Chinglish 篇1
由于历史渊源、地域特点及哲学与文化心理不同,而导致思维的根本差异:中国自古以来是农业大国,即所谓的“靠天吃饭”,农业、土地与民生息息相关,形成了“天人合一”这一中国文化精髓,即把人与自然视为和谐统一的整体,人类文化和天命自然统一。这种中国文化的最高境界便使中国人习惯于“崇尚自然,行于自然,不违天命顺其自然的处世哲学和宿命论”[3,3]。中国儒、道两家哲学深刻体现了这一点。其中的“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物,万物归于道”等,这就是汉民族的循回式思维方式。因此,中国人表达事物时总是按时间和事理发展顺序由因到果、由先到后、由大到小进行阐述。这种思维方式我们称其为具体一般型表达方式(Particular-General Solution Pattern),这也就是说中国人擅长具象形思维。而西方的英美人则恰好相反,他们一向将人与自然分隔开来,认为思维是独立于自然之外的客观事物,讲究“人物分立”,人能够通过斗争征服自然,改造自然。经有关学者研究得知,英语自莎士比亚时代以来有很大发展,英语被誉为理性语言,这与欧美哲学较早与改造、征服自然的科学技术相结合,特别是培根和洛克等一代启蒙哲学家恪守的客观形式方法(逻辑论证)有很大的关系。“哲学思辩”(Speculative Philosophy)使他们将英语称为人类经验(物理变化经验、感觉经验、价值经验)理性构建的精辟论述。这就造就了英美人士的思维表达方式的特点:由果到因,由小到大,先概括后分解,先表态后论述,先总结后事例,先整体后细节。他们的思维模式为一般具体型。通过下面这些汉语例句及其对应的英语语序,我们就可以看出中国人和英美人的思维表达的差异。
I strongly believe that it’s in the interests of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in global economic matters[3,3].
英语语序为:I was born at Xi cheng District, Beijing, China, in september, 1979.
例3. (1) Because I like it very much, I bought it.
(2) Yesterday I helped my mother clean the house and then Iasked my mother give me two hundred Yuan to buy a bike.
Shanghai adopted a series of preferential policies to attractforeign capital.
A series of preferential policies have been adopted in Shanghai to attract foreign capital.
We warmly welcome customers all over the world to establishand develop business contact with us.
Customers all over the world are warmly welcome to establishand develop business contact with us.
同样在英语写作中也流露出大量的汉语思维模式,让我们来看一篇中国大学生用英语写的文章 (文中的错误为原作者所有) [5]。
例6.Why is English important to scientist?We live in a world which science and technology is developing very quickly.The development of science needs scientists from all over the world to exchange their work more and more frequently.On the other hand, we wish to know what others are doing and what experience and...knowledge and things we should learn to improve our work, so we must master the foreign language.However, there are countless languages in the world;we can’t learn all of them.Fortunately, there is one kind of language that is commonly used all over the world, English...If we master English, we can go to any corner of the world to exchange with the people without know their mother language.We can say we are holding one of the very powerful weapons of study science.
这篇作文非常典型地表现出中国学生在写英语作文时的汉语思维表达方式。它的前四句说明了情况,提出了问题。但是,未加以解决,以“漂亮”的习惯用语on the other hand转承说另一种情况和问题;接着,又用更“精彩”的however推展出第三个问题。直到第七句的最后才提到“英语”这个主题。这显然不符合英美人的一般特殊型的思维表达方式:先提出问题,论证主要的东西,把重要的信息放在前面,不要说了半天“老外”还不知道你想说什么。这样的作文在开头就要用主题句点明要论及的主题:英语对科学家很重要。例如以这样的主题句开头:With the development of society, I think that it is very important for scientists to master the foreign language, English.这样,英语等母语国家的人士一看就明白文章要论及的主题。通过上面的一系列的例句,可以看出中国学生在口语、翻译、写作中无处不流露出汉语思维表达方式。
2.多看一些科普和政论性文章,特别是这类文章的英语原文材料(English original material),而不读或尽量少读经过中国人编辑加工过的英语材料。由于从初中(现在是小学)开始接触的英语材料中记叙文占绝大多数,而这些英语记叙文材料中的思维表达方式非常接近汉语的特殊一般性思维表达模式,读这样的英语材料就达不到体会和培养英语占统治地位的一般特殊型思维表达模式。而科普和政论性文章就是英语的一般特殊型占统治地位的语言材料,这些英语原文材料才是训练和培养英语思维表达习惯的最好材料。
3.多听和模仿英美国家名人的演讲方面的语音材料。因为英语国家的名人诸如总统、演讲家这些人的演讲或讲话都是非常精练和地道的,而且英语思维表达方式流露得最充分。通过听和大声的模仿朗读这些材料,这些人的思维表达方式随着时间推移就慢慢地“固化” (consolidated) 在英语学习者的头脑中。当要说或写英语时,学习者就可以模仿这些句式或思维表达方式进行有关的构思或表达。
摘要:长期以来中国学生学会的英语被称为“中国式英语”或“Chinglish”, 造成中国式英语的原因之一是中国英语学习者在学习英语时只重视语法、词汇、句型等英语结构性知识的学习, 而忽视了英美人士的思维表达方式的学习和培养, 结果在说英语时就只能在汉语思维及其表达方式的潜意识的指导下, 按照汉语的语法结构来说和写英语;这样说出和写出的英语必然不符合英美人的思维表达习惯, 这样的英语被称为“Chinglish”就不足为奇了。为了让英语学习者摆脱和避免“Chinglish”, 本文作者从认识和培养英语思维表达习惯这个角度阐述了怎样说出地道的符合英美人士思维习惯的英语。
[1]朱智贤, 林崇德.思维发展心理学[M].北京:北京师范大学, 1986.
[2]卢家楣.心理学[M].上海:上海人民出版社, P84-112.
[3]李秀林.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义原理 (第四版) [M].北京:中国人民大学, 1993.
[3]蔡基刚.英汉汉英段落翻译与实践[M].上海:复旦大学, 2000.
[5]张翔.征服英语口语[M].西安:世界图书出版公司, 1999.
Chinglish 篇2
answers.com在线百科全书对Chinglish的定义是:Chinglish (slang) is a portmanteau of the words Chinese and English and refers to either (a) English interspersed with Chinese language errors common to those Chinese persons who are learning English or (b) Chinese interspersed with English, such as used by westernized Chinese (e.g.American-born Chinese) who are not fluent in Chinese and codeswitch English words into speech when they can’t think of the correct Chinese word.
由此可见,Chinglish是把Chinese 和English两个词合二为一,指以汉语为母语的人在学习英语时,经常受到汉语影响而造成语言错误;或者是西化了的中国人或早期在外国从事劳务的中国人,由于汉语不流利,当他们想不起恰当的中文词时就把英语单词掺杂到语句中,这样他们所讲的汉语就受到英语的影响。
Chinglish的构成元素分别取材于Chinese 和English两个词,或称自由词素;chin-和-glish。这种符合词的构成遵循缩合法,即用两个或两个以上自由词素的各自一部分构成新词。缩合法构词主要遵循以下规则:抽取两个原词的首字母或首部,如North+East——NE,taximeter+cabriolet——taxicab;抽取原词语中第一词的首部和第二词的尾部,如helicopter+airport——heliport;抽取原词语中第一个词的前一部分和第二个词,如electronic+mail——email;抽取原词语中第一个词和第二个词的一部分,如high+technology——hightech。
在英语逐节缩合时,第一词的首部必须选取,不能舍去,如选择首字母、首字母组、首语素、首音节等等,而第二词则不一定非要选取首部,如breakfast+lunch——brunch保留了第一词的首字母组和第二词的尾字母组,而compressed+impregnate 略成compreg时保留了第二词的中间字母组。
根据上述分析,英语中缩合式复合词的各个词素之间语义关系并不紧密,而且这种关系也不确定。例如,insecticide(杀虫剂),可以理解为偏正关系,即杀虫的药剂;而理解为并列关系的,即brunch早饭+中饭。既然词素之间的语义关系可以发生转换,那么Chinglish一词也就不一定被理解为只具有偏正关系的复合词,也可以视为并列关系的复合词。所以,Chinglish一词在表达Chinese English和English Chinese两个概念时是具有同等功能的。
过去很长一段时间,在美国工作的中国人一开始由于英语不流利,就按照中国人的说话方式和外国人打招呼。中国人对很长时间不见的老熟人,经常会对对方说“好久不见”,而按照英语的直面翻译就成了“Long time no see”。这句只出现在中国人和美国人的对话中,随着交流逐渐增多,这句话也被逐渐成为美国人之间在很久不见而重新遇见时的一句问候。再如,中国人经常会说“没门”,意思是“不可能办成”,但由于用得多了,外国人也经常用“No Way”来表示同样的意思。
语言的各种构成要素中,词汇的发展最快。它最受政治、经济、社会和文化等方面影响。 Chinglish的发展,也是随着中国与各国的不断交往与交流日益加深的前提下出现的一种新现象。前不久,美国国务卿希拉里访问中国时也引用了中国的一个成语“同舟共济Tongzhougongji”,来进一步阐明中美之间关系的密切程度。
Chinglish 篇3
英文写作的教育教学对学生学习成绩、学生英文素养、学生长期发展至关重要。第一, 基于提高学生考试成绩的这一方面来说, 英文作文在各种形式或类别的考试中非常重要, 因为其分数比例偏大, 写作分数的高低决定了英语成绩高低。通过优化写作课程, 提高学生作文成绩, 从而提高学生整体的学习成绩至关重要。第二, 基于提高学生内在英语素养的角度分析。对学生进行英文写作课程的教学, 学生不仅可以通过大量的英文素材积累和相关的写作技巧学习等方式来使其写作的能力发生彻底变化, 实现写作的飞跃。第三, 基于学生未来发展来说, 写作能力是其英语综合素质的重要评价方式之一。在实用性和交际性社会中, 具有比较突出的写作能力的学生, 其社会价值实现值较高。
在大量的知识学习要求压力下, 学生课业繁重, 学生不愿花更多的时间精力去学习自认为已经很熟悉的英语作文课程, 更不愿意花时间和精力去主动给与练习, 唯一让他们进行写作的动力是应付重要考试。即便如此, 多数学生在写作练习中也只是采取随便拼凑和应付的态度, 而自己主动进行写作的欲望很低。因此, 观察性日记、社会问题思考记录以及有关作文课复习等都不是学生们所感兴趣的方面。作文学习的不受重视与新课改中素质教育的要求形成强烈的对比。所以发挥高中英语教师的引导作用, 提高高中英语作文课程的效率, 改变学生学习的态度, 修正学生写作中的问题, 提高学生写作水平势在必行。
2 英文写作chinglish现象
学生在英文写作中最常见的错误即按照汉语表达习惯书写英语文章, 出现英文写作chinglish现象。学生最早的使用的chinglish是“good good study, day day up (好好学习, 天天向上) ”, 这句话首先出现于同学们互写同学录过程中, 并逐步的被引入到学生写作中。随后一系列的chinglish在学生英文写作中出现, 例如, “注意安全To take notice of safe (正确表达:Be careful.) ”;“勿忘随身物Don't forget to take your thing. (正确表达:Don't forget your personal belongings.) ;等等。至今为止, 每一届学生, 甚至每一个学生在英文写作中, 或多或少的带有chinglish。
将写作中问题进行总结:出现错误的chinglish表达现象一般在词汇、短语、语法三方面, 例如“看”可表达为“see”, “watch”, “read”, “look”等, 但在使用上, 通常情况是混淆或者都降级成“look”。例如, “turn on/off”、“open/close”的使用混淆或者都降级成“open/close”。例如, 中文语法模式被副迁移到英文语法中, 所以, 会出现很多具有经典性的例子。例如, “They yesterday went shopping.”或“Tom this evening drank some beer.”等。此外, 可数与不可数名词之间的混淆, 以及名词复数形式的用法不清晰都是我们在学生的写作中会发现的问题。其中, 比较经典的例子有:“He has many money”, “I want a soup”以及“There are a lot of shoe.”chinglish
当前, 尽管一些chinglish的表达被英语国家接受, 甚至被纳入正规语言表达, 但chinglish表达给实际交流带来很多麻烦。首先, 在学校考试中, Chinglish是试卷中的禁忌, Chinglish表达是学生考试扣分的主要部分;其次, 在对外交流中 (或与同学交流中) , chinglish带来的错误表达往往会带来不必要的麻烦;而且chinglish不利于我国真正的与世界交流, 不利于我国发展与世界接轨。例如, 在申请去国外留学时, 学生表达我很优秀 (我有两下子) :I have two down son你有两下子, 这会引起巨大的笑话, 也不容易办成留学。
最初出现chinglish的原因是汉语表达习惯的学生习惯用汉语打腹稿或提纲, 然后将汉语的腹稿或提纲一一翻译成英语, 最终形成一种包括中文语音、中文语法、中文词汇的且带有英语单词的洋泾浜语言。另一方面, 当前全球化背景下, 语言在不断的融合, 英语的表达不断的被汉语同化, 例如, 当前比较广为流传的chinglish笑话:“people mountain, people sea (人山人海) , know is know, noknow is noknow (知之为知之, 不知为不知) ;How do you see this paper?” (你怎么看这份报纸?) ;同时, 受母语影响, 清浊音不分, 托式英语严重, 一些chinglish的表达被不自觉影响, 学生不能处在一种正规表达的大环境中。另外, 在小学阶段, 学习英语期间多是不断的模仿老师或录音, 学习方式单一, 口语表达不正规。
3 改善写作中chinglish问题的对策
3.1 开放式教学模式培养学生正确的表达习惯
教学模式是课堂教学手段及教学内容的表现形式, 它是教师顺利完成教学活动、培养学生学习习惯的关键。英语教师为改变学生英文写作的chinglish, 需要从教学模式入手, 培养学生正确的表达习惯。英语教师可以沿袭原来获得良好教学效果的作文课程教学模式, 向学生传授写作技巧与写作素材, 严格学生口语表达与书面表达, 避免一些口头随意表达的chinglish现象, 提高学生写作水平。同时, 在英语课堂上进行作文教学的过程中, 教师可以将开放式的教学模式融入其中。例如, 研究型教学模式、活动型教学模式、情境型教学模式、合作型学习模式等这些都是开放性教学模式, 我们可以将作文写作融入到这些教学模式之中, 将写作教学模式多样化和鼓励化, 教师与学生之间的教与学不再是固定不变的, 每个学生都有自己的想法和观点, 教师就需要去激发他们进行表达。在写作教学中, 教师的指导和激发作用不容小视, 在师生互动中形成规范性和灵活性, 有利于养成学生正规表达习惯。通过各种形式来激发学生的写作兴趣, 使得学生能够以轻松和自在的方式来提高自身的写作能力和素质。
3.2 写作教学中可以将阅读训练融为一体
听、说、读、写是英语教育教学与学生学习过程中的一套有机整体, 读、写更是密不可分的要点。改善写作中chinglish问题就要将阅读教学联系其中, 使学生更多的接触正规表达与正规表达素材。将阅读训练融入写作教的方法如下:
第一, 以现有教材为基础进行写作与阅读的结合。首先, 对于课本以及讨论课本中的材料进行阅读训练式的讲解, 最终师生之间合作提取其中的主要内容以及中心思想, 让学生对于这些材料有了一个大致的了解。其次, 让学生从这些材料中找出经典句型, 这个步骤教师可以协助其共同完成, 然后要求学生以仿写句子、续写材料等方式来进行深入性练习。再者, 有意识地培养学生使用文中的好词、好句子, 让学生们将这些好词好句变为自己的好词好句。最后, 师生共同总结这些材料中中所涉及到语言点、句法结构等。
第二, 以课外资料为辅。教师可以适时推荐给学生一些有价值的课外读物来补充他们的材料性积累;并以此来引导他们进行“阅读—点评”的任务;还可以可鼓励他们就某一写作话题进行资料查询, 然后知道学生进行多读、多看、多想的写作积累工作, 让学生享受更多地正规表达环境, 丰富学生进行写作时所需要的素材, 提升学生在写作中所体现出的思维高度, 并适时给与升华。
3.3 写作技巧要在课堂练习中给与体现
文章写作技巧是优秀作文的法宝, 也是学生正确的武器, 是改善写作中chinglish问题教学的主要内容。教师在课堂上对学生写作技巧进行言传身教的指导, 学生也根据自己的读写练习去感悟、总结, 学生在指导与自行感悟、总结中学生掌握技巧。教师在课上着重讲解写作技巧具体可以从以下几方面做起。首先, 教师首先应该在课下时间进行提前准备, 例如, 多与其他教师进行交流, 将比较常用和完善的作文技巧总结在自己的教案中, 随时备用。其次, 在作文课课堂上, 教师要多运用课文中的例子或学生感兴趣的文章为引子来介绍写作技巧, 更为重要的是, 教师要尽量在课堂给与大量练习的时间, 目的是加深学生对该写作技巧的印象和使用。最后, 布置相关课堂和课下练习, 目的是将课堂上所讲到和练习到写作技巧再次加深和巩固。
同时, 改善写作中chinglish问题, 培养学生英语写作正规表达, 同样遵循“熟能生巧”的原则, 所以, 教师就要抓紧分秒引导学生进行课堂来练习, 通过不断的写作练习来锤炼学生对英语语言的把握及运用, 最终达到熟练使用, 甚至是驾驭的能力。那么, 教师可以从以下方面引导学生做课堂练习:1) 课堂共享学生周积累。在作文课的前几分钟教师可以组织学生分享一周中学生积累的课外的比较好的句子、段落, 然后教师进行总结工作, 学生在课堂进行知识分享与交流。2) 课堂小练笔。教师可以在教学过程中留意一些好的句子或者教师课下准备一些比较典型的句子, 在课堂上时常组织学生对这些典型的句子进行仿写、扩写、或缩写, 运用零散的小时间引导学生进行课堂小练笔。3) 课堂写作。教师通过新闻、故事、视频等形式引出作文主题, 在有限的时间里进行课堂写作活动。
在课堂教学中, 结合传授写作技巧与引导课堂练习, 实现理论与实践的结合, 并及时纠正学生不恰当的表达, 改善学生英文写作中chinglish问题, 提高学生写作能力。
[1]王海兵.高中英语写作常见问题及提分策略研究[J].江苏教育学院学报:社会科学, 2013, 29 (2) .
[2]张毅俊.高中英语作文教学探索[J].教育科学:学周刊, 2011 (2) .
[3]王明东.高中英语作文教学的途径和方法初探[J].教法探究, 2011 (5) .
[4]徐桂芳.高中英语写作教学的实践与探索[J].中小学外语教学:中学, 2006 (3) .
Chinglish 篇4
Key words : brief study chinglish
1. Introduction
Because of the differences between Chinese and Western culture and traditional thinking patterns, Chinese people always find a common phenomenon which is called negative transfer during the English language learning process. Negative transfer means that something you have learned in one context easily interferes to your study of your second language learning.
And therefore, in a certain stage of the acquisition of English, it is common for English learners to use English expression with some Chinese features, named Chinglish. Chinglish, which is combined from the words CHIN-ESE and EN-GLISH, is just that, Chinese English, a form of Pidgin English spoken and written by native Chinese speakers. In a word, Chinglish is a kind of non-standard English.
Language is the dress of thought. Chinglish is the misuse of Standard English, and it is contrary to English rules and cultures in English speaking countries. The Chinese adopt a thinking pattern of their own culture while the Englishmen adopt another, which makes a profound impact on each language. With the quickly development of foreign trade, this problem will influence the effective cross-cultural communication. So it is necessary for us to do some research about this problem in order to find some ways to solve it.
2. Literature review
2.1 The definition of Chinglish
Here are some definitions from language experts:
Chinglish is non-normative English for English learners in China. They are influenced by their native language and tend to ignore the basic grammatical structure of English.
-------Professor Liwenzhong (Chinglish and Chinese English, 1993 (4) 241)
Language is as a tool for a person to think and communicate. Each language contains a special value. The finish of language acquisition is a symbol of a Formation way of thinking. Thus, once a person first learned Chinese, he would inevitably avoided thinking in Chinese and made some Chinglish in translation.
--------German linguist Hongtebal (商務印书馆, 1997)
2.2 Some examples of Chinglish
误: You should drink more white boiled water in summer.
正: You should drink more plain boiled water in summer.
注:“白开水”不是指“水的颜色是白色”, 而是指“水中没有添加其他的东西”。而plain 正是指“没掺杂其他东西的, 单纯的”, 所以能确切表达原文的含义。
Here are some humorous examples in our daily life, from these examples we could understand why it is important to tell the difference between Standard English and Chinglish.
(1)How are you? How old are you? 怎么是你?怎么老是你?
(2)You me you me. 彼此彼此
(3)You Give Me Stop! 你給我站住!
(4)Good good study, day day up! 好好学习,天天向上!
(5)I will give you some color to see see. 我要给你点颜色看看
(6)People mountain people sea 人山人海
3. Causes of Chinglish in different th-inking patterns
It is well known that Chinese and English are poles apart. However, Chinese students lack a "real" English environment when they learn English, so they easily tend to ignore the differences between the two languages, especially in the case of writing. The main cause of Chinglish is, apparently, linguistic interference, but to get rid of the negative influence of the mother tongue, on the other hand, remains of paramount importance for teachers of English translation in China, we have to know the differences between Chinese and western thinking patterns.
Thinking pattern is a communication bridge of culture and language. On one hand, thinking pattern is closely related with the cultural psychology of the characteristics of culture, and at the same time embodies the psychological elements. Thus, thinking pattern is one of the important reasons for the cultural differences. On the other hand, thinking pattern is also closely related with language. It is the deep mechanism of language. And language plays a great important role in the formation and development of thinking patterns. Language is the main tool and brief element of thinking patterns.
3.1 Ignoring the hypotactic and paratactic
Hypotactic is mainly on the language grammar itself and Paratactic is rely on the logic of language. Chinese people pay more attention to paratactic while English people are on the contrast. In English, the subject and predicate in constituency is very prominent. The predicate in the sentence is as a soul that other elements in the sentence attach to it according to a logical relation. However, there are always many compound sentences in Chinese. No matter whether to the relationship of sentences or to the structure of sentences, the most important difference between the two languages is that English belongs to hypotactic while Chinese to paratactic.
E.g. 她在夏威夷出席(1) 一個学术会议,会议结束(2) 后顺便去看望(3) 那里的朋友,享受热带怡人的风光,前天才乘飞机回来(4)。
译文: She flew back(4) just the day before yesterday from Hawaii where she had visited (3)her friends enjoying the beautiful tropical sightseeing after the completion(2) of the academic conference she had attended(1) there.
We could see that when the Chinese sentence is translated into English, the order of (1) (2) (3) (4) is replaced by (4) (3) (2) (1), and only in this way that the westerners believe it is an authentic English expression. On the contrary, it is possible for English learners to translate the sentence into Chinglish as follow:
She had attended an academic conference in Hawaii, and after she completed it, she went to visit her friends there enjoying the beautiful tropical sightseeing, and flew back just the day before yesterday.
However, this sentence is basically correct from the point of grammar, but it has clear Chinese thinking characteristics. And the westerners will find it hard to understand because the structure is too scattered. Therefore, we should pay attention to the requirements of hypotactic in doing Chinese English translation, that is, pay more attention to the structure and organization.
3.2 Ignoring the whole and the individual
Chinese people always think about something on the whole while western thinking always starts from individual. For one thing, this could be reflected by the meanings of words. Chinese culture emphasizes on the groups and this could be reflected by the words “we” as the core of language characteristics, while western culture emphasizes on individual, and it could also be reflected by the words "I" as the core of language features. As we all know, Chinese always has a general meaning but English is more specific.
E.g. 中国人如果问“你吃饭了没有?”, “饭”可指早饭、中饭或晚饭, 人们往往无需细说, 根据问话的时间便明白问话人的所指。若将此句译成英语, 则需将早餐(breakfast) 、午餐(lunch) 和晚餐(super) 分得清清楚楚。
By Chinese thinking, Man is always the default for sentence subject, but English people pay more attention to the influence of objective and phenomena and usually use inanimate nouns as the subject of sentences. Therefore, it will be very easy for us to write "Chinese style" English sentences without considering the difference of the two types of thinking patterns.
3.3 Ignoring the differences between the Spiral thinking pattern and the Straight thinking pattern
Westerners like to express their ideas straightly, so they always put the main important elements at the beginning of a sentence, but Chinese people tend to make some foreshadowing or explanations first. And we call it an implicit expression. English sentence structure presents the signal of ZhengSanJiao (△) while Chinese is the (∨) triangular. That is, English is used to coming straight to the point, and then gives the specific explanation of the whole things, and Chinese is accustomed to giving the part information first and finally points out the center and purpose of the whole things, which gives the readers an "enlightened" feeling.
Overall, westerners have a straight thinking pattern while Chinese people have a spiral thinking pattern. This is a typical difference between East and West. If we failed to realize this, we will make some Chinglish sentences.
Here are some other examples:
(1) Whether he could come is uncertain. (Chinglish)
It is uncertain whether he could come. (Normative English)
(2) Autumn, no matter where it is, is always pleasant. (Chinglish)
Autumn is always pleasant no matter where it is. (Normative English)
Therefore, Chinese thinking pattern tends to give some related implication of topic development first and finally points out the purpose while western thinking pattern often has the deductive reasoning, which puts forward an overview (a topic sentence) at first, and then gives more details to support the topic sentence.
3.4 Ignoring the perceptual Thinking and rational Thinking
With the development of thinking pattern, Chinese tradition has got a perceptual thinking. And compared with this, English words are more objective, logical and rational. This is because Chinese traditional thinking pattern pays more attention to experience and relies on the aid of the intuition. This kind of intuition thought focuses on perceptual knowledge, inspiration, and sudden enlightenment.
As a result, in order to pursuit rhyme and meter, Chinese doesn’t avoid repetition. On the contrast, English sentences avoid repetition so as to get rid of wordiness. What’s more, English tries to express objectively without using personification. So we shouldn’t translate some Chinese sentences which use personification into English freely.
E.g. (1) Our cause has won victories one after another. (Chinglish)
We have won one victory after another for our course. (Normative English)
(2) Chinese Characters have made indelible contributions in history. (Chinglish)
The system of Chinese characters has played an invaluable role in our history. (Normative English)
Our Party has evolved from one that led the people in the fight for seizing the power nationwide to one that has led the people in exercising the State power and to a party in power for a long period of time. (Normative English)
3.5 Ignoring the figurative thinking and abstract thinking
Chinese translators usually have troubles in the usage of simile or metaphor. Among the following examples, the images (the picture conjured up by the simile or metaphor) of simile or metaphor in Chinese should be expressed in another way in Chinese-English translations. The image of simile or metaphor could be a word, a phrase or a sentence.
A: If the upper beam is crooked, the one below is necessarily so. (Chinglish)
B: Fish begins to stink at the head. (Normative English)
(The whole sentence is the image of metaphor. It is also an idiomatic expression. By word to word translation, the translator of version A did not accommodate Chinese image into English image. Because the cultural backgrounds are different between English and Chinese, the symbols of metaphor are different from each other.)
4. Conclusion
Of course, what has been discussed is not comprehensive, but at least this could help us to understand much clearer about the differences of Chinese and English. To sum up, language has a close relationship with thinking patterns and we have to exclude the influence of mother tongue in English learning, especially to avoid the thinking pattern of Chinese to be transplanted to English writing, which makes us write some compositions with Chinglish. Therefore, a translator must constantly be looking for the receptor language expressions which will accurately represent the meaning of the source text and present it in a clear natural way.
Some advice to solve this problem
Here are some methods to help us:
(1)Try our best to understand the characteristics of English thinking pattern. Know more about English culture could help us to achieve it.
(2)Pay attention to imitation. Imitation is a very effective way to improve our English level. As long as we insist on learning to recite and imitate in order to cultivate our language sense, we could improve our ability of use native English, and this is called "practice makes perfect".
(3)Try our best to think in English ways, watch some English programs, read English magazines and newspapers, and so on.
(4)As learning environment is very important for English learners, try to learn from native speakers on different occasions as much as possible.
[1]Rod Ellis, Understanding Second Language Acquisition, 上海外语教育出版社, 1999.
[2]Joan Pinkham, The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish, 外语教学与研究出社,2000.
[3]Pinkham, J. The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish [M ]. 外语教学与研究出社, 2000.
[4]PAN, ZHANGXIAN.Linguistic and cultural identities in Chinese varieties of English[M].北京大学出版社, 2005.
[6]张继框, 张晓佳.挑战中式英语. 2005.7 文教资料2006年5月号中旬刊.
[7]洪堡特, 威廉·冯.论人类语言結构的差异及其对人类精神发展的影响[M].姚小平,译.北京:商务印书馆,1997.
[8]李文中.中国英语与中国式英语[J].外语教学与研究,1993 (4)-241.
[10]陈安定,1998 《英汉比较与翻译》[M] 中国对外翻译出版公司.
Chinglish 篇5
Serving as an important form of language exchange in foreign affair arena,interpreting performance is usually frustrated by Chinglish which degrades the language quality as well as the China’s image to the world.To explore the reasons and strategies,we must start from the features of Chinese thought patterns.
1 Chinese thought patterns
Imaginal thinking:Chinese thought patterns are featured firstly with their preference to use some“concrete”and“form-oriented”words to describe something“abstract”.For instance,the Chinese character“从”Combines“人”and“人”to describe“one is followed by another.”Also,“高跟鞋”,“回形针”,“雪白”are created based on the form or color of what they describe.
Integrated thinking:From the ancient history,integrated thinking is rooted in the mind of Chinese people.“The earth should be viewed as a whole”and“Group should take priority over individuals”typically represent this thinking stereotype.
Ontological thinking:Chinese society and culture are“peoplecentered”,in which people are deemed in the leading position of life.This leads to the phenomenon in language that people are mostly used as the subject of sentences,namely,“active voice”is used in most cases.
Successive thinking:Successive thinking is presented firstly in Chinese version of“time”and“space”which follows the order of“large to small”.Such as“年-月-日”,“国家-省-市-县”.Describing an issue,they usually follow the pattern of“past to present”,“reason to result”,“macro-scope to micro-scope”.
As contrary to theses four thinking patterns,the English respective patterns are“abstract thinking”,“analyzing thinking”,“objecting thinking”and“reversing thinking”.
2 The analysis of Chinglish in C-E interpreting
2.1 The lexical level
Compare with“brevity”of English language,Chinese language is characterized by“redundancy”which is related to its“Imaginal thinking”.
Unnecessary words:
In the two sentences,“步伐”and“领域”are the representatives of“Imaginal thinking”,that is,to illustrate abstract“经济建设”and“经济贸易”in a concrete way.It’s not surprising to see the English version “to accelerate the pace of economic reform”and“in the fields of economy,trade and other areas”.Actually“pace”and“fields”are redundant sense their sense is already included in the sentence.The revised version should be:
To accelerate economic reform
In economy,trades and other areas.
Beside nouns,some unnecessary verbs and modifiers also appear commonly,for instance:
Chinglish version:We should follow closely changes and trends in economy and make prompt and flexible responses.
Revised version:We should…….and response promptly and flexibly.
Unnecessary modifiers can be illustrated by“mutual cooperation”,a valuable treasure”in which“mutual”and“valuable”should be eliminated.
Redundant twins:
The concepts“意合”and“形散神不”are too familiar to language learners,which is also the typical demonstration of Chinese people’s preference of integrated thinking.It is why redundant twins appear frequent in Chinese to emphasize the same meaning repeatedly.For instance:
Chiglish version:We should correct and solve the problems emerging in economic construction.
Revised version:We should solve the problems emerging in economic construction.
2.2 The syntactical level
The negative influence of integrated thinking pattern in syntactical level is that sentences are usually short of conjunctions or improperstructured,since Chinese people are used to think meaning should take priority over forms.
The lack or improper use of logical connectives
Chiglish version:While fighting corruption,we must demonstrate our will not to change the policies of reform and opening up,and our resolve to deepen the policies.
Revised version:While fighting corruption,we must demonstrate our will not to change the policies of reform and opening up,but on the contrary,our resolve to deepen the policies.
The reason for this revision is that the latter part of the sentence conveys the opposite meaning instead of paralleling the former part.
Dangling structure:
Chiglish version:In reforming and restructuring,upgrading quality should be the focus for technological renovation.
Revised version:In reforming and restructuring,we should focus on technological renovation to upgrade quality.
The misplacement of phrases and clauses:
The contradiction between successive thinking and reverse thinking is that the position of some phrases or clauses should be adjusted to adhere to the thinking tradition of the target language.For instance:
Chiglish version:To attain our goal,I think first and foremost,we need to have confidence.
Revised version:To attain our goal,I think we need to,first and foremost,have confidence.
3 Enlightenment to interpreting teaching
Working under extreme pressure,interpreters usually find it impossible to pay much attention to Chinglish on the conference site,the more possible way is to reform and enhance interpreting training.The responsibilities should be shouldered by teachers in the following aspects:
Firstly,interpreting courses can be given by the cooperation of Chinese and foreign teachers,in which the Chinese one lectures the theories,skills,and guides the practice activities,while the foreign teacher is responsible for correcting the improper language expressions.Moreover,some native English training programs can be carried out in interpreting classes or in other related English classes,such as the transferring practice“from meaning-oriented form-oriented”,“from active to passive voices”,or“from concrete to abstract expression”etc.
In addition,the curriculum design of interpreting majored students should be reformed.It is a problem that most domestic universities spare no efforts to perfect the courses like skill training and model conference for student interpreters.Actually,some courses about the differences of structure and thinking patterns between English and Chinese should be given attention as well.
[1]Gile,D.1984.Basic Concetp and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training[M].Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing Company.
[2]Pinkham,J 2000.The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish[M].Beijing:Foreign t language Teaching and Research Press.