


留学文案范文中英文 篇1


不论是个人陈述(Personal Statement)或者是推荐信(Recommendation Letter)其所针对的对象都是所申请学校的教授,所以文章必须尽量使用英语国家的人的思维方式,并能够吸引对方的注意力,做到eye-catching。



教授最想了解的是个人的能力,性格,和品质。有的个人陈述或者推荐信经常罗列一大推个人在校期间的事迹或者如何如何地积极参与课外活动。的确,这些活动确实能够表现出个人的性格特点以及为人处事能力,比如乐观,上进,组织能力强,协调性强,人际关系好等等一些列的personal attributes。但是,这些平时的表现只是作为一个论据,用以支持申请人对自己性格特点和个人能力的陈述。在文章的写作之中,首先需要把论点摆明,比如我是个什么样性格的人,我的能力如何,然后才需要拿这些课内外的具体活动项目作为论据充分支持证明之前的论点。总之,必须做到把话说全说完整,把论点突出(切忌遗漏),然后围绕论点展开具体的事实论证。若客户没有阐述清楚的话,文案自己可以研究活动内容,对内容体现的性格和能力进行总结。


教授希望通过文章了解到申请人对自己所学的和将来感兴趣的领域的认识和见解。这个是一个很好展现自身认知能力的平台。在个人陈述之中,往往可以见到很多针对某一现象或者某一领域的观点。乍看之下,说的很有气势,观点的方向也把握的很正确,但是仔细一看都是似曾相识。因为往往这些观点大家都是能够想到的非常宽泛的观点,事实上缺乏对事物和现象的深刻发掘和自身的独立思考。例如说:“I am interested in English literature”。这样的句子是为了表达申请人对文学的喜爱。但是这样的表达方式只是泛泛而谈,无法给人一个具体的印象。那就可以在后面追加解释对句子的表达具体化,比如说“I was concentrated on Milton and Shakespeare in college”等等,使得自己的陈述更为真实具有说服力。从文案顾问的角度来说,需要客户尽量提供更为细致和个性化的观点和见解。在客户不能提供的情况下,文案可以尽量帮助客户把观点细节化,避免落于泛泛而谈的俗套。





流水账式的陈述不仅给人印象平淡,更是给人感觉这就是另外一份CV。在文案写作之中,需要在客户所罗列的种种参加的活动或者经历之中,找出最闪光的一两件事情重点描述(focus on it)。而在每个段落,也需要在每段开头添加Topic Sentences,用以提挈纲领。

2、适当的创新总是消除读者疲倦感,是赢得关注的不二法宝。中国人,尤其是中国学生的创新能力一直倍受国际社会的质疑。诚然,普遍来说,确实是这么一个状况。在个人陈述或者推荐信的创新中,基本可以分为内容的新颖,表述的新颖和格式的新颖。内容因客户自身素质不同,所提供的经历也不尽相同。而文案顾问所能改变的在于表述和格式安排两块上。要做到表述新颖,最重要的丰富词汇量是不可或缺。同样一个表示“杰出“的词,在英文中可以有很多说法,比如“excellent, eminent, brilliant"等等,所以在措辞的选择上,尽量避免重复。但是并不是说要一味追求新颖而采用生僻词。例如,在表达宣传部长中的“宣传”时,可以看到propaganda一词,而这一较为生僻的词事实上表示贬义的情形居多。所以应当在了解清楚词汇的用法的基础上,追求创新。而格式安排的新颖既包括句子结构和文章结构。英语的句式千变万化,在清楚地表达内容的基础上,不同句式可以尽量多采用,一味的“I....”开头比较忌讳。而整篇文章结构的新颖是比较难做到的,就如同中文写作一样,有普通的三段式,也有自由诗。一般来说,采用三段式个人觉得比较稳妥。但是应当尽量使用承上启下的句子,圆润三段之间生硬的衔接。

3、注重头尾,在文章的开头和结尾做文章,尽量不落俗套。其实,这也是一个创新的问题。普遍来说,很多个人陈述和推荐信都以“My name is…”、“I’m a student/ professor/ teacher…”、“I recommend *** to you”这样的定式开头,又以“I hope I could have this opportunity to study in your college/ university…..”之类的套话结尾。这样的开头结尾是申请人定式思维的结果。如果说改动内容,其实不是很实际,因为自我介绍是必须的,但是可以考虑换一个方式(比如故事讲述的形式娓娓道来)介绍自己。



地产英文广告文案 篇2

2, moving the shadows, is your home clock. Chongqing yard

3, towards life to sell Meng, it will laugh at you. - Poly Marine Mayflower

4, life only once, try. - Deja and the sea

5, when the bustling and quiet cause disagreement, the most beautiful is not helpless turned, but its capability. - R & F Sheng Yue home

6, fame and fortune of this mountain, Wang Wang also do not wear. - quiet house

7, save money to buy a house too hard, buy a house to save money to fly. - Ideal City

8, this beautiful, read your noble heart. - Liang are mansion

9, elegant, more prosperous things. - Southwest Sea

10, scarcity slightly broad, more lively wild. - In the Hai Weile

11, life to a certain height, moved to become the biggest transcendence. - Yuan Li water era

12, do not let your taste, good enough for your house. - World of Wangzhuang

13, the text can not be exhausted, in person to see the beginning of elegance. - Longhu original mountain

14, in the life of the moment to meet you, actually spent all the luck. - Pomelo

15, art cure life. - DADA grassland

16, terrace customs million, take a step backwards. - Washington mansion

17, swing and hesitation, will only allow less chance! - Waterfront International

18, to the lover, and then also feel shallow shallow. - World City

19, the farthest distance is not landscape apart, but not quiet down to talk to you about life. - quiet house

留学申请书范本 中英文 篇3

I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006.I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.Recently, I have a dream to study abroad.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me.Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.出国留学计划

留学文案范文中英文 篇4


Employment and Income Certificate

留学英文信 篇5


I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from this College with an L.B. degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through highly competitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation. Even in such a selective group. Miss Li made herself distinguished. As professor and dean of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moral conduct, In her fourth year study, I instructed her in Anglo-American Laws on Trespass. So I have known her quite well. Miss Li’s performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our university and in other university here, 80 is considered “A” , the highest level. As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study in Law for an advanced degree. I am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the st udy. I recommend Miss Li without reservation and shall appreciate your favorable consideration of her application

留学文案范文中英文 篇6

Visas and Residence Permit Need-To-Know for the International Students


The International students must come to China with a study visa(“X or F”).If a student has come with a tourist visa, he/she must change it to a study visa.2、留学生新生应在入境后十天之内到广东出入境检验检疫局作体检或体检复查认证,合格后方可办理居留许可。国际教育中心将在新生入学后统一安排体检。

The new students must go to Guangdong Exit-Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for physical exam or verification within 10 days after entering China.The qualified students will receive a health certificate, which is need for residence permit.The International Education Center will arrange physical exam or verification for the new students.3、学生须在入境后三十日内办理外国人居留许可。居留许可的时限和在华学习时间一致。已有居留许可的学生在居留许可期限内出入境无需办理返签手续。

The students should apply for a residence permit within 30 days after they arrive in China.The length of residence permit will be the same as the length he/she studies in China.The students with a valid residence permit don’t need to apply for a re-entry visa.4、留学生在校学习期间如因护照遗失、换发或其他原因须申请居留许可延期者,由学生本人到广州市公安局出入境管理处办理相关手续,国际教育中心提供学校证明。申请居留许可延期需要的材料:1)本人护照原件及复印件;2)《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》一份,贴近期正面免冠2寸彩色照片;3)《临时住宿登记表》一份(需到居住地派出所盖章);4)学校书面证明。The students who need residence permit extension due to the passport lost or changed , they should go to the Administrative Department of the Entry and Exit of Aliens, Guangzhou Public Security Bureau to handle it by themselves, the International Education Center will provide the necessary documents.The students need to bring the following documents to PSB: 1)passport and copy.2)the Visa and Residence Permit Application Form with a passport-size photo attached.3)the Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation(which should have the seal of local Police Station).4)the college’s certificate.5、凡办理居留许可延期者,应在居留许可到期前至少一周办理延期手续;如遇学期结束或假期,学生应提前半个月办理。办理完毕应到国际教育中心登记备案。

For residence permit extension, it should be handled at least one week before it expires.In case of the end of semester or school vacation, it should be handled half a month in advance.The student should bring the passport to the International Education Center for registration after it is extended.6、留学生如居住地点变动,须到当地派出所登记并将派出所盖章确认的《临时住宿登记表》交回国际教育中心备案。

The student must report to the local Police Station in case of changing the living place and bring the sealed Registration Form of Temporary Accommodation back to the International Education Center for registration.7、从外地、外校转入我校学习的留学生,应在来校后十日内办理居留变更手续。

The students who transfer to GZCCC should have their residence permits changed within 10 days after arrival.8、因故转学、退学或其他原因离校的学生,需凭学生处书面通知国际教育中心完善有关居留许可手续。未完善手续擅自离校的学生,一切后果自负。

The students who are going to leave GZCCC due to transfer, dropout or other reasons must go to the International Education Center to go through the formalities of residence permit.Otherwise, they will take the full responsibility of illegal stay.9、留学生去香港、澳门和台湾地区或不对外国人开放地区探亲或旅游,须自行办理相关手续。The students should arrange the necessary documents by themselves if they want to travel to Hong Kong, Macao and those places where are not open to foreigners.10、学校原则上不邀请留学生家属来校伴读,如情况特殊,家属只能持旅游签证在华停留。In general, the college will not invite the students’ spouse and children to accompany.If necessary, they can only come to China with tourist visa.11、若护照遗失或更新,学生应立即向国际教育中心报告,并由学生本人向本国驻华使(领)馆申请新护照,持新护照在规定时间内去市出入境管理局办理居留许可手续。

In case of passport lost or renewed, the student should immediately report to the International Education Center and apply for a new passport from their embassy by themselves, and then go to the Administrative Department of the Entry and Exit of Aliens, Guangzhou Public Security Bureau to apply for a new residence permit.12、留学生办理体检、体检认证、签证转换、居留许可、居留许可迁移、延期的费用一律自理。All the expenses for physical exam, verification of physical exam, change of visa type, handling residence permit and its transfer or extension will be borne by the students.13、留学生应妥善保管好本人护照并注意居留有效期,逾期产生的一切后果自负。

The student should take care of his passport and the validity period of residence permit.If it is overdue, he must be responsible for all consequences arising therefrom.14、留学生完成学业后,必须在居留许可到期前离开中国。如因特殊原因需要延期,需到国际教育中心办理申请延期所需手续。

出国留学英文信 篇7

dear prof. dr.0000

i take great pleasure in writing a letter of recommendation for dr. 0000 to support his application for a postdoctoral position in your lab.

dr. 00 is an outstanding graduate student working for the m.s. degree under my supervision. in my contact with him in the university, his creativity and attitude to research work gave me deep impression. he always proposed new ideas on his research and could resolve problems by himself, i was very satisfied with him.

dr 00 has been working on molecular luminescence research about six years. as i know, most of his researches have been concentrated on bioanalytical chemistry in his master’s work, such as protein and nucleic acids assays etc. in these fields, dr. 00 has strong background and research ability. he has and would be published several papers in international journals. i am often interested in reading his papers in publication and discussing with him. i am very appreciated of his research ability.

dr 00 also possesses very fine character. he is a devoted research worker. he works on weekends. he is an honest and smart, reliable and responsible person, and is very cooperative too.

based on these qualities, i believe this young man will achieve greater academic success in his future work. therefore, i strongly support his application, and it would be greatly appreciated if you could give him your favorable consideration.

please feel free to contact me if i can answer any additional questions about 0000. my address is as follows:

professor 0000


p. r. china

your sincerely


留学个人简历英文 篇8



Email id jianli.yjbys.com


Human Resources and Office Specialist




To secure responsible position that will challenge my abilities allowing me to fully utilize my problem solving, organizational, customer service and communication skills.


Well qualified Professional. Experienced in fast paced environments that depend on efficiency and accuracy. Exceptionally competent. Self-starter with strong Human Resources background. Recipient of American Bankers Association coveted Outstanding World-Class Customer Service Award.


Bank of America, MidAtlantic Consumer Bank, Personnel

January - Present

Responsibilities include but not limited to employee relations, benefits, payroll Specialist, database management, ensuring compliance of all legal and government reporting and policies for the divisions

Participate in recruitment efforts for exempt and non-exempt positions; schedule interviews, coordinate temporary staffing for the division

Serve as the point of contact for all personnel employee matters and provide guidance to associates

Coordinate and monitor leaves of absences in designated markets in the division

Ensure compliance and consistency of company policies, procedures and best practices

Track reviews and handle performance management issues with managers and associates

Salary Specialist that includes merit increase, salary adjustment and changes, transfers, leave of absence, etc.

Participate in recruitment effort for exempt and non-exempt personnel; coordinate advertisements and position postings;

Monitor personnel hiring and terminations and ensure accuracy of data input and systems access for associates

Prepares and compile data for staffing and diversity related reports and distribute to management

Maintains employee confidence and protects operations by maintaining personnel data confidential and accurate

Communicates with executives and line management to gather and convey relevant information to associates

Washington Hospital Center, Recruitment & Employment, Human Resources

February - January 2005

Provided direct support for recruitment in a 6,000 employee healthcare organization that include recruitment efforts

Processed over 100 new hires on a monthly basis that include assigning employee numbers, scheduling pre-employment physicals, background and reference checks, verification of education and credentials/licensures

Ensured that the employment process is in compliance with hospital philosophy, policies and procedures and Federal and District of Columbia laws and coordinates and facilitates new hire orientation

Recruit candidates for various department positions and ensure that the application process meets standards

Duties included maintaining long-term customer relationships and act as primary liaison between employees and outside vendors

Verified identification and the authorization to work in the United States for new employees, requisition employees, and rehires

Screened resumes and applications and conduct preliminary interviews for entry-level and nursing positions to identify qualified applicants

Generated monthly queries for management review; administer HR tracking system for new hires and terminations

Coordinated and participate in job fairs/open houses and maintain calendar for upcoming events

American Bankers Association (1995-), Administrative Manager, Membership

February -November 2002

Managed the administrative processes that include supervising support staff, compose correspondence, departmental calendars, office supplies, expenditures, and technical support and vendor relations

Managed departmental $3M budget; forecast changes and monitor all monthly expenses

Managed logistics for executive committee meetings that include but not limited to facility, attendees, agendas and travel arrangements and attendees for events

Developed and coordinated members and nonmembers membership invoice mailings and track payments for membership dues

Ensure adequate phone coverage for the department

Sr. Human Resources Partner

November 1995 -January 2001

Assisted the Association of 500 employees with staffing and recruitment processes; administered pre-employment test, screened resumes, scheduled interviews, employment verifications, completed background and reference checks Processed personnel actions that included salary adjustments, merit increases, transfers, leave of absence, pension Calculations, metro check deductions and benefits programs

Coordinated new employee orientation and ensure that new hires paperwork is completed accurately

Updated the vacancy announcements, bulletin board, ABA web pages, job line and external web sites

Composed and submitted job ads to various recruitment sources and tracked monthly advertisement expenses

Managed the internal temporary staffing pool and youth employment programs for various internship positions

Scheduled and interviewed candidates for administrative positions

Formulated and assembled personnel policies and procedures to various department in the Association

Scheduled and coordinated blood drives and influenza shot programs for the Association

MCI Telecommunications Corporation (1987-1995), Accounts Payable Analyst, Marketing Analysis

October 1994 -August 1995

Researched financial reports on the Accounts Payable database system Processed invoices and reconciled accounts

Maintained overdue invoice reports, discrepancy ledger accounts and tracked purchase orders

Developed and maintained a filing system to track invoices more effectively and managed accounting related projects

Executive Secretary/Administrative Assistant, Marketing

August 1987 -September 1994

Assisted the Director of Marketing with the daily operations of the department and provided administrative support to Director and staff that include composing correspondence, office supplies, travel arrangements, technical support and vendor relations

Coordinated logistics for executive committee meetings, calendars and travel arrangements

Tracked departmental expenditures that include but not limited to purchase order management, petty cash and vendor payments

Maintained specialized database system on workstation occupancy

Supervised temporary employees on special projects and provided administrative and project management support to department

National Coalition, Receptionist/Word Processor

December 1986-August 1987

Provided receptionist and word processing support to staff

Typed correspondence and developed presentations, travel arrangements, meeting planning and coordinate fundraising events

Performed clerical duties assigned that included distributing mail, filing, faxing and Xeroxing

Georgetown University Hospital, File Clerk, Medical Records

January 1985-December 1986

Retrieved medical records requested by physicians and filed lab work in patients records

Transcribed physicians diagnosis on patients care by using a Dictaphone

Performed duties assigned by Office Manager


Thomson Education Direct

May - Present

Human Resources Management

American University

January - June

Society for Human Resources Management - Certificate Program -May 1997 Management Practices, Selection & Placement, Training & Development, Health/Safety & Security, Employee & Labor Relations, Compensation & Benefits

Strayer Business College

January 1992 -December 1992

Business Specialist


Basic Supervision, Business Writing, Dale Carnegie-Effective Speaking & Human Relations, Time Management, Speed-Reading, Stress Management, Myers Briggs, Interviewing People, Management Skills, Project Management, Medical Terminology, Telemarketing, CPR Certification, SHRM -Professional Membership


Microsoft Suite, Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher, WordPerfect 6.1, Lotus Notes, HTML/Web Site Design, HRIS Systems, Database Management Systems, PDS/Client Server

