


太阳神的囚徒读后感450字 篇1





升起心中的太阳作文450字 篇2





升起心中的太阳初中作文450字 篇3





游太阳岛450字作文 篇4




曾达的囚徒 读后感 篇5

kingdom called Ruritania to witness the coronation of the young king Rudolf the fifth of Ruritania.He was driven to this action filled thrilling journey by his anxious sister-in-law, Rose, who felt Rudolf was wasting his life doing nothing.On reaching Ruritania, Rudolf Rassendyll was shocked to learn that the young king was his carbon copy!This made him understand the astonishment of the customs officer and the forest guard in Zenda.The story unfolds with the plot to capture and kill King Rudolf by his half brother and Duke known as

Black Michael in Zenda.Black Michael drugs King Rudolf through his favourite wine.By doing so, King Rudolf is unable to attend his coronation in Strelsau, the next day.The Duke wanted to usurp the throne as well as marry Princess Flavia, who was already betrothed to King Rudolf.The army wanted Black Michael as King of Ruritania but Colonel Sapt and Fritz, who were loyal servants of King Rudolf wanted Rudolf Rassendyll to help King Rudolf from being imprisoned or killed by Black Michael.Since Rudolf Rassendyll resembled the King in every way he was to impersonate the King and be crowned as King Rudolf the Fifth in Strelsau.He was tutored by the two men on the protocol while the King lay motionless in the cellar at the hunting lodge of Black Michael.On the day of the coronation, Rudolf Rassendyll observes that the people of Ruritania were divided in their loyalty for King Rudolf.The ' New Town' wanted Rudolf as the King while the 'Old Town' favoured the Duke as King.The Duke had promised changes and reforms for the 'Old Town' to win their support.During the coronation, Rudolf Rassendyll noticed the hostility of the people of the 'Old Town', but his bravery in riding through the 'Old Town' unescorted soon proved his courage that they began to cheer and accept him.It is during the coronation that Rudolf Rassendyll as King comes face to face with Princess Flavia and Duke Michael.Princes Flavia notices the slight difference in the King.However she cautions him against Black Michael.Rudolf Rassendyll falls in love with Princess Flavia but the gentleman in him commands him to take control of his innermost desires.Black Michael tries his best to woo Princess Flavia but fails.Antoinette de

Mauban, the lady who was in love with Black Michael, however, exposes Black Michael's plans to kill the King and marry Princess Flavia.Rudolf Rassendyll proposes marriage to Princess Flavia against his own wishes.Then with the help of Antoinette de Mauban and a few other faithful servants of King Rudolf, Rudolf Rassendyll frees the King held captive in the old Zenda castle by Duke Michael.This is where the action is when one reads the book.Rudolf

Rassendyll hands over the crown and Princess Flavia to King Rudolf.The end sees that though Princess Flavia learns of the existence of Rudolf Rassendyll who had proposed marriage to her and was truly in love with her, she
