


Role 篇1

教学模式是在一定的教育思想、教学理论和学习理论指导下, 在某种环境中展开的教学活动进程的稳定结构形式 (1) 。一个完整的教学模式通常包含五个因素:理论基础、教学目标、操作程序、实现条件以及评价。教学模式会因教学理念的差异呈现多样化状态, 操作程序也会有所不同, 同时教学模式的实施受一定的条件制约, 因此不存在万能的教学模式, 而评价教学模式的标准也会因模式类型的不同而存在差异。

近几十年, 国内外学者对角色扮演教学模式在高职英语教学中的应用进行了大量深入的研究。尤其是关于角色扮演模式的教学目标的确立, 详细特定的逻辑步骤和操作程序以及应用角色扮演模式所需的各种条件和局限等方面都有详细的论述。然而完整的教学模式还应该建立一套行之有效的评价体系, 对其给予科学的指导和评价, 才能更加充分发挥其作用。本文将从角色理论及社会学习理论出发, 提出并建立角色扮演模式评价维度, 计算各评价维度的权重, 并对其进行效度检验, 最终确定评价指标体系。本角色扮演模式评价维度针对高职英语教学提出, 因此, 只适用于高职英语教学使用。

1 评价维度初建

角色扮演是一种以学生发展为本, 激发学生潜在能力的教学模式。角色扮演的目的就是关注学生对扮演角色所表现出的心理素质、行为方式及潜在能力进行评定和反馈。检验这一目的是否完成的根本方法就是评价。因此, 一个相对科学、易操作的评价指标体系可以帮助教师预见教学效果, 及时对教学过程实施干预。

目前常见的评价方式包括:定性评价、定量评价、相对评价、绝对评价、诊断性评价、形成性评价、总结性评价、个人自评、学生互评和教师评价等。角色扮演属于情景模式的一种, 有别于传统的教学模式, 它更加注重过程中学习者的表现。因此, 对角色扮演模式的评价更应注重过程性评价。

米德的角色理论认为角色扮演是在与他人交往和实际社会生活中, 一个人所表现出来的一系列特定行为。在不同场合, 人们根据社会环境的变化, 适当地调整自己所扮演的角色。班杜拉的社会学习理论也认为人的社会行为是通过观察学习获得的, 角色扮演可以塑造人的行为。这些理论运用到教学中, 则强调教学过程应注重发挥学生的主导作用, 让学生在角色扮演的过程中增强学习能力, 形成正确的态度、情感和价值观。角色扮演模式不仅仅为了提高学生的学习能力, 同时也注重学生价值观、探究创新能力、团队协作精神等方面的培养。基于此, 并通过分析文献资料, 我们初步获得评价角色扮演模式的三个模糊维度:认知水平, 价值判断能力和语言运用能力。

通过问卷调查师生、访谈专家, 最终确定具体维度, 其中一级指标有认知水平, 价值判断能力和语言运用能力。二级指标中, 认知水平包括:X1学生对不同角色的理解能力;X2学生投入表演的程度;X3学生在表演过程中分析、想象、判断和创造的能力。价值判断能力包括:X4学生对表演情境进行讨论和评价的次数;X5学生对角色本身形成正确价值内化的能力;X6团队协作能力。语言运用能力包括:X7学生词汇运用程度;X8语言流利程度;X9语言发音标准的程度;X10语法正确使用率。

2 评价指标效度检验

效度检验必须针对其特定的目的功能及适用范围, 从不同角度收集各方面的资料分别进行。常见的效度检验有内容效度、结构效度、难易效度、准则效度[2]。文章采用内容效度, 以检测评价指标内容范围的代表性程度。要获得较高的内容效度, 必须具备两个基本条件: (1) 预测的内容范围必须定义清楚, 界限分明。 (2) 测验项目应是所界定的内容范围的代表性取样[2]。

本文在某艺术职业学院采用角色扮演模式教学的班级中随机抽取8名同学。并对这8名同学的各维度表现进行评分, 并对数据进行主成分分析, 结果如下:

表1中每列表示提取的主成分与对应变量的相关系数, 第一主成分中X1、X2、X3、X7、X8、X9、X10的系数绝对值较大, 分别代表学生对不同角色的理解能力, 学生投入表演的程度, 学生在表演过程中分析、想象、判断和创造的能力, 学生词汇运用程度, 语言流利程度, 语言发音标准的程度和语法正确使用率。根据综合内容分析, 综合因子1主要反映了角色扮演模式对学生认知水平及语言运用能力的影响。第二主成分中X4、X5、X6的系数绝对值为.890、.821、.879, 代表学生对表演情境进行讨论和评价的次数, 学生对角色本身形成正确价值内化的能力和团队协作能力。综合因子2反映了角色扮演模式对学生价值判断能力的影响。各因子负荷均大于0.5, 且不同时存在两个以上因子负荷大于0.5, 因此可以说明此评价维度内容效度较好。

3 评价指标权重确定

本文采用层次分析法 (AHP) 对指标权重进行确定。层次分析法 (AHP) 是美国运筹学家匹兹堡大学萨蒂于70年代提出的, 是一种定性与定量相结合的多目标决策分析方法 (3) 。层次分析法求解步骤之一:同层次求单权重, 按9标度法对该层次的因素进行两两比较。相对重要程度 (aij) 的取值为1 (两个目标相比, 具有同样的重要性) , 3 (两个目标相比, 前者比后者稍重要) , 5 (两个目标相比, 前者比后者明显重要) , 7 (两个目标相比, 前者比后者强烈重要) , 9 (两个目标相比, 前者比后者极端重要) , 2, 4, 6, 8 (上述相邻判断的中间值) , 若元素i与元素j的重要性之比为aij, 那么元素j与元素i重要性之比为aji=1/aij。若分层中有几个因素, 则需要n (n-1) /2次比较 (4) 。根据此规则, 对评价维度两两比较得出判断矩阵, 详见表2。

注:一般比值越大越重要, 比值大于1时表示前者重要, 小于1时则后者重要。

4 判断矩阵一致性检验

一致性检验是为了检验各元素重要度之间的协调性, 避免元素之间出现重要性失衡的情况。一致性比率公式CR=CI/RI。当CR≤0.1, 可判断矩阵满足一致性。其中CI= (入max-n) / (n-1) , 入max是最大特征根。RI=k-n/ (n-1) , 当n=10时, RI=1.49。入max= (1×W1+1/5×W2+1/3×W3+3×W4+3×W5+1/9×W6+1/5×W7+1/9×W8+1/5×W9+1/5×W10) / (10×W1) +……+ (5×W1+1/3×W2+3×W3+3×W4+3×W5+1/7×W6+1/3×W7+1/5×W8+1/3×W9+1×W10) / (10×W10) =11.2764, CI= (11.2764-10) /9=0.1418, CR=CI/RI=0.1418/1.49=0.0952<0.1, 说明权重具有较好的一致性。

5 角色扮演模式评价体系确定

评价指标体系是由各级各项评价指标及其相应的指标权重和评价标准所构成的集合体, 包括评价指标、指标权重和评价标准三个方面。根据之前的数据计算, 我们已经获得了评价指标和指标权重, 接下来还需要确定评价标准。常见的评价标准有三种方法:描述法、期望评语法和定量数值法。我们根据评价内容选择期望评语法, 即很好、较好、一般、较差、很差五个等级同时赋予相应分值 (分别是≥90分、80-89分、70-79分、60-69分、<60分) , 确定评价标准, 最终得出角色扮演模式评价体系, 详见表3。

此角色扮演模式评价体系从文献和理论的角度, 通过数据

计算得出, 评价指标有进一步细化的空间, 评价的有效性有待于实践的检验。另矩阵一致性检验的结果不是特别理想, 说明维度指标还有改进的空间。后续研究将继续探讨维度指标的划分, 以及在实际英语教学中的应用, 以便进一步完善体系架构。


[1]何克抗.建构主义的教学模式、教学方法与教学设计[J].北京师范大学学报:社会科学版, 1997 (5) .

[2]陶然.从统计数据质量角度谈调查问卷的设计质量[J].市场研究, 2007 (11) .

[3]李书涛.决策支持系统原理与技术[M].北京:北京理工大学出版社, 1986.

[4]Saaty T L.层次分析法[M].许树柏, 译.北京:煤炭出版社, 1988.

Role 篇2

Remote sensing technology has been widely recognized for contributing to emergency response efforts after the World Trade Center attack on September 11th, 2001. The need to coordinate activities in the midst of a dense, yet relatively small area, made the combination of imagery and mapped data strategically useful. This paper reviews the role played by aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LIDAR data at Ground Zero. It examines how emergency managers utilized these datasets, and identifies significant problems that were encountered. It goes on to explore additional ways in which imagery could have been used, while presenting recommendations for more effective use in future disasters and Homeland Security applications. To plan adequately for future events, it was important to capture knowledge from individuals who responded to the World Trade Center attack. In recognition, interviews with key emergency management and geographic information system (GIS) personnel provide the basis of this paper. Successful techniques should not be forgotten, or serious problems dismissed. Although widely used after September 11th, it is important to recognize that with better planning, remote sensing and GIS could have played an even greater role. Together with a data acquisition timeline, an expanded discussion of these issues is available in the MCEER/NSF report “Emergency Response in the Wake of the World Trade Center Attack: The Remote Sensing Perspective” (Huyck and Adams, ).

作 者:Charles K.Huyck Beverley J.Adams David I.Kehrlein 作者单位:Charles K.Huyck,Beverley J.Adams(ImageCat, Inc., 400 Oceangate, Suite 1050, Long Beach, CA, 90802, USA)

David I.Kehrlein(ImageCat, Inc., 6047 Woodhaven Avenue, Carmichael, CA, 95608, USA)

Role 篇3

Actually, emerging industries should represent the future changes of the world and society and play an important role in the blueprint of China’s “12th Five-year Plan”. However, the uncertainties of emerging industries in technology, industrial process, business pattern, market cultivation and so on require the government’s new function to make sure these emerging industries can outperform traditional industries.

China has laid its hope of industrial upgrade and economic transformation on the development of emerging industries. The “three-step” plan the State Council made for the emerging industries draw out a broad development outlook. But the basic principle of industrial development shows that emerging industries cannot be drawn out but only can be created. Therefore, people have to think about a question – what role should the government play in the development of emerging industries? The “doing and undoing”should be made clear.

“Undoing”: the government-led pattern should not be used in the emerging industries as in the traditional industries. The history has just proved that the government’s long-term interventions in an industry cannot solve its structural problem. If the “structural problem” is not cancelled, the industry will loose long-term efficiency.

“Doing”: the state-owned enterprises should be prevented from monopolizing emerging industries. Emerging industries are a big cake that could produce huge profits. For example, the new energy industry attracts a lot of state-owned electric power companies. As a technol- ogy-intensive industry, new energy field has high requirements for cost and the risk is too huge for ordinary private companies. The government should create fairer competition environment, encourage and help private companies to invest in these fields, lend hands to those private companies having prospect through loans, technology transfer and so on.

Role 篇4


It was not until the late twentieth century that second language acquisition was regarded as an independent discipline, with the development of which arose a lot of theories, in the midst of which, Swain’s Output Hypothesis is among one of the most influential.In her theory, Swain clearly pointed out the positive role of output in SLA.This paper mainly reviews the Output Hypotheses and discusses its positive role in the process of second language acquisition and finally draws the conclusion.

Ⅱ.An Overview of Output Hypothesis

Output Hypothesis was put forward by the Canadian linguist Merrill Swain in 1985.Based on her research on the French immersion students’language ability, Swain challenged the reliability of the Input Hypothesis.She studied the French immersion programs in Canada, whose aim was to develop English students’French ability through teaching their other disciplines in French.By testing, Swain found that though these students’ability on listening comprehension, language fluency, and discourse functions were good, yet, their grammatical accuracy was not that satisfactory.As a result, Swain proposed the“Comprehensible Output Hypothesis”.

Swain claimed that“producing output is one way of testing a hypothesis about comprehensibility or linguistic well-formedness”.Second language learners test their language correctness through their output.By the metalinguistic reflection function, Swain means“output can serve to control and internalize linguistic knowledge”.

Ⅲ.Enlightenments of Output in Assisting Second Language Acquisition

Input is crucial in SLA, however, output should no阿t be neglected.In order to put what we have input into our own language ability, we must have enough output.Output not only enhances our language fluency but also increases our language accuracy.

In the output process, we should not only pay attention to the style but the content of the output and we should always try our best to pick out the new language that we have got in our input to internalize that knowledge.

As for the ways of output, there are also various.The first is sentence making.We can use some words or phrases to make up sentences, translate sentences, recite and retell paragraphs and make some questions according to the passages and then answer by ourselves.Second is interaction.For this method, we can find someone that we can speak the target language with and practice.Some easy conversations can be the starters.Then with the development of the pair, difficult words or phrases can be added.A third way can be rewriting.After reading something we can rewrite what we have read in our own language.This kind of exercise can make us practice different kinds of language skills.For example, we can use antonyms and synonyms in our rewriting to develop our understanding and analyzing ability.Fourthly, we can make some plays and act them out to output our language knowledge.Fifthly, discussion, debate, and speech are good output methods for us to practice second language.In a word, we should make any use of opportunity to produce our second language and make our output as much as possible.


In recent years, more and more people start to join the area of language acquisition research.Among the researchers and researches, Swain’s Output Hypothesis is of crucial importance.Swain based on her study found out that input only can not facilitate the language learners’language ability.Therefore, she proposed the Output Hypothesis and emphasized the important role of output in language acquisition.Actually, both input and output are essential to second language acquisition.As a result, we should make full use of these two factors and get as much as input as well as output as possible to make our language acquisition faster and more accurate.


1[1]Swain, Merrill and Yang Luxin.Output Hypothesis:Its History and Its Future[J].Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2008 (1) .45-49.

Role 篇5

International giants control

Raw materials provided to international enterprises,such as retail giants Wal-Mart and Carrefour, fast-food tycoons KFC, McDonald and PizzaHut, have all been localized.Each company has itssuppliers and a completesystematic supply-chainin Mainland China, whichis a great promise to thepublic and customers.Though each internationalgiant have sets of strictstandards and regulations,Chinese suppliers can meetthem all well.

Let's see what Chinese KFC behaves first. Its100% chicken material and 85% package material aredomestic provided under a global assessment system,"STARSYSTEM".

Another example is from Wal-Mart. A small town inChina veils Wal-Mart's cloth supplier, but every processingcycle in this cloth factory is supervised and assessed underWal-Mart's strict standard. Workers and stuff there evercomplained that "Making cloth for Wal-Mart is a toughtask. You have to work very carefully, because any flaw inthe product may make your work null".

The first McDonald was opened in 1990 in Shenzhen,but its suppliers entered China to establish its farmsand factories in 1983. Its vegetable planting, from seedselection, sowing, irrigation, to fertilization and animalbreeding and slaughter are detailed recorded andregulated according to its manual of supply chainmanagement. Every producing and processing step istrustable.

Chinese supply companies should make sure thattheir products in accordance with the purchasingrequirements. A standard tomake options, assessmentto raw materials has tobe regulated and requirea good record. Anyrelated activities such asinspections should fullysupport purchasingrequirement too. Strictflow diagrams includingproduct name, ingredients, wrap, manufacturing date, best before date and storage conditions are all following and meetinginternational standard.

Chinese government supervision

Chinese government attaches great importance toproduct quality and food safety. On July 25, the executive meeting of the StateCouncil deliberated and passed a draft special regulation on the supervision ofproduct and food safety and made the decision to set up a leading group of theState Council on product quality and food safety. The regulation sets out rules onthe supervision of food safety and product quality. Legal preparation has taken animportant step on the purchasing chain.

It regulates that inspection and quarantine authorities, as well as commercialand drug supervisors, should establish positive and

negative records for Chinese food exporters and make therecords publicized regularly; Local governments at countylevel and above are mainly responsible for the supervisionof food product safety; Exporters of food products whoprovide fake quality certificates or evade quality andquarantine inspections will be fined three times theproduct's value.

Latest performance

On August 25, Chinese government initiated thesupervision projects on China's home made products. Thisspecial regulation and rectification on national productquality and food safeguard would last for 4 months, fromlate August to the end of December.

The key points of the rectifications lie in three aspects:key products, key entities and key regions. Key productsrefer to edible agricultural products, food, drugs, consumerproducts. Key entities refer to vegetable production bases, large scale livestock,poultry and aquatic product farms, slaughterhouses, feed processing plants, foodproducing and processing enterprises and small workshops, agricultural sidelineproduct wholesale markets, fresh product supermarkets, small groceries, smallrestaurants, pharmaceutical industries and enterprises. Key regions refer to ruralareas and urban-rural fringes, food production intensive areas, areas with outstandingproblem of production without license, as well as areas with repetitious productionand sale of fake products. All those keys focused on high risk hazard area, so thatmore monitor and verification are required.

Through intensive rectifications on key products, key entities and key regions,a chain of supervision on the entire production process of industrial products allthrough the designing of products, the introduction of raw materials, manufacturingand processing, marketing and service shall be established and developed, soshall be a chain of supervision of the entire production process of food all throughcultivating and breeding, manufacturing and processing, distributing and marketing,and catering, as well as a trace back and accountability system of product quality andfood safety and a comprehensive quality monitoring network all over the society so asto raise China's product quality and food safety to a new level.

Role 篇6

组织行为学课程开设双语教学, 开创了全新的“教”与“学”的思路, 学生通过对原版教材的提前预习及仔细阅读, 再通过授课老师的英文授课, 学生能够以英文的思维方式思考国外的原著学科, 能更好地跟踪本学科发展的前沿理论与方法, 保证《组织行为学》学科知识的及时更新。同时, 也有利于传达《组织行为学》核心知识和核心理论, 增强对世界一流学术大师及其思想的了解, 把握学术精髓。由于该课程知识点多, 理论的系统性和整体性都很强, 并且具有综合性、权变性和互动性的特点, 这就要求对组织行为学进行双语授课的老师在教学过程中采用多种不同的教学方法, 以提高课堂教学质量。基于此, 体验式教学成为目前组织行为学课程双语教学中的主流教法。而Role-play作为体验式教学的一种重要的应用方式, 对于教师在教学过程中, 引导学生进行专业学习, 在专业学习的同时让学生学习语言、获取知识有着不可或缺的作用, 是达到教学要求的一种行之有效的方法。


Role-play (角色扮演) 是以学生为中心, 通过学生的表演, 形成的具有交流功能的小型表演活动。在这一具有自然、轻松、幽默氛围的表演活动中, 学生能够锻炼自己的语言能力, 充分巩固课本教学内容, 从而提高学生对组织行为学课程学习的主动性和积极性。Role-play在组织行为学课程双语教学中的应用, 是基于一定的科学理论基础的。

教育心理学理论认为, 学生接受教育是在一定的心理状态下进行的, 当学生处于心情愉快、注意力集中、思维敏捷的心理状态时, 就容易接受教育;反之, 如果内心被动、注意力涣散、思维迟钝, 教育的影响力就很难内化。现代高校学生的特点是有广泛的知识基础, 渴望表现自己的创造能力, 追求自我肯定, 喜欢参与。而Role-play恰以其活泼有趣的形式、丰富的选材范围及一定的创造性和表演性极大地调动学生的兴趣, 使他们的心理处于良好的状态, 高效率地接受教育和理解知识。

成人教育理论认为, 成人接受知识的过程和速度不同于儿童和青年, 他们更多地通过经验、实践、理解来接受教育。Role-play活动使学生在亲自扮演角色的过程中理解专业知识和语言的恰当使用场合, 它与教师在课堂上单纯地灌输理论知识相比更容易被这个年龄阶段的学生所接受。

体验式教学法认为, 学习是一个通过获得经验来创造知识的过程。学习者通过自身第一手的亲自操作和体验, 自愿变被动听课为积极思维、主动实践, 从而获得知识与掌握技能。它强调教学的主体是学生, 教师要加强对学生的主动意识和积极性的培养, 放手让学生进行实践体验。Role-play作为学生亲身参与的一项活动, 充分调动了学生参与的积极性, 实现了课堂上的互动, 使学生变被动学习为主动学习, 是体验式教学法的具体运用形式之一。


在组织行为学课程双语教学中恰当地运用Role-play, 鼓励学生融汇已学的专业知识, 同时运用正在学习的知识和理论, 通过参与活动, 亲身体验, 一方面巩固知识, 一方面又发现新问题, 在和谐有益的环境中积极获取新知识。Role-play运用在组织行为学课程双语教学中, 其具体作用表现在以下几个方面:


组织行为学课程的教学要求它的学生在掌握相关理论及概念的同时, 还要掌握使用这些相关理论及概念的情境等方面的基本知识。但是, 在传统的课堂教学中许多相关知识无法在课堂上呈现给学生。由于Role-play的情境具有拟真性, 因此可以弥补这一不足。它可以将教学目的、训练内容以及组织行为学课程的特点有机地结合在一起, 创造情境, 激发并保持学生的学习兴趣, 充分调动其学习的积极性, 从而取得事半功倍的教学效果。在Role-play中, 由学生扮演某种任务的角色, 要求扮演的学生根据自己对角色的理解和认知自发地投入, 体验真实场景, 使他们真正体验到所扮演角色的感受与行为, 以发现及改进自己的工作态度与行为表现。比如在讲到组织行为学文化差异这一部分时, 让学生进行跨文化管理的经典角色扮演练习, 让学生通过角色扮演, 充分地体会文化差异的实际效用和跨文化管理的艺术性。

通过Role-play可以把真实的世界带到课堂上, 能使学生产生“身临其境”的真实感。正是这种真实感使学生仿佛置身于真情实景之中, 让学生目睹其形, 耳闻其声, 突破时空地域的限制。


组织行为学课程作为一门应用性和实践性很强的学科, 教学活动是在大量实践过程中进行的。这一过程既要有学生的积极参与, 更重要的是它要体现该课程的情境性、实效性。创造一种情景交融、活泼生动的教学氛围, 吸引学生积极参与, 是非常重要的。而Role-play把教学内容在课堂上直接显示出来, 使教学内容简明易懂, 缩短了教与学两者之间的距离, 创造了良好的教学环境, 从而也提高了课堂的教学效率。比如, 在讲授到“态度改变”的知识点时, 组织学生扮演“主管说服员工”的情景, 让学生更加深刻理解到改变态度的有效方法。在讲授激励理论的应用时, 模拟办公室环境, 灵活运用激励理论达到激发员工的工作积极性。

Role-play的教学方法, 最大优点在于其实效性, 学生从多元的视角体验到一个相对真实的情境, 在认知和情感上产生冲突, 形成新的、更高层次的认识和体验。同时, 可以促使参与者换位思考, 与角色同感共鸣, 在不自觉中改变自己的态度和行为。事实证明, 采用Role-play的方式活跃了学生的思维和想象, 强化了学生的刺激反应过程, 诱发大脑迅速做出反应和加速记忆, 学生变被动接受为主动参与, 不仅活跃了课堂气氛, 而且加强了教学的针对性和实效性。


长期以来, 我国英语教学基本上是应试教育, 缺乏听说能力的训练, 大部分本科生甚至研究生掌握的只是“哑巴英语”, 并不能使用英语与人进行交流和沟通。虽然很多学校开设了双语课, 由于主要是以授课老师在课堂用讲授为主, 因此即使学生的阅读能力与词汇量得到了提高, 其听说能力并没有得到多大的训练。而Role-play刚好填补了这个空白。由于组织行为学课程是用英语开设, 因此Role-play也要求学生用英语进行。在Role-play中, 学生除了学习专业知识, 同时还得到了英语听说方面的训练, 加强了用英语与人进行交流和沟通的能力。


针对组织行为学课程及学生的特点, 笔者认为Role-play可以采取两种方式进行:一是专题的Role-play, 二是自由的Role-play。


所谓专题的Role-play, 是指由教师给出一个主题, 并划出一定的范围, 学生的Role-play活动必须紧紧围绕这个主题展开。比如, 在讲解关于“冲突的管理”的内容时, 教师首先根据学生数量, 把学生划分为2-5人一组。然后每组其中一名同学扮演supervisor (主管) , 其他同学扮演subordinates (下属) 。由于教师提前布置了主题, 因此, 学生在课前有充分的时间进行相关资料的搜集和整理, 翻阅大量的报纸、书籍, 努力查找出合适的表达方式, 并进行了英语口语的充分练习。由于进行了充分的课前准备, 因此, 在课堂的表演中, 学生就能充分发挥主观性并能临场发挥, 最大量地应用专业知识, 收到令人满意的教学效果。

由于学生们亲身参与到活动中, 而不是被动参与, 所以积极性很高, 专业知识的准备非常充分。另外, 由于被要求事先不能通气, 活动完全即席进行, 所以学生们对可能被问及的问题准备得非常细致, 俨然自己就是角色本身。


与专题的Role-play相对应, 自由的Role-play强调的是“自由”。学生们可以根据自己的专业所长和个人爱好, 自由地选定角色, 选定场景, 并任意组合。在此阶段, 教师可根据实际情况对学生作出一些要求:比如Role-play时间的长短, 内容覆盖的范围, 等等。

采取自由的Role-play的时间一般为学期已经过半。在这个阶段, 学生经过初期的几个月的学习和练习, 已经储备了一定量的专业知识和英语表达技能。知识信息量的增多以及语言表达能力的提高, 使学生扮演角色时的自信心大大提高, 同时, 角色的选择和扮演也较单一的Role-play要丰富生动得多。

在自由的Role-play活动中, 小组的成员一般多于专题的Role-play。这样的Role-play一般有一个大的主题, 学生通过几个角色或者变换角色来说明主题的思想内容。笔者曾经选择过的主题有:Interpersonal Communication, Choice of Communication Channel, Group Decision Making, The Conflict Process, Performance Evaluation, 等等。

由于自由的Role-play给学生提供了自由表达思想的机会, 它在某种程度上比专题的Role-play更具有挑战性和难度, 学生需要进行大量的知识准备和语言操练。但是, 也正是这样的知识准备和语言操练, 使学生巩固了专业知识, 锻炼了英语表达能力, 从而达到了本课程要达到的目的。


Role-play的应用, 对教师也是一种挑战。这种理论与实践相结合的表演, 首先要求教师应具备很强的组织能力, 能够号召、鼓动学生由积极参与到主动创作。其次, 教师的业务水平与精神状态必须远远高于传统教学中的“满堂灌”状态, 在扮演导演角色即进行关键性专业指导的同时, 也应注意鼓励成绩欠佳、性格内向的学生, 使每一位学生都能充分发挥自己的潜力而且充分意识到自己的能力与不可或缺。因此, 教师在Role-play这个活动中的角色是组织者。

在组织行为学课程双语教学这个特殊的课堂上, 教师的组织者角色首先表现在宏观控制上。教材内容量大, 而且琐细, 教师要从教学目标出发全面规划, 统筹兼顾。在每一次具体的Role-play活动中, 要有一定的引入、示范、启动和总结。

引入的时候, 要围绕教学内容展开, 激发学生的兴趣, 创造气氛。示范主要讲解一下内容的特点和语言要求、活动的做法和具体注意事项。启动比较简单, 学生自己就可以很好地配对组合成组。活动结束时, 教师应进行一定的总结。作为教师, 首先要肯定学生在这个创造性活动中的努力和成绩, 营造良好的师生氛围, 鼓励学生的信心。

笔者认为, 组织行为学课程双语教学的目的并不是简单地在一堂课结束后, 学生能熟记课本当中的概念、理论, 或者能熟记英文版教材中的单词或短语, 而是在学生掌握了课本中的知识后, 能够用自己的语言来分享所获取的信息, 把理论同实践结合起来。在活动中能提出新问题, 发现新问题, 并向他人或其他信息来源获取答案。这才是这门课程最基本和最重要的。


总的来说, Role-play充分挖掘了学生的各种潜力。学生的表演才能、语言天赋、编写创作能力、组织能力等都被调动起来运用到课程的学习中。是体验式教学法的具体运用。由于使学生之间得以进行积极的交流, 既深化了专业知识, 又锻炼了语言熟练的表达, 因此, Role-play在组织行为学课程双语教学中的独特的优势和作用, 必将能够得到有效的发挥。


[1]戴川.组织行为学双语教学的探索与实践[J].商场现代化, 2009, (21) :152.

[2]王秋令.角色扮演法在管理类教学中的应用[J].边疆经济与文化, 2009, (6) :112.

[3]廖红.组织行为学教学改革探析[J].现代商贸工业, 2008, (10) :299.

Role 篇7

因此, 运用角色扮演 (role-play) 是高职高专英语课堂教学能否成功的被学生消化的关键。角色扮演 (role-play) 是一种常用的交际教学法。它通过游戏的形式反映现实生活中的一个片段, 要求参加者走出自我, 融入所扮演的角色中。这一活动有利于学生把所学的知识灵活运用到所设定的假设场景中, 从而加深对所学知识的印象, 并且角色扮演 (role-play) 能巧妙的把本是抽象的无形的一个一个英语单词转化成了具体的形象的一个个场景, 让学生们通过角色扮演这一有趣的活动发挥他们的积极性和主动性, 使英语学习不再枯燥乏味, 从而取得良好的教学效果。本文分析了高职学生英语口语学习现状, 并以此为出发点, 举例说明角色扮演活动在改变高职口语教学的实践教学中具有很大的作用。


长期以来, 我们的英语教学存在着些许问题, 许多学生在学习了许多年英语之后, 仍然不能成功的运用英语与他人交流。这主要的原因是因为传统教学注重读写能力, 而忽视了听说能力的培养。在这样的教学方式下, 学生们心里清楚想要说的英语单词和英语语法, 但是却羞于开口, 失去了语言交际这一功能。而角色扮演 (role-play) 是解决这一问题的途径。在英语课堂教学中, 教师设计特定的场景, 要求学生们积极参加, 调动课堂气氛, 使学生们在轻松愉快的环境中学习, 激发出学生主动学习的愿望。另外, 角色扮演这一教学活动多是以小组的形式展开, 这样可以为学生们提供一个放松自在的学习范围, 让每个参加者都能畅所欲言, 积极表达自己的观点。并且, 教师的积极反馈更能增加学生的自信心和积极性, 有效的提高学习效果, 完成教学目标。


随着世界经济的发展, 全球一体化逐渐形成, 各行各业都是团队作业, 要求其从业人员具有高度的团结协作能力。英语教学也应顺应时代的需求, 在日常教学中注重培养学生的合作能力。英语课堂中, 教师把不同的英语学习水平, 不同的性格爱好的学生们分到一个小组进行角色扮演这一教学活动中, 那么在一个小组共同完成同一个任务的过程中, 他们需要相互沟通, 相互帮助, 相互合作才能达到最终的预期目标。因此, 学生通过这一活动, 不仅锻炼了语言的表达能力, 而且领悟到了团结合作的精神。

三、“角色扮演”有利于培养学生的创新精神, 提高学生的创新能力

角色扮演 (role-play) 活动利用学生们的上进心和不服输的心理, 以及在社会主义市场经济大潮中拼搏, 求生存、求发展的强烈愿望, 激发起学生们的潜在创造力, 让学生们在角色扮演中大展拳脚, 施展才华。例如, 在《新编实用英语综合教程二》第二版中Unit5 Toledo:A Problem of Menus的角色扮演活动中, 扮演Waiter的同学不甘于自己的台词少于其他的扮演者, 就会依据剧情自己酌情添加, 反而使整个活动更加丰富, 有趣。因此, 通过这一活动有效的培养了学生们的创新精神, 提高了学生的创新能力。

总之, 角色扮演 (role-play) 这种形式已经越来越多的被英语教师运用于英语教学中, 对提高课堂教学效果有重要的作用。作为一种相对活跃的教学方式, 角色扮演能比较好地调动学生的积极性, 锻炼学生的听说能力, 培养学生的合作精神, 提高学生的创新能力。因此, 英语教师应该结合课堂内容多设计出这一环节, 达到良好的教学效果。



Role 篇8

On January 10, Zheng Yuesheng, spokesman for the General Administration of Customs, said in a press conference that Chinas goods trade volume surpassed the U.S. in 2013 and its imports and exports marched into a new era as the total volume exceeded one trillion yuan.

Chinas local media CBN Daily made a report at the beginning of this year, tacking down the data about goods trade in the past 11 months. The analysts capitalize on the statistical range of the international trade taken by the WTO, pointing out that it was an impossible mission for the U.S. to keep the championship in the global trade volume in 2013.

Then, what happened to the external trade of China in 2013 and what is pushing China to be the worlds largest trader. In that case, the strategy of“making China go out” is an indispens- able factor.

The said “making China go out”refers to the increased focus of China on overseas investment and deals. From January to November 2013, China invested totally US$80.24 billion in the non-financial industries of overseas markets, with the 28.3% year-on-year growth rate. It is expectable that China would speed up in“going out”, leading to the faster growth rate of Chinas export.

Behind the“Mission Impossible”

In the press conference on January 10, Zheng Yuesheng listed a group of data to make his speech more convincing.

The data offered by Zheng Yuesheng showed that the total imports and exports volume of China in the first ten months of 2013 had surpassed the U.S. by US$192 billion. In addition, the annual growth rate of Chinas trade was 7 percent higher than the U.S.

‘Based on these, I think it has been confirmed that China could defeat the U.S. and become the largest trader in the world in 2013,” Zheng Yuesheng said.

The statistical data showed that the total exports and imports volume of China amounted to US$4.16 trillion, which is the not only historical high for China, but also the first time for this country to have its imports and exports exceed four trillion U.S. dollars. In recent years, China had continuously created new records in the foreign trade. It surmounted the levels of one trillion, two trillion and three trillion in 2004, 2007 and 2011.endprint

In addition, the data from the General Administration of Customs showed that China saw the 7.6% year-one-year growth rate to its exports and imports volume in 2013, 1.4% percent higher than the figure a year before. It was quite close to the goal of increasing the foreign trade by 8% fixed by the State Council of China at the beginning of 2013.

The chart made it clear that Chinas foreign trade went through some fluctuations in the first half of 2013, but the situation turned better in the second half. After a slight drop in September, the growth of Chinas imports and exports hit the new high of 9.3% last November.

The Doubt about the Accuracy of Data

During the period of fluctuation in the foreign trade, there came out the doubts and disputes about the possibility of China to fake the foreign trade data in the first four months of 2013. This affected the creditability of the whole data.

From January to April 2013, the total imports and exports volume of China hit 8.36 trillion yuan or US$1.331 trillion. The annual growth rate reached 14% with the exchange rate factor reduced.

In that period, the exports from China to Japan and Europe, which are traditionally the “big clients” of China, saw the decrease while the exports of China to the U.S. grew with the growth rate lower than 10%. However, the figure of the trade between Mainland China and Hong Kong was quite high(66%), especially the trade between Hong Kong and Guangdong, which met a dramatic increase.

The unexpected high growth rate in the trade with Hong Kong immediately drew the attention of the experts and the central government of China when the entire foreign trade situation went pale. They started an investigation into this matter. Then, after a series of changes to the policies and maneuvers in May and June, the foreign trade of China entered the period of stable growth, but this led to the deviation of the whole years foreign trade data because of the four months problematic data.

As for the reason of the abnormal increase in the foreign trade in the first four months of 2013, the experts attributed it to the businessmens purpose of tax avoidance (the tax rate in Hong Kong is lower than the other countries/ regions). But more importantly, the local governments, which welcomed the new leaders at the beginning of 2013, had the impetus and purpose to drive the data up for the better political performance.

The deviation is not exclusive to China. The U.S. International Trade Commission published Avoidance Behav- iors of Exporters and Importer: Evidence from the U.S.-China Trade Data Discrepancy in 2008, reporting that the exporters and importers in the U.S. also made many false reports driven by the commercial interest. For example, exporters reported the exports prices lower than they should be for the purpose of tax avoidance while the importers purposely increased the imports price to reduce the companies profits for less profit tax.endprint

Jia Huaqin, vice president of the China Society of Statistics for Foreign Economy and Trade, said that the discrepancies, whether they are in China or the U.S., could not be modified if there are right imports and exports bills, concluded with legal methods and right procedures. As long as the statistical system of the customs remains the unchanged, the discrepancies have to be tolerated.

The Pros and Cons in 2014

As Zheng Yuesheng said, the Chinese government and business circle are going to shift more focus to the development of the quality and efficiency of foreign trade when expanding its quantity.

The experts believe that the situation for foreign trade is generally better in 2014 than in 2013. For China, the foreign trade of this country is both to be boosted by the increasing overseas demand and the improvement in domestic macro-economic environment, and to be restrained by the higher cost and more intense trade conflicts.

If there were no big changes to the domestic and international economy, the foreign trade of China would be greeted with a period of stable growth in 2014 and the quality and efficiency of foreign trade development would be further improved, as the experts forecast.

Zheng Yuesheng revealed four pos- itive factors and four negative factors for Chinas foreign trade in the press conference.

The positive factors included the faster recovery of the global economy, especially the developed economies, leading to the better outlook of the global trade. Domestically, more measures and policies were implemented in the third plenum of the 18th CPC Congress, which would drive up the foreign trade. The low price of the bulk commodities in the international market will help Chinese enterprises lower their cost and encourage them to import more products. Then, Chinas strategy of “going out” will bring about the expansion in the overseas investment and export.

The negative, however, cannot be ignored. For example, the Chinese enterprises have to deal with the increasing cost of foreign trade in these years. Chinas neighboring countries have risen fast to become powerful competitors of China, squeezing the space of his country for the development of foreign trade.

Meanwhile, the decrease in the actually-used foreign capital of the manufacturing and the depression in the import of processing trade will curb the increase in the development of exportoriented processing enterprises.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, the processing trade of China saw the imports increase only 2.5%, while the whole years figure only went up 3.3%. The processing trade has a particularity that the import predates the export. Therefore, the low import foreshadows the dim outlook of the export of foreign trade some time in the future.



