离开前最后一个清晨, 两人身着随意的便装告别朋友们, 仿佛散步一样漫步古堡, 杰西的衣服甚至随意到了有些邋遢的地步。时光仿佛回到了九年前和十八年前, 两人边散步边聊天, 谈笑风生, 心情愉快, 这一刻仿佛不再是多年夫妻, 而是两个互有好感的异性朋友在互相倾诉。当他们在河边看着日落, 席琳连续说了四声“still there” (它还在那儿) , 当太阳最终落下, 仿佛如释重负的一声“gone”。这有什么寓意?也许是叹息青春时光的流逝, 也许是遗憾一天就这么过去, 或许什么意思都没有, 就是无意识的呢喃。

晚间的旅馆中, 原本以为将随着浪漫之夜完美结束这一天的两人却接到了杰西儿子的电话。于是两人之间的分歧再次爆发, 他们意识到白天的浪漫之旅不能让他们回避那些真实存在的问题。两人争吵, 发牢骚, 抱怨, 如同一切婚后多年的普通夫妻那样, 抱怨着自己的辛苦, 指责对方的不足, 闹了个不欢而散。到这里简直是对这三部曲之前那种温情款款的感觉的完全颠覆, 在这一段我们找不到之前那走走说说的轻松随意, 那种温暖而又浪漫的感觉, 只有快要被生活的种种重压击溃的疲劳男女, 他们没有心情再用幽默的、充满哲理的语言来探讨人生, 而是直截了当地发泄自己对生活的不满。席琳离开的那一句:“我已经不爱你了”简直让观者目瞪口呆。好吧, 结尾自然不可能是两人分手, 杰西还是发挥了绅士风度, 两人言归于好。

或许编剧就是想告诉我们, 爱情需要的不仅仅是那一股冲动和浪漫, 即使是杰西和席琳这样的爱情转化成婚姻之后也会显现出各种矛盾, 爱情从来都不是一件容易的事情。


爱情是人类永恒的话题, 从古至今, 人们用各种方式去歌颂它, 赞美它, 把它称作是人类最动人的几种感情之一。爱情不是立足于虚幻的空中楼阁, 高高在上不食人间烟火, 而是存在于人们身边, 穿插在每个人的生活中。热烈奔放的是爱情, 至死不渝的是爱情, 海枯石烂的是爱情, 天涯咫尺的是爱情, 一瞬千年的是爱情, 平淡柔和的仍然是爱情。

摘要:Before三部曲, 指的是Before Sunrise (爱在黎明破晓前) 、Before Sunset (爱在日落黄昏时) 以及Before Midnight (爱在午夜降临前) 。这三部电影一脉相承, 由同样的演员饰演同样的人物, 在电影中与现实中同步经过了十九年的时光, 虽是小制作的文艺爱情片, 却堪称经典。

before是什么时态的标志词 篇5


标志:always,usually,often,sometimes,every week(day,year,month…),once a week,on Sundays,



标志:ago,yesterday,theday before yesterday,last week(year,night,month…),in ,just now,at the age of 5,one day,long long ago,once upon a time,etc.



标志:now,at this time,these days,etc.



标志:at this time yesterday,at that time或以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的`时间状语等。



标志:recently,lately,since…for…,in the past few years,etc.



标志:before,by,the end of last year(term,month)......

结构:had done


标志:tomorrow,next day,soon,in a few minutes....

结构:1、be going to;2、will/shall do


标志:the next day,the following month

结构:1、be going to do;2、would/should do

before 篇6

Perfect Airport Experience Starts With Booking

A comfortable airline or business jet travel usually starts from your home or your office. For charter flight, the first expection of comfort is convenience. At the same time, the most convenient way is the ability to select your destination, travel date, and aircraft type on the operator’s website.

However, online booking is not yet available in China. Firstly, new customers will have to call different operators for information and quote. Secondly, due to the price war, it is a long and painful process for customers to decide which operator has the best offer. Even if you get the best quote, the process may have killed your expectation.

If a charter operator is slow in negotiation and not clear about price and service, its comfort may have already been compromised before the customer arrive at the airport. Likewise, if you have a trusted long term charter service partner, you could enjoy a higher level of comfort.

Keep passengers informed at the airport

For commercial airlines, signage directly affects passengers’ perception of comfort. Many airports have installed sensors to locate passengers, record their personal data, and send boarding information and e-maps to their devices.

For business jet operators, whether your customers are well-informed or not at the airport will determine his satisfaction of the whole trip and decide if he will choose you again for his next travel. It is always good to keep your customer informed.

The Defining Role of Lounges

Lounges of airlines and business jet operators offer an oasis for passengers to rest. If a passenger could experience warm service, tasty food, and comfortable seat in your lounge, he or she would not be so picky about his or her time on board.

According to a German research, a lounge should offer seats catering to different sitting positions for enhanced comfort. Screens displaying boarding information and green plants will also improve comfort level and foster a relaxed mood of your passengers.

Boarding Gate

You will be able to see your aircraft at the boarding gate. Many people do not understand why business jets are painted in colorful livery. The reason is, according to research, if a plane is eye-catching, its passengers will be more pleased and comfortable. This is what we refer to as the WOW effect.

On board, the temperature should be set at 18 degrees℃. But even on top class business jets, it is recommended to allow passengers to adjust and control the temperature, because the choice alone can improve the travel experience.

If a business jet operator could successfully achieve the rules mentioned above, it will be capable to offer a comfortable and convenient travel experience for its passengers.




