


高三英语作文练习素材 篇1

The behavior of the pig

Because of scientific experiments, I university in 1989 ~ 1991 in Paris,northwestern university in the United States from to , every month to coexist with a pig for a long time. My job is in making all kinds of pig heart and the aorta has yet to carry out the surgery.Our animal center of pigs with ordinary pigs, they are very lovely. They are collective captive in the large room, skipping played with, as if is still live in the cottage. Actually do more than the farmhouse here such as “pigs” : constant temperature, humidity, uv lamp and covered the ground broken sawdust is one to two inches thick, the toilet is fixed in the corner. Small creatures to take a bath every day, so they all fuzz regardless of black and white, is very bright and clean. Most people think the pig is dirty and it is too wronged them. The pig is not only clean, it is still very heavy affection, is willing to be alone. If the technician will respectively in their own small cage, or quotas in pigs, they become listless all day, unhappy. Every pig ear wearing a small metal “id card”, like a earrings, above indicate that the pigs,Whenever they withstand test operation, and vitality to gulp down, we will be happy.

高三英语作文练习素材 篇2


首先构建词块框架。按照语言学习规律,英语写作教学的次序是词-句-篇。犹如土木砖石是建筑材料一样。词汇是写作的必须材料。无论是学习语言技能还是选择学习策略都离不开常用词语的学习。写作需要一定的词汇量,教师要求学生记忆和理解掌握课本上的常用词,不仅要记住还要学会应用他们的各种意义去交流,去流利的表达自己。那么老师就要在教学中坚持对每单元的词汇进行听写,包括单词, 短语、和重要句型,并进行适当的拓展训练。在人教版新课标中有大量的好词佳句,通过词块积累,学生可以熟练灵活的表达自己的观点。高考书面表达要得高分,就得有高级词汇.但很多同学在写书面表达时,总认为高级词汇很神秘, 遥不可及。其实未必如此,通过研读一些优秀的学生习作和历年高考书面表达的范文,我们发现,很多所谓的高级词汇正是我们老师反复讲解和训练的。例如表达兴趣爱好方面be fond of/be keen on喜欢…/have some hobbies有一些爱好be interested in对……感兴趣Show interest in对……感兴趣be crazy about...对……着迷come to like...越来越喜欢develop a great liking for...渐渐爱上。

“想到”的表达方式也很多:Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house.An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.



新课标内容丰富多彩,每一单元课文中都有一些值得学生模仿和记住的句型结构。然而很多学生熟视无睹,老师应该引导学生发现精彩词句。掌握句型是学好英语的基本功, 教师应帮助学生总结,归纳学过的重要句型,引导学生多做模仿训练,首先用五个基本句型,然后还要注意变化句型, 举一反三练习。

人教版课文中常出现许多习惯表达方式和一些特殊句式, 还有一些适合某些特定情景、场合的常用句子,教师要向学生多强调、示范。特别是一些常用于文章开头、结尾和中间起承接作用的惯用语,要让学生多练习,并能运用到写作中去。通过句式的模仿与训练,学生在写作中才能游刃有余的表达自己的想法,并且做到句式丰富,作文的逻辑性更强。


高中英语教材中的许多文章难度适中,很适合学生做改写,仿写等练习。那么怎么进行仿写训练呢?仿写课文结构。高中英语写作的文体主要是记叙文、议论文,应用文等,在仿写时,要注意学习其结构特点。如记叙文,多采用三段式的谋篇布局形式,并采用顺叙的方法。第一段交代时间、地点和人物,第二段交代事件发生的过程,第三段叙述事件的结果。如人教版高一英语必修1unit3 Travel journal。就是很好的记叙文的例子。议论文也多采用三段式:第一段摆出论题,第二段论证论题,第三段得出结论。也可采用四段式:第一段摆出论题,第二段列出正方观点及理由,第三段列出反方观点,及理由第四段展示作者自己的观点。



教材是教学的根本,是知识的载体,我们应帮助学生学会正确的使用教材,那就应该在如何用活教材上来下功夫,对教材的内容可以大胆的删减,替换或增加。总之, “Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man,and writing an exact man”写作能体现一个人的综合素质。所以在平时的英语教学中要充分利用教材所提供的素材,写作不是仅限于为写作而写作,而是要开阔视野,丰富学生各方面的素养, 比如经常用英语句子输灌时事要闻和时尚热点,使学生的头脑中多多储存与时俱进的语言材料,最终促使学生写出不仅规范完整,而且流利生动、观点和论据新颖独到的文章。


浅谈高三英语练习评讲课 篇3










1)只看中文,不知用法。学生学习英语单词,往往都是一知半解,只看中文,不知用法。曾让学生做过这样一道题:What you explained made me feel more ____(混淆的) about the principle. 很多学生填了mixed,开始笔者很纳闷,mixed 和confused两个单词没什么共同点啊,怎么会弄错呢?细想一下,明白了,学生只看中文意思相似,却不知貌似神离,差别可大了。


…Thank you so much for the book you sent me… ____.

A. No thanks B. I'm glad you like it

C. Please don't say so D. No, it's not so good













英语高考作文练习素材事例 篇4

My View on Job-Hopping

A lot of people like to do one job in their lives. They think people who change their jobs frequently are feckless. They believe that the only way to success is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert.

But there are many people who argue for changing their jobs, they argue that change means progress. They think if you are not satisfied with your present job, of course you have the right to replace it with a more challenging and better paid one. Each change means further success.

My view on job-hopping is that it is reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity.




高三英语作文练习题答案 篇5

1.One possible version: Good afternoon, everyone!

The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”.Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap;teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students;students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others.Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk;show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile;be open-minded to different opinions even though you don‟t like them.In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.Thank you for your listening!2.One possible version:

The South University and the North University are both my best choices.Compared with the tuition fees of the South University, which is 8,000 yuan per year, I can save 3,000 yuan every year if I choose the North University.However, twenty high school students in our county may have the chance to go to the South University, while the North University will only admit ten out of us.Finally I can get 20 scores added to my final results if I‟d like to study in the North University.Since I‟m from a not-well-off family and I‟m eager to enrolled by a university, the North University should be my best choice.高三英语4/16/2013Q3.One possible version:

Dear Li Ming,Very glad to accept you as my classmate but faced with the situation where you can‟t communicate well with others, I‟m so worried that I can‟t help writing to you.As is universally acknowledged in our class, it is your indifference and coldness as well as shyness that prevent others getting close to you.since you are confronted with it and eager to make friends with others, why not desert your disadvantages above?

Personally, you can take the following measures to cope with the problem.For one thing, you can talk with others instead of waiting them to talk with you, which can make them have a better unstanding of you—in fact a very kind boy;For another, take an active part in the games and consequently achieve confidence and enjoy a good time with others;Above all, offer help to others heart and soul when they are in difficulty, which is the key to winning others‟ faith in you.Make an effort to do what has been stated above and a bright future is sure to await you.Best regards,Zhang Hua 4.One possible version:

I want to be one of the students who will be free in tuiton.The following are my reasons.Firstly, my dream is to be a teacher.As a teacher I can transmit my knowledge to my students.In the future, they can achieve a lot and contribute more to our country.In my opinion, the post of teacher is the most glorious career.Secondly, I was born in a poor farmer‟s family.My parents have spent all their energy and money on me, I hope I can reduce their burden.So this is a good opportunity.Thirdly, my hometown is very backward.Many college students went to big cities when they graduated from college.I think, we should do something for our own hometown.At last, I hope more and more students will join this program.高三英语 4/16/2013Q

5.One possible verson: Dear Daddy,Today is your 50‟s birthday.And, I have already read the letter you wrote to me just after I was born.When I read the letter, I felt I am so lucky that I live in a happy family.I know you hoped that I could be a brave man, and I would succeed in the future.I could still remember that when I took my senior middle school entrance examination, my classmates were all accompanied by their parents, but you didn‟t come with me.I saw my classmates were all anxious, because their parents all said something stressful to them.But I felt easy.When I went into the examination room and opened my pencil box, I found a note, which read ‟Hope you can have a good score.‟I was encouraged greatly then.Now, I have become a mature man, I have my own career.I achieved a lot.And, now I can understand why you were so strict with me.Today is your 50‟s birthday.I know thanks could not bear my appreciation to you.But on the special day, I must say „thank you , my dear father.It‟s you who brought me up, educated me and figured me.Thanks father.Your son, Ari

6.Keep Far Away from Internet Bars

According to the survey, quite a few junior and senior students visit Internet bars frequently.They are there mainly to play games.Worse still, many of them even scan some unhealthy pictures.Some of the students sometimes sit in the bars the whole night.all these have very bad effects not only on their studies but also on their health.So it‟s no doubt that this does no good at all to them.I think students should make full use of time, work hard at their lessons and try their best to get more knowledge in order to work better for the country.I‟m sincerely calling on the bar-students to come back and keep far away from them.高三英语4/16/2013Q7.What Is a Good Parent-children Relationship?

A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.Parents can not impose(强加)their ideas on their children.They should treat their children as independent individual.It is advisable for the parents to learn to listen to children‟s ideas and encourage them to think on their own rather than decide everything for the children.On the other hand, children should listen to their parents‟ advice for they‟re more experienced.Try to be understanding when there is disagreement with parents.Always keep one thing in mind-whatever they do comes from their love for us.It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the gap between parents and children will be narrowed.8.A Letter to High School Students in Shandong

Dear fellow students,Our government is aiming to build a “harmonious society”.I think it is every citizen‟s duty to work hard to achieve this goal.As high school students, what should we do?

There are several important things in building a “harmonious society”.Firstly, we must build a harmonious relationship between people and society.We should love and care for the society, including our homeland, hometown and school.Secondly, we must build a harmonious interpersonal relationship.anyone should be honest and helpful to his families, teachers and classmates.Thirdly, we must build a harmonus relationship between mankind and nature.Everyone should cherish and protect nature, including energy source, environment, plants and creatures.As for ourselves, we must do all we can to make contribution to building a “harmonious society”.Dear fellow students, let‟s start to fight now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day, every hour, and every minute!

Li Xiaoping

高三英语练习题 篇6


Wall Street is famous street in New York City.1._______ It got its name from the wooden wall that was used2._______ to stand what the street now runs.The wall was3._______ built in the 1600s.New York was then a Dutch city4._______ set up by people come from Holland in Europe , it5._______ was called New Amsterdam.The America Indians6._______ were not always friend of the Dutch, nor were7._______ the English.But the Dutch built the wooden wall to8._______ protect their own.The wall has gone now.But Wall9._______ Street reminds the people to New York of the Dutch10._______ who settled there.答案:


高三英语作文练习素材 篇7

A Many Chinese kids,known as “left-behind” children,hardly ever see their parents,because their parents are migrant workers.Li Ling,11,is a left-behind child.Her parents have been working in Zhejiang for 10 years,while she lives with her grandparents in Guangdong.She was reunited with her parents last Spring Festival.As the number of migrant workers in China increases,the number of left-behind children is rising fast.Li is one of the 61.02 million left-behind children under 17.They account for 37.7 percent of rural children and 21.88 percent of all Chinese children.“The large number of left-behind children has already become a social issue.If left unsolved,it will cause serious problems,”Wang Zhenyao,director of the China Philanthropy Research Institute,told China Daily.The education level of adults supervising(监督)these children is generally not that high.They can only take care of the children’s personal safety and daily living,being unable to care for their educational and spiritual needs.Meanwhile,the absence of parental support will make some left-behind children lack self-confidence.They may be slower in physical and emotional growth than their peers.Others may even become “problem youths”.

To solve this problem,the government is taking action.For instance,30 provinces and cities have allowed certain children to attend school and take the college entrance exam in the city where their parents are.However,Wang suggested that the country do more,such as making policies encouraging migrant workers to work in their hometowns.He also said that a well-balanced child welfare system is needed.“These children are the future of the nation,so they deserve our loving care and protection,” Wang said.语篇解读 随着进城务工人员数量的增加,留守儿童的数量也迅速上升。留守儿童问题已不容忽视,急需进一步解决。

1.Left-behind kids hardly see their parents because________.A.they are poor and in rural areas B.they are brought up by their grandparents C.their parents are making a living in other cities D.their parents don’t go back home on Spring Festival 解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“hardly ever see their parents,because their parents are migrant workers”可知,留守儿童见不到父母的原因是父母去了其他城市打工,应选C项。

答案: C 2.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.Li Ling hasn’t seen her parents for about 10 years.B.Left-behind children have become problem youths.C.There are 61.02 million left-behind children in China.D.Much remains to be done to settle the left-behind kids issue.解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,要解决留守儿童问题还需要做许多工作,故选D项。

答案: D 3.The purpose of the passage is________.A.to criticize the migrant workers who leave their children at home B.to focus on the present situation of left-behind children C.to worry about the present situation of left-behind children D.to call on the government to educate the migrant workers 解析: 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要侧重于介绍留守儿童的现状,因此选B项。

答案: B 4.In which column of a newspaper can we most probably find this passage? A.Education.C.Entertainment.B.Society.D.Employment.解析: 文章出处题。本文主要从社会角度介绍留守儿童的现状,因此本文可能在报纸的社会专栏里找到。

答案: B

B As the longer life and rapid decrease in the labor-age population are expected,extending the retirement age is a wise choice for the government.This is why at the Third Plenum(全会)of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China it was agreed that there should be a study on the subject.It is undoubtedly necessary for the government to adjust its policies to meet the challenge of an increasingly aging society.According to the government,China’s senior citizens above the age of 60 will reach 200 million,about 14.8 percent of the population,by the end of this year,and the figure is expected to grow to 248 million by the year of 2020 and more than 400 million by 2050,when they will account for 30 percent of the population.Meanwhile,extending the retirement age will result in several benefits—slowing the rapid increase of the retired,reducing the rapid decline in experienced workers and keeping the labor-age population at a considerable size for stable economic development.However,before the policy is drawn up there will need to be thorough research,so there can be careful consideration of the interests of all parties to make sure that the new policy does not harm the interests of workers in different jobs.There are 112 million workers who do heavy physical labor and may not be willing to put off their retirement to a later age.And the opinions of government employees and other white-collar workers will also need to be listened to before a policy is introduced to extend their retirement to a later age.No doubt it will be impossible to please all,but it should be possible to make the policy acceptable to the most.Anyway,any extensions that will hopefully help reduce the negative influences of our increasingly aging society also need to be fair.语篇解读 这是一篇时文报道,介绍了中国对推迟退休年龄方面的探讨以及各界对这一话题的反响等。

1.The text mainly tells us________.A.China is going to enter an aging society B.China has planned to extend the retirement age C.extending the retirement age will bring about multiple benefits D.all people agree to accept the policy 解析: 主旨大意题。全文围绕中国人口老龄化的问题,探讨推迟退休年龄这一话题,介绍了各界人士的态度。

答案: B 2.Which of the following is true? A.China’s old people above the age of 50 will be about 14.8 percent of the population.B.There will be about 248 million elders by 2050.C.Extending the retirement age may reduce the experienced workers.D.Extending the retirement age may contribute to the economic development of China.解析: 正误判断题。第二段说中国60岁以上的人口将达到人口总数的14.8%(A错);到2050年60岁以上的人口将超过400 million(B错);而推迟退休年龄能减缓有经验的工作者数量的快速下降(C错);这些好处有助于中国的经济发展(D正确)。

答案: D 3.What can be inferred from the text? A.All the workers will be pleased with the policy.B.The white-collar workers go against the policy.C.There can be many difficulties in extending the retirement age.D.The government should please all so as to give up the policy.解析: 推理判断题。第四段说从事繁重体力劳动的工人可能不愿意推迟他们的退休年龄(A错);政府雇员和白领阶层的观点也应该听一听,但没有依据推断白领阶层的看法(B错);最后一段说政策不可能让所有人都满意(D错);从文章的叙述看,要实行这一政策会遇到各种困难(C正确)。

答案: C 4.What is the author’s attitude towards the policy? A.Doubtful.C.Optimistic.B.Objective.D.Opposed.解析: 观点态度题。从文章的叙述可以看出,作者只是客观地介绍了这一时文报道以及各方的态度,因此选B,表示“客观的”。

答案: B

C With 10,600 bicycles in circulation,Paris city officials are hoping the program will provide people with more environmentally friendly transportation.It seems both Parisians and tourists are taking advantage of the program.Since its launch a little over two weeks ago,Vélib has already seen almost half a million rentals.And,with the addition of 10,000 more bikes and 700 more stations in the next 12 months,city officials expect at least 200,000 regular users by year end.Parisian Olivier Bioret has already gone for a spin on one of Vélib’s vehicles and plans to make use of them more often.“It’s a real pleasure—when,like me,you don’t have space enough in your flat to have your own bike—to be able to discover,to cross Paris and not have to take the subway,” he said.As a socialist and longtime green activist,Mayor Bertrand Delanoe regards Vélib as just a part of his plan to reduce car traffic and,thus,lower pollution by 2020.Apart from its environmental benefits,Vélib is also being praised as a way of collecting money for the city,for all the money from rentals goes to the city government.Paris is not alone in its attempt to profit from the power of the bicycles.Across the globe,cities such as Barcelona,which stated its bike-share program in March with 1,500 vehicles and 100 stations,and New York,which launched a five-day trial program last month,are using bicycles as a way to cut back on both traffic and pollution.However,it remains to be seen whether people’s acceptance of these programs is simply a passing fashion or whether this movement has the power to take root and transform the face of public transportation around the world.语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道,主要报道了巴黎开展的为市民提供租借自行车服务以倡导环保并缓解交通压力的活动。

5.The real purpose of Vélib is________.A.to help people save money and space B.to make some money for the city government C.to provide convenience to both Parisians and tourists D.to reduce traffic and pollution in the city 解析: 写作意图题。根据文章第五段中的“as just a part of his plan to reduce car traffic and,thus,lower pollution by 2020”可知,此项活动是为了推进巴黎的环保式交通,即缓解交通压力,减少污染。

答案: D 6.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.There will be 700 stations in one year’s time.B.There will be over 20,000 bikes in use in a year.C.In the first two weeks there were nearly a million rentals.D.There will be 200,000 regular rentals each day by year end.解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“With 10,600 bicycles in circulation”和第二段中的“And,with the addition of 10,000 more bikes...in the next 12 months”可知,已有10 600辆自行车,在未来12个月内会新增10 000辆,所以在未来一年内会有20 600辆自行车投入使用,B项表述正确。

答案: B 7.We can know from the passage that________.A.other cities also have such programs B.Parisians can use the bicycles free of charge C.Paris sets an example to many other cities D.Paris is the first city to start such a program 解析: 细节理解题。通过对文章倒数第二段的整体理解可知,全球有一些城市,如Barcelona和New York也开展了类似的活动。

答案: A 8.As to the future of the program,the author is________.A.critical


B.optimistic D.negative 解析: 观点态度题。根据文章最后一段“However,it remains to be seen...”可推知,作者对这一活动的前景并不确定。critical意为“批判的”;optimistic意为“乐观的”;uncertain意为“不确定的”;negative意为“负面的”。

答案: C


Peter,a high school student,was pretty busy with school,and he was on the soccer team.High school was hard,because everyone wanted to have nice clothes,hang out,drive cars,and all these cost money.Peter’s father was the sort of guy that believed you had to earn whatever you got,so he wasn’t just about to hand over lots of money for Peter to use to have fun.So,he had to get a job.During his freshman year summer vacation,his classmate got him a job working on a hay(干草)farm.He threw hay up into wagons as the tractor drove around fields,and then they stacked(剁起)it in the hot barn.It was a hot,low-paying job.He once worked a few nights a week at a grocery store.He put things on the shelf.It was a lot of lifting and carrying,and his arms were strong from this and the previous job.It was dull and didn’t pay much.He took some time off when soccer got serious,but the following summer he tried working at a lumber yard.It was hot outside,but he got a lot of exercise lifting and carrying things like boards and drywall.He also learned a lot about building supplies.It still didn’t pay well.From there,he spent a year doing some tutoring for a friend of the family,but that was piecemeal.His first real job came the last year at school,when he fixed registers and worked on computers at a big box store.It was his favorite job yet,but it still didn’t pay well.What Peter realized with all of these jobs was that he needed a better paying job!The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.He could go to school and get a 2-year degree in an office or technical position.His other choices were going to a 4-year college or joining the army.He wasn’t sure what he was going to do yet,but he knew he had to do something.Jobs were a lot of work,money was hard to earn,but he liked staying busy and being able to buy things.Peter wanted the most out of life,and that meant education.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一个名叫Peter的高中生想要买好看的衣服、出去闲逛、开车,而这一切都需要钱。于是他就想自己挣钱来满足这些需求。然而打了五份工之后,他依然收入微薄。最后,他终于意识到要想找到一份好的工作,唯一的途径就是接受培训或接受教育,所以他现在必须好好学习。

9.How many jobs had Peter taken? A.Three.C.Five.B.Four.D.Six.解析: 细节理解题。文章中提到Peter打了五份工:第二段第一句提到“...his classmate got him a job working on a hay(干草)farm”;第三段第一句提到“He once worked a few nights a week at a grocery store.”;第四段第一句提到“...but the following summer he tried working at a lumber yard.”;第五段提到“...he spent a year doing some tutoring for a friend of the family...”;及“His first real job came the last year at school,when he fixed registers and worked on computers at a big box store.”。

答案: C 10.All the jobs Peter had taken had one thing in common:________.A.They didn’t pay well B.They were dull and tiresome C.They needed hard labour

D.They were done during his vacation 解析: 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“It was a hot,low-paying job.”,第三段最后一句“It was dull and didn’t pay much.”第四段最后一句“It still didn’t pay well.”以及第五段最后一句的“...but it still didn’t pay well.”可知,Peter所做的这些工作的收入都不太好。

答案: A 11.________was the most important for Peter if he wanted a good job.A.Confidence



D.Wisdom 解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.”以及最后一句“Peter wanted the most out of life,and that meant education.”可知,Peter如果想得到收入更好的工作就要接受培训或者接受教育,如果他想充分享受人生就必须要去学习。

答案: B 12.We can learn from the text that________.A.Peter knew what to do with his future B.Peter’s father didn’t care about him C.it was very hard for Peter to make his choices D.Peter was determined to do whatever he liked 解析: 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一、二句“What Peter realized with all of these jobs was that he needed a better paying job!The only way to get that was to get trained or educated.”可知,他最需要的是学习。由此可推知,Peter知道该怎么面对他的将来了。
