宣传英语的英文 篇1
1. Just do it. 跟着感觉走。(耐克运动鞋)
2. The taste is great. (Nestle coffee) 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
3. Ask for more. (Pepsi) 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
4. Pepsi: Generation next 百事:新的一代
5. Take time to indulge.尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
6. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
7. Seven-up: fresh-up with Seven-up 七喜:提神醒脑,喝七喜。
8. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
9. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)
10. Olympus: focus on life 奥林巴斯: 瞄准生活。
11. We lead,Others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)
12. Impossible made possible.使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)
13. Nokia: connecting people 诺基亚:科技以人为本。
14. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)
15. Intel Pentium: Intel Inside 英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
宣传英语的英文 篇2
调查主要选取了三个省市15所中医院, 其中北京8所、上海中医药大学4所附属医院及广东省3所。首先通过网络获取其中英文名称, 再通过谷歌 (Google) 和百度 (Baidu) 搜索链接, 并进入其主页, 最后进入其英文网站, 进行相关分析调查 (见表1) 。此次用于分析素材提取时间为2011年9月13日至2011年9月23日。
2.1 网络域名及英文链接
调查显示, 15家中医院均建立了自己的中文网站, 其中12家在网站首页显示有英文链接, 9家可通过此链接登录至其已建立的英文网站, 2家通过链接显示英文网站在建设中, 1家英文链接不可用, 还有3家医院完全没有英文链接, 也未建立英文网站 (见表2) 。
各医院对于各自域名的产权十分重视, 大多注册了由各自英文简称或者中文拼音缩写而组成的域名。有的医院甚至连相关的一系列域名也同时进行了注册, 在更大范围内保护自己的知识产权, 例如广东祈福医院除了www.clifford-hospital.org这个域名外, 还同时注册了www.clifford-hospital.org.cn和www.clifford-hospital.cn这两个英文域名, 反映出该院对于自身域名价值的重视。但也有个别医院可能在确定域名时未作调研或调研不够全面, 其网站存在域名被“抢注”现象, 上海中医药大学附属曙光医院网址为www.sgyy.cn, 若输入www.sgyy.com.cn则进入的是北京大学首钢医院网站。部分中医院域名中使用了“中医”的英文简写tcm (即Traditional Chinese Medicine) , 不仅体现中医特色, 也为搜索及网站推广提供了便利, 如广东省中医院的www.gdhtcm.com, 若以“中医医院” (tcm hospital或traditional Chinese medicine hospital) 为搜索词进行谷歌搜索, 其网站链接均在其首页前几条出现, 极具搜索优势。
2.2 英文首页
9家中医院根据自身情况和特点均设置了英文界面的导航。由于眼科医院的英文页面主菜单导航就是中文页的导航 (18 个) , 未进行翻译, 故不纳入统计分析。除北京按摩医院只有4个主菜单导航外, 大部分中医院的导航在8条左右 (见表3) , 包括首页、医院介绍、新闻、就医指南、科研、教学、国际交流合作等 (见表4) 。各医院均比较重视医院的医疗、科研及教育方面的宣传介绍, 部分医院也注意到突出其特色, 采用院士风采、成就、JCI认证、国际中医论坛等导航来突出特色, 吸引浏览者。
各中医院英文页面内容设计主要为两种形式。一为中英文版面相互对应, 英文内容一般为中文版面的简单翻译, 各个内容板块对应其主菜单导航。这种页面设计特色性不强, 部分医院还存在内容未完全翻译的现象。二是中英文版面不对应。例如龙华医院的中文导航为医院介绍、医疗、教育及科研等内容, 而其英文导航却是龙华新闻、医疗新闻、50周年院庆、中医药文化和龙华与世博, 差别较大。
2.3 英文网站架构
各中医院英文网站架构均较为简单, 2家为3级菜单, 4家为2级菜单, 3家为1级菜单。多数医院采用简单介绍模式, 且信息均不具备交互功能, 唯有祈福医院例外, 其主要交互内容包括在线咨询和在线消息。
祈福医院以医疗服务为重, 其英文网站采用3级菜单模式。一级菜单导航位列首页及大部分页面的上方和下方, 包括8个导航:祈福医院、JCI认证、医院环境、科室介绍、在线咨询、医院服务、交通信息和联系我们。其中, 医院环境、科室介绍、在线咨询和医院服务导航下设二级菜单导航。大部分二级和三级菜单导航均位于首页模版的一级导航下。肿瘤科并没有采取这种模式, 其首页、新闻、肿瘤专家及癌症研究等14个子导航作为英文网站的第三级菜单导航, 是在弹出网页中作为主菜单导航出现的。见图1。
2.4 英文网站内容的表达
虽然有9家中医院建立了英文网站, 但其中有4家医院英文页面存在中英文混杂现象。少部分医院的英文表达符合英语习惯, 且体现其与国际接轨的精神。如祈福医院的“使命:取中西医与自然疗法之精华, 让患者享受优质、合理、独特、高效的医学服务”英文表达为“Mission: Clifford Hospital is dedicated to developing and providing the highest quality integrative medicine health care service utilizing the essence of Traditional Chinese, Western and Alternative medicines to serve its patients.”, 就颇为流畅, 而其中又使用了结合医学 (integrative medicine) 和替代医学 (alternative medicine) 两个国际上补充替代医学热词, 让外国人很有认同感。
但是, 大部分医院的英文表达还是有待改进, 有些医院网站甚至出现了特别明显的英文错误。如科室链接写成KESHI Link, KESHI应为Department。各科室的介绍导航误写为Introduced;Hospital Survey, 存在歧义, 明明是医院介绍, 用这个词却让人容易理解为医院调查。
随着社会的发展, 网站是各大医院进行对外宣传、展示形象、交流信息、加强医患沟通的一个重要平台[1]。目前, 在对北京、上海及广东三省市的知名中医院英文网站调研中发现, 大部分中医院英文网站建设还不够理想, 在网站域名、英文网页设计、网站框架及内容表达等方面有待进一步优化。
3.1 网站建设中应树立品牌意识, 重视域名的设置
域名在商界已被称为“企业的网上商标”。没有一家企业不重视自己产品的标识——商标, 而域名的重要性和价值, 也已经被越来越多的企业所认同。中医院显然在这方面的意识还不够强, 本次调查中发现部分医院的域名存在被“抢注”现象, 而祈福医院注册多个域名的做法值得推广。中医院在未来网站的建设和优化方面, 也应将这个问题考虑进来, 尽量注册多个相关域名, 甚至包括注册中文域名, 以最大限度地保护医院产权和品牌。另外域名的取名也应仔细斟酌, 是否可以在域名中加上tcm等, 让搜索引擎能更快搜索到, 这也是医院品牌的一种推广方法。
3.2 基于网站定位进行网站框架设计, 并突出医院和中医特色
调研中的中医院英文网站, 大部分在网站框架的设计上涵盖医疗、教育和科研等方面, 展示医院的各方面信息, 甚至也注意到了要体现其特色, 如通过院士风采、成就、JCI认证、国际中医论坛等导航来体现其优势所在。但是, 仅仅做到如此还远远不够。
医院网站建设应该如企业做网站一样, 要立足市场, 并进行网站定位。网站定位是企业建立其行销网站的基础。任何一个网站, 必须首先具有明确的建站目的和目标访问群体, 即网站定位[2]。作为中医药实践的主体, 中医院有着广阔的市场。在中国境内乃至全球的外国人, 都将是中医院的英文网站的潜在目标访问群体。
此外, 网站建设已经经由信息阶段、交互阶段向交易阶段蓬勃发展, 而大陆知名的中医院的英文网站大部分还处在信息阶段这一初级阶段, 所起的作用也就仅仅向公众展示了医院的少部分信息。除了祈福医院英文网站具有交互功能外, 其他医院一概没有, 至于交易功能, 还远远达不到, 大大落后于欧美国家的医院。
各中医院应结合自身优势特色, 面向目标访问群体, 规划医院网站及其发展远景, 设计医院英文网站框架, 拓展医院发展空间, 最终达到为医院带来效益的目的。
3.3 英文页面的链接应醒目, 英文内容表达宜确切地道
医院英文网页主要是做给外国人看的, 那么英文页面链接的设置也是值得考虑的问题。许多医院网站的主界面是中文, 只有一个小小的英文链接位于某个角落, 这种方式对于浏览者来说, 十分不方便, 他们要有足够的耐心在一群图画式的密密麻麻的中国字符中找到那个小小的熟悉的English, 再点击进入其需要的界面。在这方面, 曙光医院的引导页方式值得推荐, 中文与英文页的链接并列, 十分醒目, 而清晰的flash图片也让人对医院首先就有了一个直观的形象概念。
另外, 网站英文内容的表达也是个关键的问题, 如果英文翻译和表达不到位, 让人不知其所云, 那这个英文网站等于没有建, 没有发挥其向外国人传达信息的作用, 建议所有英文网站内容都要请英语为母语的国外医务人员校译。
中医院作为中医药实践的主要载体, 面向全球这一广阔市场, 在医疗、教学和科研等方面的国际交流与合作中大有可为。在全球化、网络化、信息化的今天, 医院的对外宣传中, 英文网站的建设和优化势在必行。在中医院英文网站的建设和优化中, 应树立医院品牌意识, 做好医院网站定位, 结合自己医院特色及发展目标, 构建出中医院有特色的英文网站, 把中医药国际化做到实处。
摘要:通过网络访问的方式访问北京、上海和广东三省市的知名中医医院网站, 分析其网站网络域名、英文链接、英文首页内容及英文网站架构等情况, 从中医对外宣传角度提出医院英文网站建设和优化应注意以下三点: (1) 应树立品牌意识, 重视域名的设置; (2) 要基于网站定位进行网站框架设计, 并突出医院和中医特色; (3) 英文页面的链接应醒目, 英文内容表达宜确切地道。
[1]魏建华, 白俊峰, 袁海.浅谈医院网站内容设计[J].中华临床医学研究杂志, 2006, 12 (5) :696-697.
英文广播站海报宣传语 篇3
Do you want to improve your colloquial language? 想要提高你的口语吗?
Do you want to practice your pronunciation and intonation?
Do you want your beautiful voice be heard in the campus?
Then, Come on!Join us!Welcome to English Broadcast Station!
宣传英语的英文 篇4
作 者:邢怡 Xing Yi 作者单位:上海师范大学旅游学院,上海,18刊 名:南昌高专学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF NANCHANG JUNIOR COLLEGE年,卷(期):23(3)分类号:H315.9关键词:上海旅游景点 旅游宣传 信息 有效性 翻译方法 宣传册
宣传英语的英文 篇5
英文歌曲对英语学习有着很大的帮助,它不仅能够创造一种轻松愉快的气氛,而且还有利于提高学习者的兴趣,增强学习者的信心,从而促进英语学习。另外,英文歌曲可以帮助矫正英语语音,牢记和积累大量词汇,学习外国文化和培养英语语感等等,而这些方面都对英语能力的提高起着很大的促进作用。因此,本文提出了一个策略,即充分利用英文歌曲教英语。关键词:英语教学;英文歌曲 Contents 1.Introduction 1 2.Positive effects of music……………………………………………………………..1
3.Some connections between music and English learning………………………………..…….......1 4.Some advantages of English songs………………………………………………………………..2 4.1 English songs can arouse interest and heighten confidence…………………..2
4.2 English songs can strengthen memory and accumulate language materials…...3 4.3 English songs are good for learning pronunciation and rhythm…………….....4 4.4 English songs are good for students to controlling grammar………………......5 4.5 English songs are a source of aural input ……………………………………...6
4.6 English songs contain amounts of comprehensive language knowledge………6 4.7 English songs carry rich foreign culture………………………………………..7
5.The methodology of using English songs to teach English…………………………...8 5.1.The selection principles of English songs……………………………………...9 5.2 The steps of teaching English songs…………………………………………...10 6.Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………11 References……………………………………………………………………………..…11.Introduction At the very beginning of human society, when there was a big harvest or while they were working, laboring people expressed their happiness, anger, grief and joy by means of talking and singing in their own language.The language later became the earliest simple folk tune.With the rapid development of human society, this kind of language art had been improved a lot, and it had been developed into songs.Now songs win great popularity among people.As we all know, most people love music and love songs.Then why not take advantage of English songs to teach English?
2.Positive effects of music Music, as one of the oldest forms of art, has many positive effects.It is closely related to peoples’ life.First music is a great language package that bundles culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and a host of other language skills.Second, music not only can control the rhythm of human body, but also has a direct influence on human brain.Music can cheer up a person, make a person full of high spirit, and even bring out a person’s active mood.So it can help the brain memorize things more quickly and help to keep them for a much longer time The third, as Duan Ruiling(1997)ever mentioned that “students’ big attainment in music, or high music intelligence, has a positive influence on their pronunciation.”
3.Some connections between music and English learning Music and language have some features in common.Such as stress, tone, pauses
and rhyme.Sounds are the roots of both music and speech.Both of them are from the process of sounds, and are used by their authors or speakers to convey a message.Beside music has a great positive effect on the development of English skills.“The higher one’s music intelligence is, the more sense of rhythm of spoken English he has.According to Fonseca Mora(2000)” , music nature of language influences an English learner’s pronunciation and even the whole process of his English study.Additionally, the relationship between listening and speaking can not be ignored.Language input comes before language output.Listening is a process of information input.While speaking is a process of information output.In other words, music is a kind of language input which helps the learner to store and convey all kinds of information.4 Some advantages of English songs 4.1 English songs can arouse interest and heighten confidence Everyone likes songs.English songs are enjoyable and attractive because of their affective power.Songs can create an atmosphere that makes people feel relaxed.So, the students will not feel so anxious or shy to speak English as they are attracted by the interesting music.As we know interest is the best guide.When students feel enjoyable, their interest can be easily stimulated.If in the course of learning, teachers teach some songs with part of the language rules, the students will participate in singing actively, therefore this kind of activity would help the students to memorize the language materials.By singing English songs, the interest to learn English is aroused.At the same time if those who are learning English can sing in English, they will have the feeling of success.This success is just the motivation to learn English and drive them to learn more.It can also rise students’ confidence.When teachers find some students are lacking of the confidence to speak English loudly, teachers can use this method to let these students sing English songs and to encourage them to speak out English bravely.Thus the confidence of the students would be more easily heightened.4.2 English songs can strengthen memory and accumulate language materials.In the language learning a lot of knowledge need to be remembered specially.It will take a lot of time to read and recite mechanically.After some time, the knowledge will all be forgotten.If we write songs with these language rules or choose suitable songs, we will find it is easy to remember.The language in the songs may be not written for particular language learning.But it provides more chances for the students to contact with English.The more English knowledge they contact, the better their spoken English is.When students learn the words or language points in a song, the words or language points will be very easier to be remembered for they appear in their brains again.In the revision lesson, we can strengthen students’ memory by singing songs and they will summarize language regularity.Besides, singing English songs is the course of accumulating language materials.They learn words, phrases and all kinds of expressions from songs.In people’s daily life songs are more natural than language;songs like can come into people’s hearts quietly and naturally and accompany people’s lives.When students listen to more songs they will speak or sing out without thinking and use these words, phrases and expressions fluently.Moreover the language learning from the songs will not be forgotten.And even these songs will accompany students’ lives.With the improvement of language level, they will understand the lyrics and master the language naturally.Here is another example:
As is known to all, the United States has fifty-two states, and many of the names of these states are not so easy to pronounce accurately and remember well.While Susan Nipp’s song The United States can give some help because it contains all of the fifty-two states in the lyric: “The United States, the United States, I love my country the United States, There’s Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, and Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa and Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri…” As songs are always full of emotions and rhythm, singing aloud with the help of the melody and the musicality of language is useful for memorizing words.4.3 English songs are good for learning pronunciation and rhythm.Listening to and singing English songs as more as possible contributes much to learning accurate pronunciation, intonation and rhythm of spoken English.From English songs, we can get lots of phonetic knowledge, such as, change of length of vowels, pauses plosives, lose of plosives, sound linking, weak-forms, assimilation, stress, rhythm and so on.Linguistic researches have already shown that every language has its own intonation and rhythmic.According to Fonseca Mora, music and language have common features;they are stress, tone, pauses and rhythm.Here is a simple song Come `and `See `My `Family in which sound linking is reflected.“Come `and `see `my `family, ︶
`Under `the `old `apple `tree!︶
`This `is `my `father.`How do you do? ︶
`Sit `down `and `have `a `cup `of `tea `with `me.” ︶︶
In this song, the technique of sound linking is so obvious that we can make use of it to achieve fluency that is an important factor in spoken English.4.4 English songs are good for students to control grammar In English teaching, grammar is an important part and the students sometimes feel bored to learn grammar.So if teachers can combine some grammar principles with songs, it would be a good way for the students to identify and remember the principles.Take this English song “yours and mine” for example:
“Look at around and you will see, All the things belong to you and me.Look around and you will find, This whole world is yours and it’s mine.Every bird, every flower, every tree, they all belong to you and me.”
From this song students should understand how to use “me, you, mine and yours.And these words also can be changed to them, theirs, him his, her, hers, and so on.Then the students can use all of them.4.5 English songs are a source of aural input English songs are a kind of especially good listening material.Compared with some English test listening materials, they are more interesting, motivating, attractive and unforgettable.They are never dull.As is mentioned in this paper, listening is closely related to speaking, and more language input is helpful for more effective language output.Listening to English songs as often as possible is in some way good for the improvement of speaking ability.4.6 English songs contain amounts of comprehensive language knowledge English songs contain a lot of language knowledge.This mainly reflects in words, phrases, idioms, expressions, sentence patterns, and also spoken grammar.Actually, spoken language is not merely a variant of “correct” written forms.In spoken English, we can find the widespread utilization of ellipsis.For example, we can often hear sentences in English songs like “Don’t know why, don’t know why…” which has no subject.The subject(maybe “I”)is left out here.This kind of ellipsis phenomenon occurs frequently in oral communication.As we know, in English study, there are so many words, expressions, and even rules of spoken grammar to remember and then to use freely and correctly;and usually they seem to be so dull or difficult.In spite of this, for effective oral communication, it is still quite necessary to master as many as possible.Then learning English songs may be a not bad choice, because lyrics of English songs contain a large vocabulary, sentence patterns and spoken grammar.Besides, words in English songs are often simple and vivid, and most of them are those used in daily life of the western people.Last but not the least, as lyric embodies the development of society, we can get new words and expressions easily and quickly.New words often come along with the progressing of society.Some words are given more meanings or an entirely different meaning;some are not used any more or are used just on a few special occasions.As new age brings new things, by learning pop songs, we will be able to get the newest and most modern words and expressions.4.7 English songs carry rich foreign culture
Introducing songs into language learning has incomparable effects in introducing social backgrounds and cultures of English speaking countries.“As Laroy said, ‘songs are a very traditional learning aid.Learning through songs can actually be described as being very natural.This naturalness is demonstrated by the fact that in all cultures singing songs has always been one of the most wide spread ways for children to learn.Songs have always accompanied important events in life and have transmitted a good deal of traditional culture…” Many English songs have existed for a long time, they can tell us much information about the culture of a country and the history.Speaking good English needs some background knowledge of English-speaking countries.Take the English songs Silent Night Holy Night for example: “Round young virgin mother and child!” “Shepherds quake at the sight!” “Christ the Savior is born!” “Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.” All these sentences tell us the famous foreign holiday---Christmas Day.From this song, we can learn many useful words about Christmas such as “Virgin Mother”, ”shepherds”, “Christ the Savior”, “Jesus”, etc..So we can remember all of them easily and keep them in mind for a long time.In the song Dance Carol, there is such a sentence: “Easter would come when Christmas is done if lent…” From this sentence, we can know the holiday---Easter, and the important knowledge: Easter comes after Christmas.Thus we can remember this very easily and keep it in mind for a long time.From another song Rain, Rain, Go Away, we can learn that the special geographical position of England leads to large amounts of rainfall and changeable weather.So, the English greet each other like this, “Lovely day, isn’t it?” Once we know about this, when we greet people in English we will never say like Chinese, “Have you eaten?” or “Where are you going?”.Therefore, to speak more authentic English, we have to know much about western culture, which can help to avoid making stupid mistakes in real communication with the Western people.5.The methodology of using English songs to teach English 5.1 The selection principles of English songs In modern world, music is everywhere;songs are available almost everywhere.So it is very easy to touch English songs.When we use English songs to serve teaching.We should pay attention to some aspects
First, the lyrics should connect with the content of teaching.For example, when we teach the English number, the song “ten little Indians” would be the best choice.Second, choosing songs should accord to the character of age and psychology of learners.Only when we choose songs by thinking about these factors can the learners receive the great achievement in English learning.Teachers should choose the songs according to the students’ English level.Some English songs are longer and more difficult, which is not good for low level learners.Like children’s songs Colors of the Wind, My Golden Sun, My Little Table, etc.is good for children to learn.And songs like Eyes on Me, Yesterday Once More, Big Big World, etc.is good for adults to learn.Thirdly, teaching English songs should be timely and in the right quantity.In addition, teaching songs should have distinct aims, after singing a song the students would know what language point they can learn from the song.For example the song “Head and shoulders” is a good example.The lyrics are: “head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees ands toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, head and shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes.” After learning this song the students should understand what a countable noun is and what is an uncountable noun.So the aim of learning is obvious.5.2 The steps of teaching English songs For English teachers, English songs are also a very good aid of helping students to improve their English ability.Teachers can use different teaching aids like: the tape recorder, the computer and etc.to teach the new song.Before teaching the song teacher could ask some questions according to the lyrics such as: “What words can you hear from the song?” “What is the theme of the song?”.“What happened to the people?” Teachers also should give students some background information about the song which would help students to understand the song.Here introduce some steps of teaching English songs.The steps are: Step1.Listen for the first time and try to think about the theme of the song.Step2.Listen for the second time and third time, try to make out every word and phrase as well as possible.And at the same time pay attention to word pronunciation and sound linking.Step3.The forth time, looking at the lyric of the song and this time focus on the rhythm, especially the words that stress falls on.Step4.Sing the song by following the tape or MTV;and learn the rhythm.Step5.Read out aloud the whole lyric, and especially pay much attention to some good words, phrases and sentences and try to learn them by heart.Step6.Sing the song with full passion as similar to the original singing as possible and try to sing the whole song correctly and fluently.Step7.Evaluate or retell the song;express inner feelings or introduce the song to others.These steps above are suggested mainly for improving English pronunciation, to master English rhythm, and then to improve spoken English.But in order to make more progress, large amounts of listening, imitating and practicing is needed.6.Conclusion From above, English songs play an important role in memorizing, pronunciation.And It helps arouse learners’ interest.It has a great effect on the development of English skills.Using English songs to enhance English skills can be a good choice.Various themes and rich background knowledge in English songs offer a good source for learning English.Also songs enrich students’ knowledge about English speaking countries, such as the history, culture and their value.Therefore, it is an effective way to make use of English songs to get rid of students’ “Chinese accent”.With English songs as a teaching aid, the learners will be able to improve their English.And it’s a kind embodiment of teachers’ comprehensive teaching skills.References 1.赵颖、李爱华.音乐和英语单词记忆 [J].大学英语,2003,6,P40 2.Fonseca Mora.Foreign language acquisition and melody singing [C].ELT Journal 54, 2000, 2, P150 4.裴正薇.音乐智力对英语听说的影响 [J].西安外国语学院学报,2004年第12卷,第3 期,P37 5.石兰.英语口语节奏分析 [J].江苏教育学院学报(社会科学版),2001年第17卷,第3 期,P89
宣传英语的英文 篇6
1.1 The historical background of English vocabularydevelopment.Language historians always partition the historyof English into three stages: Old English, Middle English andmodern English.In the first stage, the population of Englishspeakers is not more than millions; the scope of usage only islimited to the British Isles.Then, through a long improvement, English has to be the most open language from Middle English toModern English.
1.2 The influence of politics to language independence.In theancient times, there were three tribes called Angles, Saxons andJutes in the northern Europe.In the 5th century, they conqueredBritain and settled down there.After driving the native people intothe deep mountains of Wales and Scotland, they divided the wholeisland among themselves.
1.3 The effect of culture movement on English development.English has been taken as the mandarin of England in the endof Middle English.And we can’t leave out an important figure—Geoffrey Chaucer, an English writer in the 14th century.Hecontributed a lot to English: He was the first great poet whowrote in the current English language. English in the process ofinnovation and development
II.Types of change
2.1 Widening of meaning.First of all, we summarize it asSpecific to General.It is through widening of meaning that amono-semantic word is made poly-semantic.Second way is fromProper nouns to Common nouns.Many proper nouns includingperson names, place names, etc.have become common nouns usedin everyday life.The last is from Concrete to Abstract.In Englishmany words stand for everything.
2.2 Narrowing of meaning.There are three kinds ofnarrowing.The first kind is from General to Specific.In early time, a woman not unnecessarily married, especially one who is old anduneducated, The second kind is from Abstract to Concrete.Oneof the commonest transformations in the English language is thetransformation from an abstract meaning to a concrete one, Theprimary meaning of this word is habits or manners.Then it cameto mean equipment or apparatus.The last kind is from Commonnouns to Proper nouns.One striking use of common nouns forproper nouns is the application of nouns expressing places ornames of places.
2.3 Elevation of meaning.There are two kinds of elevation.Firstly, a humble word is beginning to a greater or more importantposition.Secondly, the middle terms favorable or unfavorableaccording to their different contexts.
2.4 Transfer of meaning.Sometimes a word will shift so farfrom its original meaning that its meaning will nearly reverse.Words which were used to designate one thing but later changedto mean something else have experienced the process of semantictransfer.
2.5 Euphemism.Euphemism is the substitution of a word ofmore pleasant connotation for one of unpleasant connotation.It isalso an important cause of semantic changes.We can divide theuse of euphemism into three groups.Firstly, we express painfuland distressing thing.Death is one of painful thing to speak, sothere are many expressions to say it, for example, to decease, tojoin the majority, to go west, etc.The word kill is also one of suchwords, so people avoid speaking it and use other expressions, for instance, to destroy, to knock off, to do away with, etc.Aneconomic crisis is another subject for euphemism.
2.6 Substitute.Substitute is a way to avoid repeating, whichconnects the context.It is the fact that a word can representanother word, clause, even sentence.It is divided into nounsubstitute, verb substitute, clause substitute and adverbialsubstitute.The following words usually are used into practice:one (s) , the same, the kind, the sort.We can make sentence forexample, the child doesn’t like this book.Show him a moreinteresting one. (the one means the book to avoid repeat) .Johnplays the piano as well as Mary does. (the does means the play) .Aswell as pronouns, possessive, so, to, and so on.
[1]Toolan.Language in Literature:An Introduction to Stylistics[M].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008.
英语沙龙 校园宣传10-19