


才全英语2013全真高考模拟套题 篇1



1.----What do you think of the teacher?

----She is a strict teacher , but____ all her students show respect for.A.thatB.the oneC.whoD.one

2.Taiyuan, a city in North China, was struck by a heavy snow last week, _____serious traffic

problems.A.facingB.facedC.having facedD to face

3._____the crisis of economy getting more and more serious, the government is searching for ways to improve people’s life.A.WhenB.IfC.AsD.With

4.It is global warming, rather than other factors, _____the extreme weather.A.that has led toB.which are causing

C.which has causedD..that have led to

5.----Why were so many people trapped into buying the stock of the company?

----______enough money within one night.A.GetB.GettingC.To getD.To be getting

6.----The research on the news bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding.Who do you think can do the job?

----____ my students have a go ?


7.----How useful do you think the Internet is as a_____ of information?

----I think it is fairly useful, but a lot of the information you find online is false.A.resourceB.sourceC.tankD.storage

8.Only after you have known someone for some time _____to appreciate his real worth.A.do begin youB.you do beginC.do you beginD.begin you

9.It was in Japan that the atomic weapon was used in 1945, and the power ____increased enormously ever since.A.isB.has beenC.wasD.had been

10.Chinese people were so excited when they saw president Hu ____the PLA on the National Day of 2009.A.inspectB.checkC.observeD.examine

11.The man stopped from time to time _____whether he was being followed

A.as if foundB.as to findC.as if to findD.when found

12.The word“ media’’ basically refers to____ we commonly call newspapers, magazines and television.A.whichB.thatC.whereD.what

13.____these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.A.Except forB.Apart fromC.But forD.Other than

14.A highwaybridge ____over the river. They hope to finish it next month

A.was builtB.is builtC.has been builtD.is being built

15.As a kid I was painfully shy.I mean ,I wouldn’t even ____people in the face when they spoke to me.A.seeB.stareC.lookD.watch


Chinese scientists are again becoming excited about the that a large hairy animal may live in central China.Now they hope it won’t be too long before they are able to .new discovery of the mystery animal in Hubei Province..As their bus turned a corner, the men were suddenly they saw.Three covered with long dark hair, were crossing the roads.On seeing the animals, the engineers immediately stopped and .

The men did not take any However, scientists are , because the engineers were all , scientists returned to the forest and .About 20 inches appears to be the length of the animal’s information and make a .But in the meantime, some people half-monkey exists.

16.A.fact 17.A.prove 18.A.basis 19.A.travelers 20.A.the

21.A.frightened 22.A.trained 23.A.shot at 24.A.However 25.A.difficulty26.A.search 27.A.bullets 28.A.surprised 29.A.rely on30.A.With 31.A.cut 32.A.foot 33.A.film 34.A.come 35.A.wrongIII.阅读理解

B.matter B.analyze

B.requirement B.engineersB.another B.amazed B.rejected B.looked at B.Indeed B.speed B.follow B.tools B.delighted B.deal with B.As B.pulled B.leg B.tour B.refuse B.alive

C.truth C.protect C.result C.scientists C.a C.upset C.tall

C.fought with C.Meanwhile C.care C.find

C.medicines C.disturbed C.write down C.Because C.collected C.body C.choice C.prefer C.real

D.thing D.check

D.preparation D.explorers D.one D.inspired D.violent D.ran after D.Anyway D.pleasure D.look for

D.photographs D.supported D.pass on D.After D.tore D.head D.study D.have D.correct


Until the invention of the steam engine, humans travelled the earth on foot.The slow travel meant explorers frequently returned with stories about distant lands: some of them wild tales, some honest descriptions.Barbara Klion, who has retired, knows what that’ like.As a walker who has toured Australia ,Kenya and China on foot ,her trips are the modern edition of an ancient tradition for years.Klion and her husband ,now 75 and 80 years old travelled independently.Walkers know seeing the world on foot gives them a rare experience.Often travelers are attracted by local people and customs.They also get abeautiful and lasting impression of the scenery.Walking tours can be done in one’s backyard, but there are several destinations around the world that expose travelers to the best of nature and culture

What to look for ? A famous guide says the essential of a quality walk are great scenery, tolerable weather ,suitable level of difficulty and something like ecology ,history or culture.These may seem like unclear instructions , but the fun of walking tours is that many things are determined by the traveler.Someone who appreciates hot climates ,wildlife and flat areas could choose a walking tour in Zambia’s South Luangwa National Park.Travelers who don’t mind the cold and enjoy adventure could hike Patagonia, an area of southern Argentinaeast of the Andes.In general ,independent travelers can decide how far to go each day, while guests of a tour agency should expect to walk an average of four to eight miles a day.At the Fordland National Park ,for example, there are several easy-to-difficult hikes, giving travelers many choices.36.Which of the following does NOT make a quality walking ?A.Great sceneryB.Tolerable weatherC.A helpful companionD.Suitable level of difficulty

37.According to the passage, compared with guests of a tour agency, independent travelers______.A.can walk fartherB.have more choicesC.face more difficultiesD.spend less 38.What is the author’s attitude to walking tours?A.IndifferentB.NegativeC.WorriedD.Supportive 39.The best title of the passage might be _____A.See the World on Foot

B.Barbara Klion ,a great TravelerC.What to Look forD.The Fun of Walking


He was no scholar, and his classmates teased him.Rather than reading, the kid really preferred running

around with an 8mm camera, shooting homemade movies of wrecks of his Lionel train set(which he showed to friends for a small fee)

In his second year of high school he dropped out.But when his parents persuaded him to return, he was mistakenly placed in a learning-disabled class, he lasted one month.Only when his family moved to another town did he land in a more suitable high school where he graduated eventually.After being denied entrance into a traditional filmmaking school, Steven Spielberg enrolledin English at California State University at Long Beach.Then in 1965 he recalls ,in one of those casual moments, his life took a complete turn.Visiting Universal Studios ,he met Chuck Silvers, an executive in the editorial department.Silvers liked the kid who made 8mm films and invited him back sometime to visit.He appeared the next day.Without a job or a security clearance ,Spielberg(dressed in a dark suit and tie, carrying his father’s briefcase with nothing inside but “a sandwich and candy bars’’)walked confidently up to the guard at the gate of Universal Studios and gave him a casual wave.The guard waved back.He was in.“For the entire summer,” Spielberg remembers,” I dressed in my suit and hung out with the directors and an office that was not being used ,and became a squatter.I bought some plastic tiles and put my name in the building directory: StevenSpielberg, Room 23C〞

It paid off for everyone.Ten years later the 28-year-old Spielberg directed Jaws, which took in $470 million, then the highest-grossing movie of all time.Dozens of films and awards have followed because Steven Spielberg knew what his teachers didn’t---talent is in the eyes of the filmmaker.40.What is the text mainly about?

A.Dream is more important than knowledgeB.How Spielberg made his first famous film JawsC.Spielberg has a gift for filming

D.How Spielberg became a famous director 41.From the 4th and 5th paragraph we can know ___

A.he was confident and this won others’ admirationB.he worked hard and got his own office

C.usually people can not come into Universal Studios freelyD.he had been accepted as a member of the company 42.What does the underlined word〝 winked〞mean?A.shown great concernB.became angryC.had to be silentD.pretended not to notice 43.Silvers helped Spielberg probably because__________A.he was Spielberg’s father’s friend

B.Spielberg’s talent and passion for filming moved himC.he hoped to find a good employee for Universal StudiosD.he was sure Spielberg would become a great director


“Your honor(法官大人)!Let me say a few words for myself.What they have told you is just not true.I was not trying to kill anyone, and it was hardly possible to try to kill three strong young men at the same time.I didn’t have anything to tell people that night and was quite alone.I didn’t know them and needn’t hate them.I was attacked by them, and I knocked one of them down, it’s true, but Iwas made to do it, or I might be killed by them.I did this not because I hated the white men as they said.I just had to do so.While I was beaten in the dark street by the three men, a policeman came, caught me and took me here.I know why I was beaten.I have just moved into a house next to these three white men.I have felt that I am not welcome and I have tried to be quiet.I think, as an American, I have the right to choose where to live.I am guilty.What makes me guilty is my color opposite to theirs and I can’t enjoy justice.Yes, I am not guilty.This is all I want to say.Thank you, your honor.”

44.What color was the speaker?

A.Black.B.White.C.Brown.D.Yellow.45.Why did he speak for himself?

A.He wanted to live in the house next to the whites.B.He wanted to have the right to choose where to live.C.He wanted to show he was not guilty.D.He wanted to show he didn’t hate the whites.46.The speaker was caught because ____.A.the policeman wanted to save him

B.he was black and was fighting with the whitesC.he killed the three men in a dark streetD.he lived in a house next to the whites 47.What’s the right order of the story?

a.The speaker said something for himself.b.The three men said something.c.The speaker knocked down one of the three men.d.The speaker was beaten by the three men.e.He was caught by the policeman.f.The speaker moved into a house near the whites.A.a-b-f-d-c-eB.b-a-f-c-d-eC.f-d-c-e-b-aD.f-c-d-e-a-b


When you first meet a disabled person, what is your first reaction? Curiosity? Sympathy? If you experience any of these emotions, you are not alone.Chances are that you don’t regularly associate with someone who is disabled.Here are four points to keep in mind if you should happen to meet a disabled person.Disabled people can lead active lives

With few exceptions, a disability does not prevent someone from working, raising a family, or taking part in social activities.Many sports and recreation programs have been adapted to a person with a disability.Instead of concentrating on the disability, look at the person the same way you would any normal person.It’s all right to ask questions

Many people are afraid of offending someone by asking about their disability.When meeting them for the first time, it’s natural to be curious about who he or she is, and where they’re from.Asking questions is usually acceptable, as long as you use common sense.Don’t, for example, ask a blind person how he feeds and bathes himself.Offer help when necessary

You see a woman in a wheelchair having trouble entering a building.It’s usually appropriate to lend a hand if someone is having obvious difficulty, but keep in mind that not everyone will be willing to accept your help.Unless the woman in the wheelchair is in danger, you do your part.Remember that we all have obstacles to overcome

No matter who we are, each of us has a weakness or challenge to face.Like you, a disabled person would much rather be accepted for who they are, rather than be pitied.Many friends have said to me, “I often forget that you are blind.” To me, that is the top compliment(赞扬).48.Why are you curious when you first see disabled people?A.They can’t live normally.B.You seldom deal with them.C.You look down upon them.D.They look quite different.49.What should you do if you find a disabled person can manage it?A.You had better lend him or her a hand.B.You pretend that you haven’t seen him or her.C.You should encourage him or her to try.D.You had better let him or her alone.50.From this passage we learn that ____.A.the author is blind himself

B.a disabled person needs pityingC.not everyone has a weaknessD.some people have no difficulty 第二节

When people get bad toothaches, they often have to eat soft, easily chewed food.__51__, they eat people? That’s the conclusion of a zoologist at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago and a dentist who works on carnivores(食肉动物).__52__.Every once in a while, however, a lion will go on a human-eating diet.The most famous such tragedy happened in 1898, when two lions killed and ate 135 railway workers in Kenya.Examining the preserved skulls(骷髅)of the two big cats, zoologist Bruce Patterson and dentist Ellis Neiburger found that both animals had been suffering from several dental and jaw problems.__53__ and a loose, unsteady lower canine that was probably useless.Canines are pointed teeth that hunting animals use for gripping and piercing prey(刺穿猎物).The two lions might have been so badly disabled that they couldn’t bite down forcefully, say the researchers.Consequently, the lions might have abandoned their normal, more difficult prey and turned to humans.“__54__,” said Patterson.“We’re very slow, we don’t hear very well, and we don’t see very well in the darkness.”

__55__.It was inspired partly by the work of Jim Corbett, a tiger hunter in India in the 1930s.Corbett was regularly called in to hunt tigers that had been dining on Indian villagers.Time after time, Patterson discovered that the killer tigers were suffering from some ill-healthy conditions.A.Humans are easy preys

B.Lions don’t normally prey on people C.When lions get bad toothaches D.One lion had three missing teeth

E.The research calls their idea the Infirmity Theory F.He had absolutely no experience of taking medicine G.Talking about it in the abstract isn’t enough IV.短文改错

A few years ago, some tourists pay no attention to environmental protection.They threw waste things about, like plastic bags, fruit skins and waste papers.Sometimes they broke trees, picked up flowers and killed birds;some even made fires in the woods to cook for picnics.What dangerous it was!Fortunate, great changes have been taken places here.All the tourists have gotused to put their rubbish into dustbins.But they are making great efforts to protect birds and plants as well.They bring our own meals prevent any accidental fire.All theseshould be appreciated


随着高考的临近,一些高三学生出现各种生理和心理问题。因此,学会适度地自我放松非常重要。请你围绕“Ways to get relaxed” 这一话题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:


2.自我放松的途径:体育锻炼、谈心、阅读励志故事等 3.我更喜欢的途径及理由:……

注意:词数100-120,文章开头已给出(不计入词数)。Ways to get relaxed

With the national college entrance examination drawing near, some students in Senior Three suffer from problems both phy


单选1-5 DADAC6-10 CBCBA11-15 CDCDC 完形16-20 AACBC21-25 BCDAB26-30 BDBAD31-35 CADBC

阅读36-39 CBDA40-43 DCDB44-47 ACBC48-50 BDA51-55 CBDAE 改错

56.pay—paid57.papers—paper58.up去掉59.What—How60.Fortunate—Fortunately61.been去掉62.put—putting63.But-And64.our—their65.to prevent 书面表达

Ways to get relaxed

With the national college entrance examination drawing near, some students in Senior Three suffer from problems both physically and mentally.The most common ones are learning anxiety and lack of communication and physical exercise.So it is important for us students to find ways to get relaxed.Taking exercise is not only of great benefit to our health but relaxes us a lot.We can also have a talk with people we trust, for their comfort may relieve us from worries and their experience will help us solve our problems.Moreover, we can read some inspiring stories so that we are full of confidence to overcome any difficulties we encounter.As for me, the best way to relax is just to maintain my sense of humor, for example, sometimes I read jokes and sometimes I treat myself to funny movies.As we all know, so long as a person is optimistic, there is nothing to be afraid of.
