


Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇1

Part 1 Analysis of the students

The students of Grade 4 have already learned some animals on the farm. They are familiar with these animals and interested in them. For they are still children they are very active and competitive.

Part 2 Analysis of the teaching material

1. In this lesson some animals are learned before, so the students are familiar with them. In this lesson teacher should pay attention to the pronunciation of the plurals of the animals.

2. The key points of this lesson is the plurals and how to use them correctly. Teacher needn’t explain them in details but enable the students to use them in correct way.

3. The part of Let’s do is not the important point. Teacher only let students know the actions and do them with the help of the tape.

Part 3 Teaching aids

CAI a recorder clothes of a farmer

Part 4 Teaching procedures and my purpose

All the procedures are divided in three big parts: Presentation, consolidation and practise


Step 1 Greeting and Warming-up

a. sing a song: Old Macdonald

b. TPR: act like a fish, a bird, a monkey, etc

[Purpose: To produce a warm and relaxing teaching atmosphere and review some animals to reserve the next step. ]

Step 2 Guessing

a. teacher presents a farm and lets students guess “What’s at the farm?”

dog cat horse sheep

If students guess right teacher gives him/her a star.

b. teacher shows these animals one by one and lets students guess “ How many ______s are there?”

dog------three dogs

cat-------five cats

horse------six horses

sheep------two sheep

[Purpose: In this step from the guessing game teacher can arouse the students’ interests easily. Because as students of Grade 4 they are active and have wide imagination. Further more in b. from letting students guess the number teacher can teacher the pronunciation of plurals naturally.]

Step 3 Finding

a. teacher let students look for the other animals and present the key structure “What are they?” “They are goats.”

b. Teacher lets students make dialogue and pays more attention of the usage of the plurals.

------What are they?

------They are goats./ cows/ hens/lambs.

c. have a competition: teacher presents a big farm with many animals are there and lets students make more dialogues. Then see which group finishes it quickly.

[Purpose: in this step the communicative approach is used here. From the finding games and competitive games teacher can arouse the students’ interest in the high. At the same time let students practice the key structure one by one and also in the different ways can provide more time and space for students to master the key structure.]

Step 4 Consolidation

Make a employment

Teacher acts as an old farming who is working hard and difficultly. So he needs an assistant to help him. Then imagine you are an employee and you go to the farm. The old farmer will ask you some questions:

1. Can you feed the hens?

2. Can you ride a horse?

3. Can you milk a cow?

4. Can you shear a sheep?

5. Can you hold a lamb?

(from Let’s do. Teacher asks and acts, let students understand them. At last listen to the tape and chant.)

[Purpose: From the task-based learning approach teacher design a task “ Employment” and let students understand the contest from Let’s do. This is a real language surrounding students can master them well.]

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇2


本节课教学重点是能读懂Let’s Read部分的一封信, 学生能根据John的描述, 以书信形式展开有实际意义的写作活动, 并在写作过程中, 养成英语思维习惯。


本节课是阅读写作课, 话题内容主要围绕John上周活动展开, 鉴于学生已在前面两个课时基本掌握了重点句型, 教师可在导入环节与学生直接交流, 开启真实交际的课堂。

(一) 感知写作主题, 激活思维品质

【教学片段一】师生交流, 紧扣话题

上课伊始, 教师与学生互致问候后, 出示一个上周的日历, 说:“April 3rd/...was Monday/Tuesday.It was last week.”学生跟读, 并板书last week自然导入本节课的话题。随后, 教师基于学生的真实生活, 利用“What did you do last Monday/Tuesday...?”等问题, 构建话题, 展开师生交流。

T:What did you do last Monday?

S1:I did my homework.

S2:I went to park with my family.


学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的。在阅读写作教学过程中, 合理设计学前问题能启发学生的英语思维。授课教师利用对话式的课前问题“What did you do...?”展开问答对话交流, 促进了师生相互之间对彼此的信息了解, 帮助学生回顾旧知, 将学习的目光聚焦到过去行为, 为教师有效实现下一个教学环节做好了铺垫。

【教学片段二】预测活动, 激发兴趣

预测有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣和阅读欲望, 形成对文本的期待。为激发学生的阅读写作兴趣, 教师利用教材提供的文本资源, 提出“What did John do on Monday/Tuesday...?”展开对教材内容的预测活动。

T:What did John do on Monday?

S1:He watched TV.

S2:Maybe he went to park with his family.



预测活动有效引领了学生学会分析, 丰富了学生的话语, 使学生关注文本人物;学生在交流中巩固了旧知, 在预测课文内容过程中, 充分了解本课文本, 不但激发了学生阅读文本和验证自己猜测的兴趣, 激活了学生判断与推理的能力, 还推进了学生语言和思维的双发展。

【教学片段三】播放录音, 处理信息

精心设计的听力活动可以帮助学生对文本形成初步的体验, 建构起与文本核心内容有关的基本信息。学生通过读前的交流活动, 对文本有了初步的了解, 教师利用PPT呈现教材文本提供的如下五道习题, 展开课堂听写活动。

T: (指着PPT) Now listen carefully.What did John do last week?Do you want to know?


T:OK, let’s listen and fi ll in the blank.


在阅读写作教学中, 教师利用PPT图式 (见图2) , 通过听音填写活动, 捕捉录音内容的核心要素, 培养学生在听中捕捉信息的能力。学生在听的过程中自己印证先前对文本的猜测, 有效降低了初次接触文本的难度;学生在写的过程中, 梳理文本主要信息, 注意力集中, 为进一步的阅读写作教学打下了基础。

【教学片段四】小组交流, 反馈信息

教师要求学生两人一组, 以对话形式展开交流, 并在课堂上汇报结果。

T:OK, let’s talk in pairs fi rstly.

Th en come to the blackboard in front of the class.

S1:What did John do On Monday/Tuesday...?

S2:He went to...


学生的体验来源于课堂上真实、有效的输入。学生先通过听录音, 感知文本, 完成相应填空练习, 再根据自己对文本的理解, 以对话交流——说的形式, 梳理信息, 感知写作主题, 学生的自主思维能力得到进一步提高。


教师通过与学生的自由交流, 消除英语课堂学习的紧张气氛;教师利用学前问题, 搭建写作文本与学生现有知识之间的桥梁, 将学生自然引入到新课的学习中来, 让学生展开对主题的讨论, 使学生在交流中快速熟悉写作主题, 产生探究新知的愿望和兴趣。

教师利用听说教学手段, 一方面激发学生故事学习的兴趣, 另一方面又增加了语言的输入量, 提升了学生用英语思维的能力;教师利用习题, 提高了听力的效果;利用小组汇报, 学生在说的过程中, 帮助学生理清了写作层次, 提高了后续教学的实效性。

(二) 体验写作主题, 培养写作习惯

【教学片段一】借助文本信息, 改写文本

课堂写作的目的在于及时巩固学习内容。为了全面检测学生对文本的理解状况, 活跃学生的思维, 发展学生的语言运用能力, 教师提供如下写作支架, 布置写作任务的“起点”。写作框架一:提炼文本内容, 重组关键信息。


要使学习者成功地习得语言, 仅仅依靠语言输入是不够的, 还要使学习者进行大量的语言输出。学生在半开放的语境中, 通过对文本的改写, 以要点的方式提炼文本信息, 不但可以增强学生的写作信心, 还加强了教师对学生文本改写的引导, 培养了学生写作的兴趣和积极性。

【教学片段二】丰富写作形式, 提高写作能力

在学生成功改写文本之后, 教师适时追问:Did you have fun last week?引导学生根据自己的生活经历, 将教师作为笔友, 以电子邮件的形式, 仿写文本, 获得完整语意的自然表达。


教材是教学内容的原材料, 是教师展开课程资源开发的一个依据, 但不是唯一依据。学生在“自由、无限”的生活体验空间中, 语言运用、实践会更有实效。在以上教学片段中, 教师为学生提供整体的语言信号以及真实的语言情境, 让学生在有意义的语境中学习和运用英语, 提高了学生的交际能力。

【教学片段三】架构写作框架图, 提高语言运用能力

进一步帮助学生内化知识, 迁移能力。教师提供了文本写作的部分关键词框架图 (见图3) , 创建开放性的写作平台。

该活动符合学生的生活经验和认知水平, 学生可以结合实际展开想象, 有话可说, 写起来比较流利、顺畅, 学生对此真实的写作活动表现出极大的热情, 其中有位同学以书信的形式这样写道:

Dear Mr Yang,

How are you?

Th is was a busy weekend.On Saturday morning I went to the Huang Mountains with my family.I saw many people there.In the aft ernoon we went shopping in the city.We had no time to cook, so we ate some oranges and hamburgers.In the evening I watched TV with my father and mother.I had a good time.

Wr ite to me s o on and tell me ab out your weekend?Was it busy?


Lin Haoming


教师适时让学生展示并朗读他们的作品, 并及时给予鼓励的评价, 学生体验到了成就感;学生在运用语言的过程中逐渐掌握文本知识, 积极运用所学语言知识进行语言输出, 切实提高了综合语言运用能力。


学生只有在不同形式的综合练习活动中才能验证自己的语言运用能力, 提高思维的深度和广度。阅读写作教学不仅要让学生理解教学内容, 掌握语言知识, 更重要的是培养学生的语言输出能力, 发展学生的综合语言运用能力。学生在关键词框架图的提示下, 充分联系实际生活经验, 灵活运用所学语言进行表达, 学生在运用中练习、在练习中掌握、在掌握中运用, 最终获得综合语言运用的能力。

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇3

知识目标 :能听、说、认读单词:one , two . three ,four , five的数字单词,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。

能力目标:能够在图片、实物和教师的帮助下运用How many …?询问物品的数量。




教学重点:能听、说、认读单词:one , two .three ,four , five的数字单词,并能按照指令做出相应的动作。

教学难点:数字的发音,尤其是three 和five的发音。

教学方法:情境教学方法 小组合作学习法 练习法

教学准备:卡片 自制教具 教科书 录音机



1、Greeting 板书 How

2、今天是Sam 的生日,Zoom和Zip 去为他祝贺生日,让我们也去祝他生日快乐吧! 引出课题:Unit 6 Happy birthday,看黑板和老师一起拼读这些字母好吗?师板演



1、How many candles ? 学习数字one


2)、课件正音:听音、 模仿、跟读。


2、同样方法学习数字:two :two,two ,小剪刀。

three:three ,three, 花孔雀。

four :four,four ,小扇子。

five:five ,five,小手掌。

3、Say chant :

one ,one,one,小薯条。

two , two,two ,小剪刀。

three,three ,three, 花孔雀。

four ,four,four ,小扇子。

five,five ,five,小手掌。


4、Lets play: Show me one…



1、Lets count

1)、看图数数 (课件)





2、 听指令,摘蘋果。(要求摘到苹果的同学要拼读出单词,才可以得到苹果)

3、 听音,写数字。


1、Lets chant














Unit 6 Happy birthday

A Lets learn

How many candles?

one two

three four five



1. 注重采用多种手段落实新知。

本课时中,我采用内容丰富且紧密联系、环环相扣的活动引入新知,激发了学生学习的热情。在操练过程中,我注重调动学生的多种感官,通过看、听、说、做等多种方式,通过 动一动、拍一拍、数一数、等不同活动方式巩固和拓展新知。

2. 注重教学重、难点的把握和突破。

本节课的教学重点是正确认读新单词。因此,在呈现three(/ θ /), five(/ v /) 过程中,我多次强调学生看我的口型说和读,并在课件演示中用红色标示这些字母提醒学生注意。本课时的教学难点是three(/ θ /), five(/ v /)的发音,在这堂课中,学生基本上能解决这些问题。

3. 注重教学与学生实际生活联系。


4. 注重游戏的教学功能,提高识记效果



1. 在引入“数字”这个话题时, 没有更好的情景创设使学生更加感兴趣呢?

2. 需培养学生说一个完整的句子的能力,尽量做到“词不离句”,同时培养学生的语感。

3. 在活动设计方面,要从学生的实际出发,找到学生的最近发展区,不要过于简单也不要太难。 个别活动的先后顺序有待调整,应考虑到课堂气氛的起伏变化和活动难度的选择。

4. 多关注个性偏内向、不爱表达的学生,慢慢引导他们喜欢上英语并敢于表达思想。

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇4







1、能听、说、认读friend, strong, thin , quiet, friendly等单词和词组。

2、能听懂、会说Her/His name is ….He/She is…..并能在实际情境中运用。


(三)情感目标:朋友是人生一笔巨大的财富,所以我们要珍惜朋友!Friends are important to us.We should respect them and value our friendship.四、教学重点:




(一)单词“thin” 的发音。并能正确拼写所学新单词。








2、唱歌谣(设计意图: 通过热身活动让学生放松并把注意力集中到英语课堂上,在愉快的氛围中开始今天的课程。)Let’s chant Tall tall tall, make yourself tall.Short short short, make yourself short.Long long long , make your arms long.Short short short, make your arms short.Big big big, make your eyes big.Small small small , make your eyes small.通过说唱歌谣复习tall, short本节课需要的形容词。


1、出示新课课题:Unit 3 My friends

2、看图说句子,学习单词“friend”(课件出示图片)T:I take you many fiends.Do you want to know Who are they?Who is she/he? Ss: His/Her name is….(照片)T:… is my friend.学生跟读。


3.Introduce your classmate.练习句型及复习单词his,her 学生使用句型“Who’s he/she? His/ Her name is ….”向老师介绍班里的同学。


在介绍名字的时候,老师问其中一名同学“Do you want to be my friend?”,引导学生回答:“Yes.”并握手说:“Nice to meet you.”学生说:“Nice to meet you ,too.”教师适时说:“He/She is friendly.”

学生学习单词,并将单词贴于相对应的图画下面。5.学习新单词“strong”和词组“tall and strong” T: Look at the picture.Who is he ? Ss: His name is Yao Ming.T: Is he tall? Ss: Yes, he is.T:Is he strong? Ss: Yes T:We can say, He is tall and strong.6.学习新单词“thin”和词组“short and thin”

T:Look at that man, he is Yao Ming’s friend.Who is he ? S: His name is Li Lianjie.T: Is he tall? S:No, he is short.T:Is he strong ? S:No.T:He is thin.教师教学新单词“thin”注意提醒学生“th”的发音。7.复习单词tall ,short, strong, thin 唱歌谣be tall ,be tall ,be tall tall tall.Be short, be short , be short short short.Be strong ,be strong, be strong strong strong.Be thin ,be thin, be thin thin thin.8.教学单词quiet.T:Shh~~~~~ be quiet ,be quiet ,be quiet quiet quiet 教学新单词“quiet”。

(三)情景交际,巩固新知 1.拼读所学新词。2.情景交际

Today is John’ birthday, he invites many friends.学生对话:Who is he / she? His / Her name is ….He / She is ….(四)扩展听读 整体感知

1、Let’s chant Tim is my friend.He’s good, good boy.He’s tall and thin.He’s a good , good boy.Lily is my friend.She’s cute ,cute girl.She’s quiet and friendly.She’s a cute cute girl.2、看歌谣回答问题



(五)整体运用,灵活表达 完成练习题卡My friend I have a good friend.His / Her name is He is / She is and.He is / She is(六)课后复习、巩固知识 1.情感目标渗透:

朋友是人生一笔巨大的财富,所以我们要珍惜朋友!Friends are import to us.We should respect them and value our friendship.2.家庭作业布置


Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇5

1、用彩色笔,词卡或实物引出5个颜色词汇的教学,在认读之后,让孩子们找一找身边的这种颜色,并告诉别人:Red, red, it’s red。/…学生们仔细地观察着身边所有事物的颜色,当他们发现所学的颜色时,脸上洋溢着兴奋的笑容,大声地与别人分享自己的发现。学生们置身于彩色世界中,找颜色,说颜色。当活动停止时,他们还意犹未尽。

2、学完red, yellow, green后,我安排了谁是交通规则小标兵的活动,听指令,做动作。Red light, stop。 Yellow light, wait。 Green light, go。当知识与生活经验相结合时,这本身就是一种质的提高。

3、我们来调色,利用课件让学生猜测两种颜色调和后会呈现什么新的颜色,通过英语和美术学科的整合,既给学生提供了说的机会,同时拓宽了他们色彩方面的知识,一举两得。最终还能形成chant: Green, green, I can make green。 Blue and yellow make green。/…

4、利用课件,快速呈现5个带颜色的图形,然后隐去颜色让孩子们猜一猜,What colour is it?学生们注意力马上集中起来,边看边记,答题效果非常好。我觉得这个活动也有助于培养孩子的记忆思维能力。

5、在单纯猜颜色之后,我又让孩子们猜具体的文具和器官的颜色,如:a ____ pencil,a _____ mouth等,新旧知识滚动运用,从词拓展到了短语,学生的表达能力得到了进一步的提高。

6、接下来是I can say环节,我先示范:Look, I have a green book。在我的引导下,孩子们的话匣子一下子打开了。因为有了前一步的短语铺垫,再过渡到这个句子,学生们就很容易表达出来了。语用目标在这一环节得到了充分的体现。

7、为了能让孩子了解更多关于颜色的`知识,我又给他们猜测yellow dog, blue in the face, red flag等的真正含义,使他们了解了中西方文化的差异。

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇6

黄山中小 王翠翠

本课教学目标是能够听、说、读、写句型:What’s your hobby ? I like collecting stamps.He likes collecting stamps ,too.为了完成以上教学目标,我开展了如下教学活动。


在新课呈现过程中,我先是让学生听录音,解决Let’s try部分,这是从声音上让学生提前有个感知,对本文的教学重难点有个预先的了解。因为内容很简单,学生们听了一遍就能圈出正确答案了,但是我还是放了两遍,这样更加深学生的印象。但是我用的课堂用语,学生们听起来好像很迷茫的样子,很简单的课堂用语都听不明白,这点着实怨我平时用的太少,等讲课的时候再拿出来用,我说起来很生硬,孩子们听起来也不太明白。接下来我用很多邮票导入:I like collecting stamps , he likes collecting stamps , too.这个句型,孙老师帮我做的课件很好的显示了第三人称单数要加s的重点,课件非常形象生动,动态的s让学生们记忆更深刻。为了复习这个三单,我加入了很多图片,各种真人秀,让孩子们的兴趣非常高,特别是他们喜欢的张杰、郭晶晶,他们高举着自己的双手,大声喊着“me …me…”回答得非常漂亮。在正式进入新课中,我仍然是按照先听再学的方式,放了两遍听力,让学生们听音回答问题,这一环节完成得也是非常漂亮,因为我引入了分组竞争的办法,南北半球pk,他们回答问题的积极性很高昂。听完音,回答完问题,我领着孩子们读了一遍课文,再让他们自己读,他们读得很认真,我看到很多同学都能流利地背诵下来。在表演展示环节,我还是分组进行的,南北两组一个充当吴一凡,另一组充当约翰,然后再反过来,如此进行了两遍。后来我感觉这个地方,练得太少了,而且形式也不够生动。在接下来的练习环节,我出了两个题目,第一个练习like的不同形式,第二大题要求根据要求完成句子,都不是很难,有的学生起来回答问题的时候出错了,其他同学也能马上反应过来,予以纠正。但是遗憾的是,我的课件一个地方做错了,之前我看过好多遍,都没有发现这个错误,真是不够认真。在小结部分,我用了同学们非常感兴趣的一张图片:QQ农场。借助农场,我问孩子们今天收获了什么?然后让他们把这几个重点句子写在练习本上。


Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇7



本课时是小学英语新PEP教材三年级下册Unit3 At the zoo.A Let’s learn的内容。所要掌握的单词和句型与学生的生活实际十分贴近,学生对动物也比较感兴趣。因此,在教学中创设情境,通过介绍和描述动物的外面特征把知识点贯穿其中,激发了学生学习的兴趣,让学生在教师创设的语言环境中进行听、说、读、写训练,以此培养学生的综合语言运用能力。







1、能听、说、认读几个形容词:fat, thin, tall和short.并能在实际生活中正确运用。


教学重点:能听、说、认读几个形容词:fat, thin, tall和short.教学难点:能听、说、认读几个形容词:fat, thin, tall和short.并在句子中运用。










(一)Warming up(导入)

1.Let’s chant.让学生观看三年级上册Unit4 B Let’s do,跟着音乐一起来Act like an elephant…唤醒学生对动物的记忆,为接下来的学习做铺垫,同时也可以起到激发兴趣,活跃学习氛围的作用。


2.Free talk and review

教师紧接歌谣问学生:What animals do you know? 学生回答elephant, panda…

T: OK!Let’s play a guessing game.Brain storming(头脑风暴)What animal is it?(教师用幻灯片出示一些动物的图片,快速出现,又快速隐藏,让学生通过瞬时记忆来猜出动物,如果学生还不能猜出该动物,则用动作去示范。)



1.T: Wow, you did a good job!Boys and girls, do you like animals?

Ss: Yes, we do.T: Let’s go to the zoo.设计理念:(呈现动物园图片,创设动物园情境,让学生在情境中学习。)2.Here is the zoo!What can you see at the zoo? S1: Monkey.T: Look at that monkey.It’s fat.(呈现fat单词并教授、板书)设计理念:(通过师生问答引入新课句型和单词学习。)

T: Now, can you see the sentence? “ Look at that….It’s …” to describe the animal.(教师用幻灯片呈现一些肥猫或肥猴子让学生用所学句型描述动物)S1: Look at the monkey.It’s fat.S2: Look at the cat.It’s fat.The same way to teach the other words.(三)Practice & Consolidation巩固操练

1.Listen and repeat.在学习完所学新单词后,听录音跟读课文。2.Let’s play a game.Act and guess.教师请一名学生上台,悄悄对他说单词fat, thin, tall 或short.该学生做动作,其他学生猜单词。

2.Pair work: Talk about your favourite animals.同桌用所学句型互相谈论自己喜欢的或自己带来的动物。A: I like pandas.Look at that panda.B: Oh, it’s fat.3.Let’s do:Be fat!Be fat!Be fat, fat, fat.(听听做做,趣味操练新单词)4.games:(游戏操练,激发学生活力,调节课堂气氛)Game1:看图说出相应的形容词。Game2:结合It’s…句型来描述所见单词。Game3:小组表演Let’s do,评出最佳表演组。

(四)Sum up 归纳小结

1、单词:今天学习的形容词:fat, thin, tall, thin.2、掌握怎样描述动物的句型:Look at that… It’s… 3.It’s + 形容词。表示描述某样东西或物品。








(七)Board writing(板书)

Unit3 At the zoo A Let’s learn

Look at that….fat



Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇8

1. at (the) least not less than 至少,起码

at (the ) most not more than 最多

At least it will take you two days to get there on foot.

Why not buy a dictionary? It will cost you twenty yuan at most.

1. supply

1) V. give sth. needed or asked for

supply sb. with sth. supply sth. to sb.

The shop supplies people with meat, eggs and milk.

The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.

2) n. supply and demand 供与求

water supply 供水 in short supply 供应不足

3. take a look at have a look at

Can I take a look at your new dictionary?

4. begin …with 以…开始

The concert began with the National Anthem.

close/end …with以…结束

It closed with words that quickly became famous: “Working people of all countries unite! ”

5. set up found 建立, 成立

The new hospital will be set up in our city.

6. agree on sth.达成共识,决定

We agreed on this question. They agreed on making an early start.

agree with 同意,赞成某人的意见

We all agreed with her.

agree to sth.同意, 赞成某事

I have agreed to the plan.

agree to do sth同意(答应)做某事

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇9


重点:句型Is it his bag? No.

词汇go  and

难点:理解 Let’s go and ask him.

发音Whose bag is that?

Let’s go and ask him.



1.Tongue twister [配套教材第28课中Let’s play录音]




T:Show me your cap.

Show me your bag.

Show me one’s cap.(这个学生的同桌将帽子举起)

Show me one’s bag. (这个学生的同桌将书包举起)


T: This is my cap. (拿起事先准备好的教师自己的帽子)

Ss: This is my cap. (手举自己的帽子)

T: Is this your bag? (拿自己的书包问学生)

Ss: No. This is my bag.(举自己的书包)

3.  复习第32课课文

A. 小组表演第32课课文对话,同桌两人一组进行对话,并到讲台前表演。

B. 想象自述:假设自己是一个做某职业的人,用所学过的介绍自己的句子做个简单的自我介绍。



1.  情景展现 [出示主题图]

A. 根据主题图内容进行师生问答

T:How many pupils can you see in this picture?

Where are they?

What’s that over there?

Whose bag is that?

Ss answer the questions

B. 根据主题图内容用英文进行简单描述

C. 教师小结:There are two boys in the classroom. There is a bag on that desk. The boys don’t know whose bag it is. They are talking about it.

2.  课文教学

A. 听课文录音一遍,回答教师提问 [配套录音]

Q: What color is Sam’s bag?

S: It’s green.

B. 听课文录音,重复句子

教师带读句子Whose bag is that?

Let’s go and ask him.

简单操练:Whose bag is that?中的bag替换为课前散落在窗台上、讲台上、学生座位上的文具,教师示范一个问句后,其余的由学生来完成。

教师解释Let’s go and ask him.,首先教师用手势表示come,然后再表示go,帮助学生理解新词汇go的意思,并领唱世界杯主题曲中Go, go, go部分,加深学生对这个单词的记忆。Ask一词平时在教学中经常用到,如果有的学生还是不明白就直接告诉他们中文。

两人练习:Is it his bag? No. (教师板书句子)

C. 再听课文录音一遍

D. 打开书认读课文

E. 听课文录音,学生跟读

F. 小组合作表演对话

3.  词汇教学

A. 教师对两名学生说:… and…,come to the front, please. Write down the word “go”, please. 被叫到的两名学生到黑板上书写单词go,书写完毕,教师指着板书中的单词评价:… and … are very good. They can write the word correctly. 两人带领大家一起拼读单词go。

B. 接着教师板书单词and,并示范性地说几个带有and的短句,帮助学生理解。然后简单带读两遍。


1.问答练习[出示Let’s practise中的图片,如有条件可以带一些实物,更吸引学生注意力]

T: What’s this?

S: It’s cap. [出示cap]

T: Is it your cap?

S: No, it isn’t.

T: Whose cap is it?

S: It’s his cap.

2.  情景对话:根据课文内容,将课文中的bag替换成Let’s practise中的词汇或学过的其他词汇。

3.  兴趣活动

A. 做游戏:四至五人一组,蒙上一个学生的眼睛,其他人将自己的文具集中放在一起,然后让被蒙上眼睛的`学生回答问题猜文具是谁的,如:Whose pen is it? Whose pencil is that?。如猜不对,可以指实物问:Is it his pencil? 其余学生给与回答。

B.准备好每人自制的字母卡片,四人为一小组。教师念课文中的一句话,看哪个小组能用最短的时间用字母卡片将句子拼完整。建议教师用:Let’s go and ask him. Is it his bag? Whose bag is that?


听音连线 [配套课堂练习册]

五、作业 :朗读并抄写本课课堂练习中的单词和句子

六、 板书设计 :


Is it his bag?      go

No.                 and








Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇10

1. Warming up

A) Play a game (clap the hands)

B) Sing songs

2.Greeting and revision

How are you ?

Hello , Good afternoon .

How are you ? What’s the weather like today ?

Do you like sunny day ?

Do you like … ?

What do you like ?

What colour do you like ?

3 Presentation

A) Point to my black coat and say “I like black .” write “black” on the blackboard

Teacher : black , black . I like black .

Students repeat : black ,black. I like black . Then read “black, black . I like black .” one by one .

B) Teach “white”

Show a crayon . Say “It’s white .”Then write “white” on the blackboard .

Repeat : “White , white . It’s white .”Point to a white card and say .

Students : White , white this is white .

C) Teach “purple”

Show a colour ball .

T: Who can tell me the colour you know ?

S1: It’s red . It’s yellow .It’s blur . What colour is this ?

T: It’s purple .

Students repeat : “purple”

D) Teach “pink”

T: Let’s listen . then do :

Show me the yellow cards . ( students show the yellow cards )

Show me the blue cards . (students show the blue cards )

Show me the black cards . ( students show the black cards )

Show me the purple cards . ( students show the purple cards )

Show me the pink cards . ( students show the pink cards )

T: pink

Ss repeat .

4. Practise

A) listen and say . (Put the colour cards on the student’s desks .)

T: White

Ss stand up and say “white” .

T: pink

Ss stand up and say “pink”.

B) listen and say (put the word cards on the student’s desks)

T: purple .

Ss stand up and say “purple”

T: black .

Ss stand up and say “black” .

C) let’s do

Listen to the tape .then do :

Black , black . Stand up .

Pink , pink . Sit down .

Brown ,brown . Touch the ground .

Orange , orange . Touch you head .

White , white . Turn around .

5. Let’s point .

Colour a face . (P.26)

T: Colour the face yellow .

S: Colour the nose green .

T: Colour the mouth red .

(the same)

6. Workbook . (Do exercises)

W.b. P.15 (listen and colour)

7. Homework .

Unit?6?A?let’?le 篇11

技能目标 Skill Goals

Talk about health

Learn the harm of smoking and how to stop smoking

Learn to advise people about what to do and what not to do

Learn about AIDS and how to keep safe from HIV

Write a letter to give advice on some problems

二. 语言目标


How to advise people about what to do and what not to do


Don’t forge to…

It is not/would be a good idea to…

You should…

You don’t have to…

Mind your head/step!

It’s OK/all right to…

(二) 词汇

(三) 语法

The use of it


三. 分课时教案

The first period

Warming up and pre-reading

Step one Warming up

This step is to lead the students to the topic of this unit ―― A healthy life


1. What health issues do you think concern young people the most?

(After about 3 minutes)

A sample list:

Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug taking Diet Physical fitness

Sexual health Stress AIDS and infections Cancer Anxiety and so on

2. What’s a healthy life?

(After discussion)

Possible answer:

To be sure healthy, a person must be well in mind, body and spirit.

(二) Show some pictures on the computer


Looking at the following pictures. What are they doing ?Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?

(Ask the students to describe the pictures using their own words)

Straightforward description:

Picture one:

They are Singing. Healthy

Picture two:

They are Dancing. Healthy

Picture three:

They are Playing basketball. Healthy

Picture four:

They are Doing Taiji. Healthy

Picture five:

They are Drinking alcohol. Healthy

Picture six:

They are Eating too much. Unhealthy

Picture seven:

They are Smoking, coughing. Unhealthy

Step two Pre-reading


1. Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?

2. Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?

Possible answer:

Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media. Some think it’s cool. Maybe some want to lighten some stress.

3. In what ways is smoking harmful?

Mentally and healthily.

4. What advice would you give to someone when wanted to stop smoking?

Possible answer:

Let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on.

5. Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?

Step three: Homework

Pre-view the Reading: Advice from grandad, get a main idea of this passage and master the new words.

The second period


Step one: ask the students to read the passage for five minutes then answer the following questions:

1. What kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is ?

Possible answer:

He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his daughter’s and grandson’s well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the internet. He appears to love his grandson.

2. What are the suggestions James’ grandfather gives to quit smoking?

Possible Suggestions to quit smoking:

Prepare yourself

Be determined

Break the habit


Get help if you need it

Keep trying……

3. Do you think the information and advice on the internet page that James’ grandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking?

Possible answer:

It’s a good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look for more information than what is presented here.

4. What else could have been included?

5. What information could have been left out?

Step two: Fill in the chart on the next page with information from the reading passage.

Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes

Harmful physical effects for smokers

Effects a person’s smoking can have on other people

Effects smoking can have on sporting performance

Step three: Make a summary on how to stop smoking.

Step four: Homework

1.Make sentences with the following words and phrases:

due to addicted to accustomed to automatically mentally manage pregnant quit decide on eventually

2.Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to stop smoking.

The third period

Learning about language--- Words and expressions

Step one: Explanation


e.g. adolescents between 13 and 18 and the problems they face


2.due to归因于,归功于。

e.g. 1.The accident is due to your careless driving.


2. Her worldwide fame is due to his support.






because of 介词,意思是“因为”,较口语化

owing to介词,意思是“因为”,较正式

thanks to介词,意思是 “多亏了”

as a result of介词,意思是“因为”

3. addicted 形容词,“对某某上瘾”,“沉湎于某某”

e.g. My children have become hopelessly addicted to television.






e.g. She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early.



(1)accustom+名词/oneself + to+名词

e.g. Children are quick to accustom themselves to new surroundings.


(2) be accustomed to +名词

e.g. I am accustomed to walking long distances.


(3)get/become accustomed to +名词

e.g. You will soon get accustomed to the job.


5.quit 动词,过去式和过去分词均为quit,现在分词为quitting,接动词-ing形式,“停止做”

e.g. She quit smoking when she got pregnant.


6. in spite of 尽管、无视 。后接名词。

e.g. She can’t see very well in spite of her glasses.尽管戴着眼镜她还是不能看得很清楚。

The boy went out in spite of his father’s orders.那男孩无视父亲的命令,径直出去了。

7. feel like 想要,只表示一次的想法,后接动词-ing形式

e.g. It’s so hot today. I feel like going swimming.


8.get into陷于,染上什么习惯

get into the habit of 养成什么习惯。相当于fall into the habit of或者form the habit of

e.g. The girl has got into the habit of playing with her hair while reading.



get into trouble惹上麻烦

get into debt负债累累

get into a temper大发脾气

get into deep water陷于困境

get into one’s head有某种看法

get into the way of习惯于、学会

Step two: Now do the quiz and check yourself

1. Rice production has increased greatly in china over the last few years, largely _______super hybrid rice.

2. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was not __________to the cold of Northern Europe.

3. He was_________ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.

4. In spite of her wounded leg, she ________to get up the stairs.

5. He told me the same story _____________ until I felt like screaming.

6. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of ______.

7. When I ____________playing sport I become very fat and unhealthy.

8._______health is as important as physical health.

9. Now that I am __________ I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.

10.___________often take more risks than adults.

Step three: Complete the text with words form below.

adolescents 青少年 cigarettes 香烟

quit 停止,戒 drugs毒品

due to 归因于 stress压力

eventually 终于 alcohol酒

addicted 上瘾的 manage管理,努力做

Smoking ________,drinking ______or taking other_______ produce many harmful effects and have no real benefits. So why do __________do it? Some because they believe it makes them look cool. Others think it will help with _________in their life possibly_____ pressure from their parents or teachers. Some just want to see what it is like. What they don’t realize is that they will get into the habit and ________become _______. It will then be difficult to _____the habit. A few people ________to quit easily but for many it is a very painful process. Of course, the best way to deal with these drugs is not to start in the first place.

Step four: Homework

1. Master and go over the use of the words and phrases above.

2. Pre-view the use of it on page 21.

The fourth period

Learning about language-grammar


The fifth period

Using language

Step one: Show some pictures on the computer. This step is to make the students have a general understanding of AIDS and HIV.

Step two: Before their reading:


1. Discuss what you know about HIV/AIDS with your classmates.

2. Now make a list of words you might read in the poster.

Step three: Read the poster, then answer the questions:

1. What’s a virus?

A virus is a very small living thing that cause disease.

2. How does HIV affect people’s health?

HIV virus weakens a person’s immune system and eventually it damages the immune system so much that the body can on longer fight against disease.

3. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?

HIV is a virus, while AIDS is the stage of the illness caused by HIV

4. Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment?

Step four: This passage can be divided into three sections. what’s the purpose of each section ?

Section1: Background information about what the diseases.

Section2: Ways to protect yourself.

Section3: Some common myths dispelled.

Step five: Decide the following statements are true or false.

1. It is dangerous to get close to a person with AIDS. F

2. It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV. T

3. You can only get HIV from injecting drugs. F

4. Evidence show that men get AIDS more easily than women. F

5. It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom. T

6. If blood or sexual fluids infected with HIV get into someone’s body, that person could become infected too. T

7. You shouldn’t hug a person with HIV/AIDS. F

8. It is easy to tell a person has HIV/AIDS. F

The sixth period

Listening and writing


Step one: Pre-listening:


Are there any discos, karaoke bars or nightclubs in your district for young people to go to?

Have you ever been to places like these?

Do you ever go to parties with your friends?

Do you think it is OK for alcohol to be available at places where young people meet?

2.Read Exercise 1, which explains the context of the dialogue. Give suggestions about the kind of things Sara might be nervous about.

Step two: Listen to the tape: Tick the things Sara is worried about.(详见课件)

Step three: Listen again: Complete Tina’s sentences. (详见课件)


Read this letter and imagine you are the adviser who deals with students’ problems. Write a letter to give Xiaolei some helpful advice.


Can you help me, please? I have tried to stop smoking several times. I am OK for two days and then I feel really sick and irritable and I have to start smoking again. I know smoking is a bad habit ,but I just can’t seem to give it up. Do you have any useful tips?

Your sincerely,

Li Xiaolei

Sample Letter

Dear Li Xiaolei,

I am sorry you have had so much trouble to stop smoking, but I am glad you are still trying. I hope the tips below will help you.

First of all, don’t give up. The more often you try the more likely you are to

eventually succeed.

When you feel irritable, don’t automatically reach for a cigarette to make you feel better. Take a few moments to relax. Start by breathing deeply and lifting your arms out to the side and over your head.

It is a good idea to drink lots of water and eat lots of fruit when you are quitting smoking. This will help to remove the nicotine from your body faster and you won’t feel so sick.

It is normal to feel a little stressed when you first give up smoking, but try to remember that it will only last a few days and then you will begin to feel much better.

Keep up the good work, Li Xiaolei ,and remind yourself how much healthier you will be when you finally quit.

Good luck and best wishes,



