


IT技术英文简历 篇1






Birth Place



Graduated college





Self assessment


Knowledge Frame

(1)Professional knowledge




(3)Computer and IT




²        Position:

²        Position:


²        Position:

Certificate and Credit



IT技术英文简历 篇2

随着中国IT出口行业、IT服务行业以及IT外包行业不断发展, 国内IT企业与欧美市场和欧美IT企业的交流和与合作日渐频繁。作为国际语言和计算机的“母语”, 英语自然成为合作双方进行业务沟通的工作语言。IT技术文档则是合作双方进行核心技术和业务交流的重要工具, 国内IT企业需要根据对方客户的需求, 将已有中文IT技术文档翻译成英文。IT技术文档翻译质量关系到双方的工作效率和进程, 还会代表自身企业形象, 甚至直接影响到双方的合作关系。由于我们和英语国家之间在文化、思维方式以及语言特点上的差异, 将中文IT技术文档翻译成英文的过程中, 时而会出现一些严重的误译现象, 尤其在一些关键词汇的翻译上出现重大的错误。这种错误会严重影响沟通效率和质量, 引起对方理解上的偏差, 甚至直接影响项目进度以及产品和服务的质量, 让合作双方遭受不必要的损失。

本文将列举在IT技术文档翻译过程中, 比较有代表性的IT专业词汇误译现象, 对导致错误的原因进行系统的分析, 提供提高IT技术文档翻译质量的建议。



在很多IT技术文档, 尤其是说明性文档中, 经常会出现对某些文件或程序删除操作过程的描述或指示, 若一律使用“delete”来表达“删除”的话, 在一些语境中就是错误的, 这种误译现象很可能会误导文档使用者对操作过程产生不当理解, 甚至按照误译的指示进行错误的操作, 将会带来严重的后果。

虽然中文都是“删除”, 但“删除文件 (或文件夹) ”与“删除程序”是两个完全不同的操作过程。“删除文件 (或文件夹) ”指将某文件 (或文件夹) 从系统的目录清单中删掉, 用户通常的操作方式是选中该文件后点击键盘上的Delete键, 或将文件拖至系统“回收站”中, 从而完成删除操作, 因此使用“delete the file (folder) ”是可以准确表达这种操作的过程和含义。然而, “删除程序”过程指的是将某程序从电脑系统中移除, 主要的操作指的是将这个程序从电脑系统中卸载的过程, 如果使用“delete the program”来表达, 那就是完全不同的一种操作方式了, 容易误导该IT技术文档使用者将程序安装后所在文件夹手动删除掉, 这种操作方式不仅不能将该程序从系统中移除, 还会使程序无法正常运行, 严重的还导致系统崩溃等相关问题。因此, 在表达“删除程序”时应使用“remove the program”, 或者使用“uninstall the program” (卸载程序) 也可以表达出该操作的真实过程。


在一些IT技术文档中, 经常出现对于系统或软件版本的说明和描述, 在“版本”一词的英文翻译上很容易出现错误, 这种误译现象不仅会表现出文档专业性和严谨性上的缺失, 更会对英文文档使用者造成理解方面的困扰。

“version”和“edition”在中文中对应的词都是“版本”, 但两个词的含义在本质上是不同的。在柯林斯英文字典 (Collins English Dictionary) 中, “version”一词的释义为“A ver-sion of something is a particular form of it in which some details are different from earlier or later forms.”在IT领域中尤指“新旧上不同的版本”;“edition”的释义为“An edition is a particular version of a book, magazine, or software that is published at one time.”在IT领域中尤指“同时发布的不同类型的版本”。以微软的Windows系统为例, Windows XP, Windows 7以及Windows 8属于不同的“version”;而对于同一个“version”的Windows来讲, 却有不同的“edition”, 如Home Edition, Professional Edition, Server Edition, Ultimate Edition等等。“Version”所表达的是更新上的版本, 如表达“最新版本”的时候只能用“the latest version (the newest version) ”, 而“edition”则表示同一“version”中不同的种类, 如前文提到的家庭版、专业版、服务器版、旗舰版等。


很多IT技术文档中, 尤其是以移动终端产品和服务为主题的文档中, 经常出现“用户”一词。但在英文中这个“用户”有时会指代不同的群体或身份, 如果将“用户”统一翻译成“user”的话, 有些时候是完全错误的, 翻译出的IT技术文档缺乏应有的专业性和严谨性。

“user”和“subscriber”在中文中对应的词都是“用户”。但在柯林斯英文字典 (Collins English Dictionary) 中, “user”一词的释义为“A user is a person or thing that uses something such as a place, facility, product, or machine”, 在IT领域中即指“使用某项产品的人”;而“subscriber”的释义为“A subscriber is a person who pays to receive the service.”, 即“支付费用订购了某项服务的人”。举一个能够明显体现出这两个“用户”区别的例子:某人购买了A品牌的智能手机, 并在B网络服务提供商 (ISP) 入网, 那么这个人就是A公司的“user”, 是B公司的“subscriber”。混淆使用将会让英语国家的客户在对细节内容的理解上出现偏差。


在IT技术文档翻译中出现的词汇误用现象还有很多, 本文仅以三个比较有代表性的现象为实例。综合这些误用现象不难看出, 导致这些错误的原因主要是对文档中所表达的技术环节或核心内容理解上的不充分、对IT专业词汇认知上的匮乏以及使用上的偏差。为了实现与欧美客户有效沟通, 翻译出专业、严谨的IT技术文档, 特别在专业词汇的运用上达到准确、专业的程度, 本文提供如下几点建议:

首先, IT企业要认识到IT行业全球化进程的发展方向, 对IT技术文档的翻译予以高度的重视, 认识到有效、专业的文字沟通, 尤其是高质量的英文专业技术文档是与国外企业实现良好合作的基础和保障。

其次, 在翻译人员的选择上要慎重。建议每个项目组中配备若干具有良好英语水平的成员, 可以是英语专业的毕业生或有在英语国家学习和工作经历的人, 让其参与到IT项目工作中, 对项目流程、工作内容、产品或服务的技术环节有充分的认知和理解, 并在工作中更多地参与到与客户的日常沟通中, 如探讨技术内容的电子邮件、业务上的视频或电话会议、出访沟通、到访接待、交付客户方面的工作报告撰写等等。

另外, IT技术文档的翻译人员要不断提高IT行业的专业英语能力, 并在日常与客户沟通中体会和学习对方口语表达和书面沟通时的专业词汇应用, 最好能够做到在理解中文技术文档内容后, 以英语的思维方式对文档进行撰写。


[1]JI Hui.On Technical Translation-Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation by Jody Byrne.Overseas English, 2013.

[2]Kunzli, Alexander.Rev.of Technical Translation.The Journal of Specialized Translation, 2007.

[3]Byme, Jody.Technical Translation:Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation, 2006.

[4]Lynne, Bowker.Computer-Aided Translation Technology, 2002.

[5]陈金秀.论中国软件产品技术文档的英译, 2013.

[6]王皓.变译理论在科技英语翻译中的应用[J].中国科技翻译, 2011 (2) .

IT经理英文简历 篇3

·Well-established contacts with media, import & export agents, and government units.

·Fluent in both written and spoken English. Translation articles with 200,000 words published during 1990 to 1992 on transmission magazines.

·Active, responsible, reliable and hardworking, Self-confident.

·Leadership and inter-personal communication skill.


Name: Stella Li   Gender:Female   Date of Birth:August 23th,1968

Martial Status:Married   Email

Tel010)67183945-7869    Mobile Phone:13911216789


June, 1994 - March, 2000  XXXX Business Operation  Manager

·Conducting market studies on access development trends and competition, setting marketing communications strategy and plan, managing and coordinating technical promotion.

·Annually organizing more than 10 various levels exhibitions and seminars all over the country.

·Maintaining close relation with media in telecom for solutions promotion and technical advertising.

·Coordinating VIP customers participation of important events.

·Working together with the sales team on wireless, wireline and Internet access solutions promotion in China.

·As an interface between the headquarters and local team, in charge of making target market business plans, business opportunity analysis and sales report; controlling project status and making manufacture forecast; collecting customer information and making action plan.

·Controlling the agents sales of line-transmission equipment, developing potential agents and arranging training programs plan.

·Supporting contract implementation and customer coordination during 1997 and 1998, solving problems arising during contract implementation.

December, 1992 - June, 1994  XXX Import & Export Corporation  Sales Manager

·In charge of import and export machinery & electronics equipment, including marketing, customer relations setting up, sales and contract implementation.


August, 1988 - June, 1992  University of Post and Telecommunications

Computer & telecommunitcations  Bachelor of Computer Engineering

·With the highest total score by graduation in the studied major.

·Graduation Thesis officially published.

·Received University Special English Prize.

·Being the Division Chief of Student Union for two years.


Key Account Management, July 1997

IT人员个人英文简历 篇4


(xxx) xxx-xxxx


To work in the well known company as a computer operator and there by monitor and control numerous computer systems, equipments, peripherals and networks efficiently.


Bachelor of Computer Programming, XYZ Institute,xxxx

Professional Certifications:

Certificate in Tally, Sams Institute, xxxx


Expertise in installation of various software and operating systems namely UNIX, Windows.

Expertise in the usage of oracle database and MS office tools namely word, Power point, MS- Excel, Ms-Access

Knowledge and certification in Tally

Expert in using search engine tools and Internet.


XYZ Company, Sep xxxx - Present

Employer Job-content

Compose & type correspondence.

Maintain record of incoming & outgoing correspondence.

Make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, & all the correspondence.

Submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on MS office.

All accounting work.

ABC Software Pvt. Ltd., Aug xxxx - Dec xxxx

Computer Operator/Office assistant

Receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries.

Maintains records, files & other references materials and perform related clerical duties.

Search files, documents and maintain library for information.

Drafting of letters & Noting for approval of proposal.

Report preparation

Some sort of Data Entry related work.

All Company work in Word, Outlook Express, Excel, Photoshop, Scanning and Internet.


Available on request.

★ 水利水电工程设计的论文

★ 教师职业个人英文简历制作

★ 日语翻译-英文简历制作

★ 简约型英文简历制作

★ 医学-英文简历制作

★ 日语翻译英文简历制作

★ 前台人员英文简历

★ 客户代表英文简历制作

★ 数据分析员英文简历制作

IT技术英文简历 篇5

Mr.Charmond Tsang C.L.MBA, BEng, MIEE

Tel: +(86)***3 / +(852)1234-*****

E-mail: ******


10+ yrs Call Center veteran;China experience, Guru in Business Operations and Sales & Marketing

A self-motivated and dynamic senior executive with 19-year of regional management and international experience.Extensive experience working with Call Center/Telecom/CRM services and outsourcing in the Telecom/Finance/IT arenas.Experienced in contract management, business development, and operations consulting.Held various senior positions in business development, sales & marketing and operations in CRM outsourcing service provider, ISP, Telcos, equipment vendor and billing system vender.PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION

Master of Business Administration(MBA)19911989

--University of Middlesex, London, UK

--Awarded “The Institution Prize” by the Council of IEE


Shanghai VavoTelecom Co.Ltd.(Shanghai, PRC)(a local partner of PCCW Teleservices Ltd.)

Vice President

Achievements and Responsibilities

Built and led the developed of a new telecom Value Added Services business unit.Launched a new Telecom VAS service in Shanghai.Established effective sales and service channels.Evaluated and managed business partners such as major telecom operators and equipment vendors in China.Ensured service delivery according to SOW and contracts.Act as the Technical Director, performed vendor evaluation and on-going improvement on the IN and SSP platforms.Ensured the business processes meet varies service KPIs and budgets, such as service provision lead time, customer satisfaction index, billing accuracy and quality index.Nuvigo Corporation Sdn.Bhd., Malaysia3/03 to 4/04

General Manager

Achievements and Responsibilities

Developed new business opportunities with major telecom clients in Malaysia, focusing in Call Center/Telecom/CRM and IT outsourcing and consulting services.Worked with local SI partners to jointly develop solutions and managed major clients’ relationship on an executive level.Delivered CRM consultation project for an insurance company to enhance their customer servicing effectiveness and efficiency.PCCW, HK8/02 to 2/03

Assistant Vice President – Business Development

Achievements and Responsibilities

Assumed the role of Operations Head, managed the operations and delivered the KPIs of the Malaysia call center team.Adopted the Balanced Scorecard framework, improved the first contact resolution by 10% and improved productivity by 15% while maintained the operating budgets.Built and developed new customer in the Telecom/IT sectors across Asia Pacific region covering mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia.Led project teams and sales consultants to deliver professional consultation to major Telecom clients.Managed major clients’ relationship on a senior level;identify potential business

opportunities and partnership arrangement.Secured major contracts with blue chip clients on large scale IT/CRM outsourcing services.Major Projects Reference

A Major Mobile Operator in MalaysiaProvided business consultation of its Call Center rationalization and consolidation project with over 1,000 seats and multiple locations.A Leading Mobile Operator in MalaysiaHead of Sales & Marketing

Achievements and Responsibilities

Full P&L responsibility of the business unit.Led a team of professional Sales Managers and Marketing Managers to meet $140million annual revenues target.Built from scratch and gained 30% market share in telemarketing service in the insurance sector.Won and implemented a major CRM/IT outsourcing project from a major global bank – First of this kind in the HK market.Responsible for the management of the Product Marketing team.Development of marketing strategies.Determined market position and drove the

implementation of various marketing tactics to achieve the marketing objectives.An active company spokesman, a guest speaker at international conferences and was interviewed by major newspapers in HK.Major Projects Reference

A Global Banking Group in HK

Successfully won and launched a multi-million CRM contract for a global banking group in HK.Sold to the Head of the banking group;applied innovative consultative selling skills to identify and overcome major road blocks.Take up the role of a project director;overseeing the implementation from pre-sales to operations.Pro-sell account servicing and managed the client’s expectations on operational

performances on an on-going basis.Major IPO projects in HK

Successfully won large scale CRM contracts for handling IPO for a major blue chip company and the HK government.Applied innovative selling skill, prepared sales strategic to win the contract from a competitive tender.Positively contributed to the profit margin of the company.A Major Bank from the UK

Successfully sold and won a multi-million contract for a regional B2B internet exchange portal support center.Positively contributed to the company profit margin.A Leading Mobile Phone Manufacturer

Won a long term customer care CRM project from a competitive tender

Negotiated the contract with the head of the client;assessed client’s requirement and developed a win-win situation for both companies.Wharf T&T Limited, HK12/95 to 1/98

(formerly known as New T&T Hong Kong Limited)

Call Center Product ManagerSales & Marketing Division

Advised and assisted Product Marketing in the development of Centrex services.Evaluated CPE based ACD and IVR products.Built relationship with IVR and computer vendors to prepare for integrated CTI

development.Responsible for developing and designing various customised call center applications.Coordinated with sales team to make formal presentations to the customers’ senior

management.Assisted Sales to prepare special pricing scheme for non-standard services.Developed proposals and special bids for large-scale telecom projects.Collaborated with internal parties and clients to resolve outstanding bids and project issues.PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT

Convergys, UK(formerly known as Cincinnati Bell Information System-CBIS)2/95 to 11/95


NortelNetworks, UK(formerly known as Bell-Northern Research)2/90 to 1/95

Software Engineer – DMS product

PCCW, HK(formerly known as Hong Kong Telecom Ltd)6/83 to 8/87

Senior Technical Officer


Call Center Management Symposium 2000 28-30 March 2002

Organiser: Hong Kong Call Center Association

Venue:Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong

Topic:Grow Your Business through Call Center Outsourcing: Cases Sharing

CRM and Call Center Conference

Organiser: IBC Asia(S)Pte Ltd, Singapore

Venue:Island Shangri-la, Hong Kong

Topic:Case studies on successful CRM project Management and Implementation

PCCW Teleservices 1st Anniversary Press Conference 11 October 1999

Venue:PCCW Conference Room, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Coverage: South China Morning Post, HK Economic Times, Hong Kong Standard



Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese

General Management:

Leadership and team building, new operations development

Operations management – sales and servicing team

Business Operations, Sales, Marketing, and Analytical Skills:

Contact and Vendor management

Financial analysis;bids and tenders preparation

Key accounts and channels management

IT and Technical Skills, including:

Strong understanding of technology, computers and IT industry.Strong understanding of voice and networking products

