空乘面试问题及回答 篇1
空乘面试问题及回答 篇2
这个不足的提及率差不多最高了, 被试者说自己特别追求完美, 以至于自己的同事和下级不能忍受, 给其他人带来压力, 在今后的工作中应该改正云云。现在每听到这个答案, 已经有了不知所以的感觉了, 更别说对被试会有太多的好感了。被试这样回答, 无非是变相夸奖自己, 这是"路人皆知"的问题。优秀的被试往往不是这么回答, 即使真有这样的不足, 考虑到其提及率, 应该也尽量回避了。
这个不足, 乍听起来好像真是个性上的缺点, 但听其一解释, 又不得不又有点哭笑了。"我性子急, 领导布置我工作, 本来可以三天完成, 我一天就想干完。今后的工作中应该改正"。把自己夸了个天花乱坠。我知道你是从别处学来的, 但这样回答实在是太蹩脚了。
被试者无论怎么爱看书学习, 也说自己学习不够。当追问为什么的时候, 说到相对于竞聘的岗位来说, 总是学习不够的, "学无止境"嘛!持这种答案的人纯粹是为了应付问题, 尽管显得浅陋, 但却好像没太自夸什么。
被试者说到自己是个工作狂, 整天加班加点, 耽误了与家人在一起的时间, 影响了身体和家庭生活。最后还是不忘在今后的工作中应加以注意, 但为了工作也没办法。
按照经验, 凡做出这种类似回答的人, 往往是那些没什么想法的人, 或者说分析思考能力较弱的人, 或者是一些有一定分析思考能力, 但弄巧成拙的人。作为经常当面试考官的人, 对于这些问题早就耳熟能详了, 班门弄斧, 效果可想而知。
在面试官面前谈自己的不足, 确实是一个有挑战性的问题。但做出以上的回答, 说明根本不是被试自己本身的想法, 而是从别处学来的, 显得并不真实。其实如果是一个设计的比较好的面试, 被试做出不真实的回答, 是不会被评为高分的。
所以, 如果面试官要求被试谈一下自己的不足, 还是应该实事求是的回答, 而不要去试图掩盖什么。客观的讲, 人人都有不足, 一个自信的人, 在回答自己不足的时候也会显示出自己的自信, 而一个缺乏勇气的人, 在说到自己优点的时候, 也会暴露出自己的怯弱。
空乘面试问题及回答 篇3
销售技能(Sales Skills)
1.Sell me this pencil. (考察应聘者了解客户需求的能力和现场推销能力)
参考回答:This pencil can benefit you by allowing you to easily correct errors, write quick, neat notes, and keep your shirts from getting ruined from leakage (渗漏). It is also the least expensive investment, and it is lightweight as well. Besides, you can have your name embossed (雕饰) on it for promotional purposes.
2.How do you make a sales presentation? (考察应聘者的销售演讲能力)
参考回答:First, I will prepare the structure of my presentation carefully and logically by identifying the objective and main points of the presentation. Then, I will try to find out how much or how little the audience knows about the subject, and what they expect from the talk. After that, I will prepare a well-designed PPT for the talk. Finally, during the presentation I will speak clearly, maintain eye contact with the audience, and try to make the presentation interesting by changing my speaking speed and pitch of voice (音调).
3.What techniques are most successful in handling objections? (考察应聘者应对客户拒绝的能力)
参考回答:First of all, I view an objection from a customer as an opportunity to engage in a conversation about something the customer is interested in. About the specific techniques in handling an objection, they may include: listening to and acknowledging the customer’s concern; asking questions to clarify things and ensuring you have got to the real objection; empathizing (移情) with the objection; putting forward a proposal to overcome the concern; confirming that you have addressed the concern.
4.What do you consider are the key skills in closing a sale? (考察应聘者的销售成交能力)
参考回答:The common skills in closing a sale include: overcoming the client’s objections by addressing his or her concerns; recognizing buying signals both verbal (言语的) and nonverbal (非言语的); allowing the client the appropriate time and silence to respond to the close; getting it documented as soon as possible once the client agrees to buy; having some friendly talk and giving some useful information to the client like new products or new plans of introducing new product lines; fixing the next appointment time and date.
在实际面试过程中,以上问题也可能会以行为面试问题(behavior interview questions)的形式出现,例如:关于销售演讲方面的问题(Describe the sales presentation you made last time.); 关于遭遇客户拒绝时的应对能力问题(Tell me about a time when you successfully handled rejections from a client.);关于销售成交能力的问题(Give me an example of a recent difficult sale and how you closed the deal.)。这三种行为面试问题同样也可以参考上文所述的应答思路进行回答。
除了上述列举的四类问题外,关于销售技能的面试问题还有可能涉及应聘者对销售过程的理解(What is a typical selling process?)、对销售总体技巧的理解(What do you think are the most important skills in succeeding in sales?)、对销售态度的理解(What do you like and dislike about the sales process?/What aspect of sales do you find the most rewarding?/How do you keep yourself motivated?)、应聘者的谈判能力(Describe a recent situation where you negotiated terms with a tough customer./Tell me about an important negotiation that failed. What went wrong and why?)、应聘者的说服力(Give an example of when you had to overcome strong resistance from a customer and persuade the customer to buy your product.)、应聘者在销售方面的弱点(What is your biggest difficulty in selling?)等。应聘者在参加销售面试前应充分准备好这些问题的应答思路。
销售目标与业绩(Sales Targets and Performance)
☆How do you set your sales targets?
☆ What was the size of the territory you covered in your last job and what was the sales volume?
☆How have your sales figures compared to your peers?
☆ Did you meet the goals set by your sales manager during the previous year?
新客户开发能力(New Client Development Skills)
开发新客户是销售工作永恒的主题,销售人员一定要时时刻刻努力寻找潜在的客户。因此,在销售面试中通常少不了关于新客户开发的问题。在回答这类问题前,应聘者应了解开发新客户的常见方式,通常包括以下几种:①通过参加老乡会、同学会、战友会,加入企业家协会,或参加培训课程等方式结识潜在客户;②让现有客户帮助介绍新客户;③参加各种展览会、信息交流会、信息发布会、订货会、技术交流会等,从中开发新客户;④通过查阅各种资料寻找新客户,包括电话簿、专业书报、杂志、当地报纸、各类广告等;⑤把产品或服务信息发到网上,吸引新客户;⑥通过打推销电话(cold calls)寻找新客户;⑦通过群发邮件开发新客户;⑧上门拜访潜在客户并推销产品。
☆What methods do you use to get prospects (潜在客户)?
☆ What is your best source of new accounts (客户)?
☆ Do you like cold calling?
☆ Do you use networking to get clients?
☆How much of your time is spent in serving old accounts versus generating new ones?
☆ How many new accounts did you get last year?
☆ Tell me how you developed your largest account.
☆ Tell me about a recent sale that you failed to get.
☆ What difficulties do you think you would experience if you had to establish a new territory?
客户维护能力(Client Retention Skills)
☆What do you think are the most effective ways of retaining clients?
☆How do you entertain clients?
☆How many appointments did you have in a typical week?
☆ How much time do you spend directly with a customer on an average day?
☆ Tell me about a time when a customer was dissatisfied and how you dealt with him or her.
☆Tell me about the most difficult customer you have ever handled.
英语面试问题及回答 篇4
Can you tell me something about yourself?
I like to manage people and be involved in interesting projects. I have been working for IBM for the past six years, but I am looking for a new challenge right now. I like to do sports, especially athletics. I spend free time with my wife and kids.
Question 2
Why did you apply for this job?
I really like the job description and the working duties on this position. I believe to be a perfect match for the job and a potential asset for your team. That’s why I submitted my application. I have similar working experience too…
I decided to apply because I really like the vision of your company and the career growth possibilities. I can use my full potential at this position and help your company to grow and prosper.
Question 3
Why did you leave your last job? / Why are you planning to leave your present job?
My last job was not challenging enough. I was not motivated to wake up to work anymore. I liked my colleagues and boss, but I simply can’t keep myself motivated anymore. Based on the job description I really believe that I can find new motivation and challenges in your company.
There was a downsizing in our company. Similarly to most people from financial department, my contract was terminated. However, it is the past. I am ready to utilize all the knowledge and experience I gained there to start my new career, possibly in your corporation.
Question 4
Can you tell me something about your education?
I have studied at ABC University. I acquired knowledge of statistics, project management and process management. I was active during my studies and took part in practical projects and courses too. Overall my studies were pretty practical and I believe to be ready for job of a project manager.
Question 5
Can you tell us something more about your working experience?
I have done lot of things in my life. It helped me to gain a good overall understanding of business. From to I worked as a project manager for Siemens. We were working mostly on smaller energetic projects, water plants built on rivers. I believe that I can utilize the knowledge and contacts I gained there in your company. I learned how to budget the projects and lead it from the scratch to completion and success. From my other working experience I can mention my role of marketing manager I hold in CDE from to 2001 and my freelancing experience from to . If you want, we can discuss it in detail.
Question 6
Why should we hire you?
I have a relevant experience and I am strongly motivated to work for your company, as it has always been my dream to work there.
I fulfill all the job requirements. However, I am sure some other applicants do fulfill it too. But I am a nice guy and always try to create a good atmosphere on the workplace. This helps, especially nowadays, when people are stressed and negative about everything.
I believe that I bring success with me. All the companies where I worked were prospering. It is good to have such a worker in your team, isn’t it?
Question 7
What are your strengths?
I am very responsible and always accomplish all my duties on time.
I am pretty organized, what is strongly reflected in a quality of my work.
I have good communication skills. I believe that communication skills are crucial in every job, but especially in this one.
Question 8
What are your weaknesses?
I am not very patient. That’s obviously bad. But I am working on it every day, trying to control myself and be more tolerant to the others. It’s not easy, but I definitely made good progress in recent years.
Sometimes I struggle to concentrate in job. However, I practice every day and my concentration has improved over the years. I try to eliminate other thoughts and focus purely on my job.
I trust people too much. It is nice to live with such feelings, but it caused me many troubles in the past. However, as I am getting older, I can much better distinguish friends from foes.
Question 9
What are your goals in five years horizon?
My goal is to become a better manager and to help my employer to achieve exceptional results as a company.
I want to start a family and have a good job. That’s all I want. I believe that your company is a right place to start realizing my goals.
I would like to have a really good job in five years time. However, I understand that firstly I need to learn a lot and I believe that this position is a perfect start for me.
Question 10
What are your biggest achievements so far?
I ran marathon under three hours. I trained for it very hard and it strengthened me both physically and mentally.
When I hold Sales Manager job at ABC Inc., the sales grew by twenty percent every year.
I became a better person over the years. I learned to listen to the others and see the good in people. I consider this as the biggest achievement of my life.
Question 11
What characterize a good boss/ colleague from your point of view?
I can get along with everyone. All I want to be sure about when it comes to my boss and colleagues is that they are qualified for the job we do. When I see the level of proficiency in this interview, I am sure they are.
There is nothing like an ideal boss for me. I simply focus on my job and duties and try to avoid any conflicts with other employees. We are all different and I respect the individuality of each human being.
Question 12
What are your salary expectations?
First of all, salary is not a deciding factor for me. I really like the job description and want to get this job. Therefor, I will accept an average salary for this position what is something between $35,000 and $40,000, according to my knowledge and statistics from salaries.com.
Question 13
When can you start the job?
I am ready to start as soon as possible.
I could possibly start tomorrow, but I want to finish the project I currently work on. It would be very unprofessional and irresponsible if I left now. I need two or three weeks to finish the work and train colleagues to continue it. Then I can start here.
Question 14
Do you have any questions?
What are the next steps of interviewing process?
Can you tell me something more about the working environment?
酒店面试问题及回答 篇5
护士面试问题及回答技巧 篇6
空乘面试问题及回答 篇7
① Tell me about a time when you had to plan and coordinate a project from start to finish.
② Describe a situation in which you had to schedule your activities to meet an objective.
① [具体任务] I headed up a project which involved sales personnel and engineers. [执行步骤] I organized a meeting to get everyone together to brainstorm and get his or her input. From this meeting I drew up a plan, taking the best of the ideas. I organized teams, balancing the mixture of technical and non-technical people. We had a deadline to meet, so I did periodic checks with the teams. After three weeks, we were exceeding expectations, and were able to begin implementation of the plan. [完成结果] It was a great success, and I was commended for my leadership, but I was most proud of the team spirit and cooperation.
② [具体任务] I had to complete a technical report every month. This involved collecting a large amount of information from different departments. [执行步骤] I scheduled all the data collecting tasks. Each department was given a monthly deadline to submit information to me and I scheduled reminders to be sent out before the deadline. I set aside a time in my diary each month to check all the information. Then I allocated time for writing up the report. [完成结果] This worked well and I comfortably met my deadline.
① What kinds of people do you have difficulties working with?
② Describe a time when you demonstrated the ability to be an effective team member.
① [具体问题] In my last two jobs I have worked with people from different backgrounds and cultures. The only time I had difficulty was with people who were dishonest about work issues. [解决措施] I worked with one man who was taking credit for the work that his team accomplished. I had an opportunity to talk with him one day and explained how he was affecting the morale. He became very upset that others saw him that way, and said he was unaware of his behavior or the reactions of others. [处理结果] His behavior changed after our talk. What I learned from that experience is that sometimes what we perceive about others is not always the case if we check it out.
② [具体问题] I was transferred to a new team at my last company. The team members were not welcoming, and I was not included in their meeting discussions. [解决措施] I asked each team member to talk to me about their expectations of me as part of their team. I explained that I understood their reluctance to trust and accept me straight away, but I wanted to make positive contributions to the team. We discussed team objectives, individual roles and working styles and started to develop a rapport with each other. I made sure that I asked for their advice and feedback initially, and gradually I earned their trust. [处理结果] The team learned to be more flexible in their approach to new staff members, and I learned that one has to earn trust and acceptance. Our team works really cohesively towards its goals now.
① Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
② Tell me about a time when you had to quickly adjust your work priorities to meet changing demands.
① [具体任务] While at the KDC factory, we were faced with a sudden and big order increase for the power tools. It was for a new customer and urgent. [执行步骤] I immediately sat down with the production supervisor and manager. We were able to make a workable plan that guaranteed materials were available and met the production deadline. We also paid a few visits to this customer to make sure that we completely understood their needs. [完成结果] While it was challenging and involved long hours, the pay-off was a signed contract with this new customer.
② [具体任务] I was in the middle of planning a new product launch for the company when I was asked to prepare a feasibility report for a big project we were tendering for. [执行步骤] I made an outline of the information I needed immediately for the report and assigned a portion to each of my staff. I spent the next couple of days drawing up schedules of the tasks that needed to be carried out to complete the report and meeting with staff members to brief them and get feedback. I was then able to refocus on completing the new product launch on time. [完成结果] The feasibility report was completed on time with great efforts made by each staff member, and I didn’t miss the deadline of the new product launch.
① Describe what you did to control mistakes in your work.
② Tell me about a time when you were not satisfied with your work performance. What did you do about it?
① [具体任务] In my last position I had to make all the conference arrangements for my line director. [执行步骤] I listened carefully, wrote down what he needed and then read it back to him to confirm that I had everything right. I would also follow up with a detailed email to check again. Once I had made the arrangements I would set up a time to get his feedback and check I had everything he needed. I then followed this up with an email with all the confirmed details. [完成结果] This was time-consuming for both of us, but it meant that no errors were made in the arrangements. It would have been frustrating and costly not to have made such thorough checks.
② [具体问题] Once my sales performance review rating was lower than I had expected. [解决措施] I met with my line director to make an action plan for improvement and set very specific sales targets to be met on a monthly basis. I worked very hard to meet these targets and constantly monitored my sales performance. I also asked for regular feedback about my performance. [处理结果] After six months, my line director conducted another review and my rating was much higher.
①Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem.
②Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
③Describe a decision you made that was unpopular and how you handled it.
④What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handle it.
⑤Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about? How did you do it?