


去国外留学的注意事项 篇1



一 心理准备要做足



二 健康准备必不可少


三 行李准备力求精简





去国外留学的注意事项 篇2

当今, 为什么留学人数激增, 仿佛一股热潮?大部分学者认为主要有两个因素:一是国内的“推”, 二是国外的“拉”。正是这两个因素促使我国留学人员数量不断激增, 形成一股热潮。


1. 宽松的留学政策

(1) 公派留学

留学是我国人才培养的重要环节之一, 新中国成立后就非常重视留学政策的制定。自20世纪70年代末开始宣布派遣留学生以来, 我国先后制定了多种留学政策。1992年以后, 有“支持留学、鼓励回国、来去自由”的政策, 以鼓励出国留学。1996年以后, 我国调整了公派留学政策, 产生了“个人申请、专家评审、平等竞争、择优录取、签约派出、违约赔偿”的新办法。至此, 我国国家公派留学进入正规化、法制化的阶段。2003年, 教育部展开了“扩大规模、提高层次、保证重点、增强效益”的国家公派留学工作的基本思路, 并作出两项重要调整:一是确定重点支持的七大领域;二是设立“高级研究学者”, 并将传统的“普通访问学者”和“高级访问学者”合并为“访问学者”。2005年, 教育部提出“选拔国内一流的学生, 派到 (海外) 一流的大学和学科专业, 师从一流的导师”, 坚持国家公派出国留学主要是培养国家急需人才的目标和原则。2007年, 教育部、财政部联合发布《国家公派出国留学研究生管理规定 (试行) 》, 设立“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”, 国家公派留学重点资助对象开始从进修生向学生倾斜。这一系列法规政策的颁布对促进我国的留学教育具有指导意义。

(2) 自费留学

我国政府对自费留学也非常重视, 认为“自费出国留学是我国留学工作的组成部分, 自费留学是培养人才的一条渠道。对自费留学人员和公费留学人员在政治上应一视同仁”。我国自费出国留学的政策也经历了一个改革变化的过程。从1981年国务院批示的《关于自费出国留学的请示》至2003年教育部发出的《关于简化大专以上学历人员自费出国留学审批手续的通知》, 我国自费留学的政策变得日益宽松, 其资格审核工作也由繁向简转化, 这恰好促成我国学生自费留学热潮的到来。

2. 经济增长效应

随着我国经济的发展, G D P不断增高, 留学率也随之不断攀升。据有关学者分析:当GDP增长到一定程度时, 就会出现留学的要求;当人均G D P超过3 000美元时, 出国留学人员的数量将大幅增加。就目前而言, 中国的中产阶级不断壮大, 大部分中产阶级家庭的支撑能力日益增强。

3. 我国教育现状

(1) 基础教育有待完善

教育是培养人的活动, 是最大限度促进学生身心全面发展, 进而促进社会发展的社会实践活动。但我国的教育, 一方面在倡导为人的全面发展而努力, 另一方面又不得不以高考为中心。为了获得高分, 学校不断否定学生创新的思想火花;为了使学生学会应试的技巧, 学校忘记了教育的终级目标。这种教育不仅带来机械式训练, 更使学生对学习不感兴趣, 对自我丧失信心;这种教育不仅压抑学生的创新能力, 更有损学生的身心健康。这时, 国外的教育制度和政策吸引了一些家长的注意。由于他们对国外的教育制度和政策认识不够, 所以他们认为, 国外的教育会给孩子带来自由的空间, 能培养孩子健全的人格。于是, 他们急于摆脱国内教育制度和政策的束缚, 希望能有更为自由的教育选择。就这样, 许多家长让孩子放弃高考, 选择出国。于是, 一批低龄留学生应运而生。

(2) 高等教育有待发展

一个国家的高等教育如何, 直接关系到其国民素质和社会的可持续发展。近年来, 我国高等教育发展迅速。据有关方面统计:2011年, 我国高等教育的毛入学率达到26.5%, 这一数据已然达到国际高等教育大众化的标准 (高等教育大众化是一个量与质统一的概念, 量的增长即适龄青年的高等学校入学率要达到15%至50%的大众化标准) 。不过, 我国的高等教育大众化具有自身特点。一方面由于教育资源不平衡导致各高校差异较大, 另一方面不同地区经济水平的差异导致学生的受教育机会不均等。总之, 教育资源的不平衡和地区经济水平的差异性造成了教育的不公平, 以致学生为了进入一所比较理想的大学而选择通过高考向优质高等院校进军。这种竞争的教育模式必然导致大部分学生成为竞争的牺牲品。另外, 高校的“扩招”只是达到“量”的增加, 但在“质”的方面力不从心。这种培养模式必然制约高等教育的健康发展。同时, 某些高校为了争当世界一流大学, 只注重办学规模而忽视对学生科研能力和创新能力的培养, 因此, 一些人认为, 我国高等教育培养不出高素质创新人才。基于这种观点, 许多学生纷纷放弃国内大学, 选择出国留学。

4. 国内就业压力和生活压力

(1) 就业压力

一方面, 近年来我国高等院校扩招带来毕业生人数的增加, 从而增加了国内的就业压力。例如:2012年, 高校毕业生达到680万人, 粗略测算, 即使2012年年底高校毕业生就业率达到90%的水平, 仍会有近70万的高校毕业生在毕业年度不能实现就业[1]。另一方面, 我国许多高等院校专业设置不合理, 不能适应市场需求, 导致就业压力增加。另外, 我国大部分高等院校在招聘大学教师时都要求有留学经历。因此, 这也成为我国高等教育人才留学海外的主要原因之一。还有, 相对于国内高等院校的毕业生, 国内就业市场更青睐留学生, 致使一些人选择出国留学, 增加就业酬码。

(2) 生活压力

随着通货膨胀导致的国内物价上涨, 人们越来越觉得在国内生活压力较大, 特别是生活在北京、上海、广州等大城市的中产阶级。一方面工资增加速度缓慢令他们觉得生活并不宽裕, 另一方面日益上涨的房价和不断提升的教育经费等开支使他们感到生活负担日趋加重。于是, 一些人产生移民的念头。他们希望通过移民降低生活压力, 同时让孩子在外国读书, 学习先进的科学技术。

5. 信息资源的丰富和“被留学”现象

(1) 信息资源的丰富

随着国际化程度越来越高, 人们的信息来源日益丰富。而社会资源的国际化必然带来教育资源的国际化。一些国内留学中介纷纷涌现, 它们在网上不断发布留学信息, 采用各种方式和手段进行留学介绍。于是, 出国留学渠道增多, 似乎留学近在咫尺。

(2) “被留学”现象

“被留学”现象大致分为两类。一是“被中介留学”现象, 二是“被社会留学”现象。当一些家长盲目跟风时, 一些不正规的留学中介便趁虚而入, 于是出现“被中介留学”现象。另外, 我国的某些政策使一些人不得不选择出国留学, 于是出现“被社会留学”现象。例如, “异地高考”。曾有一位非京籍借读生在网上写道:“我不希望告诉老外自己是被逼出国。”目前, 户籍学籍捆绑制使一些非学习地户籍学生高考时进退两难:一方面非学习地户籍的学生无法在学习地参加高考, 另一方面非学习地户籍的学生又无法回户籍所在地参加高考。因为没有学籍, 他们只能以“社会招生”的名义考试, 不能参加各大高等院校的自主招生, 于是他们中的一些人选择出国留学。的确, “异地高考”已得到社会的普遍观注。2012年9月1日, 国务院办公厅发出文件, 要求各地在2012年12月31日前出台“异地高考”的具体办法。例如《北京市2013年普通高等学校招生报名通知》所限定的报名条件是:报名参加北京2013年高考的考生须具有本市正式户口, 外地转京户口限于2012年12月5日前在京落户者。


1. 国际合作力度的加大

随着中国加入世界贸易组织, 对外大门已然敞开, 此时, 教育必然深受影响。另外, 伴随国际交流合作力度加大, 信息技术广泛应用于各个领域, 于是国内外各种信息唾手可得, 自然加快国际学生流动。目前, 中国与188个国家和地区以及联合国教科文组织建立了合作伙伴关系, 与34个国家签署了学历互认的合同。这一切使“留学热”在我国不断升温。

2. 留学生为流入国带来经济效益

通过为其他国家提供教育以获得经济利益是近年来各国扩大留学招生的原因之一。以美国为例, 与其他国家相比, 美国的高等教育质量处于领先地位, 但其留学费用相对较高。据有关专家统计, 以2009年为标准, 一个留学生读四年本科所需的学费和生活费总额为60 000—140 000美元, 约410 000—960 000元人民币[2]。此外, 美国是世界上接受外国留学生最多的国家。据美国国际教育学会统计, 2011至2012学年, 外国留学生为美国贡献了超过227亿美元的经济效益。其中, 我国留学生为美国带来的经济效益最大。

3. 留学生加强流入国的人才实力

为了增强本国的人才实力, 各国竞相吸引留学生。为此, 各国采取有利于留学的手段, 放宽留学政策和签证政策, 使留学生数量不断增加。2011至2012学年, 我国赴美的留学生人数逼近20万, 相当于我国20多所著名大学一年毕业的学生人数。据有关统计, 自2002年至2012年, 美国留学生的数量增长了50%。又如2002年在美国获得科学和工程博士学位的中国研究生, 2007年回国的比例是8%, 仍留在美国的比例是92%。

2018去荷兰留学注意事项 篇3












去澳大利亚留学签证注意 篇4



















Australian student visa notice

According to statistics, in recent years, the Australian student visa application by the success rate is high, of course, http:/// is the ideal place for Australia to become Chinese immigration.But this does not mean that the Australian visa can be an easy job to obtain, many issues need attention the entire application process:visa applications need to comply with the provisions of the Australian visa

For students of different academic qualifications, have their corresponding Australian visa categories and specific provisions, do not look down on do not neglect this type of visa, the visa success or failure because the first step is so taken.For example, the 572 class

Student visa with the language up to not more than 20 weeks.If more than the required language weeks, there will be the following two situations, a direct refusal, there is only to get the visa of the language curriculum time, the end of the language

But also to return to renew.Of course, this is just one small example.Australian visa policy is not only the terms, but also up to date.Recommended that students do not understand these policies, do not blindly own to submit their applications,You need to find a professional consultant.visa materials can not copy

Each student family economic conditions are not the same, do not imitate others visa materials to submit an application.Such as classmates and friends around have the visa, the parents are only a two copy of proof of income and other

Conventional materials, http:/// if the applicant is a high income of individual companies, only a proof of income, then the investigation of the risk is very high!So be sure to let your consultant teacher make for the amount of your visa

File.delivery signed time to make reasonable arrangements

Australian visa in two ways: General sign and the electric sign.Visa processing time and the process of submitting to these two ways are not the same.Before the submission of visa, must consider carefully, the students also test IELTS? 5 how delivery, 6 minutes how to delivery? Such as the students have two months of school, you need to use the electric sign.Note: Australias electronic visa application not individual students open.guarantees must be fully prepared

The Australian Embassy explicit guarantee formula: tuition + living expenses + International travel.If you have a spouse or child, http:/// then calculate their cost of living.guarantee in the form of

Guarantees recognized by the Australian Embassy in two ways: to meet the 6 month history of deposits or loans(which do not require the deposit history).Under certain conditions, demand deposits or elite also can be used.Some parents will ask,Visa applications submitted a month later, the initial deposit is enough for 6 months, this fee can not be used as collateral when, http:/// the embassy is recognized in the submission of Embassy funds to six months deposit history can.tuition

国外留学的优缺点 篇5

In the US, the number of university students who study abroad increased dynamically.154,168 American college students studied abroad from 2000 to 2001 compared to 48,483 students from 1985 to 1986(Rooney 4).The more students study abroad, the more organizations have to work flexible.“The university has tried to track the changing interests of its students and the increasingly global nature of its curriculum by setting up programs in countries that did not attract as much interest a generation ago”(Rooney 2).A decade ago, the only destinations of studying abroad were in Western Europe, but there are many places for students to study abroad all over the world now(Rooney 2).Why students want to study abroad? For the reason, they can experience many amazing things.Studying abroad is not only to participate in classes at university but also to stay in different cultures and languages.To know other cultures is interesting, because bad manners in a country are sometimes normal things in the other.If you can speak more languages, we can talk to many people.Nowadays, it is very important to communicate with people who are from other countries because of businesses and to understand other cultures.This experience will positively affect one’s future.Furthermore, ways of thinking and knowledge will be wide and flexible.Therefore, studying abroad has many benefits.However, most students who desire to study abroad tend to think that they can experience only good things.This thinking relate to pamphlets because they only say good things.A studying abroad pamphlet says, “Learn a language, broaden your perspective, explore your identity, challenge yourself, increase your self-confidence and decision making skills, re-evaluate your priorities, values or goals, and discover a new or family cultural heritage”.If students read this, they will definitely feel like studying abroad, but they have to know opposite side.Besides, the most important thing to remember is why they go overseas.The purpose of studying abroad is, of course, to study.Some foreign students die because of accidents or committing suicide.International students experience not only good things but also many bad situations.However, bad things are rarely showed in public.Actually, a Japanese student was killed in Australia last year, but we did not hear any information after a few days of the first news.Students commit suicide rather than die by accidents.We meet with bad experiences because of the gap of cultures and languages, or we just do not suit the country.We cannot predict until we go to the country and stay.In addition, these bad experiences affect our study.Moreover, the worse situations are, the more we feel homesick.Consequently, everything makes us frustrated.People who want to study abroad have to know both good and bad sides.There are mainly three advantages of studying abroad, which are to be able to learn foreign language, experience fun things, and study much harder than doing in their own countries.On the other hand, three disadvantages are predicaments of communicating with people, getting used to a different culture, and tendency to be with people who are from same country.One of the most beneficial things of studying abroad is to be able to learn foreign languages from daily life.To speak more than two languages is necessity now because we have many chances to talk to people who are from overseas by business and even daily life.Most companies require us whether we can speak another language or not today.It is not unusual that people can speak more than 2 languages fluently any more.It means that borders of each county are getting low, and more people go out from their own countries recently than a decade ago.“We think language proficiency is one of the best things that can come out of study abroad”(Rooney 2).As she mentions, studying abroad equals to learn foreign language.Naturally foreign students can learn another language.The more they improve their language skills, the more they can enjoy their lives and make many friends who are native speakers.What do you expect when you travel abroad? You will expect different experiences from your culture.Of course, you can feel difference, but if you really want to experience different culture, you have to stay there.Otherwise you will not understand the culture in depth.Another advantage of studying abroad is that you can experience many interesting things.For example, there are different religions in

different countries.Mostly, East Asian countries are Buddhism, Middle Asian is Islam, and Christianity is the one of the biggest religions in the world.There are many unique or mixed religions all over the world.If students go to these certain places, they will experience different religious and traditional events.It is also very important to understand other cultures and people.They might feel weird, strange, or even sad, and annoyed, but these feelings help their thoughts wide and flexible because there is no right or wrong culture.My friend, Satoko Kogure, talked about her opinions of studying abroad.“I’m enjoying studying abroad in the US.I met a lot of people, and I could get different opinions and thoughts from them.I sometimes feel tired of this society and culture, but many people encourage me.What makes me really happy is that people try to understand me and they are interested in my culture.I like talking about cultures with people who have different cultures”(Kogure).She appeals to her emotions and characters.She mentions what she got and felt something warm from this country and people.In addition, she said that she was discriminated by American students at university.However, people who discriminated her recovered her.They had not considered her situation when they understood what foreign people feel about staying other countries.Finally, she appealed that, “What we have to do when we communicate with foreigners is not to be ethnocentrism.Everyone is also different even if they are from same country.Thus, we cannot say that this ethnic group is right and others are wrong”(Kogure).There are no bad things to know other cultures.The third advantage is to study much harder.Local students can understand what the teacher talks about during the class, whereas international students have a difficulty of following classes because of the gap of language, so we spend much more time for studying than students who are native speakers.Moreover, international students pay tuition twice as local students pay.It helps us study harder.Therefore, we have to study hard to get good scores and not to waste money.Actually, many foreign students get good grades and scholarships.Moreover, if we do not have a strong will about study, we cannot gain anything from this experience, and even we cannot live in another country.Hence, we are able to have confidence to try something new when

we study harder and harder.On the other hand, however, students who want to study abroad should not forget that they would also experience sad, hard, and bad things.One of the disadvantages is students are always facing difficulty of language.In classes, students sometimes do not know what the teachers talk about, they do not know what to do, and they miss very important information.Besides, they hesitate to ask what the other students are doing.Because of that, people seem to think that international students cannot speak the language at all so that people sometimes misunderstand or even ignore them.Actually, most international students learn the languages before studying abroad, but the native speakers’ speaking speed is totally different from the speed that foreign students learn in their own countries.Moreover, every language has difficult pronunciations.Language teachers can understand what foreigners say because the teachers have already gotten used to listen to foreigners’ speaking.But it is a little bit hard for general people to understand it.Thus, foreign students are disappointed to their language skills.Another problem of communicating with people who speak different languages is there are many words that have same meanings or similar meanings, or even a word has several meanings.Taking exams is hard for international people.First of all we have to understand exactly what the teachers ask about.Even we use dictionaries during the exams, dictionaries make us more confuse.Consequently, it takes more time to finish than local students.It is very interesting to know other cultures, but it is hard to live in another culture.We do feel different and uncomfortable living in different countries.There is a proverb, which is “When in Rome do as the Romans do”.This is true.If you behave as if you were in your country, you will be scorned because what you do might be bad manner or taboo in the country.But we cannot imitate everything local people do, and we sometimes cannot respect what they do.These differences make students annoy and frustrate.In addition, international students are sometimes discriminated because of their race and ethnic groups.Especially, discrimination against Arab people became severe after September 11th 2001.This is an article, which titled, “So, where are you

from”, written by Kristina Lane.This is about the situation of Middle East university students studying in United States of America after the accident happened.Actually, they are in the very difficult situation.They are dealt with in the same way as suspects.Many Arab students were arrested or detained as suspects of the terrorism just because they are from Arabic countries(Lane 5).Even if they were born in the US, and have US citizenships, they are still discriminated because of their race.Unfortunately, my Indian friend was attacked by Americans.We do not know why it happened, but he said that it was because of his race.The author mentions that, “I view it as a clear message that this country does not want Arab students to be in the country”(Lane 2).She appeals emotions, which is what Arab students feel now, and how some Americans feel to them.Not only Arab students but also people from all over the world have been dealt with American government strictly.For example, it is difficult to enter the US now and to get any kinds of visa.We have to be checked more than before at the airports.Even we can enter the US luckily;we have to submit many certificates to the government.Our all data is inputted into the computer.If you had a serious problem in another country, who would you ask to help? You would ask to people who are from same country.You could tell them exactly and they could understand why you are worried.You would better to find someone whom you can trust in another country.However, it is not good to be with someone who is from same country all the time.Once international students find someone who is from same country, they seem to be together anytime.When they feel homesick, they can encourage each other, and it is comfortable to be the people.However, as a result, they tend to restrict ourselves into the small group, and lose the chance to know the more diverse community.It does not make sense because we came to study another language and make many friends who are native speakers.This is just waste of money.In these advantages and disadvantages, there are similarities.In the case of language, if students try speaking a language to people who are the native speakers, they will improve their language skills.However, if they stick to only same ethnic
