


深圳旅行的英文作文 篇1









深圳旅行的英文作文 篇2

自改革开放以来, 深圳市旅游业得到了较快的发展, 旅游产业地位得以增强, 产业群正逐渐形成, “行、游、住、吃、购、娱”各要素全面发展, 旅游设施日臻完善, 城市旅游接待能力大大增强。2007年, 深圳旅行社接待总人数675.84万人次, 营业收入507900万元人民币, 分别是2001年的2.15倍和2.44倍。深圳市旅游业在全国旅游城市中都处于领先地位。因此, 加强深圳市旅行社接待人数和人均营业收入的研究, 对于其旅行社的发展具有重要意义。

灰色预测理论由华中工业大学邓聚龙教授于1982年首先提出, 近年来逐渐得到了预测科学研究者的重视, 已应用在工业, 农业和科学研究等诸多领域中的各种预测中, 并在预测中取得了令人满意的效果。然而目前旅行社研究中只有罗杏翠 (2006) 和庄小丽, 吴丽慧, 田宇 (2007) 使用灰色预测理论分别对广州市和天津市旅行社的发展趋势进行预测, 并根据预测结果, 提出了广州市和天津市旅行社发展策略。

深圳市作为改革开放的前沿城市, 对其旅行社进行发展预测的文章却是空白。鉴于此, 本文使用灰色预测理论对深圳市的旅行社发展进行预测, 为深圳市未来的旅行社发展提供计量支持并提出相应的发展对策, 以保证深圳旅行社健康持续的发展。


1. 灰色系统

我们用“黑”表示信息未知, 用“白”表示信息完全明确, 用“灰”表示部分信息明确, 部分信息不明确。相应地, 我们将信息未知的系统称为黑色系统, 信息完全明确的系统称为白色系统, 部分信息明确、部分信息不明确的系统称为灰色系统。灰色系统理论的研究对象是“部分信息已知, 部分信息未知”的“贫信息”不确定性系统, 它通过对“部分”已知信息的生成、开发实现对现实世界的确切描述和认识。灰色系统理论提出了在贫信息情况下解决系统问题的新途径, 一个贫信息的系统或灰信息的系统称为灰色系统表征灰色系统行为的离乱观测数据, 接生成原理处理后, 可建立系统的灰色模型。当寻求不到系统的概率特性或隶属特征时, 灰色系统模型就显现出突出的优越性。

2. 灰色预测模型

灰色预测模型 (Grey Dynamic Model) , 简称为GM。灰色预测以灰色模块概念为基础。传统的建模方法只限于差分方程和离散模型, 而灰色系统建立的GM (n, h) 模型 (n表示微分方程的阶数, h表示变量个数) 都是微分方程的时间连续模型。例如GM (1, n) 表示一阶的, n个变量的微分方程型预测模型。

GM (1, 1) 模型, 现在已经被广泛应用在各个领域的预测之中。GM (1, 1) 模型的建模过程如下:

设有原始数据序列:它们满足利用该数据序列建立GM (1, 1) 模型进行预测的一般步骤如下:

步骤1作一阶累加, 形成生成数据序列

则相应的灰微分方程为, 此方程即为GM (1, 1) 的数值模型, 式中a, u为待定系数, 其中a称为发展灰数, u为内生控制灰数。

步骤2 求参数列a, u。设为待定参数向量, 利用最小二



步骤4建立生成数据序列模型。将求得的参数代入上述一阶微分方程, 求解微分方程得到GM (1, 1) 预测模型为:

步骤5建立原始数据序列模型, 即由累减生成得到原始数据序列的模拟序列值

这里是原始数据序列的拟合值, 是原始数据序列的预测值。

建立模型后, 要对模型进行检验, 以确定模型的精度是否满足要求, 进而判断模型是否可作预测用。

其中, 为残差;为相对误差。



(1) 深圳市旅行社人均营业收入模型的建立

根据表1的数据, 运用前述步骤, 经计算得到模型中的参数:a=-0.115880354, u=44.44682325, 从而得出2001-2012年天津旅行社人均营业收入的灰色预测模型GM (1, 1)

(2) 深圳市旅行社人均营业收入模型的检验

运用步骤5和检验公式可以得出2001-2012年深圳市旅行社人均营业收入的检验值 (见表1) 。经计算平均相对误差为-1.91%, 其拟合度较优, 可以用来进行预测。


(3) 2008-2012年深圳旅行社人均营业收入预测

运用步骤5, 可以得到2008-2012年深圳市旅行社人均营业收入的预测值。


将上述两组数据绘成图1, 可以看出, 除特殊年份特殊影响事件外, 2001-2012年深圳市旅行社接待人数的模拟结果具有较好的拟合度, 由此证明本预测模型具有较好的精度, 预测结果是可信的。


(1) 深圳市旅行社接待人数模型的建立

根据表3的数据, 运用前述步骤, 经计算得到模型中的参数:a=0.139672457, u=269.963838, 从而得出2008-2013年天津旅行社人均营业收入的灰色预测模型GM (1, 1)

(2) 深圳市旅行社接待人数模型的检验

运用步骤5和检验公式可以得出2001-2012年深圳市旅行社人均营业收入的检验值 (见表3) 。经计算平均相对误差为-0.95%, 其拟合度较优, 可以用来进行预测。


(3) 2008-2013年深圳旅行社接待人数预测

运用步骤5, 可以得到2008-2012年深圳市旅行社接待人数的预测值。


将上述两组数据绘成图1, 可以看出, 除特殊年份特殊影响事件外, 2001-2012年深圳市旅行社接待人数的模拟结果具有较好的拟合度, 由此证明本预测模型具有较好的精度, 预测结果是可信的。


结合以上的分析, 2003年深圳市旅行社接待人数数据突变由于2003年受“非典”的影响。总体而言, 灰色系统预测模型预测的结果还是比较准确的。根据预测结果, 到2008年我国举行第29届奥运会时, 深圳旅行社的接待人数很可能突破750万人次, 但2008年金融海啸的发生又使这一预测增加了几分不确定性;到2010年广州举办第16届亚运会时, 深圳市旅行社的接待人数将可能突破1000万人次;随着2011年的第26届世界大学生夏季运动会在深圳的举行, 其旅行社的接待人数将接近1200万人次。

另外, 通过使用GM (1, 1) 模型对深圳市旅行社人均营业收入和接待人数进行前景预测分析, 可以看到其变化规律呈现的是一种指数模型, 即说明它们并不是像线性回归那样以算术级数递增, 而是以几何级数递增的, 符合摩尔定律中的指数级数增长原理。因此, 根据预测结果, 深圳市旅行社人均营业收入和旅游接待人数正处在快速增长阶段, 今后将持续快速增长, 从而深圳旅游主管部门应顺应旅行社发展的趋势, 进一步加大对旅行社的监管力度, 维护旅游者的利益;而作为接待主体的旅行社在经营管理中应重视其发展规律, 改变现有的发展策略, 提高服务质量的同时满足不同类型、层次消费者的需求以适应动态的市场变化与行业的要求。

但是, 由于指数型变化的单调性 (单调上升或下降) , 用GM (1, 1) 模型作长期预测其预测值就会偏高或偏低。特别是, 随着时间的推移, 未来一些扰动因素对系统的影响, 使得它对随机性、波动性较大的数据拟合较差, 预测精度降低, 这是GM (1, 1) 模型预测的不足之处。旅行社经营脆弱性强, 易受突发性事件影响, 在今后的研究中, 在对旅行社的发展进行预测时, 必须考虑到未来一些扰动因素对系统的影响, 并寻求修正预测结果的方法, 旅行社发展预测才具备较强的科学性和完备性。

摘要:运用灰色预测理论, 建立旅行社接待人数和营业收入的灰色模型, 对深圳市旅行社的发展趋势进行预测。根据预测结果, 深圳市旅行社在经营管理中应重视其发展规律, 提高服务质量的同时满足不同类型、层次消费者的需求以适应动态的市场变化与行业的要求。



[1]罗杏翠, 运用灰色预测理论对广州旅行社发展预测[J], 广东行政学院学报, 2006 (5) :72-75

[2]庄小丽, 吴丽慧, 田宇, 以灰色预测理论预测天津市旅行社的发展[J], 产业与科技论坛, 2007 (12) :65-67

[3]刘思峰, 郭天榜, 灰色系统理论及其应用[M], 开封:河南大学出版社, 1991:p2-p2

[4]刘思峰, 郭天榜, 灰色系统理论及其应用[M], 北京:科学出版社, 1999:p4-p4

旅行计划英文作文 篇3

Mom and dad said that xiamen is a very beautiful place, with the vast sea, the tall banyan tree, and beautiful scenery of gulangyu, really want to go to xiamen to play! I finally realized this desire in early August, our family and small cover the whole family went to xiamen tourism together.

Came to the gulangyu, see the island has a variety of hangzhou cant see the beautiful store, I like to eat ”Zhang Sanfeng“ milk tea, sweet, sweet sweet, thats great! I also found a big, big banyan tree, is expected to be more than a dozen I can live! However, the place where I most like to play with or baicheng beach and breeze village. Because there are so broad sea, at all budao edge! I and small cap barefoot, on the loose soft sand, has left behind deep shallow footprints on the beach. The waves came, gently stroked my little instep, really comfortable ah! Oh, and the shells, one, two, three... We picked up a lot, I want to take them home!

Behind a few days, we also went to play XiaoDeng island, in there, and dolphins so near to me, we had a swimming together. Five days passed quickly, we reluctantly left the xiamen, the tour will be I a wonderful memory!

关于旅行的英文演讲稿 篇4


We always seem to want those things we don’t have. Moreover, we are often convinced that if we had those things we want so badly, we would finally be happy.


Welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. The truth is that happiness is an attitude. It’s not something created by outside circumstances, but instead is completely within your control.


Nothing will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and happiness, unless you cultivate happiness consciously. Below are some simple yet specific steps you can take to cultivate happiness.


Be grateful

Create a sense of gratitude for what you have, for what is working, for what is wonderful and sweet in your life. A morning or evening gratitude list, written each day, can do wonders for helping you feel grateful.



Take care of yourself

Identify the small things in life that make you feel good, and do one daily. A short walk, a few minutes of writing in your journal, a short meditation, watching the sunset…whatever, will improve your outlook on life.



Read inspirational material

It helps to be reminded of positive thoughts and positive attitudes. Get a small book of positive, inspirational thoughts and keep it by your desk. Read one or two thoughts each day.



This is Faith at Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax. Is the glass half empty or full? Life works better when the glass is half full regardless of your life status. 这里是Faith主持的Faith轻松电台。你的杯子有一半是空的呢,还是满的?不管你的生活状况如何,生活可以更美好,即使你的杯子只装满了一半。

深圳市劳动合同英文版 篇5

Party A(the Employer)Party B(the Employee)



Legal Representative:ID No.:


Contact person:


In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as “the Labor Contract Law”)and other applicable laws and regulations, and based on the principles of equality, free will, good faith, compliance with law and mutual negotiation, Party

A and Party B hereby enter into this Contract and agree to jointly abide by the terms and conditions contained herein.Article 1 Contract Term

1.1 Both Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract by ____of the following methods:

1.1.1 Fixed term: from _____to_____.1.1.2 Unfixed term::

1.1.3 Completion of certain work as the term: from _____to completion of _____work.The standard on completion of the work shall be _____.1.2 The probation period shall be none(the probation period shall be included in the term of this Contract.In case of no probation period, fill “none” in the blank).Article 2 Contents of Work

The Party B shall act as(position or type of work)sales engineer, who shall be responsible for sale of printing equipment of the plastic packing department of Party A and other work in China, and shall report to the relevant responsible persons of Swiss Headquarters and Thailand Branch Company.Article 3 Working Time

3.1 Standard working time system shall be adopted for Party B, that is, Part B shall work 8 hours per day and 5 days per week, without additional remuneration for overtime work.3.2 Any extension of work time as required by Party A’s production and operation shall be governed by Article 41 of the Labor Law.Article 4 Salary and Treatment

4.1 Party A shall formulate the salary system according to law and notify Party B thereof.The salary paid by Party A to Party B shall not be lower than the minimum salary issued by the local municipal government in that year.4.3 Party A shall pay the salary to Party B on the 30th day of each month.Party A shall pay to

Party B the salary at least once in each month by means of currency.4.4 The overtime salary, salary during vacation, leave and particular circumstances shall be

governed by the relevant laws and regulations, such as the Regulations of Shenzhen Regarding

Payment of Employee’s Salaries.4.5 Other provisions on salary as agreed by both Parties: within the valid term of this Contract,performance bonus shall be determined based on the net sale price of equipment(i.e., the price

after the freight and the expenses for installation and commissioning are deducted).The contracts

for sale of spare parts and components and for installation shall not be included in the plan on

performance bonus.Article 5 Labor Protection and Labor Conditions

5.1 Party A shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions on labor protection of the State,provide the labor and operation places and necessary labor protective articles in conformity with

the health standards of the State, so as to practicably ensure the safety and health of Party B in the

production and work.5.2 Party B will be engaged in the operation of/that may cause the professional danger of/ ,so, Party A shall take the protective measures of/and arrange Party B for medical check/

time each year.5.3 Party B shall have the right to refuse to operate if Party A commands the operation in violation

of rules and regulations or forces Party B to run risks in operation;Party B shall have the right to

require Party A to rectify the acts of Party A endangering the safety of his life and health or report

such case to the competent departments.Article 6 Social Insurance and Welfare

6.1 Party A shall handle the procedures for social insurance for Party B according to law, and the

payment of social insurance premium shall be governed by the laws, regulations and rules

regarding social insurance.6.2 If Party B is sick or suffers job-unrelated injury, Party A shall provide the medical treatment

period and medical treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of the State.6.3 If Party B contracts an occupational disease, or suffers job-related injury or death, Party A

shall handle the case in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations such as the Law on

Prevention from and Treatment of Occupational Disease and the Regulations on Job-Related

Insurance.6.4 Party B shall be entitled to legal holidays, annual vacation, marriage leave, maternity leave

and funeral leave, etc., according to law.Article 7 Labor Discipline

7.1 The rules and regulations formulated by Party A according to law shall be made public and

notified to Party B.7.2 Party B shall consciously abide by the relevant laws and regulations at the level of State,province and city and the rules and regulations formulated by Party A according to law, comply

with the operation regulations in safety, be subject to the management of the Company, and

complete his working tasks timely.7.3 Party B shall consciously abide by the provisions on family plan at the level of State, province

and city.Article 8 Change

This Contract may be changed upon agreement reached by both Parties through consultation.Any

change of this Contract shall be handled in writing.Article 9 Revocation

9.1 Prior to expiration of this Contract, any revocation of this Contract by both Parties or either

party in advance shall comply with the relevant provisions of the laws and regulations.9.2 If the conditions on payment of economic compensation are met, Party A shall pay to Party B

the economic compensation according to law.9.3 If this Contract is revoked by both Parties, Party A shall provide a written certificate to Party B,and timely handle the relevant procedures for revocation of this Contract.Article 10 Termination

10.1 Upon expiration of this Contract or satisfaction of the conditions on termination of this

Contract as agreed by both Parties, this Contract shall be terminated.In case of such termination,Party A shall provide a written certificate to Party B, and timely handle the relevant procedures for

termination of this Contract.10.2 If both Parties agree to renew this Contract upon expiration of this Contract, the relevant

procedures shall be handled within 30 days prior to expiration of this Contract.Article 11 Liability for Breach of Contract

11.1 Party A’s liability for breach of contract:

.11.2 Party B’s liability for breach of contract:

.Article 12 Dispute Resolution

Any labor dispute between both Parties shall be resolved through consultation, failing which, it

may be submitted to the Labor Dispute Mediation Committee of the Company for mediation, or it

may be submitted directly to the Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee for arbitration.In case of

no objection to the arbitration award, both Parties must perform the award;should there be any

objection to the award, either party may bring a lawsuit in the people’s court.Article 13 Other Matters Required to be Agreed by both Parties:

The information on the clients and the business secrets of the Company shall not be disclosed to

any third party.Article 14 Miscellaneous

14.1 Any matter not covered by this Contract or any terms hereof in violation of the applicable

laws and regulations shall be governed by the applicable laws and regulations.14.2 This Contract shall be based on the following rules and regulations.i)The Labor Contract Law;and, ii)the rules and regulations(or the Personnel Manual)issued by the Company.14.3 This Contract shall become effective upon the date when it is signed or sealed by each party.Alteration or signature for either party without written authorization shall be null and void.14.4 This Contract shall be executed in quadruplicate, of which Party A keeps three and Party B keeps one.Party A:(seal)

Legal representative: ________________

(Principal responsible person)
