


库里的英文介绍 篇1






他轻笑:“知你挂心,自然弄出来了。” ----《皇上滚开,本宫只劫财》



●「除非那段感情只存在于记忆里,像凝固于雪库里的冰条,硬邦邦地躺在脑海深处,只待你用想象将之融化,把它重新变成甜滋滋的冰淇淋,让你亲密地,私密地,舐吃。这样的感情就只能是当初得不到的`感情,唯有当某个女孩,无论你如何使尽浑身解数亦没法牵到她的手吻到她的颊更遑论其他种种,唯有当某个女孩无论你如何努力亦追求不到,你才会念她如昔,直到老后。」 ----马家辉








我发现这铁链把我捆住了。” ----泰戈尔《泰戈尔散文诗全集》


●我可以遗留的东西少得可怜。其实我们比人更聪明,不会将乱七八糟的东东藏在仓库里,不会把时间浪费在储藏金钱上,更不会为保持现有的或得到没有的东西,扰乱自己的睡眠。除了爱和信赖,我没有什么值钱的东西可以留给他人。 ----尤金·奥尼尔《一只狗的遗嘱》

●太阳开始偷偷窥视芦苇滩,将这些灰色的植物染成紫铜色和黑色。它像一个燃烧的红色圆盘一样升起来,上方悬着一圈浅色的云层,略微倾斜,看起来像是得意地戴了一顶帽子,后面还跟着一缕溢出的阳光。栖息的水鸟的深色轮廓在熔岩般的水上轻轻跳动。天空已经像火烧一样,但依然寒冷。霜花在清晨的或严重闪闪发光。后来,我坐着看凤头鸊鷉——这种水鸟通过跳一种极具吸引的配对舞来寻找配偶。很快它们就会筑巢,然后把长着条纹的幼鸟背在背上,在水库里游来游去。 ----海伦·芭布丝《我的花园、我的城市和我》











●“我穿着一个蓝色的棉大衣,她穿着一件碎花小棉袄。我们温柔地靠在了一起。四面的警察互相打招呼,开着玩笑。他们和我们是两类人。这会儿,他们眼里没有我们,我们也对他们视而不见。此刻,整个世界上我心里只有她,优雅的库里娃。车开动起来了,我用自己的肩胛骨紧紧地靠着她。她也在尽量在靠近我,我们的生物电和热量通过后背在无形中浓度交换。在那段时间里,我心里慨叹不已,没想到在死刑号,我还能和她有一次真正的零距离接触。两个死囚,这样紧靠在一起,在那些日子里,今天是唯一的甜蜜。” ----北岛《七十年代》



——这才是王的品味。 ----吉尔伽美什《Fate/Zero》

●国家金库里的钱永远属于人民. ----唐七七


王陆淡淡说道:“那是因为之前我没有来。” ----国王陛下《从前有座灵剑山》


春节的英文介绍 篇2


The term “pass year” is used for the Spring Festival(Chinese New Year).The word “Year” in Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast.To combat the beast, the Chinese hang “good luck” wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire.This tradition in many ways resemble the Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires.中文中“过年”这个词组用以表示对春节(中国新年)的庆祝。“年”这个字在中文里是一种恐怖的怪兽。因为“年”害怕红色和火,所以中国人会在门上悬挂“春联”写上美好祝福,并放鞭炮来赶跑它。这个传统有点类似西方人用大蒜和十字架吓跑吸血鬼的传统。

Why New Year is so special?


The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.This year is the year of Tiger.Each animal represents a different “personality”.According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that they would pick the 12 to represent the zodiac.However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then-close friend, the rat, did not wake it.This action sparked off a rivalry that continues till this day.中国的十二生肖代表了十二种动物,他们的顺序是:鼠、牛、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪。今年是虎年。每一种动物有他们自己的“性格”。根据传说,人们当初和动物们开了一个会,最先到会的动物们就可以进入十二生肖。而身为猫最好的朋友,老鼠却没有把猫叫醒去开会。因此,它们之间的战争一直持续到今天。

What do people do?


Eat, eat again, and then eat some more!As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything.吃、接着吃、再吃更多东西!就跟一句中国古话说的那样:食物即一切。(沪江小编:这算是哪门子“中国古话”!?)

The tradition is to have different main courses everyday from the 1st day of the New Year to the 15th day of the New Year, from Jiao Zi(dumplings), noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, and Tang Yuan(stuffed rice balls).Besides culinary satisfaction, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead.传统就是,从新年第一天开始直到正月十五,每天都要吃不同的主菜。从饺子、面条、春卷、年糕到汤圆。除了祭好五脏庙以外,每一种食物也有含义:比如饺子看起来就像金元宝,这意味来年的丰衣足食。

Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed with a red pack of “lucky” money.And then, people gather and eat again(!), leading to a lot of advertisements about fitness right after the Chinese New Year holiday.除了吃以外,年轻人要去拜会家里的老人家,而小盆友们就有大把压岁钱拿。跟着,人们又聚在一起吃,所以节后中国就会出现很多减肥广告……(沪江小编:写这东西的老外看就知道被骗了。这是哪家的规矩……不过没事,大家随机应变、等见了老外把真正的中国习俗告诉他们吧。)

包子的简单英文介绍 篇3

Bun is a food with a long history.There are various legends about its origins.One of the most well-known is: Buns are dedicated to the God as a sacrifice instead of human’s skull.The shape of buns looks like a flat hemispherical.It has a flat bottom and a curved top.A small pit which looks like a navel locates in the middle of the top of the buns, several folds evenly distributed around the navel.These traces are made by chef’s handwork.Excellent cook, not only focus on the buns taste, but also pay continuous attention to the beautiful appearance of the buns, even the number and the location of these folds.The different buns contain different stuffing.For example, red bean paste, vegetables, pork, beefs.So their tastes are different.Generally delicious buns should have a light skin with the smell of flour.The fillings should highlight the characteristics of the ingredients.The vegetables will add a little the lard to increase flavor, but the lard shouldn’t destroy the vegetables’ property of sweet and crisp.The meat should balance the proportion of fat and lean meat, to keep the fresh and tender and avoid greasy.The bean paste must control the sugar content in order to avoid too sweet.Buns are usual food, not something to eat just for a specific holidays or occasion.In fact, if you like, you could eat them every day, every meal.Chinese people usually eat buns, drink tea or soy milk for breakfast, just as the picture shows, or have supper with buns, porridge, and other simple dishes.Besides, people also can carry around some buns to satisfy their hunger in time.

销售英文自我介绍的 篇4

Morning/afternoon professor, I am Wang Jing, I was graduated from Nan Kai University as a computer/network major in year 2004. After graduation I worked in internet operation area, I once participated in the planning and setting of “B2B electronic-business flat”; and I introduced the “e-money system” into that flat successfully in order to combine the operation” and “function” perfectly.

In year 2005 I joined in the China MBA Education Net and I was honored to attend the Sixth Chinese MBA Develop Forum which was held by Nan Kai University. I leaded my team to broadcast the whole process lively in the internet, and that was the first and most successful example in the on line propaganda area. Later because of my excellent performance I was promoted as the district operation manager and being sent to Guangzhou to build up the South Operation Center.

But frankly saying I met a lot of problems during working. The internet industry is not a new growing one anymore; however everything is changing all the time due to its own characteristic. All of them confused me when I was making decision, managing the target and also planning. I can’t overcome them basing on my current knowledge background. So I am looking forward to get an opportunity to learn more from a Commercial college who can provide me the real help, I think Nan Kai is the best choice. So I please every professor here to give me a chance to be a member of Nan Kai and I hope I could give Nan Kai a good feedback. Thank you!

小学英文的自我介绍 篇5

hello !!! boys and grils

my name is forest , i 12 old , my is girl .my family have a three people .my is youngest than other two and i is oldest of the tow.my father and my monther very love me,i love them too.i at my family very happily. i love my family very much, and you?

i have a big eyes and a big mouth . i have a short between hair.

i have a lot of hobbies ,for example : ilike play football , basketball , badminton , table tennis , i like draw a paintings, watercolours and landscapes,i like is it .and you?

now, i in a six grade. i like chinese class very much, it very fun ,i love go chinese class. my best like p.e. it very happy. and you?

my dream is to be a computer engineer when i grow up, because i very like playing computers. and you?

i study very hard , i very like study .

卡拉库里湖导游词 篇6



面试用的英文自我介绍 篇7

Good afternoon,honorable professors, I am very glad to have this opportunity of attending the final test, and I would

appreciate it much more if I am lucky enough to get the admission of enrolling in the graduate school.First of all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is.., I graduated from....universtiy in 2004.During my university years, I studied very hard,and successfuly passed the band 4 and band eight 8 test for english major with both certificates awarded.Besides, I was chosen to participate in the CCTV english speech contest getting the third prize in the end.After my graduation, I worked in the affiliated senior high school of this university as an english teacher and also a staff member in the school’s foreign affairs office,in charge of the employing of foreign teachers.Three years later, I went to...city landing a job in the No.11 middle school working as senior high school english teacher again.And last year, I resigned my job, cooperated with my friend to start a tutorial class center.And these are what happended to me from my graduation until now.Well, fast-forward time fled as if in a split second before I know it.It is already 7 years since my graduation.I am already 30 years old,with no time left for me to try again.So it is the last chance for me to become a post graduate students in my life.If I could be successful, I swear I would make the best of the opportunity of getting further education to fufill my longcherished dreams.Thank you, honorable professors

关于外企的英文自我介绍 篇8


I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China.With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D.graduate program.Education background

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology(NUST)--widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools.During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.I was granted First Class Prize every semester, and my overall GPA(89.5/100)ranked No.1 among 113 students.In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0)ranked top 5% in the department.In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only.This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in Prof.Wang’s lab.With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST.In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.In 1999, I joined the distinguished Professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research.Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design.My duty was to pick up the

useful information among different kinds of gene matching format.Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms, I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm--Multi-population Genetic Algorithm.By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations.It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too.In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant.The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances.To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based on hybrid Petri Nets.The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale.I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea.Recently, I am doing research in the Composite Predict of the Electrical Power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel.I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite Predictive Problem.This project is now under construction.Besides, In July 2000, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference(ASCC)which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation.In my senior year, I met Prof.Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research.These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.I hope to study in depth

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D.program.My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research(especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.Please give my application materials a serious consideration.Thank you very much。

公司的英文介绍信 篇9

to whom it may concern:

had i been given the choice, i would not have laid sco

tt off. but it was not my decision to make. xyz decided to withdraw from the pc market, balance expenses with the anticipated reduction in sales revenue, and hire a consulting firm to

evaluate long-term staffing needs. as a result, xyz drastically reduced the size of its workforce by dissolving the entire pc division, including the technical training

department. unfortunately, this major reorganization left no other position open for scott. we regretfully had to let him go.

scott is a conscientious, highly skilled technical instructor, worthy of at least a senior management position. he has keen insight into the learning process, and is an expert in needs analysis, project management, course development, and classroom instruction. scotts in-depth product knowledge, unique instructional techniques, and excellent people skills have consistently received rave reviews from his students. should conditions at xyz change i wouldnt hesitate to hire him back. if you would like to speak to me about scotts skills, talents and work habits, feel free to call (123) 555-0002 or page me by dialing (123) 555-0003.


mary doe

vice president, technical services


销售面试的英文自我介绍 篇10

My name is ______, this year ____ age, record of formal schooling is college, I studied the electronic commerce at university, I like reading books and Internet browsing information, lively, cheerful personality, good at communicating with people, also can care about the people and things around, and relatives and friends get along, can do understand and forgive, compressive ability strong, positive life attitude, I have confidence in life. __ __, I have been in the company has successively worked in different jobs, I started to work in the __ __, then __ __, because the company needs to have certain e__perience, on the job to make some progress, but also received the recognition from the company.

Through years of work I learned a lot of knowledge, but also cultivate my perseverance will and an indomitable spirit, that I can work in constantly to overcome difficulties and aggressive. I can quickly adapt to the companys each work, strong learning ability, leading to my task I can finish quickly. Join the sales staff is a strong desire of me over the years, at the same time I realize that the relationship between work and is established on the basis of self-awareness, and I feel my work enthusiasm has not been aroused to the highest, I love my job, but everyone is constantly seeking to obtain better results, my self-awareness, make me feel the sales staff is a right choice, it strengthened my confidence and determination to sales.

Since entering society, I already know how to do sales job well, bring to the company profits, make themselves not only in terms of material gain, more important is the choice of my life because I and wonderful.

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