


sentence 篇1


In reading practice, long sentences are thought to be difficult for students to understand because long sentences usually contain main clause, clauses and participles.Students feel that it′s a tough job to recognize which part of a long sentence is main clause, clause, or participle.Traditionally, many teachers help students to solve the problem by teaching them the necessary grammar rules and translating them into Chinese.For solving this problem, a long sentence can be partitioned into smaller simple sentences that students can achieve by recognizing adverbial clause, objective clause, attributive clause and participles, which can be changed into smaller simple sentences.But how to recognize these clauses and participles?We know that the enlargement of a sentence can be achieved by the use of embeddings, such as participial phrases, prepositional phrases, and by the use of conjunctions of clauses, such as that, who, which, whose, where, when, etc.Therefore, students can use these embeddings and conjunctions of clauses as the key partitioning points for recognizing clauses and participles.In a word, we should help students learn how to partition long sentence through recognizing clauses and participles, just so called structure analysis, and to change these clauses and participles into simple sentences for better sentence comprehension.

The other problem which students often encounter is that some simple words and phrases appear to be really confusing and not easy to understand in some sentences, especially in native English sentences.Our students don′t know how to solve the problem, but they just come to their teacher for help.Usually their teacher just offers the Chinese meanings of the phrases and the sentences.For solving this problem, interpretation in English with the help of bilingual dictionary would be effective.So students should use bilingual dictionary as often as possible when they learn English.

I.Sentence Partition Using Structure Analysis

1. Recognitionofobjectiveclauseandattribu-

tive clause through conjunctions as partitioning points

Let′s read the following paragraph.

Here′s a suggestion:Forget the too big, hard-to achieve goals and just think the small ones.“We often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though it′s so hard for us to reach it, ”said Robert Maurer, who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life.“What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we can′t find any excuse not to do it.”

In the second sentence, we can find two conjunctions of clause:that and who.“That”is used for connecting the main verb“think”with the objective clause“we have to do everything in big steps”.And“who”as the relative conjunction is used for preferring to the writer Robert Maurer, and is used as the subject of the attributive clause“recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life.”

In the third sentence, “What we try to do”is the subject phrase, and the conjunction“that”connects the reason“such a small step”with the result“we can′t find any excuse not to do it”.

With the help of the three conjunctions which we can call partitioning points, students can partition the second and third sentences and rewrite them in smaller simple sentences as follows.

“We often think that idea.We have to do everything in big steps.Actually doing everything in big steps is so hard for us.What we try to do is to begin with such a small step.So we can’t find any excuse not to do what we try to do.”said Robert Maurer.Robert Maurer recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life.

If students can do this sentence partitioning, they will improve their sentence comprehension effectively.

Here I′ll focus on two kinds of clauses, including, objective clause and attributive clause.

(1) Objective clause

Objective clause is a kind of clause that functions as the object of a verb or preposition with these words as conjunctions such as that, why, what, how, where, when and whether, etc.

Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.

One day, I asked him why he smiled, but he couldn′t remember smiling at me.

Can you tell me where I can get my car repaired.

(2) Attributive clause

Attributive clauses with who, which, that, who and whose, where and when.

And this one is a photo of a shark that I saw on the Great Barrier Reef.

Congratulations to our winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition.

It successfully shows the rich culture which makes Beijing so famous.

I′ve got a friend whose brother is training for the Olympics.

There are many clubs and concert halls where you can listen to people playing music.

I still remember the day when Yao Ming came to our school.

2. Recognition of Participle.

“As seen in Identifying Verbal, a participle is a verb form as an adjective to modify nouns and pronouns.Participles can add vigor to our writing as they add information to our sentences.” (Creating and Arranging Participle Phrases by Richard Nordquist) Participle can function as both verbs and adjectives, and be used in compound verb tenses or voices, or be used as a modifier.We can combine a participle and other words to form a participle phrase.I’ll present two sentences with participles in them to illustrate how to recognize the participles that will be regarded as partitioning points, and to change the participle phrases into simple sentences.

Here is an example.

It′s a color made from two primary colors.

For the above sentence, the past participle phrase“made from two primary colors”modifies the word“color”in the main clause“It’s a color”.Therefore, we can rewrite the sentence as follows.

It′s a color.The color is made from two primary colors.

In the sentence below, the participle phrase consists of a present participle“shaking”, an object“hands”, and a prepositional phrase“with the popular singer”.Students can partition the whole sentence into two simple sentences as follows.

Shaking hands with the popular singer, she was very excited.

She was shaking hands with the popular singer.She was very excited.

Present participle

We can add the ending“-ing”to a verb (deleting the silent“e”at the end of the verb) to form the present participle.The present participle is used in the active voice and is used for the following aspects:

Forming the continuous tense:Jim is swimming in the river.

Modifying a noun as an adjective:He is a working man.

Modifying a verb or sentence in clause Broadly speaking, the movie is successful.

Past participle

We can use past participle to modify a verb, a noun or a sentence in both active sense and passive sense.Please look at these examples:

Modifying a noun with passive sense:The stolen baby was found by the police unharmed (=The baby who had been stolen was found by the police unharmed.)

Modifying a noun with active sense:ou fallen comrades (=our comrades who have fallen)

Modifying a verb or sentence with passive sense:Seen from this perspective, we will be able to finish the work easily. (=When it is seen from this perspective, we will be able to finish the work easily.)

II.Interpretation in English

Some English words and phrases in native English sentences are also difficult to understand, but with the help of bilingual dictionary especially English-English dictionary, they can be easy to understand.

Here is an example:

This time she made sure everything was in place.

Usually students can′t understand the prepositional phrase“in place”in this sentence because it′s a native English phrase.If our students look this phrase up in a bilingual dictionary or an English-English dictionary, they wil find the particular meaning:in the correct or usual position.So the above sentence can be interpreted as follows.

This time she made sure everything was in the correct position.

Here is one more example.

Finally, the water tap was in pieces.

In the same way, students will get the accurate meaning of the above sentence.

Finally, the water tap was broken into many pieces.

Listing the above 2 sentences as examples by interpreting the original sentences in simple English, from which obviously we can learn tha interpreting sentences in English as a method can be effective in helping students understand the sentences well.


Through the above structure analysis and illustration of interpretation in English, theoretically, the two methods presented above are useful to improve students′sentence comprehension.In English teaching practice, I trained my students in these methods and arranged for them to do many exercises the same type as the previous ones listed above, and to do reading comprehension exercises.They got much highe score in reading comprehension tests, which proved that the two methods were remarkably effective.


Richard Nordquist.Creating and Arranging Participle Phrase.

sentence 篇2

Greetings (打招呼)

1、Good morning ,sir(madam)


2、Good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen


3、Good evening ,miss Price


4、How are you today ,Mr Brown ?


5、I’m quite well ,thank you.


6、Hs good to see you again ,sir(madam)


7、Nice to meet you ,sir.



8、Are you Mrs.Best?


9、You must be professor Ford.


10、May I know your name,sir(madam)?


11、Here’s a letter for you ,Dr white.


12、you’re wanted on the phone,Captain Smith.


13、Welcome to our hotel, miss Henry.


14、May I be of service to you,Mr Baker ?


15、Can I help you, Ms Blake?


16、Would you take the seat ,young lady ?


Offering Help 主动提出帮助

17、May I help you ?

18、Can I help you?


19、What can I do for you ?


20、May I take your ba for you?


21、May I help you with your suitcase?


22、Would you like me to call a taxi for you ?


23、Thank you very much.


24、Thanks for the trouble .


25、It’svry kind of you?




Answers to Thanks对感谢语的应答

27、You’re welcome.


28、Not at all.


29、That’s all right.


30、Don’t mention it.


31、It’s my plcasurc.


Expressing welcome 表示欢迎

32、Welcome ,sir(madam).


33、Welcome to our hotel ,sir (madam).


34、Welcome to our western restaurant.


35、We’re glad to have you here.


36、I’m always at your service ,sir (madam).


Apologies 表示道歉

37、I’m sorry,sir (madam).


38、I’m very sorry.


39、I’m sorry to trouble you.


40、I’m sorry to have taken so much of your time.


41、I’m sorry to have kept you waiting .


42、Excuse me for interrupeing you.


43、I hope you’ll forgive me.


Answers to Apology(对道歉语的应答)

44、It doesn’t mater.


45、It’s nothing.


46、Never mind.


47、That’s nothing.


48、Don’t bother about that.


49、Don’t worry about it.


50、Don’t apologize, It was my fault.


Good wishes(良好祝愿)

51、Have a good time!


52、Have a nice evening!


53、Happy Birthday!


54、Merry Christmas!


55、May you succeed



56、Good-bye and good luck.


57、Hope you’ll have a nice trip.


58、Wish you a pleasant journey .


59、Happy landing.


60、Bon voyage.


61、Hope to see you again.


62、Good night.


63、See you Tomorrow.


Self-Introduction (自我介绍)

★ 预定酒店英语范文

★ 宾馆英语?客房服务

★ 宾馆英语培训社会实践报告

★ 预定部人员个人简历

★ 研究生英语信

sentence 篇3

A Beijing court convicted Tong, 56, of failing to investigate and stop a large-scale election fraud last year while serving as the leading official of Hengyang, Hunan. Then Secretary of the Communist Party of China Hengyang Committee, Tong was responsible for organizing the election for the citys deputies to the provincial peoples congress. During the election, he was informed that some candidates offered bribes to buy votes but took no measures to stop the illegal practices.

Investigations showed 56 candidates bribed hundreds of city lawmakers and staff for election to the provincial legislature. The amount of money involved exceeded 110 million yuan($17.9 million).

Global Natural Gas Market

World Affairs August 16

Relying on its dominant status in the international natural gas market due to its gigantic reserves, Russia generally links gas prices, transportation and pipeline construction in such a way as to realize its political goals. Its influence mainly focuses on the regional market centered on Russia.

The United States typically links its natural gas strategy with the unforeseen circumstances of geopolitics. It can affect the international natural gas market via its powerful national strength to serve the countrys political and economic targets.

Other natural gas giants like Qatar and Iran also intend to extend their political influences by controlling natural gas prices and trading. However, their energy advantages cannot convert into as much influence as they hope. Only with strong political power can energy advantages translate into international influence.

Under these complex circumstances, China should adopt both technical tools and political methods to deal with potential fluctuations. Technically, China needs to strengthen its natural gas resource exploration within technological, economic and environmental permissions to enhance the domestic natural gas supply while improving energy efficiency. Politically, it can use its influence to contribute to a more stable international natural gas market.

Ideal System Reform

Oriental Outlook August 21

As early as in 1992, late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping said that it might take 30 years for China to form a more mature and programmed institutional system, wherein all policies and principles would be even more conventionalized. He believed that three standards can measure whether or not the system is good enough: Economically, China should catch up with developed countries; politically, the country should help the people to govern in a way that is more practical and nuanced than the system in Western countries; and it should feature a more outstanding set of personnel than those countries.endprint

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party of China Central Committee held in November 2013 confirmed that the system should be established by 2020. President Xi Jinping expressed a similar determination when delivering a speech in February. He said that todays pressing historic task for China is to establish a more complete, more stable and more effective institutional system for the countrys further development—a path that would lead to better livelihoods, social stability and longterm security for Chinese people.

Chinas governance system is a comprehensive result of long-term development, progressive reforms and endogenic changes based on historical heritage, cultural traditions and economic and social development. The countrys national governance requires further perfection and progress, while Chinese people must have their own exclusive vision to make their dreams come true.

Celebrity Drugs Abuse

Beijing Youth Daily August 19

Celebrities have occupied more of the social scene and carried influence. The public has a right to hold higher expectations of them. No one is above the law, not even celebrities. Famous people who get caught doing drugs can cause more damage to others and create worse consequences.

Recently, several Chinese celebrities, including kungfu star Jackie Chans son Jaycee Chan, have been detained due to their drug problem.

The Ministry of Public Security said in June that many celebrities are using drugs, and those caught were just the tip of the iceberg. It appeared poised to conduct a key crackdown on celebrity drug users, with even stricter punishment than usual.

Many people mistakenly think that celebrities hold a higher moral character. Public reputation, however, does not imply morality. Many stars have extraordinary influence over adolescents. Some even become icons that young people love and worship. Considering their significant influence on young people, these stars should set strict demands on themselves and set a good example. Celebrities who have been caught using drugs should apologize to their young fans and stay away from drugs from now on. Instead of hiding from the spotlight, they should take on more responsibility in the anti-drug fight.


Zhou Xiaotian, a poet and professor with the College of Literature and Journalism at Sichuan University, came into the center of controversy after winning the prestigious Lu Xun Literature Prize in mid-August for his poetry collection, Invitation to Tea.endprint

Not long after the prize was awarded, Zhous verses were posted online by Internet users, with one commenting that they were “nothing more than doggerels unworthy of the prize.” Many have criticized the winner for the colloquial style of his poems. Zhou, however, has refuted the criticisms. “vernacular poems are not necessarily ill-written. You can hardly expect people to read serious poems nowadays,” he said. Zhou, born in 1948 in southwest Chinas Sichuan Province, is adept at writing poems about current affairs using ancient Chinese poetic forms but vernacular language.

The poetry prize, named after Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of Chinas best-known modern writers, was first awarded in 1986. It honors writers of outstanding short- to mid-length novels, poems, prose, reportage and literary reviews, and is bestowed once every three years.

“The gap between these companies and their Western counterparts is not that big. Chinas drone industry is quite competitive, especially in the areas of avionics and flight control.”

Zhang Feng, Secretary General of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of China, commenting on the technological prowess of Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle companies in a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency

“Chinas active participation in drawing up international standards will help domestic toy factories better understand and employ such standards in production.”

Li Zhuoming, an executive with the Guangdong Toy Association, speaking on August 15 about Chinas release of a new international toy safety standard adopted by the International Organization for Standardization, which is largely based on a Chinese national standard

“Almost three quarters of the parts of the Great Wall that was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) are poorly preserved, and under 10 percent is in sound condition.”

Wu Guoqiang, Secretary General of the China Great Wall Society, at a seminar in Beijing on August 15, calling for intensified efforts to preserve the Great Wall, which was built from the 3rd century B.C. to the A.D. 17th century for military defense

“Kenya and China have been recognized by the CITES [Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna] for their dedication to alleviating the menace of poaching. Both countries mete out heavy penalties on offenders.”

sentence 篇4

思维导图 (Mind Map) 是英国学者Tony Buzan在20世纪60年代所创, 刚开始只是作为一种新的笔记方法, 现在已经发展成为一种组织性思维工具。“思维导图”按照发散性思考的特征, 把注意的焦点清晰地集中在中央图形上, 主题的主干从中央向四周放射;分支由一个关键的图形或写在产生联想的线条上面的关键词构成, 次级话题也以分支形式表现出来, 附在较高层次的分支上;各分支形成一个连接的节点结构并且末端开放。


建构式生态课堂是指:根据建构主义学习理论, 依据以学生发展为本的教育思想, 教学起点符合学生实际, 教学目标明确、具体、适切, 教学方法与教学资源运用恰当, 学习活动设计合理, 学生在师生共同营造的适宜的课堂生态环境中, 自主学习、互教互学、质疑释疑、共同建构、迁移应用等, 获得知识、能力与情感协同发展的课堂。


即英语中的句子, 包括简单句、并列句及复合句。


中学语法的学习必要性:职业学校的英语课程目标是把学生的语言综合运用培养好, 而英语语法的知识则是语言发展能力基础之一。语法的教学不单单是教会学生记住那些语言的规律性, 还要让学生可以准确地用语言进行交流。作为教师, 在教学中就应该注意教学观念的更新, 重视教学中语法在方法和内容上的改革。英语语言的学习过程中, 学生不但要学会去理解其学习内容的意义, 而且也要学会语言表达形式, 注意在语法在交流沟通中的运用方法。


问题之一:在教学中特别重视讲解知识和传授。有一部分老师认为让学生把课本中的英语句子背诵熟练, 英语就可以学好了, 具体的表面就是太重视内容的死记硬背。在英语课堂中, 把大部分的精力和时候都用在了语言点的讲解上, 活生生的材料就这样变得干干巴巴了, 课堂气氛压抑, 学生也会在这个过程中失去了英语学习的兴趣。这种对语法的过度讲解, 不但压抑了学习的语言体验过程, 对学生语言的应用和学习都没有意义, 从而降低了课堂教学的效果。

问题之二:在英语教学中把语法教学“淡化”, 与特别重视语法教学相反, 也有一部分老师认为要在课堂教学中, 设置各项活动和教学任务, 让学生更多地去熟悉语言训练的机会, 学生自然会在完成训练和参与活动的时候, 就把所学的语法知识掌握到了。在口头表达能力的训练中, 学生确实能够提高对语法的掌握, 但因为其对语言的基础知识理解和掌握的不足, 除了死记硬背, 不能准确得体地表达自己想要表达的东西, 在进行书面表达时, 问题就更为明显, 如不规范语法的使用, 这将对学生英语的可持续发展产生不好的影响。

问题之三:来自英语教学领域的研究错觉。在近些年的教学研究中, 对语法教学研究很少, 更不要说改进了。重视语法的教学被看成是保守的、落后的。个别学者认为英美国家的学生学习英语不学习语法, 我们中国人学母语也没教过语法, 而我们学习英语也不用学习语法一样, 让一线的教育工作者, 对语法的教学比较困惑, 教还是不教, 怎么教, 都只能靠个人的认同感去定。


英语句子可分为简单句、并列句、复合句。生态课堂要求学生分成小组, 以小组为单位共同讨论问题之后由每组派出一个代表讲解。因此我把每个大块分成小块给每个小组自己完成之后以思维导图形式汇总如下:

通过思维导图汇总使学生对英语sentence有一个整体的了解, 之后由每个小组给出例子并且讲解, 如下:


Fire and water do not agree. (两个主语一个谓语)

Tom came into the classroom and sat down. (一个主语两个谓语)


This is me and these are my friends

They must stay in water, or they will die.



That the earth is round is known to us all. (主语从句)

He told us that he was ill. (宾语从句)

Our suggestion is that you give up smoking for the sake of your health (表语从句)

He told me the news that the plane had exploded. (同位语从句)


A plane is a machine that can fly. (定语从句)


He pretended to be reading when his mother came in. (时间)

He stayed where he picked up a coin. (地点)

If you use Mind Map, you will find English is easy to learn. (条件)

Though it was only 9 o’clock, there were few people in the streets. (让步)

I will show you in order that you will see how it is done. (目的)

Because I did not know the way, I asked a policeman. (原因)

Please do as the teacher told you to. (方式)

通过思维导图使学生更直观把握英语句子结构, 明确类别。通过构建式生态课堂与思维导图结合, 由学生自己解决相关问题同时充当了老师的角色, 这样使学生更加深刻地把握了所学知识, 在快乐与合作探究中学习更加激发了学生的兴趣。众所周知, 英语句子的理解是做好英语试卷的基础, 只有理解了句子才能理解阅读, 把握文章主题, 阅读做好了整张试卷的成绩才有可能高, 因此职业英语语法教学中英语句子的学习应该放在重点, 但是有些教师花了很大力气下了很大功夫讲解语法可是效果不佳。学生对有些语法混淆, 比如名词性从句中which是哪个的意思, 而在定语从句中的which指代先行词, 所以学生经常把这两个词弄混, 那么首先通过思维导图可以直观地看出这两类从句分别隶属于两种不同类型的从句, 所以我们得出结论同一个关系词在不同的类别从句中的意思与充当的成分肯定是不一样的。其次我们看关系词所引导的句子即从句在整个句子中充当什么成分即得出是具体什么从句。

总之, 学习英语语法不仅仅是为高考, 也为以后个人的事业做铺垫, 如出国留学, 搞国家科研必须要和国外先进技术接轨, 而英语恰恰是通用语言, 学习国外技术要懂得其文章, 而语法是至关重要的。鲁迅说过:“一千个读者中就有一千个哈姆雷特。”不同的教师有不同的教学方法, 针对不同的学生应因材施教, 不可千篇一律。以上只是本人工作几年来积累的一点经验, 仅供各位同行分享。只愿自己是一只辛勤的蜜蜂, 采得百花后, 最终酿成蜜供大家分享。同时本人在不断反思自己的教学, 吸取别人的长处来增强自己的教学能力。通过不断学习, 不断积累, 不断实践, 不断提高自己的教学水平。作为教师, 我们应该把自己最好的给予孩子们。

摘要:英语sentence学习一直是困扰学生英语学习的关键, 怎样从整体上把握英语sentence学习就成了学好英语的关键。在建构式生态课堂下运用思维导图, 从空间角度把握英语简单句成分及主从复合句结构, 并利用思维导图的发散思维模式从细节上认知句子结构及其所涵盖内容。利用逆向思维从整体上掌握句子及从句。



[1]李文辉.动态语境下的大学英语口语教学[J].语文学刊·外语教育教学, 2010, (6) .

[2]谢少万.顺应理论与外语教学[J].外语与外语教学, 2003, (4) .

sentence 篇5

Phrases for speaking and reading



3 一束花




























30卷入/ 参与事业中







Phrases for speaking and reading

improve the health

carry … on board/ aboard

a bunch of flowers

in a corner of your balcony

the stages of growing soybeans

a branch of medicine

make attempts to do sth

classify … into ….

group plants (into …)

the identification of different species/ identify …species

be based on the arrangement of sth

at first sight

conquer the world

promote the new system

develop a lifelong friendship with sb

Be born into/ of a life of privilege

have an appetite for knowledge

lead a cosy life

make a career in science

appoint sb. (as) commander

take … on an expedition to…

according to the instructions

on the three-year voyage

calculate the distance between

search for an unknown continent

equip the expedition

look out for…

economic/ cash crops

on a large/ small/big scale

develop local economy

be involved in enterprises

be elected president of…

accumulate knowledge

the abandoned practice

experiment with growing

a center of scientific and economic research

a botanical garden

Phrases for Integrating skills and exercises

1. 享受做试验的充分自由 enjoy all the freedom to experiment

2. 值得特别重视 deserve special attention

3. 明显与…相关 show a clear relationship with

4. 有关 be related to/ be connected with (to) / have something to do with

5. 开花植物 flowering plants

6.引起鸟类种群的不同lead to different species in …

7.解释差异的关键the key to explaining differences …

8. 用…做实验conduct his experiments with ….

9. 代代相传 pass on from one generation to the next

10. 导致遗传学的产生give birth to the science of genetics

11. 形成…理念 form the belief that …

12. 重新认识…bring ….back in view

13. 研究花园玫瑰的变异情况 study many varieties of garden roses

14. 外形改变 change one’s appearance

15. 适应新环境 adapt to the new environment

16. 靠近地表生长 grow close to the ground

17. 农作物产量 the output of crops



















农作物 Year after year

Put together money

Living expense

Open a bank account

Pass away

At one’s own expense

As a reward for…

Name after…

a sound knowledge of

undertake a task

a tasty pumpkin pie

give a detailed/ an accurate description/

in detail

a mathematical calculation

to get quick profits from

take effective measures

be aware of the world around us

rural and urban areas

agricultural crops

1.Attempts had been made by others to classify plant species into groups, but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus.

2.Showing how plants were related was a complex and strange thing before Linnaeus developed his system.

3.Born into a life of privilege, Joseph Banks was the son of a wealthy family.

4.In 1768, the Royal Navy appointed James Cook as the commander of the Endeavour to take the members of Royal Society on an expedition to Tahiti.

5.As astronomy was one of the most important branches of science, it was the British government that paid for all the equipment and expenses for that part of the expedition.

6.Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.

7.。。He also look out for new economic species; plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold .

8.Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to anther on a large scale, helping to develop local economic with these new imports.

9.Darwin’s observations on that voyage led him to write his famous book on the Origin of species.…

10. It would take a next generation of scientists to bring the importance of the environment on species beck in view.

11. however, he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settlement of Australia.

12. In 1778,Banks was elected president of the Royal society, a position he held for 42 years and adapted to

the new environment.

13. Back home, in England, Darwin realized that differences in habitat could lead to different species in birds as well as fin plants.

14. As a result of Darwin and Mendel s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that the influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

15. It was Darwin’s visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles that gave him the key to his new theory.

16. As a result of Darwin and Mendel’s research, scientists of the nineteenth century formed the belief that that influence of the environment was behind the development of new species.

17. There were even differences between the species of the different islands, yet all showed a clear relationship with those of America, though separated from that continent by about 600 miles.

1. 事实上,他们离开办公室的时间量很有限。

In fact, their capacity in terms of time they can spend away from their offices is very limited.

2. 即使大学及研究院的所有教授把他们所有时间都用来研究自然,他们能作出的贡献尽管很重要,还是会很有限。Even if all professors in universities and research institutes could devote all their time to the study of nature, their contribution, although important, would still be quite small.

3. 对自然历史研究而言,其他对自然有兴趣的人的贡献总是同等重要。

To the study of natural history the contribution of other people with an interest in nature has always been equally important.

4. 甚至一些由12至25岁的学生创办的自然俱乐部,也能达到很高的科学水平。

Even some nature clubs run by students aged between 12 and 25, are able to reach very high scientific standards.

5. 尽管…只有很小的预算来做调查,但是对植物学有兴趣的人们却能拿出大量的钱及时间来做调查研究。

While …only have a limited budget to do fieldwork, people whose hobby is to study botany can devote a great deal of money and time to it.

6.这是一本描写所有英伦岛本土植物 的书。

It is a book that describes all plants that are native to the British Isles.

7. 仔细观察并认真数花的雄性雌性器官的数量, 这对于找出一种植物种类的名称经常是很必要的。要看清楚,放大镜是不可或缺的。

To find the name of a plant species it is often necessary to have a close look and count the male and female organs in the flowers. To see this clearly, a magnifying glass is essential.

8. 植物丛生, 而植物社会学是研究这种现象的植物学分支。

Plants grow in communities, and plant sociology is the branch of botany that studies this phenomenon.

9. 任何环境,不管是农村还是城区,都有各种不同的生态环境。

Any environment, whether urban or rural, offers a variety of different habitats.

10. 为了在城里生存下来,自然动植物一般都得进行残酷的斗争。

Nature often has to put up a fierce struggle to survive in the city.

sentence 篇6

Li Jingwei, 72, was the founder of the “first national beverage brand” Jianlibao. This brand, also known as the “magic water of China”, became famous worldwide when it appeared in the opening ceremony of the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. Its brand value once exceeded 6 billion yuan (USD 945.6 million). However, when he was ready to retire with glory and fame, he was beaten down by the embezzlement charge.

In 1997, the 38-storey Jianlibao Tower was established in Guangzhou and Li Jingwei moved the headquarters of its company to Guangzhou as previously planned. In that year, the sales of Jian- libao exceeded 5 billion yuan (USD 788 million). However, the construction of the tower is said to have been done without the government approval and might be used as a tool to transfer assets.

In 1997, the government of Sanshui, where Jianlibao was originally headquartered, rejected Jianlibao’s plan to go public in Hong Kong. Angered by the rejection, Li Jingwei gave up the plan of going public. At the beginning of 2002, a man named Zhang Hai spent 338 million yuan (USD 53.3 million) acquiring a 75% stake in Jianlibao. Half a year later, Li Jingwei, as well as three vice presidents of Jianlibao, Li Qingyuan, Yang Shiming and Ruan Juyuan, were removed from their positions due to the “illegal transfer of Jianlibao’s assets”.



