


洛基国际英语怎么样 篇1











洛基国际英语怎么样 篇2


1.Do you think English is a global language? Why or why not? And please state why you should study English and how to learn it well.A:Good morning.I’m very glad to invite you to join discussion.Do you think English is a global language? Today, I want to give you two contrasting points of view on whether or not English is a global language.B: I think, English is obviously a global language.As we all know, English is the language people all over the world use to communicate, and that it is gradually replacing other language.C: I don’t think so.English is not truly a global language, because it is not the main language spoken by most people worldwide.Even thought many people speak some English worldwide, English has not replaced other languages.They acknowledge that people use English everyday, for many reasons, but this doesn’t mean English is replacing other languages, nor does it make English the main language spoken in the world.D: English is dominant language of business, travel, and science.When people need a common language, they often use English.Think about it.English is often used at tourist information centers, in international hotels, at airports.If you use a taxi in Rome, and you can’t speak Italian, the taxi driver is more likely to use English than any other languages.It is used at business meetings and international sports events.The European Union used English, along with French, at its meetings…..ASEAN, the Asian trade group, uses English at its meetings.Can you think of other situations in which English is used as a common language? E: But, I don’t believe English has replaced other languages.In many countries where some people use English for work each day, they don’t use English for work each day, they don’t use English anywhere else.Even in English-speaking countries, there are millions of people who prefer to speak a language other than English at home, with friends, or at work.A:The Internet has created o lot of international communities and people often use English.In fact, most people who use the Internet know English.B: English is a global language it is the official language of more than seventy-five countries.This means these countries use English in school, banks, business, and government.Of these seventy-five countries, English may be the only official language of the country, like in English, or English may be used along with other official languages, like in the Philippines, Singapore, and India.In countries like India, where so many languages are spoken, you can see how using English as an official language makes it easier for people to communicate.C: It is true that seventy-five countries have English as their official language.This doesn’t mean all, or even most of the people in these countries can speak English.For

example, in India, most sources agree that only about 5 percent of the population speaks English.That’s small percentage!

D: English is used every day by many people.People all over the world come in contact with each other for many reasons.They need a common language, a language to facilitate communication.Being proficient in English gives someone an advantage in these situations.E: English won’t replaced other languages for most daily communication and this, to me, is what a global language really is, one that replaces others for most everyday communication.Some people are afraid of this.They worry that as people use English more and more, their ability in their first language will decline.I think people will use English along with other languages.We are moving into a global culture, and as this countries, I think people from non-English countries will want to maintain their culture, including their first language.They may still want to learn English, but I don’t see them giving up their own language for English.A: We have to stop here.I know that’s a lot of information to digest.We’ll continue talking about the question next time.人们在运用语言交流思想、传递信息的过程中,语音显示出最重要的作用。就英语语言而言,初学者都须从语音入门,无论心读还是口读,语音与之关系密切。在学校不少英语成绩不佳的学生往往因发不准四十八个音标,拼读音标词遇到自己不能自行解决的困难时而导致失去学好英语的信心。其实预防这一问题并不难,只要教师能计划好,集中一段时间学练,学生们就可拥有一把打开英语王国大门的钥匙,无师自通。在多年的英语教学实践中我感受颇深,认为音标集中教学有很多好处。



