公司管理制度中英文 篇1
1.Company information includes customer list, price list, stock list, customer debt, customer list of credit, meeting record, documents from headquarter, documents of marketing strategy, order information and any other important information of the company;
2.All the computers in the office is not allowed to keep the above information;
3.The one who is in charge of updating the customer list or customer debt, shall only keep one latest copy safely, and make sure any other people cannot copy and check the information;
4.The customer list and customer debt shall be given a copy to marketing manager every time after updating;
5.The department flash cannot keep any of the above information;the
information shall be deleted from flash after using it;
6.All the above information shall be printed by marketing manager and give to sales people after signature, the previous one shall be returned when you get the new one;the stock list shall be returned every afternoon;
7.All the above information can only be used in office when needed, no one is allowed to take away these information from the office;
8.The sales people shall keep your own list well and report to marketing manager if you lose it;your own list is not allowed to give to other people;
9.No one is allowed to print or make copy of the above information;
10.No one is allowed to keep or pass these information for its own purpose;
11.Without the approval of marketing manager, no one is allowed to use flash to take any information from the company;
12.Anyone who breaks the above regulations, Chinese staff will be fined USD100 per time;Local staff will be fined USD20+one warning letter per time, three times will be fired.
公司管理制度中英文 篇2
Organisations nowadays are increasingly embedded in a fast changing social world characterized by both internal and external forces influencing their actual operation.Alongside the trade liberalisation initiated via World Trade Organisation,business today takes into full swing.Nevertheless,precious opportunities bring new challenges.This is especially the case for multinational companies like Nokia.Long recognised itself as the market leader in mobile communications,the company has been persistently making known"connecting people"as its mission.Connecting people,more than just the buzz words,reflects Nokia's solid commitments to providing values to consumers,employees,and the whole community while serving as a compass guiding its future direction(Nokia's Corporate Brochure 2005)[1].
2 Nokia's External Environment Response and In-ternal Adaptation
2.1 External Environment Response
Since organisations are placed in different geographical locations and are engaged in different business activities with different customers,suppliers,market segments,their external environment is unique to them(Capon 2004)[4].At the macro level,external environment consists of such prevailing aspects as political sector,economic situation,socio-cultural domain,technological innovation,legal and ethical issue(known as PESTLE analysis).Refer back to Daft's(2004)[5]illustration,this is the general environment organisations are set under.At the industry level,on the other hand,factors funnelled down into more specific as their bearings on business performance are greater and more direct.For hitech industry like Nokia,this mainly comprises market size and movement,competitors,customer dynamics,relationship with various suppliers,and inner corporate ability in new products'research and development.
Market size and movement is one important signal.Competition becomes intense when firms are aggressively keen to expand their market share.This is possible following the trend of globalisation.For uprising firms,accessing to wider market will generate more economic return and achieve greater influence if they coordinate business well.Nokia's redirection from American market to the Asian Big Two reflects such pioneering vision.Noticing earlier that American and other high-growth markets move closer to maturity from annual turnover as well as from competitor's launch of hot-selling products,Nokia sensitively found potential in Asia's two most populous countries and focused on these markets to strengthen its leader position.The result proves to be blessing as sales went up substantially and as Nokia extended further by building factories and research centres in these two regions.
2.2 Nokia's Internal Adaptation
Consideration of broad external environment is of importance for business,but it needs to be balanced and integrated with company's internal resources and capabilities(Mellahi,Frynas,and Finlay 2005)[6].In reality,companies which can adeptly react to the outside environment usually have unique suitable internal system In order to be efficient and effective,internal environment is shaped and reshaped to form a specific corporate identity.This is revealed in Nokia's mission,its strategy,business values and as a whole the corporate culture.Committed itself to taking responsibilities to every potential stakeholder,Nokia aims at engendering customers'satisfaction through various interactive activities such as survey,focus group discussion,strengthening its brand reputation,improving employee well-being as well as motivating their performance by offering comprehensive training programmes,establishing good relationships with suppliers,and paying close attention to the social community(Nokia 2006)[2].
What the corporate stresses is not simply the prominence in its product quality,innovation and operational efficiency,but i sees employees'needs,enthusiasm and their loyalty,together with contribution to an eco-society as equal vitality.This corporate culture,in relation to strategy and environment,is noted as adaptability culture(Daft 2004)[5]in which external strategic focus and flexibility are its main characteristics.Echoing to the industry's desirability for responsiveness,Nokia's cohesive corporate culture will reinforce the overall business undertaking.Nevertheless,with the rising number of potential competitors in this industry and the shorter period in the launch of new products,the market is featured as highly uncertain.In turn,it also signifies demanding task for Nokia to coordinate on basis of its internal competencies to forge continuously sound corporate image and gain increasing brand value.
3 Conclusion
Every business organisation carries with its own social characters.Its strategy,structure and value it treasures can only make sense in its typical operation context.No strategy can be said as the best without pinpointing the nature of industry in which it is adopted.Strategies are contingency-based.Against the globa backdrop,the need for constantly judging and evaluating outside environment becomes more,not less,crucial.Nokia's developmen may offer as an insightful example in its implementation of strategy connecting with environment.Fully aware of the hi-tech industry's complex and unstable external environment,the gian makes all the more importance the differentiation of its products In emphasizing business mobility,Nokia considers business party's interests and keeps the organisation in a state of flexibility From an internal perspective,corporate resources and capability enable it to take an early move into Asia's two promising countries.
[1]Nokia's Corporate Brochure2005.Listening to customers,seeing opportunities,doing things differently,about Nokia.,2006).
[2]Nokia2006.Nokia global.,2006).
[3]Capon,C.2004.Understanding Organisational Context.London.
[4]Daft,R.2004.Organization Theory and Design.United States of America.
[5]Mellahi,K.Frynas,J.G.and Finlay,P.2005.Global Strategic Man-agement.Oxford.
[6]Nokia2006.Nokia global.,2006).
[7]Mintzberg,H.1987.The strategy conceptⅠ:five Ps for strategy,California Management Review,Fall:11-24.
透视中英仲裁制度 篇3
在国际仲裁中,通常有机构仲裁与临时仲裁之分,在1958年<<纽约公约>>就肯定了此分类,在<<英国仲裁法>>也有相应的分类。而我国在《仲裁法》中只承认机构仲裁,如第16条规定:仲裁协议应当具有下列内容1.请求仲裁的意思表示; 2.仲裁事项3.选定的仲裁委员会。而没有规定临时仲裁,这是与国际仲裁背道而驰的,与当事人意思自治原则相违背;与仲裁起源与临时仲裁,实践中有相当多数量的案件是通过它来解决的现状相矛盾的;与1958年<<纽约公约>>规定相冲突的;排除了一些案件到我国仲裁的可能性。我国当时没有规定临时仲裁,主要有以下理由一、在仲裁发展史上,先有临时仲裁,后有机构仲裁,从今后发展趋势看,临时仲裁趋向衰落;二、中国设仲裁的历史较短,只有机构仲裁,没有临时仲裁。另外,我国法律不承认临时仲裁,其实有着深厚的文化背景,它恰是5000年来积淀在中国人心底中轻视个体价值和尊严的文化传统在法律层面的体现。因此,《仲裁法》有必要增加临时仲裁。这样才有利于当事人意思自治的充分体现;有利于仲裁事业的发展。
对仲裁员资格条件上,我国无论是台湾地区还是中国大陆均加于详细而严格的规定,只是其严格程度有所差异大陆仲裁法对仲裁员的最基本要求没有作明确规定,但是台湾地区仲裁法却相反,它明确规定仲裁员应为自然人,当事人于仲裁协议约定仲裁机构以外之法人或团体为仲裁员者,视为未约定仲裁员,这与各国和国际仲裁立法者一般都明确规定仲裁员必须是自然人的惯例相一致,两地都积极资格方面对仲裁员提出了特殊的资格要求,台湾地区《仲裁法》第6条规定:具有法律或其他各业专门知识或经验,信望素孚之公正人士,具有下列资格之一者,得为仲裁员:(1)曾任实任推事,法官或检察官者:(2)曾执行律师,会计师,建筑师,技师或其他与商务有关之专门职业人员业务5年以上者;(3)曾任台湾岛内,外仲裁机构仲裁事件之仲裁员等;(4)曾任“教育部”认可之台湾岛内,外大专院校助理教授以上职务5年以上者;(5)具有特殊领域之专门知识或技术,并在该特殊领域服务5年以上者大陆《仲裁法》第13条规定:仲裁委员会应当从公道正派的人员中聘任仲裁员 仲裁员应当符合下列条件之一:(1)从事仲裁工作满8年的;(2)从事律师工作满8年的;(3)曾任审判员满8年的:(4)从事法律研究,教学工作并具有高级职称的;(5)具有法律知识,从事经济贸易等专业工作并具有高级职称或者具有同等专业水平的,可见,两部仲裁法对仲裁员资格方面的特殊要求旨在保证仲裁员的素质,不过,内地仲裁法更注重强调仲裁员所应具备的法律素质。另外,在我国香港地区,律师担任仲裁员是相当受欢迎的。
仲裁员对提交仲裁的纠纷作出裁决,对当事人具有法律效力,因此,仲裁员行使仲裁权要接受相应的监督,“在它未受到控制时可将它比作自由流动、高涨的能量其效果往往具有破坏性。” 孟德斯鸠曾经说过:“一切有权力的人都易滥用权力,这是万古不易的一条经验。有权力的人们使用权力一直到遇到界限的地方才休止。”我国对仲裁员责任规定不合理,仅仅限制在民事责任的两种情况,整部《仲裁法》只有在第34、38、58条有规定,不利于对仲裁权的监督。如第38条规定:仲裁员有本法第34条第四项规定的情形,情节严重的,或者有本法第58条第六项规定的情形的,应当依法承担法律责任,仲裁委员会应当将其除名。第34条规定:仲裁员有下列情形之一的,必须回避,当事人也有权提出回避申请:……(四)私自会见当事人、代理人,或者接受当事人、代理人的请客送礼的。第58条当事人提出证据证明裁决有下列情形之一的,可以向仲裁委员会所在地的中级人民法院申请撤销裁决:……(六)仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。人民法院经组成合议庭审查核实裁决有前款规定情形之一的,应当裁定撤销。人民法院认定该裁决违背社会公共利益的,应当裁定撤销。
仲裁员刑事责任上,1994年《仲裁法》没有规定,1997年《刑法》也没有规定。2006年6月29日通过中华人民共和国刑法修正案(六)填补了这一空白,如规定 在刑法第399条后增加一条,作为第399条之一:“依法承担仲裁职责的人员,在仲裁活动中故意违背事实和法律作枉法裁决,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情节特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。”
公司简介中英文 篇4
公司在创业之初就瞄准国内外市场,在国家风景名胜区-太姥山建立1500亩的高起点有机茶基地,并在太姥山周边地区发展高山茶连锁基地6000多亩, 实现有机茶规模经营,为进一步稳定和提高产品质量,公司于2002在福鼎星火工业园区建立现代化茶叶加工厂和引进先进名优茶设备,并通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,实现茶叶生产的标准化。公司主要生产“绿雪芽”牌绿雪芽有机绿茶、白茶、红茶、高山茶等六大系列,近几年,绿雪芽牌系列名茶在国际国内的各种展会中屡获好评,取得了各种金银奖项,福建省人民政府授予“绿雪芽”牌绿雪芽茶福建省名牌产品称号,“绿雪芽”也被定为福建省著名商标。
Overview of Fujian Tianhu Tea Industrial Company Limited
Fujian Tianfu tea industrial was established in 2000, take advantage of the key personal and technology of Fuding Tea Factory, is the leading company in china and leading
旅游公司中英文简介 篇5
About us
Yunnan View the World International Travel Service Co., Ltd is a private joint-stock company which is invested to set up by several career men in Yunnan tourist circle.It is authorized by the National Tourist Bureau, registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Yunnan Province(registered capital RMB 2.1 Million), and transacted its management license in the provincial Travel Bureau.With flexible mechanism, unattached property right, advanced management, abundant strength and distinctive personality, the company mainly deals in inbound tourism, and domestic tourism.We have advanced modern office establishment and dedicative and quality guides and a passel of caretakers which have been engaged in tour career of many years, seasoned, faithful and have extensive social relationship.With wide and solid network of sell and client reception, good cooperation with hotels, airlines, railways and motorcades, we shall provide high grade service for your tour.We are eager for you presence.We hope to progress and create resplendence together with tourist coteries and all new and old friends!
To consume clearly and travel happily, simple promise can give great guarantee for your consume behalf.Our tourist product is not the cheapest but the most comparable.“View the World” is your sage choice, and we’ll provide you the most satisfying service to return your trust!
第一天 昆明接团,东西寺塔、文化步行街、近日楼、昆明标志性建筑——金马碧鸡牌坊。
住宿 昆明
第二天 前往誉为世界自然奇观的石林游览,参观七彩云南,乘车至楚雄。
住宿 楚雄
第三天 乘车至大理,游览白族古老的建筑及文化艺术的崇圣三塔、五朵金花取景地蝴蝶泉,古城、洋人街,乘车至丽江,漫步丽江古城四方街,您可自由细品这一人类共同遗产大研古城,四方街她始建于宋末元初,以家家流水,户户垂柳著称。
住宿 丽江
第四天 游览玉龙雪山一线:云杉坪小索道、甘海子、白水河,观赏高达5596公尺的玉龙
住宿 大理
第五天 早餐后乘船游览云南省第二高原淡水湖泊洱海,体验大理四景:“风、花、雪、月”,品三道茶,观白族歌舞表演,浏览南诏风情岛、小普沱,午餐后乘车至昆明。
住宿 昆明
第六天 游览西山龙门、滇池风光,逛鲜花市场,送团,结束愉快的旅程!
Kunming, Dali and Lijiang Six Days Scenery Tour
D1 pickup in Kunming.Visit the East and West Temple Towers Cultural Pedestrian Street, the
怪物电力公司中英文电影摘要 篇6
【English Summery】If you are a child , in some night , you secretly turns on the closet , actually impressively discovered is gloomy in the closet , lets the person but actually vertical monster correct use green eye peep at you , you can make what response ? Scream!Certainly is the startled sound scream!But you don not know, like this might cherish on center monsters under.Lives in us outside the word, the monsters also have to belong to their world, the high decibel scream which maintains this monster world the only power energy comes from the child frightens sends out.For this, the monsters also established own monster limited company.Specially responsibly goes to human world by this company’s in monster to threaten the children, thus collects their scream.Su Liwen is a royal purple superficial knowledge, steadily threaten big fellow monster, its appearance is fierce, is in the monster limited company
illustrious goes against the level to threaten one of experts;Su Liwen exclusive threat assistant, also is its good friend Mike is a green alone eye monster, did not look the stature compared to Su Liwen several, the temperament may not be small, frequently likes from making the position.In addition, in the company has all kinds of disposition each different member, CEOHenry, steadily the snakehead, the love are cracking a joke reception Greece Li Ya, but also has special treats with Su Liwen is doing, mutually is not convinced Bao Gesi.Each kind of all forms monster performs.But more and more becomes accustomed to along with the children to the monsters threat acrobatics, wanted to obtain their scream also to become an exceptionally difficult matter, but this difficult not to wise Su Liwen, he led Mike to arrive the human world to prepare to make “the model worker example” to have a look for all threats experts, but had not thought Su Liwen had disobey sconventioned the procedure to bring an unexpected side effect——two-year-old humanity little girl Abe accidentally to bring back to by them the monster world, several millenniums, only had the monster world.Has not had the humanity to arrive the monster world, then might trouble in a big way energy company abundant Abe tossed about earth-shaking the monster world, in
公司管理制度中英文 篇7
1.1 See the advantages through the background of the company
Tower Watson is a global leading professional services company, which owns 130 years' history, made up of the two famous consulting firms Watson Wyatt Worldwide and Towers Perrin.
1.1.1 Acquiring recognitions from global field and from Chinese authoritative third-party.
Tower Watson gets a worldwide recognition global field and from Chinese authoritative third-party, including the Best Enterprise from the Forbes magazine, and the recognition from“top ten human consulting company”ofChina human resources development nets.
1.1.2 Stable company financial situation
SinceTower Watson listed, the stability of share price and present long-term upward trend mainly come from corporate governance These all thanks to the company business and the rapid development of personnel, and the scale of long-term professional services image and customer good public praise.
1.2 See the advantages through the project experience
In the global scope, Tower Watson owns rich and successful consulting project experience and the best practice that can be widely referred and changed by organizations of human resources.In recent years, Tower Watson has consulting project cooperation experience with other 36 corporate governances.In corporate governances which have total operating income ranked in the top 10, Tower Watson has project cooperation with seven of them.[1].
In talent and reward consulting, Tower Watson is trusted by many worlds leading enterprise.It runs business with seventy-five percent of the enterprise from top 500 fortunes.Because the number of customer is numerous and the customers are from varied industries, Tower Watsons developed the necessary industry knowledge and professional skills, in order to cope with the talents and industry-specific reward issues.[2]
1.3 See the advantages through consultation tools
1.3.1 HCI (Human Capital Index) [3]
Investigating 12 countries such asAustralia, Singapore, China and hundreds of regions, Tower Watson draws some conclusions below:
The excellent human resource management is equal to well value of shareholder.In the Asia-pacific region, companies with perfect human capital management system, compared with those of poor human capital system, the former created compared the shareholder value can reach more than twice as much as the latter.
1.3.2 GGS (Global Grading System) [4]
After many years of validation by global market since repeatedly used the system, Tower Watson's rating system (global position GGS) has been recognized as can be used in cross-functional, across business, border-crossing environment, help the enterprise with internal position evaluation of effective management tools.Therefore, at present GGS has become the world's most competitive position rating system.
1.3.3 Four dimensions salary design tools of Tower Watson
Different from the market the most common1M3P (market dimension;position dimension;personal dimensions;performance dimension) — Four dimensions[5] salary design tools in common market, Tower Watson owns four dimensions of unique design tools, including:competitive salary positioning, compensation structure, risk/reward relations, performance index/standards.
2.Strategic Research on Local HR Consulting
2.1 Analysis of comparative advantage of indigenous consulting human resource
Compared with the powerful consulting company abroad, what is the advantage of local consulting company in China? Because their location, cultural background and geopolitical relations, Chinese local consulting enterprise owns the merits in grasping the society and the overall environment.They know what kind of resource the enterprise need, where they can get very clearly.This kind of knowledge on the environment and the ability of summary the knowledge are difficult for multinational companies who had just entered the Chinese market.In addition, common development experience is also a major advantage of Chinese consultancy.This experience helps Chinese consulting companies understand customers' enterprises and their members.This kind of understanding is intimate, and indeed irreplaceable.[6].
2.2 strategic choice for Indigenous consulting human resource company
2.2.1 Personnel dispatched outsourcing strategy
As professional talents in mainland, consulting companies need outsourcing in each skill areas.
(1) Service experience with highly efficient, high quality and cost advantages.
(2) Service which recommend candidates with rapid and high quality, has the ability to shorten recruited cycle.
(3) Value-added services which bring the industry leading farsightedness
3.The conclusion
To complement each other, play the congenital superiority on local enterprise status and fully cultural understand, and actively introduce and absorb advanced international management mode and methods, improve the competitiveness of their institutions of the competition in the market, drive the whole domestic human consultation market to a new level.
摘要:近年来, 在案件的这个巨大的市场——中国人力资源顾问的诱惑, 越来越多的国际人力资源咨询公司着眼于中国。中国本土的咨询公司, 也有当地的人力资源优势, 但是外国公司有一个良好的学习。本地公司要把公司大是不可取的, 因为它是一个困难的系统解决具体问题的方法。相反, 一个小而专门公司要成功, 就应将焦点放在某些行业或功能, 使当地的人力资源咨询公司迅速成长。
[1]张宏建.对咨询公司优势的思考[J].探索与研究.2009, (1) :47~49
[4]王晓明.咨询工具一跨国咨询公司的制胜法宝[J].经济工作导刊.2007, (11) :18~22
公司管理制度中英文 篇8
我国不同时期的政府都构建了多级视导网。1986年以后,我国逐步建立了国家、省、地、县四级督导机构,形成了教育督导的网络。目前,全国31个省、自治区、直辖市都已建立了督学机构。2001年6月,97.5%的县建立了教育督导机构。各地十分重视督导队伍的建设,有些省市都由分管教育的副市长或教委的正、副主任兼任教育督导委员会主任或总督学。1998年7月,国务院规定教育督导团办公室列为教育部18个职能司局之一,教育督导机构被独立设置。但是,受传统督导机构设置的影响,又因新中国组织部门没有明确统一的规定,当前我国地方教育督导机构多数挂靠在各级地方教育行政部门内,没有独立的身份和权力,其设置形式主要有:(1)政府授权型教育督导室,由同级政府授权实施督导,但“户口”挂靠在教育局内,人事、财权和编制都在教育行政部门内,接受双重领导;(2)教育局内设督学室,由教育局管理。英国的教育行政体制是中央和地方合作制,因此,其教育督导机构为两级设置。1992年改革后,女皇督学团独立于教育和技术部(Department of Education and Skills),改设为教育标准局,统辖全国学校督导工作,成员包括首席女皇督学、女皇督学和补充督学。这样,以首席女皇督学为核心,以女皇督学为主体,以补充督学为辅助的督学人员形成新的中央督学;而直接负责具体督导工作的基层督学包括:注册督学、督导小组成员(team members)和外行督学(Lay Inspectors)。这样一来,形成国家和基层两级督导人员,前者主要负责管理监督注册督学的工作,后者主要负责对学校进行督导和评估。
[1] 袁振国.中国教育政策评论2003[C].北京:教育科学出版社,2003.
[2] 金一鸣,唐玉光.中国素质教育政策研究[M].济南:山东教育出版社,2004.
[3] From Failure to Success: How Special Measure are Helping Schools Improve(1997) [M].London:OFSTD,1997.