新编大学英语 2 Unit 12 教案


新编大学英语 2 Unit 12 教案(通用2篇)

新编大学英语 2 Unit 12 教案 篇1

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Unit One

Invitation Etiquette Teaching Objective In “Talking Face to Face”, learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.In “Being All Ears”, students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out.In “Maintaining a Sharp Eye”, students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept.In “Trying Your Hand”, get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.Teaching Procedures

Section I Talking Face to Face


Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations: I’d like to invite you to dinner.我想请你吃晚饭。

Why don’t you come and join us for disco? 你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科? It’s very kind of you to invite me.谢谢你邀请我。

How nice of you!Many thanks.你真好!多谢。

I’d love to.That would be great.我很愿意去。太好了!

Oh, dear, I’m afraid I’m busy tonight.Perhaps tomorrow evening? 哦,亲爱的,今晚我很忙。明晚也许可以吧?

Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday? 你能改个时间吗,下个星期天怎样?

It’s very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.非常感谢,可你知道我得准备考试。

I’m sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same.真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

2.Introduction of the samples of invitation cards and letters 3.Practice the two dialogues in Follow the Samples 4.Practice dialogues according to the given tasks

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Thank you.I’ll be happy to come.谢谢.我很高兴接受你的邀请. I’d love to.That would be great.我很愿意去.太好了. Thank you for invitation.谢谢你的邀请. I’d be glad to come.我很高兴前往.

3.Expressions for Declining an Invitation I’d love to, but I can’t come.我很想参加,但是不能来.

Thank you for your invitation, but I don’t think I can make it.感谢你的邀请,但我恐怕不能赴约. Unfortunately, I’m already busy that day.很遗憾,我那天事情太多了.

It’s very kind of you, but you see I’ll have to prepare for my exam.非常感谢,可你知道我得准备考试。

I’m sorry I can’t, but thank you all the same.真抱歉,我不能去。可还是要谢谢你。

Could you make it another time, perhaps next Sunday?


Sentence Writing

Word Order in a Subordinate Clause 从句的顺序

在写英语复合句时,除了需要注意照应主句与从句的时态、人称、连接词语 等等之外,还应特别致意从句部分的语序。

英语从句经常用疑问词引导,如what, who等,但与疑问词引导的简单问句不同。从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即按主语在前、谓语在后的顺序排列。还应注意,因为从句不使用疑问倒装结构,所以一般现在时和一般过去时不再用do, does, did等助动词帮助构成从句结构。

1.常用来引导从句的疑问词有what, when ,where, who, whether, how等,这些疑问词一般仍保留原有的疑问含义。

She wanted to know when my brother had visited Paris.她想知道我哥哥什么时候游览过巴黎。

Could you please tell me where we are going.你能告诉我我们到哪里去吗?

How he plays the trick is a secret.他怎么变这个戏法是个秘密。

2.Whether可以引导主语从句,if 不能引导主语从句,但是两者都能引导宾语从 句。引导宾语从句时,两者都表示“是否”的意思,只是if 后面不能加or not。1)主语从句

Whether he will accept the job is difficult to say.(对)

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage I Business Invitation Explanation of Difficult Sentences

1.(Para.1)Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal

invitations such as e-mails and phone invitations are becoming

more acceptable.Analysis: such as means “of the same kind, like” and should be followed by

nouns or noun phrases.Translation: 虽然邀请函通常通过信函方式发出,但目前像电子邮件、电话邀请等非正式邀请越来越被普遍使用。

Example: Our discussions were all about issues such as education and climate change.2.(Para.4)It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP notation and your phone

number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.Analysis: It’s also acceptable to do … means “It’s also good enough to be

received to do …”

Translation: 如果为了使计划更加周密,也可以在邀请函中加上请回复的字样,以及电话号码或联系地址。

Example: It’s acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April 1st.3.(Para.5)If a “Please reply by” a given date is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date.Analysis: If … is a conditional clause followed by an imperative sentence

Translation: 如果邀请函中包括“请于某日之前回复”的字样,则需要在规定日期前回复。

Example: If you choose to invite your guests by phone, remind them again in writing two weeks before the gathering.4.(Para.6)Never ask to bring a guest unless the invitation states “Mr.Louis Winthorp and Guest.”

Analysis: Never … unless … is “double negative”, which means “You can bring a guest if the invitation states …”

Translation: 如若邀请函上没有说明“邀请某某先生和朋友”,不要向邀请方要求带同伴。

Example: Some people are never happy unless they are in the limelight showing off.Important Words 1.in advance

before in time 提前

e.g.Can I sign up for this course in advance? Quality Buildings usually hire its temporary workers well in advance as the need arises.2.seminar n.a small class of usually advanced students meeting to study some subject with a

Unit 1

New Practical English 2

Passage II An Invitation Letter

Text-Related Information

This is an informal invitation letter between friends.The tone of this letter is casual.The language is not so formal.This kind of informal invitation letter is often in the third person.For example, “in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.” “and it would be nice if you could come then, too.” But a formal invitation card is usually written in the third person.Text Explanation Para.1 November 2002 My dear Michael,It seems ages since we heard from you — and even longer since you went to work in China.But recently we happened to bump into Charlie Wright at a party, and from him we learnt that you and Lucia will be coming to England over the Christmas holidays.So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.Language Points:

1.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)It seems ages since we heard from you Analysis: It seems ages since...means “it seems a long time since...” Translation: 似乎很长时间没有收到你的信了。

Example: It seems ages since I saw you in Shanghai.2)So I am writing straightaway — to make sure this reaches you well before you leave Shanghai — in the hope that it will be possible for you both to spend a few days with us during your stay in England.Analysis: To make sure… is an adverbial of purpose, and in the hope, a prepositional phrase used also as an adverbial of purpose.Translation: 所以我马上写信,好让你在离开上海之前肯定收到这封信 —— 希望你们俩能在英格兰逗留期间和我们一起住几天。

Example: I am sending this card to you today —to make sure you receive it before the Christmas Day.2.Important Words

1)bump into meet somebody by chance 偶然碰到, 偶然遇到

e.g.We bumped into Kate when we were in London last week.She bumped into his tray, knocking the food onto his lap.2)straightaway ad.do without delay, especially it has to be done urgently 马上,立刻

e.g.I’ll come around straightaway with the files.We’d better start work straightaway.Unit 1

New Practical English 2

1.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)I am still working for Sanderson’s and liking it well enough — though occasionally pining for the footloose days of long ago.Analysis: Sanderson’s here refers to Sanderson’s company;though is introducing a participle clause pining for...and serving as the adverbial of concession.Translation: 我还在桑德森公司工作,而且工作很称心 —— 虽然偶尔我也渴 望从前自由自在日子。

Example: They are working happily with Kent’s, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.2.Important Words

1)terrify v.frighten someone severely 威胁,恐吓

e.g.We terrified the girls with spooky stories.He terrified her by jumping out at her from a dark alley.2)pine for v.strongly desire(esp.something which is difficult or impossible to obtain)渴望

e.g.It’s at this time of year that I start to pine for the snow-topped mountains.As a young girl, I always used to pine for a more glamorous existence.Para.5

I’d better stop here now;I’m supposed to be spending this evening writing Christmas cards.Write or phone as soon as you can —— and come!Love from us all!

Yours ever, Richard

Exercises See the textbook.

新编英语语法教程教案第一章 篇2

Chapter One The Hierarchical Structure of Grammar Ⅰ Teaching Aims:

This chapter aims to: 1.help students to know the hierachial structure of English grammar.2.get students to learn morphemes words, phrases and sentences and their classification.Ⅱ Teaching Procedures 1.Introduction The grammatical structure of English is a hierarchical one, which can be divided into five levels, i.e.Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Word and Morpheme.A sentence is the largest unit and highest level in a grammatical structure while a morpheme is the smallest and lowest one.2.Morphemes A morpheme is the smallest unit in English grammar, and also the smallest meaningful unit of language.1)Free Morphemes Free morphemes are morphemes which can constitute words by themselves, e.g.boy, girl, work, water.2)Bound Morphemes Some morphemes like de-, dis-,-ness,-ly are never used independently in speech and writing.They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words.These morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are mostly affixes.Affixes are attached to free morphemes either to form new words or to indicate grammatical categories.Affixes can be divided into two types: prefixes and suffixes.3.Words 1)Simple Word, Derivative, Compound Word a)simple words(morpheme words):at, far, hand, get b)derivatives: prefixes: dislike, unhappy, pronoun, prewar suffixes: worker, widen, foolish, manly c)compound words: handbook, outline, moreover, anybody 2)According to grammatical function, English words can be classified into Closed Class and Open Class.a)Closed Class Closed class refers to all the Function words.The number of this type of words are limited.No new comers will enter into this class.Therefore, this kind of words are called Closed Class.They include:

Preposition: in, on, without

Pronoun: you, he, one, this

Determiner: a, the, his, that, some

Conjunction: and, or, but, when

Auxiliary: do, can, must, will b)Open Class Open class refers to all the Content Words.In this type of words, new words appear continuously.Therefore, they are called Open Class.They included: Noun: Smith, Paris, man, book Adjective: old, big, cheap Adverb: here, fast, early Main Verb: work, make, give 4.Phrases A phrase is a grammatical unit which is formed by one word or more than one word.A phrase is usually a string of words built up around a head word which determines both the class that the phrase belongs to and the way the phrase is structured.Noun Phrase(N P):

all the college students the tall boy sitting there Verb Phrase(V P):

looks pale arrived last night Adjective Phrase(Adj P): very difficult careful enough Adverb Phrase(Adv P):

very clearly

so slowly Preposition Phrase(P.P):

before the war in the north 5.Clauses In logical terms, a clause is a construction of a subject and a predicate.In view of grammatical relations, clauses are divided into two broad categories, the main clause and the subordinate clause, the latter of which may function as a nominal clause, a relative clause, or an adverbial clause.1)Nominal clauses He said that he had done his best.What he said was true.2)Relative clauses This is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.He failed to pass the test, which was a pity.3)Adverbial clauses If I were you, I would not quit.I was having dinner when he came.6.Sentences In terms of sentence structure, sentences can be classified into three kinds:(1)simple sentences,(2)compound sentences and(3)complex sentences.(1)You throw a stone at the window.I’ll scream.(two simple sentences)
