


元宵节脑筋急转弯猜谜 篇1


养过电子鸡和 的人,会有什么感受?
































































笑话猜谜急转弯及答案 篇2

2. 王辅导一向心直口快,什么事竟然会让他突然变得吞吞吐吐起来?答案:他在吃甘蔗

3. 波霸参加公尺赛跑,一路领先的波霸不慎摔了一大跤却还能得第一名,为什么?答案:因为其它人都被陷到坑里了

4. 生性巴结的陈连长特别在师长儿子生日那天准备了一份礼物送师长的儿子,为什么师长的儿子一脚就把礼物给踢开了呢?答案:那礼物是一只足球

5. 新兵阿国:“报告班长!我的豆浆里有一只苍蝇。”为什么班长却若无其事的告诉他放心喝,没有问题的?答案:因为馒头里的蜘蛛会把苍蝇

6. 婴儿的屁股上为什么都有青色的胎记?答案:死赖着不肯投胎

7. 夜里迟归的丈夫,不小心惊醒“恰北北”的太太,可以用什么方法脱困?答案:假装梦游

8. 一个胖子和一个瘦子一起跳楼,谁先到达地面?答案:围观的群众

9. 龟兔赛跑总是龟赢,兔子应该坚持比哪一项目,才能赢得了乌龟?答案:仰卧起做

难忘的元宵猜谜优秀作文400字 篇3





脑筋急转弯 篇4

1、有对一模一样的双胞胎兄弟,哥哥的屁股有黑痣,而弟弟没有。但即使这对双胞胎穿着相同的服饰,仍然有人可立刻知道谁是哥哥,谁是弟弟。究竟是谁呢? 答案:他们自己

2、医生给了你三颗药丸要你每半个小时吃一颗请问吃完需要多长时间 答案:一个小时

3、后脑勺受伤的人怎样睡觉? 答案:闭着眼睛睡觉

4、圣 诞 夜,圣 诞 老 公 公 放 进 袜 子 的 第 一 件 东 西 是 什 么 ? 答案:脚





7、什么人是人们说时很崇拜,但却不想见到 答案:上帝

8、你有一艘船,船上有十五位船员,六十位乘客,三百吨货物。你能根据上面的提示,算出船主的年龄吗 答案:你就是船主年龄还需要算吗?

9、什么地方物品售价愈高,客人愈高兴? 答案:当铺

10、—大多数人是用左手端碗,右手吃饭,对吧? 答案:那要嘴巴干什么

11、萝卜喝醉了,会变成什么? 答案:红萝卜

12、要形容女孩子好看,说什么话她最高兴? 答案:谎话

13、最后冒出来的牙齿是哪一颗? 【答案:假牙】


15、一个警察有个弟弟,但弟弟却否认有个哥哥,为什么? 【答案:因为那个警察是个女的。】

16、什么桥下没水? 【答案:立交桥】

17、什么门永远关不上? 【答案:球门】


19、你能做,我能做,大家都做;一个人能做,两个人不能一起做。这是做什么? 答案:做梦

20、哪一个月有二十八天? 答案:每个月都有28天

21、什么路最窄? 答案:冤家路窄

22、一个人从飞机上掉下来,为什么没摔死呢? 答案:飞机停在地上

23、一位卡车司机撞倒一个骑摩托车的人,卡车司机受重伤,摩托车骑士却没事,为什么? 答案:卡车司机当时没开车

24、汽车在右转弯时,哪只轮胎不转? 答案:备用胎

25、一个人空肚子最多能吃几个鸡蛋? 答案:一个。因为吃了一个后就不是空肚子了

26、四个人在一间小屋里打麻将(没有其他人在看着),这时警察来了,四个人都跑了,可是警察到了屋里又抓到一个人,为什么? 答案:四个人在屋里打一个叫“麻将”的人,警察抓到的是他

27、一头牛,向北走10米,再向西走10米,再向南走10米,倒退右转,问牛的尾巴朝哪儿? 答案:朝地

28、什么字全世界通用? 答案:阿拉伯数字

29、什么时候看到的月亮最大? 答案:登上月球时

30、超人和蝙蝠侠有什么不同? 答案:一个内裤穿里面,一个穿外面


















48、老人梅友并到医院去做检查,结果医生告诉他说要看开一点,请问他得了什么病?答案: 豆鸡眼

49、如果有一台车,小明是司机,小华坐在他右边,小花坐在他后面,请问这台车是谁的呢? 答案:“如果”的

脑筋急转弯 篇5

2. 你知道什么东西天气越热,它爬得越高? 答案:温度计

3. 为什么台湾的刘小姐坚持结婚以后不冠夫姓? 答案:他的未婚夫姓夏

4. 聪颖快捷。(打一拉丁美洲国家名) 答案:智力

5. 瞎子为何夜路点灯? 答案:为了使别人不撞到自己

6. 瞎子吃奶打一种水果 答案:芒果

7. 千田连土土连田(猜一字)? 答案:重

8. 放大镜不能放大的东西是什么? 答案:任何东西

9. 一横一横又一横,一竖一竖又一竖,左一竖右一竖,一竖一竖又一竖。(打一字) 答案:带

10. 火车由北京到上海需要六个小时,行驶三个小时后,火车在哪? 答案:铁轨上。

11. 什么情况下一山可以容二虎? 答案:老虎是一公一母

12. 什么鸡没有翅膀? 答案:田鸡

13. 梳箅难上头,虱虮难留,光溜溜,憎亮,球(打一东东)? 答案:秃子

14. 比乌鸦跟讨厌的是什么 答案:乌鸦嘴

15. 什么事天不知地知,你不知我知 答案:鞋底破了一个洞

16. 打什么不费力啊? 答案:打磕睡

17. 为什么大象只有一只右耳朵? 答案:每只大象都有一只右耳朵

18. 何种动物最接近于人类 答案:寄生在人身体上的寄生虫

19. 家在北京的老王想去上海,要花多少钱? 答案:只是想,不用花钱

搞笑脑筋急转弯 篇6


有个人不是官,却负责全公司职工干部上上下下的工作。这个人是干什么的? 查看答案 答案 : 开电梯的分享


查看答案 答案 : 放个屁给它闻(捂鼻子是手,其它都是脚)



查看答案 答案 : 是往屋里跳



查看答案 答案 : 后面的草都吃没了



查看答案 答案 : 看不见了



查看答案 答案 : 内裤



查看答案 答案 : 腿长了,生下的蛋会被子摔破



查看答案 答案 : 装冰就可以了。



查看答案 答案 : 基巴关系



查看答案 答案 : 的后面是什么?


“蛀牙、烂萝卜、孕妇”三者的共同点是什么? 查看答案 答案 : 拔得太慢 ,都是虫子惹的祸


怎样花20元哄女友开心? 查看答案 答案 : 买盒杜蕾丝,和她用完



查看答案 答案 : 乌鸦也要混文凭


和男友一起租的房子,怎么样才能不付房租? 查看答案 答案 : 一B勾销



查看答案 答案 : 边拉边吃,吃的正好等于拉的分享

一个人的父亲是废人 母亲是超人 那他是什么人?

查看答案 答案 : 超级废人


熊掌和鱼什么时候才能兼得? 查看答案 答案 : 在饭店里



查看答案 答案 : 跷跷板



查看答案 答案 : 上游住着一群吊丝



英语脑筋急转弯 篇7

2.What’s Wrong with the Radio?

A young girl was listening to the radio.Suddenly it went off for a minute and then came back on again.There was nothing wrong with the radio or with the program transmission from the radio station转播台.She did not touch the radio controls按钮.Why did it go off and on?(The girl was listening to the radio in her father’s car.The car drove through a tunnel and reception was temporarily interrupted.)

3.The Man in the Bar A man walked into a bar and asked the barman for a glass of water.They had never met before.The barman pulled a gun from under the counter and pointed it at the man.The man said “Thank you” and walked out.Why should that be so?(The man had hiccups打嗝.The barman recognized this from his speech and drew the gun to give the man a shock.It worked and cured the hiccups, so the man was grateful(and no longer needed the water.)

4.The Last Message 遗言

A man was found shot dead in his study.He was slumped over his desk and a gun was in his hand.There was a cassette recorder on his desk.When the police entered the room and pressed the play button on the tape recorder they heard, “I can’t go on.I have nothing to live for毫无牵挂.”Then there was the sound of a gunshot.How did the detective immediately know that the man had been murdered?(The cassette had started at the beginning of the man’s utterance.Who could have rewound it?)

5.Playing Tennis Two men were playing tennis.They played five sets and each man won three sets.How did they do this?(The two men were partners playing doubles.)

6.Growing Younger

Ben was 20 years old in 1980 but only 15 years old in 1985.How come?(Ben was born in the year 2000B.C.So in 1985 B.C.he was 15 and in 1980B.C.he was 20.7.Fishing Rod James ordered a fishing rod, priced at $3.56.Unfortunately, James is an Eskimo who lives in a very remote part of Greenland and the import rules there forbid any package longer than 4 feet to be imported.The fishing rod was 4 feet and 1 inch, just a little too long, so how can the fishing rod

be mailed to James without breaking the rules? Ideally 完美主义者James would like the fishing rod to arrive in one piece!(Insert the fishing rod into a box which measures 4 feet on all sides, the fishing rod will fit within the diagonal 对角线 of the box with room to spare.)

8.Letter and Square位置

Here is a word, it goes like this.The letter M comes before B.E is before R and after B.U is after N.B is in the No.four square before E.Do you know the word?(Number)

9.Days of the Week Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday or Sunday?(Yesterday, today, tomorrow)

10.Invisible apple There are 20 people in an empty square room.Each person has full sight of the entire room and everyone in it without turning his head or body or moving in any way(other than eyes.)Where can you place an apple so that all but one person can see it?(Place the apple on one person’s head.)

11.Ancient Invention There is an ancient invention still used in many parts of the world today that allows people so see through walls.What is it?(window)

12.Look at the Photo A man remembered the question he once pursued, when he looked at the photo and sighed, “Neither brothers nor sisters I have, but the father of this man was the son of my father.” Who was the person in the photo?(The man on the photo was his son.)

13.How Many People

On the way to the bank, Mr.Green met three of his friends.Each of them had his wife with him and each of the ladies had two babies in her arms… How many people are going to the bank?(Only Mr.Green, the other people may not be going to the bank.)

14.How to New York?

It usually takes a man two days to travel from San Francisco to New York by car.But Mr.Black left San Francisco on Friday and arrives on the same Friday.How could he do it?(He took a plane.)Keep from Drowning

Imagine you’re about to take a bath in a sound proof bathroom.There are no windows.There’s only one door, and it locks automatically from outside when shut.You shut the door, turn on the water in the bathtub.Suddenly you discover something wrong with the faucets.(水龙头)You can’t turn off the water!What to do? If you call for help no one will hear you because of the soundproof walls.You can’t get out because the door is locked from the outside.How can you keep from drowning?(Pull out of the stopper of the drain.拔排水孔的塞子)

16.The Blood on the Roof

Tissue dropped in with his friend, Jack, to find him sleeping on the couch with the TV turned on.He saw fresh blood on the ceiling above his head, and checked with Jack(after waking him)to make sure everything was OK.Everything was, indeed, fine.Why was Jack’s blood on the ceiling, but nowhere else?(Jack had swatted a mosquito that had bitten him while he attempted to get some sleep.)

17.A Doctor and a Bus Driver

A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah.The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week.Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples.Why?(An apple a day keeps the doctor away!)

18.The Dirt in Hole

How much dirt is in a round hole that is 9 feet deep with a diameter of a3 feet?

Hint: You don’t have to do any math to get the answer.Just use your head!(None.You make a hole by digging out the dirt, so the hole is empty.)

19.The Girl in One-way Street A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn’t break the law.How come?(She was walking.)

20.Death in a Field A man is lying dead in a field.Next to him is an unopened package.There is no other creature in the field.How did he die?(The man had jumped from a place, but his parachute had failed to open.It was the unopened package by his side.)

21.The Goal, Carrot and Scarf

Five pieces of coal, a carrot, and a scarf are lying on the lawn.Nobody put them on the lawn, but there is a perfectly logical reason for their being there.What is it?(They were used by children who made a snowman.The snow has now melted.)

22.The Magician and Children

A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water.His record was 6 minutes.A kid that was listening said, “That’s nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!” The magician told the kid if he could do that, he’d give him $10000.The kid did it and won the money.Can you figure out how?(The kid filled a glass of water and held it over his head for 10 minutes.)

23Electric Trains

An electric train is traveling northwest at 95 miles per hour, and the wind is blowing southwest at 95 miles per hour.In which direction does the smoke blow?(There isn’t any smoke.It’s an electric train.)

24.A House in Forest Hiking in the mountains, you walk past a large field and camp a few miles farther on, at a stream.It snows in the night, and the next day you find a cabin in the field with two dead bodies inside.What happened? Variant wording: A cabin, on the side of a mountain, locked from the inside, is opened, and 30 people are found dead inside.They had plenty of food and water.What happened?(It’s the cabin of an airplane that crashed there because of the snowstorm.)小屋就是飞机的机舱。

25.The Ball Flies Back

How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if doesn’t hit anything, there is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it?(Throw the ball straight up in the air.)

26.The Blind Buys Sunglasses

There’s a mute who wants to buy a toothbrush.By imitating the action of brushing one’s teeth, he successfully expresses himself to the shopkeeper and the purchase is done.Now, if there’s a blind man who wishes to buy a pair of sunglasses, how should he express himself?(He opens his mouth and says: “I would like to buy a pair of sunglasses.”)

27.A Coin in Bottle

If you put a coin in an empty bottle and insert and a cork into the neck of the bottle, how could you remove the coin without taking the cork out or breaking the bottle?(Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out.)

28.The Fugitive in Theatre 剧场里的通缉犯

A man was on the run from the police.He was relaxing, watching a play in a crowded theatre.Suddenly he noticed that detectives were closing in on him from all directions and were covering

all exits.But finally, he did manage to escape from it.How did he escape?(The fugitive leapt up and shouted, “Fire, fire.” Pandemonium broke out and the audience all rushed for the exits.He easily escaped in the confusion.)

29.A Dog Was Crossing River

Jake was standing on one side of the river, and his dog Scruffy was standing on the other side.“Come on, Scruffy!Come, boy!” shouted Jake.Scruffy crossed the river, ran to Jake, and got a treat for a good dog.The amazing thing was that Scruffy didn’t even get wet!

How did Scruffy do that?

30.Go To the Movies with Friends

If you go to the movies and you’re paying this, is it cheaper to take one friend to the movies twice, or two friends to the movies at the same time?(It’s cheaper to take two friends at the same time.In this case, you would only be buying three tickets, whereas if you take the same friend twice you are buying four tickets.)

31.The Height of Tree

A tree doubled in height each year until it reached its maximum height over the course of ten years.How many years did it take for the tree to reach half its maximum height?(9 years)

32.Weightlifting Bird举重的鸟

What bird can lift the heaviest weight?(crane)

33.The Longest Word in the English What is the longest word in the English language?(Smiles.There is a mile between the first letter and the last letter.)

34.Name 1.What do you call a fish with no eyes? 2.What do you call a deer with no eyes? 3.What do you call a deer with no eyes or legs?(1.fsh

2.No idea.3.Still no diea.35.What word? There is a common English word that in nine letters long.Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains an English word-----from nine letters right down to single letter.What is the original word and what are the words that it becomes after removing one letter at a time?(The base word is Startling—starting---staring----string---sting---sing----sin----in---I.36.20 and 22 Why is 2 times 10 the same as 2 times 11?(乘以)(Because 2 times 10 is twenty and 2 times 11 is twenty-two.(twenty, too.)

37.A Word of Three Letters I know a word of three letters, add two and fewer there will be?(fewer)

38.Family Sport Three brothers share a family sport: A non-stop marathon.The oldest one is fat the short;And trudges slowly on;The middle brother’s tall and slim;And keeps a steady pace;The youngest runs just like the wind;Speeding through the race.“He’s young in years, we let him run,” The other brothers say, “Cause though he’s surely number one.He’s second, in a way.” Why?(The hands on a clock hour, minute, and second.)

39.Below the Shining Moon 沐浴在月光之下

Down below the shining moon.Around the trees, a sacred gloom, Running with the midnight sky, Knowing the thing that makes you cry, Night is full with my essence, Eternal light betrays my presence, Soaring through my endless task, Shadows are my faithful mask, Who am I ? 我沐浴在月光之下,一种神圣的阴霾的笼罩着树林,我与午夜的天空赛跑,我知道让你哭喊的事物,黑夜中,我无处不在,而永久的光明忽视了我的存在,我在没有尽头的任务中翱翔,影子是我忠实的面具,你能猜到我是什么吗?(darkness)

40.Never Get Me Back I can run swiftly and silently when you want me to stay still, I can move slowly and cautiously and am yours to fill.You look at me often and yet you always forget me, I am the most feared killer, yet you can’t live without me.Sometimes you have me for all to spare, Yet when you need me, I am not there.You can waste me, or cherish me, you choose the track, But once you’re done you can never get me back.Who am I? 当你想要我停留的时候,我静静地飞快流逝; 如果你想把我填满,我走得又很缓慢二谨慎。你经常看见我,却有总是忘记我。



41.I am Slim and Tall I am slim and tall, Many find me desirable and appealing.很有吸引力

They touch me and I give a false good feeling.虚幻的美妙感觉 Once I shine in splendor,But only once and then no more.For many I am “to die for”.他们会为我献身 What am i?(cigarette)

42.Some Houses There was a green house, Inside the green house there was a white house, Inside the red house there was a red house, Inside the red house there were lots of babies.What am I ?

搞笑脑筋急转弯 篇8

1、穿着普通的布鞋怎样才能在湖面上行走 等湖水结冰后。

2、什么比赛输的有奖品赢的却没有奖品 划拳喝酒。

3、人到世上看到的第一个人是谁 医生。

4、什么可以使人暴露无遗 镜子。

5、大宝可以在两个钟头内不眨眼睛他是怎么办到的 他睡着了。

6、吃了什么时候东西会眉飞色舞 辣椒。

7、谁一生受的压迫最重 骆驼它总是背着两座山。

8、每个人早上醒来做的第一件是什么 睁开眼睛。

9、什么时候人整天生活在屋顶上 藏族同胞因为他们生活在“世界屋脊”上。

10、世界上的人分为几种 两种男人和女人。


12、有个地方能进不能出请问这是什么地方 坟墓。

13、有个字我们每个人都要念错那是什么字 “错”字

14、王老汉带着8只羊去集市上卖卖了20元钱回来时他又带回了8只羊为什么 他卖的是羊毛。

15、打开《康熙字典》你永远查不到的字是什么字 外国字。

16、世界上什么样的海最大 苦海因为苦海无边。

17、晚上不请自来白天不翼而飞的是什么 黑暗。

18、他并不富有却整天坐着汽车兜风并且口袋里装满了钱他是谁 公共汽车售票员。19、4个人围坐在桌子边玩儿牌没有其他人在场这4个人却全都输了这是为什么 他们都在各自玩儿电脑游戏。


21、有一种池长年没水这是什么池呢 电池。

22、小王走路从来脚不沾地这是为什么? 因为他穿着鞋。

23、大象和跳蚤最大的区别是什么 大像身上可能有跳蚤但跳蚤身上不可能有大象。

24、什么是大家都不想得到的 坏消息。

25、皮皮的成绩单上哪里个分数最高 总分。

26、看书看得津津有味时最怕发生什么事 接下来的部分被撕掉了。

27、珍珍为什么总保持一个跑步姿势而不改变呢 因为她的这个姿势拍成了照片儿。

28、一个病人去牙医那儿看牙。医生看完吃惊地说“你牙上好大一个洞啊你牙上好大一个洞啊”为什么医生要说两遍呢 因为牙上的洞太大产生了回音。

29、三个口叫“品”三个木叫“森”那么三个鬼叫什么 叫“救命”。30、米的妈妈是谁 花

32、一个东西明明属于你可别人用的次数比你还多你知道这个东西是什么吗 你自己的名字。

33、螃蟹和猴子比赛划拳为什么总是螃蟹输 因为螃蟹只会出剪子。

34、关于哪些星的知识小木知道的比天文学家知道的还多 娱乐圈的明星。

35、脸盆是用来洗脸的那什么盆是用来洗手的 金盆。因为有个成语叫“金盆洗手”。

36、三个人挤在一把伞下在街上走为什么没有一个人的衣服被淋湿 因为那天没有下雨。

37、什么花一年四季开不败 假花。

38、在船航行的过程中见到最多的是什么 水。

39、最知足的人是谁 鞋子设计师因为他们必须十分了解脚的结构。40、什么动物天天晚上睡不着觉 熊猫。它熬夜都熬出黑眼圈儿了。

41、什么人以牙还牙 牙医。

42、什么最能把握好分寸 裁缝。

43、最爱鞠躬和摇头的是谁 不倒翁。

44、读完大学需要多长时间 一秒钟。

45、什么地方没有明显的四季和昼夜长短变化 赤道。

46、虽然它从来不动但能上能下这是什么东西 是楼梯。

47、江河湖海有哪些不同 它们的右边不同。

48、一个人朝东站着另一个人朝西站着他们怎样才能看到彼此的脸 面对面站着就可以了。

49、为什么老鼠会打洞 因为它是地下工作者。

50、天生没有翅膀的鸡有什么鸡 田鸡青蛙的俗称。

51、什么东西即使闭着眼睛也能看见 梦。

52、什么火是看不见的 怒火。

53、什么东西能让最坚固的锁害怕 钥匙。

54、鱼缸里有5条金鱼死了5条还剩几条 还剩5条只不过是5条死鱼。

55、什么东西打起来既不费力气又会觉得很舒服 打瞌睡。

56、怎样才能让毛毛虫通过一条没有桥的河 变成蝴蝶飞过去。

57、中国国内有什么 有“玉”。

58、什么东西每个人都不想拥有 病。

幼儿脑筋急转弯 篇9

2. 考试时,小光全部都抄小明的,为什么小明得到一百分,小光却零分呢?答案:小光连名字都抄小明的

3. 永远都不用充电,却都显示满格的是什么?答案:萤火虫

4. 怎么用两个硬币遮住一面镜子?答案:把眼睛遮住

5. 为什么大象只有一只右耳朵?答案:每只大象都有一只右耳朵

6. 数字一到十兄弟中,谁最高,谁最矮?答案:三最高,二最矮(三长两短)

7. 哪一个月有二十八天?答案:每个月都有28天

8. 谁是兽中之王?答案:动物园园长

9. 一对健康夫妇,为什么生出只有一只右眼的婴儿?答案:每个人都只有一只右眼

10. 小明遇到了一个鬼,他不但不怕,还狠狠的鄙视了一下。为什么?答案:遇到小气鬼(活人)

11. 什么床不能睡?答案:牙床

12. 地球以外是什么?答案:宇宙

13. 馍馍的爸爸的妹妹是什么?答案:蘑菇(馍姑)

14. 哪几种动物最高?答案:猪,母狼,马蜂(珠慕朗玛峰)
