


over 篇1


介词是和动词并行的两股主流英语词汇之一, 是英语中最活跃的词类。英语介词的习得和教学一直都是教学的难点。传统的介词教法通常是将介词的各个意义分别列出, 再用例句加以解释。但是, 按照这种传统方法学习介词, 往往导致学生对介词与其它词的搭配死记硬背, 很难灵活运用。主流的语言学家就是采取此类观点。结构主义和生成语言学家一般将意义集中在少数中心义项上, 介词的没有明显规则的复杂性被忽略了。而近些年, 认知语言学家在介词的研究领域取得了很大的突破, 即利用意象图式来分析解释介词的各个看似没有联系却紧密相关的义项, 如Lakoff和Brugman对over的分析, 蓝纯对介词up和down, 王寅对on的研究等。可以说, 利用意象图式理论解释介词为人们提供了新的研究介词的理论和研究方法, 但这一方法在英语教学中的应用性和可行性却有待进一步研究, 这也是本研究以此为主题的原因。


认知语言学是研究人们怎样认识这个世界, 又怎样在认识世界的同时形成表达世界的语言, 从认知的角度来看待语言的形成, 研究语言中各种语言现象的语言研究理论和方法。空间是和人的认知结合得最为紧密的概念表达, 所以认知语言学用意象图式理论解释介词, 给人们提供了新的研究介词的理论和研究方法。

意象图式最早是由Johnson于1987年在《心中之身》中提出来的。Johnson把意象图式描述为在人们与外界互相感知、互相作用的过程中, 不断反复出现的、赋予我们经验一致性结构的动态性模式。他强调指出, 在图式前添加“意象”的目的, 是为区别于心理学中的图式理论;认知语言学研究的图式是以空间结构为基础, 来自人本身与外界互动的基本感觉、运动经验。Lakoff将意象图式定义为“相对简单的、在我们的日常身体体验中反复出现的结构, 如容器、路径、连接、动力、平衡, 或如某种空间方位或关系:上—下、前—后、部分—整体、中心—边缘。这些空间概念是人类最早、最基本的认知图式。Langacker认为意象图式主要由射体 (trajector, TR) 、路标 (landmark, LM) 和路径 (PATH) 三部分组成, 表现的是TR与LM之间某种不对称的关系, TR为这一不对称关系中的主体, 其空间方位有待确定, LM为参照物, 为主体的方位确定提供参照。TR所经过的路径称为PATH。意象图式既可表示TR与LM之间的静态关系, 也可表示二者之间的动态关系。当所表示关系为静态关系时, PATH为零。意象图式结构虽然是确定的, 但它们是动态的, 而不是像直观图式所显示的静止固定的模式。Johnson在Langacker的基础上, 特别强调了意象图式结构的动态性特点, 意象图式是一种能动性结构, 相对灵活, 可以适当调整以适应众多基于同一图式之上的, 相似又不同的其他情景, 即意象图式变体。

也正是这种意象图式的动态性对揭示词汇的多义现象有很大的作用。在不同的情境中, 意象图式会产生不同的图式变体;词汇作为大脑中意象图式在语言世界里的符号表征, 其意义也会随着所用语境的不同而发展变化。而介词作为一种特殊的多义词, 则更是引起了众多国内外学者的研究兴趣。


本研究选择对OVER一词做个案研究。之所以选择OVER这个词的原因在于它的释义的复杂性使其具有分析的典型性, 如新版《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中, OVER作为介词就有10个释义, 而作为副词则有8个释义。更因为OVER的研究已相当成熟, Brugman (1988) , Lakoff (1987) , 国静嘉 (2009) 已对OVER的意象图式进行了相当深入的研究, 这些研究为本研究提供了充足的理论基础。


图1为over的基本图式, 也叫中心图式, 该图式下over的释义也是该词的中心意思。中心图式可以被看做over意义理解的原型, 它构建了该词的基本意义, 表示“越过某物上方到另一边, 尤指经过上升再下降。

图中, 路标LM为一个点, 射体TR和路标LM没有直接接触, 并在上方越过LM。由图可以很容易地联想中“O-VER”在此图式下的释义。

如例 (1) The girl stepped over the branch in the path.


例 (2) John was passed over for promotion.

此图式也可用来解释例 (2) 这种相对抽象的释义。在该例子中, 升职的机会和John不是具体存在的空间关系, 但我们可以使用熟悉的、具体的、有形的概念去认识那些不熟悉的、抽象的、模糊的概念, 将方位概念投射到其他概念, 并将其空间化, 就能解释这种相对抽象的意义。在句中, John越过LM (被提升的机会) , 且没有跟LM接触。该句自然可解释为John错失了被提升的机会。

但仅有中心图式还不能解释OVER的全部意义, 图式本身由许多可变的部分组成, 如TR, LM和PATH, 而TR和LM也有静态和动态之分。其中任何一个的变化都可以将中心图式转变成其他变体, 呈现不同的释义。

2.表“above-across”的图式 (LM为垂直状态)


如例 (1) The horse jumped over the fence.


该图为图2的一个变体。只取了图2PATH的一半, 同时由图示可以看出, TR射体的起点要比它的LM路标高。

如例 (2) She fell over the cliff.

此图为图3的变式, 该图式中, 我们可以看出, 与上图LM和TR是两个截然不同的两个物质。不一样的是, 在该图式中, LM和TR重合, 为同一物质。

如例 (3) The book fell over.

此例中, book并非受了外力而倒下, 而是自己由垂直站立的状态倒下。可联想出此处“OVER”释义为从“直立的位置向下”。

此图为图4的一个拓展, PATH转变。

如例 (4) Turn the page over.


3.表“across”意义的图式 (LM为延伸状态) 直接接触, 也可不接触。

如例 (1) Sam drove over the Golden Gate Bridge.

(2) The arrow flew over the field.

区别于图1中, the Golden Gate Bridge, the field不是单单一个点, 而是一个延伸的路标, Sam, arrow分别以接触、不接触的状态越过了这两个LM。此处的“over”意为从“从某物的一边到另一边, 横越”。

这两个例子中的LM和TR都为实质性的存在, 但这种图式也可用于一些抽象的、隐喻的表达中。

如例 (3) We talked over the lunch. (during)

(4) Do it over. (repetition)

例 (3) 中的over就可看做是“在……期间”例 (4) 比较特殊, LM可以看作早先完成的活动, 而TR则可看作重复进行的活动, 这种状态下, OVER也可抽象为“再, 又, 重复”的释义。

4.表“across”意义的图式 (LM呈延伸且垂直状态)

与图1不同的是, 虽然PATH相同, 但LM不是一个具体的点, 而是一个垂直曲线延伸的状态。

与图6不同处在于, 此处的LM呈垂直状态;但同于图6的是, LM的路径完全贴合LM的形状, 所以图7事实上可以看做图6的一个拓展。

如例 (1) We had to climb over the mountain.

(2) They live over the hill.

例 (1) 中, 越过山就是为了去山的“另一边”, 例 (2) 则比较特殊, over表示已越过山, 则此句的意思是他们住在山那头。可见, “OVER”亦可解释为“在……对面, 在……另一边。


从图式可以很容易联想出“over”在此处意为“above”, 即“在……上面”。若TR不可与LM接触时, 可以与“above”互换使用。

如例 (1) Hang the picture over the sofa.

例 (2) The price of that vacation is over our budget.

例 (2) 中“over”已抽象为“在数目上超过”。若TR与LM接触时, 则只可用“over”。

(3) We roasted meat over the campfire.

此处over不可与above互换, 否则肉就永远烤不熟了。


表“covering”的图式可以看作“above”图式的一个变体。但与above图式不同的是, TR与LM不仅仅是空间关系中的上和下, 还呈覆盖状态。

如例 (4) Sam spread the cloth over the table.此处的“over”意为“覆盖在……的上面”。

如例 (5) A painter came to paint over the cracks in the wall.

如例 (6) There are flies all over the ceiling.

如例 (7) John has traveled all over Europoe.

笔者通过对本人授课的班级采用此种教学方式, 结果发现, 与传统教学法相比, 在介词教学中运用认知教学方式即隐喻和意象图式理论能够帮助学生更好地理解和掌握介词, 学生普遍能够接受这种新颖的教学方式。


介词的一词多义向来是教学难题, 义项之间的关系, 学习者如何理解并记忆这众多义项, 传统教学没有合理的解答, 只强调机械重复的记忆法。而此研究就意在比较意象图式教学法在介词教学中相较传统教学法是否更具有优势, 以及这种新型教学方式在学生群体中的接受程度及可行性, 来寻找更有效的介词教学方式。虽然该研究仅仅针对OVER这个个案, 但OVER做为一个典型介词, 对它的研究结果也能推广到其它一些介词上, 更重要的是, 此研究对我们将意象图式这种认知方法运用于介词教学的后续探究具有非常大的启示性。


[1]Brugman, Claudia.The story of over:Polysemy, semantics and structure of the lexicon[M].New York:Garland Press, 1988.

[2]Johnson, M.The Body in the Mind[M].Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1987.

[3]Lakoff, G.Women, fire and dangerous things:what categories reveal about the mind[M].Chicago:Chicago University Press, 1987.

[4]曹琳华.介词on, over和above的意象图式分析[J].广州大学学报, 2005, (12) .

[5]陈走明.浅析英语介词教学[J].考试周刊, 2008, (51) :69-70.

[6]陈英红.英语介词的认知分析及其在教学中的应用[D].重庆:重庆师范大学学位论文, 2005.

[7]冯建明.意象图式对英语多义词教学的启示[J].林区教学, 2008, (5) .

[8]国静嘉.意象图式和隐喻理论在介词教学中的应用[D].长春:东北师范大学学位论文, 2009.

[9]黄海燕, 李瑛.意象图式理论和隐喻性思维应用于大学英语介词教学中的实证研究[J].外语教研, 2008, (8) .

[10]李福印.意象图式理论[J].四川外语学院学报, 2007, (1) .

[11]汪少华.合成空间理论对隐喻的阐释力[J].外国语, 2001, (3) .

over 篇2

今, 吾辈居愈高行愈广,然性愈燥视愈短。

We spend more, but enjoy less.


We have bigger houses, but smaller families.


We have more compromises, but less time.


We have more knowledge, but less judgement.


We talk much, we love only a little, and we hate too much.


We reached the Moon and came back, but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors.


We have higher income, but less morals.


These are times with more liberty, but less joy.


These are times of finer houses, but more broken homes.



over 篇3

After Crimea passed—with an overwhelming majority of votes—a decision to join Russia in a referendum held on March 16, Russian President vladimir Putin won a victory that subsequently enraged the West enough to declare economic sanctions, but not enough to risk military conflicts with Russia.

It now appears that there is no immediate danger of war, and Chinese analysts have claimed the situation is still on the track of political settlement.

putins decision

Russia moved swiftly to absorb Crimea after it declared independence from Ukraine. Putin asked the parliament on March 18 to ratify a treaty adopting two new regions, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, into its territory. Two days earlier, a referendum was held in Crimea, in which 96.77 percent of Crimean voters supported joining Russia.

“Russia bet that the West would not have a strong reaction. For now, everything has gone as Russia expected,” said Li Zhiguo, a researcher on Russian studies with the China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) to Beijing Review.

The Wests interests in Ukraine are simply not serious enough to start a war. But to Russia, Crimea is important enough to warrant risking the costs of war to get it. Li explained that European countries, which depend on natural gas from Russia, will not undertake extreme efforts to contest the recent developments. The majority of residents in Crimea are ethnic Russians. Moreover, Russias Black Sea Fleet is stationed in Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula, added Li, making the peninsula an area of geo-strategic significance for Russia. The researcher noted that from 1941 to 1942, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany fought over Crimea for a full year.

In a speech on March 19, Putin said he will respect the Crimean peoples wishes, stressing Crimeas decision was fully in accordance with international law—in particular with Article 1 of the UN Charter that stipulates the principle of equality and selfdetermination of peoples. “Crimea is part of our common heritage and a key factor of stability in the region. This strategic territory should be under strong, stable sovereignty,which in effect can only be Russian,” he said.

Li said the situation would be different if the West had stopped pressuring Russia after Ukrainian President viktor yanukovych, who is pro-Russia, announced an early presidential election as one of the measures aimed at ending the countrys political crisis on February 21.endprint

“Ukraines political power in the countrys western areas intended to clear away pro-Russia forces in the eastern regions, and upgraded the political crisis in Kiev, which enraged Russia,” Li added. Russia maintained a rather moderate policy toward Ukraine after the West-backed “Orange Revolution” in Ukraine in 2004. “Now Putin is determined to land a blow that can make the West feel the pain,” said the researcher.

During his speech, Putin repeatedly slammed the West as a whole—and the United States in particular—for hypocrisy and the use of double standards. The situation in Ukraine mirrored what had been happening in the world after the collapse of the bi-polar system, because the United States started to believe in its exceptional right to pursue its interests by force, he said. Still, Putin said, Moscow did not seek confrontation with its partners in the East and the West.

Former Chinese Ambassador to Russia Gao yusheng pointed out that the reason why Putin moved to adopt Crimea is that the Russian president believed retreating was not an option. Even if Russia agreed to let Crimea be an independent state, the West still would launch sanctions on Russia, said Gao.

As Russia regains its lost territory, Putins personal reputation as a tough and powerful leader has reached a new high. Crimea, historically part of Russia, was transferred to Ukraine in 1954, then a republic of the Soviet Union.

According to latest polls in Russia, Putins favorable rating among Russian people reached over 70 percent. Russias parliamentary election will be held in September, and the overwhelming patriotism will surely help the ruling party to win.

Future ‘cool war

Whats done is done. Neither Ukraine, nor the West, can change Crimeas determination to join Russia. Observers predicted the relationship between the West and Russia will enter a“cool war” stage, which will be much weaker than the previous Cold War. If all related parties remain committed to finding a political solution, regional stability is still promising.

The international community is worried that the referendum on the Crimean Peninsula will trigger a domino effect in east Ukraine, as many pro-Russia cities may choose to follow Crimeas suit and apply to join Russia. In his speech on March 19, Putin said that Moscow did not seek and did not need to split Ukraine. “On the contrary, we will do everything to build civilized good-neighborly relations, as is accepted in the modern world,” Putin promised.endprint

“There are still possibilities that such a domino effect might occur,” Li said. According to Li, the result of the upcoming Ukrainian presidential and parliamentary elections will decide whether or not such a situation will happen.

Li stressed that if eastern Ukrainian regions can share in the political process of Ukraine after the elections, wherein Russia still can have a say in the countrys events like the West, Russia will not further intervene in Ukraines domestic political affairs. However, if pro-Russia forces are excluded after the elections, Moscow might continue to push forward east Ukraines intention of joining Russia, Li added.

There will be very little danger of military conflicts in Ukraine over Crimea, Li said. “First of all, the West doesnt have so many interests there. Without assistance from the West, Ukraine doesnt have the ability to confront a strong power like Russia,” Li claimed.

U.S. President Barack Obama said on March 19 that the United States would not take military action in Ukraine against Russia. “We are not going to be getting into a military excursion in Ukraine,” Obama said in an interview with KNSD, a California-based broadcaster.

“I think even the Ukrainians would acknowledge, for us to engage Russia militarily would not be appropriate and would not be good for Ukraine, either,” Obama said. “What we are going to do is mobilize all of our diplomatic resources to make sure that weve got a strong international coalition that sends a clear message.”

In response to the Ukrainian crisis, the Obama administration has focused on providing economic aid to Ukraine and imposing sanctions against Russia. Obama announced sanctions against 11 Russian and Ukrainian officials who the United States said are responsible for threatening Ukraines sovereignty and ter- ritorial integrity on March 17. He indicated that further sanctions could be on the way.

Unlike the Cold War, which featured a complete confrontation in political, economic and military aspects, the scope of the “cool war”is limited, said Li. “Against the background of globalization, it is impossible for Russia and the West to cut all connections between them,” he said, adding that the two sides will remain alert to each other in the foreseeable future.

Li also noted that current economic sanctions against Russia will not be as effective as the West expected. “Europe is still in demand of Russias natural gas, and the trade volume between Russia and the United States is not big enough to validate the sanctions,” Li explained.endprint

Gao predicted that there is still a possibility that the West and Russia could reach a shortterm compromise—for example, supporting Ukraine establishing an administration that both of them can accept. However, Gao said, the Crimean crisis will greatly influence relations between the West and Russia, while their game over Ukraine will continue. He suggested that Ukraine should maintain a balance between Moscow and the West, which he said will be a rational and practical choice.

The international community should make constructive efforts to defuse the tension, spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hong Lei said on March 19. “We believe that this issue should be resolved politically under a framework of law and order. All parties should exercise restraint and avoid taking actions that may sharpen the dispute,” said Hong. Under the current circumstances, a political settlement should be sought on the basis of respecting all parties reasonable concerns and legitimate rights and interests, he added.

over 篇4

1 计算模型

某12层小高层住宅楼, 采用框架剪力墙结构体系, 首层层高4 m, 标准层高3 m, 楼层总高度37 m。抗震设防类别为丙类, 场地类别为Ⅱ类, 设防烈度为8度, 地震基本加速度为0.2g, 构件尺寸:柱为500 mm×500 mm, 梁为300 mm×600 mm, 剪力墙厚为200 mm, 采用C30混凝土, 柱网和剪力墙的布置方案。

2 结构分析

结构计算模型采用杆系模型, 在有限元软件MIDAS中建模进行静力非线性push-over分析, 梁柱采用软件中的梁单元, 剪力墙采用墙单元。在MIDAS中, 结构材料的非线性是通过离散铰来模拟的, 也称为非线性铰。离散的框架塑性铰属性基于ATC-40和FEMA-273标准。一般的力—变形特性用点A, B, C, DE来定义。点B代表铰的屈服。在点A和点B间铰内没有塑性变形发生, 即铰屈服前被假定为线性的。当铰的受力状态到达点C时, 开始失去承载力。点IO, LSCP代表铰的能力水平, 分别对应于直接使用、生命安全和防止倒塌。在静力非线性分析中, MIDAS可以模拟轴向、弯曲、剪切、扭转等塑性铰形式, 还可以模拟轴力和双轴弯矩的耦合, 另外对塑性铰的屈服点及屈服曲线可以进行用户自定义, 以满足不同的弹塑性分析。特别是可以模拟剪力墙的塑性发展情况, 可以假设在剪力墙的i, j两端。设置静力非线性分析工况, 采用位移控制推覆进程, 运行结果如下。

2.1 结构周期与振型

结构周期与振型见表1, 图1。

2.2 塑性铰发展过程

结构由Y正向逐步施加水平推力, 荷载步0对应于竖向荷载作用下结构的状态。荷载步1结构没有出现塑性铰, 仍处于弹性阶段。荷载步2时首层墙4和墙8的i, j两端首先出现CP段塑性铰, 说明墙首先屈服。荷载步3时首层墙1和墙6出现E段塑性铰, 同时2层墙4和墙8也加入塑性阶段, CP段塑性铰占所有铰数量的0.5%, DE段塑性铰占0.2%。梁柱都处于弹性阶段, 期间剪力墙起到了第一道抗震防线的作用。荷载步4时4层~7层?轴, 轴中间梁进入CP塑性阶段, 首层?轴交①轴柱首先受拉加入塑性阶段。 轴, 轴, 轴梁柱均无塑性铰的出现。随荷载步递增, 塑性铰继续增多。荷载步8时?轴, 轴交①轴处1层柱首次出现塑性铰。荷载步22后梁柱塑性铰发展很快, CP段塑性铰占所有铰数量的28.1%, DE段塑性铰占0.8%。荷载步40时首层①, ②, ③轴基本都出现E阶段塑性铰, 结构已进入失效阶段, 在支座处和首层均发展了相当数量的E阶段塑性铰, CP段塑性铰占所有铰数量的25.9%, DE段塑性铰占4.8%。

2.3 基底剪力—顶点位移曲线

图2为结构Y向基底剪力—顶点位移曲线, 即结构的能力曲线。曲线的最高点, 基底剪力为11 700 kN、顶点位移为156 mm, 此时的基底剪力为结构所能承受的最大值。该曲线可以近似为三段折线, 第一阶段处于弹性阶段;第二阶段由于有些塑性铰已经形成并且刚进入屈服阶段, 荷载—变形曲线放缓;第三阶段塑性铰向极限承载力方向发展, 曲线斜率进一步放缓, 即相对于基底剪力而言, 顶点位移的变化率越来越大。

2.4 结构能力谱与需求谱

如图3所示结构的能力谱和需求谱族曲线的交点就是该水准地震下结构的性能点。图3a) , 3b) , 3c) 分别为结构小震、中震、大震的需求谱族与能力谱。

2.5 结构层间变形验算

根据图3a) 可知:小震下结构的性能点坐标Sat=0.146g和Sdt=4.9 mm;根据图3b) 可知:中震下结构的性能点坐标Sat=0.369g和Sdt=14.88 mm;根据图3c) 可知:大震下结构的性能点坐标Sat=0.594 6g和Sdt=32.1 mm。进行逆转换就可以得到小震下结构的基底剪力V=1 980 kN和相应的顶点位移Δ=7.25 mm, 中震下结构的基底剪力V=5 010 kN和相应的顶点位移Δ=21.9 mm, 大震下结构的基底剪力V=8 066 kN和相应的顶点位移Δ=47.26 mm。小震性能点出现在第2荷载步, 大震性能点出现在第12荷载步。小震下在结构性能点处, 最大层间位移角为1/4 285, 小于GB 50011-2001建筑抗震设计规范第5.5.1条规定的钢筋混凝土框架—抗震墙结构弹性层间位移角限值1/800;大震下在结构性能点处, 最大层间位移角为1/576, 小于GB 50011-2001建筑抗震设计规范第5.5.5条规定的钢筋混凝土框架—抗震墙结构弹塑性层间位移角限值1/100。所以该工程结构在Y向满足抗震设防要求。

3 结语

通过使用MIDAS有限元软件建模分析得出以下结论:MIDAS具有良好快捷的建模界面, 特别是其强大的静力非线性分析模块, 可以较真实的对剪力墙体系, 框架—剪力墙体系, 框架—核心筒体系等结构进行push-over分析并得出合理的结果;作为双重抗侧力体系的框架—剪力墙结构, 在抗御地震时, 剪力墙充当第一道防线, 框架则作为第二道防线, 这样可以吸收耗散大量的地震能量;从push-over分析结果中不难看出结构1层和2层墙梁首先进入屈服破坏阶段, 因此在改进设计时可以重点加强底层构件的强度和延性。

摘要:使用有限元软件MIDAS对框架剪力墙结构体系进行了静力非线性push-over分析, 借助MIDAS软件独特的墙铰单元, 着重探讨了框架剪力墙结构的破坏过程, 并指出这是ETABS和SAP2000等软件所不能实现的。



[1]王跃方, 谷滨, 李海江.框架结构地震反应pushover研究[J].大连理工大学学报, 2002, 42 (6) :47.

[2]李荣华.框架结构抗震性能的静力非线性分析研究[D].邯郸:河北工程大学, 2007.

[3]北京金土木软件技术有限公司, 中国建筑标准设计研究院.ETABS使用指南[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社, 2004.

over 篇5

The guideline is encouraging, as it consolidates the principles of “peaceful solution, consultation and joint development,” said Tao Wenzhao, a senior research fellow with the Institute of American Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

The agreement was reached on July 20 during the series of ASEAN foreign ministers’ meetings in Bali, Indonesia. The eight days of events from July 16-23 included the 44th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, the ASEAN Plus China, Japan and South Korea Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers’ Consultation and the 18th ASEAN Regional Forum Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

Calming territorial rows

The guideline, along with consensus on future cooperation in the South China Sea, has attracted attention because in recent months there has been a flare-up in territorial spats between China and neighboring Southeast Asian nations.

In April, the Philippines filed a note with the UN, claiming sovereignty over parts of China’s Nansha Islands. Three months later, a group of Philippine lawmakers visited one of the disputed islands in the South China Sea. In addition, the

United States have recently held joint military exercises with the Philippines and Viet Nam respectively in the area.

The Nansha Islands in the South China Sea have long been acknowledged as Chinese territory. Since the early 1970s after the region was found to be rich in oil and other natural resources, however, Southeast Asian countries including Viet Nam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei have claimed sovereignty over all or part of the islands.

China and ASEAN signed the DOC in 2002, pledging to solve South China Sea dispute through peaceful means.

The newly adopted guideline pointed out the direction for the implementation of the DOC and defined the principles for future cooperation in the area, China’s Ambassador to ASEAN Tong Xiaoling told Xinhua News Agency.

With the guideline in place, the countries will shift their focus to practical cooperation instead of empty talk, said Tong.

She said China and ASEAN countries could establish working groups and special committees to carry out less sensitive cooperative projects in the South China Sea, such as maritime safety, marine biology and seismic explorations.

“Although there were discordant voices and actions over the South China Sea issue before the series of ASEAN foreign ministers’ meetings opened, the passing of the guideline reflected the countries in the region have a strong desire to cooperate and hope to strengthen mutual trust,” said Zhang Jiuhuan, a diplomat who previously served as China’s ambassador to countries including Singapore and Thailand.

It was agreed at the meetings, since 2011 marks the 20th anniversary of dialogue between China and ASEAN countries and 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the DOC, the parties should make the best of this opportunity to make cooperation the central theme of South China Sea discussions.

China and ASEAN countries pledged in the DOC they would carry out cooperation in marine environmental protection, scientific research, navigation safety, search and rescue and combating transnational crimes before reaching a comprehensive and permanent settlement of the South China Sea dispute.

Since the signing of the DOC, China and ASEAN countries, guided by its purpose and principles, have maintained close communication and active discussions on cooperation. They have held two senior officials’ meetings, and set up a joint working group, which has held six meetings.

During the meetings, the two sides decided to conduct six cooperative projects such as disaster prevention and mitigation, marine search and rescue and scientific research in the South China Sea, of which

China and ASEAN countries will each undertake three projects.

The follow-up actions to the implementation of the DOC have become an important platform for China and ASEAN countries to continue dialogue and cooperation concerning the South China Sea, and have played an irreplaceable role in maintaining stability in the area and deepening the China-ASEAN strategic partnership, said China’s Foreign Ministry.

Maintaining cooperation

The heated dispute in recent months produced negative impacts on ChinaASEAN relations, said Jin Canrong, Associate Dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China.

Jin told Beijing Review Viet Nam and the Philippines adopted a number of strategies to gain an advantage. These include uniting to negotiate with China; turning the South China Sea dispute into a problem between China and the whole of ASEAN; making the dispute international and submitting it to the UN; and seeking support from the United States.

Presently, China is dealing with the issue cautiously, trying to prevent it from being changed into a problem between China and the whole of ASEAN, said Jin.

Su Hao, a researcher on Asia-Pacific studies with the China Foreign Affairs University, said ASEAN integration is currently the most important task for member countries, and China strongly supports this. This major task should not be stopped by the South China Sea dispute. Cooperation will remain the mainstream of future China-ASEAN relations, Su said.

Some ASEAN countries’ inviting U.S. intervention has violated the provisions of the DOC, which forbid behavior complicating and escalating disputes, and affecting peace and stability, he said. Their attempts may hinder progress in the flourishing China-ASEAN cooperation.

China and ASEAN enjoy a sound foundation of cooperation. On January 1, 2010, the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was launched as the biggest free trade area among developing countries. In 2010, trade volume hit $292.78 billion, a 37-fold increase over 1991. China is ASEAN’s biggest trade partner, and ASEAN has replaced Japan as China’s third largest trade partner.

By the end of June, two-way investment between China and ASEAN had reached nearly $80 billion, of which China’s investment in ASEAN countries had totaled $13 million, said China’s Ministry of Commerce.

China and ASEAN countries are geographically close and their economies are highly complementary. The two sides’efforts to establish mutual trust through dialogue, jointly solve shared problems and deal with the global crisis are conducive to stability and development in the region and beyond, said Huang Xingyuan, Secretary General of the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.

Given their lasting and solid relationships, the two sides should uphold the spirit of cooperation, rather than fall into wrestling over contentious issues such as the South China Sea, Huang said.

U.S. intervention unwelcome

The South China Sea dispute focuses on three aspects: ownership of the Nansha Islands, use of marine resources and freedom of navigation. The first two aspects have nothing to do with the United States, so it had grasped the third—freedom of navigation, trying to give a certain legitimacy to its involvement in the South China Sea issue, Jin said.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and their surrounding waters. Freedom of navigation by the United States has never been a problem in the area, said Cai Penghong, a researcher on Asia-Pacific studies with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

On the South China Sea issue, China firmly opposes the intervention of the

United States and other countries, Cai said.

“The possibility is not excluded that some ASEAN member countries, for their own interests, turn to the United States with the purpose of containing China’s strength in the region. We believe ASEAN as a whole will not allow the United States to dominate the issue,” he said.

There are channels for China and the United States to carry out anti-piracy patrols, humanitarian assistance and other non-traditional security cooperation in the South China Sea, Cai said.

“Navigation in the South China Sea is free and the international shipping lanes are safe,” said Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on July 23 during the ASEAN Regional Forum Foreign Ministers’Meeting. “It is fair to say that countries in and outside the region all benefit from freedom of navigation and safety in the area.”

The disputes over some islands and reefs and maritime delimitation of the South China Sea are one issue. Freedom of navigation in the South China Sea is a separate issue. The two issues should not be mixed up, Yang said.

over 篇6

1 计算模型

1.1 模型参数

本文采用三维计算模型进行静力弹塑性分析,分析中主要考虑以下几点:1)为简化分析,构件采用统一的配筋率ρs和含钢率ρss,型钢混凝土构件配筋率均取为1%,钢筋混凝土构件取2%,型钢混凝土角柱和边柱的含钢率分别取为8%及5%;型钢混凝土框架柱截面均为方形截面,角柱配有十字形型钢,边柱配有工字形型钢;梁采用宽翼缘钢梁H500×300×12×25,且钢梁与外框架刚接,与核心筒铰接处理;钢材采用Q235,混凝土为C60;楼层活荷载取2.5 kN/m2。2)设防烈度为8度,第Ⅰ类场地,特征周期为0.35 s。3)可能塑性铰的设置:对框架梁和连梁设置纯弯塑性铰;对框架柱设置压(拉)弯塑性铰;由剪力墙转换成的等效框架柱设置压(拉)弯塑性铰;斜支撑和链杆设置压(拉)塑性铰。4)核心筒采用等效转化方法[4],来考虑进入塑性阶段的性能[5]。

1.2 一般塑性铰的定义和设置[6]


1.3 型钢混凝土构件塑性铰的定义和设置


2 Push-over分析及结果分析

2.1 建立计算模型


计算模型共40层,层高3.3 m,总高为132 m,筒体壁厚取0.6 m,改变型钢混凝土框架截面尺寸,所有构件截面尺寸沿高度保持不变。

2.2 计算结果分析



由表1可知:多遇地震下,SRC柱刚度的变化对性能点的影响不大,各模型性能点参数基本相同;随着结构框架柱刚度的减弱,结构顶点位移增大,基底剪力增大,结构有效周期变大;在罕遇地震下,模型Ⅳ的顶点位移最大,为291.6 mm,而基底剪力最小,为30 536.66 kN,即割线刚度最小。

3 结语







[2]GB 50011-2001,建筑抗震设计规范[S].






[8]Chopra AK,Goel RK.A Modal Pushover Analysis Procedure forEstimating Seismic Demands for Buildings[J].Earthquake En-gineering and Structural Dynamics,2002(31):561-582.


over 篇7

1 安徽地震VPN网络

VPN网络是指利用互联网络, 通过建立“隧道”等相关技术手段建立连接, 以较低的费用, 实现类似于租用专线所带来的安全可靠的数据传输。VPN网络用户可以从不同的地点, 以不同的方式通过互联网络与本行业网用户进行通信。采用VPN远程接入, 不受地域限制, 可以多人同时接入。

2 GRE over IPSee VPN工作原理

2.1 IPSec VPN

IPSec VPN是目前VPN技术中使用率非常高的一种技术, 同时提供VPN和信息加密技术。IPSec在IP层提供安全服务, 用来保护一条或多条主机与主机间, 安全网关与安全网关间, 安全网关与主机问的路径, 目的是为IP提供高安全性特性。主要通过使用两大传输安全协议, 头部认证 (AH) 和封装安全负载 (ESP) 以及密钥管理程序和协议的使用来完成。

IPSec技术的优缺点是能保障数据的安全传输, 缺点是不能够对网络的组播报文进行封装, 所以常用的路由协议报文不能在IPSec协议封装隧道中传输。

2.2 GRE

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) 协议是对某些网络协议 (如IP和IPX) 的数据报进行封装, 使这些被封装的数据报能够在另一个网络层协议 (如IP) 中传输。

GRE是VPN的第三层隧道协议, 在协议层之间采用了一种被称之为Tunnel (隧道) 的技术。Tunnel是一个虚拟的点对点的连接, 任实际中可以看成仅支持点对点连接的虚拟接口, 这个接口提供了一条通路使封装的数据报能够在这个通路上传输.并且在一个Tunnel的两端分别对数据报进行封装及解封装。

GRE技术的最大优点是可以对多种协议、报文进行封装, 并封装存隧道安全传输。缺点是只提供简单的隧道验证功能, 对传输的数据没有加密功能, 数据在传输的过程是不安全的。

2.3 IPSec与GRE两种技术的综合

针对IPSec和GRE技术的优缺点.综合运用IPSec和GRE技术, 利用GRE技术对数据和动态路南协议报文进行隧道封装, 通过IPSEC技术保证数据的安全性, 这样就构成了IPSec over GRE VPN技术。

3 具体的实现过程

4 结语

随着安徽防震减灾事业的不断发展, 越来越多新建台站将通过GRE over IPSec VPN技术连接到省区域中心, 它将GRE隧道技术和IPSec VPN技术进行优势互补, 将不同地区的内部网互连以达到资源共享和实现内部数据安全传输, 保证了通讯的畅通和稳定, 为安徽防震减灾事业提供了技术保障。

摘要:本文系统介绍了GRE VPN技术在安徽地震行业网络中的实现及应用, 以实现不同地域之间用户跨网络安全通信为背景, 通过构建VPN网络, 实现远程安全接人局域网, 提高了数据传输及远程维护的效率。



[1]刘春艳.基于IPSec的VPN网关设计与实现[J].网络安全技术与应用, 2013.

[2]王懿.VPN技术及其安全优势的分析探究[J].魅力中国, 2013.

over 篇8


1 网络安全与VPN简介

随着互联网的深入发展和应用, 在其带给人类越来越多的利益之时, 网络中的各种威胁也随之而来, 并且日积月累, 已经发展成为威胁各种网络的重大因素。


1) 易于使用和实施;

2) 应该使公司能够在网络中开发和部署新的应用;

3) 应该是公司能以一个安全的方式使用Internet。

在当今互联网的应用当中, 有一种虚拟的隧道技术穿越互联网, 以达到内部网络之间, 以及其他一些不需要外部网络知晓的网络通信之间相互互联的目的。VPN可以根据需要提供可加密、可认证、可防火墙的功能, 是穿越互联网而虚拟隧道化的一种技术, 因此可见, VPN是通过四项安全保障技术来保障安全数据传输的, 四项安全保障技术为:隧道技术、

2 GRE与IPSec相关技术概述

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) , 中文译为通用路由封装, 该协议在IP头中的协议号是47。GRE是一种最传统的隧道封装协议, 提供了将一种协议的报文封装在另一种协议报文中的机制, 使报文能够在异种网络中传输。其根本功能就是要实现隧道功能, 通过隧道连接的两个远程网络就如同直连, GRE在两个远程网络之间模拟出直连链路, 从而使网络间达到直连的效果。


1) 将原始数据包被包裹在外层协议之内;

2) GRE需要在原IP报头之外增加新的IP报头;

3) GRE是一种无状态协议, 不提供可靠地流控传输机制;

4) GRE支持IP协议和非IP协议;

5) GRE支持单播、组播和广播;

6) GRE不具备安全加密功能。

IPsec协议不是一个单独的协议, 则是因为它给出了应用于IP层上网络数据安全的一整套体系结构, 包括网络认证协议AH (Authentication Header, 认证头) 、ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload, 封装安全载荷) 、IKE (Internet Key Exchange, 因特网密钥交换) 和用于网络认证及加密的一些算法等。其中, AH协议和ESP协议用于提供安全服务, IKE协议用于密钥交换。

在实际进行IP通信时, 可以根据实际安全需求同时使用这两种协议或选择使用其中的一种。AH和ESP都可以提供认证服务, 不过, AH提供的认证服务要强于ESP。同时使用AH和ESP时, 备支持的AH和ESP联合使用的方式为:先对报文进行ESP封装, 再对报文进行AH封装, 封装之后的报文从内到外依次是原始IP报文、ESP头、AH头和外部IP头。

对于IPSec而言, IKE则定义了其需要的密钥交换技术。IKE交换的结果就是一个已经认证的密钥以及建立在双方协议基础上的服务, 即IPSec SA。

3 系统VPN分析与项目设计

随着合肥百大集团不断的壮大发展, 不但在合肥拥有众多百货大楼, 同时在安徽蚌埠、芜湖、淮南、黄山等多个县市拥有业务分支。根据业务的需要, 为了更好更稳定的保证总部与分支的数据通讯, 分支和中心之间采用OSPF动态路由协议。由于网络接入形式的多样化, 在考虑使用VPN对专线备份, 来满足业务延展性的需要, 对网络的实现形式也增加了限制条件。如何在开放的Internet网络上建立私有数据传输通道, 将远程的分支连接起来, 同时又要保证数据传输的安全性?以下将根据实际需求和相关技术的优胜劣汰进行阐述, 以最终选择出适合最佳技术方案。

3.1 系统VPN需求分析

由于合肥百大集团已经发展到全省的各个市县区均有业务分支机构, 分支机构与合肥总部中心之间的数据交互密不可分, 这样就需要专门的链路来使得总部与各分支机构之间互联。然而, 在实际应用当中, 就如同前文所述, 穿越整个互联网, 是不可能铺设专门的物理链路来满足业务的需求, 因为架设专用链路所需的代价太高, 显然这样的设计是不切实际的。因此需要一种VPN技术来满足集团的业务需求。

VPN技术由很多种, 如何在诸多种VPN技术中选择出适合本集团所需的VPN技术呢, 这要根据集团网络实际设计和需求来决定。

由于合肥百大集团在分支与中心之间采用三层路由协议, 显然就应该使用三层VPN技术, 从而淘汰前文所述的二层VPN技术, 如PPTP VPN、L2F VPN和L2TP VPN等, 同时也可以淘汰掉SSL VPN技术, 由于SSL是高于IP层的第四层协议。另外, MPLS VPN在此也不大适合集团的VPN设计, MPLS是独立于二层和三层的协议, 其适合更大的机构网络运用, 因为大型网络要结合IGP和BGP, 而MPLS就是由于此种需求应运而生的, 因此在本案例设计中, 也不应该用此技术。同时, 综合上述淘汰的诸多VPN技术, 而产生的相互嵌套结合的VPN技术也随之被弃选。

鉴于以上分析, 适合三层VPN技术的有GRE VPN技术和IPSec VPN技术。但是如何在这两种技术之间进行优选的决策呢?IPSec VPN具有完好的加密认证技术, 但是其IP路由只支持静态路由, 对于像百大集团这样一个大型公司来说, 静态路由指派显然是一件效率极其低下的事情。在IPSec协议的实现过程中, 研究机构为了弥补IPSec的这种缺陷, 也相继研究出实现IPSec协议支持动态路由协议的特性, 即IPSec Profile。但是这种技术即使实现了IPSec支持动态路由协议的功能, 也无法满足百大集团的现实需求, 在现有的网络设备的软件版本来说, 很多版本并不支持这种技术。所以需要选择另外的、比较传统的隧道技术来结合传统的IPSec协议, 这种比较传统且较为常用的技术就是GRE隧道技术。


1) GRE



2) IPSec



因此, 结合1和2关于GRE与IPSec优缺点的描述来看, 为了满足本项目的业务需求, 可将GRE与IPSec相结合而互补优缺点。

经过以上分析可知, GRE协议和IPSec协议具有互补性, 结合二者这种互补性, 可以满足百大集团支持动态路由协议和安全加密认证的需求。两者结合方式, 亦即GRE over IPSec VPN和IPSec over GRE VPN。

3.2 系统VPN规划与概要设计

1) 网络设备的互联

如图1, 则表示的是合肥百大集团GRE over IPSec VPN的公网接入拓扑图, 其中路由器Center代表百大集团在合肥的总部中心路由器, 而VPN1~VPN5的五个路由器则分别代表分布在全省各个市县区的分支机构接入网的路由器 (此处只选择其中的五个, 因为每个分支机构的配置都大同小异) , 亦即经OSPF划分区域后, 这些路由器则为普通区域与骨干区域的边界路由器。

3) 整个网络进行OSPF区域划分

合肥总部网络中心的区域为Area 6, 下图3.1体现为通过一台交换机共享的服务器集群区域, 其中服务器分别为WWW服务器、Email服务器、FTP服务器以及Database服务器, 且此区域的IP地址网段为172.16.0.0/24;其他分支机构的区域则如上图3.1所示, 依次分别为Area 1、Area 2、Area 3、Area 4、Area 5;穿越互联网的区域为Area 0。

4) GRE隧道设计

合肥总部路由器Center的接口serial0/0与各个分支机构的OSPF区域边界路由器的接口serial0/0, 通过互相指派为源和目的来建立GRE隧道, 然后在每个隧道运行0SPF协议, 使得能够动态学习到相关的网段。

5) IPSec隧道设计

在各个分支机构内部以及总部的内部网络中的主机传输的数据, 到达边界路由器时便通过GRE隧道接口进行GRE封装, 然后将经过封装后的GRE数据包再通过IPSec隧道接口进行加密封装。由此可见, 针对于GRE数据包, 各分支机构的边界路由器与总部的边界路由器之间相互通信的加密点和通信点均落在所有的边界路由器上, 故而可以选择的IPSec的数据包封装模式为传输模式, 而不是选择隧道模式, 主要是因为隧道模式要比传输模式多了一个20B的、和传输模式一样的报头, 这样就使得每个隧道模式的数据包比传输模式的数据包少传输20B的数据, 影响到数据的传输速率。同时, 隧道模式因为多增加了数据报头, 就会增加网络设备的内存和CPU资源, 影响网络设备的整体性能, 增大网络传输的延迟, 等等。鉴于上述原因, 最终选择了GRE over IPSec VPN技术中的IPSec传输模式。

由于各个分支机构与总部的连接方式大同小异, 因此每个分支机构在与总部互连时也是大同小异, 因此根据下图1的系统网络拓扑图

4 GRE与IPSec相关技术分析

4.1 GRE基本配置与分析

在远程路由器之间配置GRE, 总共分为三步:

1) 创建虚拟链路 (隧道) 接口, 号码任意, 两端可不相同;

2) 配置虚拟链路 (隧道) 接口地址, 该地址是在GRE包头中被封装的地址;

3) 定义虚拟链路 (隧道) 的源和目的, 因为数据包最终要在公网中传递, 所以该地址就是在公网中指导路由器转发数据包的可路由公网IP, 也是建立隧道两端路由器的真实公网IP。

4.2 IPSec over GRE VPN和GRE over IPSec VPN

关于GRE over IPSec VPN与IPSec over GRE VPN的配置与分析, 可以看到二者的异同点, GRE over IPSec VPN与IPSec over GRE VPN的区别, 如表1。

在GRE over IPSec VPN与IPSec over GRE VPN的区别对照表1中我们看到:GRE over IPSec VPN不仅仅保护正常的数据流, 还对路由协议进行保护, 这样使得整个通信系统的安全性更高, 而IPSec over GRE VPN则相比之下显示出其不足之处。在配置GREover IPSec VPN的感兴趣流时, 只需要配置GRE隧道接口的感兴趣流, 不需要配置通信实体的IP网段感兴趣流, 因为那些通信实体的IP地址始终封装在GRE当中;而IPSec over GRE VPN则不同, 其需要对每一个通信实体的数据流进行配置, 这样在一个大型网络环境中, 显然是降低了整个系统的效率, 而且感兴趣流的配置文件占用网络设备资源, 同时在对数据流匹配的时候, 其大量查找匹配项目会消耗的大量网络资源, 带来更大的网络延迟, 大大降低整个网络系统的性能。

根据以上分析, 关于GRE over IPSec VPN与IPSec over GRE VPN的区别对照, 对于合肥百大的网络业务需求来说, 最终选用GRE over IPSec VPN技术来满足集团的业务实际需要。

5 基于GRE over IPsec VPN设计实现

5.1 GRE over IPsec VPN配置实现

合肥百大在合肥的数据中心表示为Area 6中的网络, 其中的服务器通过一台直连到路由器Center接口f0/0的交换机、以共享式方式组成一个服务器集群。Area 6与互联网之间的边界路由器Center则是服务中心接入网路由器。

合肥百大的业务需求就是其分支机构与总部数据中心之间的安全交互。需要建立两条GRE隧道和两条IPSec隧道。为了防止两个分支机构的相关网段之间交互VPN路由信息, 需要在ISP的相关接口进行ACL配置, 相关配置则见后面章节的详细配置。

在以上各种配置完成后, 并且GRE和IPSec已经完全建立好, 最后在IPSec隧道的感兴趣流上配置相应的GRE感兴趣流, 最终完成整个系统的构架和配置, 使得网络系统正常运行。



第二步:配置路由器、交换机及服务器等相关设备的基本信息, 及配置Center、VPN1、VPN2之间模拟的穿越互联网的路由信息。



5.2 验证GRE over IPsec VPN

由于建立整个VPN通道是通信加密点互相的, 所以在此处, 仅仅需要查看数据中心的路由器的相关配置文件即可, 即查看Center的VPN隧道的配置, 具体如下:

6 结束语

GRE隧道技术原理和配置简单, 容易理解, 这里要说明的不是单单一个GRE隧道的技术问题, 而是GRE在与IPSec结合时, 其在整个系统的作用要点。单独使用IPSec存在的一个最大的缺憾就是其只支持单播流量, 而不支持组播和广播流量。为了解决在大型网络环境下IPSec这种网络运行效率的不足, 就引入了GRE技术与其相结合的方式。

在设计过程中, 涉及到得VPN加密则是通过IPSec技术进行加密的。为了保证数据在互联网中安全传输, 在最终方案的实施离不开ESP的参与, 当然也可以让AH结合ESP来进行双重认证, 而在最终方案中只选择了ESP协议。

over 篇9

从2001年中国电信就开始了IPv6的研究和推进。中国电信对下一代互联网的发展目标是在企业发展中全力构建可持续发展的地址丰富、性能先进、绿色节能、安全可信、扩展良好和商业可行的新型下一代互联网, 为国家宽带、融合、安全、泛在的下一代国家信息基础设施建设贡献央企的力量。

作为该目标实现的支撑服务研发单位, 在过去的多年, 中国电信北京研究院IPv6研究围绕三个重点, 一是紧扣网络需求, 针对企业网络演进和业务发展需求解决实际问题。二是进行网络技术和业务创新, 提升IP和下一代互联网的整体研发水平。三是积极承接国家CNGI等专项项目, 体现企业对于国家的责任担当。


多年来, 中国电信在IPv6研究上走在国内前列。如2009年, 中国电信北京研究院把下一代互联网过渡与国家“两型社会”试点有机结合, 在网络改造的同时, 顺利地完成了相关IP后台支撑系统及IT支撑系统针对IPv6能力的升级改造, 在国内首次打通了IPv6商用用户服务。

目前, 中国电信北京研究院专注于三大IPv6演进核心研究。第一, 研究IP网络演进路线。中国电信北京研究院在对主流过渡方式多角度对比分析的基础上, 深入分析和明确中国电信IPv6引入的技术选择和演进路线建议;针对可运营的过渡部署需求, 完善相关DS-Lite和双栈等技术规范和设备规范要求, 制定可运营可管理的整体技术方案;针对IPv6商业运营, 制订AAA、网管、Syslog、统一溯源流程等配套解决方案和规范;针对移动互联网的快速发展, 制订适合移动网的IPv6过渡技术及应用方案, 并推进终端的完善。

第二, 研究面向下一代互联网的轻量级过渡技术LAFT 4over6。我们结合现有IPv6过渡技术中有状态和无状态的优势, 提出轻量级IPv6过渡方案LAFT 4over6。轻量级状态管理是采用NAT卸载思想, 网络侧维护基于每用户的状态表, 用户侧实现端口的分布式处理, 提升系统可扩展性。而轻量级地址管理是对IPv6地址格式无限制, 支持灵活的地址分配和管理。

第三, 研究Smart6网关。通过该技术, 我们以较少的代价和复杂度在IPv6互联网增加IPv4 CP/SP的接入能力, 引导流量向IPv6网络的迁移, 与双栈化的IPv6接入升级方案相结合, 实现中国电信官网在内的多个CP/SP迁移。


当前IPv6的应用不够丰富, 终端有些欠缺。中国电信北京研究院在这两个环节也做了较多工作。比如智能温室的业务设计, 该设计基于IPv6的物联网行业应用—现代农业智能温室综合监控系统, 通过部署在温室中的传感器实时采集和存储历史数据, 摸索农作物对于、温度、适度、光照和土壤的需求规律, 提供了精准的实验数据。2009年, 在“国家 (湖南) 果茶良种场”获得应用, 从2010年后逐步规模推广到东北、山东、北京等地。

在终端方面, 中国电信研究院推出了不依赖于芯片的C网手机的IPv6方案。我们针对IPv6手机终端瓶颈, 推动电信3G智能终端率先实现IPv6技术, 移动终端IPv6化加速IPv6技术的发展和普及;以较少的开发在Android平台实现不依赖基带芯片来支持IPv6功能, 申请专利一项;改造过的XT800、ME811和I909已在湖南EV-DO现网上成功地完成技术验证。

基于此前的研究, 未来我们下一步的研究重点有四方面:一是网络大规模过渡技术, 结合技术的进步, 为企业选定最佳的过渡路线, 带动产业的成熟, 支撑实现网络的顺利过渡和IPv6的全面部署;二是IPv6基础能力研究, 发挥IPv6的技术特色, 如地址和移动性, 云服务, 增强网络的能力;三是IPv6与智能管道的结合技术, 面向IPv6的策略控制、精细化感知分析、架构和流量优化等技术及验证;四是支持下一代互联网的安全技术, 包括下一代互联网的安全溯源、攻击防范、可信接入、用户管控技术。

LAFT 4over6受到业界认可

IPv4与IPv6的过渡是长期与复杂的, IPv6过渡技术需重点解决, 包括IPv4地址共享、业务穿越, 以及IPv4/IPv6业务互通问题。LAFT 4over6作为轻量级网络核心无NAT的技术方案, 采用较少的代价即可大大降低网络负担、提高端到端的透明性, 目前已得到业界越来越多的认可。

LAFT 4over6是由中国电信和清华大学联合提出的自主知识产权纯IPv6接入过渡技术, 与天地互连、雅马哈、华为等合作实现。该技术基于现有技术的优缺点, 并结合中国电信的网络业务现状提出具备轻量级、支持IPv6灵活的地址规划以及低成本的特征, 符合IPv6网络演进的长期发展, 可在DS-Lite/NAT444基础上平滑演进。另外, LAFT 4over6应用于基于IPv6网络接入的场景, 运营商仅为用户分配IPv6地址, 并实现对现有IPv4业务应用的支持。LAFT 4over6的部署实施与现有的DS-Lite/NAT444兼容, 对于现网的地址规划管理、支撑系统的改造需求完全一致。

在应用方面, LAFT 4over6目前已完成系统开发、现网部署的可行性验证。目前已实现LAFT4over6基于天翼宽带、基于雅马哈的CPE系统、Buffalo的CPE系统以及华为的网络侧网关系统, 已完成实验室测试和现网测试, 包括天翼宽带的集成:实现基于XP、Vista、Win7的天翼宽带集成版本;基于的CPE的实现:实现基于DD-WRT的CPE版本, 可实现LAN、Wi-Fi等多种方式接入;雅马哈和华为的LAFT 4over6实现:合作完成雅马哈CPE和华为NE40e的LAFT 4over6。

over 篇10

Listed banks lead in the profit list is, in some ways, heartening, indicating banks are still strong in profitability. In the past few years, the quality of their management along with their strength in innovation has made remarkable progress. However, it also reflects that the banking industry, far from serving the real economy, has instead become severely detached from it.

At the end of June, the 2,521 listed companies that have published their financial reports were seen to harvest profits of 581.3 billion yuan ($94.6 billion), and the profits of the 16 listed banks was 17.8 percent higher than that figure. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China alone earned 148.1 billion yuan ($24.1 billion) in the first half of the year, equivalent to 21.6 percent of the total profits of the 2,521 non-financial public companies. Such an irrational profitability structure is bound to undermine sustainable economic development in the long term.

Since social wealth is fixed during a certain period of time, the more banks take away, the less enterprises propping up the real economy can get. In this way, these enterprises will gradually lose their incentive to operate, and head toward declination and bankruptcy. This represents a vicious circle and has begun to yield negative results. Although bank profits still edge those of real enterprises, the sectors crown has shown signs of slipping. As their half-year financial reports suggest, five of the 16 listed banks have witnessed their profit growth declining to a single digit. In contrast, the 16 banks maintained an average growth above 10 percent during the same period of last year.

Moreover, the bad loans of the 16 listed banks amounted to 558 billion yuan ($90.9 billion) at the end of June, an increase of 77.2 billion yuan ($12.6 billion) in the first half. With the exception of the Bank of Ningbo, all banks saw a surge in both bad loans and their nonperforming loan ratio. Worse still, this adverse trend is not confined to listed banks. According to statistics from the China Banking Regulatory Commission, in the first half of the year, the bad loans of commercial banks increased 102.4 billion yuan ($16.7 billion), exceeding the total added amount of 99.3 billion yuan ($16.2 billion) last year. In the second quarter, bad loans rose by 48.3 billion yuan ($7.9 billion), marking an increase for 12 consecutive threemonth periods.endprint

Obviously, the sharp rise in bad loans mainly stems from the recession in the real economy and those enterprises affected. Bad loans caused by overcapacity, a sluggish steel trade and faltering small and micro-firms have begun to increase. The surge of bad loans will surely continue into the future if the relevant authorities dont seek solutions.

Moreover, traditional banks are becoming increasingly challenged by Internet finance. Whether it be in traditional banking services like borrowing and lending or in intermediary services like payment and money management, Internet finance has waged an all-out war against traditional brick-and-mortar banks. In the long run, it is likely business activities will be moved onto the Internet, while traditional banks are still struggling with their growing obsolescence. If they refuse to change, they are bound to perish in the wake of the overwhelming expansion of the Internet finance sector.



