


Class 篇1


本单元的主要内容是祈使句, 学生已经学会“Open the window, please.”和否定句“Don’t open the door.”两种句式, 初步掌握了“请别人干某事”和“叫别人不要干某事”的英语表达法。


《英语课程标准》中提出, 小学英语课堂要树立“语言学习的外延和生活外延相等”的观念, 教师要围绕“in life, by life, for life (在生活中、通过生活、为了生活) ”的主题设计教学活动, 从生活和英语的结合中, 探索有效途径。


1. 能看懂、会读E部分对话。

2. 掌握祈使句的肯定形式“...please.”和否定形式“Don’t…”。

3. 能听读、辨认辅音字母r和s在单词中的读音。


1. 能看懂、会读E部分对话。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句, 并能在适当的场合正确使用祈使句。


1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写祈使句, 并能在适当的场合正确使用祈使句。

2. 能听读、辨认辅音字母r和s在单词中的读音。

3. 对本单元知识的综合运用, 进行相应的文明礼貌教育, 提高学生的综合素质。




Step 1:Warming up

1.I say you do:Stand up.Sit down.Open your books.Come here.Draw a cat.Close your eyes.

2. PPT呈现教师的自我介绍 (伴节奏感强的音乐)

Morning, morning, good morning;Alice, Alice, I am Alice;Rabbits, rabbits, I like rabbits;Running, running, I like running;Puzzles, puzzles, I like puzzles.

(设计意图:以旧带新, 把学生拉入学英语的氛围中, 调动学生参与的积极性。)

3.Free talk

T:Good morning.I like rabbits.How about you?S1:Me, too.Do you like rabbits?

S2:I like dogs.

T:I like running.And you?S3:I like jogging.

T:I like puzzles.And you?S4:I like puppets.And you?S5:I like kites.

T:I have some puzzles.Let me show you them.

Step 2:PPT呈现Part E, watch cartoons and do some exercises.

1.PPT呈现拼图 (E部分图) 的图片,

T:Look!It’s a puzzle.Shall we do the puzzle now?

PPT:凌乱的拼图和短语do the puzzle及句型Shall we do the puzzle?

T:Look!Who are they?S6:David and his father.

T:What’s on the desk?S7:A puzzle.

T:I like doing the puzzle.How about David?It’s eight forty-five.Can David do the puzzle?Let’s watch the cartoon.

2.Answer the questions.

T:What’s the time?S8:It’s eight forty-five.

T:Is it time to do the puzzle?S9:No, it isn’t.

3.Listen to the tape and read Part E.

4. Look and complete. (情景:9点25分, Ben想要看电视, 妈妈建议他睡觉。Ben接受了建议。)

Ben:____the time?Mum:It’s____twenty-five.

Ben:Shall we____TV now?Mum:No, it’s late to watch TV.

Ben:OK.Mum:It’s time to_______to bed.

Ben:All right.Good night, Mum.

5.Now can you give me the answer?Let’s check the answers.

(设计意图:英语教学要培养学生听说读写的能力, 有效的练习能让学生更熟练地掌握所学内容。)

Step 3:Story time.

PPT呈现:Xiaotu guaiguai

1.T:Listen to it and try to understand it.

2.Try to fill in the blanks, use.“come, copy, sit, eat, open drink, draw”. (选词填空)

a.兔妈临出发前交代: (1) Don’t____the door and the windows. (2) ____the new words and____dogs for me a home.

b.小兔们知道兔妈回来了说: (3) ____in, please. (4______down, please. (5) ______some cakes. (6) _____some milk, please.

c.大灰狼站在门外说: (7) _____the door for me, please。

3.Check the answers.PPT:open, Copy, draw, Come, Sit, Eat Drink, Open

4.Read the sentences together.

(设计意图:讲故事好比投下“石子”, 荡起学生用英语思维的涟漪。)

Step 4:学习Part G1, 让学生带着问题观看动画。

T:The rabbits are clever.Here is a dog.It is clever, too.Let’s watch the cartoon.

1.Let’s watch it.

2.T:Listen to it again.This time you can try to read after it.

3.教“give”。Can you read the word“big”“five”?板书:big, five---give

Follow me, please.Give, give, give me a book, give me a pen, give me a ruler... (辅以动作)

4.Judge the sentences. (判断下列句子是否与动画相符, 相符的写“T”, 不相符的写“F”。) Let’s have a try.

a.Liu Tao gives the dog a cap. ()

b.The dog gives Liu Tao a hat. ()

c.The dog gets the bone (骨头) . ()

答案:F F T

5. 给动画配音. (提示学生用短语look at this, come here, si down, give me the cap.)

Let’s watch the cartoon again.Have a try.

(设计意图:给动画配音, 调动学生“玩中学”的积极性, 使学英语的兴趣在玩中得到激发。)

Step 5:学习Part F

T:I like dogs.How about you?S13:I like dogs, too.

T:I like rabbits, too.Look, some rabbits are coming.How happy they are!

1.T:How many rabbits can you see? rabbits.

T:Do you like running?S15:Yes.

T:Where are the rabbits?S16:On the sofa.

2.PPT:七只兔子和seven, rabbits, running, on the sofa, 让学生进行句子接龙。

S17:Seven rabbits are running.S18:Rabbits are on the sofa.

S19:Seven rabbits are running on the sofa.

3.趣读句子, 变速读。Seven rabbits are running on the sofa.

练一练, 比一比, 看谁读得又快又准。


PPT:read, ruler, brown, rubber, right, write, sweater, skirt sock, six, sit, small.

T:Read after me, please.Ss:OK.

T:Can you read the words?Ss:Yes.

(设计意图:多种形式带领学生学习新知, 让更多的学生乐于参与学习。)

Step 6:拓展延伸, 播放不文明行为录像, 将某一镜头定格, 引导学生说Don t...

S20:Turn off the light.S21:Turn off the tap.S22:Don’t write on the wall.S23:Don’t draw on the desk.S24:Don’t stand up.Sit down, please.

(设计意图:用学生喜闻乐见的方式进行文明礼貌教育, 讲文明, 促和谐。)

Step 7:Homework:1.Copy Part E one time.2.搜集或自制几条文明标语。


Xiaotu guaiguai

Rabbit Mum has seven rabbits.One morning, she carries her basket and says, “Don’t open the door.Don’t open the windows.Copy the new words and draw dogs for me at home.Mum will come back again!”At seven, she goes out.

Ten minutes later (十分钟后) .It’s seven forty.Bad Wolf comes.He finds little rabbits are at home, and their mother is not at home.So he wants to eat the little rabbits.“Open the door please.I am your mum.Open the door for me, please.”he says copying Rabbit Mum’s voice (模仿兔妈妈的嗓音) .

The little rabbits are afraid.They say, “No, we do not open You are not Mum!”They don’t open the door.Time fIies. (时间过得飞快) It’s eight forty.Mum comes back.Bad Wolf quickly goes away (快速逃走了) Mum knocks at the door (敲门) , “My dear white rabbits, open the door quickly.Mum is back.I want to come in.”

“All right, Mum.Come in, please.”Little rabbits know that Mum comes back, and they open the door.They say to their mother, “Si down, please.”“Eat some cake.”“Drink some water, please.”When they see many carrots (胡萝卜) , little rabbits are very happy.

Class 篇2

We are not going to have any classes/lessons next week.下星期我们不上课。



There are forty-six students in our class. 我们班有四十六名学生。


汽车CLASS-A曲面设计 篇3







Class 篇4

本刊讯 (供稿张立猛) 沃特世ACQUITY UPLC®系列的新成员——A C Q U I T Y U P L CH-Cla s s系统继在上海、北京、广州、香港、台湾与全球同步发布后, 得到广大用户的认可和充分好评。为让更多国内用户尽早了解该系统以及该系统如何帮助用户实现商业价值, 沃特世公司于2010年3月开始, 在哈尔滨、天津、石家庄、苏州、杭州、武汉、成都、深圳、沈阳、大连等21座城市举办新技术与应用研讨会, 介绍新型ACQUITY UPLC, 并由沃特世公司管理层及资深应用工程师在现场进行详细讲解。

沃特世公司的ACQUITY UPLC系列已经可以满足用户对有限样品分析、制造过程中的样品分析、常规分析、研究与开发的需要;可以根据用户的需要, 选择最适合的UPLC产品。此项新技术无疑将对制药、食品、环境等众多领域产生深远影响。

《梨泰院class》剧情观后感 篇5














Class 篇6

In China’s main urban centers, Beijing and Shanghai, the middle class accounted for 46 percent and 38 percent, respectively, of the local population.

The report, published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), defines the middle class as people who spend only 30 to 37.3 percent of income on food. More specifically, the report’s lead author, Zhang Lifeng, said they are mostly people in households with a per-capita annual disposable income of between 16,300 yuan ($2,556) and 37,300 yuan ($5,848).

Tan Tan, a young staff in a private company in Beijing with a monthly salary of 5,100 yuan ($800), belongs to the middle class category as defined by the report. But she said she didn’t feel “middle class” at all.

Tan spends about two thirds of her disposable income on daily necessities, such as rent, utilities, food, clothing, transportation and phone bills. She saves about 17,000 yuan ($2,665) a year on average.

She believes “middle class” refers to a lifestyle far removed from her own. Facing rising housing prices and inflation, Tan said she found her finances constantly stretched and didn’t have the peace of mind with which she associates a middle-class lifestyle.

“I do not own a house. The money I save in a year is not enough to buy 1 square meter of living space,” Tan said.

Like Tan, many statistically qualified middle-class Chinese people are struggling to pay mortgages, cars, medical bills and their children’s education.

Vague definition

Although the term middle class is widely used, there is no universally accepted definition for it.

The middle class in other countries is usually defined by income and occupation, said Zhang, lead author of the CASS report and a researcher with the academy’s Institute for Urban and Environment Studies.

“The American middle class consists of households with an income between$40,000 and $200,000, which accounts for 80 percent of the country’s population, while the German middle class includes households with an income between $30,000 and$800,000, or about 55 percent of the population,” she said.

The first references to a modern Chinese middle class were made in the late 1980s after China implemented the reform and opening-up policy. Only since the turn of the century have mainstream Chinese scholars been studying the middle class, said Cheng Li, a senior fellow at the U.S.-based Brookings Institute.

According to international standards, to be middle class in a developing country requires a daily income of between $4 and$6, said Li Shi, a professor at the School of Economics and Business Management of Beijing Normal University.

By this standard, China has a very large middle class, but the accuracy of this standard is debatable as developing countries vary wildly.“Whether China has a middle class is contingent on how we define it,” Li said.

Chinese researchers usually use income, profession and education as most essential criteria in determining middle-class status, and some scholars also use consumption level in their studies.

In 2005, the National Bureau of Statistics

released a survey, which showed the urban middle class should have an annual income between 60,000 yuan ($9,405) and 500,000 yuan ($78,376). At the time the bureau estimated that the middle class constituted 5 percent of urban Chinese residents.

In her newly published report, Zhang classified households with an Engel’s Coefficient of between 0.3 and 0.373 as middle class. The Engel’s Coefficient refers to the share of food in total household expenditure.

Zhang chose to use consumption level rather than income as a measure of middleclass status, because, she said, Chinese citizens are often hesitant to disclose their full incomes, and there are huge disparities in living costs between China’s regions.

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, the Engel’s Coefficient for the richest segment of society is typically below 0.3 and for the wealthy stands at between 0.3 and 0.4. Zhang said she chose the 0.3 to 0.373 range for China’s middle class after taking into account Chinese citizens’ consumption and living patterns and China’s socio-economic system.

But Zhang’s conclusion that China had 230 million middle-class urban residents in 2009 has been widely criticized. A netizen known as Wuyue Sanren said the Ministry of Finance’s (MOF) statistics show only 24 million people in China make more than 3,500 yuan ($549) per month, the personal income tax exemption threshold effective

on September 1. “How can a person with income below the income tax exemption threshold level qualify as a middle class?”Wuyue Sanren said.

Zhang said the MOF’s data were based on individuals’ reported incomes, while hers were based on household spending. Since many Chinese people have off-book income, Zhang said she believed household spending provides a more accurate picture of people’s lifestyles.

Wang Jian, Secretary General of the Chinese Society of Macroeconomics of the National Development and Reform Commission, said he thought Zhang’s estimate was more or less accurate.

Wang admitted China’s present high inflation had placed an enormous strain on all citizens, but he said even struggling mortgage payers remained middle class in comparison to people who cannot even afford a down payment. Painstaking growth

“Currently, the shape of China’s income structure is not an olive with a bulging middle and tapering ends, but a pyramid with a large group of low-income people at the bottom,” said Li at Beijing Normal University.

But Zhou Tianyong, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, tends to believe China’s income structure takes an inverted T shape, with the middle to high-income popu- lation constituting the vertical bar and the bulk of the people being the horizontal bar at the bottom.

Zhou said the best way to produce an olive-shaped income structure in China is to boost the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

“In China, the number of owners and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises is relatively small, as the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises is inhibited by heavy taxes and difficulties in fundraising,” Zhou said.

Using data released by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Zhou calculated China had 12 enterprises per thousand people, whereas China’s Taiwan and South Korea each had 50 enterprises per thousand people.

“If China has 50 enterprises per thou

sand people and each company is run by at least two people, then one 10th of the country’s population will be middle class,”he said.

China’s growing income disparity between a high-income elite and the struggling remainder of the population remains an impediment to changing the structure of the country’s income pyramid.

“With the growing income gap, it is difficult to have a fast-growing middle class, said Chi Fulin, a researcher with the China Institute for Development and Research, a think-tank based in south China’s Hainan Province.

Chi believes a rapid expansion of the middle class will only happen if China increases wages in its service and hi-tech sectors. “It is difficult for an economy dominated by investment and industry rather than services to breed a mass middle class,” he said.

According to Bai Chongen, a professor at the Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management, the share of household income in total national income dropped from 63 percent in 1993 to 52 percent in 2007, whereas in the same period, the share of government revenues increased 9 percentage points, and that of enterprises’ income went up 2 percentage points.

He called on the government to increase expenditure on public programs and distribute dividends of state-owned enterprises to citizens, saying these efforts will greatly reduce the burden on citizens.

Class 篇7

Datamax-O’Neil在考量了泛太制帽各方面需求之后, 为客户设计了量身定做的打印解决方案。泛太制帽最终应用了I-Class系列工业级条码打印机——I-4280。

Datamax-O’Neil I-4208打印机内置网卡, 方便于远程的电脑信息传递和信息操控。I-4208的分辨率分别为203dpi, 用来打印外箱和内盒的标签, 在满足识读精度的同时降低了客户原本需要外订标签的投入成本。除此之外, I-4208内置在线检测仪, 客户在使用过程中只需要设定好IP地址就能实现无人值守在线打印并检测。首先避免了人工检测, 其次大幅减少了不合格标签的生成数量, 提高了生产效率。

“在选择解决方案时, 我们最初考虑过用外置条码检测仪并实行人工检测, 但不能实现实时工作, 并且不合格的条码要通过另外补打的方式来实现。Datamax-O’Neil I-4 2 0 8内置的在线检测仪刚好符合我们的需求, 并且能实现实时补打。而且Datamax-O’Neil I-4208打印机提供的在线检测功能, 避免了不合格标签在生产线上的使用。”上海泛太制帽I T经理曹亮表示。

Class 篇8

1. 关于E-CLASS




2. 利用E-CLASS开展高校辅导员就业指导工作的特点

2.1 开放性



2.2 隐秘性


2.3 灵活性


2.4 主动性



2.5 传递性


3. 利用E-CLASS开展就业指导工作的优势

3.1 随时随地开展就业指导


3.2 完全开放的交谈空间




3.3 功能完备的信息载体



3.4 长效畅通的联系渠道



4. 利用E-CLASS开展就业指导工作应注意的问题

4.1 指导学生正确使用网络


4.2 尽量避免不当言论对其他受众的影响和冲击


4.3 网络普及率、E-CLASS占有率及上网时间的多少都将对通过E-CLASS实施大学生就业指导工作的有效性造成影响


4.4 面对面的就业指导必不可少




Class 篇9

本文通过使用DisQuE™基质分散样品制备试剂盒快速地对样品进行处理, 并采用沃特世®ACQUITY UPLC®H-Class系统对其进行液相色谱-荧光检测, 在不到4分钟的时间即可完成对样品的PAH分析, 可快速实现对海产品中的PAH污染物的筛选。



一般称为“QuEChERS”的基质分散固相提取方法, 是一种简单直接的样品制备技术, 适用于各种食品中多种农药残留的分析。沃特世DisQuE™基质分散样品制备试剂盒包含2组离心管, 里面有预先称好的吸附剂和缓冲剂, 专门针对AOAC (美国官方分析化学师协会) 官方分析方法的使用而设计。


DisQuE™提取管 (试管1) :50mL离心管中预装入1.5g无水醋酸钠和6g无水硫酸镁。

DisQuE™净化管 (试管2) :2mL离心管中预装入150mg无水硫酸镁和50mg PSA固相萃取填料。

DisQuE™基质分散样品制备试剂盒可提供快速、简便萃取海产品试样中PAH的方法。样品进化后不需浓缩或溶剂置换, 而且无需进行SPE固相萃取柱常用的平衡步骤, 使用方便, 省时省力。


ACQUITY UPLC®H-Class系统是一套经过优化的先进系统, 具有四元溶剂混合的灵活性和简易性, 并带有一个流通针式进样器, 可实现UPLC分离的先进性能——高分离度、灵敏度和高通量, 同时还保持了ACQUITY®系统所被公认的耐用性和可靠性。选择ACQUITY UPLC®H-Class, 可以在面向未来的LC平台上继续运行现有的HPLC方法, 并可实现向UPLC分离的无缝转换。样品经过前处理后, 即可使用集成系统工具和可靠的色谱柱工具包进行方法转换和方法开发, 以简化过渡流程。



鱼虾样品通过搅拌器进行均质化处理之后, 将其加入至沃特世提供的DisQuE™提取管中。加入乙腈并用力摇动试管, 从而使海产品试样与乙腈和吸附剂形成一种混合液。对提取管进行高速离心, 使之出现一层清澈的上清液。将该层上清液等分成两份, 将其中的一份加入至DisQuE™净化管中, 然后进行摇动和离心;将第二份上清液转移至一个样品管中, 加水稀释后进样。


采用ACQUITY UPLC®H-Class系统与沃特世的PAH色谱柱, 在水、甲醇和乙腈组成的三元梯度下对这些化合物进行洗脱。ACQUITY®FLR检测器使用大容量的流通池, 每种PAH分析物的激发和发射波长均进行了时间程序的优化。总分析时间为3.5分钟。

图注:使用ACQUITY UPLC H-Class系统, 荧光检测器, 在4分钟内完成一次PAH分析。15种分析物分别为:1-萘2-苊3-芴4-菲5-蒽6-荧蒽7-芘8-苯并蒽9-屈10-苯并 (b) 荧蒽11-苯并 (k) 荧蒽12-苯并 (a) 芘13-二苯并 (a, h) 蒽14-苯并 (g, h, i) 15-茚并 (1, 2, 3-cd) 芘


由实验可见, 通过使用DisQuETM基质分散样品制备试剂盒进行简单操作, 荧光检测式ACQUITY UPLC®H-Class系统可在4分钟内完成一次PAH分析。此解决方案对于每天需要对大量样品进行检测的工作者来说具有非常重要的意义。研究表明, 如果使用本实验方案, 一位化学师仅用3 0分钟就可制备出一个检测批次的12个样品, 每天可轻松处理超过150份样品, 大大节省检测时间、提高检测效率。

与此同时, 本方案可帮助实验室筛选海产品中的PAH残留, 无需高成本便能及时地给出结果;检测结果准确性高, 很大程度上减少消费者对食用海产品的顾虑。

Class 篇10

The central bank, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC), launched the scheme on October 30, though a timetable for when the reforms would take place was not released.

Zhang Zhi, a bank clerk, plans to invest in e-commerce giant Alibaba, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. “Ive been waiting a long time to buy Alibaba stock, and now the opportunity is coming,” he told International Finance News, a weekly newspaper published in Shanghai.

Under the new guidelines, the Shanghai FTZ will spearhead the countrys initiative to make the yuan a fully convertible currency. The zone will also take a leading role in the qualified domestic individual investor (QDII2) scheme and allow qualified individuals to directly invest in overseas businesses, real estate and financial products, according to a PBOC statement detailing the pilot scheme. Additional institutions and individuals will be allowed to trade securities and futures in domestic and foreign markets in the zone, which will also support establishing overseas private equity funds, according to the statement.

Making the yuan fully convertible and reviewing QDII2 are the major reforms detailed in the statement and are expected to be carried out during the first half of 2016, Chen Bo, Secretary General of the Institute of Free Trade Zone at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, told International Finance News.

Looking abroad

The PBOC launched a free trade account in Shanghai in June 2014. Companies registered in the FTZ can use the account for financing, investment and other cross-border transactions.

The account allows free convertibility between domestic and foreign currencies based on that days exchange rate. Under current regulations, companies operating in the zone can borrow up to double their capital in foreign markets, which can then be fully converted into the yuan.

The new rules and QDII2 will extend those benefits to individuals and further loosen curbs on offshore borrowing. Individuals are currently allowed to exchange $50,000 worth of renminbi each year for traveling or spending, but Chen told International Finance News he expects this quota to increase with the new regulations.

In fact, he sees QDII2 as a type of innovation. Various reform measures have been carried out over the past year, but QDII2 is the most substantial advancement China has made toward improving individual investments, he said.

Chen said that he anticipates additional legitimate channels to be opened to allow domestic investors to put money in foreign stock markets and buy overseas-listed stocks, insurance or wealth management products.

“Overseas investment under the QDII2 system will bring a lot more business to financial institutions engaged in wealth management. After the system is issued, most of the investment will be made in financial, industrial and real estate sectors in foreign markets,” Xiao Benhua, a professor with Shanghai Finance University, told International Finance News.


While individuals will now be able to invest in overseas markets, the real winners of the reform are financial institutions that will be permitted to push their money abroad, Chen said in the article.

“But huge opportunities are also followed by huge risks,” he said.

The biggest challenge in making the yuan a fully convertible currency is supervision. Once the currency is liberalized, a large amount of capital will flow into China, causing the yuans exchange rate to fluctuate. To make the exchange rate more flexible, the PBOC will have to relinquish more controls to allow the fluctuations in the exchange rate. This raises concerns over whether the Shanghai FTZ is capable of controlling cross-border capital flow, according to Chen.

Indeed, some scholars say the yuan wont be fully convertible anytime soon because of the possible consequences of letting go of the controls. Xi Junyang, Deputy Director of the Research Center of Modern Finance at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, told International Finance News that the controls prevent both a large amount of outbound capital that would impact Chinas sustainable economic development and a sudden inflow of foreign speculative capital that would impact the countrys financial stability.

Sun Lijian, Director of the Financial Research Center at Fudan University, thinks now isnt the right time to make the yuan fully convertible.

“Considering the history and Chinas current conditions, I think the disadvantages will outweigh the advantages if we advance free convertibility of renminbi now,” said Sun, in an interview with International Finance News.“Industry and finance are most important for a country, with industries being the base. If industries are not well developed and people are making money only through investment, this is speculation, which is not healthy. But this is exactly the situation in China.”

China doesnt have enough publicly-listed companies with good performance histories, Sun said. And once transnational corporations withdraw their money, Chinese companies will be left to operate independently. It would be dangerous, he said, for the government to make the yuan fully convertible now.

While Sun and other academics think its too soon, timing is of the essence for the government to free the currency as it is currently trying to get the yuan accepted into the IMFs basket of global reserve currencies.

Media reports published in October say the IMF plans to add the yuan to the Special Drawing Rights, which is used as a supplement for IMF member countries official money reserves and can be used for emergency payouts. The U.S. dollar, pound, yen and euro currently make up the reserve.

Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the PBOC, said at the IMFs annual meeting in April that China has achieved full or partial convertibility in 35 out of the 40 items the IMF uses to classify capital account transactions.

An HSBC report on renminbi published on October 20 said the yuan “ticks all the right boxes” to be included in the reserve.

“Others set the stage for the renminbi to play a more important global role over the longer term,” Paul Mackel, the reports author, wrote.



