


七娘子,七娘子谢逸,七娘子的意思,七娘子赏析 篇1

1. "If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman."

—1965, in a speech

2. "Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope."

—May 4, 1979, after becoming PM

3. "Pennies don't fall from heaven—they have to be earned here on Earth."

—November 1979, at a banquet

4. "To those waiting with bated breath1) for that favourite media catchphrase2), the U-turn3), I have only one thing to say, 'You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning.'"

—October 1980, at Conservative Party conference

5. "My policies are based not on some economics theory, but on things I and millions like me were brought up with: an honest day's work for an honest day's pay, live within your means, put by a nest egg4) for a rainy day, pay your bills on time, support the police."

—September 1981, in an interview

6. "Defeat? I do not recognize the meaning of the word."

—April 1982, on the Falklands War5)

7. "I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end."

—April 4, 1989, in the Observer

1. “如果你想空谈,就问男人;如果你想成事,就问女人。”


2. “在有冲突的地方,愿我们带去和谐。在有谬误的地方,愿我们带去真理。在有怀疑的地方,愿我们带去信仰。在有绝望的地方,愿我们带去希望。”


3. “钱不会从天上掉下来,而是得在这地球上踏踏实实地去挣。”


4. “对于那些正屏息静气等待‘180度大转变’这个媒体最爱用的时髦词的人,我只有一点要说:‘你们要想转就随便转,本女士绝不会转。’”


5. “我的政策不是建立在某些经济学理论上,而是建立在我自己以及数百万和我一样的人从小受到的教育上:一分耕耘一分收获;量入为出;存点儿钱以备不时之需;按时支付账单;支持警察的工作。”


6. “失败?我不明白这个词是什么意思。”


7. “我这人极有耐心,只要最后能得偿所愿。”


1.with bated breath: (因恐惧、紧张等)屏息以待地,焦虑地

2.catchphrase [?k?t?fre?z] n. 时行的话;口号

3.U-turn: <口> <常贬> (政策等的) 180°的转变。此处U-turn和后面的you turn发音相同,撒切尔夫人巧妙地使用这一谐音双关表达了自己决不改变立场的决心。

4.nest egg: 储备物;(钱等的)积累基础(或起点)

5.the Falklands War: 马岛战争,亦称福克兰群岛战争。1982年4月2日,英国和阿根廷为争夺福克兰群岛的主权而爆发了一场战争。尽管英国通过这次战争重新控制了福克兰群岛,但是阿根廷至今仍未放弃对该群岛的主权要求。


