


职场英语演讲中“三的法则” 篇1


1.The audience arelikely to remember only three things from your presentation – plan in advancewhat these will be.听众或许只会从你的演讲中记住三样东西——都是什么呢?提前做好计划!

Believe it or not, the chances are,people will only remember three things from your presentation.So before youstart writing your presentation, plan what your three key messages will be.Once you have these messages, structure the main part of your presentationaround these three key themes and look at how they could be better illustrated.不管你信不信,听众只能记住三点与你演讲有关的内容。因此在开始写演讲稿之前,就要确定好你最关键的三条信息。一旦你确定了这些信息,围绕这三个主题构建你演讲的主要内容并考虑如何更好的阐述。

2.There are three partsto your presentation 你的演讲包含三个部分

The beginning, the middle and the end.Start to plan out what you will do in these three parts.The beginning is idealfor an attention grabber or for an ice breaker.The end is great to wrap thingsup or to end with a grand


3.Use lists of threewherever you can in your presentation 演讲中尽可能将观点列为三点进行表达

Lists of three have been used fromearly times up to the present day.They are particularly used by politiciansand advertisers who know the value of using the rule of three to sell theirideas.列为三点这种方式已经从过去沿用至今,它们熟练的被政治家和广告制作人用来销售他们的理念,因为他们深知“三的法则”的价值。

Veni, Vidi, Vici(I came, I saw, Iconquered)– Julius Caesar 我来了,我看见,我战胜 — 凯撒大帝

Friends,Romans,Countrymen lend me your ears–William Shakespeare 朋友、罗马人、同胞,请听我说— 丘吉尔

Our priorities are Education,Education, Education–Tony Blair 我们的重点是教育、教育、教育 — 布莱尔

A Mars a day helps you to work, restand play – Advertising slogan 一天一根玛氏条,助你工作、休息和玩耍 — 广告词

Stop, look and listen – Public safetyannouncement 一停二看三听 — 公共安全宣传语

A classic example of the rule of threewas Winston Churchill’s famous Blood, Sweat and Tears speech.He is widelyattributed as saying I can promise you nothing but blood sweat and tears.Whathe actually said was “I can promise you Blood, Sweat, Toil and Tears”.Becauseof the rule of three we simply remember it as Blood sweat and tears.有关“三的法则”享有盛名的就是丘吉尔的“血、汗和泪水”的演说,人们普遍认为他当时说的是:我能奉献的唯有血、汗和泪水,实际上他说了什么呢?“我能奉献的唯有血、汗、辛劳和泪水”,因为“三的法则”我们仅仅只记住了血、汗和泪水。

4.In Presentations “Lessis More”


If you have four points to get across –cut one out.They won’t remember it anyway.In presentations less really ismore.No one ever complained of a presentation being too short.如果你有四个要点要阐述——那就去掉一个,他们是无论如何也记不下那个的。在演讲中“少即是多”,没有人会因为一场演讲太过简短而抱怨的。
