个人英文简历制作 篇1
Zhang Huixing
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个人英文简历制作 篇2
Digital Intermediate is gradually replacing the traditional intermediate produced by the Laboratory not only because DI is more editorially flexible and faster than the traditional way, but also because it is better suited for the requirements of modern digital motion picture technology development.
DI work flow could be summarized as below: The processed camera negative is first transferred to NTSC or PAL for non-linear editing. Then the selected shots are scanned in high resolution and color corrected. Finally they are recorded back to film. The advantage of DI is that it can create multiple negatives which are used to produce the release prints directly. In this way, the potential quality degrading issues could be completely avoided and the digital mastering be preserved safely.
DI provides a more flexible way for editing, allowing the best digital mastering be selected to generate different format of digital distribution channel (HDTV, SDTV, DTV, DVD and film). Many video masters are produced by transferring an inter-positive with a telecine.
2 Scanning
The first step of digital post production process is to scan the camera negative into digital format.
2.1 Quality of Scanning
When scanning image using DPX, a scanner sees the transmittance of the negative and converts the transmittance to a photographic metric. The conversion is stable with higher resolution. As it takes time for a digital image sensor to capture the negative densities, the image quality could be degraded and noise be increased if the conversion speed is too fast. Generally, 4 frames/second is an acceptable scan speed. In addition, it is a good way to prevent image aliasing by keeping a higher spatial resolution of scanner than output format.
Scanning resolution is the key issue when it comes to scanner performance. HDTV is normally sampled with 1920 pixels per line and more often is scanned with 2048 pixels per line currently. For VFX, it scans at 4K resolution (4096 pixels per line). The traditional way to make prints requires IP/IN processes, each reducing the image spatial resolution. DI cuts some inter-processes and therefore, the image looks more real.
Quantization means to translate the continuous range of densities in a negative into discrete digital numbers by a scanner. The bit depth or number of bits per channel determines how many levels can be encoded. In normal condition, 100+ levels can produce a perfectly smooth tonal scale.
The image dynamic range is the range a scanner needs to capture to determine the entire density of the negative. The dynamic range is another important area to ensure the high scanning quality. The change could be made within the dynamic range to meet the creative requirements although some information may not be shown in the final image.
To correctly scanning a negative, a key condition is to calibrate the scanner. The intensity of the light source in the scanner has to be adjusted based on the density of the clear base of the film. Otherwise, some information in the shadows (if the intensity is too high) or in the highlights (if the intensity is too low) could be lost during the scan.
2.2 Format of Scanning
The commonly used file format for film scanning is Cineon developed by Kodak or DPX developed by SMPTE. The format uses 10 bits per channel, which equals 1024 levels, and linearly encodes the densities of the negative above base. The density of DI is about 0.2 lg D heavier than the original negative. When recording the Cineon image on DI film, the densities are shifted by 0.19 lg D.
The formula to convert between negative density and Cineon/DPX code values is:
Density above base=DPX code value/500-0.19
And the relation between exposure and Cineon/DPX code values is:
DPX code value=95+500×density above base
2.3 Transmittance and Density
Most film scanners use a CCD (charge coupled device) or a CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) element as image sensor, which both convert light into electric charge and process it into electronic signals. The response of both sensors is related to the transmittance of the film. The transmittance could be converted to density but the conversion function is very steep at high opacity/density values, which means that more code values or more bits are needed in the sensor output than in the final file format and the film transmittance must be sampled with a higher quantization than the density.
It has to be pointed out that what a scanner sees is neither film densities nor scene luminance. It actually sees film transmittance which has to be converted to a photographic meaningful metric. Because of this conversion the internal bit depth needs to be higher than the output bit depth. A scanner should scan with a higher spatial resolution than the output format to avoid aliasing.
3 Color Processing
3.1 Color Gamut
The color gamut is the set of colors that can be represented in a media . A different media (digital display, a print film, etc.) has its own color gamut. So, for example, some colors seen in a printed film may not be reproduced on a CRT.
Almost all color systems has three attributes, that is, any color my be described as:
(1)an additive mixture of some amounts of RGB light; or
(2)a subtractive mixture of cyan, magenta, and yellow dyes in certain densities; or
(3)a mixture of lightness, hue, and saturation.
Since there are always three dimensions, it is often called color space.
The Comission Internationale De L'Eclairage (CIE) has established a family of color spaces, which are used to specify colors independently from the medium in which they are generated. CIEXYZ space is one of those color spaces. The function of CIEXY could be described from the example below: Imagine a specific hue of green appears on a motion picture print film, a computer monitor, and a paper print. The numbers describing the CMY dye densities or the RGB values of that color will be different for each sample. If all three samples look identical to a human observer they will have the same XYZ values assigned to them. So the CIE color spaces are very useful to compare the gamut of different media. A common way to do this is to plot the xy-coordinates of the primary colors in a so called chromaticity diagram. It has to be mentioned that there are always three attributes needed to describe colors. The problem with chromaticity diagrams is that they show only two thirds of the picture. The chromaticity diagram ignores the lightness and can therefore lead to wrong conclusions.
3.2 Color Encoding
There are two methods of image encoding in the DI process. The first one is to scan the original camera negative (OCN) into DPX files. The DPX file is then loaded into a color correction application which transforms the image data and displays the image on a CRT or DLP. After the necessary color correction, the result is saved in DPX files again for recording to film.
Another way is to transfer the film to digital realm with an HD telecine or, alternatively, convert DPX files to video images. That does not necessarily mean the images are stored on a video device like a disk recorder or a VTR but just means that the images are displayed directly on a monitor or a DLP.
The image data represent colors in the gamut of the display rather than the gamut of film. The colorist then works on the telecine to create a good reproduction. The final color correction is either done during the transfer or a so called best-light transfer is used for further sessions. Finally, the color corrected images have to be transformed into negative densities for recording on film.
3.3 Color Correction
Even the grayscale characteristic of the image is identical to the characteristic of the image technically processed by DI, the image color may become aliasing. For example, the color of the grass in some images is too saturated that the object looks like made from plastic because of its green color.
The color correction in log encoded images in DI flow could be easily simulated to the same film laboratory's process. For example, when the printer lights are incremented by 2 points, the exposure of the print film is increased by 0.05 lg E and the print density is increased too. The same result would happen if the density of negative is decreased by 0.05 lg D. So we can simply subtract the equivalent number of code values (500×0.05 = 25) from a DPX file to achieve the same effect. We can also correct the printer in the same way to change the color balance of an image. If the red printer light is incremented by 2 points, it will increase the red-absorbing-that is cyan dye density in the print; the result would be less red or more cyan. Subtracting 25 code values from the red channel of the DPX image will result in the color balance in a very similar way. Because the primary colors of the optical printer are not perfectly selective, large alterations of the printer lights are not so easily represented as digital values. Changing the red printer lights by a large amount will also affect the green-sensitive, magenta-dye-forming layer.
Color correction in the DI process is much stronger than the traditional printer light in film laboratory. In DI, the gradation curves can be bended, hues and saturation can be changed in any way to lighten or darken parts of the image. The possibilities are almost endless. The possible best way is to start with the simple RGB offsets to align lightness and color balance of the shots. This gives the similar results as the colorist would see on a standard print. Another advantage of the primary RGB correction is that it is easily reproducible in any software. Once the basic look of each shot is defined, the RGB offsets can be directly added or subtracted from an image by VFX software packages.
4 Film Recording
The last step in the digital post production is to bring digital images back to negative film by a film recorder, which is used to produce the release prints.
4.1 CRT Film Recorder
A CRT film recorder consists of a cathode ray tube , a color wheel with RGB filters and a camera. An image from the computer is sent to the monochrome CRT, which is photographed once through each of the color filters resulting in a full color image on film.
The CRT internal environment is not bright enough to expose low speed intermediate film, so the CRT film recorder mainly uses the camera negative film for the recording. If the recorded file originates from film, it has already contained grain from the camera negative. The recording will add additional grain when the images are transferred to camera negative again. Also, it is not possible to produce the maximum density encoded in a DPX file, which is 2.046 lg D.
4.2 Laser Film Recorder
The laser can output more energy than a CRT so a laser recorder enables recording on intermediate film in the same speed a CRT recorder can expose the image on camera negative.
Cineon/DPX format is the most common image format in DI. The DPX file is a linear encoding of negative densities. The laser recorder transfers the DPX code values linearly into densities so scanning from film and recording back to film should not alter the tonal characteristic of a scene.
DI output must have the same density range as the negatives made traditionally. It is common practice to use the density produced by the code value 445 as the LAD in the recorded negative. The color correction software in laser recorder is an important part in the system, which ensures that DPX code value can be used to represent grayscale and color value and produce the expected density on the film.
ARRILASER is the first film recorder which uses solid state laser and has become the industry standard. The ARRILASER demonstrates a high level of engineering resulting in a compact, user-friendly, low-maintenance device which maintains outstanding speed, exposure ratings and image quality.
The ARRILASER has the following important features.
(1)Supports 1920 (HDTV), 2048, and 4096 pixels per line.
(2)Records on intermediate film in 1.7 seconds per frame (with 2K).
(3)Reproduction of the full dynamic range of DPX files (2.046 lg D).
(4)Low-maintenance solid state lasers.
(5)Can record up to 600M image.
5 Conclusion
The application of Digital Intermediate (DI) changes the traditional production method in motion picture industry. DI combines the advantages of film technology and digital technology, achieves having editing, scanning, digital effects, compositing, and film recording working together and brings about the revolutionary changes in film production. With the further development of digital technology and gradually improvement in marketing, DI will have larger and larger percentage in film production and take the film production technology into a newer level.
[1]Kennel, Glenn. Digital Film Scanning and Recording [J]. SMPTE Journal, 1994 ,103 (3): 174.
[2]Steurer,Johannes.Digital Restoration of Fil m-Tasks,Methods Results[C].The 1996 European SMPTEConference on i maging Media,Conference Record,Pa-per Session,Sept.1996,19-21,Cologne,German Sec-tion of the SMPTE.
[3]The Quantel Guide to Digital Intermediate and Discreet'sWhiteoaoer on Digital Intermediate[EB/OL].ht-tp://www.Quantel.com.
高效英文简历模板 篇3
Balance Sheet基本方法
选择要应聘的工作后,必须看清招聘广告上所列出的每项要求,再将自己的学历、能力与兴趣逐一与之比较,作一张balance sheet。
例如,一则关于marketing management trainee和job requirement是这样写的:
We are looking for a competent person to fill the captioned position:
-University graduate major in Marketing Management. Prepared to develop career in the commercial field
-Outgoing personality
-Able to communicate at different levels
-Good knowledge of PC operations
-Proficiency in written and spoken English/Mandarin
-University graduate with major in Marketing
-Having actively participated in Business clubs activities and learned accounting and management
-Good in communication with people and like a lot of out door activities, know how to tackle with people from all walks of life
-Skillful in operating Words, Excel, Lotus1-2-3, etc
-Fluent in English and Mandarin
这个方法的好处是可以让求职者清楚了解该职位是否适合自己,而本身资料又是否切合要求,而且,明白了各项要求后,就可依据每一点在履历表上重点提出自己在该方面的强项。突出卖点(selling point),将之放在最吸引人的地方,使招聘者一眼可见,有利于present自己。
Work experience工作经验的陈述
2006/7-2006/8 General Clerk, IBM
2007/7-2007/8 Account clerks, Manley Toy Trading
2008/6-2008/8 Salesgirl, Esprit.
Three years of job experience in different positions have offered me opportunity: As a General Clerk (IBM),Accounts clerk (Manley Toy Trading), I have learned how to prepare purchasing orders,place orders, handle accounting matter, check voucher,… also (Salesgirl, Esprit) developing the technique of selling, serving and stocking.
Job objective 事业目标
通常,一般求职者只会在履历表开端简单地写上所应征的职位-Position Applied: Management Trainee或I am applying for... 其实,若懂得利用这小小空间写出自己的事业目标(job objective),更能显示出你对该工作的热爱及憧憬,能令招聘者对你加倍留意。
Job objective:
To begin as a Marketing Management Trainee, with opportunity to advance to executive level and contribute to the development of firm.
英文个人简历制作方法 篇4
个人简历制作英文版 篇5
姓 名:国籍:中国 目前所在地:广州民族:汉族 户口所在地:湖南身材:156 cm kg 婚姻状况:未婚年龄:24 岁 培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:外贸/贸易专员/助理:外贸业务员、英语翻译、外贸跟单: 工作年限:2职称:中级 求职类型:全职可到职日期:随时 月薪要求:--3500希望工作地区:广州 佛山 深圳 个人工作经历:公司名称:亚皇(中国)数码科技有限公司起止年月:-03 ~ -01 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:物资供销 担任职务:外贸业务员 工作描述:亚皇(中国)数码科技有限公司的国外市场于初开始开拓.在亚皇(中国)数码科技有限公司负责外贸部的所有工作,包括公司产品外销业务接洽及跟单,跟踪处理产品出货及售后服务,制作相关单据,收货款等.同时操作中国制造网等B2B贸易平台,发展和维护国内外新老客户。
工作期间外贸销售业绩每月达到总销售额的30%,有时达到50%. 离职原因: 公司名称:富力鞋业有限公司起止年月:-12 ~ 2007-02 公司性质:私营企业所属行业:物资供销 担任职务:外贸翻译及跟单 工作描述:富力鞋业有限公司从事外贸翻译及跟单工作,公司有自己的档口,直接面对客户,给客户介绍我们的产品并跟进和促使客户下单。 离职原因: 公司名称:中国移动湖南分公司起止年月:2006-09 ~ 2006-11 公司性质:国有企业所属行业:物资供销 担任职务:校园代理 工作描述:担任中国移动湖南分公司手机卡的校园代理,全权代理动感地带、神州行卡在学校的销售工作。 离职原因:教育背景毕业院校:湖南涉外经济学院 最高学历:大专毕业日期:2007-07-01 所学专业一:经贸英语所学专业二: 受教育培训经历:起始年月终止年月学校(机构)专 业获得证书证书编号 -092007-07湖南涉外经济学院英语国家英语四、六级 -072005-09湖南猎鹰驾校驾驶汽车驾驶证C1照 2006-042006-06湖南新航道学校计算机国家计算机二级证书 2006-102006-12湖南新航道学校国际商务单证国际商务单证员语言能力外语:英语 优秀 国语水平:优秀粤语水平:一般工作能力及其他专长◆外语水平:
个人简历英文 篇6
2006-11-06 11:20来源:
Efficient supervisor seeks a team leader position to help increase productivity and meet or exceed company goals.BACKGROUND SUMMARY
Extensive and diversified supervisory experience in computer,office furniture,and boat manufacturing operations.Particularly effective in increasing productivity and capavcity.Demonstrated ability to learn new skills quickly.Able to supervise new departments without prior experience and meet production goals.Successfuily motivate employees.Excellent interpersonal skills.Gained reputation for honesty and placed in a position of trust.SUMMARY OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS
Supervised the start-up of second shift shipping department.Trained new employees,reached full capacity while maintaining quality and production goals.Instructed Quality Development courses.Participated in upgrading assembly systems at Lennon and Epstein Systems.Consistently met and/or surpassed production goals.Supervised same day shipping of orders.Participated with Lennon management team in the move of logistics,service operations from St.Paui to Winona facility.Received cash achievement award for this project.Operated computerized warehouse management,inventory control and order processing systems.Researched requirements and supervised the development of a high-tech paint laboratory including procurement and staffing.Planned,arranged and supervised rework groups which traveled to on-site locations to perform engineering repairs and other problem-solving activities.Supervised development of new preassembled components of cabin cruisers at Howell Boat Company.Consistently built and maintained strong relationships with vendors and customers through close and effective communication.Supervised,scheduled and coordinated production of four departments in a metal fabrication operation.Notice:
Since candidate has held six jobs as production supervisor,he/she chooses not to repeat same
job description six times.Instead,candidate summarizes work history underSummary of Accomplishments简历模板一(供应届毕业生参考)
2007-11-05 16:41来源:
姓名: ________________ 性别: ________
出生年月: ____年 __月__日 健康状况: ___________
毕业院校: _______________ 专业: ____________________
电子邮件: _______________ 传呼: ____________________
联系电话: _______________
通信地址: _______________ 邮编: ____________________
____年--____年 ___________ 大学 __________专业(请依个人情况酌情增减)主修课程:
* 基本技能:听、说、读、写能力
* 标准测试:国家四、六级;TOEFL;GRE.....计算机水平:
____年__月--____年__月 _________公司__________工作
____年__月--____年__月 _________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)
____年__月--____年__月 _________公司__________工作(请依个人情况酌情增减)
* 附言:(请写出你的希望或总结此简历的一句精炼的话!)
(七)编 辑
2007-11-05 16:37来源:
姓名:XXX 性别:女 民族:汉 政治面目:团员 学历(学位):硕士 专业:中国现当代文学 联系电话:12345678 手机:***
联系地址:北京市东城区XX大街10号 邮编:100007
Email Address: 12345678@sohu.com 呼机:66806688-123
北京师范大学中文系 1997.9--2000.7 中国现当代文学 硕士在读
太原师范学院中文系 1993.9--1997.7 汉语言文学专业 学士
*熟练操作windows平台上的各类应用软件(如Word97、Excel97、PowerpointInternet Explorer、Netscape Communicator等)
*1999.8---至今 《乡镇企业报》编辑 *1998.9---1999.7 《中国电影报》外国电影版记者 *1997.9---1998.9 中日青年交流中心对外汉语教师
另: 最重要的是能力,相信贵公司会觉得我是此职位的合适人选!
2006-11-06 11:21来源:
目标就是发展方向,而且很多雇主在你申请工作的时候都想要知道你的就业目标。这能帮助他们决定你是否适合这份工作。在简历的第一部分加上一个叫做Objective开头并写一段短小的陈述。例如: To work in a dynamic marketing department.责任或是成就?
责任是指定的任务。成就是完成的成绩-你努力后获得的正面的成果。雇主希望知道你在过去从事的工作中担任何种职责,并对你获得的成就更感兴趣。因此当谈到过去的工作,稍稍吹嘘一点!提到特别获得的成就。例如:你的一项职责就是安排员工的工作,而你解决了一项很大的安排问题。写上,Solved scheduling conflict.调整你的语法。
虽然你有很多要说的,但是空间有限,简历写作的标准允许你使用缩写句。可以省略句子主题(e.g.I, my manager),物主代词,(my/mine, his/hers),以及有时甚至冠词(the, a)。如果你在一句句子中要列出不止一个成就的话你可以用and取代分号。例如:“我负责一项非常重要的项目而且我的经理给予了我奖励”可以写成Led key project;awarded by manager.使用行为动词。
《制作个人简历》项目案例设计 篇7
对于职业学校的学生来讲, 毕业后要找工作;如何更好地推销自己, 既将自己的大多数情况作了介绍, 又给用人单位留下一个好的印象, 这就需要一份制作精良的个人简历。 《 制作个人简历》 这个项目就具有很强的实用性。
为激发学生学习Word的兴趣, 故整合了Word部分项目的内容, 设计了《 制作个人简历》 这个项目, 将其作为学习Word的第一站。本项目位于《 计算机应用基础》 课程中学习领域三, 以“ 项目3-4”中的内容为主, 融合了本学习领域中其他项目的相关知识, 增加了文字编辑、图形处理等方面的操作。
通过该项目的实施, 让学生了解Word的功能, 初步掌握Word的基本操作技能。 通过该项目的实施, 学生能做出一份完整的个人简历, 一份具有很强实用性的作品。体验到成功的感受, 增强其自信心, 激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。通过小组协作该项目, 培养团队协作意识, 提高同学之间的表达与交流能力。各组相互展示自己的成果, 培养学习Word的兴趣。通过项目内容的编撰, 让学生意识到个人实践能力对于求职的重要性, 激励其不断提高自己, 充实自己。
以Word的基本功能 ( 文本编辑、表格处理、图形处理) 为x轴, 以一份完整简历的组成要素 ( 自荐信、简历表、简历封面) 为y轴, 将项目再分成3 个子项目, 根据难易程度, 由浅入深, 让学生初步掌握Word的技能, 并完成一份自己的个人简历, 学有所成, 学以致用, 激发学生学习的兴趣。
子项目1:撰写自荐信 (2课时) 。了解Word的功能, 会创建和保存文档, 会进行页面设置。掌握字体和段落的格式设置。
子项目2:制作简历表 (2课时) 。掌握使用表格来制作个人简历表的方法。学会用边框、底纹等格式设置来美化简历表。
子项目3:设计简历封面 ( 2 课时) 。 掌握文本框、图片、艺术字、自选图形的格式设置, 熟练掌握文本框、图片、艺术字、自选图形的插入。
1.任务驱动法。 本项目划分为三个子项目, 每个子项目又分解为一个个任务, 层层推进, 完成任务的同时, 掌握知识与技能。
2.自主探究法。 初中信息技术课程中, 学生已经接触学习了Word, 有了一定的基础, 通过前面Windows的学习, 学生已基本掌握了文字的输入、文件的保存、复制、移动等基本操作。 结合任务素材、PPT自学课件和操作步骤的教学录像, 培养自主探究学习能力。
3.小组合作法。 学生的计算机操作水平参差不齐, 大致可分为三个层次:较好的、中等的、较弱的。 为了高效, 可取长补短, 进行分组。 分组时注意学生层次的合理搭配, 每组选择能力较好的, 设立一名组长, 负责任务指导和组内协调。
本项目通过3 个子项目的学习, 初步掌握了Word的三项基本功能, 完成了简历的3 个要素, 最后整合为一个完整的个人简历作品, 学以致用, 激发学生学习兴趣。
1.项目的实施过程中, 始终贯穿了“ 以学生为主、以能力为本”的教学思想, 教学过程中突出了学生的主体地位, 学生学中做, 做中学。
2.在教学过程中也有一些地方不好把握, 虽然突出了学生的主体地位, 但是自控能力较差的学生, 很容易在人群里人云亦云。 由于不同的教学对象, 时间不好掌控。
3.本项目的学习内容充实且紧凑, 教学录像、任务学案、PPT自学课件发挥了助学助教功能, 但教师仍需要着重关注技能较弱的学生, 进行必要的引导和辅导, 以达到教学目标。
浅谈个人主题网站的设计制作 篇8
网站制作要有整体风格,各部分要保持协调,整个页面看起来才不显得凌乱。然后用平面设计软件制作整个页面,常用的软件有Adobe Photoshop、CorelDraw、Macromedia Fireworks等。Photoshop是平面设计的最好工具,我自己也一直用它做页面设计,它从6.0版开始特别增强了对网页制作的支持,非常方便。现在流行的Fireworks是Macromedia网页制作三剑客的重剑手,由于它与Dream weaver及Flash无缝集成,越来越受到网站制作的欢迎。也只有如此制作出来的网页才能有个性、有特色,更具有吸引力。风格也是有人性的,通过网站的色彩、技术、文字、布局、交互方式可以概括出一个站点的个性:是粗犷豪放的,还是清新秀丽的;是温文儒雅的,还是执著热情的;是活泼易变的,还是墨守成规的。在明确自己的网站印象后,开始努力建立和加强这种印象。加强自己网站的交互式,发挥网络优势,使每个使用者都参与到其中来,这样的设计才能算是成功的设计。
确定了网站主题,明确了页面设计风格,做完第1步,搜集好材料。我们得到的只是一个个图片文件,还没集成网页上应该有的元素。接下来要将图片按制作需求切割成小图。我们要用HTML语言将切割下来的组件按整体设计“拼装”回去。众所周知,HTML语言是一种标记型语言,不需要编译就可以直接在浏览器中执行。所以理论上,我们可以用记事本等文本编辑工具来写代码。这要用专门的HTML编辑软件。HTML编辑软件大体上可分为两类:一类是代码型,典型代表为Home site、Hotdog等;一类是所见即所得型,典型代表为FrontPage。也有两者兼具的,就是大名鼎鼎的Macromedia Dream weaver。代码型实际上就是一个文本编辑器,不同的是,它可以有专门的代码提示功能,用起来比较方便。Dream weaver提供了代码编写模式和设计模式(即所见即所得),并且首次将“层”概念引入网页制作。Dream weaver几乎可以满足所有人的需求,甚至还提供了ASP、PHP等脚本语言的代码提示。
你也可以用Netscape4.0或者WORD7.0,我开始用的是FrontPage,打开Netscape,在file菜单里选Edit Page,便可以制作了。文字的处理基本跟Word一样,关键是插入图片和产生链接。在你的封面做好了所有链接和图片后,记住你必须将这一页保存为index.htm。因为网页默认的主页名称是index。制作主页其实很简单,只要多实际制作,工多则艺熟。
将制作好的页面放到服务器上,以便更多的人能浏览。目前的网页制作工具基本上都有发布工具,可以通过各种方式发布你的页面,如Dream weaver中的“站点管理器”。用户亦可使用FTP客户端软件进行这步操作。网站发布好之后,也要做好后期的跟踪,也就是所谓的用户体检,要留意哪些地方是用户比较喜欢去的地方,哪些又是用户不愿停留的地方,把一些用户并不喜欢的地方加以改善,更加完善自己的网站。