


职场英语常用口语 篇1


1 Do I have to make a reconfirmation?


2 Is there any earlier one?


3 Could you tell me my reservation number, please?


4 Can I get a seat for todays 7:00 a.m. train?


5 Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo?


6 Is there any discount for the USA Railpass?


7 May I reconfirm my flight?


8 Are they all non-reserved seats?


9 Do I have to reserve a seat?


10 May I see a timetable?


11 How long will I have to wait?


12 Which would you prefer, a smoking seat or a non-smoking seat?


13 Do you have any other flights?

14 When would you like to leave?

15 Can I reconfirm by phone?


16 Where can I make a reservation?


17 Do I need a reservation for the dining car?


18 How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive?


19 Is this a daily flight?这是每日航班吗?

20 Excuse me. May I get by?


21 How much does it cost to go there by ship?


22 Can I cancel this ticket? 我可以取消这票吗?

23 Check it to my final destination


24 Please come to the airport by eight thirty at the latest.


25 Take your baggage to the baggage section.


26 Please open your baggage.请把你行李打开。

27 Please fill in this disembarkation card.


28 Let me see your passport, please.

29 I have come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.


30 Youre going out of your way for us, I believe.


31 Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now.


32 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.


33 If he wants to make any changes, minor alternations can be made then.


34 Is there any way of ensuring well have enough time for our talks?


35 So our evenings will be quite full then?


36 Well leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.


37 Wed have to compare notes on what weve discussed during the day.


38 Thatll put us both in the picture.


39 Then wed have some idea of what youll be needing.


40 I cant say for certain off-hand.

职场英语常用口语 篇2

最初由美国社会语言学家提出了职场交际的概念, 职场交际概念主要包括两个方面, 一方面是对一种语言形式的理解和掌握, 另一种则是不论什么时间、什么地点以及什么形式对谁恰当使用语言形式进行职场交际的知识体系的掌握和理解。高职院校教师在英语口语教学过程中, 应当以职场交际能力为目标, 着重培养学生英语口语交际能力。

2 以职场交际为目的的英语口语教学法的内涵

为了培养学生丰富的语感、提高学生的职场交际能力以及检验学生的英语学习成果, 教师应该把英语口语教学当成听说读写的重中之中。在当下, 大学普遍重视英语口语的锻炼, 使得学生较之以前的口语水平有了很大的提高。然而在实际的情况中, 却存在口语教学方式单一、效果不明显等问题, 这些问题急需解决。

在提高学生英语口语的整个过程中, 学生作为其中最重要的环节, 其自身的主动性变得尤为重要。我们常说兴趣是学习的动力, 所以我们可以相应地选择一些学生乐于谈论的话题进行讨论, 使其口语得到锻炼提高。以职场交际为目的的高职院校英语口语教学法的基本教学原则可归纳为以下几点:

(1) 以职场交际为中心开展口语教学活动。在职场交际中, 语言作为信息的载体, 同时也是职场交际的工具, 语言交际的目的就是进一步动员学生的积极性, 让他们积极参加课堂活动, 与其他同学交流讨论, 从而在活动中能够很好地运用询问、描述、邀请、抱怨等日常交际方式, 达到提高自己的语言能力。

(2) 英语口语教学的基本前提之一为语境化。话语要想实现职场的交际功能则离不开语境这个大的基础条件, 因此我们也将语境化称为英语口语教学的基本单位。比如我们通常理解的thank you在一定语境下并不是都表示感谢的意思, 它还会表示愤怒或者拒绝帮助等意思, excuse me更是在需要依靠具体的语境来判断其意思。总地来说, 一种形式可能会存在多种功能, 相反地多种形式也可能只具备一种的功能。

(3) 与准确性相比, 口语的流畅性显得更为重要。为了能够更好地达到锻炼学生的职场交际能力的目的, 我们需要特别注意学生在课堂活动中的表现, 不能过于强调学生在口语锻炼中所犯的错误, 而应较为注重其在语言交流过程中传达出来的信息, 而后可以在课堂最后的总结中让其明白自己存在的短板而加以改正。

(4) 教学过程应以学生为中心。在口语教学中, 我们应将学生放在课堂学习的中心地位, 去引导其自身主动地接受教学内容。教师则应该以辅助者的角色出现在课堂上, 帮助同学设计职场交际的教学活动, 为其制定相应的计划并及时对学生的课堂表现进行记录反馈。

3 以职场交际为目标的高职英语口语教学法的改革

我国高职院校英语口语教学的现状不容乐观, 存在很多问题, 这些问题的存在对于高职院校教学水平的提高具有一定的负面作用。常见的问题主要有教学方法落后、对英语口语教学的重视力度不够、学生学习主动性不强等, 笔者通过长期的研究认为, 高职院校英语口语教学的进一步改善应当做到以下几点:

(1) 进一步加强高职院校学生的听力训练。在语言、知识、信息的获取中, “听”是其不可缺少的重要部分, 同时也是学习开口说话的首要步骤。学生获得语感以及学会正确表达自己思维的基本方式则是通过大量的听力练习。学生想要说好英语则首先需要进行大量的听力练习, 试着去模仿, 试着去发音。由于学生听的广度和深度不同导致其口头交际能力出现了很大的差异。英语听力练习材料最好的是VOA, BBC, CRI等等。初学英语的学生可以从VOA Special English开始, 多掌握一些听力背景知识。然后可以通过VOA新闻来掌握一些专有名词, 最后还可以多听听CCTV-9来进一步提升自己的听力水平。

(2) 引导高职院校的学生进行阅读, 帮助其积累一定的词汇。真实的职场交际中存在大量词汇短语, 因此, 词汇量的多少往往对职场交际有着至关重要的作用, 同时也对于口语者的实际运用有着重要的影响, 然而词汇量的增加却又是一个日积月累的过程。教师应该注重培养学生积累词汇的好习惯。词汇量的缺乏导致了学生在英语口语交际中显得颇为乏力, 直接影响了学生英语口语交际的水平。常用的积累词汇的方法包括:connect:以一个常用的主题为引线, 帮助学生迅速记住单词, 从而帮助学生实现蜘蛛网式的单词体系。write:将词汇切实应用到实际生活当中, 使单词在学生的脑海中形成一种现象。用新的词汇造句或用一组单词或表达方式编故事。draw:激发出你自身的艺术性, 画那些和新学单词有关部的图片。你的图片能在今后帮助你激发记忆。act:用动作的形式, 将自身学过的单词表达出来。上述这些方式都能够帮助学习者迅速记住单词。

(3) 努力为高职院校学生英语口语教学营造氛围, 鼓励学生开口。以职场交际为目的使得我们必须将语言教学的过程进行职场交际化。所以在教学活动中, 我们要为学生尽可能地提供贴合实际的职场交际氛围, 让学生能够更加真实地感受职场交际。在这种教学模式下, 我们不能再像以前一样单纯地进行双向交流, 而是通过利用教材内容将其设计成多种模式的情景交流, 将语言知识转化为职场交际能力。比如情景对话 (Situational Dialogue) 、新闻报道 (News Report) 等。

(4) 语言要流畅, 发音要准确。教师可以根据学生在课堂活动中所运用的口语表达形式, 将其在活动过程中所出现的问题和错误进行相应的记录, 在总结过程中加以改正。在课堂上教师要帮助学生建立信心, 鼓励学生大胆地运用口语交流。要时刻谨记Learning English can

be fun and should not be limited in only one way.既可以通过看

电影的形式去纠正语音, 也可以通过听歌曲的形式去纠正语音。教师在课堂教学过程中, 不宜直接因为学生出现错误而去打断他们, 而应等到课堂活动结束或者情节模拟活动结束后再进行相应的纠正, 这样不仅可以提高学生口语的流畅度, 而且可以有效地帮助学生建立信心。

(5) 充实背景知识, 增强文化感知。发展学生的语言能力与发展学生的一般认知能力二者并不是孤立存在的, 他们是有机联系的整体。正因如此, 高职院校英语教师在教学过程中应当尽可能地帮助学生了解更多的英语文化背景知识, 帮助学生克服中英文化背景差异所造成的理解障碍。以汉语为母语的中国学生, 在使用英语的过程中, 经常会使用一些概括性的表述, 也会多用一些名言, 例如, in today’s society, in our life/history/world, today/these days/nowadays, in our/my country等等。而以英文为母语的学生则很少会用此类词语, 这充分体现出了两国文化的差异性。

(6) 高职院校教师应当在充分了解学生个体差异的情况下, 帮助学生树立教学目标。学生的学习程度不一, 如果教师不能够实现有针对性的教学, 则无法提高学生的英语口语水平, 进而导致高职院校学生英语口语教学水平整体下降。教师在教学过程中, 应当对每个学生的具体情况作深入了解, 并在此基础上, 对学生的口语状况进行分析, 为学生制定相应的学习目标。不仅如此, 在教学过程中还要帮助学生培养学习英语口语的兴趣, 充分调动学生学习口语的积极性, 根据不同程度的学生安排不同的任务, 并对其进行鼓励, 从而将学生心中的希望之火点燃, 进一步提高学生学习的积极性。

4 结语

高职院校英语口语教学的现状不容乐观, 教师应当予以高度的重视, 帮助学生树立学习目标, 创新教学方法, 培养学生学习兴趣, 充分调动学生学习的积极性。值得注意的是, 创新教学方法并不是一蹴而就的, 它是一个长期的过程, 需要我们大家共同努力。


[1]吴莹.基于高职应用型人才培养的职场英语口语教学策略[J].学理论, 2012 (9) :174-175.

商务英语接待外宾最常用口语解析 篇3




Hello,I am……Glad to make contact with you.

分析:这是首次见到外宾使用的公共场合问候语。很正式,同时又不失礼节。不要用How do you do这种已经很老气的问候语,第一次见面也不能使用太过随便的How are you doing等等,那样会让人觉得你不庄重。也可以使用I have heard a lot about you.久闻您大名。



分析:“接待”是常用动词,必须要掌握其翻译方法。接某人可以用receive或者pick up或者greet,但是含义有所不同。pick up一般是司机开车去接人,greet则有欢迎的意思。通常情况下,receive用得较多,意思是接待,而且也很客气。

译文:It is a great honor for me to receive you and your family.


分析:第一次见面通常会互换名片。注意不要用this或者that,它们是指示代词。因为名片是递过去的,你不能用手指着名片说。另外,正式场合名片一般不用name card。

译文:Here is my business card.

Id like to take a few minutes to introduce your schedule with your permission.





译文:I am at your disposal.

Ill show you around.



No words can fully express our gratitude to your thoughtful arrangement.





译文:The car is waiting .

After you.





译文:I need to confirm that tomorrow-meeting is set for 9:00 am at our office.



译文:Is that OK with you?



译文:Please contact me if you have any proble ms in your life or at work.

Well host a reception dinner in your honor at 8:00 PM tomorrow in Red Rose Restaurant.





译文:Id better take my leave now.

Ill pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow.Have a good time.






职场英语工作常用词汇 篇4

mailshot n. 邮购

maintain v. 维持,保持

maintenance n. 维持,坚持

major adj. 重大的,主要的,较大的

majority shareholding 绝对控股

make n. 产品的牌子或型号

make-to-order adj. 根据订货而生产的产品

make-to-stock adj. 指那些在未收到订货时就已生产了的产品

management n. 管理,管理部门

middle management n. 中层管理人员

senior management n. 高层管理人员

managerial adj. 管理人员的,管理方面的

manager n. 经理

plant manager n. 工厂负责人

line manager n. 基层负责人

staff manager n. 部门经理助理

management accounts n. 管理帐目

matrix management n. 矩阵管理

*management information system(MIS) n. 管理信息系统

manning n. 人员配备

manpower n. 劳动力

manpower resources n. 劳动力资源

manual adj. 体力的,人工的,蓝领的

manufacture v. (用机器)制造

manufacturer n. 制造者(厂、商、公司)

manufacturing adj. 制造的

manufacturing industry 制造业

margin n. 利润

gross margin n. 毛利率

net margin n. 净利润

mark-up v. 标高售价,加价

market n. 市场;产品可能的销量

down market adv./adj. 低档商品/地的

up market adj./adv. 高档商品的/地

marketing mix n. 综合营销策略,指定价、促销、产品等策略的配合来

market leader n. 市场上的主导公司

*market niche n. 小摊位,专业市场的一个小部分

market penetration n. 市场渗入

market segmentation 市场划分

market share n. 市场占有率,市场份额

*mass-marketing n. 大众营销术

*master production schedule n. 主要生产计划

*material requirements planning(MRP) n. 计算生产中所需材料的方法

*materials handling n. 材料管理,材料控制

maximise v. 使增至最大限度、最大化

measure n. 措施,步骤

media n. 新闻工具,传媒

mass media 大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)

merchandising n. (在商店中)通过对商品的摆放与促销进行经营

merge v. 联合,合并

merger n. (公司,企业等的)合并

merit n. 优点,值得,应受

method study n. 方法研究

middleman n. 中间人,经纪人

minimize v. 使减至最小限度,最小化

*mission n. 公司的长期目标和原则

mobility n. 流动性,可移性

moderately adv. 中等地,适度地

monopoly n. 垄断,独占

mortgage n./v. 抵押

motivate v. 激励,激发......的积极性

motivated adj. 有积极性的

motivation n. 提供动机,积极性,动力

英语课堂常用口语 篇5

1.The classmates, we all have a warm home.Family members are how to call in English? Today let us to learn.同学们,我们都有一个温暖的家。家庭成员用英语是怎么称呼呢?今天就让我们来学习下吧。

2.Let us have a look at today’s learning objectives.让我们看一下今天的学习目标。

3.Let us listen to a song to review the words.先让我们听一首歌,复习一下学过的单词。

4.Every body ready?


5.Who is the first?


6.He/She said, right? OK or not?


7.Please hand!


8.Who will correct?


9.Who will fill?


10.See who do the fastest?


11.Let us do some exercise.让我们做一些练习。

12.See the answer.看答案。

13.Today we learned some of what contents? Let us do the summary.今天我们学了什么内容?让我们来做下小结。

14.Time for class.上课了。

15.(New)class is over.(新)课结束了。

16.Let us take a look at…


17.Now follow me.现在跟我学。

18.Look at the projection.请看投影。

19.Please follow the multimedia.请跟多媒体学一遍。

职场英语加班口语 篇6



work overtime =work extra hours

A: I have to work overtime today.

B: Lots of work,huh?


overtime pay

A: Do we get overtime pay?

B: Yes,it?s 1.5 times for workday overtime,and 2 times for weekends.


request for overtime

A: I just submitted a request for overtime.

B: I?ll have a look and see if it is necessary.


overtime meals

A: How about overtime meals?

B: You can call this number to order a meal,

or you can go out for a meal and report the expense.


take off later

A: I have worked overtime for these weekends.

B: You can take some time off later.


work overtime regularly/on a regular basis

A: I work overtime regularly.

B: Really? Don?t you get very tired after a while?

A: I?ve been accustomed to it.

B: How often does it happen?

A: Almost once a week.


I already have plans/arrangements.

A: Sally,can you work late this evening?

B: Why? I don?t understand.

A: There?s some extra work that has to be done today.

B: You mean to work overtime? I?m sorry but I already have plans



work overtime to get it done

A: Can you finish it today?

B: No way,I have to work overtime to get it done.


leave it for tomorrow

=put it off until tomorrow

A: I need to finish the project tonight before I go to bed.

B: Why don?t you leave it for tomorrow?

A: Today is the deadline.


stay up

A: Let?s get it done even if we have to stay up all night.

B: I?m game.


work overtime for days

A: You look worn out today.

B: Yes,I feel miserable when I work overtime for days.


work round?the?clock

A: Your office staff seems so busy.

B: You?re right,we work round?the?clock every day.


keep working =keep on with my work

A: Though I?m very tired every day,I will keep working till the project is done.

常用口语表达 篇7

extremely irritated and fed up with something or someone 烦透了某人或某事

例如:I’m fed up to the back teeth with my job.


2. turn one’s back on sb. 不理会;不愿给予帮助


例如:I won’t ever forgive my older brother—he turned his back on me and refused to lend me any money when I lost my job. 我永远也不会原谅我哥哥。当我失去工作的时候,他根本不肯帮忙,一点钱都不愿意借给我。

3. get one’s hands full 忙得不可开交


例如:Sorry I can’t help you. I’ve got my hands full at the moment. 抱歉,我帮不了你。我现在忙得要命。

4. have one’s heart in the right place 心肠好;善良

例如:Tom looks very rough but his heart is in the right place. 汤姆看起来凶巴巴的,但是心肠很好。

5. can’t make head or tail of 弄不清楚

To be unable to come to terms with or understand something 弄不清楚某事;稀里糊涂的

例如:I can’t make head or tail of it. 我稀里糊涂的,弄不清楚这件事。

6. have one’s tongue in one’s cheek 半开玩笑;调侃

例如:I don’t think he was serious when he said that. I think he probably had his tongue in his cheek.

英语面试常用口语对话 篇8


B :Sure. Firstly,it is very important for you to be punctual. Interviewersusually don t think much of a candidate who comes 5 or 10 minutes late only toexplain that he could not find the place or he was stuck in traffic.


A: Yeah,that is very important.


B: Secondly , you need to create a good image in a limited time.


A:I will try my best to make a good impression, but it is always easiersaid that done.


B: I think you should make some preparations. For example, you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. What s more,try to avoid a too causal style.


A:Can I wear T-shirt and jeans for the job interview?


B: You d better not. Informal clothes like sports shirts,tom jeans or dirty sneakers convey the impression that you are not serious about the job, or that you may be casual about your work as you are about your clothes.

B:你最好别穿。像运动衫,磨旧的牛仔裤 或脏球鞋这类的非正式服装可能给人造 成你对这份工作不认真的印象,或者说 你对工作的态度同穿着一样随意。

A:I‘ve got It. I think I will wear a white shirt with a tie. Thank you for your suggestions.

职场英语口语培训 篇9




职场英语市场部门口语 篇10

sales quota

A: What is your requirement to agencies?

B: You must fulfill the sales quota of 100 sets per month.

A: If so,how much can we get as the commission?

B: You will get a 10% commission on every machine you sell.


target/potential customer

A: How do you define your target customer?

B: We designed a questionnaire to do the research.

A: What?s the consumers? response?

B: Almost all the young people have the great interest in our product.


after?sale service

A: Your product is nice,

but will the price be on the high side?

B: Our price is absolutely competitive.

You can compare that with the other dealers.

A: Then,how about the after?sale service?

B: Don?t worry about that,

our company has sound after?sale service.



A: If there is something wrong with the product after your purchase,

you can get it repalced within 7 days.

We also offer you the after?sale repair service within a year.

A: Will it be repaired free of charge?

B: Yes,but we will charge you after one year.


sales receipts/invoice

A: What are the sales documents I need to present to you

when I come to get it repaired?

B: Invoice is a must.

You?d better bring the guarantee certificate together with it as well.


selling skills

A: How do you strengthen the sales persons?quality in the training?

B: I always give them lectures on marketing.

A: What?s the specific content of those lectures?

B: Mostly I attract their attention to the selling skills

they must have as a salesperson.

采购商 / 供应商

buyer / supplier

A: I find it more efficient for a buyer

to deal with fewer suppliers rather than more.

B: I don?t buy your point.

I think more suppliers mean lower price and higher quality.

A: It?s not the case in reality.

Buyers can benefit a lot from the reduction in the number of suppliers.


order quantities and timing

A: Henry,what do you think matters the most in purchasing?

B: Order quantities and timing.

A: Why are they important?

B: How and when to buy is a big concern in reducing cost.


Just?in?time (JIT) purchasing

A: Just?in?time purchasing seems to be quite popular now,

isn?t it?

B: Yes.You know one goal of modern purchasing

is to maintain supply continuity

with the minimum inventory investment.

A: I think the goal of JIT purchasing is zero inventory.

B: Theoretically speaking,it is.

But in practice,that is rarely achieved.


conduct a market research

A: I am thinking of doing a new business.

B: What sort of business will it be?

A: I?ve been thinking about opening a supermarket.

B: The business will be good if you choose the right location.

You?d better conduct a market research first.

市场定位 market positioning

A: What is the market positioning for our new products?

B: We focus on the teenagers,

their consuming power is increasing day by day.


selling strategy

A: Have you predicted our position?

B: We?ll be the market leader in the near future.

Our selling strategy is the high quality of our products.


The market will be standardized.

A: What are the opportunities for the next five years?

B: The market will be standardized.

A: And?

B: The government may announce more positive policies

to promote the international business.


marketing plan

A: How is the marketing plan for the new product going on?

Don?t forget to analyze the basic four aspects.

B: Don?t worry;

we?ve already finished the part about product and promotion.


distribution channels

A: What are the distribution channels you have found for our products?

B: Nowadays,the direct marketing is very popular,

such as the internet,telephone,mail, etc.

A: What are the advantages of direct marketing?

B: The most prominent one is reducing the cost.



A: Do you think we should use the intermediaries

to help us with the sales?

B: Absolutely.They have knowledge of customers and their needs.


strategic objectives in pricing

A: What are the strategic objectives in your pricing?

B: I?m not sure about it.

The least is survival,

but we are trying to achieve profit maximization as well.



A: Are you planning to go with one of those big chain supermarkets?

B: Yes,that is probably reliable.

A: But a franchise from those big supermarkets must be very expensive.

职场英语合同洽谈口语 篇11

Contract Negotiation


Let?s get down to business.

A: So let?s get down to business.

B: OK.Shall we start with prices?

A: Certainly.I?d be happy to answer any questions.


reach a conclusion/an agreement

=conclude these negotiations

A: We started negotiation from last year.

We do hope to reach a conclusion by that time.

B: That?s really what we want,too.

The key problem is the price,you know.

A: Both of us need move.

It?s impossible for me to move alone.


transfer patent

A: We?re willing to transfer our patent.

B: In what form?

A: We?d like to transfer the right to use the patent

in the form of the license.


buy the know?how

A: We?d like to buy the know?how.

B: No problem.But the price is much higher.

A: How much will you ask for?

B: Five times the price for the patent.


How long shall we make the contract for?

A: Have you got any comment about these clauses?

B: No.But one more thing we?d like to ask

is how long we?ll make the contract for?

A: How about one year?

B: Don?t you think one year is a little bit short?



A: When does the contract expire?

B: Next January.

A: Is it possible to renew it?

B: It?ll be renewed if there are no disagreements.


Is there anything to be amended?

=Have you got anything that needs to be revised?

A: Is there anything to be amended?

B: No.Things that should be there are there.

We?re very satisfied.

A: When shall we sign the contract?

B: How about tomorrow morning?


Has our attorney looked at this contract yet?

A: When will the contract be ready?

B: The day after tomorrow.

A: Has our attorney looked at this contract yet?


have another check

=go over the terms once more

A: Shall we sign the contract now?

B: Yes,but we?d better have another check.

A: You?re absolutely right.

I really appreciate your conscientious attitude.

B: Thank you.Here is the copy for you.


All that?s left is to sign our names.

A: I think everything is in order here.

B: All that?s left is to sign our names.

A: I?ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time.


I?m so pleased we?ve made the deal finally.

A: I?m so pleased we?ve made the deal finally.

B: Me too.

I hope the contract will lead to years of pleasant cooperation.

A: Let?s propose a toast to our successful negotiation!

如何掌握常用英语口语 篇12



其次,贝立兹的老师建议给自己创造一个全方位的英语环境。对你的英语口语最有帮助的事情之一,就是尝试着让你自己浸泡在英语环境当中。你可以给自己制定一套计划,比如 “24-hour English”, 为自己挑选一个日子,每周的某一天,全天进入英文模式,避免说中文,尽量用英语来表达自己的意思。不仅嘴上说英文,还要用英语思考,比如清晨在脑海里用英语对自己说一遍一天的计划。如果能做到全身心进入英文模式并加以坚持,那就是给自己营造了一个好的英文环境,对英语口语对话能力的增强时有很大帮助的!
