中国共产党章程第四章 篇1
第四章 党的地方组织
第二十五条 党的省、自治区、直辖市的代表大会,设区的市和自治州的代表大会,县(旗)、自治县、不设区的市和市辖区的代表大会,每五年举行一次。
第二十六条 党的地方各级代表大会的职权是:
(四)选举同级党的委员会,选举同级党的纪律检查委员会。第二十七条 党的省、自治区、直辖市、设区的市和自治州的委员会,每届任期五年。这些委员会的委员和候补委员必须有五年以上的党龄。
第二十八条 党的地方各级委员会全体会议,选举常务委员会和书记、副书记,并报上级党的委员会批准。党的地方各级委员会的常务委员会,在委员会全体会议闭会期间,行使委员会职权;在下届代表大会开会期间,继续主持经常工作,直到新的常务委员会产生为止。
第二十九条 党的地区委员会和相当于地区委员会的组织,是党的省、自治区委员会在几个县、自治县、市范围内派出的代表机关。它根据省、自治区委员会的授权,领导本地区的工作。
中国共产党章程第四章 篇2
3、绘画作品尺寸原则上不小于1.2×1.2m(含画框),不大于3.0×3.0m(含画框),单件作品重量原则上不超过30kg(含画框);雕塑类作品原则上最小尺寸为50×50×50cm,最大尺寸为200×200×200cm,单件作品重量原则上不能超过150 kg,各部分需衔接牢固,整体不褪色、不变形、质地结实。其他形式作品视具体情况另议,如有特殊要求,参展作者需提前与组委会联系。
电话:86-10-65919320 65865716 65014819 65919810
传真:86-10-65014819 65919810
中国人民对外友好协会章程 篇3
第二条 本会作为民间外交组织,代表中国人民在国际社会和世界各国广交深交朋友,奠定和扩大中国与世界各国友好关系的社会基础,为中国特色社会主义事业争取广泛的国际支持。
第三条 本会以增进人民友谊、推动国际合作、维护世界和平、促进共同发展为工作宗旨。
第四条 本会贯彻执行中国独立自主的和平外交政策,遵循和平共处五项原则,开展全方位、多层次、宽领域的民间友好工作,为实现中国的和平发展与和平统一大业服务,致力于全人類团结进步的事业,为建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而努力奋斗。
第二章 工作
第五条 开展中外民间友好交往,组织代表团互访,举办纪念庆典,倡议和主办研讨会、洽谈会、论坛等交流活动,增进与各国人民之间的相互了解,建立信任,发展友谊。
第六条 推动国际合作,建立交流机制,搭建合作平台,促进中外双方在经济、科技、人才等多领域的务实合作,为实现互利共赢、共同发展创造有利条件。
第七条 开展中外民间文化交流,派出和接待文化艺术团体和人士进行友好访问,举办演出和展览,促进中外文化互鉴,加深了解和友谊。
第八条 受政府委托,协调管理我国同外国建立和发展友好城市关系的工作,推动中外地方和城市的交流与合作。作为世界城市和地方政府联合组织的成员,代表中国地方政府参与国际合作。
第九条 作为在联合国经社理事会具有全面咨商地位的非政府组织,广泛参与联合国的事务,积极参加其他国际非政府组织的交流活动,有效传递中国的信息。
第十条 发展中外民间友好力量,建立对不同地区和国家的友协团体,联系各国对华友好人士、组织和社会团体,向为民间友好作出重要贡献的组织和人士,分别授予“人民友好使者”荣誉称号、“人民友谊贡献奖”、中外两国友好使者荣誉称号和中外两国友好贡献奖。
第十一条 致力于维护世界和平、人类共同安全的事业,声援各国人民争取国家发展、社会进步、维护主权和安全的正义斗争。
第十二条 开展其他有关中国人民同各国人民友好合作的工作。
第十三条 本会实行单位会员和个人会员相结合的制度。
第十四条 国家各有关部门、社会团体、友协团体,以及各省、自治区、直辖市和所属城市的对外友好协会可以成为本会单位会员。各会员单位推举代表担任本会单位理事。如代表的工作岗位发生变动,会员单位应该另行推举代表,并报全国友协常务理事会审批。
第十五条 本会可聘请社会知名人士担任特邀理事,特邀理事即为本会个人会员。
第十六条 本会单位会员代表和个人会员须遵守宪法和法律,对触犯刑法的,自动撤销其理事资格。
第十七条 本会会员应该遵守本会章程,为实现本会宗旨而承担一定工作,积极参加本会组织的民间外交活动,并有权享受本会提供的在国际交往方面的服务。
第四章 机构
第十八条 本会最高权力机构是全国理事会,每届任期五年,除任期开始时召开一次全体会议外,届中至少还应再召开一次。
第十九条 全国理事会的组成应注意广泛性和代表性,由上一届理事会与社会各界协商决定。
第二十条 全国理事会的职权:
第二十一条 会长、副会长和秘书长组成常务理事会,主持本会日常工作并负责向全国理事会报告工作。常务理事会可决定组成人员的个别调整,但必须经下一次全国理事会追认。常务理事会可决定设副秘书长若干人,并建立必要的办事机构。根据需要,常务理事会可决定临时召集全国理事会会议。
第二十二条 各省、自治区、直辖市及所属的市、区、县,可以根据需要建立相应的对外友好协会。作为相应级别的人民团体,各省、自治区、直辖市以及市、区、县对外友协在业务工作上接受上一级对外友协的指导。
第五章 经费
第二十三条 本会经费来源:
第六章 会徽
第二十四条 本会会徽由梅花图案和文字“友好”、“中国人民对外友好协会”、“CPAFFC”组成。会徽可在办公地点、活动场所、会议会场悬挂,在出版物和纪念品上印制,也可制成徽章佩戴。
第七章 附则
第二十五条 本会会址设在北京。
第二十六条 本章程经全国理事会会议通过后生效。
中国共产党章程 篇4
2010-03-28 02:20:12|分类: |标签: |字号大中小 订阅中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会对《中国共产党党章》进行了新的修改。新党章集中体现党的理论和路线方针政策以及党的重要主张,规定党内的重要制度和体制机制,对推进党的工作、加强党的建设具有根本性的规范和指导作用。党的十七大根据形势和任务的发展变化对党章进行适当修改,有利于全党更好地学习和遵守党章,更好地把中国特色社会主义伟大事业和党的建设新的伟大工程推向前进。要坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,体现科学发展观等党的十六大以来党中央提出的重大战略思想,把党的十七大报告确立的重大理论观点、重大战略思想、重大工作部署写入党章,努力使党章充分体现马克思主义中国化最新成果,适应新形势新任务对推进党的工
自学中国共产党章程心得 篇5
(2009-04-21 20:29:08)
中国共产党章程学习心得 篇6
共产党员要树立共产主义的远大理想和共产主义信念,仅凭一时的激情和对理想社会的向往与追求是 远远不够的,必须建立在对人类社会发展规律的科学认识的基础上,这就要求我们每个共产党员要自觉地认真地学习马克思列宁主义,毛泽东思想,学习邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义的理论和实践,并用之指导自己实事求是地看待中国和世界的现实,看待我国社会主义革命和社会主义建设的伟大成就及存在的困难和不足,实事求是地看待资本主义社会的现象及本质,认清社会发展的必然趋势,澄清糊涂观念,正确认识和深刻理解资本主义必然灭亡,社会主义、共产主义必然胜利的客观规律,以此为指导,积极参加推进人类进步的伟大实践,投身各项改革的过程之中,不断完善、丰富、深化、充实自己的思想认识,只有这样才能逐步坚定共产主义信念,并为之而奋斗,那种既不认真进行理论学习,又不主动参与社会改革实践,坐而论道,空发理论的态度是不可取的,这样的共产党员,要坚定共产主义信念也是空的,假的
“中国第四桶油”向上突围 篇7
9月14日, 北京嘉里中心酒店, 汉地润滑科技 (中国) 有限公司 (以下简称“汉地公司”) 一举发布了14款新品, 涵盖氢劲、氢龙系列11款车用润滑油, 3款防冻液, 宣告了汉地公司正式进军国内润滑油市场。
中国是润滑油生产和消费大国, 但由于技术上的局限性与资源的不稳定性, 造成了国内低端润滑油产能过剩、而高端润滑油又严重依赖国际品牌的失衡状况。
润滑油是工业的血液。汉地集团董事局主席吴汉陵感慨地回忆道, 多年前, 一位业界资深人士告诉他:想要生产优质的润滑油, 就必须用好的基础油。想要在润滑油技术上实现突破与创新, 仅仅从下游的润滑油做起是不够的, 必须在上游就拥有先进的基础油炼制技术。有了高品质的基础油, 才能调制出高端的润滑油产品, 才能为我们的民族工业输送健康而高品质的血液。
这些话让吴汉陵思索良久。他决定, 汉地将从“零”开始。
2006年, 汉地集团就在海南省洋浦经济开发区注册成立了海南汉地阳光石油化工有限公司。这是一座具备国际先进水平, 年产30万吨的基础油工厂。
2007年, 汉地公司开始建设年加工能力为30万吨的特种油品项目, 建有:加氢异构补充精制单元、常减压分馏单元、公用工程系统和12万立储罐及码头、装车站台等配套系统, 项目于2009年10月建成投产, 主要产品为基础油、白油以及变压器油等各类特种油品。
该项目采用了国际上先进的高压加氢技术, 配置国际上最先进的催化剂。其技术特点是, 利用贵金属催化剂做为反应催化载体, 在高压临氢环境下进行各类反应, 以彻底提高产品质量指标;整套装置使用先进的DCS (集散控制) 、ESD (联锁保护) 系统以确保装置运行安全可靠;采用减压精密分馏技术, 能根据市场需要加工出各种牌号的基础油产品, 各项指标均能满足API-Ⅱ类润滑油基础油质量标准, 具有无色透明、低倾点、高粘指、优良的低温流动性能以及较好的蒸发损失率等特点;同时因为产品中的硫、氮及芳烃含量极低, 也是无污染、无排放、对人体无害的环保型产品。产品技术卓越、性能稳定, 不仅能为汉地润滑油提供原料, 同时也是中石化长城、中石油昆仑、壳牌统一、道达尔、福斯、BP、路博润、马石油等国内外知名品牌润滑油的原料供应商, 被业界同仁誉为“中国第四桶油”。
为保证产品质量, 公司成立了质量管理部门, 下设专门的化验中心。制定了严密的质量管理控制程序, 建立了ISO9000质量管理体系, 从原料的采购、生产方案的制定、装置运行、成品的出厂检测, 进行全方位监控。与此同时, 汉地也深知-技术创新就是企业的生命力, 为此2011年公司成立了研发中心, 配置了先进的实验器材和优秀的研发团队, 目前已开发出多项专利技术及新产品, 其中包括专门为汉地润滑油开发的氢纯技术, 该技术能有效提升基础油关键性能指标, 大幅提高润滑油产品的核心竞争力。
汉地在基础油领域取得的成功, 并没有让汉地人忘记打造中国高端润滑油品牌的初心。汉地志在形成一个完整而强大的自有产业链。
2015年初, 汉地集团依托强大上游资源和高端前沿技术, 与国际一流添加剂公司 (雪佛龙、润英联、路博润、雅富顿) 深度合作, 先后成立了汉地公司和汉地润滑科技 (太仓) 有限公司, 并在江苏太仓筹建了年产量达50万吨的高端成品润滑油生产基地及全球研发中心。建成后的汉地润滑油, 将成为国内最大的高端成品润滑油生产研发基地。
为实现“做稳、做精、做大、做强”的战略发展目标, 汉地集团将进一步扩大基础油生产装置规模, 全面提升产品质量, 在洋浦再建一套以生产高档特种油品为主的联合生产装置, 该项目选用UOP和埃克森美孚技术, 2017年年底建成投产, 投产后集团在洋浦的基础油生产基地总占地面积达668亩, 累计投资达45亿元人民币, 每年能生产各类特种油品100万吨, 其中, Ⅲ类和II类+高档润滑油基础油近80万吨, 能充分满足汉地润滑油的原料需求。
中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆 篇8
小组自学《中国共产党章程》心得 篇9
中国共产党章程 英文版 篇10
(Amended and adopted at the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China on October 21, 2007)
General Program
The Communist Party of China is the vanguard both of the Chinese working class and of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.It is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics and represents the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China’s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.The realization of communism is the highest ideal and ultimate goal of the Party.The Communist Party of China takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as its guide to action.Marxism-Leninism brings to light the laws governing the development of the history of human society.Its basic tenets are correct and have tremendous vitality.The highest ideal of communism pursued by the Chinese Communists can be realized only when the socialist society is fully developed and highly advanced.The development and improvement of the socialist system is a long historical process.So long as the Chinese Communists uphold the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism and follow the road suited to China’s specific conditions and chosen by the Chinese people of their own accord, the socialist cause in China will be crowned with final victory.The Chinese Communists, with Comrade Mao Zedong as their chief representative, created Mao Zedong Thought by integrating the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution.Mao Zedong Thought is Marxism-Leninism applied and developed in China;it consists of a body of theoretical principles concerning the revolution and construction in China and a summary of experience therein, both of which have been proved correct by practice;and it represents the crystallized, collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China.Under the guidance of Mao Zedong Thought, the Communist Party of China led the
people of all ethnic groups in the country in their prolonged revolutionary struggle against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, winning victory in the new-democratic revolution and founding the People’s Republic of China, a people’s democratic dictatorship.After the founding of the People’s Republic, it led them in carrying out socialist transformation successfully, completing the transition from New Democracy to socialism, establishing the basic system of socialism and developing socialism economically, politically and culturally.After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Central Committee, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as their chief representative, analyzed their experience, both positive and negative, gained since the founding of the People’s Republic, emancipated their minds, sought truth from facts, shifted the focus of the work of the whole Party onto economic development and carried out reform and opening to the outside world, ushering in a new era of development in the cause of socialism, gradually formulating the line, principles and policies concerning the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics and expounding the basic questions concerning the building, consolidation and development of socialism in China, and thus creating Deng Xiaoping Theory.Deng Xiaoping Theory is the outcome of the integration of the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism with the practice of contemporary China and the features of the times, a continuation and development of Mao Zedong Thought under new historical conditions;it represents a new stage of development of Marxism in China, it is Marxism of contemporary China and it is the crystallized, collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China.It is guiding the socialist modernization of China from victory to victory.After the Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Party Central Committee and in the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Communists, with Comrade Jiang Zemin as their chief representative, acquired a deeper understanding of what socialism is, how to build it and what kind of party to build and how to build it, accumulated new valuable experience in running the Party and state and formed the important thought of Three Represents.The important thought of Three Represents is a continuation and development of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory;it reflects new requirements for the work of the Party and state arising from the developments and changes in China and other parts of the world today;it serves as a powerful theoretical weapon for strengthening and improving Party building and for promoting self-improvement and
development of socialism in China;and it is the crystallized, collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China.It is a guiding ideology that the Party must uphold for a long time to come.Persistent implementation of the Three Represents is the foundation for building the Party, the cornerstone for its governance and the source of its strength.Since the Sixteenth National Congress, the Central Committee of the Party has followed the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and, by pooling the wisdom of the whole Party to meet new requirements of development, formulated the Scientific Outlook on Development, which puts people first and calls for comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development.The outlook is a scientific theory that is in the same line as Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents and keeps up with the times.It is an important guiding principle for China’s economic and social development and a major strategic thought that must be upheld and applied in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.The fundamental reason behind all of China’s achievements and progress since the reform and opening up policy was introduced is, in the final analysis, that the Party has blazed a path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and established a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.All Party members must cherish the path and the system that the Party explored and created after going through all the hardships, keep to the path and uphold the system for a long time to come and constantly develop them.They must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics and strive to fulfill the three historical tasks of advancing the modernization drive, achieving national reunification, and safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.China is in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come.This is a historical stage which cannot be skipped in socialist modernization in China which is backward economically and culturally.It will last for over a hundred years.In socialist construction the Party must proceed from China’s specific conditions and take the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.At the present stage, the principal contradiction in Chinese society is one between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and the low level of production.Owing to both domestic circumstances and foreign influences, class struggle will continue to exist within a certain scope for a long time and may possibly grow acute under certain
conditions, but it is no longer the principal contradiction.In building socialism, the basic task is to further release and develop the productive forces and achieve socialist modernization step by step by carrying out reform in those aspects and links of the production relations and the superstructure that do not conform to the development of the productive forces.The Party must uphold and improve the basic economic system, with public ownership playing a dominant role and different economic sectors developing side by side, as well as the system of distribution under which distribution according to work is dominant and a variety of modes of distribution coexist, encourage some areas and some people to become rich first, gradually eliminate poverty, achieve common prosperity, continuously meet the people’s ever-growing material and cultural needs on the basis of the growth of production and social wealth and promote people’s all-round development.Development is the Party’s top priority in governing and rejuvenating the country.The general starting point and criterion for judging all the Party’s work should be how it benefits development of the productive forces in China’s socialist society, adds to the overall strength of socialist China and improves the people’s living standards.The Party must respect work, knowledge, talent and creation and ensure that development is for the people, by the people and with the people sharing in its fruits.The beginning of the new century marks China’s entry into the new stage of development of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and accelerating socialist modernization.The Party must promote all-round economic, political, cultural and social development in accordance with the overall arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.The strategic objectives of economic and social development at this new stage in the new century are to consolidate and develop the relatively comfortable life initially attained, bring China into a moderately prosperous society of a higher level to the benefit of well over one billion people by the time of the Party’s centenary and bring the per capita GDP up to the level of moderately developed countries and realize modernization in the main by the time of the centenary of the People’s Republic of China.The basic line of the Communist Party of China in the primary stage of socialism is to lead the people of all ethnic groups in a concerted, self-reliant and pioneering effort to turn China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious modern socialist country by making economic development the central
task while upholding the Four Cardinal Principles and the reform and opening up policy.In leading the cause of socialism, the Communist Party of China must persist in taking economic development as the central task, making all other work subordinate to and serve this central task.The Party must lose no time in speeding up development, implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the nation with trained personnel and the strategy of sustainable development, and give full play to the role of science and technology as the primary productive force.The Party must take advantage of the advancement of science and technology to improve the quality of workers and promote sound and rapid development of the national economy.The Four Cardinal Principles – to keep to the socialist road and to uphold the people’s democratic dictatorship, leadership by the Communist Party of China, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought – are the foundation on which to build the country.Throughout the course of socialist modernization the Party must adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles and combat bourgeois liberalization.Reform and opening up are the path to a stronger China.The Party must carry out fundamental reform of the economic structure that hampers the development of the productive forces, and keep to and improve the socialist market economy;it must also carry out corresponding political restructuring and reform in other fields.The Party must adhere to the basic state policy of opening up and assimilate and exploit the achievements of all other cultures.It must be bold in making explorations and breaking new ground in reform and opening up, make its reform decisions more scientific, better coordinate its reform measures and blaze new trails in practice.The Communist Party of China leads the people in developing the socialist market economy.It unwaveringly consolidates and develops the public sector of the economy and unswervingly encourages, supports and guides the development of the non-public sector.It gives play to the basic role of market forces in allocating resources and works to set up a sound system of macroeconomic regulation.The Party works to balance urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, relations between man and nature, and domestic development and opening to the outside world, adjust the economic structure, and transform the pattern of economic development.It is dedicated to building a new socialist countryside, taking a new path of industrialization with Chinese
characteristics, and making China an innovative country and a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society.The Communist Party of China leads the people in promoting socialist democracy.It integrates its leadership, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule of law, takes the path of political development under socialism with Chinese characteristics, expands socialist democracy, improves the socialist legal system, builds a socialist country under the rule of law, consolidates the people’s democratic dictatorship, and builds socialist political civilization.It upholds and improves the system of people’s congresses, the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under its leadership, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of self-governance at the primary level of society.It takes effective measures to protect the people’s right to manage state and social affairs as well as economic and cultural programs.It respects and safeguards human rights.It encourages the free airing of views and works to establish sound systems and procedures of democratic election, decision-making, administration and oversight.It strengthens state legislation and law enforcement so as to bring all work of the state under the rule of law.The Communist Party of China leads the people in developing an advanced socialist culture.It promotes socialist cultural and ethical progress, combines the rule of law and the rule of virtue in running the country and works to raise the ideological and moral standards and scientific and educational levels of the entire nation so as to provide a powerful ideological guarantee, motivation and intellectual support for reform, opening up and socialist modernization.It adheres to Marxism as its guiding ideology, fosters the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, promotes patriotism-centered national spirit and the spirit of the times centering on reform and innovation and advocates the socialist maxims of honor and disgrace.It works to enhance the people’s sense of national dignity, self-confidence and self-reliance, resist corrosion by decadent capitalist and feudal ideas and wipe out all social evils so that the people will have high ideals, moral integrity, a good education and a strong sense of discipline.It also needs to imbue its members with the lofty ideal of communism.The Party strives to develop educational, scientific and cultural programs, carry forward the fine traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and develop a thriving socialist culture.The Communist Party of China leads the people in building a harmonious socialist society.In accordance with the general requirements for democracy and the rule of law, equity and justice, honesty and fraternity, vigor and vitality, stability and order, and harmony between man and nature and the principle of all the people building and sharing a harmonious socialist society, the Party focuses its efforts on improving people’s lives by solving the most specific problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the people and strives to create a situation in which all people do their best, find their proper places in society and live together in harmony.The Party strictly distinguishes between the two different types of contradictions – those between ourselves and the enemy and those among the people – and works to handle them correctly.It will strengthen comprehensive measures to maintain law and order, and resolutely combat criminal activities that endanger national security and interests, social stability and economic development and bring criminals to justice in accordance with the law, so as to maintain lasting social stability.The Communist Party of China persists in its leadership over the People’s Liberation Army and other armed forces of the people, builds up the strength of the People’s Liberation Army, ensures that it accomplishes its historical missions at this new stage in the new century, and gives full play to its role in consolidating national defense, defending the motherland and participating in the socialist modernization drive.The Communist Party of China upholds and promotes socialist ethnic relations based on equality, solidarity, mutual assistance and harmony, actively trains and promotes cadres from among ethnic minorities, helps ethnic minorities and ethnic autonomous areas with their economic, cultural and social development, and ensures that all ethnic groups work together for common prosperity and development.The Party strives to fully implement its basic principle for its work related to religious affairs, and rallies religious believers in making contributions to economic and social development.The Communist Party of China rallies all workers, farmers and intellectuals, and all the democratic parties, personages without party affiliation and the patriotic forces of all ethnic groups in China in further expanding and fortifying the broadest possible patriotic united front embracing all socialist workers, all builders of the cause of socialism and all patriots who support socialism or who support the reunification of the motherland.The Party will constantly strengthen the unity of all the Chinese
people, including the compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese.It will promote long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao and complete the great cause of reunifying the motherland in conformity with the principle of “one country, two systems.” The Communist Party of China adheres to an independent foreign policy of peace, follows the path of peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening up, takes both the domestic and international situations into consideration, and vigorously develops relations with other countries in order to bring about a favorable international environment for China’s reform, opening up and modernization.In international affairs, it safeguards China’s independence and sovereignty, opposes hegemonism and power politics, defends world peace, promotes human progress, and pushes for the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.It develops relations between China and other countries on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.It strives for the constant development of good-neighborly relations between China and the surrounding countries and for the strengthening of the unity and cooperation between China and other developing countries.The Communist Party of China develops relations with communist parties and other political parties in other countries in accordance with the principles of independence, complete equality, mutual respect and noninterference in each other’s internal affairs.In order to lead the people of all ethnic groups in China in attaining the great goal of socialist modernization, the Communist Party of China must adhere to its basic line, strengthen its governance capability and vanguard nature, and comprehensively carry forward the great new undertaking to build itself in a spirit of reform and innovation.The Party must steadfastly build itself for public interests, exercise governance for the people, practice self-discipline, be strict with its members, and carry forward its fine traditions and style of work.It must constantly improve its art of leadership and governance, raise its ability to resist corruption, prevent degeneration and withstand risks, constantly strengthen its class foundation, expand its mass base and enhance its creativity, cohesion and combat effectiveness, so that it will stand forever in the forefront of the times and make itself a strong nucleus that can lead all the Chinese
people in the unceasing march along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics.In building itself, the Party must be determined to meet the following four essential requirements: First, adhering to the Party’s basic line.The whole Party must achieve unity in thinking and in action with Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of Three Represents and the Party’s basic line, thoroughly apply the Scientific Outlook on Development and persevere in doing so for a long time to come.The Party must integrate the reform and opening up policy with the Four Cardinal Principles, carry out its basic line in all fields of endeavor, implement in an all-round way its basic program for the primary stage of socialism and combat all “Left” and Right erroneous tendencies, maintaining vigilance against Right tendencies, primarily against “Left” tendencies.The Party must intensify the building of leading bodies at all levels, selecting and promoting cadres who have scored outstanding achievements in their public service and have won the trust of the masses in reform, opening up and the modernization drive, and train and cultivate millions upon millions of successors to the cause of socialism, thus ensuring organizationally the implementation of the Party’s basic theory, line, program and experience.Second, persevering in emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and keeping up with the times.The Party’s ideological line is to proceed from reality in handling all matters, to integrate theory with practice, to seek truth from facts, and to verify and develop the truth through practice.All Party members must adhere to this ideological line, promote the truth-seeking and pragmatic spirit, explore new ways, boldly experiment with new methods, go in for innovation, work creatively, constantly study new situations, review new experience and solve new problems, enrich and develop Marxism in practice, and advance the endeavor to adapt Marxism to Chinese conditions.Third, persevering in serving the people wholeheartedly.The Party has no special interests of its own apart from the interests of the working class and the broadest masses of the people.At all times the Party gives top priority to the interests of the people, shares weal and woe with them, maintains the closest possible ties with them, and persists in exercising power for them, showing concern for them and working for their interests, and it does not allow any member to become divorced from the masses or place himself or herself above them.The Party follows the mass line in its work, doing everything for the masses, relying on them in every task, carrying out the
principle of “from the masses, to the masses,” and translating its correct views into action by the masses of their own accord.The biggest political advantage of the Party lies in its close ties with the masses while the biggest potential danger for it as a ruling party comes from its divorce from them.The Party’s style of work and its maintenance of ties with the masses of the people are a matter of vital importance to the Party.The Party will establish a sound system for punishing and preventing corruption by fighting it in a comprehensive way, addressing both its symptoms and root cause and combining punishment with prevention, with the emphasis on prevention.The Party will persistently oppose corruption and step up efforts to improve its style of work and uphold integrity.Fourth, upholding democratic centralism.Democratic centralism is a combination of centralism on the basis of democracy and democracy under centralized guidance.It is the fundamental organizational principle of the Party and is also the mass line applied in the Party’s political activities.The Party must fully expand intra-Party democracy, safeguard the democratic rights of its members, and give play to the initiative and creativity of Party organizations at all levels as well as its members.Correct centralism must be practiced so as to ensure the solidarity, unity and concerted action in the whole Party and prompt and effective implementation of its decisions.The sense of organization and discipline must be strengthened, and all members are equal before Party discipline.Oversight of leading Party organs and of Party members holding leading positions must be strengthened and the system of intra-Party oversight constantly improved.In its internal political activities, the Party conducts criticism and self-criticism in the correct way, waging ideological struggles over matters of principle, upholding truth and rectifying mistakes.Diligent efforts must be made to create a political situation in which there are both centralism and democracy, both discipline and freedom, both unity of will and personal ease of mind and liveliness.Leadership by the Party means mainly political, ideological and organizational leadership.The Party must meet the requirements of reform, opening up and socialist modernization, persist in scientific, democratic and law-based governance, and strengthen and improve its leadership.Acting on the principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters, the Party must play the role as the core of leadership among all other organizations at the corresponding levels.It must concentrate on leading economic development, organize
and coordinate all forces in a concerted effort to focus on economic development and promote all-round economic and social development.The Party must practice democratic and scientific decision-making;formulate and implement the correct line, principles and policies;do its organizational, publicity and educational work well and make sure that all Party members play an exemplary and vanguard role.The Party must conduct its activities within the framework of the Constitution and laws of the country.It must see to it that the legislative, judicial and administrative organs of the state and the economic, cultural and people’s organizations work with initiative and independent responsibility and in unison.The Party must strengthen its leadership over trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women’s federations and other mass organizations, and give full scope to their roles.The Party must adapt itself to the march of events and changing circumstances, improving its system and style of leadership and raising its governance capability.Party members must work in close cooperation with non-Party persons in the common endeavor to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.Chapter I Membership
Article 1.Any Chinese worker, farmer, member of the armed forces, intellectual or any advanced element of other social strata who has reached the age of eighteen and who accepts the Party’s program and Constitution and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party organizations, carry out the Party’s resolutions and pay membership dues regularly may apply for membership in the Communist Party of China.Article 2.Members of the Communist Party of China are vanguard fighters of the Members of the Communist Party of China must serve the people wholeheartedly, Chinese working class imbued with communist consciousness.dedicate their whole lives to the realization of communism, and be ready to make any personal sacrifices.Members of the Communist Party of China are at all times ordinary members of the working people.Communist Party members must not seek any personal gain or
privileges, although the relevant laws and policies provide them with personal benefits and job-related functions and powers.Article 3.Party members must fulfill the following duties: 1)To conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, study the Scientific Outlook on Development, study the Party’s line, principles, policies and resolutions, acquire essential knowledge concerning the Party, obtain general, scientific, legal and professional knowledge and work diligently to enhance their ability to serve the people.2)To implement the Party’s basic line, principles and policies, take the lead in reform, opening up and socialist modernization, encourage the people to work hard for economic development and social progress and play an exemplary and vanguard role in production, work, study and social activities.3)To adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people stand above everything else, subordinating their personal interests to the interests of the Party and the people, being the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, working selflessly for the public interests and working to contribute more.4)To conscientiously observe the Party discipline, abide by the laws and regulations of the state in an exemplary way, rigorously guard secrets of the Party and state, execute the Party’s decisions, and accept any job and actively fulfill any task assigned them by the Party.5)To uphold the Party’s solidarity and unity, be loyal to and honest with the Party, match words with deeds, firmly oppose all factions and small-clique activities and oppose double-dealing and scheming of any kind.6)To earnestly engage in criticism and self-criticism, boldly expose and correct shortcomings and mistakes in work and resolutely combat corruption and other negative phenomena.7)To maintain close ties with the masses, disseminate the Party’s views among them, consult with them when problems arise, keep the Party informed of their views and demands in good time and defend their legitimate interests.8)To promote new socialist ways and customs, take the lead in putting into practice the socialist maxims of honor and disgrace, and advocate communist ethics.To step forward and fight bravely in times of difficulty or danger, daring to make any sacrifice to defend the interests of the country and the people.Article 4.Party members enjoy the following rights: 1)To attend relevant Party meetings, read relevant Party documents, and benefit from the Party’s education and training.2)To participate in the discussion of questions concerning the Party’s policies at Party meetings and in Party newspapers and journals.3)To make suggestions and proposals regarding the work of the Party.4)To make well-grounded criticism of any Party organization or member at Party meetings, to present information or charges against any Party organization or member concerning violations of discipline or the law to the Party in a responsible way, to demand disciplinary measures against such a member, or call for dismissal or replacement of any incompetent cadre.5)To participate in voting and elections and to stand for election.6)To attend, with the right of self-defense, discussions held by Party organizations to decide on disciplinary measures to be taken against themselves or to appraise their work and behavior;other Party members may also bear witness or argue on their behalf.7)In case of disagreement with a Party resolution or policy, to make reservations and present their views to Party organizations at higher levels even up to the Central Committee, provided that they resolutely carry out the resolution or policy while it is in force.8)To put forward any request, appeal, or complaint to higher Party organizations even up to the Central Committee and ask the organizations concerned for a responsible reply.No Party organization, up to and including the Central Committee, has the right to deprive any Party member of the above-mentioned rights.Article 5.New Party members must be admitted through a Party branch, and the principle of individual admission must be adhered to.An applicant for Party membership must fill out an application form and be recommended by two full Party members.The application must be accepted at a general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and approved by the next higher Party organization, and the applicant must undergo observation for a probationary period before being granted full membership.Party members who recommend an applicant must make genuine efforts to acquaint themselves with the applicant’s ideology, character, personal record and
work performance and explain to each applicant the Party’s program and Constitution, qualifications for membership and the duties and rights of members, and must make a responsible report to the Party organization on the matter.The Party branch committee must canvass the opinions of persons concerned, inside and outside the Party, about an applicant for Party membership and, after establishing the latter’s qualification through rigorous examination, submit the application to a general membership meeting for discussion.Before approving the admission of applicants for Party membership, the next higher Party organization concerned must appoint people to talk with them, in order to get to know them better and help deepen their understanding of the Party.In special circumstances, the Central Committee of the Party or the Party committee of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government may admit new Party members directly.Article 6.A probationary Party member must take an admission oath in front of the Party flag.The oath reads: It is my will to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the Party’s program, observe the provisions of the Party Constitution, fulfill a Party member’s duties, carry out the Party’s decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, guard Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism throughout my life, be ready at all times to sacrifice my all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party.Article 7.The probationary period of a probationary member is one year.The Party organization should make serious efforts to educate and observe the probationary members.Probationary members have the same duties as full members.They enjoy the rights of full members except those of participating in voting and elections and standing for election.Upon the expiration of the probationary period of a probationary member, the Party branch concerned should promptly discuss whether he or she is qualified for full membership.A probationary member who conscientiously performs his or her duties and is qualified for full membership shall be granted full membership as scheduled;if continued observation and education are needed, the probationary period may be extended, but by no more than one year;if a probationary member fails to perform his or her duties and is found to be unqualified for full membership, his or her probationary membership shall be annulled.Any decision to grant a probationary
member full membership, extend a probationary period, or annul a probationary membership must be made through discussion held by the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and approved by the next higher Party organization.The probationary period of a probationary member begins from the day the general membership meeting of the Party branch admits him or her as a probationary member.The Party standing of a member begins from the day he or she is granted full membership on the expiration of the probationary period.Article 8.Every Party member, irrespective of position, must be organized into a branch, cell or other specific unit of the Party to participate in the regular activities of the Party organization and accept oversight by the masses inside and outside the Party.Leading Party cadres must attend democratic meetings held by the Party committee or leading Party members’ group.There shall be no privileged Party members who do not participate in the regular activities of the Party organization and do not accept oversight by the masses inside and outside the Party.Article 9.Party members are free to withdraw from the Party.When a Party member asks to withdraw, the Party branch concerned shall, after discussion by its general membership meeting, remove his or her name from the Party rolls, make the removal public and report it to the next higher Party organization for the record.The Party branch shall try to educate the Party member who lacks revolutionary will, fails to fulfill the duties of a Party member, or is not qualified for membership and require him or her to correct his or her mistakes within a prescribed time.If the member remains incorrigible after education, he or she should be persuaded to withdraw from the Party.The case shall be discussed and decided by the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned and submitted to the next higher Party organization for approval.If the Party member being persuaded to withdraw refuses to do so, the case shall be submitted to the general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned for discussion to decide on the removal of the said member’s name from the Party rolls, after which the decision shall be submitted to the next higher Party organization for approval.A Party member who fails to take part in regular Party activities, pay membership dues or do work assigned by the Party for six successive months without good reason is regarded as having given up membership.The general membership meeting of the
Party branch concerned shall decide on the removal of such a person’s name from the Party rolls and report it to the next higher Party organization for approval.Chapter II
The Party’s Organizational System
Article 10.The Party is an integral body organized under its program and Constitution and on the basis of democratic centralism.The Party’s basic principles of democratic centralism are as follows: 1)Individual Party members are subordinate to the Party organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower Party organizations are subordinate to the higher Party organizations, and all the constituent organizations and members of the Party are subordinate to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.2)The Party’s leading bodies at all levels are elected except for the representative organs dispatched by them and the leading Party members’ groups in non-Party organizations.3)The highest leading body of the Party is the National Congress and the Central Committee elected by it.The leading bodies of local Party organizations are the Party congresses at their respective levels and the Party committees elected by them.Party committees are responsible, and report their work, to the Party congresses at their respective levels.4)Higher Party organizations shall pay constant attention to the views of lower organizations and the rank-and-file Party members, and solve in good time the problems they raise.Lower Party organizations shall report on their work to, and request instructions from, higher Party organizations;at the same time, they shall handle, independently and in a responsible manner, matters within their jurisdiction.Higher and lower Party organizations should exchange information and support and oversee each other.Party organizations at all levels should increase transparency in Party affairs in accordance with regulations to keep Party members better informed of these affairs and to provide them with more opportunities to participate in them.5)Party committees at all levels function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of work.All major issues shall be decided upon by the Party committees after discussion in accordance with the
principle of collective leadership, democratic centralism, individual consultations and decision by meetings.The members of the Party committees should earnestly exercise their functions and powers in accordance with the collective decisions taken and division of work.6)The Party forbids all forms of personality cult.It is necessary to ensure that the activities of the Party leaders are subject to oversight by the Party and the people, and at the same time to uphold the prestige of all the leaders who represent the interests of the Party and the people.Article 11.The election of delegates to Party congresses and of members of Party committees at all levels should reflect the will of the voters.Elections shall be held by secret ballot.The lists of candidates shall be submitted to the Party organizations and voters for full deliberation and discussion.The election procedure in which the number of candidates nominated is greater than the number of persons to be elected may be used directly in a formal election or this procedure may be used first in a preliminary election in order to draw up a list of candidates for the formal election.The voters have the right to inquire about the candidates, demand a change or reject one in favor of another.No organization or individual shall in any way compel voters to elect or not to elect any candidate.If any violation of the Party Constitution occurs in the election of delegates to local Party congresses at all levels or to Party congresses at the primary level, the Party committee at the next higher level, after investigation and verification, should decide to declare the election invalid and take appropriate measures.The decision shall be reported to the Party committee at the next higher level for checking and approval before it is formally announced and implemented.A tenure system is adopted for delegates to Party congresses at all levels.Article 12.When necessary, the Central Committee of the Party and the local Party committees at all levels will convene conferences of delegates to discuss and decide on major problems that require timely solution.The number of delegates to such conferences and the procedure governing their election shall be determined by the Party committees convening them.Article 13.The formation of a new Party organization or the dissolution of an existing one shall be decided upon by the higher Party organization.When the congress of a local Party organization at any level or the congress of a Party organization at the primary level is not in session, the next higher Party
organization may, when it deems it necessary, transfer or appoint responsible members of that organization.The Party’s Central Committee and local Party committees at all levels may send out their representative organs.The Party’s Central Committee and committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government implement the system of inspection tours.Article 14.When making decisions on important questions affecting the lower organizations, the leading bodies of the Party at all levels should, under normal circumstances, solicit opinions of the lower organizations.Measures should be taken to ensure that the lower organizations can exercise their functions and powers normally.Except in special circumstances, higher leading bodies should not interfere with matters that ought to be handled by lower organizations.Article 15.Only the Central Committee of the Party has the power to make decisions on major policies of a nationwide character.Party organizations of various departments and localities may make suggestions with regard to such policies to the Central Committee, but shall not make any decisions or publicize their views outside the Party without authorization.Lower Party organizations must firmly implement the decisions of higher Party organizations.If lower organizations consider that any decisions of higher organizations do not suit the specific conditions in their localities or departments, they may demand modification.If the higher organizations insist on their original decisions, the lower organizations must carry out such decisions and refrain from publicly voicing their differences, but retain the right to report to the next higher Party organization.Newspapers, journals and other means of publicity run by Party organizations at all levels must disseminate the line, principles, policies and resolutions of the Party.Article 16.When discussing and making decisions on any matter, Party organizations must keep to the principle of subordination of the minority to the majority.A vote must be taken when major issues are decided on.Serious consideration should be given to the differing views of a minority.In case of controversy over major issues in which supporters of the two opposing views are nearly equal in number, except in emergencies where action must be taken in
accordance with the majority view, the decision should be put off to allow for further investigation, study and exchange of opinions followed by another vote.Under special circumstances, the controversy may be reported to the next higher Party organization for a ruling.When, on behalf of the Party organization, an individual Party member is to express views on major issues beyond the scope of the existing decisions of the Party organization, the content must be referred to the Party organization for prior discussion and decision, or referred to the next higher Party organization for instructions.No Party member, whatever his or her position, is allowed to make decisions on major issues on his or her own.In an emergency, when a decision by an individual is unavoidable, the matter must be reported to the Party organization immediately afterwards.No leader is allowed to take decisions arbitrarily or to place himself or herself above the Party organization.Article 17.The central, local and primary organizations of the Party must all pay great attention to Party building.They shall regularly discuss and examine the Party’s work in publicity, education, organization and discipline inspection, its mass work and united front work.They must carefully study ideological and political developments inside and outside the Party.Chapter III
Central Organizations of the Party Article 18.The National Congress of the Party is held once every five years and convened by the Central Committee.It may be convened before the normally scheduled date if the Central Committee deems it necessary or if more than one third of the organizations at the provincial level so request.Except under extraordinary circumstances, the Congress may not be postponed.The number of delegates to the National Congress of the Party and the procedure Article 19.The functions and powers of the National Congress of the Party are as 1)To hear and examine the reports of the Central Committee;2)To hear and examine the reports of the Central Commission for Discipline 3)To discuss and decide on major questions concerning the Party;governing their election shall be determined by the Central Committee.follows: Inspection;
4)To revise the Constitution of the Party;5)To elect the Central Committee;and 6)To elect the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.Article 20.The powers and functions of the National Conference of the Party are as follows: to discuss and make decisions on major questions;and to replace members and elect additional members of the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.The number of members and alternate members of the Central Committee to be replaced or newly elected shall not exceed one fifth of the respective totals of members and alternate members of the Central Committee elected by the National Congress of the Party.Article 21.The Central Committee of the Party is elected for a term of five years.However, when the next National Congress is convened before or after its normally scheduled date, the term shall be correspondingly shortened or extended.Members and alternate members of the Central Committee must have a Party standing of five years or more.The number of members and alternate members of the Central Committee shall be determined by the National Congress.Vacancies on the Central Committee shall be filled by its alternate members in the order of the number of votes by which they were elected.The Central Committee of the Party meets in plenary session at least once a year, and such sessions are convened by its Political Bureau.The Political Bureau reports its work to these sessions and accepts their oversight.When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee carries out its resolutions, directs the entire work of the Party and represents the Communist Party of China in its external relations.Article 22.The Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party are elected by the Central Committee in plenary session.The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau.When the Central Committee is not in session, the Political Bureau and its The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the working body of the Political Standing Committee exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee.Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee.The members of the Secretariat are nominated by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the
Central Committee and are subject to endorsement by the Central Committee in plenary session.The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening the meetings of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee and presides over the work of the Secretariat.The members of the Military Commission of the Central Committee are decided on by the Central Committee.The central leading bodies and leaders elected by each Central Committee shall, when the next National Congress is in session, continue to preside over the Party’s day-to-day work until the new central leading bodies and leaders are elected by the next Central Committee.Article 23.Party organizations in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army carry on their work in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee.The political work organ of the Military Commission of the Central Committee is the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army;the General Political Department directs Party and political work in the army.The organizational system and organs of the Party in the armed forces are prescribed by the Military Commission of the Central Committee.Chapter IV
Local Organizations of the Party Article 24.The Party congress of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, city divided into districts, autonomous prefecture, county(banner), autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district is held once every five years.Local Party congresses are convened by the Party committees at the corresponding levels.Under extraordinary circumstances, they may be held before or after their normally scheduled dates upon approval by the next higher Party committees.The number of delegates to the local Party congresses at any level and the procedure governing their election are determined by the Party committees at the corresponding levels and should be reported to the next higher Party committees for approval.Article 25.The functions and powers of the local Party congresses at all levels 1)To hear and examine the reports of the Party committees at the corresponding 2)To hear and examine the reports of the commissions for discipline inspection 3)To discuss and adopt resolutions on major issues in the given areas;and 4)To elect the Party committees and commissions for discipline inspection at the Article 26.The Party committee of a province, autonomous region, municipality are as follows: levels;at the corresponding levels;corresponding levels.directly under the central government, city divided into districts, or autonomous prefecture is elected for a term of five years.The members and alternate members of such a committee must have a Party standing of five years or more.The Party committee of a county(banner), autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district is elected for a term of five years.The members and alternate members of such a committee must have a Party standing of three years or more.When local Party congresses at all levels are convened before or after their normally scheduled dates, the terms of the committees elected by the previous congresses shall be correspondingly shortened or extended.The number of members and alternate members of the local Party committees at all levels shall be determined by the next higher committees.Vacancies on the local Party committees at all levels shall be filled by their alternate members in the order of the number of votes by which they were elected.The local Party committees at all levels meet in plenary session at least twice a The local Party committees at all levels shall, when the Party congresses of the year.given areas are not in session, carry out the directives of the next higher Party organizations and the resolutions of the Party congresses at the corresponding levels, direct work in their own areas and report on it to the next higher Party committees at regular intervals.Article 27.The local Party committees at all levels elect, at their plenary sessions, their standing committees, secretaries and deputy secretaries and report the results to the higher Party committees for approval.The standing committees of the local Party
committees at all levels exercise the functions and powers of local Party committees when the latter are not in session.They continue to handle the day-to-day work when the next Party congresses at their levels are in session, until the new standing committees are elected.The standing committees of the local Party committees at all levels regularly report their work to plenary sessions of local Party committees and accept their oversight.Article 28.A prefectural Party committee, or an organization analogous to it, is the representative organ dispatched by a provincial or an autonomous regional Party committee to a prefecture covering several counties, autonomous counties or cities.It exercises leadership over the work in the given prefecture as authorized by the provincial or autonomous regional Party committee.Chapter V
Primary Organizations of the Party Article 29.Primary Party organizations are formed in enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, research institutes, communities, social organizations, companies of the People’s Liberation Army and other basic units, where there are at least three full Party members.In primary organizations, primary Party committees and committees of general Party branches or Party branches are set up as the work requires and according to the number of Party members, subject to approval by the higher Party organizations.A primary Party committee is elected by a general membership meeting or a meeting of delegates, the committee of a general Party branch or a Party branch is elected by a general membership meeting, and candidates for these committees are nominated on the basis of extensively soliciting opinions from Party members and non-Party persons.Article 30.A primary Party committee is elected for a term of three to five years, while a general Party branch committee or a Party branch committee is elected for a term of two or three years.Results of the election of a secretary and deputy secretaries of a primary committee, general branch committee or branch committee of the Party shall be reported to the next higher Party organization for approval.Article 31.The primary Party organizations are militant bastions of the Party in the basic units of society, where all the Party’s work proceeds and they serve as the foundation of its fighting capacity.Their main tasks are: 1)To disseminate and carry out the Party’s line, principles and policies, the resolutions of the Central Committee of the Party and other higher Party organizations, and their own resolutions;to give full play to the exemplary and vanguard role of Party members, and to unite and organize the cadres and the rank and file inside and outside the Party to fulfill the tasks of their own units.2)To organize Party members to conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, study the Scientific Outlook on Development, study the Party’s line, principles, policies and resolutions, acquire essential knowledge concerning the Party and obtain general, scientific, legal and professional knowledge.3)To educate, manage, oversee and serve Party members;raise their overall quality;strengthen their Party spirit;ensure that they regularly participate in the activities of Party organizations, make criticism and self-criticism, and maintain and observe Party discipline;see that they truly fulfill their duties;protect their rights from encroachment;and improve management of Party members among the floating population.4)To maintain close ties with the masses, constantly seek their criticisms and opinions regarding Party members and the Party’s work, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the masses and do effective ideological and political work among them.5)To give full scope to the initiative and creativity of Party members and the masses and to discover, nurture and recommend fine, talented people from among Party members and the masses and encourage them to contribute their skills and learning to reform, opening up and socialist modernization.6)To educate and train the activists who apply for Party membership, attend to the routine work concerning the recruitment of new members and attach great importance to recruiting Party members from among those in the forefront of production and work and from among young people.7)To see to it that Party and non-Party cadres strictly observe the law and administrative discipline and the financial and economic statutes and personnel
regulations of the state and that none of them infringe on the interests of the state, the collective or the masses.8)To encourage Party members and the masses to conscientiously resist unhealthy practices and wage resolute struggles against all illegal and criminal activities.Article 32.The primary Party committees in communities, townships and towns and the Party organizations in villages and communities provide leadership for the work in their localities and assist administrative departments, economic institutions and self-governing mass organizations in fully exercising their functions and powers.In a state-owned or collective enterprise, the primary Party organization acts as the political nucleus and works for the operation of the enterprise.The primary Party organization guarantees and oversees the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the state in its own enterprise and backs the meeting of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and manager(factory director)in the exercise of their functions and powers according to law.It relies wholeheartedly on the workers and office staff, supports the work of the congresses of representatives of workers and office staff and participates in making final decisions on major questions in the enterprise.It works to improve its own organization and provides leadership over ideological and political work, efforts for cultural and ethical progress and the trade unions, the Communist Youth League and other mass organizations.In a non-public economic institution, the primary Party organization carries out the Party’s principles and policies, provides guidance to and oversees the enterprise in observing the laws and regulations of the state, exercises leadership over the trade union, the Communist Youth League organization and other mass organizations, rallies the workers and office staff around it, safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of all quarters and stimulates the healthy development of the enterprise.In an institution where the administrative leaders assume full responsibility, the primary Party organization acts as the political nucleus.In an institution where the administrative leaders assume full responsibility under the leadership of the Party committee, the primary Party organization discusses and decides on major issues and at the same time ensures that the administrative leaders are able to fully exercise their functions and powers.In offices of the Party or the state at all levels, the primary Party organizations assist the chief administrators in fulfilling their tasks and improving their work.They
exercise oversight over all Party members, including the chief administrators who are Party members, but do not direct the work of their units.Chapter VI Party Cadres
Article 33.Party cadres are the backbone of the Party’s cause and public servants of the people.The Party selects its cadres according to the principle that they should possess both political integrity and professional competence, adheres to the practice of appointing people on their merits and opposes favoritism;it exerts genuine efforts to make the ranks of the cadres more revolutionary, younger in average age, better educated and more professionally competent.The Party attaches great importance to education, training, selection and assessment of cadres, especially to the training and selection of outstanding young cadres.The Party actively promotes the reform of the cadre system.The Party attaches great importance to the training and promotion of women cadres and cadres from among the ethnic minorities.Article 34.Leading Party cadres at all levels must show exemplary performance in carrying out their duties as Party members prescribed in Article 3 of this Constitution and must meet the following basic requirements: 1)Know Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory well enough to perform their duties, earnestly put the important thought of Three Represents into practice, take the lead in applying the Scientific Outlook on Development, try hard to analyze and solve practical problems with the stand, viewpoint and methods of Marxism, keep stressing study, political awareness and integrity, and be able to stand the test of all trials and tribulations.2)Have the lofty ideal of communism and firm conviction in socialism with Chinese characteristics, firmly implement the Party’s basic line, principles and policies, be determined to carry out reform and opening up, devote themselves to the cause of modernization, work hard to start undertakings in socialist construction, foster a correct view on evaluating their performances and make solid achievements that can stand the test of practice and time to the satisfaction of the people.3)Persist in emancipating their minds, seeking truth from facts, keeping up with the times and blazing new trails in a pioneering spirit;conduct earnest investigations
and studies so as to be able to integrate the Party’s principles and policies with the actual conditions in their localities or departments and work efficiently;tell the truth, do practical work, seek tangible results and oppose formalism.4)Be fervently dedicated to the revolutionary cause and imbued with a strong sense of political responsibility, have practical experience, and be qualified for leading posts in organizational ability, general education and vocational knowledge.5)Properly exercise the power invested in them by the people, handle matters according to law, be upright and clean and work diligently for the people, set an example by their own actions, work hard and live simply, maintain close ties with the masses, uphold the Party’s mass line, conscientiously accept the criticism and oversight by the Party and the masses, improve their moral standards, exercise self-respect, self-examination, self-caution and self-motivation, combat bureaucratism, and fight against malpractices such as abuse of power for personal gain.6)Uphold the Party’s system of democratic centralism, maintain a democratic style of work, take the overall situation into consideration, and be good at uniting and working with other comrades, including those who hold differing opinions.Article 35.Party cadres should be able to cooperate with non-Party cadres, respect them and be open-minded in learning from their strong points.Party organizations at all levels must be good at discovering and recommending talented non-Party cadres with practical learning for leading posts, and ensure that the latter enjoy authority commensurate with their posts and can fully play their roles.Article 36.Leading Party cadres at all levels, whether elected through democratic procedure or appointed by a leading body, are not entitled to lifelong tenure, and they can be transferred from or relieved of their posts.Cadres no longer fit to continue working due to old age or poor health should retire according to the regulations of the state.Chapter VII Party Discipline
Article 37.Party discipline refers to the rules of conduct that must be observed by Party organizations at all levels and by all Party members.It is the guarantee that the unity and solidarity of the Party are safeguarded and that the tasks of the Party are accomplished.Party organizations must strictly observe and maintain Party discipline.A Communist Party member must conscientiously act within the bounds of Party discipline.Article 38.Party organizations should criticize, educate or take disciplinary measures against members who violate Party discipline, depending on the nature and seriousness of their mistakes and in the spirit of “learning from past mistakes to avoid future ones, and curing the sickness to save the patient.”
Party members who have seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party.It is strictly forbidden in the Party to take any measures against a member that contravene the Party Constitution or the laws of the state, or to retaliate against or frame a member.Any offending organization or individual must be dealt with according to Party discipline and the laws of the state.Article 39.There are five measures for enforcing Party discipline: warning, serious warning, removal from Party posts, probation within the Party, and expulsion from the Party.The period for which a Party member is placed on probation shall not exceed two years.During that period, the Party member concerned has no right to participate in voting or elections or stand for election.A Party member who during that time truly rectifies his or her mistake shall have his or her rights as a Party member restored.Party members who refuse to mend their ways shall be expelled from the Party.Expulsion is the ultimate Party disciplinary measure.In deciding on or approving an expulsion, Party organizations at all levels should study all the relevant facts and opinions and exercise extreme caution.Article 40.Any disciplinary measure to be taken against a Party member must be discussed and decided on at a general membership meeting of the Party branch concerned, and reported to the primary Party committee concerned for approval.If the case is relatively important or complicated, or involves the expulsion of a member, it shall be reported to a Party commission for discipline inspection at or above the county level for examination and approval, in accordance with the specific situation.Under special circumstances, a Party committee or a commission for discipline inspection at or above the county level has the authority to decide directly on disciplinary measures to be taken against a Party member.Any decision to remove a member or alternate member of the Central Committee or a local committee at any level from his or her posts within the Party, to place such
a person on probation within the Party or to expel such a person from the Party must be approved by a two thirds majority vote at a plenary meeting of the Party committee to which he or she belongs.In special circumstances, the decision may be taken first by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee or the standing committee of a local Party committee, pending confirmation at the plenary meeting of the Party committee.Such a disciplinary measure against a member or alternate member of a local Party committee is subject to approval by the higher Party committee.A member or alternate member of the Central Committee who has seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party on decision by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee;a member or alternate member of a local Party committee who has seriously violated the criminal law shall be expelled from the Party on decision by the standing committee of the Party committee at the corresponding level.Article 41.When a Party organization is deciding on a disciplinary measure against a Party member, it should investigate and verify the facts in an objective way.The Party member in question must be informed of a decision regarding any disciplinary measure to be taken and of the facts on which it is based.The person concerned must be given a chance to account for himself or herself and speak in his or her own defense.If the member does not accept the decision, he or she can appeal, and the Party organization concerned must promptly deal with or forward his or her appeal, and must not withhold or suppress it.Those who cling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism.Article 42.If a Party organization fails to uphold Party discipline, it must be investigated.In case a Party organization seriously violates Party discipline and is unable to rectify the mistake on its own, the next higher Party committee should, after verifying the facts and considering the seriousness of the case, decide on the reorganization or dissolution of the organization, report the decision to the Party committee at the next higher level for examination and approval, and then formally announce and carry out the decision.Chapter VIII Party Organs for Discipline Inspection
Article 43.The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection functions under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party.The Party’s local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels and primary commissions for discipline inspection function under the dual leadership of the Party committees at the corresponding levels and the next higher commissions for discipline inspection.The Party’s commissions for discipline inspection at all levels serve a term of the same duration as the Party committees at the corresponding levels.The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection elects, in plenary session, its standing committee, secretary and deputy secretaries and reports the results to the Central Committee for approval.Local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels elect, at their plenary sessions, their respective standing committees, secretaries and deputy secretaries.The results of the elections are subject to endorsement by the Party committees at the corresponding levels and should be reported to the next higher Party committees for approval.The question of whether a primary Party committee should set up a commission for discipline inspection or simply appoint a discipline inspection commissioner shall be determined by the next higher Party organization in light of the specific circumstances.The committees of general Party branches and Party branches shall have discipline inspection commissioners.The Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection shall, when its work so requires, accredit discipline inspection groups or commissioners to Party or state organs at the central level.Leaders of the discipline inspection groups or discipline inspection commissioners may attend relevant meetings of the leading Party organizations in the said organs as non-voting participants.The leading Party organizations in the organs concerned must support their work.Article 44.The main tasks of the Party’s commissions for discipline inspection at all levels are as follows: to uphold the Constitution and other statutes of the Party, to check up on the implementation of the line, principles, policies and resolutions of the Party and to assist the respective Party committees in improving the Party’s style of work and in organizing and coordinating the work against corruption.The commissions for discipline inspection at all levels shall frequently provide education for Party members on their duty to observe Party discipline and adopt decisions for the upholding of Party discipline;they shall oversee Party members
holding leading positions in exercising their power;they shall examine and deal with relatively important or complicated cases of violation of the Constitution or other statutes of the Party by Party organizations or Party members and decide on or rescind disciplinary measures against Party members involved in such cases;they shall deal with complaints and appeals made by Party members;and they shall guarantee the rights of Party members.The commissions for discipline inspection at all levels shall report to the Party committees at the corresponding levels on the results of their handling of cases of special importance or complexity, as well as on the problems encountered.The local commissions for discipline inspection at all levels and primary commissions for discipline inspection shall also present such reports to the higher commissions.If a commission for discipline inspection at any level discovers any violation of Party discipline by a member of the Party committee at the corresponding level, it may take the initial step of verifying the facts and, if it is necessary to put a case on file, it should report to the Party committee at the corresponding level for approval, and if a member of the standing committee of the Party committee is involved, it should first report to the Party committee at the corresponding level and then to the commission for discipline inspection at the next higher level for approval.Article 45.Higher commissions for discipline inspection have the power to examine the work of the lower commissions and to approve or modify their decisions on any case.If decisions so modified have already been ratified by the Party committee at the corresponding level, the modification must be approved by the next higher Party committee.If a local commission for discipline inspection or a primary commission for discipline inspection does not agree with a decision made by the Party committee at the corresponding level in dealing with a case, it may demand the commission at the next higher level reexamine the case;if a local or primary commission discovers cases of violation of Party discipline by the Party committee at the corresponding level or by its members, and if that Party committee fails to deal with them properly or at all, it has the right to appeal to the higher commission for assistance in dealing with such cases.Chapter IX
Leading Party Members’ Groups
Article 46.A leading Party members’ group may be formed in the leading body of a central or local state organ, people’s organization, economic or cultural institution or other non-Party unit.The group plays the role of the core of leadership.Its main tasks are: to see to it that the Party’s line, principles and policies are implemented, to discuss and decide on matters of major importance in its unit, to do well in cadre management, to rally the non-Party cadres and the masses in fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party and the state and to guide the work of the Party organization of the unit and those directly under it.Article 47.The composition of a leading Party members’ group is decided by the Party organization that approves its establishment.The group shall have a secretary and, if necessary, deputy secretaries.A leading Party members’ group must accept the leadership of the Party organization that approves its establishment.Article 48.Party committees may be set up in state organs which exercise centralized leadership over their subordinate units.The Central Committee of the Party shall provide the specific procedure for their establishment and define their functions, powers and tasks.Chapter X
Relationship Between the Party and the Communist Youth League of China
Article 49.The Communist Youth League of China is a mass organization of advanced young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China;it is a school where a large number of young people learn about socialism with Chinese characteristics and about communism through practice;it is the Party’s assistant and reserve force.The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League functions under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party.The local chapters of the Communist Youth League are under the leadership of the Party committees at the corresponding levels and of the higher organizations of the League itself.Article 50.Party committees at all levels must strengthen their leadership over Communist Youth League organizations and pay attention to selecting and training League cadres.The Party must firmly support the Communist Youth League in the
lively and creative performance of its work to suit the characteristics and needs of young people, and give full play to the League’s role as a shock force and as a bridge linking the Party with young people.Those secretaries of League committees at or below the county level or in enterprises and institutions who are Party members may attend meetings of Party committees at the corresponding levels and meetings of their standing committees as non-voting participants.Chapter XI
Party Emblem and Flag