英文信头范文 篇1
1.We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the starts.当我们都在污水
2.When a love comes to an end, weaklings cry, efficient ones instantly find another
love, and wise already had one in reserve.当一段爱结束时,懦弱者哭泣,有效率的人很快就找到了新欢,聪明的人早就找到另外一个。
3.[搞笑] I like man who have a future and woman who have a past.我喜欢有未来的男人和有过去的女人。
4.There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the
is getting it.生活中有两种悲剧:一种是得不到他想得到的,另一种是得到了他想得到的。
5.There is no smooth road into future, but we go round, or scramble over the
6.What’s that as flies without wings? Time, time.什么流逝不会留下任何痕迹,恐怕
7.We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.不管天会塌下来多少
8.Life will seem to you, later, not a lesser, but a greater thing.生活对于你来说,到
9.Live and let live, love and let love.Flower and fade, and follow the natural curve,which flows on pointless.活就好好活,爱就好好爱,花开花谢都是遵循自然规律的。
10.The human soul needs actural beauty more than bread.一个人的灵魂需要高尚的情操更胜于面包。
11.Life is ours to be spent, not to be save.生命对于我们的意义是享受而不是压力。
12.Just as one takes pride in important tasks outside of prison, one can find the
same pride in doing small things inside prison.[Madela’s Garden] 做一件小事要像做一件大事一样认真。
13.A man can be destoryed but not defeated.一个人能被毁灭,但是不能屈服。
14.It’s always a bit difficult to get something started.Once you get started you’ll
found it much easier to do.万事开头难,一旦有了开始就不会觉得那么难了。
15.Life is very deal to all, yet love is better than life.生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。
英文缩写汇总[范文模版] 篇2
2、(APQP)Advanced Product Quality Planning产品质量先期策划
6、过程失效模式及后果分析(PFMEA)。=processfailuremodeeffctesanalysis7、SPC统计过程控制Statistical Process Control8、PFD(processflowingdiagram)过程流程图
中英文短剧大赛范文 篇3
本次比赛经各二级学院选拔,总共13支参赛队伍,总计15个节目。通过比赛,可以感受到选手们都使出了浑身解数,在选择剧本、演员表演、道具制作等方面都下了心血,给观众们呈现了一场真正的视觉盛宴。经过评委现场评判,人文学院的同学们表演的《唐伯虎点秋香》、《Hamlet》获得了一等奖;纺服学院的同学们表演的《The daughter of the sea》、电器学院的同学们的表演的《新罗密欧与朱丽叶》、经管学院的同学们表演的《海的女儿》、《At salesman’s home》获得了二等奖;机械学院的同学们表演的《大话西游》、博雅学院的同学们表演的《孔雀东南飞》、汽车学院的同学们表演的《大话西游》、优集学院的同学们表演的《荆轲刺秦》、材料学院的同学们表演的《Pride and prejudice》、化生学院的同学们表演的《不差钱》、环境学院的同学们表演的《China’s economic globalization》、土木学院的同学们表演的《新孔雀东南飞》获得了三等奖。
食品安全英文报告范文 篇4
Research show that under normal circumstances , people and other organisms have characteristics in common , namely when indiriduals grow , the substances they reed synthesize varions metabolic.In recent years , the wave of industy has brought material civilization , while people have found a number of hormone existing outside living organisms which widely used in agricultural prodnction and people`s daily life.It can olstain benefits as well as great damages.For cattle , sheep more flesh and milk , people inject them with a large quantity of estrogen;for fish ,shrimp rapid growth , farmers add the “birth”hormone feed : for vegetables , fruit biggerand earlier into the market , peasamtries spray or even inject a certain concentration of ethylene ,ABA and other “accelerator ”.This kind of substance , as a role of endocrine hormore as humans and organisms , called environmental hormone by scientific community also known as “the third damage ”.Enrironmental hormones on the human body ,mainly though the substance containing the hormone , produce adverse ereactions after eating.The reactions cause endocrine disruption , body`s Normal hormonal disorger , manifested in development , reproduction mind mood and other aspects.According to prelimiinary research confirmed that in current svcial life harm to humans and organisms we have beer found the harmful substances which plays a similar role of hormones at least three humdred species.The main harms are as fonows : Fisrst , there exists a lot of hormone substances in food and water , causing less sperm , male degradation , and even high incidence of male infertility.Seeond , they causes fetal malforation.Third , they interfere and reduce the immune system , resulting in mental retardation , neurological dysfumction , even cancer.Today , it has been recognized that harmones are serionsly harmful.Scientists throughont that world have paid attention to and address this issue.
销售人员英文求职信范文 篇5
Dear sir,Four years as a senior clerk in sales department of the New World Products Company have,I believe,given me the experience to qualify for the job you advertised in Thursdays newspaper.Since 1981 I have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the correspondence.In the course of my work,I have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.The years before I was employed at the New World,I was a secretary for Long Brother,an accounting firm.There I became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.I was graduated at Wah Yan College, in June 1974.I am twenty-five years of age and single.I am leaving my present position because I can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require.Yours faithfully
英文信头范文 篇6
1)the immediate schemes
2)detailed information such as dates,related persons and numbers
From:Anny lee,Head,Academic Department
To:Mr Ng sik-hung,Chairman Shang Hai Evergreen Association
Date:2 April 2002
Ⅰ.Shang Hai Secondary School
1.The number of students for the month is:Form 1:329,Form 2:300,Form 3:500,Form 4:238,Form 5:234
郴州中英文介绍词范文 篇7
In 2015, a world class grand meeting will be held in this miracle city full of the essence of nature.The rippled Chenzhou International Convention Center, like mountain and water, with an indoor exhibition area of 60000 sqm, is a large and multi-functional exhibition site with the large scale, fullest equipped function and highest professional level in Hunan Province.There are 2500 international standard exhibition booths in this Mineral & Gem Expo, which attracts more than 2000 exhibitions from over 70 countries.Thus, its scale ranks the third in the world and the first in Asia.“This is an expo held at the pithead.” Chenzhou, will live up to the choice of the world!2015年,一个世界性的盛会将在这座凝聚着天地精华的神奇之城召开。如山水般波澜起伏造型的郴州国际会展中心,室内展览面积达60000平方米,湖南省市州中规模最大,功能最齐全,专业水平最高的大型现代化多功能展览场所。本次矿博会设2500个国际标准展位,吸引逾70个国家的2000余名展商参展。是世界前三,亚洲最大的矿物化石宝石展。“这是一个开在矿进口的博览会”郴州,价格无愧于世界的选择。
Chenzhou, located at the foot of the north of the FiveRidges at the cross border of Hunan and Guangdong, is a Huaxia geologic structure unit.In the endless geologic age, Chenzhou totally experienced four important tectonic deformation periods and four corresponding magmatic activities.Its unique geological basis, not only creates cent “area accumulated with a huge amount of metals”, but forms beautiful mineral crystals in all forms.郴州,地处湘粤文化交接的五岭北麓,隶属华夏地质构造单元。在漫长的地质年代里,郴州共经历了四次重要的构造变形期。独有的地址基础,不仅塑造出宏伟瑰丽的“巨量金属堆积区,也形成了姿态万千美丽无比的矿物晶体。
According to incomplete statistics, more than 200 kinds of minerals have been found within the territory of Chenzhou, among which, reserves of tungsten, bismuth, molybdenum and amorphous graphite rank first nationwide, those of tin and zine rank the third and fourth respectively, and that of fluorite accounts for more than half of the whole nation.据不完全统计,郴州境内已发现矿物200多种,其中钨,铋,钼微晶石墨注量居全国第一;锡,锌储量分别居全国第三 第四位,萤石储量占全国的一半以上。
The maganifent mineral crystal is the pride of Chenzhou, 80% of the mineral crystals in China are produced in Chenzhou, and 150 kinds of valuable minerals known in the world can be found in Chenzhou.The mineral crystal in Chenzhou receives worship of international collectors because of its multiple variety, large quantity, bright colour, perfect crystal, diversified combination and peculiar shape.Scheelite, blende, swallow tail twin, bournonite… that have been treated as treasure by collectors are not hard to be found in Chenzhou.In overseas famous expo, the price of these mineral crystals reached tens of thousands of dollars and even higher many year ago.The large vug with green fluorite and calcite is the most valuable treasure of the Geological Museum of China.美轮美奂的矿物晶体是郴州的骄傲,中国80%的晶体产自郴州,世界上已知的150种有用矿物在郴州都能找到。郴州的矿物晶体因品种多,数量大,色彩鲜艳,晶体完美,组合多样,造型奇特二备受国际收藏家推崇。白钨,闪锌矿,燕尾双晶,车轮矿,这些令藏家们听名字就眼睛发亮的珍宝,在郴州都不难见到。在国外知名的博览会上,这些晶体的价格,多年前已轻易达到数万美元升值更高。绿萤石,方解石相互嵌生的大型晶簇,为中国地质博物馆镇馆之宝。
The hsianghualite which is the national treasure of the field of geoscience and well-known in the world is harder to be obtained even with a lot of money.According to rough statistic, the quantity of mineral crystal exploited in Chenzhou is 230,000sqm and the prospective quantity is 6 million sqm including 1.32million that can be exploited.Mt.Yaogangxian,Shizhu Park,Mt.Haianghualite and Leiping, etc.have become internally known mineral crystal production areas.As tin ore belt at Mt.Qitian is found in large scale, more beautiful mineral crystals will be found underground in Chenzhou.在地址学界独享“国宝”级地位,蜚声全球的香花石更是千金难求。据粗略统计,郴州矿物晶体已采资源量23万方,保有远景资源量600万方,可采132万方。瑶岗仙,柿竹园,香花岭,雷坪等矿区,已成为国际知名的矿物晶体产区。随着骑田岭大规模锡矿带的发现,郴州将有更多奇艳亮丽的矿物晶体从大地深处走来。
Chenzhou,a mineral city can be said to be a place that knows mineral crystals the best in China.。There are more than 80,000 people engaging in mineral crystal production and distribution, and relevant employees even reach 600,00.Thus,any mining worker can be a great collector of mineral crystal.As more and more people begin to engage in collection,the scale and grade of the collections become increasingly higher.Chenzhou develops intoa rare stone culture market integrating production,supply,sale,appreciation and collection gradually.Local government’s attention and support accelerate the formation of this industry chain.矿都郴州,堪称中国最懂矿晶的城市这里,直接从事矿晶产销行业的人数就达8万多人,相关从业人员更是接近60万。随便一个采掘工人都有可能就是一位矿物晶体的大收藏家。随着收藏的人越来越多,藏品的规模和档次也越来越高。郴州逐渐形成了集产.供.销.赏.藏为一体的奇石文化市场,当地政府的关注和扶持加速了这一产业链的形成。
Up to now, there are over 500 ornamental stone venues of various kinds, including 3 official museums covering an area of over 10000 sqm, and more than 50 large private museums.The annual output value of mineral crystal dominated ornamental stone industry , has exceeded RMB 500 million yuan, and the annual trading volume surpassed 300 million yuan.There are 15 top collectors who purchase mineral crystal of over 10 million US dollars.截至目前,全市已拥有各类观赏石场馆500余家,其中,面积1万平方米以上的官方博物馆就有3家,私人大型博物馆50多家。全是以矿物晶体为主的观赏石行业年产值已超过5亿,年交易量超过3亿,购买矿晶1000万美金以上的顶级收藏家就有15人。
In recent years, 7 rare stone expo and exhibition activities like mineral crystal have been held in Chenzhou one of another which made great success and raised extensive at home and abroad.On Dec.1.2011 the 2nd International Forum and Expo for Competitive Products of Mineral Crystal in China opened, attracting about 80000 persons including mineral experts, collectors and distributors from 23 countries and regions to Chenzhou.近几年,郴州前后举办了7次矿物晶体等奇石展览展销活动都取得了重大成功,引起了国内外的广泛关注。20111年12月1日,中国第二届矿物晶体国际论坛暨精品展盛装启幕,引起了23个国家和地区的矿物专家,收藏家及经销商约8万人聚集郴州。
英文信头范文 篇8
Good morning!I am very gald to be here.My name is lixue,26-years
old.When I was a student in North West Normal University,I always liked to join in varities of activities and became a student cadre of the Student Union.In addition, My major is Finance,the undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.After graduating from school ,I worked in Gansu Provincial Bureau
Statistics.The following theer-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity and intelligence.In my work, I found
英语专业英文求职自荐信(范文) 篇9
To whom it may comcern:
Hi, my name is cnrencai.I entered XX school in XXXX.Majoring in English,during my study.I work hard and sometimes won the scholarship.I take part in all kinds of activities and I hope to appty for the position of teacher.I want to be a teacher, because I love this job when I was young, my dream is to be a teacher.If I can get a chance to be a teacher in your school.I will put all my hart to do a good job.I am very interested in English, especially in reading listening, speaking.Every morning I love to read English loudly.I can full scope to show my ability during the hard work of my study.I am sure I will be a good teacher.As the old saying:"It’s never too old to learn.” So I will never give up any studying chance.So I hope you can give me a chance.Thank you!
英文信头范文 篇10
A Letter to Demand the Payment of Overdue Account
Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of March 2 with thanks.As requested,we are enclosing a fresh invoice for our services offered on August 25,1994,previously billed under our invoice No.829,which you could not find.Since the account is long overdue,we would very much appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side.Yours faithfully,参考译文: