


2022美国大学留学个人申请书格式 篇1






代尔夫特理工大学是世界上顶尖的理工大学之一。代尔夫特理工大学位于荷兰代尔夫特市,是荷兰历史最悠久、规模、专业涉及范围最广、有综合性的理工大学,其专业几乎涵盖了所有的工程科学领域,被誉为“欧洲的麻省理工”。其高质量的教学、科研水平在荷兰国内和国际上都具有极高的知名度,得到包括美国工程技术学会(American Board ofEngineering and Technology)在内的许多国际技术组织的认可。其航空工程,电子工程,水利工程等学科在世界上都具有地位和卓越声望,它与英国帝国理工学院,瑞士苏黎世联邦工学院,荷兰亚琛理工大学构成IDEA联盟。




学校在经济管理、医学与健康、法学等三个领域的教学力量非常雄厚,这三个领域也是学校重点发展的学科。学校共设7个院系,分别是:经济学院、管理学院、医学院、法学院、社会科学学院、历史、文化与传播学院、哲学学院。此外,学校还有20余个研究所。这些研究所有些是和其他大学共建的,在各自的专业领域享有盛名,如Tinbergen Insititute(与阿姆斯特丹大学、阿姆斯特丹自由大学共建),ERIM(由经济学院和管理学院共建)。学校每年的经费达到3.5亿欧元。






















攻读硕士学位全部课程的学费一般在10000荷兰盾/年至50000荷兰盾/年之间。由于硕士学位课程所设置的专业极其广泛,学制安排不同,造成了学费差异很大。各校的留学生办公室(International Relations Office)会提供详细信息。



















2022德国留学申请书格式 篇2


Dear _,

I am interested in pursuing a Geography course at University. Studying Geography will provide me with a better understanding of topical issues that affect the world around us, and also improve my presentational skills and independent learning skills. I am currently studying A-Levels Geography and Drama, which has provided me with a keen interest in current affairs; therefore I am interested in areas such as development and environmental issues

I feel that these subject areas will provide me with a sound background to build a degree

My interests in Drama started early in College where I found that I enjoyed many of the techniques used within Drama. This gave me the confidence to take part in college productions, I have also developed my knowledge of Greek Tragedies, Physical Theatre and Monologues, and whilst studying an A-Level in Performing Arts I have developed my leadership skills and confidence to a mature standard

During my work experience I had the opportunity to work with a professional and extremely dedicated armourer. I used these two weeks to great advantage by broadening my knowledge in a diverse trade, which requires skill and extremely good technique. These two weeks helped me develop many skills such as concentration and independent working, work experience has also provided me with experience in a trade which can be used to fall back on, due to the fact that this is a family trade I therefore I have a platform in which to start up

Within college I play an active role within college and also within my tutor group. I was elected student Council Representative, which has not only developed my communications skills but furthered my organisation skills. Within my tutor group I interact as much as possible by taking part in the tutor football team, and helping out my tutor with international dimensions week, which consists of helping younger students to develop skills they can use in the future. I have also worked with the P.E department by refereeing sports day football

As part of my personal development personal development, I helped in a Year 7 Drama class and used my own skills to help students out with plays, this taught me qualities of leadership such as motivation and patience

My hobbies include a wide range of sports, most notably rugby where I play at club level and county level, I hope to use this sporting background to play in a University team. I also take a great interest in football, golf and occasionally play tennis, I work part time within the College itself working in the Site Team, which has developed my reliability and communications skills

I regard myself to be an extremely friendly and hard working person. I have become very determined and independent as a result of pursuing my A-Levels; and hope this provides a good background for University. I look forward to the challenge of University life and the opportunities that will arise as a result.

Yours sincerely,

































德国个人留学申请书格式 篇3

Dear _,

As a production factor, human resource also faces scarcity—in the technical sense of economics—the way that other forms of resource face. Therefore, when an individual makes a choice as a human factor, he or she has to take into account of the opportunity cost to himself (or herself) in particular and to the society as a whole within the general framework of his or her individual value. My resolution to pursue an advanced program in the field of marketing is precisely founded on the guidelines provided by economics. My personal interest and ample potential allow me to possess comparative advantage in pursuing marketing for reasons that I will state in the succeeding paragraphs, and I believe that my choice is a rationalized choice in keeping with the rules of economics.

My interest in marketing commenced with the learning of two important courses in my sophomore year—Marketing and Management. The first year of my undergraduate program at the Department of Accounting, Henan University, was spent in overwhelming frustration because I was arbitrarily assigned to study accounting as my specialty, a subject in which I had little interest. However, in learning Marketing and Management, I discovered my real interest. In retrospection, this interest of mine stemmed from my willingness to communicate and exchange with people, my desire to experience the collisions between different schools of thought, the interdisciplinary nature between those two subjects, and the demands that they impose on a person’s creative thinking. The 4P’s as advocated in marketing (price, place, promotion and product) are specifically oriented toward market fluctuations and they require special sensitivity in capturing market information, thorough understanding of the problems involved, and the ability to solve problems by sound logical reasoning. The four aspects as represented by 4P’s constitute the fields in which I made conscious efforts to develop and to improve my competence. While taking the market course, I immersed myself in various western textbooks including the classic work Marketing Management by Philip Kotlor. Meanwhile, I endeavored to assimilate useful knowledge from case studies, realizing the empirical nature of the subject. I had a habit of applying a multiplicity of perspectives from different frameworks of knowledge to bear on the same problem and for this reason I once achieved the highest score in my department in an oral presentation. My teacher of the Marketing course, who is also the chairman of the Marketing Department, believed that I was most suited to a career in marketing. His remarks gave me tremendous encouragement and further reinforced my determination to seek an advanced education in this fascinating area.

Marketing is an applied science that calls for constant practice based on a mastery of its theories and principles in order to develop an awareness of how marketing is actually conducted. During the summer vacation in the second year, having completed the marketing course, I participated in the promotion campaign on behalf of the Little Swan Home Appliances Products (Little Swan being the brand name of China’s most famous producer of home appliances) at Zhengzhou Department Store in Henan Province. During the promotion campaign, we provided detailed information to our prospective clients concerning the products and their post-sale services on one hand and submitted the feedback to the headquarters on the other. This refreshing experience of directly facing clients excited me, making me all the more interested in various activities that could increase my practical knowledge of marketing. One of such activities was a project my classmates and I contrived for developing a realistic understanding of the principles of Marketing Lens Model. According to this model, different individuals may experience major differences in their cognition of their surroundings due to differences in their education, backgrounds and personal experiences, which lead to their development of their differential cognitive lenses. Our project team conducted an all-campus evaluation of the teachers’ performance and of the soundness of the curriculum in the form of questionnaires and follow-up surveys. Based on the findings of our investigation, we submitted to the university authorities rationalization proposals concerning how to improve of the quality of teaching and how education could be geared to the specific needs of students. Positively commented upon, our proposals were mostly adopted by the authorities. This successful experience made me understand that some concepts of marketing could be fruitfully applied to different walks of life, not merely put into service for the profit-making organizations.

My practical work experience in marketing started with my employment at the Sales Department of Beijing Education & Cultural Communications Center upon my graduation in the summer of . Over the past one year, I participated in planning promotion campaigns for several sets of book series and in the management of media publicity. I was also responsible for designing the exhibitions for those book series. However, in performing my responsibilities, I became dismayed by the reality. Theoretically speaking, marketing responsibilities within a company should be specified and marketing personnel should perform their duties according to specialized division of labor so that the efficiency can be optimized. Nevertheless, in actual operations, different divisions of labor among different departments tend to produce conflicted interests and communication barriers, resulting in disruptions in work schedules and in reduced efficiency. I came to realize that teamwork is still a major problem within Chinese context, especially in the field of marketing, that needs to be worked out. To materialize good concepts of marketing, optimum approaches must be adopted that can meet the changing circumstances of the environment. My heretofore work experience shows me that, although marketing has developed into a comprehensive discipline that is both enlightening and capable of social guidance over a century-long innovation and evolution, the idea of marketing as the strategic presence of a given enterprise has not yet been established within the Chinese economic milieu. With the increased competition brought about by globalization, especially with China’s accession to the WTO, the widely-accepted conventional formula of “production + product + marketing” has been rendered obsolescent, unable to satisfy the needs of China’s present buyer’s market and the necessity to maintain sustainable development after China’s WTO accession. In particular, faced with the challenges posed by the emergence of knowledge economy, Chinese enterprises must revolutionize its conventional notions of marketing. Toward this objective, Chinese enterprises must top-level management and marketing professionals who can formulate effective marketing strategies and establish highly efficient marketing network. In this regard, prospective marketing professionals have a mission and a responsibility to perform. Apart from my interest and my potential, this factor constitutes the most direct reason behind my current effort to apply for a Ph.D. program in marketing at your prestigious university. It is my expectation that in my future degree program I will be exposed to the most recent concepts and modes of thinking in marketing which I can ultimately apply to the Chinese marketing practice.

Although I did not major in marketing as an undergraduate, my professional training in accounting can nevertheless be instrumental to my academic and career development in the future. The specialty of accounting also required me to receive basic training in economics and management, an education background that allowed me to evolve mental habits characteristic of economics and management. In my undergraduate program, trainings in the development of mental habits were far more important than the mere acquisition of book knowledge and my performance in work has also indicated that I excel my peers in logical reasoning and in economics-specific mentality. My GPA is not absolutely high (but showing obvious ascendancy), which could be attributed to my initial dislike for accounting on one hand and to my extensive participation in extracurricular activities to satiate my special love for marketing practices. Those activities consumed a considerable amount of my time and energy that I could otherwise have devoted to coursework. Nevertheless, I take great comfort in having developed my empirical knowledge of marketing by participating in those activities.

Successful marketing is the most crucial strategic arrangement in making quality products available to prospective consumers. Having accumulated necessary knowledge and experience, I have an implicit faith in myself as a most competitive candidate for your Ph.D. program. In presenting myself for your scrutiny, I am doing an important “marketing” of myself. I sincerely wish that my further exploration in the field of marketing could be made possible with this very “marketing” of myself.

Yours sincerely,



一、柏林工业大学(Technische UnBerliniversitt)

柏林工业大学(Technische Universitt Berlin,缩写TUB)是世界理工院校,德国九所卓越理工大学 联盟TU9成员之一,是柏林地区所理工科大学,也是德国规模的工业大学。其中,柏林工业大学景观设计专业设在建筑学院。






二、汉诺威大学(Universitt Hannover)

汉诺威大学(Universitt Hannover)全称为汉诺威莱布尼兹大学(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universitt Hannover),位于德国下萨克森州首府汉诺威,始建于 1831 年,是德国的公立大学。




三、卡塞尔大学(Universitt Kassel)

卡塞尔大学(Universitt Kassel)是位于德国黑森州卡塞尔的一所公立大学。学校的重点领域是技术与环境科学,教育与社会研究,艺术与教师深造。大学各系院分散于卡塞尔市内多个地点。








四、慕尼黑工业大学(Technische Universitt München)

慕尼黑工业大学(Technische Universitt München)坐落于德国南部巴伐利亚州(拜恩州)首府慕尼黑,是德国最古老的工业大学之一,也是国际享有盛誉的世界顶尖大学。





德福(TEST DAF)考试平均4分。


1. 选择德国高中留学,更容易申请德国大学


2. 选择德国高中留学,无语言成绩硬性要求。


3. 选择德国高中留学,德国大学免学费



2022美国大学留学个人申请书格式 篇4












莫斯科大学(全名莫斯科国立罗蒙诺索夫大学,московский государственный университет имени М.В.Ломоносов,МГУ),是俄罗斯联邦规模、历史最悠久的综合性高等学校,校址在俄罗斯首都莫斯科。







圣彼得堡大学是俄罗斯最古老的大学,世界秀的大学之一。也是世界知名的众多学派的源头和进步的社会运动的重大中心之一。在俄罗斯史册上,圣·彼得堡大学曾涌现出了许多杰出人士和科学家,写下了许多光辉 篇章,并为世界和人类科技进步,做出了自己的贡献。






























2022美国留学申请书 篇5


Dear _,

_ is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promoted to enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world. With the communication among nations increase and the technology information development, the development of finance tends to globalization. Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and economy.

The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In the future, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles; non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, the development of information industry made finance market develop more quickly. Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and made common people more concern the development tendency of finance then before and made out the relevant reaction according to getting information from all aspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. All that influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.

I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting to talk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.

Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, because it not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connecting knowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new idea produced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is social science, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discovering unknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members’ thoughts inspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social science which embodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic taste during the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practices we could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background and mathematic theory; we could understand finance better.

So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in my spare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got a chance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of finance journals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practices better, I carried on special researches on these problems.

For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aim was to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influence currency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of each national currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international globalization. I connected the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China, through researching the general rule of currency internationalization globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalization process.

First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization process in the world, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. The first was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta long stabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choice of our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currency globalization according to the impersonality requirement of economical globalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degree for opening to foreign.

At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental national economy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized the process of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. The process of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence.

But during this process, it was very difficult for me to research non-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stock market, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and exist some problems on efficiency, security and fair. For example, I consulted many materials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paper department how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stock market, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some comments of experts on the website. Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought several stocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was more perfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved.

Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improved in the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financer was higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit the future society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I am impressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my future education

Yours sincerely,




社会安全卡(social security card)在美国留学期间是非常重要的。留学生落地美国,带着行李进入学校后,首要事情就是申请社会安全卡,它能够开通电话服务和银行账户、信办理用卡、学校奖学金拨给都需要使用到它,根据学校的明确规定操作即可完成申请。




留学生要及时变更地址,在10天内要向学校和DHS(Department of Homeland Security)报告。学校会向国际学生讲述有关细节,如果延迟不报,可能会导致罚款和监禁。



















国外大学留学申请书2021格式 篇6

Dear _,

In a world that is continually growing and evolving and problems such as global warming and population growth becoming ever more real, the need for innovation and fresh ideas from the engineering world becomes increasingly evident. It is this that attracts me to civil engineering as a career because although I am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making a difference to the lives of others would be of great personal reward to me!

My fascination for engineering started when I was young, and has only increased since then. I enjoyed playing video and computer games that required planning and strategy. I watched ???Extreme Engineering??? when it first aired on the Discovery channel and today I have seen every episode up to season five and am waiting to see the sixth season. I have a game called ???West Point Bridge designer??? that has taught me about the different properties of each type of bridge and allows me to experiment with different bridge designs as well as using different materials in the most cost effective way possible.

Unfortunately for my parents, this fascination extended into reverse engineering as well and ranged from my toys as a child to unused household items and broken cars and motorcycles as an adolescent. This interest was then nurtured during my schooling and college years - at school learning about the history of art and how the smallest engineering discoveries led to the biggest architectural breakthroughs, for instance the impact that the arch, concrete and the dome had on Ancient Roman and proceeding architecture. In college I thoroughly enjoyed mathematics and physics particularly in the applied sections, and although my grades do not reflect this, a big portion of my gap year has already been spent on preparation towards of their improvement.

As well as a lot of revision, my gap year so far has been a wealth of new experiences and challenges from things as silly as learning to juggle and ride a unicycle to teaching myself to play the keyboard and getting my motorcycle license. I also had a job as a general labourer working under the site manager on a building site where I worked alongside the tradesmen and occasionally the architect, thereby gaining valuable experience in keeping to the strict requirements of working to time schedules and regulations, planning, problem solving and keeping quality of work up and expenses down. Previous to that I worked at my local supermarket as a general assistant and was eventually promoted to a team leader. I was responsible for liaising with my managers and keeping them up to date with what was happening around the store and making sure my staff knew what was expected of them throughout their shifts as well as doing my own work around the store. This taught me how to deal with people in a variety of situations in a polite and professional manner while also greatly improving my communicational and social skills.

Being born and raised in South Africa and having made the transition and adaptation to English culture and way of life with ease, I have no doubt I would adapt in much the same way to university life. Also I think it is important that I have witnessed the differences in infrastructure between developed and third world countries and their respective effects on the surrounding populations and feel I could use this knowledge to my advantage.

I am a very active person and sport has always been a big part of my life. In high school I captained my cricket and rugby teams and was part of the swimming, tennis and athletics teams and represented my home province in cricket, athletics and surfing. Living over here I am a member of the local cricket and rugby club; I take part in the occasional darts and pool tournaments and am a regular at the local health centre. All of this means I have a lot of experience in performing under pressure, pushing myself and working well as a team.

By the end of my gap year I hope to have: fulfilled my travelling plans where I hope to go backpacking in Asia as I think it will be an awe-inspiring and eye opening experience; have learnt many more new skills and gained more relevant work experience; and hopefully begin a journey into becoming a part of the great and prolific industry of ingenuity and creativity that is the world of engineering.

Yours sincerely,




美国SAT考试又称美国高考,是美国大学入学考试。美国SAT考试分成SAT逻辑考试 和SAT专项考试, SAT逻辑考试分成语文,数学,和作文三部分,满分为2400;其中数学部分(满分800分)内容相当于中国初中难度,大部分中国高中生只要经过一段时间的训练,都能够考取750分以上;一般情况下,美国前60名的学校在申请的时候都要求SATI,中国的高中生在接收一段时间的学习之后,总成绩大概在1600到2300之间。美国对美国SAT考试成绩要求较低的大概在1700左右。如果想申请30名之前的的学生,美国SAT考试成绩大概要达到2000以上。




GRE是美国研究生入学考试,与GMAT性质大致等同,GRE作为美国研究生学院的入学考试,适用于商科及法学以外的专业申请。GRE考试分两种,一是General Test,二是Subject Test。一般申请人考的都是general test,主要是考察学生的基本英语能力以及对英语各方面知识的深度和广度的掌握,包括写作、语文、数学三部分。GMAT 是 Graduate Management Admission Test 的缩写,GMAT中文名称为经企管理研究生入学考试。GMAT 考试不仅考查申请人的语言能力和数学能力,还要测试其头脑反应、逻辑思维和解决实际问题的能力。GMAT作为一种标准化考试,目前已被广泛地用于商学院的录取评估,是当前最为可靠的测试考生是否具备顺利完成工商管理硕士项目学习能力的测试系统。GMAT是帮助各商学院或工商管理硕士项目评估申请人是否具备在工商管理方面继续深造学习的资格的工具。除此之外,还有适用于法律考生的LSAT考试。GRE、GMAT、LSAT成绩有效期均为5年。




美国的教育水平极高是全世界都共知的。无论是在师资力量、教学方式还是在教学设备、教学条件等方面,美国都是于其他国家的,甚至在教育环境上,在全世界也是居于前几位的。不仅如此,美国院校的学习制度也是十分灵活 的,举个栗子,只要学生完成了院校要求所要获得学分,学生就可以提前完成大学的学业(如大三修满了学分无需等到大四毕业),不像其他国家,必须要达到固定的i时间才可以毕业。







