


ase结尾的单词 篇1

briefcase n. 公文包

carcase n. 尸体,架子

case n.情况;事实;病例

cease vi.&vi.&n.停止,停息

chase n.追逐,追赶,追求

corpase n.尸体;被废弃的东西

crease n. 折缝,皱痕

database n. 数据库

debase v. 贬低,贬损

decease n. 死亡

decrease v. 减少,降低,缩短;减小;减弱;n. 减少,减小

disease n.疾病

displease vt.使不愉快,使生气

ease n.安逸,熟练,轻易

encase vt. 围住,包起;把...装入箱内

ight结尾的单词 篇2

tight adv.紧紧地adj.牢固的

fortnight n.两星期,十四天

midnight n.午夜(晚上十二点钟)

firelight n. 火光

daylight n.白昼,日光;黎明

uptight adj. 焦虑不安的,紧张的

flashlight n.手电筒

fright n.惊吓,恐怖

sunlight n.日光,阳光

might v.aux.可能,也许

goodnight int. 晚安,再见

aright ad. 正确地

slight a.细长的;轻微的

bullfight n. 斗牛

flight n.航班;飞行;逃跑

affright vt. & n. (古)恐吓,恐惧

twilight n.黎明,黄昏;曙光

delight n.快乐

hundredweight n. 英担

copyright n. 版权,著作权

alight vi. 落下,偶然发现

downright a. 明白的,率直的,显明的

sight n.视力;视觉;见

insight n.洞察力,洞悉,见识

bight n. 海湾,绳圈

upright a.垂直的;正直的

moonlight n. 月光

lightweight a. 重量轻的;n. 重量轻的人或物

spotlight n. 照明灯,车头灯,聚光灯

wight n. 人类,人

blight n. 植物枯萎病v. 使…枯萎

airtight adj. 密封的

highlight n. 增强亮度,提示区;最重要的部分,最精彩的场面;vt. 使显著,使突出,着重

hight a. (古,诗)被称为…的

overweight n. 超过重量,过重,优势

straight a.直的;正直的 ad.直

plight n. 困境

right adv.正好,恰恰

sleight n. 巧妙手法,巧计,灵巧(分割

headlight n. 前灯,桅灯

night n.夜,夜间

foresight n. 远见

watertight adj.不漏水的`,防水的;不透水的;水密的;(计划,措辞等)严密的

shipwright n. 造船者

eyesight n.视力

ight结尾的单词 篇3

moonlight n. 月光;

night n.夜,夜间;

outright a. 彻底的;

overnight ad.一夜;突然;

oversight n. 忽略;失察;

overweight n. 超过重量,过重,优势;

playwright n. 剧作家;

plight n. 困境;

right adv.正好,恰恰;

shipwright n. 造船者;

sight n.视力;视觉;见;

sleight n. 巧妙手法,巧计,灵巧;

slight a.细长的.;轻微的;

含有ight结尾的单词 篇4


Store the cookies in an airtight tin.


Store the peppercorns in an airtight container and grind the pepper as you need it.


Mick had an airtight alibi.


This means that people going inside must pass through at least two airtight doors.

以back结尾的单词 篇5


The world economy could well benefit from a gradual slide in the greenback.


But there are two serious threats to a bet against the greenback.


But some economists are forecasting further falls in the greenback.


Pending dollar interest payments are another reason to hold or buy greenbacks.

ist结尾的单词 词性 篇6


naturalist(自然主义):Naturalist Eul Gibbons introduced a generation of Americans to the delights of nature and eating naturally.


optimist( 乐观主义者;乐天派):President Ronald Reagan was an etemal optimist whose cheery outlook,eloquently presented,were enough to get him elected twice.


pacifist(和平主义者):Suddenly,citizens who had been pacifist all their lives were calling for war.一直都是和平主义者的市民突然要求发动战争。

es结尾的单词国家 篇7

ascites n. 腹水

ashes n. 灰烬

auspices n. 资助,赞助

authorities n. 当局,权力,权威

azores n. (pl.)亚速尔群岛

beatles 披头士乐队

bedclothes n. 铺盖,床单被褥类

besides prep.除...之外

betimes ad. 早,及时,及早

blues n.布鲁斯乐曲 a.(非正式)伤感的

boxes 盒子

以duct结尾的单词 篇8

The aqueduct braces are meshed into spatial beam element.


The reliabilities of some kinds of aqueduct systems are analyzed.


That looks cool, what is it? An aqueduct? We have the same in Istanbul.


In Rome, you can drink from a street fountain fed by an ancient aqueduct.

ate结尾的单词三年级 篇9

Yes, it is fairly new to biology.


Biology is the study of living things.


In biology this week, the topic is Human Body.


Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biology class.


Listen to part of a lecture in a Conservation Biology class.
