


Room 篇1

课题:PEPV Unit 5 Part A Read and Write


(1) .能够区别句子“There is a/an…”和“There are…s”的区别和运用。 (2) .四会句子“There is a/an…”和“There are…s”的书写。 (3) .能运用已学句子对自己家中的房间进行描述。


能够正确运用句子“There is a/an…”和“There are…s”, 并能在实际生活中进行运用。


课文挂图, 磁带, 录音机, CAI



1. Free talk

T:What day is it today?

What do you have on Mondays?/..

T;Yes, we often go to school on Mondays.Now, we are in the classroom.


2. Song

“In the classroom”

<设计意图>:在教学过程中, 我把激发学生的兴趣看作本课优美的前奏。通过日常的问候复习前几个单元的重点句型, 一首活泼歌曲将学生带入英语课堂, 同时也衔接了下面的知识点。在“玩一玩, 唱一唱”中进入学习状态, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣和主动性。


1.学说“There is/are…”

T:What's in the classroom?

S:There is a/an…

There are…s

(a computer, a teacher, a board/…) (desks, chairs, pictures, windows/…)

<设计意图>:依据温故知新, 循序渐进的原则, 我在热身运动进行了大量的单词复习后, 将四年级学过所有的有关教室物品单词进行了综合。同时也为本课教学作好了语言知识和情感的铺垫。同时对句型“There is a/an…”和“There are…s”的区别进行了铺垫练习。


T:I have a friend for you.T:His name is Pipi.He is11 years old.He can play football.He lives in a flat.

操练:I live in the flat/house.

<设计意图>:从阅读文本形式猜出living room, 然后通过这个房间来描述里面的物品, 进行句型“There are…s”的书写和操练, 从句型“There is a/an…”自然地过度到“There are…s”的教学, 在呈现方式上也实现了层层递进。

同桌自由讨论描述, 呈现Pipi的其它房间。

Look, this is my home.In my bedroom/kitchen/bathroom/living room, There is/are….

<设计意图>:灵活运用不同的导出方式, 使学生始终沉浸在热烈、紧张、愉快、轻松的学习氛围中, 让学生跟随教师的主导心无旁骛地去听, 去看, 去想, 去说, 真正成为学习的主人。通过同桌讨论, 让学生说说其它房间的陈设, 对学生发散性思维提出了更高的要求, 让学生更扎实有效地掌握和认知语言, 内化新知。



T:Pipi's home is so beautiful.Look, this is my flat.How many rooms are there?

T呈现自己的套房照片, 让学生来做练习。

<设计意图>:通过游戏“切面包”形式来强调四线格中的句子的正确书写和“There is a/an…”及“There are…s”的区别。再次将本课的难点进行了强化练习, 同时这个环节的设计也为下面说一说自己的套房进行了模式的奠定。


3. 呈现课文内容, 做判断练习

T:Now, you know so much about me, do you know our animal friend, rabbit's flat?Let's listen:

Q:Where is rabbit's flat?{带着问题听录音}

T:Open your book, read the dialogue and finish the exercises.

<设计意图>:在学生掌握各个知识点的前提下, 我再进行课文的呈现, 先让学生带着一个简单问题去听录音, 然后要求学生通过默读完成课文中的练习。

4. 小组设计广告语, 评选最佳广告创作人

T:Yes, I know your home now.Pipi has a new home.He is gong to move.Please help him to rent this flat.Can you?

Look, this is my advertisement.Can you desigh another one?

<设计意图>:通过房屋出租广告语的设计, 这个活动不仅体现了PIipi线索的总贯穿, 也非常具有时代信息感, 将课堂教学与社会实际相结合, 这个活动学生的积极性很高, 让他们觉得自己也是一个“小大人”了, 也可以做“大事情”了。

5. 愿你多知。

1.There is no home like my home.金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝。2.Wash your dirty linen at home.家丑不可外扬。

<设计意图>:我们也不能忽视电脑的重要性, 因此我在课外作业中也布置了上网查询与家有关的谚语。我想这也许也是一个不错的尝试, 可以提高学生课外知识量, 也可以将英语与信息技术相结合。



Room 篇2


There are an end table and a small bed in my room, and there are two colorful quilts on my bed. I often put my clothes on the end table. There is also a table and a chair in my room. There are two bottles of ink, a desk lamp, a clock and many note books on the table.


In my room, I have two book shelves, and there are many good books on shelves. These books tell me a lot of knowledge and truth, and I like do my homework and read in my room.


This is my pretty room! Do you like it?

Room at a Price 篇3

For the lucky people who have tickets to the Beijing Olympics next year there could be a problem on the hori-zon: finding a place to stay. People eligible to stay in the Olympic Village face no problems. According to Xiang Ping, Vice Director of the Games Services Department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), the number of registered guests in Beijing during the Olympic season, including athletes, refer-ees, foreign governmental officials, spon-sors and media workers, is expected to reach 50,000.

Room 篇4



本课时是人教新课标版必修2 Unit 1中Reading部分。主要讲述The Amber Room的奇怪历史以及近期的重建, 旨在让学生在阅读中学习有关的语言知识, 提高阅读技能, 激发学生对琥珀屋作为cultural relic的历史知识的认识和保护cultura relics的意识。


1.由于是一篇阅读课, 设计的基本原则之一就是要训练学生的各种常见阅读技巧, 比如迅速浏览, 包括图片和题目以及首尾段、主题句等找主旨大意;原则之二就是让学生通过阅读文章, 了解琥珀屋的历史、失踪的情况以及近期的重建。

2.鉴于我校学生的实际情况和本节公开课的特点, 借助课件我设计了用填空的形式让学生了解课文以时间为线索的叙事特点, 用True or False来进一步检查学生对课文的理解情况。另外, 对长难句及语法项目则采取先体验再理论总结并付之于课后习题实践的原则。

四、Teaching aims:

1.Get the students to know about the strange history of the amber room by using various reading skills.

2.Motivate the students to treasure and protect the importan cultural relics.

3.Be more familiar with the Attribute Clause:the restrictive Attribute Clause and the non-Attribute Clause.

五、Important and difficult points

1.Try to use various reading skills to get the required information

2.Useful expressions

3.the Attribute Clauses

六、Teaching process

Step OneFree talk

1.How many cultural relics can you name?

2.Are they important to human history?

(设计说明:选择学生感兴趣的话题, 以头脑风暴的形式激发学生学习热情, 为其搭建一个交流展示平台。)

Step TwoLead-in

(设计说明:用琥珀图片导入本节阅读内容, 提示学生注意点在In Search Of和Room上)

Step ThreeReading and Skimming

Main idea

1.This passage is mainly about the strange_____of the amber room, the cultural relics of the two countries, and its reconstruction.

2.Divide the passage into three parts, match the main idea o each paragragh.

Part 1 (Para.__) the introduction of the amber room.

Part 2 (Para.___--Para.___) the amazing history of the amber room.

Part 3 (Para.__) a recent reconstruction.

(设计说明:通过快速阅读, 即读题目和每段首尾句, 让学生了解文章大意, 训练学生宏观上抓文章大意的能力和找主题句、概括每段Main idea的阅读技巧。)

Step FourPost—reading

1.Task 3 Listening:True or false

1.The amber room was aimed to be the greatest gift to the Czar.

2.The best artists spent many years on the design of the amber room.

(设计说明:在这一环节里, 要求学生先读问题, 然后带着问题去听课文, 一方面注意语音、语调;另一方面为回答问题做好准备。听力结束后, 学生分组讨论问题并派代表等待展示。)

2.Put the following in order of time

() Frederick Willam 1 gave the amber room to the Czar as a great gift.

() Frederick 1 had it made and the amber room served as a reception hall for important visitors.

() Catherine 2 moved it outside St Petersburg and added more details;It became one of the world wonders

() The Russians removed some furniture and art objects from the amber room.

() Peter the Great sent a troop of best soldiers in return.

() The Germans stole it and the amber was missing.


Step Five Groupwork

Make a story about the amber room by referring to the key points we learnt in the passage.

(设计说明:给学生输出语言的一个必要形式, 充分调动学生的团体合作意识养成学生互相学习、共同进步的学习策略。)

Step Six Homework

1.Retell the story about the amber room.

A Room for Rent 篇5

A Room for Rent_750字

It’s a quiet room away from the street. There is a big bed in the room.Near the bed,there is a big window. Besides the window,there is a desk..You can work here.Of course,there is a chair in front of the desk.In the middle of the room,there is a round table. When your friends come to visit you,you can have tea and have a chat around it. That will be fun. There is a shoe rack at the end of the bed. I think you’ll like it. On the wall, you can see some photo frames.If you put some pictures or your photos in it, yhat will be nice. There are two lights in the room. One is on the desk and the other is over the bed.

The price is $500 per month,$5000 per year.If you want to hire this room,please contact Mr Smith and the telephone number is 12345678.

Room 篇6

The concept of “soft power” was first conceived by American thinker Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr., in an article in Foreign Policy magazine in 1990. He later also introduced the concept of “smart power.”These ideas soon became popular in the field of international economics and politics, and for some years China has been making advances in terms of its soft power.

With its rich traditions and history, China has attracted much attention and has been engaging in more and more exchanges with the world at large, particularly in the realm of culture. From 1996 to 2010, the number of tourists drawn to China by its cultural and historical attractions increased from 6.74 million to 26.12 million, and the number of outbound Chinese tourists increased from 7.59 million to 57.39 million. With people flowing both ways, exchanges in culture, science, technology and religion have naturally increased and proliferated. Furthermore, international events, such as the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 Shanghai EXPO, exemplify not only the soft power of its more traditional lures, but also of the draws that have come from recent modernization.

China has also begun to grow more influential in international organizations. When the international financial crisis hit, it played its expected role in organizations such as the IMF, WTO, and the UN, arguing for liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. The use of RMB in settling bilateral trade has also been on rise, and some neighboring countries and regions have even started to carry out offshore transactions in RMB.

The past few years have also seen China hit by a number of natural disasters and targeted by groups intending to split the country. The Chinese people have faced these challenges as a dedicated and cohesive force. Following the devastating Wenchuan earthquake in May 2008, touching stories of people helping each other could be heard everywhere as people from all walks of life stood up and worked together to overcome the disaster. Meanwhile, all ethnic groups in the country are united against terrorism when seperatists have conspired to break up the country, including and especially during the violence and looting that occurred on July 5, 2008 in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


On the whole, with its stable currency, improved living standards, stronger economy and greater ability to deal with crises, China has exhibited a growing soft power and has won international respect.

Yet there remains room for improvement in China’s soft power. A solid and reliable base is required in areas such as exports, overseas investment, national image building, and international negotiations. There is a particular need for intangible and tangible results achieved in these areas to be broadcast outside of its borders. China has been slow in creating a more positive image, despite the fact that it has been involved in developmental work beyond its borders for decades.

For many years it has been investing in less developed countries and regions with a focus on infrastructure. Such investment has improved the everyday life of locals and helped them achieve more sustainable economy and society. Yet these mutually beneficial relations between the Chinese government, organizations and investing companies and the people in host countries are some- times misunderstood and even vilified.

There is also much room for China to improve its negotiation skills. The underperformance of Chinese officials and entrepreneurs in international negotiations has undermined China’s position in international trade, investment and cooperation. What starts as an advantageous situation may thus become the opposite and incur high costs. Poor negotiations have in the past resulted in failures in discussions to establish bilateral trade agreements and activities. This is indeed a weakness in China’s soft power.

It is imperitive that China, with its huge economy and population, improve its soft power. Human resources are at the core of soft power, and it is important to reduce administrative intervention in order to get the most out of them. Product quality is also a major concern. China was yet again at the center of world health and safety concerns when the recent toxic medical capsule and gelatin scandals emerged. To guarantee people a healthy and happy life, rigid supervision of product quality must be carried out. Furthermore, as multinational companies contribute to the growth of soft power, the development of companies and entrepreneurs’involvement in the international market should be encouraged. Multinational companies like Huawei Technologies and ZTE have already achieved success overseas, presenting the best of China’s design, technology and product quality to the world. They have also helped overturn consumer distrust in the “Made in China” label, thus pushing China’s soft power one step further.



