


演讲开场白英文版 篇1

Visual aids such as images, objects, sculptures and models are a fantastic but under-exploited tool for making great openings  in presentations in English. A visual aid immediately helps grab the audience s attention and piques their curiosity. And once the audiences tars thinking “what is it?”, “how does it relate to the presentation?” and “why have they shown me this?”, the presenter starts winning their battle to achieve their presentation objective (to inform, persuade, entertain etc.).

Visual aids also act as a great support for non-native speakers who are nervous speaking in front of people, as it removes them from the spotlight. Also it helps focus their attention on the presentation opening instead of worrying about the audience s reaction. Watch this great example, a 5 minute TED Talk by a Dutch Engineer, and how he uses a visual object to make a boring presentation really come alive. Count how long it is before he actually starts speaking.

1. 直接教具







演讲开场白英文版 篇2

据人民网消息, 前不久, 对中国进行国事访问的韩国总统朴槿惠在清华大学以《韩中心信之旅, 共创新20年》发表演讲, 她在演讲开始时用汉语发表开场白。朴槿惠说, 尊敬的陈吉宁校长, 各位教职人员, 以及亲爱的各位清华学子们:大家好!今天很高兴来到中国名牌学府清华大学与各位见面。我见到各位清华大学的学子们, 就想起了中国古谚《管子》中的一段句子:“一年之计, 莫如树谷;十年之计, 莫如树木;百年之计, 莫如树人。”据我所知, 清华大学的校训是“自强不息, 厚德载物”。就像这个校训一样, 不断进取, 涵养品德的结果, 清华大学培育出了包括习近平主席在内的许多政治领导人, 并培养出中国数位诺贝尔奖获奖者。我相信, 今后各位的想法和热情将会给中国开启美好的未来。今天我很高兴和大家一起谈谈韩中两国要共同开启的未来。

演讲开场白英文版 篇3















逆世界开场白英文版台词 篇4


The universe: so full of _____.I can _____ hours and hours looking up at the sky.So many stars, so many mysteries(奥秘).And there’s one very special ____ that makes me think of one very special _____.Let me tell you my _____.At the dawn(拂晓)of time, from the chaos(混乱)came an exception(例外),one of the most mysterious ____ of the universe.You see, I ____ ____ that very mysterious and unique(独特的)place, we are the only known solar(太阳的)system with ______ gravity(万有引力).Two ____ planets whirling(使旋转)together _____ one sun, but each with its own and opposite gravity.In our world, it’s possible to ____ up and to ____ down.But my story it’s about _____.Some people say that true lovers are one ____ that is separated when it’s born, and those two _____ will always yearn(向往)to find their way back together.Well, to _______ my story, you need to know the three basic Laws of Double Gravity.All matter, every single object(物体)is pulled by the gravity of the world that it comes from, and not ___ ____.An object’s _____ can be offset(抵消)using matter from the opposite world – inverse(相反的)matter.But the _____ is, after a few hours of contact, matter in contact with inverse matter _____.These laws are as ____ as the universe itself.They are ______, and there are no exceptions.Gravity, they say you can’t _____ it.Well, I _____.What if love was _____ than gravity? Let’s go back to the _____ times when any contact between worlds was extremely ______ and totally _______.逆世界(UPSIDEDOWN)

The universe: so full of wonders.I can spend hours and hours looking up at the sky.So many stars, so many mysteries(奥秘).And there’s one very special star that makes me think of one very special person.Let me tell you my story.At the dawn(拂晓)of time, from the chaos(混乱)came an exception(例外).One of the most mysterious secrets of the universe.You see, I come from that very mysterious and unique(独特的)place, we are the only known solar(太阳的)system with double gravity(万有引力).Two twin planets whirling(使旋转)together around one sun, but each with its own and opposite gravity.In our world, it’s possible to fall up and to rise down.But my story it’s about love.Some people say that true lovers are one soul that is separated when it’s born, and those two halves will always yearn(向往)to find their way back together.Well, to understand my story, you need to know the three Laws of Double Gravity.All matter, every single object(物体)is pulled by the gravity of the world that is comes from, and not the other.An object’s weight can be offset(抵消)using matter from the opposite world – inverse(相反的)matter.But the problem is, after a few hours of contact, matter in contact with inverse matter burns.These laws are as old as the universe itself.They are unchangeable, and there are no exceptions.Gravity.They say you can’t fight it.Well, I disagree.What if love was stronger than gravity? Let’s go back to the dark times when any contact between worlds was extremely dangerous and totally forbidden.

会议开场白英文 篇5

The first paper this morning will be presented by Lishaohui, postgraduate of Institude of Chemical Technology at DUT ,China,and his topic is Chemical Methods to Solve the Environmental Problems.

Now let’s welcome Mr.li to give us the speech with warm round applause.

英文面试自我介绍开场白 篇6

1.Good morning everyone.大家早上好。

2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.先生们,女士们下午好。

3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students.老师们,同学们晚上好。

4.It’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here.很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

5.It’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

6.I’m very happy to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

7.I’m very glad to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

8.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here.我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

10.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。

11.I am very proud to be addressing you this evening.今晚能在此应邀讲话我深感荣幸。











演讲开场白英文版 篇7

According to Halliday, the adult’s language becomes much more complex and it has to serve many more functions, which are meta-functions, one of which is interpersonal function (Hu, 2007) .Barack Obama, in his addresses, uses the language to set up closer and deeper relationship with voters, create his own image, and influence votes’behavior.Voters are often deeply moved by his speeches.Thus, Obama’s speech can be seen in the full realization of the interpersonal function.His Weekly Radio Address can be analyzed to see the detailed realization in this paper.

2、Literature Review

2.1、Related Studies

Hewes, Roloff, Planalp and Reibold believe that in order to identify key areas of both agreement and controversy in the study of interpersonal communication, they propose such a hierarchy of skills.

Li Zhanzi (2002) points out that pronoun, tense, direct speech, indirect speech, reflective expression and appraisal methods can also show interpersonal function.She suggests that the interpersonal function of language should be studied from different perspectives in different theories.

Each of the theories mentioned above has its merits as well as demerits in dealing with the interaction in speech.This thesis will absorb the merits from these theories to explore the interpersonal function realized in the specific discourse of political public speech.

2.2、Features of Public Political Speech

Political speech here refers to those given by authorities with political purposes in order to influence a certain group of people.From the definition, we may easily infer the features of political speech.The first is the multiple aims, and the other is the power with which the aims are enforced upon the hearers.

In a political speech, power is a prominent feature that deserves our attention, speaking effectively in public is one of the oldest and most powerful weapons.Obvious examples from the last century include Lenin, Churchill, de Gaulle, Castro and Martin Luther King.As politicians, they represented a very wide range of opinions and beliefs.But one thing they all have in common is a quite extraordinary ability to captivate their audiences, inspire crowds and mobilize mass opinions (Atkinson, 1984) .

3、Case Study


Mood is made up of two parts:the“Subject”and the“Finite”element.The subject can be a noun, a noun phrase, or a clause.As subjects, the personal pronouns play an important part.The choice of personal pronouns can not only indicate their existence of the speaker and the listeners but also indicate the speaker’s attitudes and their relationship.In this article, there are 20“we”s, 6“I”s and 2“you”s as the subject.For example,

“That’s why we’re pursuing an all-of-the-above strategy.We’re producing more biofuels, more fuel-efficient cars, more solar power, more wind power.“

The frequent use“we”as subjects can make Obama and the public stand on the same position as if they have common goals, tasks and interests.Besides, “I”can highly identify the identity of Obama as the President of the USA.He, the President, is working hard for the new policy and a happier and more comfortable life of all Americans.Obama tells the public his great effort sincerely with“I”.The publics should be deeply touched.

However, in the sentences“Now, you wouldn’t know it by listening to some of the folks running for office today“, “you”is the subject.It can stress the exit of the audience and make the address more interactive and communicative.

3.2、Modality and Modulation

Halliday believes that modality the speaker’s judgment and prediction toward a statement.Modulation refers to the scale of obligation and inclination in proposals (offers and demands) , where the meaning of the positive and negative poles is prescribing and proscribing.Both obligation and inclination can be expressed in either of the two ways: (1) by finite modal operators; (2) by an expansion of (上接第176页)

the Predicator such as a passive verb or an adjective (Liu, 2007) .

In the article, there are 5“will”s, 3“would”s and 3“can”s.For example,

“You see, in a matter of days, funding will stop for all sorts of transportation projects.Construction sites will go idle.Workers will have to go home.And our economy will take a hit.”

Obama use modal auxiliaries such as“will”, “might”, “would”to express his blueprint and his confidence, determination and persistence to the new policy.He desires to get the support and trust from publics.

In order to promote the ruling ideology and seek public support, Obama use a lot of offers and statements in parallelism in this address, for example,

“Under my Administration, we’re producing more oil than at any other time in the last eight years.We’ve quadrupled the number of operating oil rigs to a record high.And we’ve added enough oil and gas pipeline to circle the entire Earth and then some.Those are the facts.”

Also, in the following sentence, Obama stimulate the public’s with the contrast power of a positive and a negative statement to emphasize his assumption,

“I don’t want to cede these clean energy industries to China or Germany or any other country.I want to see solar panels and wind turbines and fuel-efficient cars manufactured right here in America, by American workers.”

This kind of sentences can appeal to the audience directly, catch their attention and arouse their enthusiasm.In addition, these statements can also weaken the power relationship, so that the speaker and the audience to keep a relationship of equality and mutual trust.The publics believe that their President is working for them wholeheartedly.


This thesis uses Obama’s Weekly Radio Address as an example to demonstrate how interpersonal function is generally realized in a political speech.It is found that Obama makes good use of the complex references of personal pronouns, the ambiguity of the moda auxiliaries, and the various ways to convey imperativeness implicitly to achieve various purposes in his speech.His tactic uses of these linguistic elements have achieved the multiple aims in a speech and also showed his creativity in making a political speech.These factors determine and influence the interpersonal function of language and also meet the communicative function of the language.Thus, the speaker exploits the language to the utmost to achieve his aims.


[1]、Atkinson, M.Our Master’s Voices The Language and Body Language of Politics[M].London:Routledge.1984.

[2]、Bach, K.&Harnish, M.Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts[M].Cambridge/Massachusetts:MIT.1979.

[3]、Halliday, M.A.K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Reach Press.2000.


