公司英文简介模版 篇1
(成立年份)(公司英文名称)is a manufacturer(生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader)specialized in the research, development and production of(公司主打产品).We are located in(公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming successful business
relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.对应中文翻译:
Established in(成立年份),(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of(行业产品).We are located in(公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.We have over(员工人数)employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD(销售额)and are currently exporting(出口比例)of our production worldwide.Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching(主要出口国家).If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming successful business
relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。
Established in(成立年份)(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of(行业产品).We are located in(公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with
international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.Covering an area of(工厂占地面积)square meters, we now have over(员工人数)employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD(销售额)and are currently exporting(出口比例)of our production worldwide.Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of
production enables us to guarantee total customer satisfaction.Besides, we have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching(主要出口国家).If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us.We are looking forward to forming successful business
relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。
公司英文简介模版 篇2
1 体裁定义及体裁分析理论概说
19世纪以前, 体裁一直属于文学研究领域和修辞学的范畴。最早将这一概念引入语言学研究的是人种学家, 他们想揭示某一话语社团是如何对其成员的交际行为进行分类和标识的。总体上看, 近年来的体裁研究和体裁分析可分为两个主要学派:以Swales和Bhatia为代表的“Swalesian School”和以Martin为代表的“Australian School” (秦秀白, 2000) 。Swalesian School通常以语步 (move) 和步骤 (step) 为语篇分析的出发点, 并且多以学术语篇作为分析对象, 尤其重视学术论文撰写方面的引导。在对学术论文引言部分的体裁特征做过研究后, Swales在1990年提出了修订后的CARS (Create a Research Space) 语篇原型模式 (prototypical model) :establishing a territory—establishing a niche—occupying the niche, 这三个语步又各自包含一个或多个步骤 (Swales, 1990) 。
2 中英文公司简介分析
本文将对60篇中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 其中30篇中文简介选自2012年中国企业500强的公司简介, 30篇英文简介选自《财富》评选的2012世界500企业的公司简介。
2.1 中文公司简介分析
2.1.1 中文公司简介的语步分析
首先, 我们以中国移动有限公司的中文简介为例进行语步分析, 得出中文公司简介基本的语步结构为:
当然, 并不是每一篇公司简介都包含所有的语步, 通过对这30篇中文公司简介的分析, 我们将其语步结构出现的频率如下表1所示。
从上图中我们可以看出, 并不是所有这五个语步都是一定存在的。在某些公司简介中, 有一些语步是缺失的, 但是有些语步却在所有公司简介中都存在。总的来说, 第一语步, 第二语步, 第三语步是必选语步, 因为几乎所有的公司简介中都有着四个语步。第三语步和第四语步是选择性语步。
2.1.2 中英文公司简介的词汇特征
文章的的词语特征和句型特点很大程度上是由其内容和功能决定的。在公司简介中, 其词语和句型的正确使用对说服其潜在的客户和合作伙伴有重要的作用。
1) 褒义词
在中文公司简介中, 公司大量运用褒义词来试图说服客户来购买其产品或服务, 同时, 用这些褒义词也可为自己建立正面的公众形象。
在中文公司简介中, 公司使用褒义的名词, 形容词和动词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如, 出现在这30篇公司简介中的褒义词有:优质的、最大的、快速地、卓越的、灵活的、先进的、得天独厚的、享有、增长、发展, 享誉、满足、骨干企业、优势品牌等等。
在公司简介里很少使用贬义词, 但也会出现, 比如“一般的”, 但是这种贬义词其实也是用来表示褒义的含义, 例如“红塔好运烟草有限公司成立, 标志着红塔集团的国际化发展战略, 已从“一般”贸易向境外实体运作转型”。
2) 使用具有中国特色的复杂的名词、动词或者短语
在中文公司简介里出现了很多复杂的名词或者名词性短语, 和中国的国家政策结合起来, 用来概况本公司的指导方针或者指导思想。例如:中国石化将全面贯彻落实科学发展观, 继续秉承竞争、开放的经营理念, 扩大资源、拓展市场、降本增效、严谨投资的发展战略, 公司利润最大化和股东回报最大化的经营宗旨, 外部市场化、内部紧密化的经营机制, 规范、严谨、诚信的经营准则, 努力把中国石化建设成为主业突出、资产优良、技术创新、管理科学、财务严谨、具有较强国际竞争力的跨国公司。 (中国石油化工集团公司)
在这个例子里, “科学发展观”是中国的国家政策, “……化”其实表达的意思并不是很清晰, 但是中国的读者依然可以明白作者的意思。并且在这个例子里使用排比的动词和形容词, 使整句话读起来朗朗上口, 又感觉富有文采。
3) 有关政治的一些词汇
除了使用复杂的名词, 动词, 形容词以及短语外, 有关政治的词汇出现的频率也非常的高, 尤其是国有企业的公司简介里。例如:集团公司组建以来, 全系统上下以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导, 深入贯彻落实科学发展观, 坚持以科技创新和改革调整为动力, 抓住机遇, 迎难而上. (中国兵器工业集团公司)
从这个例子里我们可以看出, 这些词语都跟中国最近的国家政策和经济政策有紧密的联系。它反映了公司能够根据政治环境的变化立即做出正确的反映。
2.1.3 中文公司简介的说服策略
1) 经过政府授权
一般情况下, 中文的公司简介总是通过和政府的联系来证明本公司的信誉和优势。
如海信是国家首批创新型企业, 国家创新体系企业研发中心试点单位, 中宣部、国务院国资委推举的全国十大国企典型. (海信)
用这样的表达方式的原因是, 在中国, 政府就是权威和可信性的代表。如果一个公司和政府有关或者是经过政府授权的, 那么客户就会对这个企业更有信心。因而, 公司也总是用这种方式来展示它们的能力, 并用来说服它们的客户。
2) 使用数字
数字可以更直观地向其潜在的客户表明公司的发展状况。例如:2011年末各项存款达9.62万亿元, 各项贷款5.63万亿元左右, 资本充足率为11.94%, 核心资本充足率为9.75%, 均处较高水平。 (中国农业银行)
2.2 英文公司简介的分析
2.2.1 英文公司简介的语步分析
在这一部分我们将对英文公司简介的语步结构进行分析。和中文的公司简介相比, 英语的公司简介的结构更加灵活多变。这些公司想通过不同的结构来展示自己的特色, 甚至还有些公司直接用简单的图表来展示其基本信息, 这样更加直观。有些公司则用很长的句子来阐释其概况。所以我们不能用一个特别的例子来说明英文公司简介基本的语步结构。所以我们只能从这30篇材料中提取出英文公司简介的结构。
从本图中可看出来, 没有一个语步是出现在所有的公司简介中的, 频率超过50%的语步有Company Overview (公司概况) , Introducing the Offer (公司业务范围介绍) 和Market Share and Performance (公司所占市场份额和表现) 。我们可以把这三个语步看作是必选语步, 其他的是选择性语步。
2.2.2 英文公司简介的词汇特征
1) 褒义词
分析过英文公司简介的语步结构之后, 我们来看看它们的语言特点。和中文公司简介一样, 在英文公司简介中依然使用了很多褒义词来提升公司的形象。它们使用褒义的名词、动词和形容词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如:largest, global, high, satisfy, broaden, expand, high quality, pioneer等等。文章中也出现了贬义词, 例如lowest, 但其实也是为了表达褒义的含义, 因为lowest后面加的名词是price, 显示了公司产品价格低廉, 为公司建立了正面的形象。
2) 主语清晰明确, 经常重复
英语是一种主语突出性语言, 除了一些祈使句之外, 大部分英语句子都有主语。在公司简介中, 句子的主语经常是公司的名称, 代词“we”或者“our”后面加名词, 公司不停地用主语来重复公司的名称可以使读者记清楚公司的名字, 用“we”可以缩短公司和读者之间的距离。
例如:We support initiatives in local communities where our employees live and work as well as from where we source our tobacco.We focus our giving mainly in the fields of human and social needs, agriculture and the environment. (Philip Morris International)
从这个例子可以看出公司名称和“we”做主语在英语公司简介中出现的频率很高, 这样可以给读者留下深刻的印象, 使他们记住公司的名字, 并对这个公司产生亲切感。
2.2.3 说服策略
首先, 英文公司简介经常使用标题、数字、首字母大写、粗体、斜体等使公司简介更具有可读性。甚至有些公司使用简单的表格向客户提供必要的信息。这样, 客户可以快速的抓住重点。
其次, 公司经常使用公司的名字和“we”做主语, 以加深客户对公司的印象, 并缩短客户和公司的距离。
最后, 公司经常使用数字来表明公司的能力, 以说服客户购买他们的产品。例如:The company recorded revenues of$42905 million during the financial year ended September 2009 (FY2009) , an increase of 14.4%over 2008.The operating profit of the company was$11, 740 million in FY2009, an increase of41%over 2008.Its net profit was$8, 235 million in FY2009, an increase of 34.6%over 2008 (Apple Inc.) 在这个例子中, 苹果公司使用一系列的数据向客户表明公司的经营状况良好, 产品非常受消费者的欢迎。
3 中英文公司简介的异同及原因
通过以上对中英文公司简介的分析, 我们可以得出他们之间的异同点。
3.1 中英文公司简介的相同点
1) 中英文公司简介都使用语步结构来增强公司简介的说服力。并且它们还有共同的语步结构, 即公司概况和公司业务范围介绍。
2) 它们都使用大量的褒义词来提升公司的形象, 贬义词的使用频率非常低。
3) 它们都通过数字来显示公司具有竞争优势, 以此来吸引消费者和潜在客户。
3.2 中英文公司简介的不同点
1) 中文公司简介的语步结构比较固定, 相比之下英语的语步结构比较灵活。
2) 英文公司简介常用标题, 斜体, 首字母大写等方式使简介更具有可读性, 但中文公司简介很少会使用这种方式。
3) 中文公司简介总是通过和政府的联系和授权来显示其公司的信誉和地位, 这种情况在英文公司简介中并未出现。这是因为在中国, 政府是权力的中心, 具有最高的威信。若得到政府的授权或者奖励, 就意味着这个公司的信誉是有保障的。
4) 英文公司简介中出现了一些语步, 像innovation (创新性) , sustainability (持续性) 和customer admittance (客户通道) 等, 在中文公司简介里是未出现的。这是因为在西方, 公司比较重视创新, 产品或服务的创新就意味着公司可以不断地满足客户新的要求, 也可以使公司实现可持续发展。同时西方是一个“顾客至上”的社会, 因而专门的客户通道可以给客户带来方便, 留下美好的印象。
4 结论
Klein (2005) 认为公司简介不仅能让其客户了解本公司, 也可让其潜在的员工和合作伙伴评估其是否是他们想要合作的公司。因此, 公司简介在贸易往来中起着重要的作用。本文通过对60中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 总结出中英公司简介不同的宏观结构, 发现中外公司在进行公司简介写作时存在着一些认知差异, 并分析了存在这些差异的原因。这些研究结果对国内公司撰写更地道的英文公司简历提供了参考。
[1]SwalesJ M.Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Re search Settings[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Edu cation Press, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1990:181, 38, 58, 141, 144, 141.
[2]Hackett, Ann.How to Develop an Effective Company Profile—and Why.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.
[3]Klein K.Company Profiles.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.URL:
公司产品简介英文 篇3
Mobile Phone
A mobile phone (also known as a handphone,[1] wireless phone,cell phone,cellular phone,cellular telephone or cell telephone) is a long-range,electronic device used for mobile voice or data communication over a network of specialized base stations known as cell sites.In addition to the standard voice function of a mobile phone,telephone,current mobile phones may support many additional services,and accessories,such as SMS for text messaging,email,packet switching for access to the Internet,gaming,Bluetooth,infrared,camera with video recorder and MMS for sending and receiving photos and video,MP3 player,radio and GPS.Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations (cell sites),which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) (the exception is satellite phones).
A mobile phone proper typically has a telephone keypad,more advanced devices have a separate key for each letter.Some mobile phones have a touchscreen.
工程公司简介英文 篇4
Fujian Tianfu tea industrial was established in , take advantage of the key personal and technology of Fuding Tea Factory, is the leading company in china and leading
agri-business company in Fujian that integrates tea production, processing, sells, export, research, development and training.
At the beginning after company established, we aimed at the domestic and international market, then built 100 hectares of organic tea garden in Taimu mountain-a national scenic spot, developed 400 hectares high mountain tea base around it, come ture the organic modal management. In order to stabile and improve product quality, we set up the modern processing factory in Fuding Star and Spark industrial zone in ,and introduced new processing equipment, passed the certification of ISO9001-2000 quality system., come true the standard of tea processing. The company mainly produce the brand of Luxueya organic green tea, white tea, jasmine tea, black tea etc six tapes tea, recent years, Luxueya have a high esteem in domestic and international exhibition, got lots of gold and silver prize. The Fujian People Government recognized as Fujian brand-name tea, Fujian famous brand-market.
公司简介英文翻译 篇5
对应英文介绍模板 公司英文名称)is a manufacturer of(主营产品)with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force.With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, our products are extensively used in应用的行业领域)and other industries.Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs.We welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success!
对应英文介绍模板(公司英文名称)is located in(公司所在城市)and is specialized in manufacturing(主营产品).With an experienced and professional team, we have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially(产品销往地).Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers.We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.中文介绍模板
Established in ______(成立年份), ______(公司名称)specializes in the business of(主营产品).Located in ________(公司所在城市we enjoy convenient access to major transportation networks.Our company covers an area of ________(占地面积)and has around ______(员工人数)staff members.Furthermore, all our products are manufactured with advanced equipment and strict QC procedures in order to ensure high quality.Guaranteeing stable and timely supply, credible quality and sincere service, our products sell well in both domestic and overseas markets.If you are interested in any of our products, or wish to place a customized order, please contact us.We will do our best to meet your needs.中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,集研发与销售于一体。本公司占地面积为XX。倚仗丰富经验及勤奋刻苦的员工,我司可以满足客户的各类要求,并拥有XX的年生产量。我司主要生产XX且产品畅销XX我司对每个产品严格执行质量检查。我司将竭尽所能为贵司服务,期待成就双方间的合作及友谊。
_________(公司名称)was founded in ______(成立年份), integrating R&D and sale.Our company covers an area of __________(占地面积).With our abundant experience and industrious and hardworking staff members, we can meet various requirements from different types of customers.Our production capacity amounts to ______(年生产量)per year.We are mainly engaged in ______(主营产品), and our products sell well in ___(产品销往地).We conduct strict quality inspections over each batch / product.We will try our best to serve you and hope to become one of your friends and business partners
中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,是一家集产品研发,生产,销售和服务于一体的专业XX公司。我司座落于XX省 市,交通便利。我司员工经验丰富,致力于严格质检和周到客服,并能随时讨论客户需求保证客户满意度。近年来,我司引进了一系列先进设备如XXX。另外,我们还获得了XXX证书。我司产品不仅畅销国内大小省市,还出口到各个国家和地区,包括XXX 国家或地区。同时,我们也承接OEM和ODM订单。无论贵司是我们现有订目录中选取一款产品或是要寻求工程应用方面的帮助,欢迎随时联系我司客服中心,并告之贵司的采购要求。
_________Established in_________(成立年份),_________(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer engaged in the research, development, production, sale and service of _________(主营产品).We are located in _________(公司所在城市)and have convenient transportation access.Dedicated to strict quality control and thoughtful customer service, our experienced staff members are always available to discuss your requirements and ensure full customer satisfaction.In recent years, our company has introduced a series of advanced equipment, including_________(各种设备).In addition, we have attained_________(通过的认证名称)certificates.Selling well in all cities and provinces around China, our products are also exported to clients in such countries and regions as_________(产品销往地).We also welcome OEM and ODM orders.Whether selecting a current product from our catalog or seeking engineering assistance for your application, you can talk to our customer service center about your sourcing requirements
中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,坐落于XX我司致力于XX产品的研发和生产。我司拥有XX(数量)对熟练员工以及XX设备,因而能轻松满足贵司的要求。我司建有强大的销售网,产品在 XX地区深受客户好评。随着公司的迅猛发展,我司已获得XX证书以及各项荣誉称号如 XX 若贵司欲进一步了解我司,请随时联系我们。期待与您的携手合作。
________(公司英文名称)was established in _____(成立年份)and is located in ______(公司所在城市We are dedicated to the development and production of ______(主营产品).Our company employs_____(员工人数)skillful personnel and is equipped with _________(公司设备).Therefore, we can easily meet your requirements.Thanks to our powerful distribution network, our products are popular with customers in _____________(产品销往地).With rapid development, we have attained ___________(证书名称)certification and won many honorary titles, including _________(荣誉称号).To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us at any time.We look forward to establishing a good and long-term business relationship with you
ABC 公司成立于XX年主要从事XX产品的设计研发生产和销售。我们自主开发了XX款产品供你选择,每月可推出不低于XX款新产品以满足最新的市场需求。依靠丰富的经验和全方位的服务
我公司已是许多国外买家公认的值得信赖的供应商。我们拥有各种生产设备以及经验丰富资深的工程师他们能熟练运用XX等先进软件来达到客户提出的各种特殊要求。目前公司的年生产量为XX能轻易完成客户的大量订单。为保证产品质量我们的XX位QC人员严格控制生产加工的每个环节来料检查加工检查和最后的出厂检查。我们引进国内外先进的XX检测设备以保证我们的产品符合国际标准。我们的产品畅销于国内外市场 如XX国家或地区并得到广大客户的一致好评。如果您想从我们的强大的生产加工能力及全方位的服务中获利的话 请随时联系我们。我们诚挚的希望同所有的客户一起创造胜利并分享我们的成功秘诀!
_____(公司英文名称)was founded in _______(成立年份).We focus on designing, researching and developing, manufacturing and selling _______(主营产品).We have more than _______(设计数量)self-developed designs and molds for you to choose from.We release at least _______(数量)new products monthly to meet the latest market trends.With our rich experience and considerate services, we have been recognized as a reliable supplier for many international buyers.We operate our in-house facilities to work on your OEM/ODM projects.Our experienced engineers are adept at using(软件系统或设备), enabling us to meet your customized requirements.With an annual production capacity of _______(年生产量), we can fill your bulk orders with ease.To ensure quality, we have more than _______(人数)QC members to carry out strict inspection at each stage: incoming inspection(IQC), in-process inspection(IPQC)and final inspection(FQC).We have also introduced _______(检测设备), which allow us to make products that meet international standards.Our products sell well in domestic and international markets, such as _______(产品销往地), and are favorably appraised by clients.To benefit from our strong OEM/ODM capabilities and considerate services, contact us today.We will sincerely create and share success with all clients.中文介绍模板 ABC 公司成立于XX年,位于XX,拥有便利的交通是一家专业的高科技企业。我们主要生产先进的XX产品,并与业内的行家和制造商进行合作包括XX公司。此外我们还已获得XX公司的授权成为该公司在中国的主要经销商。我公司注重研发保证向客户提供高质创新的产品。此外我们采用严格的质量检控方法以确保产品质量的可靠性。凭借可靠的商业信誉,优质的售后服务以及现代化的生产我们已在全球的客户中赢得了很好的声誉。我们强调发展,每年都会定期向市场推出新产品。我们的产品畅销于国内外市场如XX国家或地区
并得到广大客户的一致好评。我们坚持质量优先服务至高信誉第一”的管理原则。我们诚挚的希望同所有的客户一起创造胜利并分享我们的成功秘诀!欢迎您联系我们了解更多信息 我们期待与您的合作!
Established in_______(成立年份),_______(公司英文名称)is a professional high tech enterprise based in_______(公司所在城市), and enjoying convenient transportation access.We are fully committed to producing technologically advanced_______(主营产品)We have partnered with leading operators and manufacturers in the industry, including_______(合作公司).In addition, we are authorized by_______(其他合作公司)to be their main distributor in China., Our focus is on R&D, ensuring that we provide our customers with top quality and innovative products.In addition, we use stringent quality control measures to ensure the reliability of our products.With sound business credit, excellent after-sales service, and modern manufacturing facilities, we have earned an excellent reputation among our customers across the globe.We emphasize development, and introduce new products into the market every year.Our products sell well in domestic and international markets, such as_______(产品销往地), and are favorably appraised by clients.We pursue the management tenet of “Quality is superior, Service is supreme, Reputation is first”, and will sincerely create and share success with all clients.We welcome you to contact us for more information and look forward to working with you
成立于XXX,XXX公司是一家专业生产XXX的制造商。本公司坐落于XXX,享有便捷的交通优势。我司占地面积为XXX,且拥有如下精良设备: XXX,年生产量达到XXX。本公司持有出口证,产品远销XXX,并在国内外获得了广泛好评。本公司享有XXX荣誉。从原料选购、加工、检测到包装,我们对每个环节都执行严格品控。本公司采用XXX作为信条。我司热忱欢迎国内外客户前来开展合作、共创未来。
Established in ______(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is a specialized manufacturer of
_________________(公司产品).Located in ____________(公司所在地), we enjoy convenient access to major transportation networks.Our company occupies an area of ___________(占地面积)and has such advanced facilities as____________________________(设备介绍).Our annual production capacity is ___________(年生产量).Holding a trade license, we export products to ______________(出口国家、地区).Our products gain wide praise at home and abroad.Our company has won _____________(荣誉、证书).Strict quality control covers every procedure, from material sourcing and processing through to testing and packing.Our tenet is
___________________________________(公司原则、信条).We warmly welcome customers at home and abroad to establish cooperation and create a bright future together with us.XXX,成立于XXX,坐落于XXX,专业从事XXX的生产与销售。本公司供应一系列产品以满足不断变化的市场需求且承接定制业务订单。我司年生产量为XXX,产品销往XXX。本公司信奉XXX倚赖于品质产品、卓越服务、合理价格和及时交付,我司正致力于拓展国际市场。请随时联系我司以做进一步了解。
Founded in ___________(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is located in _________(公司所在地).We are a professional enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of _______________(产品介绍).We can supply a wide range of products to meet ever-changing market demands.Customized orders are welcomed.Outputting_____________________(年生产量)every year, our main markets include______________________(产品覆盖市场).Our company insists on the principle of__________________________(公司原则、信条).We are increasingly expanding our international market share based on quality products, excellent service, reasonable price and timely delivery.Please contact us at any time for more information.XXX是XX市最主要的进出口公司。我们公司主要生产和出口XX产品。我们的成功主要源于 XXXX。我们拥有一支高效的团队。能够根据客户的需求制作产品。我们的目标是XXXXX。我们的产品畅销XXXXX。我们的产品受到客户的广泛青睐。我们有XX个工厂。产品品种丰富,主要有XX,XX,XX,XX和XX。我们有能力研发新产品。我们真诚的寻求与客户的合作。
___________(公司名称)is one of the key(行业)enterprises in(地理位置).Our company specializes in the manufacture and export of(产品).The key of our success is(成功的因素).We have a highly efficient team to deal with inquiries from customers.Our goal is(目标).We are experienced in selling goods to(出口国家和地区)and enjoy a good reputation among clients.With(个数)factories, we can provide a wide range of products.In fact, our main series now include(产品种类).Moreover, besides standard products, we also provide an extensive range of customization services in order to cater for your special orders.We are seeking sincerely cooperation with all interested companies
Founded in ___________(公司成立年份), ___________(公司名称)is located in _________(公司所在地).We are a professional enterprise engaged in the manufacture and sale of _______________(产品介绍).We can supply a wide range of products to meet ever-changing market demands.Customized orders are welcomed.Outputting_____________________(年生产量)every year, our main markets include______________________(产品覆盖市场).Our company insists on the principle of __________________________(公司原则、信条).We are increasingly expanding our international market share based on quality products, excellent service, reasonable price and timely delivery.Please contact us at any time for more information.XXX是XX市最主要的进出口公司。我们公司主要生产和出口XX产品。
___________(公司名称)is one of the key(行业)enterprises in(地理位置).Our company specializes in the manufacture and export of(产品).The key of our success is(成功的因素).We have a highly efficient team to deal with inquiries from customers.Our goal is(目标).We are experienced in selling goods to(出口国家和地区)and enjoy a good reputation among clients.With(个数)factories, we can provide a wide range of products.In fact, our main series now include(产品种类).Moreover, besides standard products, we also provide an extensive range of customization services in order to cater for your special orders.We are seeking sincerely cooperation with all interested companies
Enterprise History
Since our establishment in _______(成立年份), we have developed from a small enterprise into
a comprehensive group, integrating the R&D, manufacture and sale of _______________(产品系列).Enterprise Strength
We staff _____(员工人数)personnel, including _____ professional engineers with high education and _________skilled workers with strict training.We also boast complete production lines, ranging from _______ to ________(生产设备), which ensure high productivity and efficient production.Meanwhile, backed by stable material suppliers, we produce up to ______(月产量)units monthly, _____(出口百分)percent of which are for export.Enterprise Markets
Selling well throughout the domestic market, our products are also warmly welcomed by clients
in _________________________(出口国家).We are looking forward to cooperating with more clients worldwide for common development and mutual benefits.Contact us today to benefit from what we offer.中文介绍模板
要求。此外,我们所有的产品在走货前都经过严格的检验。我们的产品已获得了 XX证书。
A Company You Can Trust :
Located in________(公司所在城市), _________(公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer of _____________(公司主营产品).We have ____(从事XX行业的年数)years of experience
in ___________(所从事行业)and have a good reputation in this field.Our products have won praise from customers worldwide.Quality and Safety:
We have implemented a strict and complete quality control system, which ensures that each product can meet quality requirements of customers.Besides, all of our products have been strictly inspected before shipment.Our products have attained ____________(通过的证书名称)certification.Your Success, Our Glory: