



概括地说, 图式就是存在于人头脑中已有的知识单位, 就阅读而言, 按照F.C Barlette提出的理论, 图式可分成三种类型: (1) 语言图式, 指读者已有的有关语音、词汇和语法等方面的语言知识, 是对构成文章的语言基本要素的掌握程度及运用能力。 (2) 内容图式, 指读者对文章的内容、背景和主题的熟悉程度。 (3) 形式图式, 指读者对阅读材料的体裁和篇章结构的了解程度。在这三种图式中, 语言图式是内容图式和形式图式的基础, 即理解文章的基础, 内容图式是理解文章内容的依据, 为理解文章内容提供向导, 形式图式则是调用内容图式的能力, 形成正确的结构图以提高对文章的理解, 三者相辅相成, 交互作用, 缺一不可。


阅读过程就是利用已有的图式对阅读材料的一个不断地选择、检验、整理与加工并选择和调整信息的过程。因此, 在高中英语阅读教学中应做到:阅读前, 充分发挥图式的预测推理功能, 利用插图、标题和文章的结构进行相关的内容预测;阅读中, 充分发挥图式的信息处理功能, 利用关键词及阅读基本技能skimming, scanning, careful reading了解文章的基本结构, 并进行深层次的理解;阅读后, 充分发挥图式的巩固记忆功能, 通过画语义图, 让学生在视觉上有一个清晰的轮廓以便记忆进行复述课文、写作等活动。

教学案例:对人教版高三教材选修九Unit1Breaking Records“The Road is Always ahead of You”的教学设计与反思。

教材分析:本篇课文的主题是“路永在前方”, 介绍了拥有多项世界吉尼斯世界纪录的传奇人物阿什里塔·弗曼, 一个非职业运动员却取得了许多职业运动员无法企及的成就。本节课通过他的成长经历以及获得这些成就的精神动力, 激励学生认识自我的潜力, 找到精神动力的源泉, 实现梦想。

教学目标: (1) 在阅读中初步掌握本单元生词、词组及句型的用法, 同时领悟作者如何进行内容安排, 把握其主题, 了解写作意图。 (2) 让学生在阅读中掌握速读、跳读、精读等技能, 遇到障碍时要调整心态和注意力。 (3) 了解吉尼斯纪录的相关知识和这些纪录创造者应具备的品质, 促使学生摈弃“我不行”的心理暗示, 让意念统领身体走出一条成功之路。

教学重难点:依据记叙文的特点指导阅读, 训练学生skimming, scanning, careful reading等技能, 再对文章进行深层次的分析去评价主人公, 并构建相关的图式, 然后利用所构建的图式使学生能够在理解的基础上复述课文, 作为书面表达的材料以巩固课文, 有利于建立新图式。

教学手段:以教材为依托, 利用现代多媒体手段结合传统教学, 呈现整个教学过程。


Step 1 Lead-in———利用图片组织讨论激活已有图式

Show students the pictures of some famous athletes which are taken at the end of the events.Have a discussion about how they feel and what they have in common.

1.Question:Who are the athletes in the pictures?

2.Group discussion:What may they be saying in their minds after they make it?What do they have in common to become successful world record holders?

Possible answers:I've got it!I know I can do it!It's hard to believe I made it!I've done my best…/Concentration, determination, devotion, diligence, enthusiasm, fitness, good physical abilities, hard training, perseverance, self-confidence, skills, strong will…

教学反思:本环节引导学生看图并讨论来激发学生的积极性, 运用已有的背景知识激活已有图式。通过讨论, 学生不但对杰出运动员的事迹有所了解, 而且明白了他们之所以杰出的秘诀, 拥有良好的心理素质及挑战自我的决心和毅力是最重要的, 因此更容易理解“只要拥有所有这些要素, 任何一个普通人都可能成为记录的创造者” (With all these qualities, anyone can be a record holder) , 逐步将学生引入阅读话题, 激发学生想要通过阅读以了解更多相关话题的兴趣, 为下一步教学铺平道路。

Step 2 Pre-reading———介绍背景知识扩充语言图式和丰富内容图式

Show students the pictures that will be talked about in the text.First, make them learn about each activity and how to do it;then ask them to experience one or more of this and have a discussion about what is needed to do these activities that seem not very serious.

1.Question:What is each person doing in the pictures?Do you know the names of the activities?

2.Class activities:Ask several students to act one or more of these activities, such as jumping jacks to see how they think of them.

3.Group discussion: (1) Would you like to try any of them?Do you think you are fit to do them? (2) Do you think you could do any of them for any length of time?

4.Look at the title and pictures to predict what will be mainly talked about in the passage.

教学反思:本环节让学生借助图片了解运动的名称及其方式, 再让学生体验其中一项或几项运动, 并思考讨论所需要的身体技能。每种活动所要求的身体素质都不完全一样, 但所要求的心理素质是基本相通的, 即concentration, strong will, devotion等。这种由浅入深的方式, 使学生从感性认识上升为理性思考, 了解了文章提及的运动项目, 从而引入本文的背景知识, 即扩充了学生的语言图式, 又丰富了他们的内容图式, 同时降低阅读难度, 再根据标题和图片进行预测文章内容, 为下一步阅读理解做好充分的准备。

Step 3 While-reading———着重语篇理解构建形式图式

1.Skimming:Quickly glance through the text and tick the topics about Ashrita that the author does not cover. (1) physical skills needed for events (2) number of records broken (3) how and why he became a sportsman (4) kind of records broken (5) his appearance (6) his family life (7) his place and date of birth (8) his occupation (9) his education (10) his first Guinness record.

2.Scanning:Go through the text again to find out the answers to the questions: (1) Who is Ashrita Furman?Is he a natural athlete? (2) Who helped him build confidence to be a sportsman? (3) What is required to do these activities? (4) When and why did he enter the Guinness book of world records?

When dealing with the questions, tell students how to use some key words to get the answers quickly, such as while, yet and so on, and also help students solve language obstacles, such as in reality, unfit, meditation and so on.

3.Careful reading:Read the first two paragraphs carefully to get the answers to the questions: (1) Has he broken records in all seven continents? (2) How many records has he broken?

Then read from the third to seventh paragraph to get the information about what physical difficulties he has experienced when doing these activities?A.walking with a bottle of milk on his head B.standing on top of a Swiss ball C.somersaulting D.doing gymnastically correct lunges

Last, try to get how Ashrita came to be a sportsman and his beliefs as well, knowing how and when he ran into and entered the Guinness World Records so that students can make clear his motivation of challenging the Guinness World Records.In addition, have a guess about where he lives now and how old he is according to the text.Meanwhile, the teacher shows a semantic mapping to help students better understand the text.

After getting the main structure of the whole text, ask students to do some reading exercises-choose the best choices.

(1) Which kind of activity is most likely to make a person dizzy?

A.Standing on top of a 75cm Swiss ball

B.Jumping jacks

C.Doing gymnastically correct lunges


(2) Which is NOT the reason why Ashrita became a successful sportsman?

A.He was very weak as a child, so he had to take more exercise.

B.He became one of Sir Chinmoy's students.

C.Ashrita entered the marathon and won much confidence.

D.He refused to accept any physical limitation.

(3) The underlined word“fascinate”means___.

A.annoy B.attract C.amaze D.attack

(4) The passage mainly tells us_______. Ashrita became famous Ashrita became a sportsman

C.Ashrita enjoys the challenge of breaking Guinness records

D.why Ashrita got crazy about sports

教学反思:本环节引导学生在扩充语言图式和丰富内容图式之后进行语篇理解, 并形成相应的形式图式。根据新课程理念, 首先让学生快速把握文章结构要点, 从整体明白文章大意。然后细读文章, 找准相关细节信息加深对文章的理解, 告诉他们如何利用关键词迅速找寻特定信息, 期间出现的困难词汇及短语, 培养学生根据上下文进行猜测的能力。随后为学生提供视觉上的结构语义图, 就更容易利用关键词建立起文章的形式图式, 利于学生理清思路, 深层理解语篇, 为复述课文做好充分的准备。同时, 还设计了高考阅读理解题目, 看是否达到了预期的阅读效果。

Step 4 Post-reading———巩固和运用图式

1.Class work:Try to play relay in retelling the text one by one according to the structure shown on the screen.

2.Group work:Have a discussion about Ashrita's motivation and beliefs. (1) Why did Ashrita keep on challenging different Guinness World Records instead of taking part in the Olympic Games? (2) Why did he participate in unconventional and funny sports rather than conventional and competitive ones? (3) Why did Ashrita do active sports after learning quiet mediation? (4) What are his beliefs?Do you agree?

教学反思:本环节组织学生依据已知图式对课文进行复述, 巩固和运用在本课中形成的图式, 一方面, 帮助学生记忆所学内容, 培养语言运用能力, 让基础较差的学生通过接龙的方式积极参与活动, 激发他们的兴趣;另一方面, 讨论主人公的动机和信念, 了解他身上具备的品质, 促使学生摈弃“我不行”的心理暗示, 让意念统领身体走出一条成功之路。

Step 5 Summary and Homework———发展建立新图式

1.There are only some cartoons about Ashrita in the text, so students can imagine the outlook of Ashrita.

2.Write a composition about what he says, “There is only one perfect road.It is ahead of you, always ahead of you”, taking students'daily life for example based on the standards from the college entrance examination in Hubei.If possible, search as much information about Ashrita as possible on the Internet after class.

教学反思:本环节先总结本课所学, 再让学生想象主人公的外在形象, 并根据他的事迹完成半开放式作文, 发展建立新图式, 为下一次学习提供相关的图式。


总之, 这堂阅读课思路清晰, 课堂设计合理, 学生思维活跃, 取得了很好的教学效果。这说明图式理论对高中英语阅读教学中具有指导和实践意义, 不仅有助于学生对语言的理解, 还有助于增强学生的阅读意识, 扩大学生的背景知识, 构建学生的图式结构, 提高学生的阅读能力。因此, 笔者认为, 教师用图式理论指导阅读教学从而提高学生的阅读能力是行之有效的。

摘要:在高中新课改的推动下如何进行有效的英语阅读教学是当前备受关注的话题。本文通过教学实际案例探讨了图式理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用, 对提高学生的阅读能力是行之有效的。



[1]Bartlett, E.C.Remembering:A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology[M].Cambridge:Carmbridge University Press, 1932.

[2]Brown, Gillianand George, Yule.Discourse Analysis[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[3]李蓉霞.图式理论在高中英语新课程阅读课中的运用[J].考试·教研, 2006.

[4]何广锵.英语教学研究[M].广州:广东高等教育出版社, 2002.

[5]郭霞.图式理论在高中英语阅读中的应用[J].牡丹江教育学院学报, 2005, (1) .


Saturday,March 4th Sunny

“What a beautiful day! The sky is blue and the clouds are white.” Said my mother. “Yes. Let’s go to Xia Jiu Road.” Said my father. I was really happy and I jumped very high.

Xia Jiu Road is more famous than the other shopping centers, because everyone says “Xia Jiu Road is the shopping world.” I saw a clothes shop over there, and I said to my parents, “Mum, Dad, let’s go in!” Mum and Dad looked me and said, “You are really a child.” I was really perky(神气的) and said “OK. Let’s just go in !” I bought a lot of beautiful clothes. My parents were unhappy. I pat on their shoulders and said, “Don’t be angry, because everyone says ‘Fine clothes make the man’, isn’t it?” My parents said together, “No, it isn’t. But we all love you. ” We laughed together and my parents were happy again.


克莱斯勒旗下普利茅斯品牌在1968年至1980年期间推出了一款肌肉车,名为Road Runner。在当时普利茅斯走的是低端产品路线,相比其他的肌肉车,普利茅斯的车型价格更为低廉。其中1971年推出的Road Runner是车型系列的第二代产品。

与上一代车型相比,第二代产品的设计风格发生了彻底改变,采用的飞机机身样式车身是当时克莱斯勒的整体设计风格,包括陡峭倾斜的挡风玻璃,隐藏的前围以及深嵌式的大灯与前格栅。1971款Road Runner拥有非常良好的驾乘性与操控性,但发动机功率受到排放法规的限制被迫降到了224kW,作为回报它也不用像其他大排量肌肉车那样需要交纳额外的保费。

Dodge Charger 1971



The Road to Happiness

It is a commonplace among moralists that you cannot get happiness by pursuing it.This is only true if you pursue it unwisely.Gamblers at Monte Carlo are pursuing money, and most of them lose it instead, but there are other ways of pursuing money, which often succeed.So it is with happiness.If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hangover.Epicurus pursued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days.His method proved successful in his case, but he was a valetudinarian, and most people would need something more vigorous.For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life.But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.If you look around at the men and women whom you can call happy, you will see that they all have certain things in common.The most important of these things is an activity which at most gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence.Women who take an instinctive pleasure in their children can get this kind of satisfaction out of bringing up a family.Artists and authors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them.But there are many humbler forms of the same kind of pleasure.Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes, they experience all the joys of having created beauty.The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.It had been thought that man cannot be happy without a theory of life or a religion.perhaps those who have been rendered unhappy by a bad theory may need a better theory to help them to recover, just as you may need a tonic when you have been ill.But when things are normal a man should be healthy without a tonic and happy without a theory.It is the simple things that really matter.If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be.If, on the other hand, he finds his wife fateful, his children’s noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare;if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night sighs for the light of day, then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new regimen--a different diet, or more exercise, or what not.Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think.This is a humble conclusion, but I cannot make myself disbelieve it.Unhappy businessmen, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.Thangk you.


In January, the Peoples Bank of China(PBC), the countrys central bank, released a document requiring eight nonbanking institutions to be ready to conduct personal credit investigation within six months. The companies included Sesame Credit Management under Alibaba Group, Tencent Credit Services, China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co. Ltd. (CCXI) and Intellicredit Inc.

Although the eight institutions have not yet presented timetables for the personal credit investigation business, China is inching closer to becoming a credit-based society.

Final spurt

“We are preparing for the check by the PBC, and will further improve the business in accordance with related regulations,” said Feng Jun, President of Beijing Sinoway Credit Co. Ltd., which is among the eight institutions required by the PBC to conduct personal credit investigation. From registering businesses, recruiting personnel, setting up data centers, establishing partnerships and testing the first products, Sinoway has been ready.

The central bank has recently issued the application form and list of required documents to the eight institutions, urging them to report their latest information on organizational structures, business conditions, internal control systems and technical back-ups.

Li Xuan, CEO of Intellicredit Inc., said the form mainly includes submitted related corporate information, and the company will soon make internal and external checks to prepare for the final examination of the PBC.

While Sesame Credit Managements Sesame Scores and Lakala Payment Co. Ltd.s Koala Scores have already been opened to the public, Tencent Credit Rating and CCXIs credit rating service are in public beta, more personal credit products are taking their turn in the limelight.

On May 30, Lakalas Koala credit rating service launched a “credit circle” service to provide various discounts for consumers. On June 6, Sesame Credit extended the public beta into the whole country and offered free car rentals. Intellicredits “cloud platform against fraud” was opened on June 15. The credit service subsidiary of Pingan Insurance(Group) Co. of China launched its first personal rating product and financial information service platform on June 11.

Li Guangyu, President of Koala, said personal credit information has a large market demand with a promising future, but the largest problem currently is that the personal credit data are not adequate. Various sources of data are needed to make ratings more accurate, but the eight institutions still have a lot to do in the mutual exchange of data and connection to the central banks personal credit system for a collection of data from the government.

“In the future, we are likely to exchange data with the other institutions designated by the central bank. We consider it conducive to the growth of the market through cooperation among credit investigation institutions based on information security and mutual benefit,” said Qiu Han, general manager of Pingan Insurances credit ser- vice subsidiary. “But in the primary period of development, various institutions must concentrate on better utilizing their own data and developing their own advantages.”

A multi-billion market

Personal credit records are usually used in granting credit, car rentals, college admission and job recruitment. In developed economies, credit investigation has become a mature industry, but it has long been unofficial in China.

Why has this industry suddenly become a market focus in recent years? Zhang Zheng, Vice Dean of School of Economics of Peking University and Director of the China Credit Research Center, said two major factors have pushed forward the development of the credit investigation industry. First, as inclusive finance grows, financial services become connected with more ordinary people, hence the market needs the accumulation and inquiry of personal financial credit. Second, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in November 2013 vowed to establish and improve a social credit system, making the country focus more on the development of the credit investigation industry.

How large is the credit investigation market? According to a report on Chinas credit investigation industry released by the PBC in 2013, by the end of 2012, China had over 150 credit investigation agencies with an annual revenue of 2 billion yuan ($326.8 million). Industrial insiders estimate the market potential is much higher in actuality.

Zhang estimated that, according to the prices set by the central bank, individuals can check their personal credit records free of charge three times, and after that, each inquiry will be charged 25 yuan ($4.08). If each of the 1.3 billion Chinese makes one paid inquiry, the revenue will amount to 32.5 billion yuan ($5.31 billion), and together with other supporting services, the market size may reach 40 billion yuan($6.36 billion).

“Our personal behaviors on the Internet are increasingly recorded, and such data are valuable for many institutions,” said Zhang Jun, CEO of, Chinas first peer-topeer (P2P) lending site. In March, it launched its risk control system Magic Mirror.

Song Rui, CEO of Luoji Logistics, a servicelinking platform for logistics, said most truck drives have recorded their personal information and driving records on the platform, some insurance companies are contacting him for the information of drivers to calculate insurance premiums.

Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO), a leading U.S. credit score firm, is getting more active in the Chinese market. According to FICO Chinas managing director John Chen, after FICO entered China in 2007, it used to regard banks as its major clients, but in recent years, it has recognized the growing significance of Internet-based finance; therefore, it has launched the FICO Alternative Lending Platform in China for the countrys P2P lending platforms.


Though its plans are attractive, Chinas credit investigation industry still faces difficulties.

Scattered information is difficult to collect. Kong Lingqiang, President of CCXI, said that personal credit data are scattered in various government agencies and companies, and most of the data are not shared with other institutions, making it difficult for credit investigation companies to collect. It is not certain whether and how the central banks individual financial and credit databases will be open to personal credit institutions.

Privacy is not yet clearly defined in Chinese laws and regulations. According to Kong, in the Internet era, individual information is prone to be disclosed, but China has no laws or regulations defining what information can be collected by personal credit investigation institutions.

The profit model is not clear. In a mature credit-based society, selling credit reports is profitable. But in China, the fledgling industry is demanding a huge amount of investment in the current period.

What will the structure of Chinas personal credit investigation industry be like in the future? John Chen believed it will be decided by the market. “The current U.S. model is a result of market competition, and intense competition is necessary to improve the credit investigation industry,” he said, adding that the full coverage of data, openness of platforms and fairness and authoritativeness of rating institutions will be critical for the success of the credit investigation industry.


Ntegration between design and manufacturing is one ofthe topics that normally hits a lot of discussion in the productdevelopment and PLM space. To support this process be-comes more and more important in a modern enterprisemanufacturing organization. You can ask me why? Let me putis simple this is one of the most important processes thatcan drive cost optimization in the companies. Everything acompany is making need to be first designed and latermanufacturing. If it breaks

nothing can help.Design to Manufacturing Connection

One of the numbers that always amazed me is whatpercentage of product cost is defined actually early in thedesign process. Do you want to guess this number? Well, it isaround 70%. I think, this is an amazing number. At the sametime, the initial cost planning is something that poorly can bedone without getting information about manufacturing, sup-ply and other related elements. Efficient transferring of theinformation between a design system (CAD, PLM) and manu-facturing system (MRP/ERP) is an important element ofstreamlining of manufacturing processes.Integration Challenges

Despite the high importance of the integration betweendesign and manufacturing, the reality of many companiesshows that few of them can show successfully implementedintegrations. There are several reasons for that. The top three,in my view, are as following: 1/high diversity of engineeringand manufacturing processes; 2/dependencies on CAD, PLM,ERP and other home grown systems; and 3/significant cost ofimplementation and changes. Each vendor develops his ownstrategies and relies on multiple technologies and partners todeliver that.Design to Manufacturing IntegrationExamples

To illustrate the need and the level of complexity, Idecided to pull together few videos that present some ele-ments of integration solutions. The first one is the integrationsolution between Autodesk Inventor and SAP. The solutiondeveloped by Autodesk partner

CIDEON Software.

The next one is the solution developed by CORDYS,Holland based company, which focuses on the developmentof business process management middleware and tools. Whatis interesting in this solution is complete Independence ofCORDYS from both software vendors manufacturing solu-tion CORDYS integrates.

The following video presents TeamCenter 8 integrationwith Microsoft Dynamics AX developed by Microsoft' spartner To-Increase. This is another example of "a processlike" integration between two packages

engineering andmanufacturing.

The last examples show a different approach ofintegration. Dassault 3DLive solution is providing an inter-esting approach to access manufacturing information fronERP and other systems via the native 3DLive user interface.

What is my conclusion? The space of design to the manu-


facturing solution is complex and not covered well, in my view.The demand from customers is significant and the same time therequirements are complicated and solution in a most situationneeds to be tailored for every customer. Most of the softwarevendors are talking about design to manufactunng processes and,at the same time, moving integration to partners, service provid-ers and 3rd parties. Just my thoughts...(

ERP vs. PLM: More Competition in The Future?

While screening materials, the following title caught myattention: ERP vs. PLM: What' s the difference? WhichPLM? issharing a free copy ofBMS whitepaper with this catching topic. Arelatively short publication (7 pages including the cover and contactpage) will take you to the explanation about what is ERP and wbat isPLM with examples about roles of these systems. Navigate to thefollowing link, download the document. The whitepaper was avail-able at the time I visited it withont any registration. Have a read andmake your opinion. In the beginning, the white paper quote TomShoemaker (PTC VP Marketing) by saying:

PLM is to your intellectual property, what ERP is to yourphysical property. In other words, PLM focuses on the planningbefore you commit to making a product, and ERP tnke over fromthere. Both systems, however, often require customization andtheir functions could overlap from one company to the next. Forinstance, some PLM platforms have been expanded both up-stream and downstream, thus taking overlap. Some functionsformerly thought to be the domain of ERP.

However, the following passage is the mostremarkable, in my view:

Tbe type and brand of data management software that youuse will determine how PLM and ERP function. Some will allowfor extensive integration between the two, other systems may beable to perform all necessary functions on their own withoutintegration. Some systems are customizable and scalable, othersare "out of the box." How Your company implements thesesystems also determines, to a large degree, how they will operate.

The discussion about differences between PLM and ERP in thiswhite paper reminded me one of my old posts from the last year - PLMvs. ER: Weird or Different? Even so, I discussed few very specificditterentiations, in my view, it becomes less relevant in a business word,Companies are making their choices on what system will dominate(PLM or ERP) based on the multiple set of criteria. The choice of theimplementer as well as broad IT platform becomes more and moreinaportant. At the same time, implementation of both ERP and PLMsystem can skyrocket the overall investment in the implementation.

What is my conclusion'? I think we are going to face an increasedcompetition between ERP and PLM vendors in a near future. Theoverlap between these two domains becomes more and moreobvious. With the increased business objectives, PLM companiesand stepping into the ERP temtory in the spaces related to businessaspects of PLM. At the same time, ERP companies are increasingtheir ability to handle and maintain engineering and product designdata, wthich will put under a big question mark the potential implemen-tation of PLM. Just my thoughts... What is your take on this? I' minterested in your opinion. (



