


Long 篇1

1. Introduction

With the development of the society and civilians’awareness of the inequality between male and female,sexism,as a long-running tough issue,has sparked a spirited debate among the public.Research has demonstrated that China has ranked 35th on the United Nations Development Programme’s Gender Inequality Index(GII)among 142countries.If not well tackled,this phenomenon will exert undesirable effects on everyone’s life and even the economic growth of the country.Therefore,this paper mainly talks about the current situation and causes of sexism by analyzing the labor market of China,and summarizes some ways to tackle this issue.

2. Literature Review

Distinguished from the previous review of“Gender Equality and Women’s Development in China”which lays more emphasis on women’s development in all-round way,or the review of“Sexism in Employment on International Forum”(Ning Lili 2006)that is based on the international background.This paper includes some reviews on those studies and narrows down the topic to the sexism in China’s labor market.First and foremost,acknowledging the current circumstances on this issue is of great importance.Virtually,there are four types of differences in China’s labor market about sexism.

2.1 Difference in employment between male and female

According to one of OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)’s demonstration,it indicates that.In many countries,labor market discrimination,i.e,the unequal treatment of equally productive individuals only because they belong to a specific group--is still a crucial factor that inflates disparities in employment.So it is quite clear that the difference in occupation between male and female is due to gender discrimination rather than labor productivity.

2.2 Difference in income between male and female

One of the Oaxaca analyzed results shows that sexism,along with the difference in individual characteristic,equally constitutes the unequal income between male and female(Zhang Xiaobei,Qi Peng2010).There is a consistent policy of the government that calls for equal pay for equal work.Whereas,in reality,women take the lower income than men take whatever their age ranks are.

2.3 Difference in the possibility of being laid off between male and female

The great possibility of being laid off of women has been existed for years.Dating back to the SOE reforms of the 1990s,women were laid off in greater numbers compared to men.Firstly,the textile industry and other light industry were greatly affected by the enterprise reform and economic reform in the 1990s.But these industries were mostly manufactured by women,which resulted in the great layoff of women workers.Second,during the reform period,the enterprises wanted to cut back multiple social functions,so they began to dismiss workers who were doing secondary jobs.It went without saying that the female workers were firstly to be dismissed in that they occupied a high proportion in these secondary jobs.Thirdly,retirement age for women is five years than men.All the above points prove that women are more subject to being unemployed in the labor market.

2.4 Difference in hiring practice between male and female

Sexism in recruitment can be divided into three categories:gender restrictions in positions,sexism in the process of recruitment and age discrimination.For instance,China’s national civil units,national government departments and state-owned large or medium-sized enterprises don’t comply with the national equality employment laws in the process of recruitment.And the age limit for men is more relaxed,usually under 45 years of age.Conversely,for women,the age limit is mostly under the age of 30,or even under 25(Wu Zhongzhe 2009).

3. Analysis of the Cause

3.1 The influence of the traditional concept

For one thing,the federal society had advertised the concept that men enjoyed higher status than women for a long time.It is undeniable that many people still hold the opinion that women lack independence and are inferior to men in ability so that they should only focus on family while men on career.For another,as the influence has rooted in people’s mind,women may choose to focus on family voluntarily.

3.2 Enterprises’pursuit of profit maximization

To begin with,enterprises have to bear a certain reproduction cost for female workers,which is a direct hiring cost.What’s more,they think that female workers need to take care of family which will affect work efficiency,which can be a long-running indirect cost.Unavoidably,men are the enterprises’first choice in recruitment.

3.3 The shortcoming of legal norms

China has established an array of laws and regulations concerning employment equality to protect women’s rights.Nevertheless,sexism still exists in the labor market.There are two main shortcomings in legal norms.One is that the legal norms are too principle.Most of the regulations and slogans lack preciseness and specific operation rules.Another is that legal norms are deficient in operability.

4. Recommendations

4.1 Construct an advanced gender culture

The educational institutions are responsible for reconstructing an advanced gender culture.It’s well-known that men’s status were superior to women’s in the old days,however,the anachronistic conception can’t hold water anymore.To strike the balance from the very beginning,it’s imperative that these educational institutions attach more importance to the education of gender equality in the primary school,or even in the kindergarten.Accordingly,this act will give rise to the advanced gender culture which can make a big difference in the future generation.

4.2 Strengthen relevant laws and policies

The legislative branches should not only ensure the equality of education,but also pay attention to the social value of fertility through legislation and socialize the costs of women’s fertility(Su Yanming,Zeng Chunyuan 2006).Nonetheless,our state should continuously intensify its efforts in the formulation,revision and enforcement of relevant regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of women in earnest.

4.3 Corporate to relieve the employment pressure

Each group in our society is supposed to make joint efforts to relieve the employment pressure by taking financial measures and implementing the Law Labor Law resolutely as well as take effective ways to increase the job opportunities.As the old saying goes that“Many hands make light work”.

5. Conclusion

From the foregoing,we can make clear that sexism in the labor market can be eliminated little by little as long as we pull together to aspire after the equality fairness and respect of women.Meanwhile,our government should take the responsibility to reconstruct an advanced gender culture,strengthen the related laws and policies.As far as we are concerned,the promotion of gender equality and the overall development of women is not only of great significance for China’s development,it also exerts a far-reaching influence on the efforts for the advancement of mankind.

To achieve at sexual equality is still a long way to go.


[1]Ning Lili.“International Forum on Gender Discrimination in Employment.”Human Rights.2006,15.5:38.

[2]Su Yanming,Zheng Chunyuan.“The Current Gender Situation and Analysis of the Causes in the Labor Market in China.”Modern Economy.2006,5.3:42-43.

[3]Wu Zhongzhe.“Gender inequalities of the Labor Market during Market Transition.”Economic Theory and Policy Research,2009,2.3:87-98.

[4]Zhang Xiaobei,Qi Peng.“Differences in Labor Contracts,Gender and Income.”South China.2010,25.1:14-15.

Long 篇2

The bureaucrats dallied too long.


The long blades clashed together.


The table is six feet long.


Have you been waiting long?


He shrieked a long, wordless cry.

Long 篇3

The Long March was a military maneuver carried out by the Red Army led by the Communist Party of China from 1934 to 1936.

The performances, including singing and dancing, recalled the hardships that the Red Army endured during the period and showcased its courage and determination regardless of the sacrifice and suffering experienced.

Long 篇4

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

Ⅱ Teaching Goals

1. Learn and master some new words.

2. Improve the student speaking ability and listening ability.

3. Talk about how long you have been doing things.

4. Master the main sentence patterns.

Ⅲ Teaching Important and Difficult Points

1. Key vocabulary

pair skate skater since Hilltop School raise several

2. Target language

How long have you been skating?

I have been skating since nine o’clock.

I have been skating for five hours.

How long did you skate?

I skated for two hours.

Do you skate every day?

When did you get your first pair of skates?

Ⅳ Listening Method.

Communicative Approach.

Listening Method.

Pairwork or Groupwork.

Ⅴ Teaching Aids

A tape recorder

Word cards

Ⅵ Teaching Procedures

Step 1

1.Greet the whole class as usual.

2.Duty report.

Step 2 2a

1. Read the instructions and point to the six questions. Ask different students to read the questions to the class. Then read each question again and rephrase it in your own words. For example you might rephrase question 1 as How many hours did you skate today? And question 2 as How many hours have you been skating? Ask students what questions they still do not understand and explain the questions further, if necessary.

2. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.

3. Play the recording a second time. This time students put a check in front of the questions they hear.

4. Correct the answers.

Step 3 2b

1. Read the instructions. Point out the line drawn for the sample answer.

2. Ask a student to read the four answers to the class.

3. Point out the four answers. Say, You will use these four answers to answers to answer the four questions you checked in activity 2a.

4. Play the recording. Ask students to draw lines connecting each question with the correct answer.

5. Correct the answers.

Step 4 2c

1.Read the instructions. Point out the questions and answers in activity 2a.

2.Ask two students to read the example in sample dialogue in activity 2c. Say, You will work with your partner. Role play the interview between Alison and the reporter.

3.Ask one or two pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

Step 5 Summary and Homework

This class we have done listening and speaking practice using the target language .We must pay attention to the usage of the two words since and for. Today’s homework is to continue to make some conversations will your partners. Then revise grammar focus. Next time I’ll ask some pairs to say their conversations.

Ⅶ Blackboard Design

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?

How long have you been skating?

I’ve been skating since nine o’clock.

I’ve been skating for five hours.

How long did you skate?

I skated for two hours.

Long 篇5

‘Edgar Snow put a human face to the Communist Party of China (CPC) and introduced the CPC leadership to international and domestic audiences. For Snow, his book Red Star Over China was a way to stress the common bond between China and America at the time,” said John James Kennedy, a professor at the University of Kansas, during a recent seminar in Beijing.

The four-day seminar was held to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Red Armys Long March and also the 80th anniversary of Snows interview with Mao Zedong.

“His mission was to bring the United States and China closer together and [create] greater mutual understanding,”Kennedy said.

Started in 1982, the biennial seminar is hosted alternately in Beijing and Snows hometown, Kansas, Missouri. It aims to recall the life and achievements of the American journalist and strengthen people-to-people exchanges between China and the United States.

Snow is regarded as one of the most important foreigners to present China to the world. He first came to China in 1928, staying on for 13 years. In 1936, the then 31-year-old visited the CPCs revolutionary base area in northwest China, interviewed top communist leaders including Mao and Zhou Enlai, and amassed a treasure trove of first-hand information. He published his seminal book in the following year, presenting his eye-opening accounts to Western readers.

The second session of the seminar, held in Peking University on October 12, was attended by Chinese and American dignitaries. They included Li Yansong, Vice President of Peking University and Director of China Center for Edgar Snow Studies; Nancy Hills, President of Edgar Snow Memorial Foundation; and Yuan Xiling, a researcher in the Edgar Snow Research Center in Shaanxi Province.

In his keynote speech, Bao Shixiu, a senior research fellow with the Academy of Military Sciences, said during Snows four-month visit to the revolutionary base area, he found that though life was hard and supplies ran short, civilians, officers and soldiers remained united. In the Red Army soldiers enthusiasm for the revolution and the local support for these revolutionaries, he saw Chinas hope. He introduced this zeal and dedication and the people who lived by them to the world through his articles, helping the West understand China better.

Long 篇6

Russia ranked 14th in the world in foreign trade in 2010, and is the biggest economy that has not yet joined the WTO. Joining the organization will definitely have a major impact on its domestic economy as well as its trade partners.

Russia applied to join the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, the predecessor of the WTO, as early as 1993. It set up a working group to process the application in the same year. In 1995, when the WTO was established, the working group changed its mission and began WTO negotiations.

By 2008, after 13 years of work, Russia had basically completed the negotiations. But the process was interrupted in 2009, when Russia created a customs union with Kazakhstan and Belarus. The three decided to join the WTO as members of the customs union. But later, due to the relevant regulations of the WTO, they changed this plan and decided to join the WTO as individual nations. Because the customs union regulations conflict with Russia’s WTO commitments, Russia had to revise some of its WTO application documents, delaying the process further.


Russia’s WTO application faced obstacles both at home and abroad. The external obstacles mainly came from the EU and the United States. Economically, the major points of contention between Russia and the EU included the opening up of Russia’s airspace rights, import tariffs on civil aviation technology and spare parts, and government policies supporting the aviation industry.

Another focus was energy, especially natural gas. The EU asked Russia to eliminate the price difference of natural gas on domestic and international markets. It required Russia to cancel the export tariff it places on natural gas, open up the crossborder gas transportation market, and eliminate the monopoly of Russian gas extractor Gazprom. The two sides also held fierce negotiations on the transition period for Russia’s entry into the WTO.

The United States was the last country to hold bilateral talks with Russia on WTO accession. The two sides argued over the opening of the Russian financial market, including banking and insurance. The United States asked Russia to cancel the import tariff on aviation technology and government subsidies for agro-industrial complexes. Intellectual property protection and quarantine of imported goods were also heated topics.

The main political obstacles for Russia came from the United States and Georgia. The Jackson-Vanik Amendment of the United States denies most favored nation status to countries with non-market economies that restrict emigration, and was occasionally applied to trade relations with Russia. But in June 2011, the Obama administration said it was making efforts to facilitate Russia’s WTO entry and may even repeal the Jackson-Vanik Amendment.

In 2004, Russia and Georgia signed a bilateral agreement on Russia’s WTO accession. But after their conflict in 2008, Georgia requested to reconsider the agreement. Their dispute focused on how to determine customs control over disputed territories. Currently, the two have not yet reached a final agreement on this issue. And this may be the last obstacle restraining Russia’s accession to the WTO.

There were also internal obstacles for Russia. In order to stimulate economic recovery after the 2008 global financial crisis, the Russian Government dramatically increased import tariffs on many commodities and established a number of restrictions. These actions added to the difficulty in its WTO accession.

For instance, the Russian Government issued a new rule in December 2010 requiring foreign companies engaging in car assembly projects in Russia to invest at least $500 million, and assemble at least 300,000 cars per year, of which 30 percent should use Russian engines.

If Russian-made parts exceed 60 percent of the whole car by 2020, foreign car companies will be allowed duty-free imports of certain spare parts. This provision has

aroused strong resentment from U.S. and European companies.


A recent survey showed 41 percent of respondents thought joining the WTO is good for Russia’s long-term interests. Russian experts predict that joining the WTO could increase Russian GDP by 1.2 percent per year. Experts from the World Bank predicted that in the long term, joining the WTO could help Russian products enter the international market and build a more effective international cooperation mechanism for Russian enterprises. It could also enhance the attractiveness of investment in Russia and expand Russia’s trade scale.

Russian officials believe joining the WTO may negatively impact certain enterprises or industries in the short term, but it will not affect the overall economy. In the long run, however, it will promote Russia’s economic development.

After joining the WTO, Russian products won’t be discriminated against when entering the international market. Russian companies can make full use of international trade dispute settlement mechanisms to resolve trade issues. Russian investors will have more overseas investment opportunities. And Russia’s influence in international economic activities will be enhanced.

But joining the WTO could also have a negative impact. At the beginning, industries long protected by the government, including agriculture, light industry, machinery manufacturing, national defense, auto making, aircraft

manufacturing, banking and insurance, will suffer competition from foreign companies.

After joining the WTO, Russia will see a rise in oil and gas prices. This will drive up costs and fuel inflation, making Russian products less competitive internationally.

In the meantime, Russia’s non-resource products lack competitiveness on the international market, and the opening up of its market may increase its dependence on imported commodities. Transition

After entering the WTO, Russia will have to lower its average tariff on imported goods from 10.2 percent to 6.9 percent. In the meantime, it has set a four-to-seven-year transition period for various goods. In trade in services, Russia will make market access commitments in 116 of the 155 service subsectors defined by the WTO.

In agricultural products, Russia will decrease its import tariff from 21.5 percent to 18.9 percent. From 2008 to 2012, it will provide a subsidy of $9 billion a year to its enterprises engaged in agricultural production and food export.

In addition, based on WTO regulations,

Russia will revise the laws concerning customs procedures, technical barriers to trade, market protection, agricultural support, sanitation, animal and plant quarantine, and intellectual property.



