


book 篇1


























book 篇2

Howeve r , not all books are wor th reading . Cer tain ones can be ha rmful to our young people who have committed crimes which have resulted in their being sent to prison . T his is the r esult of the negative influence that these book s which a re not wor th reading have upon their young readers .

So it is impor tant to make wise use of books . Our aim is not only to read them, but also to use them . How can we use them mor e wisely ? The answer is to practise what we have read . Only by pr actising and using the knowledge we have acquiredfrombooks , can we achieve more in our life .


Books our f riends and help us when we a re


in low spirits

in t rouble

Book s not all wor th reading

negative influence

Wise use of books

book 篇3

China Electric Power Press ?76.00

Song from the Sky - Entering The Cradle of

Chinese Rocket (Expanded Version)

Jianmin He,Quan Tian The Writers Publishing House,?39.00

Steve Jobs.Walter Isaacson

Citic Press,?68.00

Chatter - A Claim to Love.Weinian Wang

China Fortune Press,?36.00

Chinese Economy Gone To The Very Dangerous Edge.Xianping Lang

Oriental Publishing House,?39.00

The Secret.Rhonda Byrne

China City Press,?32.00

Between the True and False.Chengganng Rui

Changjiang Literature and Arts Press,? 32.00

Kang Yu - Have Three Good Meals Everyday.Kang Yu

Chemical Industry Press,?39.80

Crazy Gui 8, Happy Volume.Gui

North China omen & Children Publishing House,?35.80

Life - The Most Important Thing As a Human.Inamori Kazuo

Oriental Publishing House,?27.00

Books-myfriend 篇4

At the age of six, it is the childhood I received the greatest Christmas gift--a"fairy tale"of Andersen.A thin cover, light reading, let my childhood as falling into the honeypot as sweet, when opened the cover, just as eating chocolate sweet and comfortable in general.From"the little match girl"I know the good is the world the same virtues;from the"Snow White", I learned the most beautiful is the human mind, inner beauty is the true charm;from"the daughter of the sea", I learned that true love is both willing to each other pay all, from Pinocchio's story, I know that honesty is a person the best name card, good faith is priceless.Is a fairy tale, as the beach on a translucent shell, waiting for the young and hungry head pressing to absorbing book nutrition, to appreciate its beauty.A little of Andersen's fairy tales, carrying too many childhood memories, also constitute a childhood love of education.When reading to me is a kind of special fun, fun, like candied fruit and crispy rice as delicious, but it is a higher level of enjoyment.

In the middle age, a large, will be on the once you lose interest in what, I was no exception, suddenly one day no longer love of fairy tale book, a bored, I even lost the goal of life, know it--"biography of Lincoln", I regained the meaning of life.In the book Lincoln has shocked me:can't imagine, a penniless, after experiencing so many hardships and dangers, can still make efforts, unyielding, enter a world of their own.Lincoln, let me see, what is the real man, might not be strong, but it is beyond all expectations of strong and decisive.In high school, also will encounter many setbacks, I will be to him as an example, from the book to learn from his spirit and strength, help me succeed.This book for me is an emotion, is a more encouraging, from the book I got a progressive force.

Time flies, suddenly I have is a glorious military college, shoulder the sacred responsibility and mission, ready to serve the motherland.An accidental opportunity, students recommended a book to me--"meditations".After reading this book, my heart once again shocked.This book embodies a Cesar philosophers in the north and South in battle en save life wisdom, reading to benefit.Before going to bed every day, I look at a few pages, a thick book was I turned off the layers of skin, each read, will have a new experience and insights.Constantly thinking and perception, I realized a truth:life is critical to the success of the sense and brave and line, both as a spear and shield, shield of reason to resist setbacks in life, to brave his own beautiful life, the book of wisdom I am astonished.

Book 1 Unit 4 篇5



right away 连忙连忙


burst爆裂;爆发 忽然破裂,爆发million 百万


as if 仿佛.似乎

at an end 结束;终结


canal 运河.水道

steam 蒸汽.水汽


ruin 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产in ruins 严峻受损破败不堪suffering苦难.痛苦

extreme极度的injure /损害.伤害

survivor幸存者.生还者;残存物destroy 破坏;毁坏.消灭brick砖.砖块



useless无用的.无效的.无益的shock(使)震凉震惊n休克打击rescue 援救:营救

trap陷入困境 n 陷阱;困境electricity 电,电流;电学disaster 灾害.灾祸

dig out 掘出.发现





a(great)number of许多.大量的title标题;头衔.资格




frightening心令人恐俱的congratulation 祝贺.(复数)



express表示.表达 快车;速递

outline 要点;大纲.轮廓




①To such a man who can shake the earth, such a small disease is a small problem, isn’t it?Nothing can shake her belief that her husband is innocent of the crime.②The little girl shook/trembled with fear on her seeing the snake.短语:shake hands with sb=shake sb by the hand和某人握手

shake one’s head摇头

2.congratulate :

①They sent a card to congratulate the couple on their engagement.②Congratulations to you on your success in the composition competition!


③The moment we climbed up the top of the Mount, we celebrated it by singing and dancing.④my son’s birthday on Sep.28.注意:Congratulations!

3.honor :

① Mr.zhang is honored for his excellent teaching.② There is no doubt that one should show honor to one’s parents.③ He faced with this situation, the only honorable thing he can do is resign.④ It’ s a great honor to hear you speak so highly of me.⑤The monument is in honor of/in memory of a scientist.4.ruin :vt.& vi.& n.①The ancient building was in ruins.②You will ruin your future if you continue.短语:in ruins一片废墟;fall into ruin成为废墟;bring sth to ruin使毁灭

c.f : destroy/ruin/damage


The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.这个百万富翁已把他一半的股票移交给他的长子。


1.judge from

① Don’t judge a person by his appearance.② Judging by/from his excited look, we know our team has won the game.2.give out:

①What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given out? 用光;耗尽 ②It is given out that he has been elected our monitor.公布;发表

③The teacher is explaining the exam papers given out just now.分发;散发

④The radiator(散热器)gives out a lot of heat.发出,放出(热,光等)

3.立刻,马上 right away4.轻视 think little5.像往常一样 as usual

6.好像 as if / as though7.结束,终结 at an end

8.国家的三分之一 one third of the nation9.成为废墟 in ruins

10.吹走,刮走 blow away11.代替,而不是 instead of

12.倒塌 fall down13.成千上万 tens of thousands of

14.掘出,发现 dig out15.在城市以北 to the north of

16.为…而自豪 be proud of / take pride in17.以…而著名 be known as / be famous


18.与某人交谈 have a conversation with sb


1.部分否定 All hope was not lost./Not all hope was lost.Only three will be enough, so I needn’t take all of them.结构:not …both;both…not;all …not;not…all

2.1).To the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines.2).East of the town lies a steel works.=To the east of the town lies a steel works.表方位的介词常用:in, to, on

3.(1)too …to …前如有否定词,则表示肯定意义.eg:It is never too late to study.译:___________________________________.(2)too +adj.表示心理的形容词, 表肯定意义

(glad, pleased, willing, thankful)I am too glad to see you.Translation:

1.She said,“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.”


2.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.__________________________________________________________________________________

3.他因善良和勤劳而受到同事们的尊敬。(be honored for)







21.Wash your hands with soap _____ the the end the end the end the end of

22.The weather turned out to be very good, _____ was more than we could expect.A.itB.thatC.whatD.which

23.________ from ________ number of cars, he thought there were not many people at the club yet.A.Judge;aB.Judging;aC.Judging;theD.Judge;the

24.--–You’ve given us a wonderful dinner, Mrs.Wang.----______.A.Oh, I’m afraid I didn’t cook very wellB.I’m glad you enjoyed it

C.Come again when you are freeD.It’s not necessary for you to say so.25.The whole world was ____when they learned that the quake had brought so much damage.A.concernedB.interestedC.shockedD.pleased

26.“After World War II, many of the cities across western European countries ________,” our

guide said.A.lied in ruinB.lay in ruinsC.lay in ruinD.lying in ruins

27.The girl looked ___ she was worrying about her sick mother.A.whetherB.thatC.even if

28.About ____ of the workers in that steel works ____ young people.A.third fifths, areB.three fifths, areC.three fifths, isD.three fifth, are

29.We don’t need to do extra work this evening.The day’s work was almost ______ the an one our end

30.It is said that there are millions of camels in India and _______ of them is growing.A.the numberB.a great numberC.a lotD.a good many

31.In that big fire all their houses were__________, so they had to build new ones.A.hurtB.harmedC.injuredD.destroyed

32._____ were sent to hospital and _______ were buried.A.The injury, the deathB.The injuring, the dying

C.The injured, the deadD.The injured, the died

33.This is one of the best novels _____ ever been written by him.A.that haveB.that hasC.which haveD.which has

34.____ seen the film, so everybody wants to see it.A.All the students haven’tB.Any students haven’tC.As nobody hasD.None of us has

book 篇6


导演(Director):乔恩·费儒(Jon Favreau)

主演(Starring):尼尔·塞西(Neel Sethi)

斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)

伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(Idris Elba)

露皮塔·尼永奥(Lupita Nyong’o)

类型(Type):动画(Animation)/ 家庭(Family)/ 奇幻(Fantasy)

国家/地区(Country/ Region):美国(USA)

制片公司(Production Company):华特·迪士尼动画工作室

(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures)

book 篇7

Knowledge Goals:

1.Get a general idea of Orient carnival ---Torch festival .

2.Learn the usages of the Passive Voice in some certain cases.

3.Learn to make use of The Passive Voice in different tenses and behind modal verbs.

Ability Goals:

1.Enable the student to understand the different forms of the Passive Voice used in different cases.

2.Enable the student to finish the tasks related to the usages of the Passive Voice quickly and correctly.

3.Enable the student to use the Passive Voice in specific contexts correctly.

Moral Goals:

1.Help the students learn to appreciate the traditional culture,and learn to introduce local festivel in English.

2.Enable the students to solve problems by cooperating with their group members .

Teaching Important Points:

Use suitable methods to help students master the use of the Passive Voice correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students understand the use of different The Passive Voice to express their opinions.

2.How to enable the students to use proper The Passive Voice in specific contexts flexibly and correctly.

3.How to help the students finish all the tasks with the needed grammatical information in limited time successfully.

Teaching Methods:

Inductive method,Explanation,Discussion,Evaluation,Individ ual and Group work.

Teaching Aids:

Multi-media,PPT,Learning plan and Blackboard.

Teaching Procedures:

Step I.Greetings

Greet the students as usual.

Step II.Lead-in

Instruction: The purpose of this step is to lead in the topic-Torch festival and the use of the Passive Voice.

1.Listen to a song of the Yi Ethnic.

2.Share a story about the Torch Festival with students and they are asked to pay attention to the underlined words.

It was said that long long ago,a god of heaven envied Yi people’s happy life,so he sent many locusts to the ground to destroy their crops.However,Atilaba,a brave Yi wrestler,used torches to help people drive away the locusts.The crops were saved,and people got a good harvest in that year.In order to celebrate the success of driving the insects away and Yi people’s harvest ,a new festival was set up then,which is called Torch Festival and celebrated on lunar June 24 or 25 every year from then on.

3.Ask the students to tell what kind of voice they belong to.

4.Lead in the new lesson--Passive Voice and its basic form.

Step III.The Passive Voice learning

Instruction: The students have a general idea of Passive Voice in previous lessons,so they will be asked to summarize the usages of Passive Voice in different cases by themselves and share the knowledge with the class.

1.Some students were asked by the teacher to work as assistants and guide the rest of the class to review the passive voice in different cases and know more about Torch Festival.

2.Students will join in the learning activities vividly and individually.

3.Students will review the passive form in the following 8cases:

(1) Passive Voice in Simple Past Tense:was/were+ done

Yi people created torch festival in the past.

The torch festival was created by Yi people in the past.

(2) Passive Voice in Simple Present Tense:am/is/are +done

They held Bonfire Party to celebrate the torch festival in the past.

Bonfire Party was held by them to celebrate the torch festival in the past.

(3) Passive Voice in Simple Future Tense:will be+ done Yi people will hold Torch Festival on August 8 of solar calendar this year.

Torch festival will be held on August 8 of solar calendar this year.

(4) Passive Voice in Present Continuous Tense:am/is/are+being+ done

They are singing a toast song.

A toast song is sung by them.

(5) Passive Voice in Past Continuous Tense:was/were+being+ done

They were playing a special musical instrument.

A special musical instrument was being played by them.

(6) Passive Voice in Past Perfect Tense:had +been+ done

They had lit the fire before the we arrived.

The fire had been lit before we arrived.

(7) Passive Voice in Present Perfect Tense:has/have +been+done

People have done a lot to protect the tradition.

A lot has been done to protect the tradition.

(8)带情态动词的被动语态:情态动词后+be done

We can enjoy wonderful performances there.

Wonderful performances can be enjoyed by us there。


Instruction: There are 3 tasks for the students to do,which are designed to consolidate what they have learned about passive voice and get more information about Torch Festival.

Task 1 Correct the errors in the sentences.

1.Students will be asked to finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report answers and write them on the blackboard.

2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.

1The Torch Festival was enjoyed by millions of people today.( is)

2Some performances will given by Yi people.(will be)

3The work had been finish before they went home.(finished )

4Those customs couldn’t be forgot by us.(forgotten )

Task 2:Fill in the blanks

1.Students will be asked to use the proper form of the given words to fill in the blank according to the context.They will finish the tasks by discussing with other members in their group,and each group will choose a representative to report their answers.

2.The teacher will give necessary help if in need,and then help to give proper evaluations.

Torch Festival1 is considered (consider)as an important festival of the Yi people,which falls on June 24 or25 every year.The coming Torch festival 2will be held (hold) on August 8th this year.Many wonderful activities can 3be seen there ,such as Bull fighting,wrestling,Dance shows ,Horse racing ,and the Beauty contest,but the most attractive activity is the Bonfire Party,People sing and dance around the for a whole night,torch festival is not a simple holiday,but a symbol of the Yi family’s brave spirit.Yi torch festival 4has been recorded (record) in the national Intangible cultural heritage list(国家非物质文化遗产名录) for a long time.As we know,all of the activities 5are being prepared (prepare)now! How I wish I could join it immediately!

Section 3:Make a poster

1.Students will be asked to make a poster in group,and then stick their work on the blackboard.

2.The group which uses the most passive voice and makes a beautiful poster will be the winner of this section,the teacher will give proper evaluation.




3.关键词:凉都消夏文化节The Summer Cultural Festival of Cool Capital

Name: ____________________________________

History: ____________________________________

Place: ________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Activity: ____________________________________

Step IV Summary

1.Emphasize the usages of passive voice in different cases.

1)Basic form:be+done,“be” can be changed into different forms in different tenses.

2)Behind modal verbs,“be” needn’t be changed .

2.Lead the students to understand there are many traditions in our hometown waiting us to appreciate ,we should learn English well to introduce the customs to the world.

Step V Homework

Design a School Carnival

Name: What’s the name of your carnival?

History: Why do you hold such a carnival?

Theme(主题): What’s your carnival for?

Date: When do you plan to celebrate your carnival?

book 篇8

It’s a novel about family education.Parents are the first teachers to their children.Their roles can never be overestimated.Mrs.March is typical of an ideal mother.Firstly, she educated her daughters according to their needs and characters.She taught the tomboy of Jo to restrain her temper.She gave effective advice to Meg on how to manage her marriage when her efforts to please her husband proved in vain.She gave comfort and care to sick Beth and encouraged her to cheer up.Secondly, she kept her charitable nature in hardship.She gave them a lesson of generosity by giving breakfast to their poor neighbors when they can’t afford Christmas gifts for themselves.

Most important of all, she taught the young ladies to pursue their own happiness and fulfillment of life.Marriage is of crucial significance to a girl, especially in the Victorian period.The first sentence of Pride and Prejudice proclaims that“It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a life.”Mrs.Bennet is a typical example of the money-worshipping concept, who encouraged her 5 daughters to captivate wealthy and powerful men to get the admission into the upper class.By contrast, Mrs.March was supportive when her daughters chose their truly loved ones, even though they were not rich.She said that they shouldn’t feel obliged to find husbands, and they should seek fulfillment on their own.Thanks to her directions, Amy and Meg eventually found their ideal lifetime companions.Nowadays, faced with the soaring house prices and unfavorable job market, young people tend to get at a loss.Some girls try to marry rich by all means.The moment a girl considers marriage a sale-and-buy, she turns herself into a commodity.The golddiggers themselves aren’t the only one to blame.Their parents fail to make it clear to them that they should seek kindness, integrity, responsibility and manliness.They should have taught their kids that everyone, sooner or later, has to pay price to their choices.

It’s a novel of American realism.“It combines self-control and self-presentation.It also integrates pragmatism and U-topia thoughts.”Influenced by Emerson, the author emphasized individual dignity, self-improvement and self-independence.It’s shown by the 4 girls efforts to support their family.The author is an activist of feminist movement.Jo embodied Alcott to some extent.Her passion for writing and her literary talents was given a full play in the novel.In the Victorian society, males were dominant in the political arena and family circle, but Jo tried to pursue her dream.In her father’s absence, she undertook the family burdens.Her rebellious spirits came to the climax when she refused Laurie.Compared with a privileged life, she preferred to follow her heart to find her soul mate.

Due to limited space, analysis is onlygiven to a few aspects.Lovely Meg, Brave Jo Frail Beth, Proud Amy:these are bitter but cheerful lessons o poverty and growth during the American civil war.Through their essays, letters, games, plays, laughter and tears, women o all ages can become a friend of those lovely ladies and a member of that impressive family.


[1]Louisa May Alcott Little Women[M].世界图文出版公司, 2005, 7.

[2]崔颖慧, 张湘, 张敏.Jo's Personality in Little Women[J].读与写:教育教学刊, 2010, 7 (5) .

[3]孙利苹.The Influence of Family Education on Children's Personali-ties:A Comparison about Pride and Prejudice and Little Women[J].科技信息:学术版, 2008 (8) .

[4]李贺青.为何乔不嫁给洛里:评《小妇人》的伤感结局[J].外语教学, 2007, 28 (3) .

[5]丁玉.成长中的社会性别:《小妇人》与《简·爱》中的人物形象比较分析[J].英语广场:下旬刊, 2011 (3) .

book 篇9

本单元的主题是“新闻”, 内容涉及新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“新闻”这一中心话题进行设计。阅读文章通过Zhou Yang———一个跃跃欲试的新手, 和他的上司Hu Xin———一位经验丰富的资深记者之间的对话形式设置行文, 引导学生了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点等。

本课时为第一课时, 整合了Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending四部分。通过对本课的学习, 学生能了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点, 熟悉并掌握与新闻工作相关的一些重要词汇和短语, 了解文章的框架结构, 最后通过自主学习和合作学习达到用英语进行采访的目的。


1. 熟悉并掌握与新闻工作相关的一些重要词汇和短语。

2. 理解文章信息, 了解新闻工作者应该具备的素质, 新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应该注意的要点。

3. 训练学生的阅读技巧, 培养学生的思维能力。4. 培养学生用英语进行采访的交际能力。

5. 引导学生提高团队合作意识, 理解倾听的艺术性, 并尊重新闻的真实性。


(一) 激发兴趣, 引入新词, 铺垫新课

1. 通过一则“Big News—Jin Xiuxian (金秀贤) will come to our city”, 激起学生的兴趣, 串联出文中重点词汇、短语。为理解课文做铺垫, 克服词汇障碍, 同时引入新课。

【教师活动】通过创设Big News情境, 引出重点词汇、短语, 随着情境, 环环相扣, 在图片 (图1-图4) 的帮助下, 引导学生在情景中理解并掌握词汇和短语。

T:Hi, everyone!Big News for you! Jin Xiuxianwill come to our city!A journalist and a photogra-pher have a nose for news. They want to cover a story.Because it is a real scoop. But they must get the factsstraight and they shouldn’t get the wrong end of thestick. Or they will be accused.

【设计意图】2014年最火的韩剧《来自星星的你》中的男主角金秀贤拥有大量的学生粉丝, 以此为话题导入, 通过创造一个剧情, 串联出读前须知的重点词汇、短语, 尽量贴近学生的生活, 能激起学生的兴趣和参与度。

【学生活动】借助图片 (图1—图4) 和故事情节, 在教师的引导下, 理解并掌握重点词汇和短语。

2. 简单回顾, 巩固掌握的词汇、短语, 然后引入新课。出示图片 (图5) , 让学生根据英语解释, 给出相应的词汇、短语 (图6) 。

T:All the words and phrases are important for usto understand the text. OK, let’s see what’s the textabout.

(二) 由浅入深, 层层设问, 诱思导读

【任务一】阅读前, 根据题目预测文章内容。

【教师活动】引导学生根据题目My First WorkAssignment“Unforgettable”says new journalist, 预测文本可能讲什么内容, 激发学生对阅读文本的兴趣, 激活学生已有的背景知识。

T:Look at the title My First Work Assignment“Unforgettable”says new journalist. Predict what thetext will be about and why it is“Unforgettable”.

【学生活动】根据自己头脑中已有的图式, 展开丰富的联想, 预测文章内容。

【任务二】阅读中, 学生阅读课文。

1. The passage is organized in order of___________.

A. time B. place C. questionsD. scenes2. How many questions have Zhou Yang asked?

A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8

【设计意图】通过这两个问题引导学生解读文章的题材, 了解作者布局谋篇的特点, 让学生从整体上抓住文章的基本行文思路, 在头脑中形成对文章的整体框架构建。这两个问题是为了给下面的切块理解做好铺垫。

3. What’s the answer to questions 1 and 2 askedby Zhou Yang? (图 7)

【设计意图】通过回答问题一和问题二, 引导学生理解关于新闻采访工作的第一步:要有团队精神, 要互相帮助。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

4. What about question 3 to 5 asked by ZhouYang? (图 8)

【设计意图】通过理解问题三至问题五, 引导学生理解新闻采访工作中应注意的事项, 进而明确问题三至问题五主要是回答新闻采访工作中如何得到准确的报道。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

5. What about question 6 and 7 asked by ZhouYang? (图 9)

【设计意图】通过回答问题六和问题七, 引导学生理解这两个问题主要是关于新闻报道中如何保护自己免受控告。其中, 阅读中的词汇障碍引导学生用学过的英语去解释并加以理解。

【师生互动】在教师的引导下, 学生积极主动地去解决问题。问题设计逻辑性强, 遵循学生的思维习惯, 同时适时地运用思维导图, 深入浅出地引导学生理解文本的信息, 彻底把握文本的篇章结构。

6.From the questions Zhou Yang asked, can youtell what kind of person he is? (图 10)

7. From Hu Xin’s answers, what a good journalistshould be? (图 11)

8. Do you think Zhou Yang is well fit for his job?

Why or why not?

【设计意图】通过6、7、8三个问题, 进一步让学生从文本蕴含的信息分析Zhou Yang的性格特点, 同时归纳出作为一名新闻工作者需要具备的素质和技能, 并在此基础上引发学生思考和评判ZhouYang是否适合担任新闻工作者这份工作, 表达自己的观点, 在互动交流中修正并充实自己的看法 (庄志琳2011) 。

(三) 读后活动

【教师活动】引导学生做一次采访实践。 (图12)

T:You have learned how to be a good journalist.I want to know if you are fit for the job. Now it’syour turn to conduct a interview. At the beginning ofour class, we know Jin Xiuxian will come, so givehim an interview. Do it with your partner. One is ajournalist, the other Jin Xiuxian.

【学生活动】同桌之间互相讨论, 分角色, 积极准备。然后在全班同学面前进行表演。

【设计意图】课文导入的话题可以进一步为读后活动设计所应用, 从而做到前后照应, 使得整篇文章的设计完整统一, 浑然一体。通过引导学生做采访实践, 可以检验和巩固学生对文本的理解, 从而完成教学目标。

(四) 作业


Write down the interview according to what youhave discussed.

【设计意图】为了进一步训练学生的书面表达能力, 要求学生课下将“采访”用英语写出。在学生口头表达的基础上, 考查学生的书面语言功底, 提高学生的书面表达水平。



作者信息:273300, 山东临沂, 山东平邑教体


yanhui77528@163. com



该教学设计理念新颖, 目标明确, 活动由浅入深, 面向全体, 并适当照顾差异, 围绕整篇文章的主要脉络设计问题, 核心主线清晰, 问题设计逻辑性强, 有层次, 遵循前后知识的联系, 尊重学生的认知规律, 思维顺畅, 自然连贯。


1.教师充分解读文本, 由浅入深地设计教学任务, 引导学生了解新闻工作者必备的素质、新闻采访的基本程序及采访时应注意的事项等。为学生读后活动———采访, 打下了坚实的基础。

2. 教师充分挖掘文本信息, 层层设问, 以不同形式呈现阅读任务, 各个环节目标明确, 诱思导读, 培养阅读和理解能力。

3. 教师充分利用“读前—读中—读后”活动, 调动学生的积极性, 培养学生的合作意识。如读前引入金秀贤的新闻, 读后角色扮演采访金秀贤的活动, 前后照应, 同时注重挖掘文本的情感态度和文化内涵;读中适当渗透阅读方法和技巧。


book 篇10

然而e-Book除了为公众提供了阅读上的便利外, 却也因为其缺少相应的版权保护技术, 而致使盗版问题严重, 对版权人以及出版界造成了很大程度的损失, 也限制了e-Book发展。

近期, 坚石诚信科技股份有限公司针对e-Book存在的盗版问题, 推出了ET199SD产品, 很好的解决电子书e-Book所面临的盗版现状。

ET199SD产品是将智能卡芯片和SD卡集成到一起, 同时具有智能卡加密锁和SD存储功能。智能卡对电子书加密, 存储空间存储电子书数据, 非常适合电子书的版权加密保护。

book 篇11

Marbury global exclusive autobiography, published by Beijing Publishing Group, is the only version authorized by Marbury. It is finished by Marbury and his friend Wang Meng who is also a translator. In the book, there are large number of undisclosed photos, sadness and joy of Marbury as a professional basketball player and the interesting story of Marbury lives in China. In just the past CBA 2011-2012 season, Beijing Jin Yu men basketball team won the national champion . It is the first time for Beijing team to take the national basketball championship and this honor can not separate from the contribution of Marbury. So why did a ‘native born’ New Yorker come to China? And what’s the reason of a NBA top paid player come to the developing CBA ? Taking the subway, listening crosstalk, learning Beijing opera and watching the Beijing Guoan, did Marbury really want to become a “Beijing boy” as he said? With the MasterCard centre announced that they would be permanently retained “Giant Tripod Moment” statue, Marbury said that his heart would be always belong to Beijing. Now Marbury sign a contract with Beijing Shou Gang men basketball team for two years again and he said, “as long as the Beijing team need me, I just stay here.Even if NBA give me contract, I will not go there, I will live in CBA to the end, retire here and then take the tactics board to guide more young people.” “And the story of Marbury will be continue…”, said by himself.

The Exploration of Chinese Civilization Series(18 titles)

This is a series of books of general interest intended for both ordinary Chinese readers and international readers interested in Chinese culture. It is published in both Chinese and English versions. Written with a new style, this series uses typical examples and materials to give an in-depth introduction to the most distinctive parts and highlights of traditional Chinese culture in the hope of illustrating its inner meanings and core values. In line with the principle of “spreading the basic knowledge in easy-to-understand language,” this series introduces the rich, multifarious and profound traditional Chinese culture with the focus put on explaining theories, contrasts and compares Chinese culture with Western culture, and illustrates the general value and the contemporary relevance of the Chinese culture for the humans. This series aims to disseminate the history and benefit the people today.

Chinese Architecture

Chinese Science and Technology

Chinese Medicine

Chinese traditional crafts

Chinese calligraphy

Chinese mythology

Chinese Bronze

Chinese Jade

Chinese Kung Fu

Chinese folk art

Chinese garden

Chinese Painting

Chinese Literature

Chinese Costume

Chinese Music

Chinese characters

Chinese Opera

Chinese Solar Terms

Matchmaking by Zhuang Yuan

The latest novel of famous writer Ye Guang Qin, is the most exciting and the most representative of her family series works. About the Qing Dynasty, the last "Zhuang Yuan"Liu Chunlin matchmaker, led to the marriage of the royal descendants father Jin Ruibo and civilians mother Chen Meizhen, which led to the stories of family members and relatives and friends in Jin's mansion. From the Xinhai Revolution to the reform and opening up, it describes Beijing people’s characters , values and social customs.

The author ,Ye Guang Qin was born in Beijing1948, Manchu, ancestral surname Yehenala. Now the Chinese Writers Association member, Xi’an Writers Association Vice Chairman, CPPCC members of Xi’an, Works in the country has received numerous awards, the State Council issued the “special contribution to the experts’ title.

Switzerland of Twin Brothers

“Seven-color Wind” - the Sina super popular tourist blogger is seven-color map and wind students’ name combination.Two blog’s clicks accumulated hundreds of millions times.They are twin brothers, but never travel together, in addition to Switzerland.This time, two people a month, different routes, different travel styles, different feelings, side by side work out a “dual-core”book.It was recommended by Switzerland Ambassador and the Switzerland National Tourist Office.

The author “Wind” who’s name is Fan Yiren, occupational traveler and columnist.He traveled over 40 countries across five continents.

The author “Seven color map” who’s real name is Fan Yibo,occupational travelers, World Heritage fan, language enthusiasts.In 2006,he resigned to travel around the world and began to walk independently more than 60 countries all seven continents, traveling throughout the nearly 300 World Heritage.

Masculine Boys series(6 titles)

book 篇12


精彩的预设使课堂更有生命活力, 动态的生成让课堂充满智慧和挑战。长久以来笔者都在思考:教学中的预设与生成如何相融共济?如何让精彩预设和动态生成在英语课堂中激情相舞?笔者一直在努力地探索实践着。下面以笔者送教下乡的一堂课 (教学内容———PEP Book 3 My Friends A Let’s learn) 和大家一起分享笔者的体会。


T:Hello, boys and girls.Nice to meet you.Today I am your English teacher.You can call me Miss Xiao.And I want to play a game with you.If I say“Simon says...”you do.If I don’t say“Simon says”, you do nothing.OK?

Ss:OK! (学生一听要玩游戏, 都很开心, 个个眉开眼笑的。)

T:If you are wrong, you must sit down!Let’s have a look, who is the winner!

(这时, 学生既兴奋, 又紧张, 个个睁大了眼睛看着我。)

T:Now let’s begin.Simon says close your mouth!/Simon says put up your hands!/Touch your nose...

(在游戏进行过程中, 笔者不断地加快速度, 有不少学生相继因为做错而被罚坐下去。可以看到, 学生都很仔细地听着, 认真地做着。那些站着的同学是满脸的自豪, 而那些做错的同学则是满脸羡慕, 满脸懊悔!)


这时, 笔者发现有许多小手高高举起:Miss Xiao, let me try.Let me say.

(笔者高兴地发现不仅学生们都在认真参与着活动, 还有许多学生甚至想做little teacher, 秀一秀他们自己的指令。笔者立即意识到这是个锻炼展示孩子英语语言的机会, 笔者应该将这个舞台让出来, 让他们真正做到主体参与。)

S1:Make your arms long!/Simon says make yourself short!...

S2:Simon says make your eye big!/Touch your face!/Simon says touch your head!...

S3:Sweep the floor!/Take out your pencil!...

(就这样, 笔者很自然地跟这些初次见面的四年级学生打成了一片。从他们紧张、惊喜和自豪的眼神中, 笔者已经得到了鼓励, 良好的开端是成功的一半。)

[启示一]和谐氛围, 有效“滋养”课堂生成。

美国心理学家罗杰斯曾说过:“成功的教学依赖于一种真诚的尊重和信任的师生关系, 依赖于一种和谐安全的课堂气氛。”和谐的英语课堂教学, 在师生民主平等的氛围下, 学生可以感受到学习中的轻松和愉悦;自由、信任、鼓励能使学生情绪高涨, 思维活跃, 萌发创造性思维的火花;关爱、尊重带给学生注意力的集中和认真的思考……这些都有效地“滋养”着课堂生成。笔者的这堂课就是在这种和谐氛围下轻轻松松地开始了, 学生觉得其乐无穷。作为教师, 笔者达到了教学目的, 不仅很好地吸引了全班学生的注意力, 还复习了前面两个单元的let’s do以及身体的一些部位, 这是这堂课教学所必需的。而对学生来说, 这个游戏是一个挑战, 必须对所学的语言指令做出正确的反应, 这能为他们提供获得成功的重要机会, 每个人都希望自己是最后的winner, 都希望同学投以羡慕的目光!但想“站”到最后却困难重重, 正是这些困难, 给了学生挑战的欲望, 也给了学生克服困难而获得成功的乐趣。


学习了生词之后, 笔者尽可能地引导学生们能够学以致用, 能够真正将词用于句, 相互交流对话, 并且鼓励孩子们开动脑筋, 想想以前学过的词、句, 能联系着一起说一说吗?

T:I have a strong body.How about you?

S1:I have a thin body, but my father has a strong body too.

T:Who has long hair in your class?

S2:Oh, look, Lin Li has long hair.

T:Now, please think a while and say some sentences with the new words.

(学生没想到, 除了要会读单词, 会读书本上的句子, 还要自己说一说。说什么呢?尽管以前没这样做过, 但是看过老师和同学的示范对话后, 他们还是努力地开动起脑筋, 仔细地在思考。笔者也在一旁静静地等待, 很快就有孩子举手了。)


S3:I’m thin, but my friend is strong.

S4:Look at me.I’m thin.

S5:Zoom has big eyes.

S6:Bai Ling has long hair.

S7:This is Chen Jie.She is quiet.


(一个个的英文句子被学生们成功地表达出来, 连他们都诧异原来自己可以说这么多。)

[启示二]耐心等待, 有效“酝酿”课堂生成。

等待是一种耐心, 更是一种艺术。教师要能等待, 要善于等待, 就要给出时间让学生进行真正意义上的独立思考, 进行酝酿, 让他们在已有的旧知中找到新的生长点, 把所学的知识融入到自己的知识结构中, 课堂生成自然就产生了。新课程理念下课堂教学已不是把学生当成容器进行灌输式的传授, 而是师生、生生平等对话、沟通交流的学习过程。在对话中, 学生的见解和生活经验不断完善、提升。同时, 小学生的思维是一种动态, 它因为你的点拨到位而欢快跳跃。在对教材妥善转化、正确示范指点下, 教师能再给学生一点自由呼吸的空间, 语言就能在改造中重生。于是笔者根据学生已有的知识经验, 进行富有针对性的引导, 把对话不断引向深入, 激活学生的思维, 促进其能力的提升。如让学生们将long hair, short hair, strong, thin, quiet, friends这些生词融词于句, 既操练巩固了新词, 又能生成出更多的语句。笔者在做出正确示范后, 把时间留给了学生, 让他们自己思考这堂课上所学的单词能用在什么句子中, 自己该怎样正确运用。这样输出的语言知识才能内化成学生自己的知识结构, 而不是机械复读。在思考的过程中笔者注意引导学生以旧带新, 进行知识迁移, 建构属于自己的语言学习策略。这样的学习过程才能产生更多的知识火花, 带出更大的学习热情。


一切都进行得那么自然而又井然有序。这课时所需掌握的单词是描述人物特征的几个单词, 很接近学生的生活, 而且刚才学生们已经能说出很多描述性语言了。于是在practice部分笔者设计了guessing这一活动。

T:OK, listen carefully!I have a good friend.She is tall and thin.She has long hair, big eyes and mouth.She likes music.Guess, who’s she?

S1:Wang Li? (班里一个同学的名字)


S2:Yang Ke? (另一个学生的名字)



(学生喃喃地重复着笔者的话, 但都猜不到笔者说的是谁。)

T:Give you some hint.She is a teacher.

Ss:Miss Yu.


T:Yes, she is your English teacher.You are all very clever!



Ss:We have friends too, Miss Xiao.Do you know?let me show you!

(下面一大帮同学争先恐后地举着手, 并大声说道“Let me try!”, 一副跃跃欲试的样子。)

S1:My best friend is short and thin.She has long black hair and big eyes.She has a small mouth.She likes music and Chinese.

(这是一个英语很好的女同学, 她描述得很准确, 而且把后面两课时的内容也加进去, 笔者翻译了最后的一个句子并表扬了她“You are wonderful!”)

(笔者请了一个同学来猜, 结果一次就猜中了。)

S2:My best friend TS strong.He has short hair.He have small nose.He has a big mouth.

(这个男同学描述时出现了一些语法错误, 笔者及时给予纠正, 最后微笑地表扬了他“You are brave!Good!”那学生没有想到他这么多错误也会得到老师这样的表扬, 使劲地点头, 坐下后脸上还笑眯眯的。)

(由于他描述得不是很详细, 所以请了三个同学才猜到他的best friend。)

(此时, 下面同学的手举得更高, “Let me try”的呼喊声也此起彼伏!上来的同学描述得一个比一个详细、精确, 坐在下面的同学也猜得不亦乐乎。整个课堂充满了欢声笑语。)

[启示三]赏识评价, 有效“助推”课堂生成。

我们面对的教育对象是一个个具有丰富情感和不同个性的孩子。美国心理学家詹姆斯有句名言:“人性最深刻的原则, 就是希望别人对自己加以赏识。”师生之间、生生之间评价时相互赏识、相互激励, 有助于开启学生积极的学习心智, 使学生产生愉悦的学习情绪, 引发他们积极向上的学习动力, 建立起足够的学习自信, 变无视自我为认识自我, 变被动接受为主动参与, 有效“助推”课堂生成。在这种情境下, 学生产生和释放的“能量”将是超常和无法预测的, 如此一来, 精彩的课堂生成资源才可能随时生成。试想一下, 如果老师对学生的描述不理不睬, 一声冷冰冰的“No, sit down!”就了事, 学生还有勇气上讲台吗?宽容的教学评价使学生幼小的心理得到了极大的满足。实践告诉我们, 学生的潜力是无穷的, 为了证明自己的能力, 被这样表扬过的学生就会再次举手, 一次小小的鼓励也许就此改变了他对学习的兴趣。教师那一个微不足道的微笑, 一个会心的点头, 一句“You are great!”“You are brave!”都给了学生一份自信和欣喜, 然而这时教师只带给学生一缕春风, 而学生却给了老师一个明媚的春天。

短暂的一堂课结束了, 但留下的思考是绵长的。从学生依依不舍的眼神和心满意足的神情中, 笔者知道这堂课成功了——动态生成, 因预设而更精彩!


关注课堂教学的生成性并不是不要预设, 恰恰相反, 课堂生成机制的高效发挥正是依赖于教师精心的预设。预设是生成的“奠基石”, 而生成则是对预设的超越。预设情境, 能触动学生已有的经验, 激起学生的学习欲望, 课堂的精彩是可以预约的。在这节课中正是由于笔者课前对教材的整体而深入把握, 对教学环节的精心设计, 对学生生活经验的详尽了解, 才能为课堂教学预设了这些“创生”的前提, 才会“共生”出教师、学生、教材融会贯通的“语境场”。



