


二年级英语期末考试题 篇1


1.A.beeB.lionC.foxD.bed 2.A.jacketB.shirtC.schoolD.coat 3.A.planeB.winterC.trainD.boat 4.A.twoB.twelveC.sevenD.PE 5.A.EnglishB.ArtC.ChineseD.box 6.A.canB.springC.autumnD.summer




B.do 2.CanIhelpyou?-----________


B.Iliketigers. 3.Where’sthecar?-----________


B.It’sonthesofa. 4.Whatcanyousee?-----________


B.Icanseeatrain. 5.Whatdoyouhave?-----________


B.Ilikedolls. 6.Whatlessonsdoyouhave?-----________


B.Ihaveayo-yo. 7.It’stimetogotobed.-----________


B.Goodnight. 8.Let’scountthe-----________


B.jeeps 9.Let’skeepthewaterclean.的中文是什么?






二年级英语期末考试题 篇2

2. 卷I答在自行准备的答题卡上;答卷Ⅱ时, 将答案直接写在试卷上。

卷I (选择题, 共70分)

听力部分 (1×20分)

Ⅰ.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

1. A. pull B. push C. watch

2. A. 8654905 B. 8654095 C. 6854905

3. A. sit down B. look down C. come down

4. A. I was better. B. I was sick. C. I was full.

5. A. The teacher needs help

B. The teacher is in the office.

C. Someone is taking the books to the office.

Ⅱ.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6. A. All right. B. Me, too. `C. You’re welcome.

7. A. A little, please! B. Tea, please. C. Yes, please.

8. A. That’s true. B. Let’s go. C. Oh, have fun!

9. A. It’s interesting. B. It’s delicious. C. It’s boring.

10. A. It’s sunny. B. I’ll take it. C. I hope so.

Ⅲ .听对话及问题, 选择正确答案。

11. A. A red skirt. B. A white shirt. C. A white skirt.

12. A. To a zoo. B. To a lake. C. To a mountain.

13. A. It’s summer. B. It’s autumn. C. It’s winter.

Ⅳ. 听短文、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

16. What is Mrs. Li doing when it begins to rain?

A. Talking with others. B. Working in the fi elds. C. Shopping with her friends.

17. How do people feel when they see Mrs. Li?

A. Happy. B. Surprised. C. Nervous.

18. How do animals and men get their food?

A. By drinking water. B. By enjoying air and sunlight. C. By eating plants and other animals.

19. What do the fl owering plants have?

A. Roots, stems, leaves and fruits.

B. Roots, stems, leaves and fl owers.

C. Roots, stems, leaves, fl owers and fruits.

20. How many non-fl owering plants can you see around us?

A. Few. B. No one. C. A lot.

笔试部分 (50分)

V.单项选择 (1×20分)

21. Would you like _________ water?

A. a B. an C. any D. some

22. Mary, keep away from the fi re, _________ you will get burnt.

A. or B. so C. but D. and

23. There are _________ apples in the basket.

A. little B. a little C. much D. a few

24. Can you see the boy _________ on the grass?

A. lied B. lies C. lying D. to lie

25. How does this weather make him _________?

A. feels B. feel C. feeling D. to feel

26. _________ is diffi cult to climb the tall tree.

A. It B. This C. That D. One

27.–My daughter ate a lot of ice cream.

–Yes, _________.

A. so did she B. so she did C. so she was D. so was she

28. Thank you for _________ the show.

A. join B. joins C. to join D. joining

29. Neither he nor I _________ wrong.

A. be B. is C. am D. are

30. Sometimes Kate _________ skating in winter.

A. go B. goes C. going D. gone

31. He has been in China _________ two years.

A. since B. for C. at D. to

32. _________ sleep too late. It’s bad for your health.

A. Do B. Don’t C. Not D. Please not

33. _________ people visited China for the 2008 Olympic Games.

A. Million B. Millions C. Millions of D. Million of

34. It is not a good place for an animal _________.

A. lives in B. live in C. to live D. to live in

35. When somebody is in _________, you should help him.

A. danger B. dangerous C. safe D. safety

36. –_________ did you stay there?

–We stayed there for about fi ve years.

A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How far

37. The sun _________ when we got to the top of the mountain.

A. rise B. rose C. was rising D. is rising

38. –_________ we meet at the park at 7 o’clock?

–OK! See you later!

A. Can B. Shall C. Must D. Do

39. The children _________ the farm tomorrow, aren’t they?

A. visited B. will visit C. would visit D. are going to visit

40. If you __________, you’ll improve yourself soon.

A. study hard B. will study hard C. don’t study hard D. won’t study hard

Ⅵ.完形填空 (1×10分)

41. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best

42. A. on B. at C. in D. from

43. A. a little of B. a few of C. many D. much

44. A. make B. made C. makes D. making

45. A. slow B. slowly C. quick D. quickly

46. A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving

47. A. faster B. higher C. fast D. high

48. A. call B. called C. calling D. calls

49. A. in the front of B. in the middle of C. at the back of D. on the top of

50. A. Another `B. Other C. The others D. The other

Ⅶ.阅读理解 (2×10分)


The sun is always shinning. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at a time. When the sun is shinning on one side of the earth, it is night on the other side.

At night, you can see the stars. The stars are in the sky all day. But the light from the sun is so bright that you can’t see them in daytime. When nights come, there is no light, and the stars are bright enough to see. The stars look very small. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. They look small because they are so far away from you. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. The sun is closer to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger.

51. When it is night, the sun ____________.

A. doesn’t shine B. shines for a short time

C. disappears ( 消失 ) D. shines on the other side of the earth

52. We can’t see the stars in the sky in daytime because ___________.

A. there are no stars there

B. the stars are much smaller than the sun

C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen

D. the stars come out only at night

53. The stars look small because they ____________.

A. are far away B. are small C. have no light D. are in the sky

54. Small things may look ____________ when they are closer.

A. bigger B. small C. near D. far away

55. The sun looks bigger than other stars because ____________.

A. it’s bigger B. it’s far away in the sky

C. it gives much bright light D. it’s closer to the earth than other stars


People’s likes and dislikes are different, so they have different ambitions. Now let’s look at the following characters’ likes, dislikes and ambitions.

56. What does Jim want to be?

A. A worker or a teacher. B. A model or an accountant.

C. A salesman or a detective. D. A doctor or a social worker.

57. Who doesn’t enjoy working in the same place?

A. Larry. B. Anita. C. Jill. D. Maria.

58. Who wants to be a teacher or a nurse?

A. Anita. B. Jill. C. Maria. D. Jim.

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Jim likes working nights and weekends. B. Jill doesn’t like being in noisy places.

C. Maria enjoys wearing different clothes everyday. D. Anita really likes doing things with her parents.

60. What does the underlined word“stand”mean in the passage?

A. 忍受B. 站立C. 理解D. 想象



考生注意:该试卷听力部分共有四道大题。请你听完录音后将所选答案的对应标号填入答题纸上相应的位置。 (停顿5秒……)

现在是听力试音时间。 (停顿5秒……)

W: How do you do?

M: How do you do?

W: What’s your name?

M: My name is Tom.

W: How old are you?

M: I’m 13 years old.

试音到此结束。 (停顿2秒……) 听力测试现在正式开始。

第一题 : 听句子 , 选出句子中所包含的信息 . 下面你将听到五个句子 , 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。 (每句重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔6秒)

No.1. Let’s push the chair under the desk.

No.2.We can meet on the Internet. My QQ number is 8654905.

No.3. It’s dangerous in the tree. Please come down.

No.4. I went to the doctor and he gave me some medicine.

No.5. Well, I really need someone to take these books to my offi ce.

第二题:听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。下面你将听到五个句子 , 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (每句重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔6秒)

No.6. Thanks for helping me.

No.7. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?

No.8. It’s a nice day. I’m going out with Allen this afternoon.

No.9. Why do you like science?

No.10. What’s the weather like today?

第三题:听对话及问题, 选择正确答案。下面你将听到五组对话和问题 , 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中找出正确答案。 (每组重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔10秒)

No.11. M: What should I get my sister for her birthday?

W: You can get her a skirt.

M: What a good idea! I could give her a white one.

Q: What will the man give his sister for her birthday?

No.12. M: What fi ne weather! Let’s go somewhere today!

W: Good idea. But where shall we go? The zoo?

M: No. I don’t want to go there. How about boating on the lake?

W: OK. Don’t forget to take your cap and sunglasses.

Q: Where will they go?

No.13. M: What about going out and making a snowman with me, Jenny?

W: Why not? I’d love to. When? Right now? I can’t wait.

Q: What season do you think it is now?

No.14. W: Bill, look at that cup with three legs. It’s strange.

M: Yes, it’s very beautiful. Let me take a picture of it.

W: No. Look at that sign. I don’t think it is allowed here.

M: OK, I won’t.

Q: Which sign did they see?

No.15. M: Would you like something to eat?

W: Yes, please.

M: What would you like, bread or hamburgers?

W: Neither. I only want sandwiches.

Q: What does the woman want to eat?

第四题:听短文, 选择正确答案。下面你将听到两篇短文和五个问题, 短文和问题读两遍。请你听完短文和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据其意思, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 找出正确答案。 (每组重复间隔2秒, 每题间隔12秒)


Mrs. Li is growing vegetables in the fi elds. Soon it begins to rain. Mrs. Li stops working and wants to go back home. Just then she sees her son Xiaohan running to her with something. It is her raincoat! But Xiaohan forgot to bring his own raincoat. They have to go home in one raincoat. Some people are surprised when they see Mrs. Li and four feet. When Xiaohan comes out of the raincoat and says “hello”, they all laugh.

Question No.16. What is Mrs. Li doing when it begins to rain?

Question No.17. How do people feel when they see Mrs. Li?


Animals and men get their food by eating plants and other animals. Plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. There are two main kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants have roots, stems, leaves, fl owers and fruits. Almost all the trees around us are fl owering plants. So we can see few non-fl owering plants around us.

Question No. 18. How do animals and men get their food?

Question No. 19. What do the fl owering plants have?

Question No. 20. How many non-fl owering plants can you see around us?

二年级英语期末考试题 篇3

1. A. manyB. animalC. gladD. black

2. A. clothes B. fatherC. withD. thing

3. A. sister B. sure C. past D. plus

4. A. about B. trousersC. blouseD. young

5. A. broom B. footballC. tooD. school

6. A. whose B. whatC. whiteD. where

7. A. findB. countC. lunchD. uncle

8. A. dutyB. fiftyC. whyD. worry

9. A. clean B. greatC. meatD. please

10. A. policeman B. twinsC. pictureD. give


A) 根据句意及汉语提示填写正确单词。

1. ____(哪个) grade are you in, Joy?

2. Tom has two ____(文具盒). One is new, and the other is old.

3. We all know forty-five minutes is three ____(刻).

4. How many ____(女) doctors are there in the hospital?

5. I’m in ____(班) Six. What about you?

B) 根据句意及首字母提示,用正确的单词完成句子。

6. My sweater is red. Your sweater is green and his is y____.

7. The bikes near the house are o____, not yours.

8. Mr. Liu is very old, but he looks very y____.

9. Look! There’s m____ money in the black purse.

10. Kate and David are in the same class. They are c____.


1. Xiao Ming, your trousers are under your bed. Please ____.

A. put them onB. put on themB. put it onD. put on it

2. ——____ is Mr. Zhang?——I don’t know. I think he is very old.

A. Who B. WhereC. How oldD. How

3. I can’t ____ my hat. Where is it?

A. look atB. findC. to seeD. look for

4. There ____ a bike and two chairs under that tree.

A. isB. areC. beD. am

5. ——Can’t you see? That’s a car.

——____. But who’s in the car?

A. No B. Yes C. Sorry D. Let me see

6. ——Can you see ____ pictures on the wall?

——Yes, I can see ____.

A. any, anyB. some, someC. any, someD. some, any

7. Mr. White is the ____ father.

A. twinsB. twin’sC. twins’D. twins’s

8. That’s ____ coat. It’s ____ orange coat.

A. a, an B. a, the C. a, a D. an, a

9. There are ten apples ____ the tree.

A. on B. in C. about D. to

10. It’s five o’clock now. Let’s ____ home.

A. to go to B. to go C. go to D. go


1. We must ____(get) to school before 7:00 every morning.

2. ____(not speak) to me now.

3. Miss Gao, let the students ____(carry) these bags.

4. I want ____(color) these flowers red.

5. It’s time ____(play) games.


1. ——Is that ____(you) sweater?

——No, it isn’t ____(I). I think it’s ____(she).

2. Jim, can you give ____(he) a dictionary?

3. Kate and ____(I) are in the same school.

4. ____(they) car is black. ____(we) is red.

5. Don’t worry. Let ____(we) help you.

6. That’s a cat. ____(it) name is Mimi.

7. ——Look at that girl. Do you know ____(she)?

——Yes. ____(she) is in No. 8 Middle School. But I don’t know ____(she) grade.

8. ——Where can we put our bags?

——Please put ____(they) on the table.

9. ——Is this your shirt?

——No. I think it’s ____(he).

10. ____(we) English teacher is Mr. Hu. ____(they) is Miss Gao.


1. Give that boy an apple. (改为同义句)

Give an apple ____ that boy.

2. That’s Li Lei’s bedroom. (改为一般疑问句)

____ ____ ____ ____ bedroom?

3. I can see Jack’s cup on the table. (改为否定句)

I ____ ____ Jack’s cup on the table.

4. I’m sorry. Jim isn’t in. (改为同义句)

I’m sorry. Jim isn’t ____ ____.

5. This is a pear tree. (改为复数句)

____ are ____ ____.

6. Please sit down. (改为同义句)

____ ____ ____, please.

7. The man in the car is Kate’s brother. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ Kate’s brother?

8. That boy is a Chinese. (改为复数句)

____ ____ are ____.

9. Three and five is eight. (对划线部分提问)

____ three and five?

10. Our ball is under the table. (加上behind the door,改为选择疑问句)

____ your ball under the table ____ behind the door?

Ⅶ.根据汉语句子完成下列各英语句子, 每空一词。(5分)

1. 现在是八点一刻。

It’s ____ ____ ____ eight now.

2. 这件外套看起来像是她的。

This coat ____ ____ ____.

3. 衣服全都在绳子上。

The clothes ____ ____ ____ the line.

4. 穿红外套的那个男孩是比尔。

____ boy ____ ____ ____ coat is Bill.

5. 你的鞋子旧了, 把它们脱下来。

Your shoes____ old. _____ ____ ____.

Ⅷ.下列各句中a, b, c, d中有一处是错的,请找出错处,并将其改正。(5分)

1. Kate and I am in Class Two, Grade One.

a bc d

2. How are you spell your name, please?

a bcd

3. Dad, this’s my English teacher, Miss Ann.


4. The twins have a cat. We don’t know it’s name.

ab cd

5. Father is at the work in their school.

ab cd

Ⅸ.补全对话, 每空一词。(10分)

A: Hello! Mike!

B: Hello! Kate!

A: __1__ __2__ are you?

B: I’m twelve. Are you twelve, too?

A: No, I’m eleven.

B: __3__ __4__ are you in?

A: I’m in Class Two.

B: I’m in Class Three.

A: Class Three? Ann is in Class Three, too.

B: Ann? __5__ Ann?

A: She is my friend. Look! She is over there. This __6__, please.

B: Thanks.

A: Hello!Ann!

C: Hello!Kate!

A: Ann, __7__ is Mike.

C: Nice to meet you.

B: Nice to meet you, too.

A: Ann, Mike and you are in the __8__ class.

C: Oh? Are you in Class Three, Mike?

B: Yes.

C: Good.

A: Excuse me.

B: __9__?

A: What’s the __10__, please?

C: Oh, it’s eight thirty. Let’s go to the classroom.


Two little children come to a big city. Their names are Peter and Tom. They live with their father and mother. Their family is very rich(富裕). They have a driver(司机) and a lot of servants(仆人).

Peter and Tom are going to a new school. Their father says to them, “Peter and Tom, don’t say we are rich at school.”

So they go to school. Their teacher says, “Hello, children. The exercise today is a composition(作文)—My Family.” So all the children write a composition. This is Peter’s composition.

“My name is Peter. My family is very poor(穷). My father and mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor. And all the servants are very poor.”

1. Peter and Tom ____.

A. come to a new shopB. come to a small factory

C. come to a new farmD. come to a new city

2. Peter and Tom’s father is very ____.

A. poor B. youngC. richD. old

3. The subject of the composition is ____.



4. There are ____ in the family.

A. a lot of drivers and a lot of servants

B. a servant and a driver

C. two servants and two drivers

D. a lot of servants and a driver

5. Peter is ____.

A. a manB. a boyC. a teacher D. a driver



Name:Jean;Age:13; From:the USA; Sex:Girl; Address:No.12 Middle School; Class:Class Three, Grade One; Email address:jean@sina.com; Friends:Ann and Mike(in Class Three, Grade One); Home telephone

number:4058668; Favourite color:Green; English teacher:Miss Black

六年级英语第二学期期末考试试题 篇4





















9.A.Iwantashirt. B.Idon’tlikethecolour. C.Showmethatredone,please.

10.A.Holdon,please. B.Sure,itisoverthere. C.Sorry,butheisn’there.
























































1.Mike is a Canadian boy.

2.We don’t go to school on Saturday and Sunday.













































A.Who are you?

B.Who’s speaking?


A.Happy birthday to you.

B.Happy Women’s Day.


A.Where does he work?

B.Where do you work?


A.What colour do you want?

B.What size do ou want?


A.Nosmoking. B.Noparking.



got a pen have you



wrong what’s him with



1.Bye. 2.I’d love to. 3.About8:00.

A:Would you like to come to zoo?


A:What time are we going?


A:OK,see you there,8:00.



Hello! My name’s LiuMei. I’m studying in a school in Pinggu. We have many classes, but English and music are my favorite classes. On Monday and Wednesday we have English class. On Tuesday and Thursday we have music class. On Saturday morning, I go to the library with my good friend Lily. Lily is from America. She is now in our class. On Sunday I watch TV and help Mom at home.






二年级英语期末考试题 篇5





America Monday twice 3 nine/9











ENo, they weren’t.The birthday cake.At half past seven.Some flowers.Yes, they did.任务型阅读


BSingaporeArabicRussiaSingapore CityEnglish


Flight, at least, except, cross, doesn’t snow, Luckily


二年级英语期末考试题 篇6


I.Look, listen and choose.1.Panda’s main food is bamboo.2.Tigers live in forests.3.Gold monkeys eat leaves and nuts.4.Koalas like climb the trees.5.Platypus likes to live by the river.II.Listen and choose.1.I learned a lot by making things.2.I learned a lot from field trips.3.We should save water

4.We’re going to visit the Summer Palace.5.They will also visit the West Lake.III.Listen and choose the right answer.1.Would you like to go to Australia?

2.When are you going to the Summer Palace?

3.How did you learn?

4.What are you good at?

5.Where is the bus stop?

二年级英语期末考试题 篇7


第一部分听力 (略)

第二部分阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)

第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2 分, 满分30 分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The Spring Festival

It is usually held between January & February as the biggest Chinese holiday and even in other Asian countries. Chinese New Year celebrations traditionally run from the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month.

The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro

Usually, it is officially held in February. A week of extravagant (盛大的) parades, costumes, dancing, makes this one of the most exciting festivals in the world, with two million people per day on the streets for about a week.

Saint Patricks ′Day Festival

It is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the most important patron (守护神) saint of Ireland. There will be a grand parade, music, comedy, film, and drinking. It was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century.

Grape Throwing Festival

It is a harvest festival in September and celebrates wine making and other foods and drinks made from grapes. Grape festivals are celebrated as a tradition in various parts around the world.Throwing huge amount of grapes at people and participating in other fun events is a tradition.

Love Parade

One of the worlds biggest festivals in Germany in December, celebrated from 1989—2003 &2006—2010.It included electronic music, costumes, and“let- lose”behavior. Unfortunately due to the deaths of 21 participants in 2010due to over crowding, the Love Parade has been canceled for ever.

21. Which of the following festival can you take part in if you are free in autumn?

A.The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro.

B.Saint Patrick′s Day Festival.

C.Grape Throwing Festival.

D.Love Parade.

22. Which of the following festivals are held in over one country according to the text?

A. The Spring Festival and Saint Patrick′s Day Festival.

B. The Spring Festival and Grape Throwing Festival.

C. The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro and Love Parade.

D. Saint Patrick′s Day Festival and Grape Throwing Festival.

23. The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro and Saint Patrick′s Day Festival are similar in ________.






Eric was known for his red hair and his bad temper, and thus he earned the name Eric the Red. Like his father Thorvald Asvaldson he also killed several men in personal quarrels, one concerning the death of some of his slaves, and another concerning some wood working tools. Following these killings, he had to leave Iceland for three years.

Eric lived and explored in Greenland for the full three years of his banishment (流放) from Iceland. Realizing the habitable Greenland, he returned to Iceland. He persuaded 25 ships to be with him on a mission to colonize this new land.Some turned back and others were lost at sea, but Eric arrived in Greenland with about 14 ships, and around 500 settlers. The colony prospered, and Eric became a rich leader. Therefore, Eric was regarded as the discoverer of America.

Eric′s son Lief was a strong leader, and an explorer himself. He sailed west and found rich lands there which he named Vinland, but soon after he returned to Greenland, the island was going through a plague (瘟疫) brought from Iceland, and many of its settlers, including Eric the Red, died. Once Greenland might have reached around3000~4000 inhabitants, but the dreams of settling further west came to little as the Greenlanders struggled to survive in their awful environment which worsened with a cooling cycle. Several hundred years after Eric and Lief the Greenlanders were cut off from Europe, the colder climate brought the Innuit peoples south, and into fight with the Vikings that survived in the terrible conditions. Around a hundred years before Columbus“discovered America”, the colony in Greenland failed to support itself. No one knows if there were any survivors where they left.

24. What can be inferred about Eric the Red from Paragraph 1?

A. Eric the Red often lent his wood working tools to other people.

B. Eric the Red got his name because of his appearance and temper.

C. Eric the Red often had quarrels with his father and other people.

D. Eric the Red was born in a rich family and lived a happy childhood.

25. Why did Eric the Red return to Iceland?

A. Because he wanted to find his past enemy and kill them.

B. Because he was willing to help the local inhabitants.

C. Because he wanted to colonize the habitable Greenland.

D. Because he was ordered to return according to the law.

26. What led to the death of the inhabitants on Vinland?

A.Fights against the invaders.

B.Some natural disasters.

C.The terrible weather there.

D.An unexpected disease.

27. Why did Lief′s hope of settling further west failed in the end?

A. Because Lief was killed in the fight with the Innuit peoples.

B. Because the environment there was awfully terrible.

C. Because the Greenlanders were cut off from Europe.

D. Because no one was willing to move westwards.


Culture shock is the feelings one experiences after leaving their familiar, home culture to live in another cultural or social environment. It is also the feelings that result from losing all familiar signs and symbols of social communication.

Culture shock has three to five phases (阶段) , depending on the ability to adapt to it. The Honeymoon Phase is the first phrase. This is a fun time when one faces a new environment. Everything is great, exciting, and new.You welcome the differences. This phase can last days, weeks, or months among different persons.

The Honeymoon is Over Phase. During this phase, you′re noticing differences, and usually not in a good way. You begin to complain about many things there. There′s no set time when this begins — with some people, it can be within days, with others months. During this phase, a person often feels anxious, angry, frustrated, or sad, having difficulty concentrating on their new job.

The Negotiation (协商) Phase. As above, there is no set time in which this begins. Basically, you decide whether you will give in to negativity (消极性) or adjust to make the most of your experience. If you′re successful in this period, you regain in your sense of balance and humour, and move on to the next phase.

The All′s Well, or Everything is OK Phase.Those who arrive at this phase feel more at home with the differences in the new culture. The person may feel as if the culture isnt in fact new, but they are comfortable enough with it to enjoy the differences and challenges. The person doesn′t have to be in love with the new country as in the honeymoon phase, but they can enjoy themselves there.

The Reverse (颠倒的) Culture Shock Phase.Sure enough, this can happen! Once a person has become accustomed to the way things are done in a different country, he can go through the same series of culture shock phases when he returns home.

28.The author begins this text by________.

A.describing a special case

B.giving a scientific conception

C.raising a series of questions

D. presenting a typical phenomenon

29. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?

A. Everyone will experience the same phases during culture shock.

B. People often live with bad or harmful feelings in the first phrase.

C. The length of the first phase can be different from person to person.

D. A person is often unwilling to try new things in the Honeymoon Phase.

30. The Honeymoon is Over Phase is similar to The Negotiation Phase in that ________.

A. Both of them starts without a fixed time

B. One usually focuses a lot on the negativity

C. a person always feels frustrated, angry or sad

D. people can stay humorous and feel balanced

31. Which of the following shows one is experiencing the fourth phase?

A. Being curious and excited about everything new.

B. Feeling dissatisfied with many things he meets with.

C. Unable to return to normal when he gets back home.

D. Willing to accept the difference and enjoys the challenge.


Celebrity (名人) chef Jamie Oliver thinks it′s time for a revolution, one that takes place right on your plate.

Today is the fourth annual Food Revolution Day, a day of healthy-eating awareness. It is part of his global campaign to make schools around the world teach healthy cooking and eating as a must of their curriculums.

“I think that all you guys, should be taught how to cook delicious, fresh food from scratch—not complicated food, but nice, simple, everyday meals that are going to inspire, uplift, and make you and your future families live happier, healthier lives, ”Oliver told TFK in an e-mail.

Citing the global statistic that 42 million children under the age of five are overweight, Oliver believes that this right is more important than ever.

Part of Oliver′ s goal with this year′s Food Revolution Day is to get one- and- a- half million people to sign his online petition ( 请愿书) for food education. Along with Oliver, musicians Ed Sheeran and Paul Mc Cartney are urging people to read the petition, sign it, and share it to help reach their goal.

The School Food Plan was created toaddress the problem. It took effect in 2013 and requires the UK′s 22, 000 schools to serve healthy lunches while making food education a required part of classroom education for students age 5~14. Free school lunches are also provided for all 5- yearolds, 6-year-olds, and 7-year-olds under this plan.

Students at Charlton Manor Primary School get a cooking lesson in their school kitchen.Baker had always believed in the importance of teaching healthy eating, and wanted to share his beliefs with students. He says the School Food Plan helped him put pressure on school food providers to improve food quality and healthiness.

“The School Food Plan has been inspiring, ”Jamie Oliver says.“I′m hoping were at a point where the UK can take the lead on food education, and as we start to see more and more British kids with a real knowledge and understanding of food and cooking, I see other countries starting to follow us.”

32.What′s the aim of Food Revolution Day?

A.To obtain basic human rights.

B. To promote a healthy lifestyle.

C. To make eating at school more fun.

D. To raise people s healthy- eating awareness.

33. We can learn from Paragraph 5 that the online petition ________.

A. has existed for two years

B.involves millions of persons

C.is launched by two musicians

D. provides free food education course

34. The underlined word“address”in Paragraph 6 most probably means ________.

A.come across

B.went for

C.deal with

D.look after

35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Food Revolution Day

B.A Big Online Petition

C. Green School Kitchen Plan

D. A Great Move in Keeping Healthy

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

How to Better Manage Money

Financial problems can easily surface if left unmanaged.36Here are some simple ways to improve your money management.

Record all your expenses. Put down your expenses under areas such as car payment, electric bill, grocery, entertainment, study and other expense categories.37

Review the unexpected expenses each month.38Eat out less, shop for cheaper items such as insurance or medication, or join in less expensive activities. The rule to remember is if you can′t pay it with cash, you cant afford it.

39nancial experts advise that theamount be at least 10 percent of your pay. If you can′t save that much, every little bit you save adds up and can make a difference.

Avoid using credit cards. If you have to, use them as little as possible and be sure that credit card you′re using has a low interest rate.

Stay away from short cuts to wealth or get rich quick plans. You can never prosper by short cuts like gambling and lottery.40You just end up throwing your money away.

Seek a financial adviser to help you plan your finances and investments. Do remember that this applies only to those who are too bad at managing money because once you turn to a financial adviser you will have to spend an extra sum of money.

A. Set aside some money for savings.

B. Decide what you need to buy and how much you can afford to spend.

C. If it is more than your income, look for ways to reduce your spending.

D. Among some short cuts, the chances of losing are much higher than success.

E. Always consult your mate when making major decisions about your finances.

F. This way you can record how much is spent on each category and develop a budget plan.

G. The best way to avoid financial problems is to budget money and watch spending closely.

第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

第一节完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

What do you bring back from vacation? I like to41my bags with sweets from whatever place I ′ve visited.42, recently, I’ve started doing something else. If I see a church while on vacation, I go in and pray, for both the people Im vacationing with and those back home.

For me, the idea was43by my mom′s best friend, Dale. They′re44than friends, really, more like sisters. They′re both short and funny!They talk non- stop and share the same crazy sense of45.

Back when I was 14 and46some pretty scary medical treatment, my mom asked all her friends to pray47hard for me. I had a tumor (肿瘤) in my brain that had to be48surgically. The operation was49for August—the same week that Dale would be on vacation with her husband. She offered to50the trip. My mom said, “Don′t be silly! Just keep Diana in your 51 .”

52the surgery was a success. A fewmonths later, my mom was at Dales birthday party and ran into a (n) 53— one of the friends on vacation with Dale. They started54.“You′ll never guess what Dale did on vacation, ”the woman said.“55we stopped in a city and passed a church, Dale would go inside to pray and light a56for Diana.”57, at one church in Italy, Dale waited two hours in line to light a candle.

Dale never told my mom what she did. But I have no58that her prayers helped work miracles in my life. As young as I was then, I could feel the59of the prayers from friends and family surrounding me during that60time, just like a force field of prayer protection.

41. A. compareB. fill

C.mix D.help

42.A.For B.And

C. ButD. Or

43. A. givenB. inspired

C.expressed D.accepted

44.A.closer B.truer

C.newer D.straighter

45.A.direction B.distance

C.humor D.freedom

46.A.presenting B.receiving

C.leading D.giving

47.A.extra B.average

C.total D.long

48. A. foundB. harvested

C.damaged D.removed

49.A.performed B.conducted

C.scheduled D.completed

50.A.end up B.call off

C.focus on D.cut down

51.A.trips B.hands

C.minds D.prayers

52.A.Thankfully B.Safely

C.Interestingly D.Strangely

53.A.acquaintance B.sister

C.relative D.workmate

54.A.worrying B.thinking

C.laughing D.talking

55.A.Even though B.What if

C.Now that D.Every time

56.A.cigar B.lamp

C.candle D.match

57.A.In fact B.In case

C.At best D.At times

58.A.interest B.doubt

C.concern D.need

59.A.spirits B.feelings

C.strength D.courage

60.A.free B.spare

C.same D.scary


第三部分英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分45分)

第二节 (共10 小题;每小题1.5 分, 满分15分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 (1 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

I used to live in India. Occasionally, I traveled through villages61people seemed to earn just enough62 (make) both ends meet. Unexpectedly, I saw smiling faces and smiling eyes that63 (ready) gave me directions to my destinations, which displayed a friendly curiosity in me and my journey.

I also64 (live) for 3 years on Wall Street. I met some people with a lot of money but still unhappy. I am not65 (suggestion) that all the rich are unhappy. But66fact that there are some rich people who look depressed while there are some poor who look67 (delight) show that there must be something else to happiness rather than just money and comfort.

So, you see, happiness is not a factor of how much you have and doesn′t stand68nice comforts like a house, a car, or a high paying job.You can feel happy listening to a good song, you can feel happy69 (witness) a beautiful sunrise, and you can also feel happy in any other ways that don′t require many70 (possess) at all.

第四部分写作 (共两节满分35分)

第一节短文改错 (共10 小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线 () 划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2.只允许修改10处, 多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。

Thank you for inviting me to your house but I′d like to stay in your house for a few day. I still remember the delicious dishes you cook the last time I visited you. I miss it so much that I can′t wait to have the meal with you again. I’ll be arriving at Dalian Station in 7:30 p.m. on Friday.It may be very much dark then, so would you please pick me? By the way, my mother had made a beautifully sweater for you as a gift.

Thank you again. See you Friday.


Li Hua

第二节书面表达 (满分25分)

假定你是李华, 你的澳大利亚网友Tom发来电子邮件, 询问最近你们学校举行的“中欧友好日暨中欧环保小使者走进欧盟学校”的活动情况。请给他回一封电子邮件, 介绍一下该活动。


1. 中国学生表演了武术、书法、气功等具有中国特色的项目;




1. 词数100左右 (开头和结尾已经写好, 不计入总词数) ;

2. 可以适当添加细节, 以使行文连贯;

参考词汇:武术martial arts;气功Qigong。

Dear Tom,

On the China-Europe Friendship Day, many Chinese students and their European friends got gather at a EU′s middle school.


Looking forward to carrying out such activities with you.


Li Hua

2016年高考英语模拟试题 (二) 参考答案与解析

第一部分听力 (略)





21. C。细节理解题。根据“Grape Throwing Festival”中的第一句“It is a harvest festival in September”可推断出答案。

22.B。细节理解题。综合“The Spring Festival”中的“...as the biggest Chinese holiday and even in other Asian countries.”和“Grape Throwing Festival”中的“Grape festivals are celebrated as a tradition in various parts around the world.”可得出答案。

23.A。细节理解题。根据“The Carnival of Rio de Janeiro”中的“A week of extravagant (盛大的) parades, ”和“Saint Patrick′s Day Festival”中的“There will be a grand parade, ”可得出答案。


【语篇导读】红胡子埃里克是格陵兰岛的发现者, 是富有冒险精神的航海家的先驱, 是一位伟大的冒险家。文章记叙了其主要事迹。

24.B。推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Eric was known for his red hair and his bad temper, and thus he earned the name Eric the Red.”可得出答案。

25.C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Realizing the habitable Greenland, he returned to Iceland. He persuaded 25 ships to be with him on a mission to colonize this new land.”可推测出答案。

26.D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的“but soon after he returned to Greenland, the island was going through a plague (瘟疫) brought from Iceland, and many of its settlers, including Eric the Red, died.”可知, 正确答案为D。

27.B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“but the dreams of settling further west came to little as the Greenlanders struggled to survive in their awful environment which worsened with a cooling cycle.”可得出答案。


【语篇导读】文化冲击是由于一个人失去了对原有环境中所熟悉的记忆符号和社会交际模式而产生的和文化息息相关的一种心理现象。通常可以分为五个阶段, 各个阶段会因经历者的不同而呈现出不同的差异。

28.B。推理判断题。文章首段主要讲述了文化冲击是一种什么样的情感, 以及产生这种情感的原因, 因此是通过给文化冲击下一个科学定义的方式开篇的。

29.C。推理判断题。根据该段中的“This phase can last days, weeks, or months among different persons.”可得出答案。

30.A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的“There′s no set time when this begins.”和第四段中的“As above, there is no set time in which this begins.”可看出, 两者均没有固定的开始时间, 故A项正确。

31.D。细节理解题。根据倒数第2 段中的“The person ... to enjoy the differences and challenges.”可知, 乐于接受差异、享受挑战是“The All′s Well, or Everything is OK Phase.”阶段的表现。


【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议类文章, 详细介绍了食物革命日设立的目的与原因, 及其相关学校的变化。

32.D。细节理解题。根据第2 段第一句中的“a day of healthy-eating awareness.”可知, 食物革命日旨在提升人们对健康饮食的意识, 故选D项。

33. B。推理判断题。根据第五段第一句中的“to get one- and- a- half million people to sign his online petition ”可知, 正确答案应选D项。

34.C。词义推断题。根据画线词后的the problem可知, 画线词意为“解决, 处理”。

35.A。主旨大意题。本文是一则新闻报道, 主要介绍了食物革命日设立的目的与原因, 及其相关学校的变化。A项言简意赅, 最贴切地概括了文章大意。


【语篇导读】有效管理好自己的金钱是每个人都会遇到的问题, 也是一项必须掌握的技能。本文就此给出了若干建议。

36.G。文章首句提出了文章要解决的问题:如果得不到正确的处理, 经济问题很容易出现。下句应该提出解决该问题的整体方案。选项中的financial problems与首句中的Financial problems同词复现;同时avoid一词正是针对解决经济问题而提出的, 与surface一词形成行文逻辑上的关联。

37.F。前后句为因果关系, 选项中的category与空格前的categories构成同词复现关系。

38.C。前后句为解说关系。下句列举的是减少花销的一些例子:少外出吃饭、买便宜的商品、多参加花费少的活动, 这些都是ways to reduce your spending的具体例子。

39.A。前后句为总分关系。文章各段从第2段开始, 各段为平行结构, 首句均为以动词原形开头的祈使句, 故应从A或B选项中选择正确答案;选项A中的set aside和本段中的save构成近义词复现关系。

40.D。选项与前句中的short cuts同词复现, 故正确答案选D项。



【语篇导读】作者14岁时, 由于疾病需要动手术, 作者母亲的闺蜜在旅行途中, 每经过一个教堂都要进去为手术中的作者祈福。后来作者手术成功, 也养成了在旅行时, 为游伴和已经游过的人祈福的习惯。

41. B。作者喜欢在旅行箱里“装满 (fill) ”旅行所到之处的甜点。

42. C。根据“recently, I′ve started doing something else.”可知, 是与上文进行对比, 可知答案选C。

43. B。作者的这个想法, 其灵感来自于作者母亲的一个朋友;inspire“赋予灵感, 启迪”, 符合语境。

44. A。根据空后的more like sisters可知, 他们比朋友更加“亲密 (closer) ”。

45. C。答案humor与前文中的funny形成照应。

46. B。根据下文中的I had a tumor in my brain可知, 当时作者正在“接受 (receiving) ”一些可怕的医学治疗。

47. A。作者的母亲请求她的朋友“特别 (extra) ”努力地为作者祈祷。

48. D。根据空后的surgically和the opera⁃tion可知, 动手术就是为了“清除 (removed) ”这个肿瘤。

49. C。根据下文中的Dale would be on vacation可知, 手术还没有开始, 只是预约, “计划 (scheduled) ”八月份的某个星期进行。

50. B。Dale听说作者要动手术, 主动提出说要“取消 (call off) ”这次旅行, 下文中作者的母亲劝说Dale别做傻事就说明了这一点。

51. D。呼应第47空。根据上文可知, 作者的母亲劝说Dale去旅行, 只要每天都为作者祈祷就可以了。在祈祷时, “祷词 (prayers) ”中有作者就行。

52. A。手术很成功, “ 谢天谢地 (thank⁃fully) ”。

53. A。根据破折号后的解释可知, 这个人只是同Dale一起去旅游的一个朋友。可见不是作者母亲的闺蜜, 只是一个“ 熟人 (acquaintance) ”。

54. D。根据下文中的对话可知, 他们开始“交谈 (talking) ”起来。

55. D。“每次 (every time) ”我们在一个城市落脚, 经过一家教堂时, Dale总是进去祈祷一番, 并为戴安娜点亮一支“ 蜡烛 (candle) ”祈福。

56. C。见上一题的解析。根据下文中的to light a candle也可知答案选C。

57. A。下文中谈到的是一个具体的细节, 应用“事实上 (in fact) ”。

58. B。根据下文可知, 作者对Dale的祈祷是毫无“怀疑 (doubt) ”的。

59. C。根据最后一句中的“just like a force field of prayer protection”可知, 作者能感知到周围的朋友和家人祈祷的“力量 (strength) ”。

60. D。呼应46 空后的“some pretty scary medical treatment”。


【语篇导读】本文通过叙述自己在印度和华尔街所见到的穷人和富人的表现, 说明了一个道理:幸福与拥有的多少无关, 幸福可以通过不同的方式获得。

61. where。where引导定语从句, 修饰先行词villages, 并在句中充当状语。

62. to make。enough充当名词时, 后面的非谓语动词常用to do形式, 此处为动词不定式作后置定语。

63. readily。修饰实义动词gave应用副词形式。

64. lived。根据下句中的met可知, 此处叙述的是过去的行为, 应用一般过去时。

65. suggesting。句中谓语不完整, 此处应使用现在分词形式。

66. the。fact后的that引导的是同位语从句, 此处应为特指, 故用定冠词。

67. delighted。此处为形容词作系动词look的表语。

68. for。stand for意为“ 代表”, 为固定短语。

69. witnessing。根据前句“You can feel hap⁃py listening to a good song”可知, 此处为平行结构, 故此处也应填现在分词作原因状语。

70. possessions。require为及物动词, 其后应接名词作宾语;possession为可数名词, 放在many后应用其复数形式。



第1 处:but改为and。考查连词。前后句为顺承关系, 故将but改为and。

第2 处:day改为days。考查名词。a few后应接可数名词的复数形式。

第3 处:cook改为cooked。考查时态。此处描述的是作者上次拜访时的事情, 应用一般过去时, 故将cook改为cooked。

第4 处:it改为them。考查代词。代替上文的复数可数名词the delicious dishes, 应用第三人称复数概念的人称代词, 应将it改为them。

第5 处:the改为a。考查冠词。have a meal with sb. 意为“与某人一起吃饭”, 为固定短语, 故将the改为a。

第6 处:in改为at。考查介词。在某一时刻应用at, 故将in改为at。

第7处:去掉much。考查副词。修饰形容词应用very, very much常修饰表示情感类的动词, 故去掉much。

第8 处:me后加up。考查固定短语。pick up在此处意为“接载”, 此处指接作者。pick up为“动词+副词”构成的动词短语, 宾语为人称代词时, 宾语要放在pick与up中间, 故应在me后加up。

第9 处:had改为has。考查时态。此处指到说话时已经发生的动作, 应用现在完成时, 故将had改为has。

第10 处:beautifully改为beautiful。考查形容词。修饰名词sweater应用形容词形式, 故将beautifully改为beautiful。


One possible version:

Dear Tom,

On the China-Europe Friendship Day, many Chinese students and their European friends got gather at a EU′s middle school. We Chines students put on quite a few performances featuring Chinese culture, including Chinese martial arts, handwriting, Qigong and so on, which turned out to be a big success. The performances given by the European students were more than attractive. They performed a moving play which was particularly focused on the environment protection. Through the activity, students from China and Europe can better learn from each other. It also contributes to a better understanding of different cultures. Undoubtedly, we both can join hands to protect our earth.We believe that people coming from various countries with different backgrounds can surly appreciate each other and develop solid friendship.

Looking forward to carrying out such activities with you.


二年级上册期末学习能力自测 篇8

二、 读dú 拼pīn 音yīn 写xiě 字zì 词cí。

三、 根ɡēn 据jù 课kè 文wén 内nèi 容rónɡ 完wán 成chénɡ 练liàn 习xí。

四、 按àn 音yīn 序xù 查chá 字zì 法fǎ 查chá 字zì。

五、 读dú 一yi 读dú, 完wán 成chénɡ 练liàn 习xí。

金 鱼


1. 短文描写的小动物是 ,共有 句话。

2. 这些小金鱼 ,我非常喜爱它们。

3. 写出短文中描写颜色的词语。

六、 我wǒ 会huì 说shuō, 我wǒ 会huì 写xiě。








七、 智zhì 慧huì 乐lè 园yuán。

1. 我国有56个民族,我是 族人。我还知道几个少数民族的名称: ﹑ ﹑ 。

2. “秋雨绵绵”“一叶知秋”是描写秋天的词语,我还知道 ﹑ 也是描写秋天的词语。

五、 连lián 一yi 连lián, 读dú 一yi 读dú。


一朵枫叶wān wān的羽毛

一kē轿车qīng chè的莲叶


六、 按àn 课kè 文wén 内nèi 容rónɡ 填tián 一yi 填tián。

七、 看kàn 图tú, 把bǎ 句jù 子zi 补bǔ 充chōnɡ 完wán 整zhěnɡ。

八、 看kàn 图tú 填tián 词cí。
